Should Conservative Governors swear off Corporatism?

Alex Cortes makes a good case for it.

While most of the Republican presidential candidates have criticized President Obama about his waste of taxpayer money on the politically connected and now bankrupt energy company Solyndra, Rick Perry has remained silent. Why? Perhaps because he may soon have his very own Solyndra.

As governor, Perry created the Texas Emerging Technology Fund, which has doled out, at his discretion, nearly $200 million to 133 businesses. More than $16 million from the fund has gone to firms with officers or investors who were major Perry contributors.

One such firm is Convergen, which has developed a lung-cancer treatment that is under Phase II clinical trial. The company was successful in getting Texas taxpayers to put up $4.5 million through Perry’s fund, despite founder David Nance’s investing a measly $1,000. Did Nance’s $335,000 to Perry’s campaigns, association fundraisers, and TexasOne Foundation have anything to do with it?

It likely did, given that Convergen’s proposal failed the regional review process meant to extricate political influence — and was later approved by a state advisory panel that Nance formerly sat on. The amount awarded also happened to be highest amount ever from the fund. Perry and his team know that Convergen may soon look a lot like Solyndra, since only 33 percent of successful Phase II drugs make it to the market.

But this is not an assault on Governor Perry in particular: He is far from alone among his Republican gubernatorial colleagues in advancing corporatist policies.

For example, Virginia governor Bob McDonnell, who’s been mentioned as a potential vice presidential running mate for Perry, has also fallen to corporatism in a variety of ways. McDonnell succeeded in getting his state’s general assembly to increase funding for the Governor’s Opportunity Fund, a $54 million pot from which he can give grants to corporations that create jobs in the commonwealth. He has also created special tax incentives for the wine and film industries and provided the International Speedway Corporation a $1.5 million grant to keep one of its NASCAR races in the state.

via Conservatives and Corporatism – Alex Cortes – National Review Online.

I see his point; the Republicans and Conservatives are going ballyhoo Obama for his green energy debacle, they should be prepared to answer for some of their own misdeeds. Contrary to what some of the Bloggers on the right like to print, corruption and political favors are common on both sides. This needs to end, the era of backroom deals and favors, in this day of so-called transparency needs to end.

In other words; if we are going to point the accusing finger at the other side, we should clean the trash up in our own backyards.


Was the Tea Party just a bunch of Hot Air?

As you all know, I am operating under a new set of rules now; so, I have to be very careful about how I word things now. Basically, I believe this below to be about Mitt Romney and less about the Tea Party. The problem with Romney, outside of being a flip-flopper, has his own set of problems, that Christian Conservatives, Republicans, and Tea Party people should be very worried about, and that my friends is not bigotry, it is the truth.

Scott Galupo writes:

I think the rest of the answer lies in the Tea Party itself.

About a year ago, I wondered whether the Tea Party was something to respect and/or fear, as it seemed to be throughout 2009 and into the 2010 primary season, or if it was “just a bloc of conventional conservatives in anti-authoritarian drag.”

Twelve months later, the question answers itself.

The Tea Party is/was composed primarily of religious conservatives, seniors worried about Obamacare’s impact on Medicare, and anti-immigrant curmudgeons. The libertarian ethos the movement projected was an utter fiction, and one that the national press corps briefly lent credence to.

In her Iowa speech last month, former Gov. Sarah Palin offered a fleeting glimpse of what the Tea Party was supposed to represent—a transpartisan attack on the bosom buddies Big Government and Big Business. More recently, Conor Friedersdorf muses quixotically about what a potential Tea Party-Occupy Wall Street alliance would look like.

The problem is Tea Partyers, as conventional conservatives, were never intellectually prepared to deliver on this threat. There’d been talk about ending corporate welfare in Republican circles for years. The TARP bailouts added a powerful new ingredient to this critique.

But when it came down to it, what did Wall Street and corporate America ever have to fear from the Tea Party? Lower corporate taxes and regulatory rollback? Seriously?

If CEO types truly fear a freer free market, why do they constantly complain on the shout shows of being “handcuffed” by Washington? And for crying out loud, didn’t I watch the Tea Party movement go viral on the floor of the Chicago Board of Trade?

The Tea Party, ultimately, had nothing new to say.

Michele Bachmann, Rick Perry, and Herman Cain can take a measure of comfort in this fact when their candidacies eventually conclude.

via The Tea Party Was Just a Giant Temper Tantrum –Plugin Scott Galupo (

As for the Tea Party, I had wrote a while back that I was skeptical of the actual movement itself. The problem was that the Tea Party movement itself was co-opted by Republican operative organizations like freedomworks and the like. At that point, is when the grassroots stopped controlling the movement and the beltway crowd started controlling it.

As for his comments about Herman Cain; there are quit wrong, Herman Cain is the current frontrunner in the Primary race, and unless this guy is trying to be an underhanded racist, I believe his comment is way off. I mean it is bad enough, that we have liberal blacks attacking Herman Cain, now he has to be attacked from a so-called Conservative, from the right? I mean, the guy worked for freaking John Bonher, what does that tell you?

I will say this; if Herman Cain does eventually withdraw from the primary race; it will not be because he did not try. It will be because of the liberal controlled and owned media destroyed him and because of the Republican establishment, who still has not completely gotten over the days of Trent Lott and his ilk — simply refused to acknowledge him as a serious contender. I will also give a warning to the Republican establishment, if you reject Herman Cain and he does end up going back to Atlanta, you will never live it down. As the Liberal Media and the Democratic Party will never, ever let you live that down. It does not matter what the Liberal blacks did, that will never be brought up, but what will be brought up is how a white-controlled and financed political party, basically told a black CEO to “get real buckwheat.” and proceeded to try and discredit him. Trust me, it will happen, the left is just waiting for the outcome of the race.


RINO John McCain hearts the #OccupyWallStreet protesters

You are a #OccupyWallStreet protester and you are a confirmed leftist — all down with Mao and all that. Is this who you want being your spokesman?

The Occupy Wall Street movement is getting sympathy from an unlikely person: Sen. John McCain (R-Ariz.).

The 2008 GOP presidential nominee said he understands the growing protest movement’s concerns over Washington bailouts of major financial institutions.

“Down in Arizona today, Maricopa County has the highest number of homes underwater of any place in this country,” he told reporters Wednesday. “And it’s disgraceful that we took care of the financial institutions, and we did nothing about the housing crisis. So I understand their frustration.”

He later quipped that he may be the “only” Republican does.

via John McCain feels protesters’ pain – On Congress –

No John, we should have not taken care of either. We should have let the banks fail, that were failing and we should have not messed with the housing market either; as both would have corrected themselves. This proves that which I and many others like me have believed for years, that John McCain is nothing more than a two-bit big government conservative or as we call them, Republican in Name Only or RINO.

Others: Weasel Zippers, The Gateway Pundit and Michelle Malkin

Terror plot directly linked to Iran uncovered by the U.S. Government

This does not look good at all. 🙁

FBI and DEA agents have disrupted a plot to commit a “significant terrorist act in the United States” tied to Iran, federal officials told ABC News today.

The officials said the plot included the assassination of the Saudi Arabian ambassador to the United States, Adel Al-Jubeir, with a bomb and subsequent bomb attacks on the Saudi and Israeli embassies in Washington, D.C. Bombings of the Saudi and Israeli embassies in Buenos Aires, Argentina, were also discussed, according to the U.S. officials.

U.S. Attorney General Eric Holder said in an announcement today that the plan was “conceived, sponsored and was directed from Iran” by a faction of the government and called it a “flagrant” violation of U.S. and international law.

“The U.S. is committed to holding Iran accountable for its actions,” Holder said. He said the White House will be meeting with federal agencies before announcing “further action” in regards to Iran.

FBI Director Robert Mueller said the arrest of a suspect in the plot shows the U.S. will “bring the full weight of [the] law to bear on those responsible” and that “any attempts on American soil will not be tolerated.”

The stunning allegations come against a backdrop of longstanding tensions between Iran and the United States and Saudi Arabia. In the last year, Saudi Arabia has attempted to build an anti-Iran alliance to push back against perceived aggression by Iran in the region.

via U.S. Says Iran-Tied Terror Plot in Washington, D.C. Disrupted – ABC News.

This basically proves my point; that Bush did not do enough after 9/11. If Bush had acted like a real President and not like a wet rag after 9/11, we would not have this sort of troubles. Although, I will admit; I have sneaky feeling that this might spark some sort of Military action. Although, I do not believe it will be of the scale and scope of the War in Iraq.

Ed Morrissey, of whom I respect, says this:

If true, would that not be an act of war?  We’re presently using drones in Pakistan and Yemen against al-Qaeda terrorist networks for plotting similar attacks, thanks to the AUMF from October 2001, even though we’re nominally allied with both nations.  If the government of Iran plotted attacks on American targets, that should require a response from the US, should it not — or do we send a signal that even attacks from actual nation-states fall under the rubric of law enforcement?


If we’re charging an official of the Iranian government with complicity or worse in this plot, then it ceases to be a law enforcement issue and becomes a military and political issue instead.  This isn’t a case of espionage but of sabotage or worse, which would be an act of war by anyone’s definition.  If we’re not willing to respond in kind, we then send a signal to hostile nation-states around the world that attacks on the US are low-risk, high-reward affairs — and we’d better get ready for an avalanche of them.

There are some who would say, “Oh, he is just being a Neoconservative!” That might be so, but he is being a Neoconservative, who happens to be right. Ron Paul and ilk are just dead wrong. when it comes to Iran, Islam and the war on terror. They might have a point on Nation Building; but on this sort of thing, Ron Paul and his mindless followers are simply wrong.


Quote of the Day

Although the candidates other than Romney were reluctant to address the issue of religious bigotry, some prominent conservatives were frank and outspoken. Gary Bauer, perhaps the most influential Christian conservative, told me late Saturday that Jeffress had made a fundamental error. “For years I have urged Christians to be active engaged citizens. Our country desperately needs more citizens who understand that our liberty comes from God and that only a virtuous people can be free.” He continued: “Picking a candidate for public office is not the same thing however as selecting a pastor or rabbi. Politics is about picking someone who shares your views on public policy. Millions of Americans who do not worship the same way as I do none the less agree with me on the sanctity of life, the definition of marriage, America’s role in the world and fiscal responsibility.” As for Romney in particular, Bauer had these words of counsel for his fellow conservatives: “The attacks on Gov. Romney’s faith this weekend will only bring comfort to the Obama political machine and their radical secular allies who oppose virtually everything evangelicals and Mormons believe.”

Professor Robert George, a conservative legal and cultural scholar who previously moderated a candidate forum in South Carolina, had a similar reaction. He told me, “This late in the season of our experience, we should know that what matters is not a candidate’s religious affiliation, but rather the depth of his or her understanding of the “self-evident truths” at the foundation of our republic, and the strength of his or her commitment to honor those truths in governing. It doesn’t matter whether a candidate is a Protestant or a Catholic, a Mormon or Muslim or Jew.” Instead he said, “What we need to know is whether he or she possesses wisdom, vision, integrity, and courage. We need to ask whether he or she will protect the security of the nation and, from conviction, honor the principles of limited government, the rule of law, republican democracy, private property and the market economy, equality of opportunity, respect for civil liberties and personal responsibility, the sanctity of human life in all stages and conditions, and the integrity and autonomy of core nongovernmental institutions on which the health of civil society (and, to a large extent, the care of those in need) vitally depends, beginning with the marriage-based family and communities of religious faith.”

So we have here a contrast between moral leadership (by Bennett, Bauer, and George), on one hand, and timidity, on the other. Not only was Perry AWOL in denouncing Jeffress, but some of his prominent supporters (Govs. Bobby Jindal and Brian Sandoval) ignored requests for comment. (That might not sit well with Sandoval’s numerous Mormon constituents.) Another Perry backer Henry Barbour would only say to me via email, “I don’t think we need a religious litmus test for someone to serve as President.” And Cain’s campaign likewise ducked the issue entirely when I asked for reaction. To put it mildly, in this instance many conservative leaders showed courage while Republican pols demonstrated a shameful lack of moral leadership.


I really had no intention of writing about this silly story; but, because it is to the point that it is starting to sound ridiculous, I felt some commentary was warranted.

Firstly, my positions:

  1. I am not a Rick Perry fan boy
  2. I think this whole “NiggerHead” story is borderline tabloid news nonsense
  3. I do not honestly believe that Rick Perry is a racist — like the Democrats in Texas.

Look, I think this sort of “Guilt by association” thing is nuts — to a point.  What I mean is this — it is one thing to be a part of a Church, who’s Pastor says things, such as “God Damn America” and you, your wife and kids go there and interact with those people.  It is another entirely to try to tie someone to, of all things — a rock, that was painted over long before you even rented the property.

Furthermore, I think Conservatives who are attacking Herman Cain need to shut up.  Herman Cain is a black man and I do believe that entitles the man to make any comment about race or racism that he sees fit make, if he so feels fit to do so.  Besides all of that, Herman Cain said he was not playing the race card and I do tend to believe him.  Herman Cain is not Al Sharpton my friends, nor is he Louis Farrakhan; and I believe Conservatives should not be reacting to Herman Cain’s comments as if he is Louis Farrakhan or Al Sharpton either.

My biggest issue with Rick Perry is from Texas and that he possesses a bit of that Texas swagger.  The United States of America, nor the Republican Party, nor the Conservative movement need another Texas swagger leader again.  We had that for eight years in this Country and it did nothing for this Country, at all.  We found this out with Iraq, the bailouts, no child left behind and all of the rest of the former President’s blunders.  Granted, this current President makes the former look like a Rhodes Scholar.  However, I do not wear partisan blinders and I know full of the blunders of the last President.  My question to all of you is; do we want that….again?

Thus is the conflict of conservative politics — purity versus electability.  If conservative politics were drugs, Ron Paul is Persian white heroin.  The problem is this; Ron Paul addicts, as it were, just love him.  The rest of us, are scared to death of him and his foreign policy!  Therefore, to be clear here, I am, by no means, a Bill Kristol or a John Podhoretz type, when it comes to foreign policy — but a little common sense is needed when dealing with the Middle East.  I will not belabor the point; I think you all know what I mean here.  (I hope!)

Simply put, purity over electability will be the death knell of the Republican Party.  Just ask anyone who was around in 1964 in the Republican Party.



Michele Bachmann’s campaign sputters

It is a sad thing, but I knew it was coming:

Reporting from Des Moines—

Michele Bachmann’s appearance on a talk radio show here should have been a breeze. Ronald Reagan was a sportscaster at the station in his early days, and his memorabilia is sprinkled around the office. The host was a friendly conservative.

But Bachmann repeatedly was asked the central question for her campaign: Does she have to win Iowa’s caucuses to keep her presidential campaign alive? She danced around an answer, saying she planned to win, until finally relenting when asked a third time whether failure would doom her effort.

“No, no, no, no,” Bachmann said, her voice growing uncertain. “Not necessarily; we might go on.”

It was a rare moment of audible frustration for the Minnesota congresswoman, and the break in her perennially cheery demeanor demonstrated just how much her bid does rest on Iowa.

After she formally announced her candidacy at her birthplace of Waterloo, about 100 miles northeast of here, Bachmann surged, capping the summer with a win at the straw poll in Ames. Since then, her candidacy has sputtered.

via Michele Bachmann’s campaign is sputtering in Iowa –


To be quite honest with you, I never really thought that Bachmann would get anywhere. That because the woman just had no substance at all. Not to mention her record is a bit light. She was, essentially, Sarah Palin with time served. Which is quite cruel to say; but it is the truth.

Now for my Conservative Christian viewpoint:

As most of you know, I am a Fundamentalist Baptist, King James Bible and all that. Anyhow, the reason why are not more Conservative Christian women running for office? Because most of them are not feminists and are busy staying at home and raising their children. Instead of throwing their principles into the wind and doing what obviously should be a man’s job.

I know it sounds horrible; but hey, there was a time, when it was not considered to be Conservative for a woman to run for office. I happen to be of that “Old School” mindset, that happens to believe that it still should be that way. 😀


Ron Paul Condemns the killing of Al-Awlaki

There do seem to be two sides to this argument. Check out the exchange over at The National Review Online’s blog, the corner, between Andy McCarthy and Kevin Williamson Also, for good measure check out AllahPundit over Hotair’s feelings about it too. Just a short fun fact, AllahPundit was within 5 miles of the trade center when it was hit on 9/11.

Personally, I feel that the dude should have been killed; he was actively recruiting people for Jihad or in American terms, for war with the United States and would be considered a traitor to the United States. Due process? Feh. The people who died on 9/11 were not given any due process or even a choice whether to live or die. So, that whole bat shit crazy argument does not even fly with me.

Further more, this is why I despise Ron Paul with every damned fiber of my being; the man is a terrorist supporting jackal. Anyone who would side with those, or even have pity of those who would want to hurt this Country, ought be frog marched out into the public square and shot. I am sorry if that offends anyone; but it is just how I feel. Ron Paul and his merry band of leftists are a disgrace to this Country and everything it stands for. They call themselves Republicans and Conservatives — I call them bastards, evil, rotten to the damned core bastards, who should be locked in an insane asylum.

Update: Looks like Gary Johnson feels the same way, which is another reason why neither of these two idiots will ever be President:

Cross-posted at Alexandria

Why Do Conservative Christians do stupid stuff like this?

I swear, as if the secular world needs any more reasons to believe that we Christians are Bible-carrying whack jobs…..

The video is here over at the Blaze, if you really want to watch it. I have not watched it, because I find stuff like this to be cringe inducing.

The Story:

A bizarre Bible-thumping heckler called President Obama “the Antichrist” as the Secret Service dragged him out of a presidential fund-raiser Monday.

The bearded young man, identified by the Secret Service as David Serrano, was standing in the front row closest to the stage at the House of Blues in Los Angeles when he began shouting, “Christian God is the one and only true living God, the Creator of heaven and the universe!”

Obama smiled uncomfortably as the crowd drowned the heckler out with chants of “Four more years!”

The Secret Service marched the heckler to the exit, but not before he yelled out, “Jesus Christ is God! Barack Obama is the Antichrist!”

Facing a mostly friendly crowd, the self-possessed President coolly continued with his speech, saying, “All right, where was I? It is good to be back in L.A.”

Serrano was questioned and released without charges, the Secret Service said.

Tony Bell, spokesman for Los Angeles County Supervisor Michael Antonovich, says Serrano has been a fixture at county meetings for a couple years, giving long, rambling religious statements predicting earthquakes and the apocalypse.

“He yells out his statements, which are very mistaken, odd interpretations of scriptures,” Bell said. “He’s been pretty close to being thrown out of our meetings. When he calls Supervisor Antonovich ‘Mikey,’ it’s very vitriolic. He’s not a pleasant guy. He talks about Jews in his diatribes and seems very anti-Semitic. I don’t have the impression he’s dangerous, but he has issues that could use some help.

via Bible-thumping heckler identified as David Serrano calls President Obama ‘the Antichrist’.

Okay, any other time, I would take this at face value; but this guy could be quite genuine. The problem I have is this; is going to an appearance of the President of United States of America and screaming at him and calling the Anti-Christ really doing anything for our cause? I mean, really. 🙄

It seems that Christians could be doing some useful things with their time, like maybe trying to win the lost to Christ? Instead of going to public appearances of the President of the United States of America and making a mockery of Christianity. I am not mocking Christians at all; as I am one myself. However, I think that doing stuff like what this idiot is doing; does nothing for our cause.

I am no more a fan of this President, than anyone else on the Christian Right; but this does nothing for us, at all. 🙁


Video: Ron Paul now using the Military as a campaign prop.

I received a rather angry e-mail from a friend of mine, who served in the Military, who reads my blog daily. He showed this video.

It appears that Ron Paul is now using the Military as a campaign prop to get elected; you know, sort of like George W. Bush? Anyhow, here is the video:

The truth is Ron Paul is a avowed isolationist and would dismantle our Military, just like Jimmy Carter did.

There’s a ton more of stuff about Ron Paul on this Blog. Click this link here and here — and learn the truth about this dishonest piece of crap.

Memo to Ron Paul’s campaign and to the man himself — the Military is much smarter than that dude. Seriously. 🙄

Another bone of contention is this; this sends a ever so subtle message, that the Vietnam War was some sort of evil war and that it cost the lives of many people needlessly. Hmmm, now where have I heard this one before? Oh Yes! The left! I would be willing to bet a great deal of money, that there are many vets out there, that would take issue with this video; and the bullcrap lies that it coveys, especially those about Ron Paul.


All is not what it seems between Ace and Pamela Geller

I was going to just update the previous posting, but I figured this one deserved it’s own posting.

Last night after reading Aces posts, Robert’s posts and Pam’s postings. I consulted with a good friend of mine, who is a huge blogger; who will remain totally anonymous.  I sent a rather concerned sounding e-mail that echoed the feelings in my previous posting.  I also noticed that in one of Ace’s postings, he wrote that there was nothing personal intended in the posting about Geller and Spencer; he has since revised the postings to remove that statement.  Because there is more to the story, it appears.

This was my friends reply to my e-mail to him:

Off the record: Ace isn’t going the CJ route. Geller and Spencer have been alienating people on the Right as well as people on the Left. There is more here than you know involving Ace (and me to a lesser degree).

To which I replied:

Is it regarding the book that they wrote? or about what happened in Norway?

To which he replied:

Neither, just the way they interact with other bloggers, mainly.

Ace kind of gives it away here:

Let me quickly restate the facts of this nontroversy, and then explain why Pam Geller and Robert Spencer are pretty much now teenagers in Salem, Mass., throwing out allegations of Witchcraft and Devil-Consorting just because it’s fun and dramatic and gets them attention and power.

So, what you have here is, basically a blogger, who’s got an axe to grind with Pam Geller; because she’s getting more attention than say — Ace.   Good old fashioned Blogger jealousy! Hey, Wait! I thought that was Debbie Schlussel’s gig? I figured she had that little trade all sewed up for herself — I guess not.

As for Ace himself, he is a farking schmuck. Best thing he can do is post under false names have his idiotic sock-puppets and dredge up stuff about me, that happened way back in 2007; when I was still rooting for the other team.  A subject that I have defended myself on in the recent past.  I have also defended myself on the accusation of racism and Antisemitism too. Now, mind you, that was before I wrote this and this here.

So, there you have it. One blogger trying to destroy another.  Such childish silliness. 🙄 I could see this happening with the left; but with our side? Jebus. Yes! Let’s just give the Liberals the ammo they need people, to prove that we’re all crazy and trying to destroy one another. Some are worried, that the left wants to destroy Conservative political discourse? My answer: They don’t have to; we’re doing it to our own damned selves.   😡

Just add a little profanity to this gott damned posting; some of you jack asses and you know who the fuck you are — ought not to be even allowed near a fucking blog, much less a damned computer!!! 😡 🙄

In short: Good going jackasses. 🙄





Some Right-Wing Blogs are going soft on the fight against radical Islam

This is unreal.

This will put you up to speed:

I believe that it is about time that we that truly believe that the fight for America is a real one; need to take stock of who is truly in this battle and who was in it, just when it was fashionable.  Because to me, it truly seems that some of the bloggers, who were truly in this battle; like say back in 2003, were in it for purely political reasons and now that the spotlight of truth is being turned on one of the GOP’s own, some people are beginning to let their true colors show.

The sad thing is this; it seems to me that the battle that is going on is boiling down to the Jewish faction of the GOP versus the non-Jewish faction of the GOP.  It seems that the non-Jewish faction of the GOP seems to believe that radical Islam is no longer a threat to America, as it once was and the Jewish faction of the GOP does see radical Islam as a real threat to this great Republic of ours and the freedoms that we, as Americans, enjoy.

It also saddens me that Ace has seemed to take a stance against Religion in general.  Just look at the comments in the posts that I linked to on his blog.  Some of the comments over there are borderline Anti-Semite and furthermore, most of them are anti-Christian.  As a libertarian-minded Conservative, I believe in a man’s right to freedom of speech and I believe in a man’s right to a freedom from a Religion if he so chooses.  However, as a Christian; I find the using of a blog, like Ace’s, to mock, degrade and deride Religion, especially Judaism and the Christian Faith to be most offensive.  Yes, I know that Ace is not making the comments himself; but he is allowing the nasty stuff to be said.  Therefore, he must support it.

As for Pamela Geller; yes, I do support her fully.  I defended her against Charles Johnson’s fascist nonsense.  When he tried to tell her that she could not edit her own blog and I will now defend her against the Anti-Semitic fascists; who seem to have softened their stance on the threat of Islamofascism to America.

Therefore, to you Mr. Ace — I bid you adieu.  You sir, have joined the ranks of the fascists who now have turned their backs on the Jewish community, the Christian Community, and against freedom. There is no compromise sir. Either you are for or against we who stand for liberty — and it appears that you have taking the side of the Chuckles Johnson or the “Anything that looks even remotely anti-Muslim is evil” side.




No, Ron Paul is NOT the one!

I am looking at this posting over at

I cannot comment over there, because I do not have access.

I did not even watch that idiotic video, nor do I want to.

No, Ron Paul is not the “One” nor will he ever be!


Because of crap like this!

This comes via

There has been controversy over Ron Paul’s ties to racism for some time now. Many people have pointed to Ron Paul’s Newsletters as proof of his racism. Paul has previously admitted to  writing the newsletters and defended the statements in 1996, then blamed them on an unnamed ghostwriter in 2001 and then denied any knowledge of them in 2008. He has given no explanation, for how the racism entered his newsletter. If we are to take Paul at his word, he is guilty of at least promoting racism on a large scale. Paul earned almost a million dollars a year from the racist, conspiracy theorist newsletters. Here are some excerpts that I’ve found.

ron paul needlin

In this story Ron Paul writes about “needlin” and blames packs of young black girls for spreading AIDS to white women. I could find no evidence of this “epidemic” and the article seems to have no point other than to make white people scared of Black people.

Ron Paul MLK

In this piece he criticizes Martin Luther King as a pro-communist philanderer and says the MLK holiday is “Hate Whitey Day.” This is in great contrast to 2008 when he told Wolf Blitzer that Martin Luther King was one of his heroes. When activists suggested naming a city after Martin Luther King Paul suggested other names such as “Welfaria,” “Zooville,” “Rapetown,” “Dirtburg,” and “Lazyopolis” He would continue:

ron paul mlk 2

In another piece he blamed Black people for the riots that happened in Chicago in 1992 after the Bulls won the NBA Championship

basket ball riots

Paul here is using false information to attack African Americans. The Washington Post reported that 1000 people were arrested but did not indicate their race. The riot, like most sports riots was multi-racial, including Blacks, white and Latinos, yet Paul used the incident to demonize African Americans. The Washington Post also reported that two officers suffered minor gunshot wounds and that 95 were injured in total, but the way Paul phrased it, it would seem most of the 95 officers injured were shot.

ron paul blast em

In this article Paul uses the “carjacking” epidemic to put fear into white people. He advises them to carry guns and shoot “carjackers” illegally and then dispose of their weapons. He also refers Black people as “animals” and directly refers to his home town of Lake Jackson, Texas.

The newsletters also contained the quotes:

opinion polls consistently show only about 5% of blacks have sensible political opinions

if you have ever been robbed by a black teen-aged male, you know how unbelievably fleet-footed they can be,

This is only the first skirmish in the race war of the 1990s

Here are some of the newsletters I could find. They also contain a good deal of homophobic and Black Helicopter, New World Order conspiracy theories and warnings of upcoming in “race wars.”

Read More …

Memo to Ann Althouse: Cut the crap!

I once blasted another Conservative broad for using her sex status as a card for victim-hood and I guess I will have to do it again.

It appears that Ann Althouse stuck a camera in someone’s face and got the crap kicked out of her; and now she’s playing the victim card.

I’m with this guy, you stick a camera in someone’s face, and you get your tail kicked, don’t come crying to your blog and expect me to feel sorry for you, okay? Because I am not going to; in fact, I am going to laugh at your dumb ass! 😆

On a more serious note: Ann, you should be glad someone did not stick a Glock or something worse in your face. What you got to understand Ann is this; not every Democratic Party member or socialist, is anti-gun, some of them are very pro first amendment and one of these days, you are going to do something stupid — you know like this? and you are going to find yourself on the business end of someone’s firearm. I hate to be the one to say it, but it is true.

….and in this silly shrieking harpy’s case — the sooner the damned better, if you ask me.

The truth is, Ann Althouse is an elitist twit. She always has been and always will be in my eyes. She is, as far as I am concerned — a Charles Foster Johnson with female sex organs — Claims to be a Conservative and voted for Obama.  I do not like her; and do not, unless I have to, link to her at all.

One of my biggest gripes with Ann Outhouse is that she does not like to challenged, when she is, she goes into freakout mode and threatens to sue people.  Perfect example? Here.



No, I did not watch that stupid Republican debate

No, I did not watch the debate; mainly because I was in the bed at 9:00opm. I have been doing that as of late; in bed by 9 and will sleep soundly till about midnight or so, then get up, take a leak and back to bed till 4 in the morning. It is indeed an old man’s schedule and I am pushing 40 now, so I might as well play the part.   In fact, it is 4:29a.m. now as I file this blog posting. I will set this one to go live at 8:00a.m.

From what I can understand and have been able to read; the debate was quite lively. HotAir has good coverage, as does The Other McCain, with a blow by blow of the Debate itself.  Oh yeah,  Romney the Mormon Moron screamed at some liberal heckler — that must make him a real Republican now! 🙄

If it seems that I am being overly sarcastic and dismissive of the entire debate and straw poll, it is because that I am dismissive and sarcastic regarding the entire affair.  This is because these primary polls and debates are nothing more than partisan fashion shows, to see who is more “Republican-y.” I am an independent “right of center,” as a Blogger and as a person.  I find this entire partisan fashion show to be most sickening.

The truth is my friends that half of those people were lying and the other half were reciting talking points, given to them by some idiot, who never served a damned day in office ever.  In other words, those idiots were telling those people and in the people watching that debate, exactly what they wanted to hear.  I would say the same thing about a Democratic Party Debate too.  I mean, just look at Obama and all the promises he broke while campaigning.

Further, let me say this; Conservatives and Republicans alike made a mistake as they are about to make again, I think.  In 1980, a former Democratic Party politician came out of California, with Midwestern roots.  This man was able to woo all factions of the Republican Party and of the Conservative movement into one big tent.  He made overtures and nuanced promises to the Conservative Christian World, the libertarian section and defense hawks.  He ended up fulfilling the defense promises and did attempt to rein in spending as well.  However, this same man, who made huge overtures to the Conservative Christian World, proceeded to make it to the White House, said, “Thanks for your support, now go away,” and proceeded to fulfill his own personal political agenda.  That man was President Ronald Reagan.  We still have abortion, we still do not have Prayer in schools, and the morality in this Country is worse now, than it was when Ronald Reagan was President.

One would think that the Conservative movement, especially the Conservative Christians would have learned by now that the Republican Party is not a party to be trusted.  Especially seeing that we are better informed and better educated people, due to the rise of the internet and online information.  It is as the old saying goes, “Those who do not learn from their mistakes —- are doomed to repeat them.”

I just do truly hope and pray; that the Republican Party picks a true Conservative and no some imperialist.  God knows, we have had eight good years of big spending and imperialism in this Country, which is why we are, where we are at now in this Country.  I hope that the Republican Party has learned its lesson, that wars cost money; and when a nation is barrowing more than its own GDP, something is terribly wrong.  Please, Lord; do not allow this Republican Party to make that same tragic and fatal mistake again.  Please, No more Republicans who are drunk on spending and wars.  We simply cannot afford that again — not this time — not ever again.


Nasty Antisemitism on the right

I figure if I am going to point out the bigotry on the left; I may as well point out the bigotry on the right as well.

Spotted over at the The American Conservative’s blog @TAC: (no direct link for these bozo’s either)

Americans who really like Israel and everything that pertains to it are certainly free to express their views, but there is something unseemly and even grotesque about the continuous promotion of foreign and ethnic group interests ahead of those of the United States and other American citizens. AIPAC is a lobby dedicated to maintaining uncritical US government support for a foreign country and it can be argued that Washington entered into at least one foreign war because of it.  The congressmen who accept the junkets should be asking themselves whose interests they are really serving.  At a time when both Democrats and Republicans are openly discussing cutting medical benefits for ordinary Americans, it is also difficult to understand what twisted thinking supports allocating additional taxpayer provided special medical benefits to some medicare recipients based on events that took place thousands of miles away from the US more than sixty-six years ago.

The only people that would write something like that would be Neo-Nazi antisemitic twits; and that is what the American Conservative is, an Antisemitic Paleo-Conservative Magazine.

Plus, check out this little article here, which slams “Neo-Cons.”

For those who do not know this, during the Bush era; the word “Neo-Con” is a word that got bandied around by the Anti-War crowd, many well-meaning Conservatives who supported Bush and Bush himself was branded a “Neo-Con.” If I have ever used it here on this Blog; it was meant to convey the term “Wilsonian” which refers to those who support Wilsonian Foreign Policy. What happened was, is that the Anti-War Left and the Anti-War right used it as well. The Anti-War Left used it to describe Bush and Co and anyone that supported them. The Anti-War Right; meaning the libertarians and Paleo-Conservatives —– meant it as a code word for Jews and those who supported Israel. Now to be fair, there are some on the Anti-War right, who I know for a fact simply mean it as a moniker for those who support Wilsonian Foreign Policy.  However, there are those who do use it as a Antisemitic code word..

They like to refer to themselves as “Radical Traditionalists.” I like to refer to what they believe in as  “Educated or very highbrow Racism and Antisemitism.” A perfect example of them, can be found here.  Only difference between this group and your average robe and hood wearing Klansman — is the IQ of the people involved.

Fortunately,  These groups are on the fringe of the Conservative movement, they not and should be considered to be what I believe to be mainstream Conservatism. However, it does alarm me that some of the editors from the American Conservative, have been seen recently appearing on Fox News Channel programs as of late. I believe that Jews and Conservatives should be complaining to Fox News about this and get those vile antisemitic and racist bastards off of Fox News.

There are some things that you can do:

You can call Fox News At 1-888-369-4762. Tell them that you object to Fox News using people from The American Conservative on their shows.

You can contact and e-mail News Corp:

Brian Lewis, Executive Vice President
Corporate Communications
Phone: 212-301-3331
Fax: 212-819-0816

Irena Briganti, Senior Vice President
Media Relations
Phone: 212-301-3608
Fax: 212-819-0816

E-mail addresses for programs:

General Mailbox:,

Shows                                                         Email

America Live w/ Megyn Kelly

America’s Newsroom w/ Bill and Martha

Bulls and Bears

Cashin’ In

Cavuto on Business

Forbes on FOX

FOX & Friends

FOX News Specials

FOX News Sunday

FOX News Watch

FOX Report w/ Shepard Smith

FOX Report Weekend

Geraldo at Large


Happening Now w/ Jon Scott & Jenna Lee


The Journal Editorial Report

On the Record w/ Greta Van Susteren

Red Eye w/ Greg Gutfeld

Special Report w/ Bret Baier

Studio B w/ Shepard Smith

The O’Reilly Factor

War Stories w/ Oliver North

Your World w/ Neil Cavuto

If you call or e-mail; please, be polite and tell them that you are a Fox viewer and that you object to the soft endorsement of antisemitism, by allowing these people on your show. Mention this blog posting and let your voice be heard. I am only a small part of this Conservative Blogosphere, but I do have readers. Also, please, pass this posting around to your friends, and mention it on forums. We can put pressure on Fox News to stop this nonsense.


Memo to Jim Hoft: Find someone else to pick on!

I really hate having to write stuff like this, but I fear if I do not, this could start to become commonplace on the right.  As everyone who reads here knows — I have developed a zero tolerance policy against hate speech towards Israel and her people.  Well, if I am going to be that militant about the Israeli people and their land, I should be as militant about those who support her.

It appears that Jim Hoft, the owner of the Conservative Blog called “Gateway Pundit” is taken to mocking Christians on his blog.  This posting here is what I am referring.  My point is simply this:

Jim Hoft would not mock or deride Jews like this, He would not mock Roman Catholics like this, nor would he mock or deride Peaceful Muslims like this — so, why a group of Black Baptists who had a small group of people get out of hand?  Could it be because Jim Hoft has an inbred hatred of Christians — even Baptists —  or is it that he might possibly has an inbred hatred of blacks?  Those are important questions to ask, I feel and I would like to see his answer.

The reason why I am making a fuss about this is here; after the end of the Bush Administration and the end of the tenure of the Neo-Conservative majority and influence in the Republican Party there was this shift back to traditional Conservatism.  Which when it comes to foreign policy matters is a great thing.  However, it also seems that there is a rise in a sarcastic and in some instances a hostile attitude towards Christians in the Conservative and Libertarian Blogosphere.

There also has been a dramatic rise in hostility towards people of the Jewish Faith and linage on the right as well.  There has been, since September 11, 2001 there has been a great deal of hostility towards peaceful Muslims as well.  There is a line, between a genuine concern for our Country against Muslim extremists and a general hatred of Arabs and Muslims.  That line has blurred greatly in the last few years.  To be blunt about it: Norway was a wakeup call to everyone in the Anti-Jihad movement.  Hatred and Bigotry will not stop those in the Islamic Extremists movement; it will simply give them more ammunition against us. The Anti-Jihad movement needs to figure who the haters are, round them up, and publicly cast them out of the movement and shun them.

Further, let me also say this; I will be the very to admit that I have some serious issues with the social Conservative movement.  I know feel well about the stupidity within those ranks.  Furthermore, I also have a great disdain for the fascist mentality of those, who want to install a Christian version of Sharia law in this Country, toss out our Constitution, and dictate our laws directly from the Bible.  Those people, who are a small minority in the Conservative Christian circles, are as dangerous, as the radical Muslims and the radical progressives whom wish to destroy our Country.  Because I am a libertarian-minded Conservative, I will fight against those people on this blog, until my dying breath.  I believe in personal freedom and that means freedom from a Religion, if you so desire.

I find this idiotic mocking of those who happen to believe that Jesus Christ is the Son of the Living God in Heaven and that the Holy Bible, or in my case; the King James Bible — is the Word of the Living God and contains the path to Eternal Life — to be highly offensive and very much repugnant.  Furthermore, I question the Conservative credentials of those who partake in this abject practice.

In closing let me say this; this blog was never intended to be a “Christian Blog”, nor was it ever intended to be a “Christian defense” blog.  However, when one’s religion is being mocked, oppressed and attacked, one most decide, “Do I stand, or do I remain silent?”  I choose to speak out.

Whosoever therefore shall confess me before men, him will I confess also before my Father which is in heaven.  But whosoever shall deny me before men, him will I also deny before my Father which is in heaven.  (Matthew 10:32-33 KJV)

Also I say unto you, Whosoever shall confess me before men, him shall the Son of man also confess before the angels of God: But he that denieth me before men shall be denied before the angels of God. And whosoever shall speak a word against the Son of man, it shall be forgiven him: but unto him that blasphemeth against the Holy Ghost it shall not be forgiven.  (Luke 12:8-10 KJV)

Great: The United States is now borrowing more than the GDP

This is unreal… 🙄

US debt shot up $238 billion to reach 100 percent of gross domestic project after the government’s debt ceiling was lifted, Treasury figures showed Wednesday.

Treasury borrowing jumped Tuesday, the data showed, immediately after President Barack Obama signed into law an increase in the debt ceiling as the country’s spending commitments reached a breaking point and it threatened to default on its debt.

The new borrowing took total public debt to $14.58 trillion, over end-2010 GDP of $14.53 trillion, and putting it in a league with highly indebted countries like Italy and Belgium.

Public debt subject to the official debt limit — a slightly tighter definition — was $14.53 trillion as of the end of Tuesday, rising from the previous official cap of $14.29 trillion a day earlier.

Treasury had used extraordinary measures to hold under the $14.29 trillion cap since reaching it on May 16, while politicians battled over it and over addressing the country’s bloating deficit.

The official limit was hiked $400 billion on Tuesday and will be increased in stages over the next 18 months.

via US borrowing tops 100% of GDP: Treasury – Yahoo! News.

Chew on that one for a few seconds or longer. The USA is borrowing more money from China, that the United States makes as a whole. For the reading up on the GDP, click here. I also recommend that you read up on the Gross National Product and Gross Domestic Income. All of that above, factors into our economy; and believe me when I tell you — we are circling the drain my friends.

There is a bunch more on this subject; and for what it is worth, I do not claim to be an expert on this stuff at all — So, I recommend you read following related articles:

U.S. debt shoots up $239 billion -- in one day!
Gov't will borrow $72B next week...
Obama, Bernanke out of ammo to boost jobs, growth...
Scary Market Chart Pattern Suggests More Selling on Way...
Economy struggles to find footing...
Gold at $2,000 by year-end...

Speaking of Gold, this would be a good time to get into investing in Gold, It would also be good to stock up on  Guns and Ammo!

What I will tell you is; because I am an honest blogger and not some partisan shill for a particular party – is this here.  Many on the right wing Blogosphere will be quick to put this entire situation on President Obama.  I cannot and will not do that; the truth is folks, we did have and still do have two wars that we are fighting; and those cost money too.  We also did have the bailout of the banks and tarp bailouts, the trap loans to the big three, being a fraction of the total cost.

Truth is my friends; we are here because of foolishness of our elected leaders — Republican and Democratic Party.  Both sides have steered this Nation over a cliff.  President Obama tried and ultimately failed to bring an economic revival to the Country.  Now we have to pay the proverbial piper.  It is going to be a painful process; the tap is turned off and we are now going to have embrace austerity.

It is a horrible thing to endure, but it is something that we are going to have to endure — if we are going to continue as a Country, as we know it now.

Update: This is now a Memeorandum Thread: Others covering: Washington Times, Scared Monkeys, Conservatives4Palin, Pajamas Media, Weasel Zippers, Fausta’s Blog, Power Line and The Lonely Conservative

Open Message to the Republican Party/Tea Party/Conservatives: This is not a good way to keep me in your ranks!

This is one of those blog postings that I really do not like have to write.  However, because I am a non-partisan blogger and someone who just comes down on the side of common sense — I feel that this needs to be said.

Folks, I am going to set it straight to you.  There are parts of the Republican Party that I simply disagree with, because what some of these people think is just damned wrong.

Last night, I had an altercation with some idiot on twitter.  Who is obviously someone who is not in the majority of the GOP.  I happen to see this come by my twitter stream last night:

To which I replied:

To which he replied:

Now my friends, this, I am afraid is not an excusable offense.  Now, I do realize that not everyone in the GOP/Tea Party/Conservatism feels this way.  However, this is not the first time I have seen this said among Conservatives.  Let me be clear about this; if this continues to be a prevailing thought within the Tea Party/Conservative movement/Republican Party — you will see me switch sides and vote for whomever is the primary challenger for Barack Obama.  I am terribly sorry folks; but this one hits very hard and much at home with me.  I did not come from a family of privilege; I came from middle class family.  My father is a retired General Motors worker; he made like 60,000 a year and gave 31 years of his life to that company, who did treat him very well.  My parents played by the rules, were very responsible with their money, and paid into the social security fund for all their working lives.  If anyone deserves to get social security — it is my Mother and Father.

Then, there is my aunt Martha; bless her heart — born into this world with something she had no control over — mental retardation.  She collects social security – gets it from her late father, who worked himself into an early grave, at General Motors, so that she would be taken care of.  She cannot even care for herself and my family cannot afford to pay her doctor bills and support her entirely themselves.  I ask you, as fellow Americans — is it fair to make people like my parents and my aunt to suffer?  Is that the ultimate goal of the Republican Party/Tea Party/Conservative movement — to shove people like my parents and my aunt into the street and say, “Fend for yourself?”  Really?  Is it?

Because if it is, please let me know now — because, frankly; if it is, I really do not want to be associated with those who are that damned cruel of people.

Believe me when I tell you; I understand that entitlements need to be reformed.  I understand that spending is a problem.  However, to punish those who worked all their lives for a little bit of support in their golden years and those born with conditions that were beyond their control, I am sorry to say is just downright asinine.  Frankly, if that is the ultimate goal of the parties listed, I do not want to be part of that anymore.  I am not a Barack Obama fan, never was; but I cannot be a part of a bunch of people who are just downright heartless.  I know I will never, most likely anyhow — get any social security — however, I just do not like the idea of punishing those who are entitled to it now.  That, my friends, is just more than I can bear to handle.

Again, I realize that this was one person’s opinion.  However, I fear the worst and that is just something that I cannot agree with — sorry if anyone is disappointed – but my family comes first and politics second.  When the people that I happen agree with want to hurt my family; something is terribly wrong, I will defend them, and people like them, to my dying breath.  Frugalness is one thing, cruelty is another and I will never side with that, ever.

John Hawkings needs to shut the hell up

Hawkings is whining about Blog traffic again. (No direct link for him, he is an asshole….I don’t like the way he treated David Frum and Debbie Schlussel)

This guy, who by the way, is friends with people who like to stalk and harass Jews — now seems to think that he is the newly minted big guru of the Right-Wing Blogosphere.  Truthfully, the other thing big about him, is his belly and the space between his fucking ears.

Further more, as for what he wrote; it’s pretty damned hard to get blog traffic, when you have mentally deranged stalkers who call you an Anti-Semite and a racist; when none of it is honestly true.  They they start intimidating other bloggers to remove you from their blog rolls like the little fucking soft-fascists that they fucking are! All because you dared to criticize one of the princesses of, what I like to call, the “veal pen right” — or you might have happened to mention that a particular ethnic group was behind a certain big stink that was being raised in the media. Yeah, that will get you labeled a hater!   Further more, it is hard to even run a blog; when you make a mistake, that you are most regretful of, and the mentally insane people will not accept an apology, or even accept the fact THEY might have caused the mistake! 😡

Another thing I have noticed about the “Veal Pen” right, is that they honestly hate the truth. Oh, they like the truth, as

Jenny Craig needed STAT!

long as it fits their little fucking partisan agenda or something like that; but when people, like me — who are the real free thinkers –— who like to point the hypocrisy of some of the “Veal Pen” right, or the Neo-Conservative right, as they were called during the Bush era.  They jump to the defensive, and like to employ the tactics of the Marxist Saul Alinsky left.

Either way, the way I see it; if you are blogging to get rich. Get the hell out of it, because you will never do it. Especially in politics. The field is just too saturated. Only people that get rich are the well-connected bloggers or the one’s who are famous already and decide to start blogging.You think I sit here and do this stupid stuff because I am trying to get rich? Please. I do this, mainly because I really do not have much else to do; and because I happen to love my Country. I also happen to believe that Barack Obama, and the Marxist left (Kinda like the Marxist — I mean  —Veal Pan Right….) are wrong about every damned thing that they have been doing since day one of this Administration.

Now, have I made money at it? Very little. Nobody clicks ads like they used to. I am not supposed to even mention or ask anyone to click my Adsense stuff; which is at the top and in my left sidebar. I used to run BlogAds here; but their blogger relations guy decided to be an asshole and I removed their ads from my blog. No matter, they did not make me any kind of money to be proud of anyhow. I do keep a PayPal donation tab up there; recently some dude, who happened to like something I wrote tossed like $5.00 in the jar. I was shocked, it was the first donation I had gotten this year. I got a few last year, and in 2008 during the election. But recently, outside of the recent donation — the TipJar has been bare. I did get two people, that bought some gold from the gold company that I am an affiliate through. I made $157.59 on those purchases. Now, if I got like 10 of those a day?!?! I never have to worry about anything at all, ever. But, nobody is buying or donating anything right now, as it is a tight economy. It is not just me; it is everyone.

As for Hawking’s idea of getting big or getting hooked up with other people. I got two words: Screw Him. I will never, ever sell out to a Corporate Entity, ever.  I will explain why; Here at political byline, Rupert Murdoch does not control me, Salem Media does not control mesee where I am going with this?  Corporate funding or associations mean control of the message. It happens with the left — and the right. Truly independent media and blogging; whether of a liberal or Conservative slant is getting more and more rare by the day. I am not for, nor have I ever been for a consolation or a collectivist effort in blogging, which sounds so….progressive.  Maybe Hawkings is showing his true colors — Fancy that.

So, there, my response to that idiot lard ass’s posting and by the way Hawkings; try some fucking Jenny Craig!

Others: American Power, Pajamas Media, Ben Smith’s Blog, Betsy’s Page, Riehl World View, Althouse and Le·gal In·sur·rec· tion

In which I agree with Laurence Vance

Yeah, I know; I have had disagreements with him in the past. But here, Vance is right on the money. (To coin a phrase…)

John Boehner says its time “to get serious about our fiscal situation, both the deficit and our long-term debt.” He says he is willing to increase the debt limit as long as the deal includes “real spending cuts” and “reforms to restrain future spending.” But only future Congresses can restrain future spending. Boehner knows this. He knows that the current Congress he rules over can change anything that a previous Congress has done. Promises of future spending restraints and cuts are a ruse.

And something else that probably millions have wondered: Why didn’t the Republicans get serious about our fiscal situation when they controlled the White House and the Congress for a majority of the Bush years and could do whatever they wanted? Answer that Boehner, before you talk about restraining future spending.

via Only Future Congresses Can Restrain Future Spending « Blog.

I give credit where it is due and I criticize where I believe it is due too. Here, Vance is correct, very much so.

Just another footnote; these were also the idiots who were warned by the Bush White House, that the Housing Market was about take a major nosedive. What did they do? Nothing. Because they were making millions on it. For that, I believe, the Republicans will have to wear that little incident around their necks for a very long time.

Why is Rick Perry associating himself with dangerous religious extremists?

I hate having to write blog entries like this; mainly, because I happen to like Rick Perry. However, because I am a blogger of the truth — and because I do not want to see Rick Perry wounded in the election. I am bringing this point up.

Rick Perry has a religious wacko problem and I mean a big one!

The story comes via the Texas Observer: (H/T to Charles Johnson of Little Green Footballs for pointing this out)

On September 28, 2009, at 1:40 p.m., God’s messengers visited Rick Perry.

On this day, the Lord’s messengers arrived in the form of two Texas pastors, Tom Schlueter of Arlington and Bob Long of San Marcos, who called on Perry in the governor’s office inside the state Capitol. Schlueter and Long both oversee small congregations, but they are more than just pastors. They consider themselves modern-day apostles and prophets, blessed with the same gifts as Old Testament prophets or New Testament apostles.

The pastors told Perry of God’s grand plan for Texas. A chain of powerful prophecies had proclaimed that Texas was “The Prophet State,” anointed by God to lead the United States into revival and Godly government. And the governor would have a special role.

The day before the meeting, Schlueter had received a prophetic message from Chuck Pierce, an influential prophet from Denton, Texas. God had apparently commanded Schlueter—through Pierce—to “pray by lifting the hand of the one I show you that is in the place of civil rule.”

Gov. Perry, it seemed.

Schlueter had prayed before his congregation: “Lord Jesus I bring to you today Gov. Perry. … I am just bringing you his hand and I pray Lord that he will grasp ahold of it. For if he does you will use him mightily.”

And grasp ahold the governor did. At the end of their meeting, Perry asked the two pastors to pray over him. As the pastors would later recount, the Lord spoke prophetically as Schlueter laid his hands on Perry, their heads bowed before a painting of the Battle of the Alamo. Schlueter “declared over [Perry] that there was a leadership role beyond Texas and that Texas had a role beyond what people understand,” Long later told his congregation.

Nothing wrong with that right? A couple of Ministers praying over someone right?

Well, it’s not the praying that is the problem; it’s the people doing the praying that is the problem.

This is the part of the story published that caught my eyes:

Some of the fiercest critics of the New Apostolic Reformation come from within the Pentecostal and charismatic world. The Assemblies of God Church, the largest organized Pentecostal denomination, specifically repudiated self-proclaimed prophets and apostles in 2000, calling their creed a “deviant teaching” that could rapidly “become dictatorial, presumptuous, and carnal.”

Assemblies authorities also rejected the notion that the church is supposed to assume dominion over earthly institutions, labeling it “unscriptural triumphalism.”

The New Apostles talk about taking dominion over American society in pastoral terms. They refer to the “Seven Mountains” of society: family, religion, arts and entertainment, media, government, education, and business. These are the nerve centers of society that God (or his people) must control.

Asked about the meaning of the Seven Mountains, Schlueter says, “God’s kingdom just can’t be expressed on Sunday morning for two hours. God’s kingdom has to be expressed in media and government and education. It’s not like our goal is to have a Bible on every child’s desk. That’s not the goal. The goal is to hopefully have everyone acknowledge that God’s in charge of us regardless.”

But climbing those mountains sounds a little more specific on Sunday mornings. Schlueter has bragged to his congregation of meetings with Lt. Gov. David Dewhurst, state Sen. Brian Birdwell, and the Arlington City Council. He recently told a church in Victoria that state Rep. Phil King, a conservative Republican from Weatherford, had allowed him to use King’s office at the Capitol to make calls and organize.

“We’re going to influence it,” Schlueter told his congregation. “We’re going to infiltrate it, not run from it. I know why God’s doing what he’s doing … He’s just simply saying, ‘Tom I’ve given you authority in a governmental authority, and I need you to infiltrate the governmental mountain. Just do it, it’s no big deal.’ I was talking with [a member of the congregation] the other day. She’s going to start infiltrating. A very simple process. She’s going to join the Republican Party, start going to all their meetings. Some [members] are already doing that.”

Okay, time to bust out with my Christian credentials here. As most of you know, who read this blog. I am a Born-Again Christian. but, I do not wear it on my sleeve really anymore. I have been “saved,” as the Christian World calls it, for 29 years. 21 of those years was spent in the Pentecost movement or type of Churches. I spent nine and a half years of that time in a Assembly of God Church in Southwest Detroit. So, believe me when I tell you; when it comes to this subject, I know full well, of what I speak.

When the Assembles of God denounces a group like this one here; believe me, it is for a very good reason. These people are kooks and I mean really, really, really bad kooks. The Assemblies of God in the spectrum of the Pentecostal movement are some of the most Conservative —- theologically speaking — Churches and people in the Pentecostal movement. These kooks that Rick Perry are hanging with, in that same spectrum, are the more progressive or radical kind.  These people make people like Benny Hinn, Rod Parsley and the many others look like boy scouts! 😯

What I am basically trying to say is this; and I hope like the dickens that someone sees this and advises Rick Perry on it — Rick Perry, if he wants to be elected President of the United States of America, needs to put as much daylight between these people and himself as he possibly can. These people are the Christian equivalent of say, the Muslim brotherhood; except maybe they do not try to kill people. What they do want to do is this; they want to rip out the United States Constitution and have a Government that dictates its laws from the Bible. The problem with that is this; the United States of America was not founded as a Christian dictatorship, it was founded as a Constitutional Republic.

This group of people who Rick Perry is hanging with are a part of the radical, extreme Christian Right. If Rick Perry thinks that the left and the liberal media will not savage him for this sort of association; he, with all due respect to the man and the office that he now holds — is crazy.

During the 2008 election, the right — including myself —- utterly brutalized then candidate Barack Obama for his radical and Anti-American Religious affiliations. I feel, that what is fair, is fair. Because I am not entrenched in partisanship, I believe that Rick Perry should either give an account of why he is associated with these people or disassociate himself from them.  As much as I know that the White House is now occupied by radical leftists — both former and current cabinet and staff members. I just do not believe that putting in a radical Christian Right President and cabinet is the answer to that problem.

We need a strong fiscal Conservative in the White House to bring this Nation back to its rightful place. We do not need some radical Religious nut-job in the White House. Lord knows, we had eight good years of that, and look what it got us. I say that as someone who suffered through those eight years. Also too, Do not think that I say this as a Fundamentalist Baptist with a “hard on” against Pentecostals. This is someone who has been around in the Christian world for a LONG TIME and I have seen what those people believe, and even as Pentecostals; they as nutty as they come.

In closing: Rick Perry needs to do the proper and right thing; or he should forget about running for President.

Cross-Posted at Alexandria