No, I did not watch that stupid Republican debate

No, I did not watch the debate; mainly because I was in the bed at 9:00opm. I have been doing that as of late; in bed by 9 and will sleep soundly till about midnight or so, then get up, take a leak and back to bed till 4 in the morning. It is indeed an old man’s schedule and I am pushing 40 now, so I might as well play the part.   In fact, it is 4:29a.m. now as I file this blog posting. I will set this one to go live at 8:00a.m.

From what I can understand and have been able to read; the debate was quite lively. HotAir has good coverage, as does The Other McCain, with a blow by blow of the Debate itself.  Oh yeah,  Romney the Mormon Moron screamed at some liberal heckler — that must make him a real Republican now! 🙄

If it seems that I am being overly sarcastic and dismissive of the entire debate and straw poll, it is because that I am dismissive and sarcastic regarding the entire affair.  This is because these primary polls and debates are nothing more than partisan fashion shows, to see who is more “Republican-y.” I am an independent “right of center,” as a Blogger and as a person.  I find this entire partisan fashion show to be most sickening.

The truth is my friends that half of those people were lying and the other half were reciting talking points, given to them by some idiot, who never served a damned day in office ever.  In other words, those idiots were telling those people and in the people watching that debate, exactly what they wanted to hear.  I would say the same thing about a Democratic Party Debate too.  I mean, just look at Obama and all the promises he broke while campaigning.

Further, let me say this; Conservatives and Republicans alike made a mistake as they are about to make again, I think.  In 1980, a former Democratic Party politician came out of California, with Midwestern roots.  This man was able to woo all factions of the Republican Party and of the Conservative movement into one big tent.  He made overtures and nuanced promises to the Conservative Christian World, the libertarian section and defense hawks.  He ended up fulfilling the defense promises and did attempt to rein in spending as well.  However, this same man, who made huge overtures to the Conservative Christian World, proceeded to make it to the White House, said, “Thanks for your support, now go away,” and proceeded to fulfill his own personal political agenda.  That man was President Ronald Reagan.  We still have abortion, we still do not have Prayer in schools, and the morality in this Country is worse now, than it was when Ronald Reagan was President.

One would think that the Conservative movement, especially the Conservative Christians would have learned by now that the Republican Party is not a party to be trusted.  Especially seeing that we are better informed and better educated people, due to the rise of the internet and online information.  It is as the old saying goes, “Those who do not learn from their mistakes —- are doomed to repeat them.”

I just do truly hope and pray; that the Republican Party picks a true Conservative and no some imperialist.  God knows, we have had eight good years of big spending and imperialism in this Country, which is why we are, where we are at now in this Country.  I hope that the Republican Party has learned its lesson, that wars cost money; and when a nation is barrowing more than its own GDP, something is terribly wrong.  Please, Lord; do not allow this Republican Party to make that same tragic and fatal mistake again.  Please, No more Republicans who are drunk on spending and wars.  We simply cannot afford that again — not this time — not ever again.


Nasty Antisemitism on the right

I figure if I am going to point out the bigotry on the left; I may as well point out the bigotry on the right as well.

Spotted over at the The American Conservative’s blog @TAC: (no direct link for these bozo’s either)

Americans who really like Israel and everything that pertains to it are certainly free to express their views, but there is something unseemly and even grotesque about the continuous promotion of foreign and ethnic group interests ahead of those of the United States and other American citizens. AIPAC is a lobby dedicated to maintaining uncritical US government support for a foreign country and it can be argued that Washington entered into at least one foreign war because of it.  The congressmen who accept the junkets should be asking themselves whose interests they are really serving.  At a time when both Democrats and Republicans are openly discussing cutting medical benefits for ordinary Americans, it is also difficult to understand what twisted thinking supports allocating additional taxpayer provided special medical benefits to some medicare recipients based on events that took place thousands of miles away from the US more than sixty-six years ago.

The only people that would write something like that would be Neo-Nazi antisemitic twits; and that is what the American Conservative is, an Antisemitic Paleo-Conservative Magazine.

Plus, check out this little article here, which slams “Neo-Cons.”

For those who do not know this, during the Bush era; the word “Neo-Con” is a word that got bandied around by the Anti-War crowd, many well-meaning Conservatives who supported Bush and Bush himself was branded a “Neo-Con.” If I have ever used it here on this Blog; it was meant to convey the term “Wilsonian” which refers to those who support Wilsonian Foreign Policy. What happened was, is that the Anti-War Left and the Anti-War right used it as well. The Anti-War Left used it to describe Bush and Co and anyone that supported them. The Anti-War Right; meaning the libertarians and Paleo-Conservatives —– meant it as a code word for Jews and those who supported Israel. Now to be fair, there are some on the Anti-War right, who I know for a fact simply mean it as a moniker for those who support Wilsonian Foreign Policy.  However, there are those who do use it as a Antisemitic code word..

They like to refer to themselves as “Radical Traditionalists.” I like to refer to what they believe in as  “Educated or very highbrow Racism and Antisemitism.” A perfect example of them, can be found here.  Only difference between this group and your average robe and hood wearing Klansman — is the IQ of the people involved.

Fortunately,  These groups are on the fringe of the Conservative movement, they not and should be considered to be what I believe to be mainstream Conservatism. However, it does alarm me that some of the editors from the American Conservative, have been seen recently appearing on Fox News Channel programs as of late. I believe that Jews and Conservatives should be complaining to Fox News about this and get those vile antisemitic and racist bastards off of Fox News.

There are some things that you can do:

You can call Fox News At 1-888-369-4762. Tell them that you object to Fox News using people from The American Conservative on their shows.

You can contact and e-mail News Corp:

Brian Lewis, Executive Vice President
Corporate Communications
Phone: 212-301-3331
Fax: 212-819-0816

Irena Briganti, Senior Vice President
Media Relations
Phone: 212-301-3608
Fax: 212-819-0816

E-mail addresses for programs:

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Cavuto on Business

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Happening Now w/ Jon Scott & Jenna Lee


The Journal Editorial Report

On the Record w/ Greta Van Susteren

Red Eye w/ Greg Gutfeld

Special Report w/ Bret Baier

Studio B w/ Shepard Smith

The O’Reilly Factor

War Stories w/ Oliver North

Your World w/ Neil Cavuto

If you call or e-mail; please, be polite and tell them that you are a Fox viewer and that you object to the soft endorsement of antisemitism, by allowing these people on your show. Mention this blog posting and let your voice be heard. I am only a small part of this Conservative Blogosphere, but I do have readers. Also, please, pass this posting around to your friends, and mention it on forums. We can put pressure on Fox News to stop this nonsense.


Memo to Jim Hoft: Find someone else to pick on!

I really hate having to write stuff like this, but I fear if I do not, this could start to become commonplace on the right.  As everyone who reads here knows — I have developed a zero tolerance policy against hate speech towards Israel and her people.  Well, if I am going to be that militant about the Israeli people and their land, I should be as militant about those who support her.

It appears that Jim Hoft, the owner of the Conservative Blog called “Gateway Pundit” is taken to mocking Christians on his blog.  This posting here is what I am referring.  My point is simply this:

Jim Hoft would not mock or deride Jews like this, He would not mock Roman Catholics like this, nor would he mock or deride Peaceful Muslims like this — so, why a group of Black Baptists who had a small group of people get out of hand?  Could it be because Jim Hoft has an inbred hatred of Christians — even Baptists —  or is it that he might possibly has an inbred hatred of blacks?  Those are important questions to ask, I feel and I would like to see his answer.

The reason why I am making a fuss about this is here; after the end of the Bush Administration and the end of the tenure of the Neo-Conservative majority and influence in the Republican Party there was this shift back to traditional Conservatism.  Which when it comes to foreign policy matters is a great thing.  However, it also seems that there is a rise in a sarcastic and in some instances a hostile attitude towards Christians in the Conservative and Libertarian Blogosphere.

There also has been a dramatic rise in hostility towards people of the Jewish Faith and linage on the right as well.  There has been, since September 11, 2001 there has been a great deal of hostility towards peaceful Muslims as well.  There is a line, between a genuine concern for our Country against Muslim extremists and a general hatred of Arabs and Muslims.  That line has blurred greatly in the last few years.  To be blunt about it: Norway was a wakeup call to everyone in the Anti-Jihad movement.  Hatred and Bigotry will not stop those in the Islamic Extremists movement; it will simply give them more ammunition against us. The Anti-Jihad movement needs to figure who the haters are, round them up, and publicly cast them out of the movement and shun them.

Further, let me also say this; I will be the very to admit that I have some serious issues with the social Conservative movement.  I know feel well about the stupidity within those ranks.  Furthermore, I also have a great disdain for the fascist mentality of those, who want to install a Christian version of Sharia law in this Country, toss out our Constitution, and dictate our laws directly from the Bible.  Those people, who are a small minority in the Conservative Christian circles, are as dangerous, as the radical Muslims and the radical progressives whom wish to destroy our Country.  Because I am a libertarian-minded Conservative, I will fight against those people on this blog, until my dying breath.  I believe in personal freedom and that means freedom from a Religion, if you so desire.

I find this idiotic mocking of those who happen to believe that Jesus Christ is the Son of the Living God in Heaven and that the Holy Bible, or in my case; the King James Bible — is the Word of the Living God and contains the path to Eternal Life — to be highly offensive and very much repugnant.  Furthermore, I question the Conservative credentials of those who partake in this abject practice.

In closing let me say this; this blog was never intended to be a “Christian Blog”, nor was it ever intended to be a “Christian defense” blog.  However, when one’s religion is being mocked, oppressed and attacked, one most decide, “Do I stand, or do I remain silent?”  I choose to speak out.

Whosoever therefore shall confess me before men, him will I confess also before my Father which is in heaven.  But whosoever shall deny me before men, him will I also deny before my Father which is in heaven.  (Matthew 10:32-33 KJV)

Also I say unto you, Whosoever shall confess me before men, him shall the Son of man also confess before the angels of God: But he that denieth me before men shall be denied before the angels of God. And whosoever shall speak a word against the Son of man, it shall be forgiven him: but unto him that blasphemeth against the Holy Ghost it shall not be forgiven.  (Luke 12:8-10 KJV)

Great: The United States is now borrowing more than the GDP

This is unreal… 🙄

US debt shot up $238 billion to reach 100 percent of gross domestic project after the government’s debt ceiling was lifted, Treasury figures showed Wednesday.

Treasury borrowing jumped Tuesday, the data showed, immediately after President Barack Obama signed into law an increase in the debt ceiling as the country’s spending commitments reached a breaking point and it threatened to default on its debt.

The new borrowing took total public debt to $14.58 trillion, over end-2010 GDP of $14.53 trillion, and putting it in a league with highly indebted countries like Italy and Belgium.

Public debt subject to the official debt limit — a slightly tighter definition — was $14.53 trillion as of the end of Tuesday, rising from the previous official cap of $14.29 trillion a day earlier.

Treasury had used extraordinary measures to hold under the $14.29 trillion cap since reaching it on May 16, while politicians battled over it and over addressing the country’s bloating deficit.

The official limit was hiked $400 billion on Tuesday and will be increased in stages over the next 18 months.

via US borrowing tops 100% of GDP: Treasury – Yahoo! News.

Chew on that one for a few seconds or longer. The USA is borrowing more money from China, that the United States makes as a whole. For the reading up on the GDP, click here. I also recommend that you read up on the Gross National Product and Gross Domestic Income. All of that above, factors into our economy; and believe me when I tell you — we are circling the drain my friends.

There is a bunch more on this subject; and for what it is worth, I do not claim to be an expert on this stuff at all — So, I recommend you read following related articles:

U.S. debt shoots up $239 billion -- in one day!
Gov't will borrow $72B next week...
Obama, Bernanke out of ammo to boost jobs, growth...
Scary Market Chart Pattern Suggests More Selling on Way...
Economy struggles to find footing...
Gold at $2,000 by year-end...

Speaking of Gold, this would be a good time to get into investing in Gold, It would also be good to stock up on  Guns and Ammo!

What I will tell you is; because I am an honest blogger and not some partisan shill for a particular party – is this here.  Many on the right wing Blogosphere will be quick to put this entire situation on President Obama.  I cannot and will not do that; the truth is folks, we did have and still do have two wars that we are fighting; and those cost money too.  We also did have the bailout of the banks and tarp bailouts, the trap loans to the big three, being a fraction of the total cost.

Truth is my friends; we are here because of foolishness of our elected leaders — Republican and Democratic Party.  Both sides have steered this Nation over a cliff.  President Obama tried and ultimately failed to bring an economic revival to the Country.  Now we have to pay the proverbial piper.  It is going to be a painful process; the tap is turned off and we are now going to have embrace austerity.

It is a horrible thing to endure, but it is something that we are going to have to endure — if we are going to continue as a Country, as we know it now.

Update: This is now a Memeorandum Thread: Others covering: Washington Times, Scared Monkeys, Conservatives4Palin, Pajamas Media, Weasel Zippers, Fausta’s Blog, Power Line and The Lonely Conservative

Video: A look inside the mind of Anders Behring Breivik

As I wrote on this blog before:

I will simply say this; terrorism is terrorism — I don’t care in what name, or cause. It is wrong; and those who do it should be imprisoned or killed.

I will add this as well; it is very clear to me that Anders Behring Breivik had lost hope in his Nation’s ballot box and instead of trying to change the current system of Government by means of voting, he choose violence instead.

I also will add this; the imagery of the Christian Crusaders makes me wince as well. I am, as you all know; a Baptist. I happen to know that most of those so-called “Christian Crusades” were actually carried out by the Roman Catholic Church against my Baptist forefathers, who refused to submit to the Roman Catholic Church. So, all that imagery sort of makes me want to wretch honestly.

The truth is, I agree with this man’s premise; yes, radical Islam is an issue. However, I very highly disagree with his notion that violence is the way to handle that issue. Further more, I agree with his premise that culture Marxism is a problem as well. But I wholeheartedly reject the notion that violence is the answer. Believe me, I am not the only one. Even some of the more radical traditionalists reject his notion of violence as well.  In fact, one radical traditionalist says this:

Before writing anything else, let me state clearly and without any reservations that I am shocked and saddened by the events unfolding in Norway. Regardless of the eventual justification that those involved proffer for these actions; whether they be the actions of a single person or of an organized group. The killing of innocent civilians is always and everywhere a despicable means of achieving ends. I can think of no instance where it was justified. Unfortunately, numerous instances of massive, civilian killing—on a scale that makes recent Norwegian events pale in significance—have been and will for the foreseeable future be accepted—even celebrated by some—as justifiable acts of forces of good. Witness Dresden, Hiroshima, Nagasaki, and Berlin. But for the victims and their family and friends, such abstractions are of no consequence to their real, immediate, and life-changing pain and loss. I offer them my heartfelt sympathy, while at the same time I am overcome by a genuine feeling of anger and the hope that those responsible are found and appropriately dealt with.



Video: The Truth about Anders Behring Breivik

I saw this tweet on twitter and watched this video and I jumped out of bed and came straight to the Computer here.

This comes via Bare Naked Islam:

This is not to justify or excuse this crazy man’s actions; it is point out what is happening in the media.

BIG, HUGE MASSIVE UPDATE! – Terrorist Attacks in Oslo, Norway

Update: Please note, everything that is linked to and quoted below is BEFORE I or anyone else knew this facts!

I was watching Fox News this morning, when the story broke. However, I was not much in the mood for blogging.

Anyhow, I now, after a bit of a nap; I feel much better. I have been struggling with my sleeping habits.

The MSM has a decent round up of the events in Norway:

Haroon Siddique / Guardian: Norway attacks – live coverage

New York Times: Blasts and Gun Attack in Norway; 7 Dead

Brian Ross / ABCNEWS: Oslo Explosion: One of Two Blasts Result of Massive Vehicle Bomb, Sources Say

BBC: Norway: Blast near prime minister’s office in Oslo

The Blogosphere is also doing a knock up job of covering this as well. Check out Michelle Malkin, Atlas Shrugs, Gates of Vienna and The Other McCain‘s Coverage.

Vox Day, A libertarian blogger observes:

Naturally, this bombing will no more lead the Norwegian people to reconsider the wisdom of permitting Muslim immigration than the vast increase in the number of rapes committed by Muslim men. But it should. The multiculturalists will be quick to point out the mathematically obvious fact that that most Muslims don’t set off bombs. But this is irrelevant. Because, it is also a fact that if a nation does not permit Muslims to enter its borders, it is far less likely to ever suffer any such incidents.

Expansionist Islam offers a challenge to the freedom of religion, (a right that does not actually exist in most countries outside the United States), that few secularists or Christians are presently capable of understanding. It should be eminently clear by now that simply repeating the multicultural mantra that “diversity is our strength” is not going to serve any purpose. At some point, it is going to become abundantly clear to everyone on all sides that the separatist practices of the past were not “outdated raciss bad-thought”, but the result of observation and experience.


Of course, I await a explanation of this from the Ron Paul crowd. However, I expect that Ron Paul and his mindless followers will somehow want to blame America for this; and yes, somehow Israel and the Jews. Fun Fact: Most Ron Paul supports also believe that Israel was behind the 9/11 attacks here in America too.

Another tidbit of information: Olso, Norway was the site of the Oslo Accords of 1993.

My Thoughts and Prayers to those in Oslo; may God be with them, for they are now in the fight for their lives.



Quite frankly, I am sick about even publishing the above, at all. 🙁 I, like many right-wing bloggers; blew it, badly. I, like them, assumed the worst and that Radical Islam was involved. Basically this idiot was Norway’s version of Timothy McVeigh. (Except for McVeigh was not a “Christan,” but rather an agnostic. This is a Conservative, and I mean ultra-conservative and a supposed “Christian.”



Video: This is why we must not fail in the war on terrorism!

These are the Taliban and the men lined up are Pakistani Policemen: (Warning! Graphic Video!)

The Story via ABC NEWS:

In a new video which recently surfaced online, the Taliban appears to brutally and systematically execute 16 unarmed Pakistani policemen in what the terror group called a revenge killing.

The video of the massacre, which reportedly took place in early June, was posted online last week and confirmed by the Pakistani army today. It shows the policemen — who are not in uniform — standing in a line before a Taliban member who appears to be lecturing them. The man, who appears to act as the militants’ commander, accuses the policemen of executing six children in a previous operation and claims their imminent deaths are revenge, according to a summary posted with the video.

Several Taliban members then open fire on the group until all the policemen have fallen. A wailing cry is heard in the background after the initial volley. After reloading, a single fighter walks over each body and shoots them once more in the head.

But yet, President Barack Obama wants to try and negotiate with these monsters.

My friends, you do not negotiate with criminals and cold blooded killers; these people hate Liberty and Freedom. They hate Israel and Jews; kind of like the liberal left and some of the Paleo-Conservative and libertarian right.  They are not rational, sane, human beings — they are cold blooded killers. We did not negotiate with Charles Manson and his cult — so why the hell would we negotiate with people like this?

My friends, consider this hallow warning from someone who sat through hours of footage on 9/11 and almost ended up in the psych ward because of it:


Dismiss me as an alarmist if you wish; I could not care less. But this is coming to America, if we fall down on the war on terrorism!

America must be protected; Israel must be protected, Liberty and Freedom are at stake! Radical Islam is a threat! Do not believe the lie of the Liberal-controlled, financed, and organized media — which is supplanted by the Government! The liberal media is in bed with the radical and no-so-radical Muslims!

Remember 9/11, Remember the Pentagon, Remember Flight 93 —– Remember America.

Remember this Video and Blog Posting come November 2012.

We need a President who will stand tall in the face of these bastards and not blink. Bush did it; and paid for it, with his Presidency — but he did not waver for a second. Mistakes were made, that is very true. However, in the end, we won in Iraq and we can win here too. We just have to not give up.

lan astaslem --- I will not surrender --I will not submit.

This is not a game, this is not fake; Ron Paul and his racist, Anti-Semitic friends, who hate Israel and everything related to it are the ENEMY! They must be kept out of the White House, at all costs! They are friends with these people!  Consider me a soldier in that battle too.

In the Name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth and of in the Name of the Lord GOD Jehovah — Master and Saviour of this World and KING of Kings and LORD of Lords of this World and in the great, wonderful, world to come:



In which I agree with Laurence Vance

Yeah, I know; I have had disagreements with him in the past. But here, Vance is right on the money. (To coin a phrase…)

John Boehner says its time “to get serious about our fiscal situation, both the deficit and our long-term debt.” He says he is willing to increase the debt limit as long as the deal includes “real spending cuts” and “reforms to restrain future spending.” But only future Congresses can restrain future spending. Boehner knows this. He knows that the current Congress he rules over can change anything that a previous Congress has done. Promises of future spending restraints and cuts are a ruse.

And something else that probably millions have wondered: Why didn’t the Republicans get serious about our fiscal situation when they controlled the White House and the Congress for a majority of the Bush years and could do whatever they wanted? Answer that Boehner, before you talk about restraining future spending.

via Only Future Congresses Can Restrain Future Spending « Blog.

I give credit where it is due and I criticize where I believe it is due too. Here, Vance is correct, very much so.

Just another footnote; these were also the idiots who were warned by the Bush White House, that the Housing Market was about take a major nosedive. What did they do? Nothing. Because they were making millions on it. For that, I believe, the Republicans will have to wear that little incident around their necks for a very long time.

Why is Rick Perry associating himself with dangerous religious extremists?

I hate having to write blog entries like this; mainly, because I happen to like Rick Perry. However, because I am a blogger of the truth — and because I do not want to see Rick Perry wounded in the election. I am bringing this point up.

Rick Perry has a religious wacko problem and I mean a big one!

The story comes via the Texas Observer: (H/T to Charles Johnson of Little Green Footballs for pointing this out)

On September 28, 2009, at 1:40 p.m., God’s messengers visited Rick Perry.

On this day, the Lord’s messengers arrived in the form of two Texas pastors, Tom Schlueter of Arlington and Bob Long of San Marcos, who called on Perry in the governor’s office inside the state Capitol. Schlueter and Long both oversee small congregations, but they are more than just pastors. They consider themselves modern-day apostles and prophets, blessed with the same gifts as Old Testament prophets or New Testament apostles.

The pastors told Perry of God’s grand plan for Texas. A chain of powerful prophecies had proclaimed that Texas was “The Prophet State,” anointed by God to lead the United States into revival and Godly government. And the governor would have a special role.

The day before the meeting, Schlueter had received a prophetic message from Chuck Pierce, an influential prophet from Denton, Texas. God had apparently commanded Schlueter—through Pierce—to “pray by lifting the hand of the one I show you that is in the place of civil rule.”

Gov. Perry, it seemed.

Schlueter had prayed before his congregation: “Lord Jesus I bring to you today Gov. Perry. … I am just bringing you his hand and I pray Lord that he will grasp ahold of it. For if he does you will use him mightily.”

And grasp ahold the governor did. At the end of their meeting, Perry asked the two pastors to pray over him. As the pastors would later recount, the Lord spoke prophetically as Schlueter laid his hands on Perry, their heads bowed before a painting of the Battle of the Alamo. Schlueter “declared over [Perry] that there was a leadership role beyond Texas and that Texas had a role beyond what people understand,” Long later told his congregation.

Nothing wrong with that right? A couple of Ministers praying over someone right?

Well, it’s not the praying that is the problem; it’s the people doing the praying that is the problem.

This is the part of the story published that caught my eyes:

Some of the fiercest critics of the New Apostolic Reformation come from within the Pentecostal and charismatic world. The Assemblies of God Church, the largest organized Pentecostal denomination, specifically repudiated self-proclaimed prophets and apostles in 2000, calling their creed a “deviant teaching” that could rapidly “become dictatorial, presumptuous, and carnal.”

Assemblies authorities also rejected the notion that the church is supposed to assume dominion over earthly institutions, labeling it “unscriptural triumphalism.”

The New Apostles talk about taking dominion over American society in pastoral terms. They refer to the “Seven Mountains” of society: family, religion, arts and entertainment, media, government, education, and business. These are the nerve centers of society that God (or his people) must control.

Asked about the meaning of the Seven Mountains, Schlueter says, “God’s kingdom just can’t be expressed on Sunday morning for two hours. God’s kingdom has to be expressed in media and government and education. It’s not like our goal is to have a Bible on every child’s desk. That’s not the goal. The goal is to hopefully have everyone acknowledge that God’s in charge of us regardless.”

But climbing those mountains sounds a little more specific on Sunday mornings. Schlueter has bragged to his congregation of meetings with Lt. Gov. David Dewhurst, state Sen. Brian Birdwell, and the Arlington City Council. He recently told a church in Victoria that state Rep. Phil King, a conservative Republican from Weatherford, had allowed him to use King’s office at the Capitol to make calls and organize.

“We’re going to influence it,” Schlueter told his congregation. “We’re going to infiltrate it, not run from it. I know why God’s doing what he’s doing … He’s just simply saying, ‘Tom I’ve given you authority in a governmental authority, and I need you to infiltrate the governmental mountain. Just do it, it’s no big deal.’ I was talking with [a member of the congregation] the other day. She’s going to start infiltrating. A very simple process. She’s going to join the Republican Party, start going to all their meetings. Some [members] are already doing that.”

Okay, time to bust out with my Christian credentials here. As most of you know, who read this blog. I am a Born-Again Christian. but, I do not wear it on my sleeve really anymore. I have been “saved,” as the Christian World calls it, for 29 years. 21 of those years was spent in the Pentecost movement or type of Churches. I spent nine and a half years of that time in a Assembly of God Church in Southwest Detroit. So, believe me when I tell you; when it comes to this subject, I know full well, of what I speak.

When the Assembles of God denounces a group like this one here; believe me, it is for a very good reason. These people are kooks and I mean really, really, really bad kooks. The Assemblies of God in the spectrum of the Pentecostal movement are some of the most Conservative —- theologically speaking — Churches and people in the Pentecostal movement. These kooks that Rick Perry are hanging with, in that same spectrum, are the more progressive or radical kind.  These people make people like Benny Hinn, Rod Parsley and the many others look like boy scouts! 😯

What I am basically trying to say is this; and I hope like the dickens that someone sees this and advises Rick Perry on it — Rick Perry, if he wants to be elected President of the United States of America, needs to put as much daylight between these people and himself as he possibly can. These people are the Christian equivalent of say, the Muslim brotherhood; except maybe they do not try to kill people. What they do want to do is this; they want to rip out the United States Constitution and have a Government that dictates its laws from the Bible. The problem with that is this; the United States of America was not founded as a Christian dictatorship, it was founded as a Constitutional Republic.

This group of people who Rick Perry is hanging with are a part of the radical, extreme Christian Right. If Rick Perry thinks that the left and the liberal media will not savage him for this sort of association; he, with all due respect to the man and the office that he now holds — is crazy.

During the 2008 election, the right — including myself —- utterly brutalized then candidate Barack Obama for his radical and Anti-American Religious affiliations. I feel, that what is fair, is fair. Because I am not entrenched in partisanship, I believe that Rick Perry should either give an account of why he is associated with these people or disassociate himself from them.  As much as I know that the White House is now occupied by radical leftists — both former and current cabinet and staff members. I just do not believe that putting in a radical Christian Right President and cabinet is the answer to that problem.

We need a strong fiscal Conservative in the White House to bring this Nation back to its rightful place. We do not need some radical Religious nut-job in the White House. Lord knows, we had eight good years of that, and look what it got us. I say that as someone who suffered through those eight years. Also too, Do not think that I say this as a Fundamentalist Baptist with a “hard on” against Pentecostals. This is someone who has been around in the Christian world for a LONG TIME and I have seen what those people believe, and even as Pentecostals; they as nutty as they come.

In closing: Rick Perry needs to do the proper and right thing; or he should forget about running for President.

Cross-Posted at Alexandria


A Reminder: Go Gold

Just a follow up to yesterday’s posting; it would seem that this would be a good time to invest in gold, even if you cannot afford the expensive stuff, a small investment in the cheaper stuff would be smart.

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I think it is time to invest in Gold. I mean, when the fed chairman says he does not believe that Gold is money; something is horribly wrong.

Time for some clarity

I feel the need to write about something, which has been bugging me for a while now. I had always known that there was a certain subset of the Conservative movement, which was Anti-Semitic and racist. However, I felt that I could disagree with those people and still call myself a Paleo-Conservative. Indeed, I do very much highly disagree with those who believe in exporting Democracy to other Countries. However, something that occurred tonight forced me to confront the fact that the Anti-War, Paleo-Conservative/libertarian crowd was a bit more hateful than I thought.

First off, let me say this; indeed, I am skeptical of some of the goings on in Israel. Indeed, I am very critical of those who use their racial or ethnic background to get special treatment in this Country. However, my criticisms do not equate to the general hatred of Jews, neither does that equate to a hatred of Israel. Nor does it equate to the feeling that Israel does not have the right to exist as a Nation or that Israel should be destroyed. That my friend is unabashed hatred and that is something that I will not be a part of, at all.

As you all know, that read this blog; I am a user of the social media service called twitter. Tonight, I saw something on twitter that made me very angry. It appears that a particular online publication, which hails itself as a “libertarian” one; has a twitter account. I am referring to It appears that this site has a twitter account and on it, a link was posted to a story, in which a Palestinian girl was killed by Israeli border guards.

It was not so much the story that was posted, that I had such a problem with; it was the comment left, when the tweet was sent, it read:

Israeli police will not face trial over death of Palestinian girl – hey it’s not like she’s Jewish or something. feh.

My friends, this is something that I just cannot and will not overlook. This anti-Semitic stereotype is so often bandied about regarding the Jews and Israel. This is nothing more, than leftist hatred; something that I cannot and will not support, ever.

So, as of today, the following changes are being made to this blog. I am, as of now, removing the label of Paleo-Conservative/libertarian/Classic Liberal from this blog. If that is what those two groups, being libertarian and Paleo-Conservative are truly about – I am done with them for good. I am a “right of center” that is what I always called myself. I simply put labels on it, so people could understand where it is that I come from. However, I feel that ignoring this and leaving the labels on the blog fosters the idea that I am someone supports that sort of hatred.

Further, I have removed the section on this blog, which brings the argument that “Racism” was the invention of a group of Marxist Jews from Germany that fled to America. While that might be true —- unfortunately, there are people out there, who use that argument to hide behind, so that they can continue to spew hatred towards Jews and Blacks —– I am not one of those people.

Further, I am going to find and display on my blog, in an obvious spot, a banner that declares that I STAND WITH ISRAEL —- as a Christian, I lay claim to that land, and one day, during the millennial reign of Christ, I will dwell in that land and judge Angels. That is what my Bible tells me.

This, admittedly, is a new place for me; and I feel a bit weird in it. However, when one stands for what he feels is morally right, sometimes, it has to be uncomfortable. Further, if those who disagree with this move of mine want to call me a neo-con, Jew Lover, Bush lover or warmonger — fine, let them. They are fools and one fine day, they will discover just how wrong they truly are.

It feels so good to be doing, what I feel is morally right.

In which I disagree with the John Birch Society

I have been known to defend the John Birch Society in the past and once even stuck up for them, which inflamed a blog war.

However, when a writer at the John Birch Society writes something that I disagree with, and believe is wrong; I will call them on it.I happened to get an e-mail from Zionica, which is a Christian newsletter from a site that rounds up various posts on blogs, that would be of interest to people like me.

Usually, I agree with everything posted there; but this part got up my libertarian nose a bit.

I will quote a bit of what Bruce Walker over at the John Birch Society’s New American wrote: (H/T to Zionica)

Does that mean that the influence exerted by state religion is universally benign? No: What matters is not the principle of separation of religion and government but rather the nature of the religion connected with government. Christianity clearly demands tolerance and love for all mankind. Jesus’ parable of the “Good Samaritan,” for example, is a perfect example of how Christians are commanded by God to view non-Christians. So too are commandments such as “Love your enemy.  Pray for them that curse you.” That sort of theological underpinning produces tolerance, which then infuses government with similar tolerance. So it is that, after the United States, the most tolerant nations — England, Denmark, Scotland, Costa Rica, and Norway — have always had state or national Christianity (Britain [Church of England], Denmark [Lutheranism], Scotland [Catholicism], and Church of Norway [also Lutheranism]).

While the separation of church and state has had no relationship to the practical liberties of people, religions such as Islam and Shinto — or metaphysical systems such as Buddhism and Hinduism — have historically not been tolerant. Nepal, which had Hinduism as its state religion until recently, has a history of violence and intolerance. Sri Lanka, which has Theravada Buddhism as its state religion, is in the last stages of a gruesome and long civil war in which Buddhists have murdered Hindus in horrific ways, and vice versa.  Most people associate Buddhism and Hinduism with nonviolence (which is not, actually, part of the doctrine of either — although there are consequences for violence in the afterlife). Why anyone would expect that the metaphysical system of Hinduism —which, until Europeans introduced Christian values, practiced the suttee (burning alive of the widows of husbands who had died), Thugee (religious murder to appease the goddess Kali), and oppression of “untouchables” (as in India) — would be “peaceful” is a mystery.

Worst, though, are those nations which formally adopt a religion of violent oppression. Islam today bears a striking resemblance to the Shinto in Imperial Japan (Kamikaze pilots and suicide bombers, as well as as the mandate of world conquest. There are no less than 26 nations in Asia and Africa in which Islam is the state religion. In many even the attempted conversion of people to other religions is a capital offense. 

Should it surprise us then to learn that on Sunday thousands in Bangladesh violently protested recent changes to the nation’s 1972 Constitution that retained Islam as the state religion of the nation but which diminished somewhat the role of Islam in government? The Bangladesh Nationalist Party demanded that “absolute faith in Allah” be put back in the constitution. Not only riots but strikes have also crippled the nation. The protesters, chanting, “There is no God but Allah” blocked highways and started fires. They also attacked police, as Sheikh Ainul Haj, the district police chief related: “The activists … beat seven of our officers who are injured. We shot rubber bullets and tear gas to disperse the unruly mobs.”

All religious practitioners have not exhibited the same tolerance for non-practitioners that typically is demonstrated in Judeo-Christian cultures. The surest path of peace and liberty has most often been shown by those willing to embrace the Bible and those faiths that nourish their souls on its wisdom and goodness. Anti-Christian, anti-Jewish states such as Nazi Germany and Soviet Russia have been among the most oppressive in the world, suggesting a penetrating question: Why do we try to separate our God from America? America and its liberties were founded upon faith, and these liberties die without God — a historical fact evil and prideful men wish to deny.

As John Adams said: “Our Constitution was made only for a moral and religious people. It is wholly inadequate for the government of any other.”

Now this is just a snippet of what the man wrote; and I highly recommend that you go read the entire thing first.

Here is my problem with this piece. The truth is, most American Muslims are peaceful and most of them, just want to practice their religion in peace and not be bothered and further more, most of them have no desire whatsoever to hurt anyone at all. What this article does not do, is separate between peaceful Muslims in America and violent extremist Muslims living abroad and some here in America.  I will fully admit to having personal reservations about Muslims here in America, especially those who tend to embrace extremism. However, I am not ready to toss out the proverbial “baby with the bath water” just yet.

This, I am afraid, is a tactic straight out of the far Christian right; which panders to the fears that most Americans feel, when around people of other cultures. Fifty years ago or longer; it was blacks and now, it is Muslims. Further, this article is a classic textbook example of the very flawed belief system that America was founded as a “Christian Nation.” In fact, the United States of America was founded as a Constitutional Republic  by men, who by today’s standards in evangelical Christianity; were Religious at best. In fact, one them, Ben Franklin was, in fact, agnostic.

The founders of this great Nation of ours, did, however, believe that one thing was, in fact, paramount — Religious Freedom.  This is why the first amendment was added to the Constitution.  Further, the founders also believed that the State should keep its nose out of the affairs of the local Church; as well, as the Church keeping its nose out of the affairs of the Government.

So, while I respect the “Christian Right,” I am afraid cannot, as a believer in Constitutionalism; support the idea that Islam should not be protected under the First Amendment. Nor can I support the foolhardy idea of “Christian Supremacy.”  I would never support the idea of Islamic Supremacy, nor White Supremacy or any other sort  of group that wishes to exert its particular group as supreme. So, why would I support this foolish notion?   I believe that all men are created equal and should be treated as such and that no religion, political party or ethnic group should be held in higher regard than another.

To do anything other, is quite dangerous and is a grave danger to our Republic.


Video: Jack Hunter on the GOP going tiger

Transcript here

Jobs report bleak, Democrats still clueless as ever

Now I see why Rick Santelli is ranting and raving!

First of all, here is the lovely report via the NYT:

For the second month in a row, employers added a dismally small number of jobs, showing that the United States economy is barely creaking along despite being two years into the official recovery.

With all levels of government laying off workers, the Labor Department reported that employers eked out just 18,000 new nonfarm payroll jobs in June. The already low number of jobs created in May was also revised downward to just 25,000, less than half what was originally reported last month.

Even as the government’s survey of employers showed that they were adding an anemic number of jobs, a survey of households showed that more people were out of work, causing the unemployment rate to rise to 9.2 percent.

Economists were stunned since they had been expecting June to show stronger job creation as oil prices eased and supply disruptions receded in the aftermath of the Japanese tsunami and earthquake. Instead, the government’s monthly snapshot of the labor market showed that several sectors, including construction, finance and temporary services, actually shed workers. At the same time, leading indicators like wages and the length of the average workweek, which tend to grow before employers begin adding more jobs, actually contracted.

“Even the wild-eyed optimists out there have nothing to grasp onto in this report except to say, ‘Ah, this too shall pass,’ ” said Joshua Shapiro, chief United States economist at MFR Inc.

Meanwhile the stupidity continues on the left. A perfect example is found over at The Hill:

President Obama’s senior political adviser David Plouffe said Wednesday that people won’t vote in 2012 based on the unemployment rate.

Plouffe should probably hope that’s the case, since dismal job figures aren’t expected to get any better for Obama and the economy on Friday.

Most economists expect a report from the Bureau of Labor Statistics to show that the nation added about 100,000 jobs in June. That’s not enough to keep up with population growth, let alone lower the unemployment rate or make a dent in the 9 million jobs lost during the so called Great Recession.

[UPDATED: The jobs report released on Friday showed the economy added only 18,000 jobs, much less than anticipated. The unemployment rate creeped up to 9.2 percent.]

It’s looking more and more like Obama will have to do something no president has done since Franklin Roosevelt: Win reelection with unemployment around 8 percent.

I have a sinking feeling that Plouffe is making a seriously stupid miscalculation ; and one that the Republican Party is going to take full advantage of, come November 2012.

The stupidity continues over at the NYT, again with the stupidest Economist ever to be allowed to write for a paper:

Ugh. That was a seriously ugly jobs report. Almost no job creation, with slow private-sector growth offset by falling public-sector employment; a falling employment-population ratio; and (I don’t know how many people have picked this up), an actual decline in wages, albeit a small one.

Let me emphasize that last point. My bottom line on the inflation-deflation issue has always been to look at wages; you can’t have a wage-price spiral if wages ain’t spiraling. And they aren’t, to say the least.

It’s important to realize, by the way, that stagnant wages are NOT good for recovery; all they do is ensure that the burden of debt relative to income remains high, keeping demand and employment down.

The situation cries out for aggressively expansionary monetary and fiscal policy. Instead, however, all the political push is in the opposite direction.

The underlined part and the part above it; is where the stupidity really kicks in here. That stupidity above, is why this damned Nation is in the place that it is now. Because of stupid people like Krugman. These idiots, in a sane World, would be tossed out of this Country for causing one of the most horrible economic collapses in this Nation, since the great depression, which caused many Americans; Conservative and Liberal, to lose money that they rightly earned or invested in and profited from.

This is not to say that the Republican was not to blame; they too stood by and did nothing and for that they paid a price during the 2006 and 2008 election cycles. However, America was not fooled the Democrats proceeded to make some of, if not more, of the same mistakes that the Republican Party made, while in power. For this, they paid in 2010 and will pay again in 2012.

Further more, it was the DEMOCRATS, not the Republicans, who sought to game the housing market, with the Community Reinvestment act of 1973. Of which the Democrats added the sub-prime cause, which caused the Housing Market to become unstable; which essentially caused the markets to collapse. Yes, regulation was ripped out; but it was the adding of the sub-prime clause that caused the major problems that set the housing market up for a horrible downfall. I know, I watched it all happen here, in real-time, while blogging it all.

In fairness, I will say this; because I am not an overly partisan blogger. It also was the Neo-Conservatives, with their one war, that was totally unjustified in their idiotic visions of a Democratic middle east and the quagmire that it created, not to mention the millions spent and the lives lost; that also created this mess as well. If we would have fought the Afghanistan properly and not like we did Iraq; the war would have been much shorter and would have cost us much less money.

Others: The Atlantic Online, Hot Air, Washington Monthly, Firedoglake, The Huffington Post, Washington Post, The Nation, Calculated Risk, New Deal 2.0, Booman Tribune, Freakonomics, Economix, Free exchange, Speaker, AmSpecBlog, JustOneMinute, Oliver Willis, Gothamist, Hugh Hewitt’s TownHall Blog, Economist’s View, Shakesville, Lynn Sweet, ThinkProgress, Daily Kos, Truthdig, Emptywheel, AMERICAblog News, Lawyers, Guns & Money, FrumForumThe Huffington Post, The Note, The Hill, And So it Goes in Shreveport, AMERICAblog News, Hot Air, Taylor Marsh, Pajamas Media, Scared Monkeys, Outside the Beltway, NetRight Daily, The Western Experience, GOP 12, Le·gal In·sur·rec· tion, National Review, The Lonely Conservative,, and FrumForum and more via Memeorandum

Video: This is why I like Rick Santelli

No, he is not crazy……Just slightly animated.

(via Mediate)

Video: Jack Hunter Says, “Tim Pawlenty is another Big Government Conservative!”

Transcript Here

We should bomb them and take thier oil


The London-based World Energy Council says Israel’s Shfela Basin, a half-hour drive south of Jerusalem, holds 250 billion barrels of recoverable shale oil, possibly making the energy-vulnerable country (as expressed by The Wall Street Journal) “the world’s newest energy giant.” With reserves of 260 billion barrels, Saudi Arabia would remain the world’s No. 1 oil country – though not, perhaps, for long. Howard Jonas, CEO of U.S.-based IDT Corp., the company that owns the Shfela Basin concession, says there is much more oil under Israel than under Saudi Arabia: Perhaps, he says, twice as much.

Even with a mere 250 billion barrels, the Shfela Basin (or 238 square kilometres of it) would make Israel the third-largest holder of shale reserves in the world – right behind the U.S. with 1.5 trillion barrels and China with 355 billion barrels. Assuming for the moment that Mr. Jonas is correct in his calculations, the U.S. and Israel would together hold shale reserves in excess of two trillion barrels: Enough oil to fuel these two countries (at combined consumption of eight billion barrels a year) for more than 200 years.

And the discovery of further vast energy reserves in the United States and Israel progresses at an accelerated (and now often frenzied) pace. With shale, everything depends on technology – and the prospects are encouraging. In the Texas shale play known as Eagle Ford, for example, 12 companies will drill 3,000 wells in the next year, all of them within spitting distance (as The New York times put it) “of a forsaken South Texas village” notable only for its derelict gas stations and rusting warehouses. Elsewhere in the country, thousands more wells will be drilled with new technology that cuts drilling time, per well, to 25 days from 65.

According to the Times, 20 of these shale oil plays could increase U.S. oil production by 25 per cent in the next 10 years. “This is very big and it’s coming fast,” says U.S. energy expert Daniel Yergin, chairman of the energy research company IHS CERA. “This is like adding another Venezuela or another Kuwait – except that these fields are in the U.S.”

via With its oil treasure, Israel gets a shield from tyranny – The Globe and Mail.

Oh, wait, they’re not Arabs; so we cannot label them terrorists and take their oil. My bad. 😀

Of course, I am being my normal sarcastic self…..or am I? 😯



Oh my: This could be a bit of a problem for Michelle Bachmann


Now to be fair to Michelle Bachmann and her Husband; they are Conservative Christians, I get that part. However, I would think Michelle Bachmann would know that she has appeal to independent voters; and this is not a good way to do this at all.

Now, I also know that this piece is a liberal hit job on Michelle Bachmann. However, there is another reason that this bugs me, the same reason that I did not want Mike Huckabee in the 2012 race, it feeds the Meme that Republicans and all Conservatives hate gay people. Something that I know is just plain bunk. I could care less what gay people do in the privacy of their homes. Just don’t try to push your agenda off on me, like the far leftist gays want to do.

Again, while I believe this to be a hit job; sometimes the things that people say to further and foster false narratives should be critiqued.


Keith Olbermann does something right for a change

Yeah, I know what I wrote about it; I was being partly sarcastic. But seriously, good for Keith.

The video:

To Greg Pollowitz, shut the hell up. Your partisan bullshit is vomit provoking. Not to mention intellectually insulting; and judging from that last name, that should not be to surprising as to why.

Others: Power Line and Pajamas Media

Republicans say “No Mas!” to debt ceiling talks

Looks like the Republicans have had enough.

This comes via ABC’s The Note:

Senate Minority Whip Jon Kyl, R-Ariz., will also drop out of the debt talks, a source within his office confirms today. The Arizona Republican’s office will issue a formal statement shortly.

After House Majority Leader Eric Cantor (R-VA) dropped out of the talks this morning, Senator Kyl was the lone Republican in the group left. And with his withdrawal late this morning, the group does not have a Republican negotiator left in the room.

The group was set to meet for the 11th time this afternoon with Vice President Biden, their third meeting of the week.

The group started as six – but is now down to four members from Congress. The remaining members are: Senate Finance Committee Chairman Max Baucus (D-Mont.), Senate Appropriations Chairman Daniel Inouye (D-Hawaii), Assistant House Minority Leader James Clyburn (D-S.C.), and House Budget Committee ranking member Chris Van Hollen (D-Md.).

This is nothing more, than the Republicans finally growing a pair and telling the Democrats, “you made this bed; now lay in it!!”

What I find amusing is this idiot spin by the Democrats:

UPDATE 12:00 p.m. – A Senior Democratic aide says, “Cantor and Kyl just threw Boehner and McConnell under the bus. This move is an admission that there will be a need for revenues and Cantor and Kyl don’t want to be the ones to make that deal.”

More liberal spin and bullcrap. The Republicans; unlike liberals, know that raising taxes on the Nation’s top earners is NOT a smart way to create jobs and generate revenue for the Country. The way to do this properly is to lower taxes for the top earners and remove regulation for the aspiring entrepreneur, who wants to follow the American dream and be his own boss.

But, no, the Democrats want to TAX the crap out of EVERYONE; not just the top earners, but everyone, to pay for their ill-conceived and hair-brained plans like so-called “economic stimulus” that did not work at all. This is why the Republicans walked out on these talks.

Allahpundit over at snarks:

Note to self: Buy gold.

…….and seeing that the Republicans and Democrats are not willing to come together to fix this problem. That is most likely not a very bad idea……

Is Sarah Palin making the same fatal mistake as George W. Bush?

Honestly, I hate having to write stuff like this; but, as I have explained on this blog before —- this blog is not about partisan politics, nor it is about defending a particular political party. This blog, is about honesty, even when it is not popular.

Having said all that, John Ziegler over at the Daily Caller dishes on some brutal honesty about Sarah Palin:

But in spite of being approached by Sarah’s husband Todd only a month ago and specifically discussing the possibility, I won’t be working on any Palin presidential campaign. Why? Well, first of all, contrary to what geniuses like Andrew Sullivan and Howard Dean may want you to believe, there is absolutely no way that she can be elected. I’ve told this to her directly; more than once. While many pundits mistakenly think what she is doing is some Trump-like PR stunt, I’m pretty convinced she is running and in doing so will damage the prospects of any conservative defeating Barack Obama in 2012.

These aren’t my only concerns.

There’s also the fact that Sarah’s entire operation is increasingly managed like a CIA field office; that she’s adopted a bunker mentality; that she’s trusting the wrong people, some of whom I know are simply exploiting her. As a result, even those most loyal to her get tossed under the bus, with little or no effort to avoid the collateral damage. Which raises the question: if people like me who would once have taken a bullet for Sarah (and at least figuratively I did many times) can’t get behind her any more, what the hell happened?

Does any of that up there, that I underlined sound even vaguely familiar? It does to me; I seem to remember that President George W. Bush did the same thing; twice.  The first time, when he decided that Iraq had weapons of mass destruction and decided to invade that Country. There were some well-known Conservatives who objected to that invasion, and they were called unamerican and where scorned by the Neo-Conservatives at the time.

The second time that this happened, was in 2006, when it became quite obvious that there were no weapons of mass destruction in Iraq. George W. Bush went fully into the bunker, and loyalists went with him; and any who even remotely was skeptical was left out in the cold.  This mentality continued up until the end of Bush’s Presidency, almost to the point when even hardened Bush supporting Conservatives, knew the man was wrong and just wanted him out of office. This was especially true after the “throwing of principles into the wind” and bailing out of the banks on Wall Street.

Defenders of Sarah Palin, like Ed Morrissey over at; where I saw the link to this story, says the following:

While comebacks in presidential politics are rare, they’re not unknown.  Richard Nixon lost a national election, and then lost a state election two years later, which caused the media to declare his political career a dead letter.  Six years later, he won a presidential election in the middle of a war.  In what is by far a more attractive analogy, Ronald Reagan lost a bitter, narrow primary contest in 1976 that went all the way to the convention, and came back four years later to unite the GOP despite his age and his supposed inability to woo moderates. Neither man was known for his admiration of or by the media, either, although Reagan certainly knew how to use them better than almost anyone.  The difference between those examples and Palin are significant (especially the resignation), but perhaps not fatal; a primary campaign would certainly prove the issue.

Here is the whole problem with the above thought. Now, Nixon was before my time. I will not, because I am honest try to take that apart. Here is the problem with comparing Reagan to Palin; Reagan had a four term Governorship under his belt, Sarah Palin served one year and resigned; she is seen as a quitter, by the majority of those in the G.O.P.

Further more, Ronald Reagan had a legion of friends and supporters, who were formerly Democrats from his Hollywood days. What happened was this, Ronald Reagan became angered by what he saw in the Democratic Party; that was the increasing warm embracing of the tenants of Communism by the Democratic Party in California, and by the liberal establishment in California; and by the National Party as well, This included the embracing of doctrines of Marxism; like “social justice” and so forth. Further more, Reagan became incensed when he discovered that there were several trade unions were simply Communist fronts in the 1950’s. This lead Reagan to make a list of people that he knew, divided by one thing alone; who were Democrats and who were Republicans. The list of Republicans was much longer.

This caused Reagan to switch sides; and many of Reagan’s friends followed him to the other side. Some publicly, and some not publicly. Sadly, Sarah Palin does not have that sort of support at all. All she really has, is a small group of devoted supporters, who really refuse to look at the things that disqualify her for winning an election.

Further more, Sarah Palin has people who are her “Supporters” who, quite frankly, make this writer want to wretch. Sarah Palin’s biggest supporting blog, Conservatives4Palin is ran by a supposed former Obama Supporter. The picture of that woman, is enough to cause a young man to swear off sex and join the convent. Further more, based upon some of the recent events around that woman; I am convinced that she is not a “true-blue” Conservative. But rather a secret undercover liberal operative who is working to undermine Palin’s chances.

Lastly, one of the biggest issues with Sarah Palin, is that she is a feminist. Sarah Palin appeared with Geraldine Ferraro on Fox News channel and was literally fawning over her about how she was such an inspiration for her and so forth. Feminism, especially among the Conservative Christian right, and with this writer, is considered antithetical to all things Conservative. Even one prominent female Conservative named Phyllis Schlafly wrote a book condemning the movement as a whole.  But yet, Sarah Palin continues to promote this very strange idea that a woman can be a Conservative and a Feminist as well. Which is, in this writers opinion; utterly idiotic. Which does explain much of Palin’s reasoning.

Others: GOP 12, Hot Air, Sister Toldjah, Le·gal In·sur·rec· tion, New York Magazine,, Patterico’s Pontifications, FrumForum, Mediaite, RedState, The Lonely Conservative and The Daily Dish


Video: Anthony’s Weiner by Jack Hunter

I do not always agree with Jack, but more often than not; he is right on point.

Transcript Here

This Posting was crafted on my Apple iPod using WordPress Mobile Admin (Too Cool!)

Video: The Daily RANT!: Terrorism, Abortionists, and Ron Paul supporting idiots

This is one of my most hardcore rants yet. Consider this your official CONTENT WARNING!

Update: Because I am an honest person, I will correct myself. It was not Jesus who called the people “a brute of vipers” it was John The Baptist. Oops. 😳


One down, many more to go: Top al Qaeda leader Ilyas Kashmiri killed in US Predator strike

What having an abortion does to a woman

Living proof that Adam Kokesh/Ron Paul Supporters are unhinged leftists in disguise

What having an abortion does to a woman

Some of you do not understand why it is, that I so against Abortion, even to the point where I will do not debate it.

Well, please, go read this article here.

A sampling:

The Abortion

The doctor left the room and Steven came in.  He told me that I needed to have an abortion because of the smoke damage to my lungs and the oxygen deprivation I had suffered.  I said “No,” I wanted the baby.  I was five-months pregnant.  I could not believe he was even asking me to have an abortion at this stage.  He spent over an hour pressing me to go ahead and have the abortion.  He said that I was too young to have a baby and it would have brain damage because I had been in the fire and taken drugs.  I became very quiet and repeated the answer “No” more than once.  I said I should not be asked to make that decision while still in the hospital. He said I had to have the abortion now.  He said I was too far along to wait because it would be illegal for me to get an abortion in another week.

He sat beside my hospital bed, but we did not look at each other. I said no again. Finally he gave up and said, “OK, you can go home to your mother’s and have the baby there.”  I was worn out and began to feel hopeless.  My mother and stepfather would not be happy to have me return home pregnant.  I believed they would also want me to have an abortion.  I began to feel like life was caving in on me.  I had no health insurance or money and did not believe Steven intended to help provide for our baby or me.  He had not been providing medical care for me up to that time.  I believed he was abandoning me as my father and my mother had.  I began to cry and agreed to have the abortion. Steven was relieved and happy.  He reassured me that he cared for me and that after the abortion everything would be fine.

I was moved to another part of the hospital and a different doctor performed the abortion. It was a horrible nightmare I will never forget.  I was traumatized by the experience.  My baby had one defender in life; me, and I caved in to pressure because of fear of rejection and the unknown future.  I wish I could go back and be given that chance again, to say no to the abortion one last time.  I wish with all my heart I could have watched that baby live his life and grow to be a man.

The doctor did not explain what the procedure would be like. Steven watched when the doctor punctured my uterus with a large needle. Then I was taken to a room to wait for the contractions.  Steven sat beside me in the hospital until it was over.  When the nurse would leave the room he was snorting cocaine on the table beside my bed.  He even offered some to me once, but I just turned away, sick inside. Steven, high on cocaine, was emotionally detached, witnessing the procedure but cut off from the normal reaction and feelings of horror you would expect.  At the time I was shocked and hurt by his behavior.

But I know now that on an unconscious level, he must have been traumatized witnessing the death of his first-born son in such a horrific and direct way. Steven watched the baby come out and he told me later, when we were in New Hampshire, that it had been born alive and allowed to die.  (I was not allowed to see the baby when it was delivered.) Steven told me later that it had been a boy and that he now felt terrible guilt and a sense of dread over what he had done.  I did not know that such a thing could be legal.  I could not imagine a world where a tiny baby could be born alive and tossed aside as worthless without ever seeing his mother’s face.

Nothing was ever the same between us after that day, though I did not return home for over a year.  I became very quiet and withdrawn after the abortion.  I was grieving the loss of my baby and I could never look at Steven again without remembering what he had done to our son and me. I had just lived through a horrific fire that nearly claimed my life, but the abortion made me feel like part of me died with my baby.  I felt cheated and betrayed, and angry with myself for agreeing to something that I knew was wrong.  I felt deep anger and almost hatred for the doctor who performed the abortion.

Everyone around me seemed to be moving on with life, but I was carrying a wound that would not go away.  Steven was already involved with other women at that time. The fact that he was my guardian complicated things for him because he was legally responsible for me.  I was young, had dropped out of high school, and did not understand my legal rights at the time.  I felt completely powerless.

I left Steven in February 1977 and returned to live with my mother and stepfather. Steven called a few times after I returned home and then I never heard from him again.

Now, I very, very, highly recommend, in the strongest terms that I can convey in writing; that you go read the rest of that story.

Anyone that does not see this, and think twice about having an Abortion; does not have a damned soul. Abortion is murder and it is a sick, twisted mindset that allows that barbaric practice to continue.  I will, as a Christian, and as a Conservative blogger, continue to write against, advocate against and continue to use this blog to raise awareness of the barbaric practice of abortion.  It is barbarism and it must be stopped.

However, as a libertarian Conservative, I object to using the power of the Federal Government to stop the practice of abortion; however, I fully and wholeheartedly support a grassroots effort to stop the practice of abortion on the State level. This was a battle that pro-lifers, Conservatives and Christians alike fought in the 1980’s and ultimately lost; because they were, in this writers opinion fighting the battle in the wrong arena. It is my belief that Federalism should be applied across the board, in relationship to all matters and subjects. Not just on the subjects we choose to apply them.

The battle for the Soul of America, including the battle for the protection of unborn life is a noble one, it is a Christian one, it is a righteous one; and it must be fought by those with Godly wisdom and knowledge of laws and practice. We must as wise as serpents and as harmless as doves.  Fighting this fight foolishly and with wrong ideas, leads to waste. In this late hour, waste is not an option.

(A special thank you of the highest order goes to a one Robert Stacy McCain for bringing light to this Story. Even thought Mr. McCain, “sold me up the river” a while back. I will be the Christian and give him credit where it is due.)