Great: The United States is now borrowing more than the GDP

This is unreal… 🙄

US debt shot up $238 billion to reach 100 percent of gross domestic project after the government’s debt ceiling was lifted, Treasury figures showed Wednesday.

Treasury borrowing jumped Tuesday, the data showed, immediately after President Barack Obama signed into law an increase in the debt ceiling as the country’s spending commitments reached a breaking point and it threatened to default on its debt.

The new borrowing took total public debt to $14.58 trillion, over end-2010 GDP of $14.53 trillion, and putting it in a league with highly indebted countries like Italy and Belgium.

Public debt subject to the official debt limit — a slightly tighter definition — was $14.53 trillion as of the end of Tuesday, rising from the previous official cap of $14.29 trillion a day earlier.

Treasury had used extraordinary measures to hold under the $14.29 trillion cap since reaching it on May 16, while politicians battled over it and over addressing the country’s bloating deficit.

The official limit was hiked $400 billion on Tuesday and will be increased in stages over the next 18 months.

via US borrowing tops 100% of GDP: Treasury – Yahoo! News.

Chew on that one for a few seconds or longer. The USA is borrowing more money from China, that the United States makes as a whole. For the reading up on the GDP, click here. I also recommend that you read up on the Gross National Product and Gross Domestic Income. All of that above, factors into our economy; and believe me when I tell you — we are circling the drain my friends.

There is a bunch more on this subject; and for what it is worth, I do not claim to be an expert on this stuff at all — So, I recommend you read following related articles:

U.S. debt shoots up $239 billion -- in one day!
Gov't will borrow $72B next week...
Obama, Bernanke out of ammo to boost jobs, growth...
Scary Market Chart Pattern Suggests More Selling on Way...
Economy struggles to find footing...
Gold at $2,000 by year-end...

Speaking of Gold, this would be a good time to get into investing in Gold, It would also be good to stock up on  Guns and Ammo!

What I will tell you is; because I am an honest blogger and not some partisan shill for a particular party – is this here.  Many on the right wing Blogosphere will be quick to put this entire situation on President Obama.  I cannot and will not do that; the truth is folks, we did have and still do have two wars that we are fighting; and those cost money too.  We also did have the bailout of the banks and tarp bailouts, the trap loans to the big three, being a fraction of the total cost.

Truth is my friends; we are here because of foolishness of our elected leaders — Republican and Democratic Party.  Both sides have steered this Nation over a cliff.  President Obama tried and ultimately failed to bring an economic revival to the Country.  Now we have to pay the proverbial piper.  It is going to be a painful process; the tap is turned off and we are now going to have embrace austerity.

It is a horrible thing to endure, but it is something that we are going to have to endure — if we are going to continue as a Country, as we know it now.

Update: This is now a Memeorandum Thread: Others covering: Washington Times, Scared Monkeys, Conservatives4Palin, Pajamas Media, Weasel Zippers, Fausta’s Blog, Power Line and The Lonely Conservative

Open Message to the Republican Party/Tea Party/Conservatives: This is not a good way to keep me in your ranks!

This is one of those blog postings that I really do not like have to write.  However, because I am a non-partisan blogger and someone who just comes down on the side of common sense — I feel that this needs to be said.

Folks, I am going to set it straight to you.  There are parts of the Republican Party that I simply disagree with, because what some of these people think is just damned wrong.

Last night, I had an altercation with some idiot on twitter.  Who is obviously someone who is not in the majority of the GOP.  I happen to see this come by my twitter stream last night:

To which I replied:

To which he replied:

Now my friends, this, I am afraid is not an excusable offense.  Now, I do realize that not everyone in the GOP/Tea Party/Conservatism feels this way.  However, this is not the first time I have seen this said among Conservatives.  Let me be clear about this; if this continues to be a prevailing thought within the Tea Party/Conservative movement/Republican Party — you will see me switch sides and vote for whomever is the primary challenger for Barack Obama.  I am terribly sorry folks; but this one hits very hard and much at home with me.  I did not come from a family of privilege; I came from middle class family.  My father is a retired General Motors worker; he made like 60,000 a year and gave 31 years of his life to that company, who did treat him very well.  My parents played by the rules, were very responsible with their money, and paid into the social security fund for all their working lives.  If anyone deserves to get social security — it is my Mother and Father.

Then, there is my aunt Martha; bless her heart — born into this world with something she had no control over — mental retardation.  She collects social security – gets it from her late father, who worked himself into an early grave, at General Motors, so that she would be taken care of.  She cannot even care for herself and my family cannot afford to pay her doctor bills and support her entirely themselves.  I ask you, as fellow Americans — is it fair to make people like my parents and my aunt to suffer?  Is that the ultimate goal of the Republican Party/Tea Party/Conservative movement — to shove people like my parents and my aunt into the street and say, “Fend for yourself?”  Really?  Is it?

Because if it is, please let me know now — because, frankly; if it is, I really do not want to be associated with those who are that damned cruel of people.

Believe me when I tell you; I understand that entitlements need to be reformed.  I understand that spending is a problem.  However, to punish those who worked all their lives for a little bit of support in their golden years and those born with conditions that were beyond their control, I am sorry to say is just downright asinine.  Frankly, if that is the ultimate goal of the parties listed, I do not want to be part of that anymore.  I am not a Barack Obama fan, never was; but I cannot be a part of a bunch of people who are just downright heartless.  I know I will never, most likely anyhow — get any social security — however, I just do not like the idea of punishing those who are entitled to it now.  That, my friends, is just more than I can bear to handle.

Again, I realize that this was one person’s opinion.  However, I fear the worst and that is just something that I cannot agree with — sorry if anyone is disappointed – but my family comes first and politics second.  When the people that I happen agree with want to hurt my family; something is terribly wrong, I will defend them, and people like them, to my dying breath.  Frugalness is one thing, cruelty is another and I will never side with that, ever.

Videos: The debt limit crisis – Republicans and Democrats talking past one another

First video is the President: (via CNBC)

Second is of speaker of the House, John Boenher:

The Story via CNBC:

President Obama met with House Speaker John Boehner and Senate Majority Harry Reid at the White House last week.

White House spokesman Jay Carney said in a statement that Reid’s proposal was a “reasonable approach that should receive the support of both parties.”

Obama, meanwhile, will address the nation at 9 p.m. EDT Monday about “avoiding default and the best approach to cutting deficits.”

Reid’s plan, unveiled Monday, does not include any new tax revenue, as President Obama has demanded. But unlike the GOP plan, it would extend the debt ceiling into 2013—an Obama ultimatum.

House Speaker John Boehner quickly dismissed the Reid plan as full of “gimmicks.” Boehner said the plan failed to make any real changes in the government’s spending and does not address the Medicare and Medicaid health programs for the elderly and poor or other benefit programs.

Republicans also are concerned that the cuts it contains would prove illusory, particularly $1 trillion or so in savings claimed by troop cuts in Iraq and Afghanistan over the coming decade. Reid countered that House Republicans claimed the same savings windfall when they passed their budget earlier this year.

Boehner forged ahead with his own plan to raise the current $14.3 trillion debt ceiling by about $1 trillion, along with commensurate spending cuts. That would require lawmakers to go through the painful process again next spring with an even larger debt and deficit package.

The second debt limit increase, which would continue borrowing authority through 2012, would be linked to a tax code overhaul and spending cuts for Medicare and Medicaid health programs for the elderly and poor as well as other benefit programs.

First off, let me apologize for the silence for the last 24 hours. I have had some family issues to attend to; and I was unable to blog. I was on twitter and those who follow me there, know what has been going on.

The problem here is this; this is a problem that the Democrats, while they were in control of both houses —- kicked down the road, so to speak. The Democrats simply did not want to have to deal with this issue; so, they “Kicked the can down the road,” so to speak — and let the next congress deal with this. So, now they are and now that Nancy Pelosi is basically been rendered irrelevant; the Republicans are the ones controlling this issue.

The real kicker is how President Obama, just shows a lack of real leadership. I mean, The Democrats are now out of power; and the Republicans want to actually work with the President — and instead of actually trying to work with them, President Obama wants to move the goal posts in the game. Sort of reminds me of another President that did such things, during the Iraq War in 2006; but I digress.

If the Democrats had handled this issue, when they were in the majority; we would not even be here. But, they kicked it down the road and now the Republicans are now handling it. The problem is, the outcome of this, is not going to please anyone, on either side of the aisle. There are things that are going to be cut; that no one is going to like. This is what happens, when a party abdicates its responsibilities. Democrats should learn from this experience here; and not do such things again. However, it seems as of late, that the Democrats have very short memories and simply will not learn from their earlier mistakes. Which is why they seem to lose a good number of elections these days.

Here is the blogger reaction roundup via Memeorandum.

Video: The Truth about Anders Behring Breivik

I saw this tweet on twitter and watched this video and I jumped out of bed and came straight to the Computer here.

This comes via Bare Naked Islam:

This is not to justify or excuse this crazy man’s actions; it is point out what is happening in the media.

Video: This is why we must not fail in the war on terrorism!

These are the Taliban and the men lined up are Pakistani Policemen: (Warning! Graphic Video!)

The Story via ABC NEWS:

In a new video which recently surfaced online, the Taliban appears to brutally and systematically execute 16 unarmed Pakistani policemen in what the terror group called a revenge killing.

The video of the massacre, which reportedly took place in early June, was posted online last week and confirmed by the Pakistani army today. It shows the policemen — who are not in uniform — standing in a line before a Taliban member who appears to be lecturing them. The man, who appears to act as the militants’ commander, accuses the policemen of executing six children in a previous operation and claims their imminent deaths are revenge, according to a summary posted with the video.

Several Taliban members then open fire on the group until all the policemen have fallen. A wailing cry is heard in the background after the initial volley. After reloading, a single fighter walks over each body and shoots them once more in the head.

But yet, President Barack Obama wants to try and negotiate with these monsters.

My friends, you do not negotiate with criminals and cold blooded killers; these people hate Liberty and Freedom. They hate Israel and Jews; kind of like the liberal left and some of the Paleo-Conservative and libertarian right.  They are not rational, sane, human beings — they are cold blooded killers. We did not negotiate with Charles Manson and his cult — so why the hell would we negotiate with people like this?

My friends, consider this hallow warning from someone who sat through hours of footage on 9/11 and almost ended up in the psych ward because of it:


Dismiss me as an alarmist if you wish; I could not care less. But this is coming to America, if we fall down on the war on terrorism!

America must be protected; Israel must be protected, Liberty and Freedom are at stake! Radical Islam is a threat! Do not believe the lie of the Liberal-controlled, financed, and organized media — which is supplanted by the Government! The liberal media is in bed with the radical and no-so-radical Muslims!

Remember 9/11, Remember the Pentagon, Remember Flight 93 —– Remember America.

Remember this Video and Blog Posting come November 2012.

We need a President who will stand tall in the face of these bastards and not blink. Bush did it; and paid for it, with his Presidency — but he did not waver for a second. Mistakes were made, that is very true. However, in the end, we won in Iraq and we can win here too. We just have to not give up.

lan astaslem --- I will not surrender --I will not submit.

This is not a game, this is not fake; Ron Paul and his racist, Anti-Semitic friends, who hate Israel and everything related to it are the ENEMY! They must be kept out of the White House, at all costs! They are friends with these people!  Consider me a soldier in that battle too.

In the Name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth and of in the Name of the Lord GOD Jehovah — Master and Saviour of this World and KING of Kings and LORD of Lords of this World and in the great, wonderful, world to come:



John Hawkings needs to shut the hell up

Hawkings is whining about Blog traffic again. (No direct link for him, he is an asshole….I don’t like the way he treated David Frum and Debbie Schlussel)

This guy, who by the way, is friends with people who like to stalk and harass Jews — now seems to think that he is the newly minted big guru of the Right-Wing Blogosphere.  Truthfully, the other thing big about him, is his belly and the space between his fucking ears.

Further more, as for what he wrote; it’s pretty damned hard to get blog traffic, when you have mentally deranged stalkers who call you an Anti-Semite and a racist; when none of it is honestly true.  They they start intimidating other bloggers to remove you from their blog rolls like the little fucking soft-fascists that they fucking are! All because you dared to criticize one of the princesses of, what I like to call, the “veal pen right” — or you might have happened to mention that a particular ethnic group was behind a certain big stink that was being raised in the media. Yeah, that will get you labeled a hater!   Further more, it is hard to even run a blog; when you make a mistake, that you are most regretful of, and the mentally insane people will not accept an apology, or even accept the fact THEY might have caused the mistake! 😡

Another thing I have noticed about the “Veal Pen” right, is that they honestly hate the truth. Oh, they like the truth, as

Jenny Craig needed STAT!

long as it fits their little fucking partisan agenda or something like that; but when people, like me — who are the real free thinkers –— who like to point the hypocrisy of some of the “Veal Pen” right, or the Neo-Conservative right, as they were called during the Bush era.  They jump to the defensive, and like to employ the tactics of the Marxist Saul Alinsky left.

Either way, the way I see it; if you are blogging to get rich. Get the hell out of it, because you will never do it. Especially in politics. The field is just too saturated. Only people that get rich are the well-connected bloggers or the one’s who are famous already and decide to start blogging.You think I sit here and do this stupid stuff because I am trying to get rich? Please. I do this, mainly because I really do not have much else to do; and because I happen to love my Country. I also happen to believe that Barack Obama, and the Marxist left (Kinda like the Marxist — I mean  —Veal Pan Right….) are wrong about every damned thing that they have been doing since day one of this Administration.

Now, have I made money at it? Very little. Nobody clicks ads like they used to. I am not supposed to even mention or ask anyone to click my Adsense stuff; which is at the top and in my left sidebar. I used to run BlogAds here; but their blogger relations guy decided to be an asshole and I removed their ads from my blog. No matter, they did not make me any kind of money to be proud of anyhow. I do keep a PayPal donation tab up there; recently some dude, who happened to like something I wrote tossed like $5.00 in the jar. I was shocked, it was the first donation I had gotten this year. I got a few last year, and in 2008 during the election. But recently, outside of the recent donation — the TipJar has been bare. I did get two people, that bought some gold from the gold company that I am an affiliate through. I made $157.59 on those purchases. Now, if I got like 10 of those a day?!?! I never have to worry about anything at all, ever. But, nobody is buying or donating anything right now, as it is a tight economy. It is not just me; it is everyone.

As for Hawking’s idea of getting big or getting hooked up with other people. I got two words: Screw Him. I will never, ever sell out to a Corporate Entity, ever.  I will explain why; Here at political byline, Rupert Murdoch does not control me, Salem Media does not control mesee where I am going with this?  Corporate funding or associations mean control of the message. It happens with the left — and the right. Truly independent media and blogging; whether of a liberal or Conservative slant is getting more and more rare by the day. I am not for, nor have I ever been for a consolation or a collectivist effort in blogging, which sounds so….progressive.  Maybe Hawkings is showing his true colors — Fancy that.

So, there, my response to that idiot lard ass’s posting and by the way Hawkings; try some fucking Jenny Craig!

Others: American Power, Pajamas Media, Ben Smith’s Blog, Betsy’s Page, Riehl World View, Althouse and Le·gal In·sur·rec· tion

More Black on White Crime: Blacks attack Whites and Liberal media censors it

I sit here today with a decision; do I ignore this or do I write about it? After all, I have been called a racist by a jackass, who likes to stalk me.

It appears that our media is trying to censor the fact that black on white crime is happening.

Go read this… Now, go read this.

Watch this video:

After Jail Time for Contempt, Alleged Rape Victim Returns to Testify:

Now, go read this. and now go read this.

This is Obama’s world; and something is seriously wrong with it. I am not a White Nationalist, nor have I ever been. But, something is seriously wrong with America; something dreadfully sickening. It must be stopped.

Remember this come November 2012.

This posting is dedicated to the memory of my late Cousin, Michael Lydon Hill. Who was gunned down by two corrupt black Detroit police officers in 1994.

Confirmed: Rep. Sheila Jackson is stupid race-baiting Negro

I’m with Robbie Cooper, this chick ain’t dealing with a full deck.


The Story via The Hill:

Rep. Sheila Jackson Lee (D-Texas) on Friday strongly suggested that members of Congress are making it difficult for President Obama to raise the debt ceiling because of his race.

“I do not understand what I think is the maligning and maliciousness [toward] this president,” said Jackson Lee, a member of the Congressional Black Caucus. “Why is he different? And in my community, that is the question that we raise. In the minority community that is question that is being raised. Why is this president being treated so disrespectfully? Why has the debt limit been raised 60 times? Why did the leader of the Senate continually talk about his job is to bring the president down to make sure he is unelected?”

Earlier in her speech, Jackson Lee said Obama has been targeted unlike any other president.

“I am particularly sensitive to the fact that only this president — only this one, only this one — has received the kind of attacks and disagreement and inability to work, only this one,” said Jackson Lee from the House floor.

“Read between the lines,” she continued. “What is different about this president that should put him in a position that he should not receive the same kind of respectful treatment of when it is necessary to raise the debt limit in order to pay our bills, something required by both statute and the 14th amendment?”

Jackson Lee concluded by saying that she hoped someone would step up and say that what appears obvious to her is not in fact true.

Two things here, one, this dumb bitch must have been in coma during the Bush era.

….and Ya know; people accuse me of being a “racist.” Which as a rule, I am not. But you know; this bitch tasks my feeling that all humans should be judged by the content of their character and not by the color of their skin. I have judged this woman’s character and I have reached a conclusion.

…and here it is:

She’s a race baiting Negro. I had a video saying that; but using a politically incorrect word. But I removed it. Don’t wanna give those damned crazies any more ammo than they need. 😡

Why I see it, you act like one; you get mocked like one. 😀

Others: The Note, UrbanGrounds, The Gateway Pundit, Weasel Zippers, Vox Popoli and CNSNews

In which I agree with Laurence Vance

Yeah, I know; I have had disagreements with him in the past. But here, Vance is right on the money. (To coin a phrase…)

John Boehner says its time “to get serious about our fiscal situation, both the deficit and our long-term debt.” He says he is willing to increase the debt limit as long as the deal includes “real spending cuts” and “reforms to restrain future spending.” But only future Congresses can restrain future spending. Boehner knows this. He knows that the current Congress he rules over can change anything that a previous Congress has done. Promises of future spending restraints and cuts are a ruse.

And something else that probably millions have wondered: Why didn’t the Republicans get serious about our fiscal situation when they controlled the White House and the Congress for a majority of the Bush years and could do whatever they wanted? Answer that Boehner, before you talk about restraining future spending.

via Only Future Congresses Can Restrain Future Spending « Blog.

I give credit where it is due and I criticize where I believe it is due too. Here, Vance is correct, very much so.

Just another footnote; these were also the idiots who were warned by the Bush White House, that the Housing Market was about take a major nosedive. What did they do? Nothing. Because they were making millions on it. For that, I believe, the Republicans will have to wear that little incident around their necks for a very long time.

In case you thought I was kidding about buying Gold

Here we go!

Remember when I said to buy Gold?

I was not kidding.

Check this out from the U.K. Telegraph:

As the twin pillars of international monetary system threaten to come tumbling down in unison, gold has reclaimed its ancient status as the anchor of stability. The spot price surged to an all-time high of $1,594 an ounce in London, lifting silver to $39 in its train.

On one side of the Atlantic, the eurozone debt crisis has spread to the countries that may be too big to save – Spain and Italy – though RBS thinks a €3.5 trillion rescue fund would ensure survival of Europe’s currency union.

On the other side, the recovery has sputtered out and the printing presses are being oiled again. Brinkmanship between the Congress and the White House over the US debt ceiling has compelled Moody’s to warn of a “very small but rising risk” that the world’s paramount power may default within two weeks. “The unthinkable is now thinkable,” said Ross Norman, director of

Fed chair Ben Bernanke confessed to Congress that growth has failed to gain traction. “Deflationary risks might re-emerge, implying a need for additional policy support,” he said.

The bar to QE3 – yet more bond purchases – is even lower than markets had thought. The new intake of hard-money men on the voting committee has not shifted Fed thinking, despite global anger at dollar debasement under QE2.


“One of the big US banks texted me today to say that if QE3 actually happens, we could see gold at $5,000 and silver at $1,000. I feel terribly sorry for anybody on fixed incomes tied to a fiat currency because they are not going to be able to buy things with that paper money.”


Step by step, the world is edging towards a revived Gold Standard as it becomes clearer that Japan and the West have reached debt saturation. World Bank chief Robert Zoellick said it was time to “consider employing gold as an international reference point.” The Swiss parliament is to hold hearings on a parallel “Gold Franc”. Utah has recognised gold as legal tender for tax payments.

A new Gold Standard would probably be based on a variant of the ‘Bancor’ proposed by Keynes in the late 1940s. This was a basket of 30 commodities intended to be less deflationary than pure gold, which had compounded in the Great Depression. The idea was revived by China’s central bank chief Zhou Xiaochuan two years ago as a way of curbing the “credit-based” excess.

Mr Bernanke himself was grilled by Congress this week on the role of gold. Why do people by gold? “As protection against of what we call tail risks: really, really bad outcomes,” he replied.



My friends, if this is not the time to buy gold; I really do not know what is.

Click this link to find out how to get into gold today

Why is Rick Perry associating himself with dangerous religious extremists?

I hate having to write blog entries like this; mainly, because I happen to like Rick Perry. However, because I am a blogger of the truth — and because I do not want to see Rick Perry wounded in the election. I am bringing this point up.

Rick Perry has a religious wacko problem and I mean a big one!

The story comes via the Texas Observer: (H/T to Charles Johnson of Little Green Footballs for pointing this out)

On September 28, 2009, at 1:40 p.m., God’s messengers visited Rick Perry.

On this day, the Lord’s messengers arrived in the form of two Texas pastors, Tom Schlueter of Arlington and Bob Long of San Marcos, who called on Perry in the governor’s office inside the state Capitol. Schlueter and Long both oversee small congregations, but they are more than just pastors. They consider themselves modern-day apostles and prophets, blessed with the same gifts as Old Testament prophets or New Testament apostles.

The pastors told Perry of God’s grand plan for Texas. A chain of powerful prophecies had proclaimed that Texas was “The Prophet State,” anointed by God to lead the United States into revival and Godly government. And the governor would have a special role.

The day before the meeting, Schlueter had received a prophetic message from Chuck Pierce, an influential prophet from Denton, Texas. God had apparently commanded Schlueter—through Pierce—to “pray by lifting the hand of the one I show you that is in the place of civil rule.”

Gov. Perry, it seemed.

Schlueter had prayed before his congregation: “Lord Jesus I bring to you today Gov. Perry. … I am just bringing you his hand and I pray Lord that he will grasp ahold of it. For if he does you will use him mightily.”

And grasp ahold the governor did. At the end of their meeting, Perry asked the two pastors to pray over him. As the pastors would later recount, the Lord spoke prophetically as Schlueter laid his hands on Perry, their heads bowed before a painting of the Battle of the Alamo. Schlueter “declared over [Perry] that there was a leadership role beyond Texas and that Texas had a role beyond what people understand,” Long later told his congregation.

Nothing wrong with that right? A couple of Ministers praying over someone right?

Well, it’s not the praying that is the problem; it’s the people doing the praying that is the problem.

This is the part of the story published that caught my eyes:

Some of the fiercest critics of the New Apostolic Reformation come from within the Pentecostal and charismatic world. The Assemblies of God Church, the largest organized Pentecostal denomination, specifically repudiated self-proclaimed prophets and apostles in 2000, calling their creed a “deviant teaching” that could rapidly “become dictatorial, presumptuous, and carnal.”

Assemblies authorities also rejected the notion that the church is supposed to assume dominion over earthly institutions, labeling it “unscriptural triumphalism.”

The New Apostles talk about taking dominion over American society in pastoral terms. They refer to the “Seven Mountains” of society: family, religion, arts and entertainment, media, government, education, and business. These are the nerve centers of society that God (or his people) must control.

Asked about the meaning of the Seven Mountains, Schlueter says, “God’s kingdom just can’t be expressed on Sunday morning for two hours. God’s kingdom has to be expressed in media and government and education. It’s not like our goal is to have a Bible on every child’s desk. That’s not the goal. The goal is to hopefully have everyone acknowledge that God’s in charge of us regardless.”

But climbing those mountains sounds a little more specific on Sunday mornings. Schlueter has bragged to his congregation of meetings with Lt. Gov. David Dewhurst, state Sen. Brian Birdwell, and the Arlington City Council. He recently told a church in Victoria that state Rep. Phil King, a conservative Republican from Weatherford, had allowed him to use King’s office at the Capitol to make calls and organize.

“We’re going to influence it,” Schlueter told his congregation. “We’re going to infiltrate it, not run from it. I know why God’s doing what he’s doing … He’s just simply saying, ‘Tom I’ve given you authority in a governmental authority, and I need you to infiltrate the governmental mountain. Just do it, it’s no big deal.’ I was talking with [a member of the congregation] the other day. She’s going to start infiltrating. A very simple process. She’s going to join the Republican Party, start going to all their meetings. Some [members] are already doing that.”

Okay, time to bust out with my Christian credentials here. As most of you know, who read this blog. I am a Born-Again Christian. but, I do not wear it on my sleeve really anymore. I have been “saved,” as the Christian World calls it, for 29 years. 21 of those years was spent in the Pentecost movement or type of Churches. I spent nine and a half years of that time in a Assembly of God Church in Southwest Detroit. So, believe me when I tell you; when it comes to this subject, I know full well, of what I speak.

When the Assembles of God denounces a group like this one here; believe me, it is for a very good reason. These people are kooks and I mean really, really, really bad kooks. The Assemblies of God in the spectrum of the Pentecostal movement are some of the most Conservative —- theologically speaking — Churches and people in the Pentecostal movement. These kooks that Rick Perry are hanging with, in that same spectrum, are the more progressive or radical kind.  These people make people like Benny Hinn, Rod Parsley and the many others look like boy scouts! 😯

What I am basically trying to say is this; and I hope like the dickens that someone sees this and advises Rick Perry on it — Rick Perry, if he wants to be elected President of the United States of America, needs to put as much daylight between these people and himself as he possibly can. These people are the Christian equivalent of say, the Muslim brotherhood; except maybe they do not try to kill people. What they do want to do is this; they want to rip out the United States Constitution and have a Government that dictates its laws from the Bible. The problem with that is this; the United States of America was not founded as a Christian dictatorship, it was founded as a Constitutional Republic.

This group of people who Rick Perry is hanging with are a part of the radical, extreme Christian Right. If Rick Perry thinks that the left and the liberal media will not savage him for this sort of association; he, with all due respect to the man and the office that he now holds — is crazy.

During the 2008 election, the right — including myself —- utterly brutalized then candidate Barack Obama for his radical and Anti-American Religious affiliations. I feel, that what is fair, is fair. Because I am not entrenched in partisanship, I believe that Rick Perry should either give an account of why he is associated with these people or disassociate himself from them.  As much as I know that the White House is now occupied by radical leftists — both former and current cabinet and staff members. I just do not believe that putting in a radical Christian Right President and cabinet is the answer to that problem.

We need a strong fiscal Conservative in the White House to bring this Nation back to its rightful place. We do not need some radical Religious nut-job in the White House. Lord knows, we had eight good years of that, and look what it got us. I say that as someone who suffered through those eight years. Also too, Do not think that I say this as a Fundamentalist Baptist with a “hard on” against Pentecostals. This is someone who has been around in the Christian world for a LONG TIME and I have seen what those people believe, and even as Pentecostals; they as nutty as they come.

In closing: Rick Perry needs to do the proper and right thing; or he should forget about running for President.

Cross-Posted at Alexandria


A Reminder: Go Gold

Just a follow up to yesterday’s posting; it would seem that this would be a good time to invest in gold, even if you cannot afford the expensive stuff, a small investment in the cheaper stuff would be smart.

As you know I am an affiliate for  and they offer some great coins and bullion for those who wish to invest in that sort of the thing. offers

You can also check out their Silver Products Here

Want more proof? Check out this video from Russian TV:

I think it is time to invest in Gold. I mean, when the fed chairman says he does not believe that Gold is money; something is horribly wrong.

Obamaomics at work: US Dollar on the run

Once again, our feckless president cannot lead….and meanwhile, our Country is about to go into the toilet.

The story is via Reuters: (H/T to Insty)

The New Zealand dollar was a stand out performer, soaring to 30-year highs after data showed the economy grew far faster than expected in the first quarter.

The kiwi flew to $0.8491, a rise of 3.7 percent in just two sessions, as the upbeat news revived the chance of a rate hike before year-end.

That stood in stark contrast to the United States, where Fed Chairman Ben Bernanke had canvassed the idea of further quantitative easing should the economy stall

“Three months ago all the focus was on the exit from unconventional policy; now Bernanke mentions the conditional possibility of QE3,” said Paul Meggyesi at JPMorgan. “This is unambiguously bad for the dollar and good for risk.”

Investors seemed to agree, sending commodities and gold higher and lifting growth-leveraged currencies like the Australian dollar.

The U.S. dollar slid to a fresh record low against the Swiss franc around 0.8089 francs, while the euro leaped to $1.4253 having been as low as $1.3984. The dollar also deflated to 78.83 yen with only talk of semi-official bids preventing a break of major support around 78.40/50.

Against a basket of currencies, the dollar was down at 74.773 .DXY, having tumbled for a high of 76.053.

In a double whammy for the U.S. currency, Moody’s warned the country could lose its top-notch credit rating if lawmakers fail to increase the country’s debt ceiling.

In a statement, Moody’s said it sees a “rising possibility that the statutory debt limit will not be raised on a timely basis, leading to a default on U.S. Treasury debt obligations.”

Meanwhile, what does our President do, instead of actually trying to lead the Country? He walks out like a silly two year old:

President Barack Obama abruptly walked out of a stormy debt-limit meeting with congressional leaders Wednesday, a dramatic setback to the already shaky negotiations.

“He shoved back and said ‘I’ll see you tomorrow’ and walked out,” House Majority Leader Eric Cantor (R-Va.) told reporters in the Capitol after the meeting.

On a day when the Moody’s rating agency warned that American debt could be downgraded, the White House talks blew up amid a new round of sniping between Obama and Cantor, who are fast becoming bitter enemies.

When Cantor said the two sides were too far apart to get a deal that could pass the House by the Treasury Department’s Aug. 2 deadline — and that he would consider moving a short-term debt-limit increase alongside smaller spending cuts — Obama began to lecture him.

“Eric, don’t call my bluff,” the president said, warning Cantor that he would take his case “to the American people.” He told Cantor that no other president — not Ronald Reagan, the president said — would sit through such negotiations.

Democratic sources dispute Cantor’s version of Obama’s walk out, but all sides agree that the two had a blow up. The sources described Obama as “impassioned” but said he didn’t exactly storm out of the room.

“Cantor’s account of tonight’s meeting is completely overblown. For someone who knows how to walk out of a meeting, you’d think he’d know it when he saw it,” a Democratic aide said. “Cantor rudely interrupted the president three times to advocate for short-term debt ceiling increases while the president was wrapping the meeting. This is just more juvenile behavior from him and Boehner needs to rein him in, and let the grown-ups get to work.”

On exiting the room, Obama said that “this confirms the totality of what the American people already believe” about Washington, according to a Democratic official familiar with the negotiations, and that officials are “too focused on positioning and political posturing” to make difficult choices.

Cantor insists he never interrupted the president, and was “deferential,” seeking permission to speak.

The latest and sharpest in a series of harsh exchanges between the two leaders heightened concern that markets could crash at any time amid fear of a reduction in the rating on once-ironclad U.S. debt.

Cantor, for his part, delivered the blow-by-blue of his interaction with Obama to a gaggle of Capitol Hill reporters in the Speaker’s Lobby, where lawmakers typically mingle with reporters during votes. It wasn’t through aides — it was Cantor taking on the president, directly.

Cantor accused the president and congressional Democrats of progressively low-balling, over the last several days, the savings that could be achieved from proposals discussed by Vice President Joe Biden’s working group on deficit reduction. Cantor warned that the group has not identified enough cuts to win House passage of a $2.5 trillion debt-limit increase — the size the president says is needed to get through the 2012 election, sources told POLITICO.

Obama told Cantor that he would either have to agree to tax increases or give up on his demand that the debt hike be matched dollar-to-dollar to the cuts — that is, $2.5 trillion in deficit-reduction over 10 years in exchange for a $2.5 trillion hike in the debt ceiling.

He said that the negotiators should return to the White House Thursday to discuss savings from health care programs, budget caps and options for raising revenue.

“Then he said we also ought to get in the mode here, because we’re going to have to decide by Friday which way we’re going,” Cantor said. “He said really we ought to all start to think about things we can do rather than things we can’t.”

That’s when Cantor said he would be willing to abandon his own insistence on having just one vote on the debt ceiling if they could agree to a smaller package of cuts in exchange for a shorter-term hike that would require another increase before the 2012 election.

But Obama said he wouldn’t do the debt-limit increase incrementally and that he would veto a short-term bill.

“That’s when he got very agitated,” Cantor told reporters.

“Obama lit him up. Cantor sat in stunned silence,” said an official in the meeting. “It was incredible. If the public saw Obama he would win in a landslide.

Yessir, America; that is your President, whining like a damned two-year-old, when he does not get his way. Meanwhile the Country and the World is going into the toilet. This is what Democrats do, they screw up things, and when the time comes to act like adults, this is what happens.

I mean, I hate having to repeat myself; but the Democrats, on top of the spending of Bush, spent more, like drunken Sailors and to what end? Nothing! I mean, we have all this debt and where are the damned jobs? There are none! Now that it is time to work to keep the US from defaulting on loans from places like China; what does the President do? Walks out on the Republicans! What an idiot!

Just a reminder, this is the result of the failed Obama-Pelosi stimulus plan.

Remember this come November 2012; if we even last that long.

Others: Michelle Malkin, And So it Goes in Shreveport, White House Dossier, Politics, , Gawker, The Raw Story, Weasel Zippers, Outside the Beltway, Nice Deb, The Lonely Conservative, Washington Examiner, Doug Ross, Pajamas Media, THE ASTUTE BLOGGERS, Pirate’s Cove, Say Anything, Daily Pundit and The Page


The Daily RANT! For July 13, 2011


More of that Religion of Peace: Terrorist Attacks in Mumbai leave 8 dead and 54 injured

Time for some clarity

Oh to be a lipreader!

Breaking News: Attackers of Kenneth Gladney found not guilty!

In which I disagree with the John Birch Society


Time for some clarity

I feel the need to write about something, which has been bugging me for a while now. I had always known that there was a certain subset of the Conservative movement, which was Anti-Semitic and racist. However, I felt that I could disagree with those people and still call myself a Paleo-Conservative. Indeed, I do very much highly disagree with those who believe in exporting Democracy to other Countries. However, something that occurred tonight forced me to confront the fact that the Anti-War, Paleo-Conservative/libertarian crowd was a bit more hateful than I thought.

First off, let me say this; indeed, I am skeptical of some of the goings on in Israel. Indeed, I am very critical of those who use their racial or ethnic background to get special treatment in this Country. However, my criticisms do not equate to the general hatred of Jews, neither does that equate to a hatred of Israel. Nor does it equate to the feeling that Israel does not have the right to exist as a Nation or that Israel should be destroyed. That my friend is unabashed hatred and that is something that I will not be a part of, at all.

As you all know, that read this blog; I am a user of the social media service called twitter. Tonight, I saw something on twitter that made me very angry. It appears that a particular online publication, which hails itself as a “libertarian” one; has a twitter account. I am referring to It appears that this site has a twitter account and on it, a link was posted to a story, in which a Palestinian girl was killed by Israeli border guards.

It was not so much the story that was posted, that I had such a problem with; it was the comment left, when the tweet was sent, it read:

Israeli police will not face trial over death of Palestinian girl – hey it’s not like she’s Jewish or something. feh.

My friends, this is something that I just cannot and will not overlook. This anti-Semitic stereotype is so often bandied about regarding the Jews and Israel. This is nothing more, than leftist hatred; something that I cannot and will not support, ever.

So, as of today, the following changes are being made to this blog. I am, as of now, removing the label of Paleo-Conservative/libertarian/Classic Liberal from this blog. If that is what those two groups, being libertarian and Paleo-Conservative are truly about – I am done with them for good. I am a “right of center” that is what I always called myself. I simply put labels on it, so people could understand where it is that I come from. However, I feel that ignoring this and leaving the labels on the blog fosters the idea that I am someone supports that sort of hatred.

Further, I have removed the section on this blog, which brings the argument that “Racism” was the invention of a group of Marxist Jews from Germany that fled to America. While that might be true —- unfortunately, there are people out there, who use that argument to hide behind, so that they can continue to spew hatred towards Jews and Blacks —– I am not one of those people.

Further, I am going to find and display on my blog, in an obvious spot, a banner that declares that I STAND WITH ISRAEL —- as a Christian, I lay claim to that land, and one day, during the millennial reign of Christ, I will dwell in that land and judge Angels. That is what my Bible tells me.

This, admittedly, is a new place for me; and I feel a bit weird in it. However, when one stands for what he feels is morally right, sometimes, it has to be uncomfortable. Further, if those who disagree with this move of mine want to call me a neo-con, Jew Lover, Bush lover or warmonger — fine, let them. They are fools and one fine day, they will discover just how wrong they truly are.

It feels so good to be doing, what I feel is morally right.

The End of an Era: Representative Ron Paul will not seek another term in 2012

The news comes from Ron Paul’s local hometown paper:

LAKE JACKSON — After serving almost 24 years in the U.S. House of Representatives, Congressman Ron Paul told The Facts exclusively this morning he will not be seeking another term for the District 14 seat.

Paul, 75, will instead focus on his quest for the presidency in 2012.

“I felt it was better that I concentrate on one election,” Paul said. “It’s about that time when I should change tactics.”

His announcement will give enough time for anyone with aspirations for his seat to think about running, he said. Paul didn’t want to wait for filing in the 2012 primary to let people know he wasn’t seeking reelection.

“I didn’t want to hold off until in December,” he said. “I thought it shouldn’t be any later than now.”

Paul has served 12 terms in Congress. District 14 encompasses a 10-county area along the Gulf Coast.

“The people in the area have supported me for many years,” he said.

Ed Morrissey over at, who is not a Ron Paul fan at all; offers some fact correction and some straight talk:

The Facts needs to do The Math.  Paul first won election to Congress in a 1976 special election, lost later that year, and then won again in 1978.  He’s served parts of 18 terms in the House, which adds up in this case to a little over 34 years when his current term expires.

Paul either really wants to retire or really thinks that he’s on the cusp of a major upset in the GOP primary.  I’ll assume that he has a somewhat realistic view of his prospects in this primary, where he might wind up as the runner-up among Texans if Rick Perry jumps into the race.  He’ll be 76 years old next month, and with his son in the Senate, Paul may feel comfortable with retirement after one last national campaign that puts his somewhat erratic libertarianism on the GOP presidential agenda for a second straight cycle.  If he’s not taking a realistic view of his chances, then perhaps he believes that the only thing that held him back from besting John McCain, Mitt Romney, and Mike Huckabee in any 2008 primary was his simultaneous campaign for re-election.  If so, then he really needs this retirement.

Of course, Paul could change his mind before the end of the year, but after this kind of announcement, it would be hard to sell even to the adoring voters in his district.  Looks like the end of the road for the man best known for contrarian votes on meaningless resolutions and for railing against government spending while garnering pork for his constituents.

I agree with the above, especially the underlined part.  When I discovered that little tidbit of information, that was when I basically dropped my support of Ron Paul. Besides all of that; The Ron Paul cult did the same thing as the Barack Obama cult did, made the man into something he was not.  When Ron Paul saw that he could not win the Presidency in 2008 and decided to give his support to the rest of the 2008 independent candidates, some of the Ron Paul cult almost went into meltdown. Some of them even turned on him and accused him of being a puppet for the Illuminati or something. It was a strange thing to watch.

Not only this, point-blank; the man is just not electable, period, end of story. Heck, even his supporters openly admit that, “It is not about winning, it is about spreading the message.” To which I ask, what is the purpose of spending all that money, time and effort into a person, who really does not give a hoot if he is elected or not? That my friends, is the epitome of stupid. Not to mention that he has associations and has taken money from people, who are, in my humble opinion, just straight up evil.

As I have said before, I respect Ron Paul on his fiscal policy; but his foreign policy; in this day and age of external threats to our Nation —- irregardless of what caused them — the fact is that they are there, and Ron Paul’s foreign policy is just not realistic. You cannot offer flowers and rainbows to people who want to kill you. It is just that damn simple. The only thing that terrorists and evil people, like some of Ron Paul’s friends understand; is the end of a gun — and we should keep that in mind, when voting for our next President.

Other than that, I wish Ron Paul a very happy retirement and I thank him for his service to his Country. I also thank him for returning his Congressional seat back to the adults in politics. 😀

Related: Michael O’Brien / The Hill: Rep. Ron Paul won’t seek reelection

Others:  The Politico, Washington Wire, The Atlantic Online, The Note, CNN, New York Magazine, GOP 12, Real Time Economics, The American Independent, Gawker, Hot Air, Greg’s Opinion, Pajamas Media, Outside the Beltway, The Raw Story, Hit & Run, TPMDC, Hotline On Call, Politics, AmSpecBlog, Taegan Goddard’s …, Ben Smith’s Blog, Weasel Zippers and MarketBeat

Video: Jack Hunter on the GOP going tiger

Transcript here

Some straight talk to the progressive Blogosphere, from a former Democratic Party voter

I feel the need to write something here.  I am addressing this to the progressive bloggers here, not you my daily and normal readers of this blog.  Therefore, when I use the words, “You,” “You Guys” and “You people”; I am referring to the people on these two blogs that I am writing about, not you normal readers here.


Hey, listen up chumps.  Because I am going to give you some very straight to the point talk about you and your moron President.  I call him YOUR fucking moron President and not mine, I did not vote for him, so do not try to pan that “Oh, he’s your president too!” horse manure on me, because I am not buying that at all.  Please, do not hand me the old “I suppose John McCain would have been better” routine, because I did not vote for him either.

You see, I used to be a Democrat; I used to vote for your party, ever since I was 18 years old.  I voted Democratic Party, because my Dad was a union worker, because my parents did, because I wanted to support the so-called “cause.”  I felt I was supporting the “Struggle” of the middle class every time I voted for your party.

I seem to remember that there were some very qualified people to be President and yet, your party threw those people over, for someone that you could actually rally someone around — a black person.  It would be the ultimate end to the “Jim Crow” era, of which your party championed.  Do you Remember, Douglas, of the Lincoln/Douglas debates?  Well, he was a Democrat.  Therefore, you all thought Barack Hussein Obama would be the ultimate victory.  So much for that idea, eh?

You chose style over substance, you chose Identity Politics over common sense.  You chose personality over proof of leadership; you chose an empty suit, who is more interested in an agenda over the future of your own damned party.  Such a tragic thing, too bad, so sad — now deal with your self-created garbage and shut the hell up and take what is coming to you, you silly idiotic morons.  You cast your own hopes, dreams, and aspirations on an inexperienced fool, who had about as much right to be President, as me.  Then your christened “Golden Boy” proceeded to defecate on you and the rest of your party.  My question to you is this; how does it feel to be played?

I seem to remember that there was a person — a woman, no less — who was a bit more of a moderate Democrat, who offered you the chance for America to succeed again.  However, you chose skin color over common sense.  I will confess, I was not a big fan of that woman and I still am not; due to some of the stupidity of her husband’s Presidential Administration — like the Waco debacle, for instance. 

Why do you think that the Republican Party was determined to destroy her?  Because they knew that if they tried to run against her, they would lose and lose badly.  However, out of nowhere, here comes Barry, shooting past her, and the rest of the Democratic Party primary candidates, using a slogan he stole from another candidate and all of a sudden he was the new progressive Messiah.  Suddenly, the other white woman was “Old School,” “Old hat,” and part of the old way.  You people wanted to new, fresh and clean – non-offensive to your guilt laden white base.

Now, you are sitting around; looking and feeling like chumps, because you, as they say — were played.  Even your media, yes YOUR media, the enlightened media, of whom is ninety percent and your blogosphere, of whom I used to respect, because of how you held George W. Bush’s feet to the fire for six years — went into the tank for this chump and now look like a group of special education students with Tourette syndrome.  Honestly, pointing at OUR side, the Republican side, the Conservative side, or any side that disagrees with you — is stupid.  You really should point the finger at your own damned selves.  You have no one, nada, zero, nobody to blame — but yourselves.

You are also to blame for losing me.  Your treatment of war soldiers and war dead was and still is — fucking pathetic.  This is another reason, among many as to why I left your party!  I come from a family of people who served, you all treat them like shit, and for that, you lost me.  Not to mention all the bullshit that you pulled during the 2008 election cycle and now continue to pull.  I will never be a part political party that stokes division, ever.  Whether it is races, class, or whatever — that is bullshit and I will never be a part of it, ever.  Not to mention how you idiots like to herd people into groups and practice that “Group Thought” shit; I am not a sheep thank you very much!

In closing: Man up.  Yeah, that is correct — Man the fuck up!  Admit that you stupid fuckers made a huge assed fucking mistake, and get you someone who can run against that feckless idiot and maybe, just MAYBE, you all might win another election.  I highly doubt it, seeing this President is seriously kicked America and its people in the fucking jewels.  Nevertheless, it is worth a shot.  I mean, after all, the only fucking thing the Republican Party is running; is a psycho from Minnesota, a far right-wing crazy, a RINO, Two Mormon freaks and a pizza chain President — who knows nothing about the middle east.  Surely, you have SOMEONE you can run against that fucking freak show on our side! This is the same party that got prayer taken out of schools and abortion legalized; surely you can pull something together!

Again, I wrote this, not because I wanted to mock you people.  I wrote because it makes me sick to my stomach that the party that my family, including my parents and me, voted for, for many years — has turn into pile of damned waste.  The Party that Ronald Reagan once called the “honorable party” has turned into a cesspool of Marxism; the party that once, under the leadership of FDR, rescued the Jews from a disastrous fate, now treats Israel and its people, like dirt.

So, when I see this stupid, petty nonsense between bloggers on your side, I have to seriously laugh.  Because, as I said before — you have no one to blame for what is happening in America, with your party — but yourselves.

Cross-Posted @ My FireDogLake

Breaking News: First Lady Betty Ford has died at age 93

Such a tragic thing to report, going into the weekend.

Gerald’s girl died.

One of my favorite pictures of Gerald Ford and the First Lady

I started to fire up Microsoft Word and write some nice sounding speech, with flowery words and nice phrases in it. However, I will just keep it simple.

First lady Betty Ford has passed on at 93.

Betty Ford was, to many, a symbol, of strength, of courage, of overcoming big obstacles and of; yes, Hope.

At 93, she lived a life that some only could dream of living. She was, in fact, thrust into the First Lady’s office, when Nixon resigned and our Nation was in turmoil for his so-called misdeeds.

I found this video on YouTube. I think it is most fitting:

Rest in Peace, Dear Lady. As God Knows, you have damned well earned it.

Jobs report bleak, Democrats still clueless as ever

Now I see why Rick Santelli is ranting and raving!

First of all, here is the lovely report via the NYT:

For the second month in a row, employers added a dismally small number of jobs, showing that the United States economy is barely creaking along despite being two years into the official recovery.

With all levels of government laying off workers, the Labor Department reported that employers eked out just 18,000 new nonfarm payroll jobs in June. The already low number of jobs created in May was also revised downward to just 25,000, less than half what was originally reported last month.

Even as the government’s survey of employers showed that they were adding an anemic number of jobs, a survey of households showed that more people were out of work, causing the unemployment rate to rise to 9.2 percent.

Economists were stunned since they had been expecting June to show stronger job creation as oil prices eased and supply disruptions receded in the aftermath of the Japanese tsunami and earthquake. Instead, the government’s monthly snapshot of the labor market showed that several sectors, including construction, finance and temporary services, actually shed workers. At the same time, leading indicators like wages and the length of the average workweek, which tend to grow before employers begin adding more jobs, actually contracted.

“Even the wild-eyed optimists out there have nothing to grasp onto in this report except to say, ‘Ah, this too shall pass,’ ” said Joshua Shapiro, chief United States economist at MFR Inc.

Meanwhile the stupidity continues on the left. A perfect example is found over at The Hill:

President Obama’s senior political adviser David Plouffe said Wednesday that people won’t vote in 2012 based on the unemployment rate.

Plouffe should probably hope that’s the case, since dismal job figures aren’t expected to get any better for Obama and the economy on Friday.

Most economists expect a report from the Bureau of Labor Statistics to show that the nation added about 100,000 jobs in June. That’s not enough to keep up with population growth, let alone lower the unemployment rate or make a dent in the 9 million jobs lost during the so called Great Recession.

[UPDATED: The jobs report released on Friday showed the economy added only 18,000 jobs, much less than anticipated. The unemployment rate creeped up to 9.2 percent.]

It’s looking more and more like Obama will have to do something no president has done since Franklin Roosevelt: Win reelection with unemployment around 8 percent.

I have a sinking feeling that Plouffe is making a seriously stupid miscalculation ; and one that the Republican Party is going to take full advantage of, come November 2012.

The stupidity continues over at the NYT, again with the stupidest Economist ever to be allowed to write for a paper:

Ugh. That was a seriously ugly jobs report. Almost no job creation, with slow private-sector growth offset by falling public-sector employment; a falling employment-population ratio; and (I don’t know how many people have picked this up), an actual decline in wages, albeit a small one.

Let me emphasize that last point. My bottom line on the inflation-deflation issue has always been to look at wages; you can’t have a wage-price spiral if wages ain’t spiraling. And they aren’t, to say the least.

It’s important to realize, by the way, that stagnant wages are NOT good for recovery; all they do is ensure that the burden of debt relative to income remains high, keeping demand and employment down.

The situation cries out for aggressively expansionary monetary and fiscal policy. Instead, however, all the political push is in the opposite direction.

The underlined part and the part above it; is where the stupidity really kicks in here. That stupidity above, is why this damned Nation is in the place that it is now. Because of stupid people like Krugman. These idiots, in a sane World, would be tossed out of this Country for causing one of the most horrible economic collapses in this Nation, since the great depression, which caused many Americans; Conservative and Liberal, to lose money that they rightly earned or invested in and profited from.

This is not to say that the Republican was not to blame; they too stood by and did nothing and for that they paid a price during the 2006 and 2008 election cycles. However, America was not fooled the Democrats proceeded to make some of, if not more, of the same mistakes that the Republican Party made, while in power. For this, they paid in 2010 and will pay again in 2012.

Further more, it was the DEMOCRATS, not the Republicans, who sought to game the housing market, with the Community Reinvestment act of 1973. Of which the Democrats added the sub-prime cause, which caused the Housing Market to become unstable; which essentially caused the markets to collapse. Yes, regulation was ripped out; but it was the adding of the sub-prime clause that caused the major problems that set the housing market up for a horrible downfall. I know, I watched it all happen here, in real-time, while blogging it all.

In fairness, I will say this; because I am not an overly partisan blogger. It also was the Neo-Conservatives, with their one war, that was totally unjustified in their idiotic visions of a Democratic middle east and the quagmire that it created, not to mention the millions spent and the lives lost; that also created this mess as well. If we would have fought the Afghanistan properly and not like we did Iraq; the war would have been much shorter and would have cost us much less money.

Others: The Atlantic Online, Hot Air, Washington Monthly, Firedoglake, The Huffington Post, Washington Post, The Nation, Calculated Risk, New Deal 2.0, Booman Tribune, Freakonomics, Economix, Free exchange, Speaker, AmSpecBlog, JustOneMinute, Oliver Willis, Gothamist, Hugh Hewitt’s TownHall Blog, Economist’s View, Shakesville, Lynn Sweet, ThinkProgress, Daily Kos, Truthdig, Emptywheel, AMERICAblog News, Lawyers, Guns & Money, FrumForumThe Huffington Post, The Note, The Hill, And So it Goes in Shreveport, AMERICAblog News, Hot Air, Taylor Marsh, Pajamas Media, Scared Monkeys, Outside the Beltway, NetRight Daily, The Western Experience, GOP 12, Le·gal In·sur·rec· tion, National Review, The Lonely Conservative,, and FrumForum and more via Memeorandum

Video: Trailer: The Undefeated

It’s the Sarah Palin Movie. Personally, I loathe the woman, and this looks like a Sarah Palin propaganda movie. However, it looks like it might be a good movie, for a few good laughs perhaps? 😛

What this movie will not tell you; because the Sarah Palin cult never really tells the truth, is that Sarah Palin feels that she is entitled to be President of the United States, either because she is a woman or because she feels that it is some sort of bizarre calling for God himself. Which in the eyes of this Independent Fundamental Baptist is quite absurd.

I will not get into all the various reasons why I do not like Sarah Palin; the best thing to do, is go here and read all the posts tagged with her name, and then you will understand why it is that I detest this woman.

Again, it might be just be a good movie, but it is sole purpose is to promote all things shrieking harpy Palin.

(Via Mediaite)

Video: This is why I like Rick Santelli

No, he is not crazy……Just slightly animated.

(via Mediate)

President Obama makes some unpopular suggestions in debt talks

It is never easy being the President of the United States.  There are times, when you have to do thing that you know are going to upset your base.  A perfect example of this would be found here, as reported by the Washington Post:

President Obama is pressing congressional leaders to consider a far-reaching debt-reduction plan that would force Democrats to accept major changes to Social Security and Medicare in exchange for Republican support for fresh tax revenue.

At a meeting with top House and Senate leaders set for Thursday morning, Obama plans to argue that a rare consensus has emerged about the size and scope of the nation’s budget problems and that policymakers should seize the moment to take dramatic action.

As part of his pitch, Obama is proposing significant reductions in Medicare spending and for the first time is offering to tackle the rising cost of Social Security, according to people in both parties with knowledge of the proposal. The move marks a major shift for the White House and could present a direct challenge to Democratic lawmakers who have vowed to protect health and retirement benefits from the assault on government spending.

“Obviously, there will be some Democrats who don’t believe we need to do entitlement reform. But there seems to be some hunger to do something of some significance,” said a Democratic official familiar with the administration’s thinking. “These moments come along at most once a decade. And it would be a real mistake if we let it pass us by.”

Rather than roughly $2 trillion in savings, the White House is now seeking a plan that would slash more than $4 trillion from annual budget deficits over the next decade, stabilize borrowing, and defuse the biggest budgetary time bombs that are set to explode as the cost of health care rises and the nation’s population ages.

That would represent a major legislative achievement, but it would also put Obama and GOP leaders at odds with major factions of their own parties. While Democrats would be asked to cut social-safety-net programs, Republicans would be asked to raise taxes, perhaps by letting tax breaks for the nation’s wealthiest households expire on schedule at the end of next year.

The administration argues that lawmakers would also get an important victory to sell to voters in 2012. “The fiscal good has to outweigh the pain,” said a Democratic official familiar with the discussions.

As one might expect, this is not going over well at all with the progressive blogosphere.  In fact, most of them are quite understandably livid at this sort of talk.  Donald Douglas does feel the need to mock them; however, I will not stoop to such antics.  Seeing that I have to elderly parents on Social Security, I will not take a stance as such.

The truth is that President Barack Obama is in one heck of a tight spot here.  No matter what he does, he will be roundly criticized, by the right and the left for what he does.  The right does criticize the President, sometimes rightfully so, for not showing enough leadership in situations like these; and when he does and makes suggestions like these, his base which is represented by the progressive bloggers —- roundly criticize him for making suggestions like this one here.  In short, it is really a no win situation.

The cold, hard truth is this; America is in a very difficult situation.  We are in a huge amount of debt.  This debt was created by both parties over the past eleven years.  It has been caused by one necessary war and another war that many thought to be unnecessary.  Then, as a new President took office, to try to spur the economy; which ultimately failed, this President spent like a drunken sailor; and now, we are in this situation.

The only true hope I can offer is that the President and the members of Congress can come to some sort of agreement — that will not punish the Americans who worked so very hard to get the benefits that they are entitled.  People like my Father, who worked thirty-one years at the same place, every day, played by the rules, and provided for his family.  These people do not deserve to be punished.  I just truly hope that the President and the Republican members of both houses of Congress realize this.

Others: The Politico, Brilliant at Breakfast, The CaucusTalking Points Memo, Swampland, Gawker, Scarecrow’s myFDL diary, Oliver Willis, Taylor Marsh, TPMDC, AMERICAblog News, Crooks and Liars, Bark Bark Woof Woof, Corrente and FrumForum

Video: Jack Hunter Says, “Tim Pawlenty is another Big Government Conservative!”

Transcript Here