In regards to Herman Cain and the accusations against him.
It’s this: (Via Alhouse)
20 years later and it is the same song and dance —- except for one thing, it is coming from right and not the left, as it is being reported in some quarters.
This blog is no longer active as of October 31, 2011
In regards to Herman Cain and the accusations against him.
It’s this: (Via Alhouse)
20 years later and it is the same song and dance —- except for one thing, it is coming from right and not the left, as it is being reported in some quarters.
I must say, I am shocked; I figured that they would keep it to silly posts mocking Herman Cain or Tut-Tutting him. But no, the Trent Lott syndrome subset of the Republican Party, that Lilly white Republican establishment is feeling threatened. So, now they are dredging up his past.
Despite what people like this lily-white Catholic woman here say; — who seems to suffer from some sort of Trent Lott syndrome or maybe it is the fact that she really needs to go have a baby or something. It can only help her, then perhaps she will stop posting dopey stories about baby pictures — and tormenting Conservative black men who run for President — Herman Cain can win this election, if racist remnants of the Trent Lott era of the Republican, like the woman linked above, would just leave him alone. It does seem to be their M.O. as of late; discredit the token Negro, so that they can protect the ivory-white tower of Republicanism that they have been occupying for so very long.
My question is this, to all two of you, that might actually read this posting; if the Republican Party is truly the Party of Lincoln; is it not time that we, as white Conservatives, have stopped trying to prevent blacks, who might actually be able to represent that Party the way it is supposed to be represented — from actually running for office and winning? Case in point: Allen Keyes.
Having said that, here is nice video made by a new group called Americans for Herman Cain:
Therefore, please, Republicans, do the right thing here, support a man, who loves his Country and wants to make it a better place for you and me — and our Children and their Children. Donate to Herman Cain.
Corrected some grammar errors in the original posting — what I get for typing so fast. 😀
Before anyone flips their cork —- That is a rhetorical question.
Remember the Antisemitism that I wrote about at the #OccupyWallStreet protests?
Well, it seems now; that a very well known Conservative Jewish Blogger is being called a “Fake Jew”; by one of her own people, who happens to be a liberal Democrat.
This is about as bad, as the video I posted earlier, of Herman Cain being berated by a liberal white man.
Let me give you a reality check; it is the same mentality. You wander off the plantation; whether it is the black liberal plantation or the Jewish liberal camp plantation —- you do this, and they attack you, with both barrels.
It is the same mentality of Adolf Hitler. One of, “you either submit to our mindset, or we destroy you.” Only difference is, liberals cannot round up Blacks and Jews and put them in camps.
I do not know where to begin with this video.
First, Lawrence O’Donnell tries to accuse Herman Cain of draft dodging. Then, he accuses him of various idiot things. Not to mention the “Citizen Cain” in the Chyron at the bottom of the screen. Not to mention the whole condescending tone of the entire video.
There is only one thing that comes to my mind, when watching these videos — Racism. 😡
I mean, could you just imagine, if a Fox News Channel anchor had handled an interview like this, with a black man? There would be protests outside of the News Corp. Building, Fox News Channels studios in New York, and Al Sharpton would be calling for Roger Ailes and Rupert Murdoch’s head!
Here are the videos, all three parts. You watch these video and you tell me, if they are not racist or not.
Via Mediaite:
Visit for breaking news, world news, and news about the economy
Visit for breaking news, world news, and news about the economy
Visit for breaking news, world news, and news about the economy
Again, watch the videos and think about if Fox News or any other Conservative outlet sounded this condescending or used “Citizen Cain” as a Chyron. What could the reaction be? I think we all know the answer.
Nothing pisses me off worse, than to watch a privileged white man, who happens to be a liberal; berate a black man, all because he happens to disagree with his politics. That is an outrage and if the Conservative media, including Fox News Channel, ever pulled a stunt like that, there would be riots in the streets. But because Mr. Herman Cain is a Conservative black man — it is perfectly fine. Hell, even this self-hating black man thinks its fine. What an asshole, what a traitor to the back race — sort of like this Murdering, race-hustling, jack ass, who is now dead.
This is another fine reason why I stopped voting for the Democrats, because it is like LBJ said himself:
I’ll have them niggers voting for democrats for 300 years!
…and you know what? The Democrats are keeping ’em voting Democratic Party; with hand outs and yes, with Brainwashing.
Update: Even the liberals at DailyKos are not happy with the interview: (H/T Flopping Aces)
1) When you think of Herman Cain, do you ever find yourself thinking, “gee, he was a black teen in the early-1960s. Why didn’t he participate in civil rights movement?” I’m not an African-American and wasn’t alive in the ’60s, but so what if he didn’t? I am not sure what the implication is there, but was it incumbent upon ever African-American to march? And does not participating in the civil rights movement imply … what? I suppose it might be a fairer question to ask a white person who was around in that era, but only slightly.
I’m going to go out on a limb and presume that Herman Cain was opposed to segregation.
2) Out of nowhere, O’Donnell asked Cain, who worked (but did not serve) in the Navy, whether he was qualified to be Commander-in-Chief after not serving in Vietnam. Really?! Is this still a thing? I have a hard time believing that O’Donnell genuinely cares about Cain’s lack of military service (Clinton and Obama never served), but was possibly trying to posit him as a hypocrite. But that’s kind of hard to do when, while not exactly serving, he was working in ballistics for the Navy.
Seemed like a completely disingenuous line of questioning on O’Donnell’s part, and made me cringe.
I’ll be darned, I no sooner push out a story as to why this race-hustler started killing people, and I discover that has assumed room temperature.
Shareef Allman, the man suspected of killing three people and wounding seven others during a workplace shooting, has been shot and killed this morning by Santa Clara County Sheriff’s deputies, according to multiple law enforcement agencies.
Allman was fatally shot at about 7:20 a.m. after being found at a house in Sunnyvale, according to multiple law enforcement agencies.
Lt. Rick Sung of the Santa Clara County Sheriff’s Office said a man was shot this morning by sheriff’s deputies who had been searching for Allman in the same neighborhood of Wednesday’s massive manhunt. The Sunnyvale Department of Public Safety will investigate the officer-involved shooting.
A law enforcement source said Allman knew somebody who lives on Lorne Way.
via Suspect in Cupertino shooting spree has been shot and killed – San Jose Mercury News.
I hate to be the one to say it; but, it could not have happened to a better person. Well, maybe Jesse Jackson or Al Sharpton or even Ed Brayton. ( 😯 ) ‘
Anyhow, the point I am making here is this; if you use your race to act as a shield for your poor job performance, and when that does not work anymore — you kill people? You die, especially if you pull a gun on a police officer. I do not care what race you are, this sort of stuff is just wrong. What burns my rear about this; is the liberal left, will use this tragic incident to try and advocate for stricter gun laws.
Another thing that really burns my bottom side; is that the liberal left and their cohorts in the media; will act like this crime never even happened. If anything at all; the man will be seen as a martyr to the race-hustling crowd. That’s right, he will be seen as a hero to these people; and not as the criminal murder, that he really was.
But then again, we are talking about the liberal left — none of this should be a big surprise to the rest of America.
The dude was a lousy unsafe driver and used his race as a shield; and when that little gig was up, he started killing people.
Here is hoping that this morally depraved piece of human excrement is put out of his own misery by the police.
Shareef Allman is a disgrace to the black race. Not to mention a two-bit phony.
The really ironic part, he did not just kill white people; he killed Latinos as well. That alone ought to have the Latino community out in California pissed off.
But to listen to the NAACP out there talk; this dude was a Christian man. To which I ask; by what standards?!?
Another thing too; this sick incident, where an angry black man shoots and kills those, who he has a problem with, will be used to try and enact stricter gun laws — which is absolutely stupid.
This comes via Dan Riehl:
This is why this video, which is in my “About this Blog” section is so important! Here is the REAL relevant part of this video:
You people on Mobile devices might not be able to see the snipped video; but the rest of us can.
This my friends, is why I blog. We simply cannot allow haters to scapegoat this economic recession on a particular group of people. It is anti-freedom to do so. For this and many other reasons, is why I write.
For the record, it was not just one person either; it was many. This video is via Fox Nation:
Notice how when he realizes he is on camera; he really gets into the spiel and really begins the berate the Jewish man standing there? This is what these haters are all about; attention for their cause, which is unabashed hatred. It is one of the downsides of being a free Republic. Even the idiots have a right to their say.
Ed Morrissey says:
If African-Americans don’t do well among Republicans, it’s evidence of racism, and now if they do get support among Republicans, that’s also racism. It’s an unanswerable assertion that not only is completely circular in its logic, it’s also lunacy. Basically, Garofalo is kind of like a cult member who insists that every data point supports her religious belief, regardless of whether it contradicts with other data points that are also used in defense of groupthink. That means she’s making the argument in the right venue, anyway.
Which explains why I stopped voting for the Democratic Party, I just do not do “group think,” at all. Further more, the Democratic Party was the party of segregation and of the Klan. So, this is a piss poor attempt to deflect the attention away from them. It’s sheer craziness and I am convinced that this chick is crazy, along with her host; which is why he is no longer on MSNBC.
This is why I believe very strongly in the second amendment.
The Video: reports:
ABOUT 11 P.M. on Sept. 9, dozens of youths with bats and pipes descended on a tidy residential area of Port Richmond looking for white teens who allegedly had attacked an African-American kid at Stokely Playground a couple of hours earlier.
Two fearful white teens spotted Mark LaVelle on Indiana Avenue near Belgrade Street and asked for help. Suddenly, the mob appeared. LaVelle, who said that he didn’t know the two kids, who looked to be 13 or 14, ran with them into his nearby house.
” ‘We got you, you white mother——-!’ “ LaVelle said he heard someone yell in the “mob” of black and Hispanic youths.
Inside his house, LaVelle, 37, called to his wife, Kim, 30, to go to their bedroom with their twin 13-month-old boys, Mark and Mason, and to call police. He also ordered his two other sons, 11 and 17, and his nephew, 7, to stay upstairs.
With the two teens hiding in the house, LaVelle, 5 feet 10, 220 pounds, a well-known sports-league organizer and coach in the community, went outside to try to calm the angry mob.
They were standing on his steps. One shouted, ” ‘Something’s going to happen now!’ ” LaVelle recalled in an interview Friday at his house. LaVelle got nervous and went back inside, locking his door with a deadbolt.
But the attackers pounded on his front windows and kicked his wooden door so hard, it flew open and some of them entered his house.
“The first guy hits me with a pipe. The second guy knocks me in the face. All I’m hearing is my wife and kids screaming,” said LaVelle, who feared that the next time they saw him, he would be in a casket.
He said that he was able to push the attackers out the door, but then a third man – who had a gun – tried to extend his arm. LaVelle grabbed onto the gunman’s lower arm and shoulder so he couldn’t raise the weapon. Then, police sirens screamed in the neighborhood, and the mob turned and ran…
…LaVelle said that the next day the mother of the juvenile came back with some other people, banging on his door, screaming. LaVelle, who was at a charity sports event, was called back to the house by one of his sons.
When he got home, LaVelle said, the mother yelled at him, ” ‘You white mother——, you got my kid locked up! You got my son locked up because he’s black, you’re white!’ “ The mother claimed that her son had been “a witness,” not an attacker. To that, LaVelle said if that were true, it would come out in court.
But the mother, according to LaVelle, then yelled: ” ‘If you make it to court! I know where you live!’ “
All the more reason to buy a gun and get licensed to own it and buy lots and lots of ammo! (and not just click links! You know who you are! BUY THE STUFF!) Just think how differently this would have turned out, had this guy been armed.
(Via Ironic Surrealism – H/T to Gateway Pundit)
The video is over at FOX NATION
Nice, gotta love that new tone.
I am not someone who likes to play the race card or even assert a racist charge, because that is the left’s game. However, I saw this; and I thought, “wait a second….”
I happened to read over at, a news item by Tina (original politico story here…) about the founder of Tea Party Nation’s founder Judson Phillips, who endorsed Newt Gingrich. My issue is not with the endorsement, but with some of the words used. I will make those words very clear here and explain why they bother me:
Tea Party Nation founder and CEO Judson Phillips has endorsed Newt Gingrich in the Republican primary, he writes in a blog post.
“Newt is electable. If you have seen the GOP debates, Gingrich has been the best debater. He does really well in that format and he looks Presidential,” Phillips, a former Tennessee district attorney who founded Tea Party Nation in 2009, wrote.
Here is a picture of the “Presidential Looking” Newt Gingrich:
…and a picture of the Florida Straw poll winner, Herman Cain:
What I want to know from Mr. Judson Phillips is this; what does he mean by “Looking Presidential?” I want him or anyone else in the Republican Party or in the Tea Party movement to define those terms. Because I am going to remind everyone of this — we are the party of Lincoln and when we start using terms like this; which could very well be underhanded racism — we bring a discredit to the Tea Party movement, which admittedly by Fox News, has already started fading out. The Republican Party is supposed to be the party of racial, class and Christian unity. However, when it see words like this; it trips my radar a little.
My point is this, we do not need to start fostering a “Trent Lott” mentality in the Republican Party. We see how well that worked out for them in the past. For the record, yes, I have criticized Herman Cain in the past, when I thought it was deserved; but this sort of idiotic nonsense is uncalled for, and I think Mr. Phillips needs to explain just what he meant by what he said. Further more, I left the Democratic Party, because of the class warfare, the disunity between the races and the “Pot Stirring” between the races. I am well aware of the questionable past of some of the GOP’s greats of the past; and my point here is, we no NOT need to go back to that era — not now and not ever. We have cleansed that party of the bigots and haters and relegated them to the sidelines. Here is hope and praying that we do not go down that path again. Because as a kid who grew up, not out here in the “Whitey Tighty” suburbs of Detroit. But in the inner city of Detroit, notably the Southwest side of Detroit. Which means, yes, I grew up now only around White people; but Latinos, and yes, even black people. I still to this day, have many black friends. So, when I hear language like this; my antenna goes up and I start asking questions.
Just my thoughts and I’d like to hear yours.
Remember President Barack Obama’s command to the CBC to “quit whining?”
Well, that went over like a lead balloon with those folks.
Here’s the Video: (H/T
Ah yes, identity politics Democratic Party style. a perfect example of why I stopped voting for them.
An aside, check out some of the comments over at Some seriously funny stuff there! 😆 😀
Would you like to see a perfect example of the disconnect between reality and the democrats?
Then, go, please and read here.
I have been at this blogging since 2006 and this is one of the more “interesting” ones I have read yet. See if you can spot the lies and spin and comment about them here.
As you know, Herman Cain, who is a very successful businessman and also a black Conservative, won the straw poll in Florida. As you also know, I just pointed out some serious racism by the left. Well, the democrats are not disappointing; check out some of the racist or “So damned close to being racist without sounding racist” as you can get.
All of these postings are actual blog postings by liberal blogs about Herman Cain and the night is young:
“Update: And it’s official. Pizza King Cain wins the straw poll. By a lot” — The Impolitic — “Another day in the clown car – Update”
I have also heard Herman Cain referred to as Herman “Greasy Pizza” Cain too; which is just another way of calling him a greasy n-word. I mean, why not just say that?
Apparently, the Republicans are doing one of these stupid Straw Polls in Floridatoday. The problem is, the base hates all the candidates, which makes picking someone in the Straw Poll a bit of a challenge. Byron York speculates that Herman Cain might do better than expected because no one feels like voting for Rick Perry after he called them heartless. This makes sense to me because the most obvious to do if someone calls you out on your heartless hatred of Latinos is to vote for the black guy. ‘See? I’m not a racist who thinks minorities are biting into too much of my paycheck. I’m color blind.’
Can you feel the Cainmentum? — Booman Tribune
Can you feel the racism?
Florida straw poll voters decided they hate everyone and voted for the only candidate who’s never held public office, Herman Cain. — Crooks and Liars
So what if Herman Cain has never held public office? Why is that a problem to Democrats? I mean, Barack Obama’s time in office was not that great. Why is this an issue? Because Herman Cain is a black Conservative. That my friends is classic Democratic Party racism.
and finally:
I’d say that Republicans couldn’t be crazy enough to nominate Herman Cain … but then again, they also nominated Christine O’Donnell, Sharron Angle, Joe Miller, Ken Buck, and, yes, Sarah Palin.
So, why would not the Republicans be crazy to nominate Herman Cain? Because he is black and a Conservative? Racism much John Amato? Just saying... 🙄
….and the night is young. If I spot anymore racism, I will post it here.
Update: Wow… Push out a post and find more of it:
Yes, running a chain of pizza parlors is just like running a country. Just yell, and the employees will scamper around and bring those cheese suppliers to heel.
In a field that might be called Mittens and the Seven Clowns, the base definitely prefers the clowns. — The Mahablog
A Black Conservative being called “a clown” by a Democrat, that sounds about right. Unreal. 🙄
Update #2: Stupid is, as stupid does.
I hate to be the one to do it. But… someones got to say it.
Oliver Willis is a liberal blogger. He’s also a racist against white people.
Don’t believe me?
Check out this posting here.
Notice the SKIN COLOR of the people he refers to as “Hobos” in the picture of the people that are “occupying” wall street?
…and then notice the SKIN COLOR of the people he classifies as “Dignified People?”
So, Oliver Willis can call white people Hobo’s, spooks, crackers, and other such lovely names. But if I called one of his people the n-word — or worse — and if I used photos of blacks and referred to them as stupid bums and used pictures of White People and called them upstanding American citizens — I would be denounced as a racism bigot and most likely ignored.
I thought that the elected of Barack Obama was supposed to be the beginning of post-racial America? I guess not. 🙄
This is another reason why I left the Democratic Party; because of their two-faced, hypocritical attitude towards racism and their stupid definition of racism even is.
This right here, ought to be Oliver Willis theme song, because it’s the same fucking attitude:
This is a blog posting that I have been wanting to write for a few days now. I happen to follow the guy, that I am about to link to on twitter and I saw the link to this blog entry go whizzing by and at the time, I did not have the time to write about it. But, now, I do. So, here goes…
I have been chided by people who dislike me in the past for having a account at One of which was yanked, because I did not agree with their simple-minded nonsense.
Anyhow, looks like someone else ran headlong into the totalitarian rules at that website/forum/cesspool.
Click here to read all about it. – PLEASE NOTE: The following link that you are about to click on, is a blog that contains very frank discussions on race. Some people might be seriously offended by what they see and read there. Please, in the name of sensibility; do not assume that I agree with the contents of that site. I simply linked it, for your educational and enlightenment. In other words, I am not a hate-mongering tool and I should not be lumped in with them. Thanks. It might not be safe for work either; so consider this your obligatory content warning.
You know, I hate to be an a-hole about this sort of a thing. But there just some things that I cannot and will not overlook.
Anyhow, some woman of Arab and Jewish decent was detained at Detroit Metro Airport on a flight from Denver. She was strip-searched and now has taken to her blog to whine about it and also use racist imagery. For the record, here is a news article about it.
She starts her blog posting:
Silly me. I thought flying on 9/11 would be easy. I figured most people would choose not to fly that day so lines would be short, planes would be lightly filled and though security might be ratcheted up, we’d all feel safer knowing we had come a long way since that dreadful Tuesday morning 10 years ago.
But then armed officers stormed my plane, threw me in handcuffs and locked me up.
At first, when I started reading the post; I actually felt sorry for the lady. You know, innocent woman being strip-searched and such. But then, as I got further in the article, I started seeing things like this:
They took him to another room, and I heard an officer tell him to remove his clothes. He was going to be searched. I could not fully grasp what was happening. I stared at the yellow walls and listened to a few officers talk about the overtime they were racking up, and I decided that I hated country music. I hated speedboats and shitty beer in coozies and fat bellies and rednecks. I thought about Abu Ghraib and the horror to which those prisoners were exposed. I thought about my dad and his prescience. I was glad he wasn’t alive to know about what was happening to me. I thought about my kids, and what would have happened if they had been there when I got taken away. I contemplated never flying again. I thought about the incredible waste of taxpayer dollars in conducting an operation like this. I wondered what my rights were, if I had any at all. Mostly, I could not believe I was sitting in some jail cell in some cold, undisclosed building surrounded by “the authorities.”
Another female officer, this one in jeans and a t-shirt came to visit me. She introduced herself as an agent–Homeland Security. She removed my handcuffs and had me follow her to a different room down a long hall and through a few doors. As we walked, I got a glimpse of the watch-stealer, a chubby middle-aged white guy with a buzz cut. He didn’t look too different from some of the officers.
After fingerprinting me and asking me about my height/weight/place and date of birth and so on, a middle-aged white cop with a beer belly and a flat top returned me–without handcuffs–to the cell. I waited, wondering if I would be spending the night locked up. I thought about the last words my husband said to me while I was still on the plane waiting on the tarmac, “They must have found out there was a Hebshi on the plane.” We joke about this at times, that because of my ethnicity I am being scrutinized but I had no intention of putting that out to the universe and making it happen.
…and the real humdinger is this one:
I thought about Malcom X and how bravely and fastidiously he studied and wrote while he was in prison, how his solitude enabled him to transform his anger into social change and personal betterment. That’s when I decided to write this post. I needed to explain what had happened–was happening–to me. I was not going to be silent. Still, I wondered what my rights were, and though I felt violated and scared I wasn’t sure that our new laws protected me from this treatment.
There is also this….:
I wondered what my rights were, and though I felt violated and scared I wasn’t sure that our new laws protected me from this treatment.
If this woman wants any sympathy from me, she needs to get off of the racist stereotypes of white people. If I would have penned this article, ripping on this woman, because she happens to be a Jewish/Arab half breed, I would be called every sort of names, you know, like Anti-Semitic and racist? I found that to be extremely offensive and I told her so, in some very colorful language as to that fact.
Further more, what about the people in the World Trade Center towers, who had to choose between burning alive or being crushed to death or jumping from the building and dying. You do not think those people did not feel violated and scared?
Again, I do not cheer this woman’s misfortune, but this is the era we live in; the post-911 era. Thanks to the action of a group of Arab Muslim terrorists, we now live into a era of hyper-security. If this woman wants to register a complaint; she should try registering it to Al-Qaeda, better yet, let her register a complaint to the Muslim community here in America and abroad and condemn them for not standing up and saying that they are not doing enough to stand up against radical Muslims.
I have to wonder, how much of that story was embellished or as we usually call it — made up?
Remember folks, As Debbie Schlussel says, 9/11 was a MUSLIM Job and we, the American people were the true victims, not Arabs or Muslims. But then again, this woman sounds like a moronic liberal idiot, who always thinks directly backward of a sane, rational, human being. As Dr. Michael Savage says — Liberalism is a mental disorder. Update: Don’t believe me? Just look right here. How stupid can people be?!? 🙄
Others: The Atlantic Online, Hit & Run Gothamist Business Insider, The Atlantic Online and — via Memeorandum
Update: It appears that my article has hit a nerve. I got one thing to say…:
You see, nobody thought of their rights. No one cared. Liberals, Muslims and Democrats thought we were the “Great Satan” and deserved it. This is why I bitched about this article.
More of that Religion of peace here for ya.
Video: (H/T Gateway Pundit)
Wow…..Just Wow. 😯
In a sane World, this man would be arrested for treason or at the very least arrested for inciting violence against American Soldiers.
These are Obama’s people. Remember this, come November of 2012.
But yet, MSNBC and Democrats want you to believe that we Conservatives are the racists and the terrorists.
Unreal. 🙄
I am looking at this posting over at
I cannot comment over there, because I do not have access.
I did not even watch that idiotic video, nor do I want to.
No, Ron Paul is not the “One” nor will he ever be!
Because of crap like this!
This comes via
There has been controversy over Ron Paul’s ties to racism for some time now. Many people have pointed to Ron Paul’s Newsletters as proof of his racism. Paul has previously admitted to writing the newsletters and defended the statements in 1996, then blamed them on an unnamed ghostwriter in 2001 and then denied any knowledge of them in 2008. He has given no explanation, for how the racism entered his newsletter. If we are to take Paul at his word, he is guilty of at least promoting racism on a large scale. Paul earned almost a million dollars a year from the racist, conspiracy theorist newsletters. Here are some excerpts that I’ve found.
In this story Ron Paul writes about “needlin” and blames packs of young black girls for spreading AIDS to white women. I could find no evidence of this “epidemic” and the article seems to have no point other than to make white people scared of Black people.
In this piece he criticizes Martin Luther King as a pro-communist philanderer and says the MLK holiday is “Hate Whitey Day.” This is in great contrast to 2008 when he told Wolf Blitzer that Martin Luther King was one of his heroes. When activists suggested naming a city after Martin Luther King Paul suggested other names such as “Welfaria,” “Zooville,” “Rapetown,” “Dirtburg,” and “Lazyopolis” He would continue:
In another piece he blamed Black people for the riots that happened in Chicago in 1992 after the Bulls won the NBA Championship
Paul here is using false information to attack African Americans. The Washington Post reported that 1000 people were arrested but did not indicate their race. The riot, like most sports riots was multi-racial, including Blacks, white and Latinos, yet Paul used the incident to demonize African Americans. The Washington Post also reported that two officers suffered minor gunshot wounds and that 95 were injured in total, but the way Paul phrased it, it would seem most of the 95 officers injured were shot.
In this article Paul uses the “carjacking” epidemic to put fear into white people. He advises them to carry guns and shoot “carjackers” illegally and then dispose of their weapons. He also refers Black people as “animals” and directly refers to his home town of Lake Jackson, Texas.
The newsletters also contained the quotes:
opinion polls consistently show only about 5% of blacks have sensible political opinions
if you have ever been robbed by a black teen-aged male, you know how unbelievably fleet-footed they can be,
This is only the first skirmish in the race war of the 1990s
Here are some of the newsletters I could find. They also contain a good deal of homophobic and Black Helicopter, New World Order conspiracy theories and warnings of upcoming in “race wars.”
I love it when the mask slips and left shows their true colors.
This comes from a rather nasty left wing blogger, whom I will not directly link to; sorry, I do not want his kind here:
For the record, he was referring to the story about lefty money man George Soros and how he might have made money on the downgrade of the US credit rating.
Either way, this is just sick, and I am shocked and appalled that Jane Hamsher would allow such tripe on that blog of hers. The sad part is, I praised this woman for having the guts to stand up against the liberal establishment and blog against Obamacare. I think now in hindsight that might have been a bit premature of me. Sorry Jane, you blew it here babe.
There was a time in this Country, who Jews were never spoken ill of by the Democrats and there was a mutual respect of the Jewish people and their cause by the Democrats and their party. This was especially the case after World War II. Sadly, those days are gone forever; the Democratic Party of today and the Marxists that occupy it, see minorities of all stripes to be a means to an end — that being a vote. This changed happened after the signing of the civil rights act of 1964.
I could go on and on about this; but I would just be repeating what I have already written here before. I just wanted everyone to see what is happening on the other side, seeing that the Democrats are losing the war of ideas, seeing that Barack Obama’s popularity and ability to Govern is diminishing.
First, let me say this; I do not advocate what happened in this video to come. Any sort of hate crime is awful and the guys who did this, ought to be sentenced to death.
The Video: (Via CNN)
Yes that above is horrible and the media rightly is bringing it to attention, But, when blacks attack whites or when Muslims shoot up a Military base; nothing it said by media outlets, nothing is said. I just do not understand it.
What I want to know is; how do they know this person was involved? That video was grainy. I did not see any definite proof that this man even did it! Not only that; how do we know this man did not provoke the attack? How can we trust the credibility of the witnesses; are they black too? Can we trust them? I’m sure there are answers for all that; but the report did not include those answers.
Again, I do not justify this madness; I simply am pointing out the double standard. I guess you could say that I have “a dog in the fight.”
Again, let me state this; both crimes, the one above in the video and the one I linked; which is to previous posting of mine — are equally wrong, evil, immoral and should be punished as such. I just do not understand why the liberal media does not treat them equally. They should, but they do not.
I really hate having to write stuff like this, but I fear if I do not, this could start to become commonplace on the right. As everyone who reads here knows — I have developed a zero tolerance policy against hate speech towards Israel and her people. Well, if I am going to be that militant about the Israeli people and their land, I should be as militant about those who support her.
It appears that Jim Hoft, the owner of the Conservative Blog called “Gateway Pundit” is taken to mocking Christians on his blog. This posting here is what I am referring. My point is simply this:
Jim Hoft would not mock or deride Jews like this, He would not mock Roman Catholics like this, nor would he mock or deride Peaceful Muslims like this — so, why a group of Black Baptists who had a small group of people get out of hand? Could it be because Jim Hoft has an inbred hatred of Christians — even Baptists — or is it that he might possibly has an inbred hatred of blacks? Those are important questions to ask, I feel and I would like to see his answer.
The reason why I am making a fuss about this is here; after the end of the Bush Administration and the end of the tenure of the Neo-Conservative majority and influence in the Republican Party there was this shift back to traditional Conservatism. Which when it comes to foreign policy matters is a great thing. However, it also seems that there is a rise in a sarcastic and in some instances a hostile attitude towards Christians in the Conservative and Libertarian Blogosphere.
There also has been a dramatic rise in hostility towards people of the Jewish Faith and linage on the right as well. There has been, since September 11, 2001 there has been a great deal of hostility towards peaceful Muslims as well. There is a line, between a genuine concern for our Country against Muslim extremists and a general hatred of Arabs and Muslims. That line has blurred greatly in the last few years. To be blunt about it: Norway was a wakeup call to everyone in the Anti-Jihad movement. Hatred and Bigotry will not stop those in the Islamic Extremists movement; it will simply give them more ammunition against us. The Anti-Jihad movement needs to figure who the haters are, round them up, and publicly cast them out of the movement and shun them.
Further, let me also say this; I will be the very to admit that I have some serious issues with the social Conservative movement. I know feel well about the stupidity within those ranks. Furthermore, I also have a great disdain for the fascist mentality of those, who want to install a Christian version of Sharia law in this Country, toss out our Constitution, and dictate our laws directly from the Bible. Those people, who are a small minority in the Conservative Christian circles, are as dangerous, as the radical Muslims and the radical progressives whom wish to destroy our Country. Because I am a libertarian-minded Conservative, I will fight against those people on this blog, until my dying breath. I believe in personal freedom and that means freedom from a Religion, if you so desire.
I find this idiotic mocking of those who happen to believe that Jesus Christ is the Son of the Living God in Heaven and that the Holy Bible, or in my case; the King James Bible — is the Word of the Living God and contains the path to Eternal Life — to be highly offensive and very much repugnant. Furthermore, I question the Conservative credentials of those who partake in this abject practice.
In closing let me say this; this blog was never intended to be a “Christian Blog”, nor was it ever intended to be a “Christian defense” blog. However, when one’s religion is being mocked, oppressed and attacked, one most decide, “Do I stand, or do I remain silent?” I choose to speak out.
Whosoever therefore shall confess me before men, him will I confess also before my Father which is in heaven. But whosoever shall deny me before men, him will I also deny before my Father which is in heaven. (Matthew 10:32-33 KJV)
Also I say unto you, Whosoever shall confess me before men, him shall the Son of man also confess before the angels of God: But he that denieth me before men shall be denied before the angels of God. And whosoever shall speak a word against the Son of man, it shall be forgiven him: but unto him that blasphemeth against the Holy Ghost it shall not be forgiven. (Luke 12:8-10 KJV)