Obama supported company gets U.S. Loan and builds cars…. In Finland

This ought to be a lesson to every last Democrat who voted for Obama and Biden.

The Video:

The Story:

With the approval of the Obama administration, an electric car company that received a $529 million federal government loan guarantee is assembling its first line of cars in Finland, saying it could not find a facility in the United States capable of doing the work.

Vice President Joseph Biden heralded the Energy Department’s $529 million loan to the start-up electric car company called Fisker as a bright new path to thousands of American manufacturing jobs. But two years after the loan was announced, the job of assembling the flashy electric Fisker Karma sports car has been outsourced to Finland.

“There was no contract manufacturer in the U.S. that could actually produce our vehicle,” the car company’s founder and namesake told ABC News. “They don’t exist here.”

Henrik Fisker said the U.S. money so far has been spent on engineering and design work that stayed in the U.S., not on the 500 manufacturing jobs that went to a rural Finnish firm, Valmet Automotive.

“We’re not in the business of failing; we’re in the business of winning. So we make the right decision for the business,” Fisker said. “That’s why we went to Finland.”

via Car Company Gets U.S. Loan, Builds Cars In Finland – ABC News.

Here is the real-world translation to that last line in that story; we did not want to have to deal with the labor unions in this United States, so we moved our manufacturing overseas.

Take note my Democratic Party friends who happen to read this blog, all two of you.  This is what happens to the Democrats and their union counterparts, when they elect internationalist Democrats, who really do not give a care about what happens to American workers.  Internationalist Democrats and their Republican counterparts, the globalists — like Richard Nixon, who do not care about American workers, they are corporatists, who support crony capitalism.

This right here is a perfect example of why the relations between the Democratic Party and the labor unions are frosty at best.  That is because the Democratic Party for the last few instances that they have won elections, have been putting internationalist Democrats into the White House.  This type of a Democrat talks a nice game, and puts out platitudes to the American autoworkers and their representatives in the unions; but when the “Rubber hits the road” so to speak, things change.  They begin showing their true colors and start doing things to kick dirt in the face of the American worker.

I do not write this as a Conservative mocking the left, goodness no.  I write this as someone who has a father, who is a retired General Motors worker, who is a member of the UAW.  If anyone would know how the Democratic Party has treated the American autoworker in the last 30 years, it would be me.  There was a time in this Country, when the Democratic Party used to respect the American autoworker and would literally step in front a train to defend them.  Sadly, that time has passed, as the unions have lost their influence amongst the Democratic Party.

The loss of that influence in the Democratic Party is partially due to the actions of the internationalist Democrats, like Bill Clinton, who signed into law NAFTA and TAFTA.  Some of that loss of influence is also due to the declining membership roles within the UAW and other said unions.  Either way, it is sad transition in America, when our politicians in Washington D.C. put interests abroad before interests here at home.

Some of my readers, all three of you, might be shocked to see that I do not take a more mocking tone on stories like this and here is why I do not; Pat Buchanan said it best once, on one issue that I actually agree with him on — the American worker.  Pat once said, “As goes Detroit, goes the Nation,” and you know what?  Pat Buchanan is right about that, the United States of America used to be a manufacturing marvel.  We produced everything ourselves, and other Countries used to come here to see how we did it all.  Sadly, those times have come and gone, due to many reasons, a list of which is longer than the length of this blog entry will permit.

What is solution you ask, I know what it is; but most of the people who will come here to read, will not agree with it.  However, I will give the solution.  Firstly, the solution is NOT to bust up the unions, as they have as much right to proper representation, as the company owners have a right to make a profit.  The solution to the problem is to get rid of these idiotic so-called “Free Trade” agreements.  Secondly, the solution is to impose strict tariffs on EVERYTHING and I do mean everything that is manufactured overseas and imported into our Country.

These actions would do a couple of things; firstly it would protect the American workers from the globalists who want to undercut the American worker to make a quick dollar on the backs of cheap sweatshop labor in foreign countries like China.  Secondly, it would solve our Nation’s revenue problem by creating a reliable source of income; one of which we did have in this Country for a very long time, before the globalists ripped it out, in favor of trade agreements.

Further, the solution is in whom we elect; Republicans and Democrats alike need to elect those who put America’s interests first, and not the interests who those abroad.  To be fair, Republicans have done this too in this past and we as Americans need to watch what these new crop of Republicans really represent; do they represent the interests of the crony capitalists or do they have the American people’s interests in mind?  Supposedly, the Tea Party movement brought some of this “America First” type of populism to the Conservative movement, but as of late, it seems that the Tea Party was nothing more than a passing fad.  I just hope the people, who went to these protests, use the principles that were promoted at the Tea Party rallies, at the ballot box come November 2012.

Others: Michelle Malkin, New York Times, New York Magazine, The Heritage Foundation, Questions and Observations, Fantastical Andrew Fox, RedState, The Strata-Sphere, Hot Air, Sky Dancing, Conservatives4Palin, americanthinker.com, Big Government, Weasel Zippers, Fire Andrea Mitchell!, JammieWearingFool and Betsy’s Page

Welcome to my World: 6 Million people age 25-34 live with parents, up 25%

I’m 39 and I still live at home and yes, it sucks. You know, I’ve been called a leech, a shit stain and alot of other names. But honestly? Is it my fault? No, it’s the economy around here and leaders in Washington D.C. that have screwed the Country into the ground.

I saw this via Drudge:

WASHINGTON — Call it the recession’s lost generation.

In record-setting numbers, young adults struggling to find work are shunning long-distance moves to live with Mom and Dad, delaying marriage and buying fewer homes, often raising kids out of wedlock. They suffer from the highest unemployment since World War II and risk living in poverty more than others — nearly 1 in 5.

New 2010 census data released Thursday show the wrenching impact of a recession that officially ended in mid-2009. It highlights the missed opportunities and dim prospects for a generation of mostly 20-somethings and 30-somethings coming of age in a prolonged slump with high unemployment.

“We have a monster jobs problem, and young people are the biggest losers,” said Andrew Sum, an economist and director of the Center for Labor Market Studies at Northeastern University. He noted that for recent college grads now getting by with waitressing, bartending and odd jobs, they will have to compete with new graduates for entry-level career positions when the job market eventually does improve.

“Their really high levels of underemployment and unemployment will haunt young people for at least another decade,” Sum said.

via Recession yields a lost generation of workers – Business – Stocks & economy – msnbc.com.

Honestly though, my folks do not mind me living here; they like the help and I am an only child; so, there is not another brother or anything, who can help. So, I live here, until this economy recovers. Another thing too, in 2004, I filed for bankruptcy and I did start over. I made the stupid mistake of getting into a lot of debt, when I was younger with a credit card. Needless to say, I learned my lesson there. I have a debit card now, and if I zap that back account, I am screwed. So, I have the motivation to not screw that up!

On a related note, on the economy; the man who came to fix our A/C here, told me that he is lucky if he gets like 25 hours a week with the company he is with. Now keep in mind, this is not a trainee or anything that, this dude was certified in A/C and Heating. He has the license and everything; and he is not even getting 40 hours a week of work. That, my friends, is how screwed up our economy truly is. 🙁

Those who have a job are lucky to get enough money to put food on the table, and those of us, who cannot find a job are basically left out in the cold. This is why I have such a big problem with all this union protectionism crap that the left is touting. I respect the Unions at all and what they fought for, many years ago. But, we are living in a different would and the prosperity of that era; which the unions took advantage of, is gone for good.

So, that is why, when I see stuff like this here; my heart breaks, because it is not the wealthy people who are going to suffer. It is going to be the working class people and the poor; who are going to suffer the most. The thing to remember is this; it all trickles down, sooner or later. The wealthy lose, the jobs dry up and people suffer. The bad part is, Government cannot fix it. it has to fix itself. The sad part is, it usually takes a LONG time for it to fix itself.

This, is the folly of Progressivism; the belief that Government can fix something that it did not break, in the first place.


Mixed Bag: Jobs bill to make not hiring long term unemployed illegal

I call this one a mixed bag, for a number of reasons that I will explain after the quote and what I write might surprise you.

President Obama’s American Jobs Act, which he presented to Congress on Monday, would make it illegal for employers to run advertisements saying that they will not consider unemployed workers, or to refuse to consider or hire people because they are unemployed.

The proposed language is found in a section of the bill titled “Prohibition of Discrimination in Employment on the Basis of an Individual’s Status as Unemployed.” That section would also make it illegal for employers to request that employment agencies take into account a person’s unemployed status.

It would also allow aggrieved job-seekers to seek damages if they have been discriminated against. This provision in particular prompted Rep. Louie Gohmert (R-Texas) to argue that Obama’s proposal is aimed at creating a new, special class of people who can sue companies.

“So if you’re unemployed, and you go to apply for a job and you’re not hired for that job, see a lawyer,” Gohmert said on the House floor. “You might be able to file a claim because you got discriminated against because you’re unemployed.”

via Obama’s bill makes it illegal to discriminate against unemployed – The Hill’s Floor Action.

I see that other blogs are ballyhooing about this one; and even as someone who has been unemployed since 2005, I can see why this would be a bad idea.

First off, most unemployment cases like this, would be tossed out of court. Because unless it is a union shop, there is no guarantee of employment, ever. In other words, no employer is obligated to hire anyone, ever. As much as I know that being employed sucks and being unemployed since 2005 sucks even worse; it would be very hard to prove that some company did not hire me because of that reason. One would have to establish that an employer knowingly did not hire you, because of your extended employment. In lawyer terms, it is called “proving malice,” I believe. But, again, I am not a lawyer.

Here is why I call it a mixed bag: The only way this would be a good thing; would be if you did have definite proof that an employer was not hiring you, for being long term unemployed. However, to be, that just seems wrong. No one, who owns a business, should be obligated to hire anyone, ever.

Second of all, putting myself into the shoes of an employer; if I knew that Congress was going to pass this sort of a law or did pass it — I would be very leery of hiring anyone who had been unemployed for any length of time. In fact, if you did not have a job, when you applied, I would not bother even calling you, for fear of being sued.

Thirdly, from what I have been reading, this “jobs bill” is basically D.O.A. — the Republicans are not going to pass it. Speeches or not, the thing will die in Congress.

So, file this one under, “The road to hell is paved with good intentions.”

If it is worth anything at all; I even told this one to my lifelong Democratic Party voting Mom, and she even said, “That’s crazy! They won’t pass that!” 😀

Others: Weasel Zippers and JammieWearingFool (Via Memeorandum)




The politicization of 9/11 by the left

You remember a few days ago, when I said I did not want to really do anything special on 9/11;  because of the politicization of 9/11 by the left and the right?

Well, here’s an example of what I am a talking about…..from the left.

This is from the AFL-CIO website and this is the AFL-CIO’s President

Sept. 11, 2011: A Day to Commit to Activism

A Message from AFL-CIO President Richard Trumka

All of us will remember the horror and anguish we experienced 10 years ago. Whether we lost loved ones ourselves—family members, union brothers and sisters—or felt the shock of a society that lost nearly 3,000 people and was forever changed, we need no reminding.

Instead, I would like to reflect on doors that were opened on Sept. 11, 2001, and what has come of them in the 10 years since.

Working men and women rushed through doors to danger and became America’s everyday heroes. Firefighters, construction workers, nurses and EMTs—all kinds of professionals and volunteers—were there not just on the fateful day but some for weeks and months and even years after. And we swore we would never forget.

Doors opened within us to each other. We came together. We flew the flag. We comforted one another. In our grief, we found the best in ourselves.

What an overwhelming sense of unity we shared, all across our nation. And it was this unity that allowed us to begin healing and rebuilding. There is no time in my memory of a more proud example of what we can accomplish when we work together. Solidarity, the cornerstone of the union movement, flowed through all of us and carried us through.

But other doors opened, too—doors to hate, suspicion of “others” and self-centered greed. Our fear was twisted into something much more dangerous.

The unity that had helped us survive faded as divisiveness took root. I look around today in amazement at just how far apart our nation has become—the endless possibilities that came with our unity have all but vanished.

Just 10 years after 9/11, despite our vows, the public servants, construction workers and others who lost their lives or still suffer with the cancerous remnants of the Twin Towers haven’t just been forgotten. They’ve been vilified. The extremist small government posse has turned them into public enemy No. 1, as though teachers and firefighters, EMTs and nurses and union construction workers ruined America’s economy.

In state after state this year—with the heroism of 9/11 less than a decade behind us—politicians targeted the paychecks, benefits and basic rights of these workers in a rabid campaign to shift government support to tax breaks for the wealthy and already profitable corporations.

Wealthy CEOs, anti-government extremist front groups and frothing talk show hosts—from the Rush Limbaughs and Glenn Becks to the Koch brothers, Karl Rove’s American Crossroads group, Americans for Prosperity, the Club for Growth, FreedomWorks and the American Legislative Exchange Council—also pushed open the door to hate.

Make no mistake—setting workers against workers is a highly profitable endeavor. How many times during the vilest state attacks on public workers did we hear the question: “Other people don’t have pensions. Why should he?” Prompting that question required twisting the American psyche—which, by its founding nature, seeks to lift the common good. The appropriate question should have been, “Why doesn’t everybody have a pension?” followed by collective action for retirement security.

We’ve seen the costs of hatred in ill-thought wars, in shameful attacks on immigrants and our LGBT neighbors. We saw it in the shooting of Rep. Gabrielle Giffords. We saw it in the racism that has found overt and covert expression since Barack Obama began his run for office—from outright declarations of people who said out loud they would never vote for a black man to the ridiculously persistent obsession with our president’s birth certificate. Regardless of his policies or priorities, President Obama is shadowed by the drumbeat of suspicion based on his “other”-ness. And those suspicions are fed and watered constantly by forces that were threatened by his message of “hope and change.”

We’ve seen the cost of greed in the recklessness of financial institutions that created the greatest economic collapse since the Great Depression and the devastating jobs crisis that persists today.

But I remember that other door that opened on 9/11—the door to our better selves, to our understanding that we are one and our values require us to care for one another.

That’s what sent 347 firefighters to their death at the Twin Towers 10 years ago. It’s also what sent firefighters to stand with teachers in Wisconsin even though Gov. Scott Walker had exempted them from his attack on public employees. It’s what moves employed people now to demand good jobs for the 26 million Americans who are looking for work. It’s what gives us the courage to take on a crumbling economy and the politicians preaching austerity and ignoring our jobs crisis—to take them on and say, “We are America. We are better than this. And we are one.”

Brothers and sisters, friends, I hope you will join me in marking this solemn anniversary by committing to redouble your activism on behalf of America’s everyday working heroes. We will rise or fall together.

If I were a relative of a 9/11 victim — I would be wanted to this self-centered asshole’s head on a platter. 😡


Follow Up: Left claims that FOX NEWS edited Hoffa’s comments

The problem is —- it does not matter one lousy iota.

For back story on this go here.

Now for the unedited version of the clip and yes, I do know where it is from; and you can zip it with the objections. I am getting to a point here:

Now for my explanation as to why this silly little argument of context does not matter one lousy iota.  Whether the liberal left wants to be intellectually honest about this or not —- the phrase “let’s take these sons of bitches out” is a call to violence — Period, end of discussion.

The problem now is this, what is going to be the liberal left’s reaction and response, when some liberal thug shows up at a Tea Party protest, start harassing people; and some Conservative pulls out a gun, and shoots him dead?  Further, what is going to be the left’s reaction and response when some person, who grasp on reality is not that of a normal, sane, rational person — and he shows up at a union organized rally somewhere, with a assault rifle and starts shooting people?  What will left do then?  Will they blame Hoffa?  Will they denounce their own? No, what they will do is blame the right for editing a video and accusing the right of ginning up the rhetoric.  It is a classic Neo-Liberal, Frankfurt Institute of political correctness response.

This is a classical liberal tactic; Fox News and the Conservative Blogosphere took the bait and now we have this; this sort of nonsense right here makes me want to pack in it with Blogging.  This whipping of the political arenas into virtual bloodlust for the other side is most disgusting.  Both sides do it; and it totally pisses me the hell off.  I am not a man who enjoys violence at all.  In fact, the only reason I would ever want to own a gun, is for personal protection — not to carry around with me, unless I had to.

Further, another thing that really angers me is the fact that the President of the United States will not say one damned word to denounce Hoffa’s comments at all.  It is because the Obama Administration has its nose square up the ass of the labor movement — for votes. Not that he honestly gives two flips about the actual ordinary people of the labor movement, you know the actual workers?  You see, the President, along with Hillary and Bill Clinton are what is known as internationalist Democrats.  They see American in the context of the international community, not America for the great Country she is.

So, do not expect the White House to issue any sort of denunciation of these remarks.  Because this is, what the White House wanted and the right, as they are prone to do — took the bait and ran with it.  I hope that this does not turn into a huge issue, because the Liberals need something desperately to hold against the right, as liberal policies have failed Americans and the Democrats need a cover, badly.

UPDATED: The coming 2012 battle?

The video is over at Real Clear Politics. (H/T Drudge)

Quotable Quote:

“We got to keep an eye on the battle that we face: The war on workers. And you see it everywhere, it is the Tea Party. And you know, there is only one way to beat and win that war. The one thing about working people is we like a good fight. And you know what? They’ve got a war, they got a war with us and there’s only going to be one winner. It’s going to be the workers of Michigan, and America. We’re going to win that war,” Jimmy Hoffa Jr. said to a heavily union crowd.

I got a bad feeling about this coming 2012 election. It’s going to get ugly on both sides, I am afraid.

Others: Big Government, blogs.telegraph.co.uk, Proof Positive, And So it Goes in Shreveport, Associated Press, Scared Monkeys, Pajamas Media, Le·gal In·sur·rec· tion, Sipsey Street Irregulars, The Lonely Conservative and HotAirPundit

 Update: I’ve posted a follow up to this posting. Please, go check it out! Thanks. 😀

UPDATED: More union vandalism and violence against business owners

As some of you know, my Father is a retired General Motors worker and a 31 year member of the U.A.W.

Which basically makes me the son of a Union member.

Which is why this story here makes me even the more sick to my stomach.

The Video:

The Story via The Daily Caller:

King Electrical Services owner John King was shot by a person who appears to be from one of the many unions who have targeted his workers, Toledo News Channel 11 WTOL reports. King is the largest non-union electrical contractor company in the area of southeastern Michigan near the Ohio border.

He has a long history of being on the receiving end of union-related violence, and this case doesn’t appear to be any different. Before shooting him, the gunman etched the word “SCAB” into the side of King’s SUV.

The altercation started when King woke up late last Wednesday to find someone in his driveway. He described the intruder as a “silhouette figure” because he didn’t see the person clearly enough to offer a description. The individual was attempting to vandalize his SUV. When King went outside his Lambertville, Mich., home to confront the person, the vandal shot him in the arm.

The Labor Union Report Picks up the rest:

Until Wednesday, the worst of the union attacks on King and his business came in the mid-eighties during the UAW strike at AP Parts. During a lull during the lengthy strike, King’s business was picketed by more than 50 IBEW picketers. This was at a time when he only had eight or nine employees. One of his employees, whose car was trashed by the union picketers, was also beaten up by IBEW thugs.

Unfortunately, the vandalism has never stopped. This year alone, he’s had to report three incidents of damage to police. This doesn’t include the incidents of stalking he and his men have to go through while they’re working.

In one incident earlier this year, rocks were thrown through the front windows of his shop, one of which had the word “kill” written on it.

Last Wednesday, however, the attacks on Mr. King became much more serious when he was awakened late in the evening at his home in Monroe County, Michigan and saw that the motion lights in his driveway had come on. When he looked out his front window, he saw a figure near his SUV and went outside.

As soon as he got outside his front door, King yelled at the individual who was crouched down by King’s vehicle. As soon as King yelled, the suspect stood and, without hesitation, fired a shot at Mr. King.

Luckily for King, as he yelled, he also stumbled. If it weren’t for that, however, John King’s injuries might have been much, much worse. In fact, he might have been killed.

Upon scrambling back into his house, King got to his cell phone and called 911. However, due to the pain in his knees and shoulder from falling, King was unaware that he had been shot in the arm.

At first, King thought that his assailant was merely trying to break into his vehicle. Little did he know, however, that the perpetrator was targeting him–because of his non-union company.

The night of the shooting, police recovered a shell casing from a small caliber handgun. In addition to the shell casing, police also found a Swiss Army knife that police say was likely going to be used to slice the tires on King’s SUV.

While neither the police, nor Mr. King can say which union was behind the attack, it is very clear by the word ‘scab’ scrawled on his SUV that it the attack was union-related.

“The police have been very thorough,” King says. “I cannot praise the Monroe County Sheriff’s department enough.”

The Monroe County Sheriff’s office is encouraging anyone with information to call 734-240-7530.

In addition, Mr. King is offering a $10,000 reward for information that will lead to the arrest and conviction of the suspect.

I seem to remember that Obama said to his union supporters, something about “getting in their faces:”

Now, Do I believe that this is what Obama had in mind? Yes I do. You can expect this sort of violence, as long as Obama is up for reelection. This and the media straight up lying about racism on the right.

As I said last night. We have 14 more months of this to endure — 14 more months. 🙄

Here is hoping, however, that this thug or thugs are caught and hopefully, this business owner arms himself. I mean, because without a gun; this guy is a sitting duck.

Let me also say this; I have been around unions for a very long time. I have never, ever, heard of any of the U.A.W. guys ever taking part in anything like this; ever. At least not in the local that my Dad is in. I have heard of union violence in other locals; but never in the one my daddy is involved with. I also believe that whoever did this; should be publicly exposed. Because stuff like this, makes the labor movement look bad to the rest of the world. Hell, my daddy is not a vile criminal like that, he worked for 31 years at General Motors, played by the rules and made something of himself.

I could go on here and carp on about how the Unions are inherently corrupt and so forth; but, I will not, even I know better than that. I believe this most likely is an isolated incident with a local labor union, who might have some members who are a bit shady. What needs to happen is, that the Government needs to investigate this local and see if they were involved. But, that will not happen under the current Presidential Administration.

Update: Ed Morrissey over at Hotair.com covers this; for which I am very grateful and adds this haunting video:

Tense Verizon Strike Continues: MyFoxNY.com

Ed Also says this:

It’s worth pointing out that “open season” is a hunting term. Remember when crosshairs on a map made Sarah Palin responsible for all political violence regardless of what the facts were? The actual violence that occurred in Michigan seems a lot more connected to unions, and the same will be true if a violent incident occurs in New York in the Verizon dispute. Will the national media shriek about unions being the cause of political violence and demand sanctions against them? Don’t hold your breath.

I also should note, the it is not lost on me where this happened. It happened in the Monroe, Michigan area. Which is about 20 miles to the south of me or so; as the crow flies. This is a new low for the Labor movement in Michigan. I can honestly say, that I am ashamed of being from this state. 🙁


Welcome to my world! – 60 Minutes Admits Unemployment is Actually 17%, 22% in California

Welcome to my World people! I have been out of work since 2005. I went to college to get a CDL A License, think that my would get easier; instead, it get much more complex.

JammieWearingFool Says:

I nearly fell out of my chair tonight when 60 Minutes admitted this. Yes, 60 Minutes.

You can bet the White House and their lackeys will be all over them tomorrow. This isn’t news the Democrats need America to hear nine days out of an election.


Now, I am not going to pull the liberal line and say that Bush was suppressing numbers. However, I do believe that actual number is bigger than many even know. Because some people just do not file for benefits at all. Also too, there are some people who were fired or quit and were never able to file for benefits, because they did not qualify.

Anyhow, welcome to the recession or as I call it — my world. 😀

Others: Breitbart.tv, Big Government, GayPatriot, Weasel Zippers and Pajamas Media

Gun Blogger loses his job, could use some help

Normally, I would not care; but this is for someone who believes in the Second Amendment and I believe in that whole “What goes around, comes around” and “Reaping and Sowing” thing. Plus, there’s nothing like good JuJu.. so… Let’s help.

Apparently, this guy has a Gun Holster Business:

Then, there’s holsters and other things. Folks, currently my holster business is about my only business. If you want a really nice, full-custom holster quick; well, now would be the time to place your order. If I can take orders for about six holsters, I don’t have to go to work in ten days. My brother and I have mused for years of opening a custom shop, specializing in ultra high-end guitar equipment, home audio, and furnishings. Currently, we’ve got a personal project going with an analog 7.1-surround switcher in stainless steel and English Yew. I’d love to make my money building tube amps and the wildest couches and coffee tables that you’ve ever seen. This does not by any means exclude the holster business. There is certainly a place for that in my future.

So, if you have a 6 shooter or something in that department, give this guy a ring dingy and let him make you a holster.

I mean, it’s one thing to be a fat assed unemployed idiot like me, who’s living with his Mommy and Daddy and gets three squares a day and has a roof over his head. But when you are out there in the wild, with no safety net, it is a whole other ballgame. So, get on over there and help this dude out.

Hat Tip and thanks to Say Uncle, who happens to be one the better gun Bloggers out there.

Liberals Whine about Conservatives wanting to bring firearms for protection from SEIU thugs.

From the very liberal WhoRunsGov Website:


An official with SEIU, which has been sending members to town halls to counterbalance the Tea Party brigade, sends over this audio of a phone call the union says it received on its central voicemail system, threatening to teach union officials a thing or two about “the Second Amendment”…

The call seems to refer to reports today to scuffles in St. Louis between SEIU members and town hall rowdies.

“I suggest you tell your people to calm down, act like American citizens, and stop trying to repress people’s First Amendment rights,” the caller says. “That, or you all are gonna come up against the Second Amendment.

That’s not all; the whiny liberals over at Talking Points Memo, a ultra-Liberal Website reports:

Based on the news that health care events are edging into violence, an anti-health care reform protester in New Mexico named Scott Oskay is calling on his hundreds of online followers to bring firearms to town halls, and to ‘badly hurt’ SEIU and ACORN counter protesters.

Popularized in part by conservative blogger Michelle Malkin, the hashtag symbol he’s using, #iamthemob, has gone viral on twitter, appearing several times a minute according to a recent search.

Lets see here, socialist Liberal Democrats hire goons like the SEIU to beat a black man for simply handing out flags that say, “Don’t tread on me” and then say, “That’s Union way!” and then when Conservative Americans decide that they are not going to sit by and allow Socialists to attack them and decide that they are going to use their constitutional rights to defend themselves, the SEIU says that Conservatives are kooks and are threatening them?

Does anyone else see anything wrong with this picture?!?!?

The SEIU has better than their lucky stars that some Gun owner has not killed one of their members yet! It might still happen, seeing the SEIU has got this problem with pushing people around. The AFL-CIO needs to do something here, because this is going to get very ugly, before it gets any better. The AFL-CIO needs to condemn these attacks and now, before this gets any worse.

I knew this was coming, I warned about it, long ago and now we’re in the middle of the Communist take over of America.

A Blogger friend of mine needs help

realmeHis name is Sammy, He is Jewish.

I razzed him once about something and pissed him off. After a while, I felt like a dick and apologized. After we became friends, I learned much about Sammy, I found out we had much in common.

Anyway, Sammy’s now looking at some hard times right now; I can relate; many can, times are tough. I however, have a safety net of sorts. Sammy does not, he is toughing it out and making due. Job prospects are bad and he might have swallow hard and do the Walmart thing.

If you can head on over to Sammy’s Blog and give a buck or two. Consider it an act of charity to a man, who is not drinking the Kool-Aid.

Click here to read Sammy’s Blog Posting.

…..and Thank you.

I have come to a conclusion about the President

That he is either abysmally ignorant or grossly naive.

The reason I say this, is because now, Obama is now saying that he is shocked SHOCKED that there would be any uproar over him calling the police dept “Stupid” for how they handled race-baiter and general stupid idiot, Henry Gates.

ABC News reports:  (Please,be sure and watch the video, please, I cannot embed it here)

President Obama today stood by his comments that the Cambridge, Mass., police department acted “stupidly” in its arrest of Henry Louis Gates, telling ABC News that the Harvard University professor should not have been arrested.

“I have to say I am surprised by the controversy surrounding my statement, because I think it was a pretty straightforward commentary that you probably don’t need to handcuff a guy, a middle-aged man who uses a cane, who’s in his own home,” Obama said.

In an exclusive interview with ABC’s Terry Moran to air on “Nightline” tonight, Obama said it doesn’t make sense to him that the situation escalated to the point that Gates was arrested.

“I think that I have extraordinary respect for the difficulties of the job that police officers do,” the president told Moran. “And my suspicion is that words were exchanged between the police officer and Mr. Gates and that everybody should have just settled down and cooler heads should have prevailed. That’s my suspicion.”

The president said he understands the sergeant who arrested Gates is an “outstanding police officer.” But he added that with all that’s going on in the country with health care and the economy and the wars abroad, “it doesn’t make sense to arrest a guy in his own home if he’s not causing a serious disturbance.”

It is quite obvious that Obama is biased in this situation, because he is black. So much for a Post-Racial President! The man still clings to the past racial nonsense of the 1960’s. I guess his Communist mentor in Hawaii had more influence than we thought.

What really perplexes  me, is how Obama is going directly against the Police union:

Crowley and his union slammed the president today for his comments about the incident at Gates’ house last week.

Obama “was dead wrong to malign this police officer specifically and the department in general,” Alan McDonald, the lawyer for the Cambridge Police Superior Officers Association, told ABC News today.

Crowley also chimed in, saying that the president’s characterization was “way off base. … I acted appropriately,” Crowley told WBZ Radio in Boston Thursday.

“I support the president of the United States 110 percent,” Crowley told WBZ. “I think he’s way off base wading into a local issue without knowing all the facts, as he himself stated before he made that comment.”

White House Press Secretary Robert Gibbs said today that the president was not calling the Cambridge police officer stupid when he criticized his actions in the Gates incident.

On whether the president regrets the use of his words, Gibbs said: “No. He was not calling the officer stupid. The situation got out of hand.”

Gibbs said he was not aware whether the president had spoken to Gates.

This is part that makes me wonder if the President is dealing with a full deck —- or not. Why I say this is; does the President have any remote clue, how stupid it is to insult a union worker? The Police do have a union, does Obama even know this or realize the implications of crossing the police union? I mean, Obama may as well have called the United Auto Workers, a bunch of lazy bums!  Obama has basically gone against his own base! I mean, does not Obama release that this union is, as are all Union affiliated with the A.F.L-C.I.O; and that these organizations communicate with one another? There is an old saying when it comes to progressive politics; and anything else for that matter, and that is; you just do not bite the hand that feeds you. Obama has just bitten one the biggest hands in progressive politics!

Something tells me, that Obama is going to be doing some serious kissing up here in the next few weeks or else he can forget about running in 2012. Because you just do not stab the unions in the back and expect to be reelected. You would think that Obama, being quite the progressive that he is, would know something like this.I may now be a Conservative; but I do know the inner workings of progressive politics and Unions are a big part of it. Obama might find this out, when it is time for him to be reelected come 2012.

When you have lost the unions, you have basically lost your base and your chances of being reelected.

Others: Riehl World View,  , Hot Air, NewsBusters.org, And So it Goes in ShreveportPower LineWeekly StandardQandO, Right Wing NewsTHE ASTUTE BLOGGERS, NO QUARTER, American Power

Unemployment Soars higher than expected and the Dems solution is throw more money at it!

But of course, is that not what Democrats always do? When a problem arises, they throw more money at a problem and exert more Governmental Control over it; thinking that will fix it?

Anyhow, here is the story; The Voice of America reports:

The White House says America’s employment picture is worse than the Obama administration had anticipated just a few months ago. The somber admission follows the latest jobless report showing the highest unemployment rate the United States has seen in more than 25 years.

U.S. unemployment jumped a half percent in May, to 9.4 percent prompting this comment by Austan Goolsbee, a member of President Barack Obama’s Council of Economic Advisors:

“The economy clearly has gotten substantially worse from the initial predictions that were being made, not just by the White House, but by all of the private sector,” said Austan Goolsbee.

Economists point out that the current jobless rate is already higher than the hypothetical rate that was used to calculate the health of banks and other financial institutions in so-called “stress tests” earlier this year. And, the upward unemployment trajectory is expected to continue in coming months, even if the overall economy begins to recover.

But never fear your Government is on the case! They are going to do, what Government has always done; especially Liberal Governments. They going to throw money at the problem! Woo Hoo! 🙄

The Barack Obama Apologist, Politico reports:

President Barack Obama is announcing Monday that he is ramping up stimulus spending exponentially in the next three months, allowing the administration to “save or create” 600,00 jobs — four times as many as during the first 100 days since he signed the bill.

The spending plans include National Parks, summer youth jobs, veterans’ medical centers, police and teachers.

Obama will make the announcement during a late-morning Cabinet meeting, when Vice President Joe Biden will present a Roadmap to Recovery, which the White House calls “an Administration-wide effort to accelerate implementation of the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act in its second 100 days.”

“As a result of this accelerated pace of activity, over 600,000 jobs are expected to be created or saved by the Recovery Act in the second 100 days,” compared with roughly 150,000 in the first 100 days, the White House said.

While the administration is sensitive to criticism that stimulus spending has been too slow, a new Gallup Poll shows danger in the other direction. For the first time, a majority of respondents disapprove of Obama on the issue of “controlling federal spending” (51 percent to 45 percent), compared to the 67 percent who view him favorably overall.

Here’s what the “Magic One” is going to do with all that money:

  • Enable 1,129 Health Centers in 50 States and 8 Territories to Provide Expanded Service to Approximately 300,000 Patients – Department of Health and Human Services
  • Begin Work on 107 National Parks – Department of the Interior
  • Begin Work on Rehabilitation and Improvement Projects at 98 Airports and Over 1,500 Highway Locations throughout the Country – Department of Transportation
  • Fund 135,000 Education Jobs Including Teachers, Principals and Support Staff – Department of Education
  • Begin Improvements at 90 Veterans Medical Centers across 38 States – Department of Veterans Affairs
  • Hire or Keep on the Job Approximately 5,000 Law Enforcement Officers – Department of Justice
  • Start 200 New Waste and Water Systems in Rural America – United States Department of Agriculture
  • Begin or Accelerate Cleanup Work at 20 Superfund Sites from the National Priority List – Environmental Protection Agency
  • Create 125,000 Summer Youth Jobs – Department of Labor
  • Initiate 2,300 Construction and Rehabilitation Projects at 359 Military Facilities across the Nation – Department of Defense

Here’s the problem; The President or more specifically our wonderful Government is going do all these wonderful things with money that we don’t even have; because we are barrowing it all from China. After all, did not the President say that we are broke? Yes, he did!

Quotable Quote:

In a sobering holiday interview with C-SPAN, President Obama boldly told Americans: “We are out of money.”

C-SPAN host Steve Scully broke from a meek Washington press corps with probing questions for the new president.

SCULLY: You know the numbers, $1.7 trillion debt, a national deficit of $11 trillion. At what point do we run out of money?

OBAMA: Well, we are out of money now. We are operating in deep deficits, not caused by any decisions we’ve made on health care so far. This is a consequence of the crisis that we’ve seen and in fact our failure to make some good decisions on health care over the last several decades.

So we’ve got a short-term problem, which is we had to spend a lot of money to salvage our financial system, we had to deal with the auto companies, a huge recession which drains tax revenue at the same time it’s putting more pressure on governments to provide unemployment insurance or make sure that food stamps are available for people who have been laid off.

So we have a short-term problem and we also have a long-term problem. The short-term problem is dwarfed by the long-term problem. And the long-term problem is Medicaid and Medicare. If we don’t reduce long-term health care inflation substantially, we can’t get control of the deficit.

So, one option is just to do nothing. We say, well, it’s too expensive for us to make some short-term investments in health care. We can’t afford it. We’ve got this big deficit. Let’s just keep the health care system that we’ve got now.

Along that trajectory, we will see health care cost as an overall share of our federal spending grow and grow and grow and grow until essentially it consumes everything…

But yet, we are going to throw more money at the jobless problem. But we’re broke? Does anyone else see the problem with this picture?

Local Auto News: Chrysler looking at Bankruptcy

A pretty sad thing to wake up today. However, I am sorry to say this, but I knew it was coming. Chrysler never was able to get their act together; unlike G.M. and get a resolution together.

The Report comes via the Washington Post, I won’t quote the whole thing and I kindly ask that you go over and read the whole thing. But rather, I will give some my impressions from the interesting stuff.

My impressions:

The Obama administration last night planned to send Chrysler into bankruptcy, replace chief executive Robert L. Nardelli and pump billions of dollars more into the effort, all in hopes the company can emerge from court proceedings as a reenergized competitor in the global economy.

Government officials clung to 11th-hour hopes last night that bankruptcy could be averted, but talks broke down with Chrysler’s creditors. A bankruptcy filing could happen as soon as today.

The U.S. government’s attempt to save the automaker amounts to another extraordinary intervention in the economy and a landmark event in the history of the American auto industry.

Under the administration’s detailed court strategy, ownership of Chrysler would be dramatically reorganized, the leadership of Italian automaker Fiat would take over company management and the U.S. and Canadian governments would contribute more than $10 billion in additional funding.

Company and government officials had feared that a bankruptcy would stain the brand, shake customer confidence and erode sales, but the administration said it would seek to use the process to create a new Chrysler company. Its ownership would be divided, with the company’s union retiree health fund receiving a 55 percent stake, Fiat would claim as much as a 35 percent share and the United States would take 8 percent. The Canadian government would receive two percent.

Basically this is what General Motors did voluntarily. Minus the Fiat equation, of course. It is a tough break that the creditors, bond holders, and company management could not come together to an agreement.  The main and good thing is, that the automaker, itself, will be saved, and that American jobs will be saved.

Now comes the part that will make people like Sean Hannity, Rush Limbaugh, Michelle Malkin, and the rest of the far right wing people howl at the moon:

The automaker’s current majority owner, the private-equity firm Cerberus Capital Management, would have its holdings wiped out.

Now, to be fair; I will report the truth about this holdings company. This company, from what I have read and have been told; is notorious for buying up struggling companies, like Chrysler and shutting them down and selling off the assets to make money. They have done this in past, from what I told. So, while I hate to see anyone lose their money. I actually am glad to see Chrysler being taken away from this company.

Let me also say this. As an Conservative, who believes in “America First”, and believes that business sometimes have to fail; I am not exactly jumping for joy, when it comes to fact that this auto company is having taxpayer dollars being pumped into it. Nor am I happy at the fact, that a US automaker is having a foreign auto company’s management taking over its operations. However, I believe we must be realistic about such matters. We are not living in the 1950’s any longer, we are in a economic recession of monumental proportions, and if we do not drastic measures quickly, we could see a total collapse of the American auto industry. I also know that there is a undeniable truth that “as Detroit goes, so goes America.” Pat Buchanan and I, have been saying this all along; if allow the big three or in this case, the big two to disappear our Nation’s economy would go into free fall. I shudder in absolute horror at the thought of the far reaching implications of such an event.

I will say, as a devout Paleo-Conservative; If we would have rejected the globalism of the Rockefeller-type conservative types and would have imposed strict trade restrictions on Japanese and other such foreign automotive products, these auto companies would not be in the position that they are today.  It is because of the Rockefeller-type, Madison Avenue, Neo-Conservatives, whose mantra is “screw the American middle class”, is the reason we are in this position today.  Further more, it is the reason that the world is also partaking in our recession as well.  Perhaps President Obama will see the state of our globalist economy and will rethink his position on NAFTA and TAFTA and the rest of those toxic free trade agreements that are in place; and impose strict tariffs on imports that are bleeding our economy dry.

Realistically however, I highly doubt that President Obama will do any of that, because he is trying to run as a centrist, or as I like to call it; he is sucking up to the Neo-Conservative right, as they are his biggest supporters, strangely, after trying so very hard to defeat him in the election. Of course, we Paleo-Conservatives know why this is; because the only difference between a Neo-Conservative and a Democrat is the letter next to the name.

Ed, that’s nothing new

Just a little reply to Ed Morrissey’s posting about unions invoking of Religious texts.

Ed, That’s nothing new at all. They’ve been doing that sort of stuff around here for years. Even going as far as to infiltrate Churches.

Notice how on that little photo that they went out of their way to put on there, “Blessings Be upon him” for the stuff that Mohammad said? But the Christian stuff was not even praised at all.

Countdown to outraged imams protesting in the streets for Mohammad’s writings being used for non-Muslim purposes. Oh, Wait, the liberals are in bed with the Muslims and the terrorists. My Bad. 🙄

The Worry in my Father’s Eyes (A Personal GM Posting)

As many of you know, I am the son of a retired General Motors worker.  Ironically, I am also a Conservative.  No, I am not a Republican; or even a formal Libertarian.  I am someone that believes that the less Governmental interference in my life, the better.   However, there is a place, where my politics ends and a genuine concern for my family begins.

I see that General Motors is going to be taking more money from the Government, and is desperately trying to salvage what is left of that company:


General Motors Corp. will get up to $5 billion and Chrysler LLC $500 million in short-term aid, according to a 250-page government report obtained Monday by The Detroit News.

The Detroit News reported Friday that GM would get about $5 billion and Chrysler $500 million, citing an Obama administration official, which prompted a denial from the White House.

The short-term aid figures are disclosed in the report from the Treasury Department’s Inspector General on the $700 billion Troubled Asset Relief Program.

The report was obtained from a congressional source late Monday.

Meanwhile General Motors is is doing its damnedest to rid itself of waste:

General Motors Corp. has started notifying about 1,600 white-collar workers — most of whom work in southeast Michigan — that they will lose their jobs this week as the cash-strapped automaker cuts costs that could help the automaker qualify for up to $16.6 billion in additional federal aid.

The announcement was made by GM North American President Troy Clarke in an e-mail sent to employees today, spokesperson Tom Wilkinson said.

“This is part of really restructuring the company to a smaller, leaner company, one that can, as the (Obama) administration requested, be profitable on an ongoing basis,” Wilkinson said.

While this might be a good thing, there are those out there that believe that this is too little too late:

It’s ironic enough that Italy’s Fiat Auto could end up being the savior for Chrysler. After all, former Chrysler President Bob Lutz once likened Fiat to a dead bride when his old boss, Lee Iacocca, wanted the company to join up with the Italian carmaker. Now, Lutz is at General Motors until he retires in December, and Fiat may help his current employer.

Yes, the Italian carmaker is reportedly in talks with GM about forming a partnership with its European and South American businesses, says Automotive News. How ironic is that? Well, in 2000, GM bought 20% of Fiat Auto for $2.4 billion. Back then, GM was healthy and Fiat was in serious financial trouble. The Italian company was wracked by quality issues. It was so bad that GM actually paid another $2 billion a few years later just to avoid a put option that would have made GM the sole owner of Fiat. GM’s board didn’t want that kind of headache.

But now, after Fiat CEO Sergio Marchionne has fixed the company, he could help save Chrysler in the U.S. and GM in Europe. GM lost $1.5 billion in the Olde World last year, with its Opel and Vauxhaul brands suffering mightily with too many factories. GM is actually doing very well in Latin America, where the auto giant earned $1.3 billion last year. Fiat is pretty strong there, too, so they could make a powerful pair down there. The only catch is that Fiat doesn’t have any cash either. But the alliances will help be getting each company jointly-engineered vehicles and sharing parts.

The bottom line: Fiat is not a great carmaker by any stretch. But Chrysler and GM are in so much trouble that anyone could help at this point. Even Fiat.

Which brings me to my point; have any of you really looked at your Father?  I have.  I see worry in his eyes.  I see worry in both my parents eyes.  The questions my parents are facing, as they enter into their golden years are unfathomable, for someone my age.  Will my parents lose everything that my father worked hard to obtain?  We are talking 31 years worth of blood, sweat, and tears.  My Father earned every damned last penny.  I dare some idiot beltway type to say otherwise.

I have been a critic of the Obama Administration for much, as of late.  However, I will give him credit for one thing.  The President is looking out my Father.  I just hope he does not throw my Father under the bus, as he has many others in his short time in the White House.

Some of you might look at this posting and call me some sort of a hypocrite.  That is your right as an American.

However, if you could only see my Father’s eyes; you might just might be able to understand.

Memo to Fox News: Kiss my Detroit Ass!

Oy. I swear, no wonder Fox News’s ratings are in the damned toilet.

In forcing the resignation of General Motors CEO Rick Wagoner, President Obama said he was seeking a fresh start, a “new vision and new direction,” for the beleaguered automaker.

But some critics are questioning why the president of the United Auto Workers union didn’t meet the same fate, to signal a fresh start on the other side of the bargaining table.

Even though UAW President Ron Gettelfinger argues that his workers have made significant concessions in recent years, critics say Gettelfinger should have gone the way of Wagoner — whose ouster could be seen as the final judgment for GM’s pursuit of gas-guzzling SUVs at a time when foreign manufacturers were winning over their customers with fuel-efficient cars.

“Every bad thing you can think a union can do, the United Auto Workers did,” said Kevin Hassett, the director of Economic Policy Studies at the American Enterprise Institute.

Hassett said Gettelfinger presided over negotiations that kept the auto giant burdened with costly benefits programs and protected higher-paid, long-term employees from the cutbacks set in place for new workers.

via With GM’s Wagoner Ousted, Should Union Head Have Met the Same Fate? – First 100 Days of Presidency – Politics FOXNews.com.

On the behalf of my 63 year old Father, who is a Retired General Motors worker. Kiss my Fat White Detroit Union ASS!

No the damned head of the U.A.W. should have not met the damn same fate as the automaker head. He did not cause the problems at General Motors. The Management did; and I don’t wanna hear all that stupid god damned anti-union horse shit either.

So, Fox News… Please, Go fuck yourselves!

and for those who do not like my use of the f-word, I give you this:

Is the Obama Administration letting G.M.’s New C.E.O. do it’s dirty work for them?

Full Disclosure: My Father is a Retired General Motors Worker and U.A.W. Member.


It sure as heck looks that way to me here.

The reason I ask this question is because a new report from CNBC that the new C.E.O. of GM is essentially saying that bankruptcy is the only option:

General Motors’s new chief executive told CNBC that filing for Bankruptcy may be the best option for the struggling automaker.

In a taped interview to be aired tonight on NBC Nightly News, Fritz Henderson said that because of greater demands from the Obama administration to restructure, GM is considering the bankruptcy option. The auto giant previously had ruled out such a move, saying it would discourage people from buying GM cars.

Henderson’s comments came after President Obama bluntly rejected turnaround plans by GM and Chrysler and demanded that both companies make fresh concessions in order to get more federal aid.

Henderson, who was GM’s president and chief operating officer, was named the new CEO after the government forced the resignation of CEO Rick Wagoner on Sunday. GM’s board is also being restructured.

Henderson told reporters that the company would still prefer to restructure outside of court, but the level of support Washington is offering would help the company quickly restructure through bankruptcy.

Henderson says GM  needs to work faster and go deeper to get more concessions from bondholders and the United Auto Workers union. President Obama has demanded that GM come up with a better restructuring plan in 60 days in order to qualify for more government aid.

I find it very interesting that President Obama, instead of doing the dirty deed himself, ousted the CEO of G.M. and basically has let the new G.M. head honcho be his fall guy for basically screwing the bond holders and also the unions. This way, Barry comes off clean. It is a strategy that is quite slick, quite risky; but none the less slick.

The Wall Street Journal has more:

Inside a windowless, ornate room Thursday just across from the Oval Office, President Barack Obama and a group of senior economic advisers began the job of remaking the American automobile industry.

The first order of business: Oust General Motors Corp. Chief Executive Rick Wagoner.

It “wasn’t the hardest decision,” said one government official.

Steven Rattner, a former investment banker who is heading the administration’s auto restructuring; chief economic adviser Lawrence Summers; and Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner were among those gathered around the polished wood table of the Roosevelt Room in the White House’s West Wing. They were there to decide under what conditions the government would continue to prop up once-powerful Detroit car companies GM and Chrysler LLC.

In the post-World War II boom, they were at the pinnacle of a quintessentially American industry. At Thursday’s meeting, once the Obama administration concluded the pair were running out of money, their effective dismantling began.

Beyond seeking Mr. Wagoner’s resignation, the officials also gave failing grades to GM and Chrysler for the restructuring plans they submitted to the government Feb. 17. They also set a deadline — one month for Chrysler, two months for GM — after which the government might force a bankruptcy restructuring of both companies and break up two of America’s business icons.

Many of GM’s problems didn’t start during Mr. Wagoner’s term, and most predate the economic downturn that sent car sales slumping, such as union contracts and the costs of paying for retiree health care. GM made a bad situation worse with huge bets on trucks and SUVs that piled up on dealer lots amid soaring gas prices last year.

While I will be the first to tell you, that General Motors has had its own share of issues. What Barack Obama did to G.M. and by proxy to the Union members and Employees of the company; was just flat out cowardly. Instead of forcing General Motors into bankruptcy himself.  Obama is allowing the new head honcho of the company and his Auto Czar; do it for him. This way Obama does not burn through his political capital as quickly and more or less comes out looking like the hero. Of course, President TelePrompter will say that he inherited this mess, and by rights he did. But to pass off the basic executing of a company and it’s people to someone else, is quite the cowardly move in my book.

Hey Barry, If you ever happen to read this; Grow some freaking Gonads,will ya? I mean, come on. If you going to screw the American worker; why not do it yourself? Instead of letting your damned patsies do it for you. Just a thought.

President Barack Obama asks G.M. CEO Rick Wagoner to resign

Full disclosure: My Father is a Retired G.M. Employee and a member of the United Auto Workers.

I have known about this for a while. I’ve just been waiting for as much info as I could get, before doing a post on it.

Originally Via the Politico:

The Obama administration asked Rick Wagoner, the chairman and CEO of General Motors, to step down and he agreed, a White House official said.

On Monday, President Barack Obama is to unveil his plans for the auto industry, including a response to a request for additional funds by GM and Chrysler. The plan is based on recommendations from the Presidential Task Force on the Auto Industry, headed by the Treasury Department.

The White House confirmed Wagoner was leaving at the government’s behest after The Associated Press reported his immediate departure, without giving a reason.

General Motors issued a vague statement Sunday night that did not officially confirm Wagoner’s departure.

“We are anticipating an announcement soon from the Administration regarding the restructuring of the U.S. auto industry. We continue to work closely with members of the Task Force and it would not be appropriate for us to speculate on the content of any announcement,” the company said.

The surprise announcement about the classically iconic American corporation is perhaps the most vivid sign yet of the tectonic change in the relationship between business and government in this era of subsidies and bailouts.

Reaction from the Conservative Blogsophere has been predictable negative. Also I have observed via the local media, that some auto workers are not happy about the President asking a C.E.O. to resign.

I have an opinion on this. It is simply this. I want to wait and see what happens. I do not want to pass judgment upon this until I see what is going to happen. This could be a bad thing and then again, it could be a very good thing. I shall, like many from this God-Forsaken part of the Country are playing the wait and see game.

Reaction to this from the Editorial board of the The Detroit Free Press is not a good one:

The risk was there from the start.

The federal money flowing to Detroit to help struggling automakers was always going to come with strings.

But there’s a fine line between holding General Motors Corp. and Chrysler LLC accountable for a pile of taxpayer cash and inappropriate government efforts to actually run the companies.

President Barack Obama’s Auto Task Force may have crossed that line over the weekend when it reportedly asked for GM Chairman Rick Wagoner’s resignation as part of a plan to get more aid to the struggling automaker.

It’s hard to see how canning the chief executive is far shy of actually running the company. And if that’s the case, if GM’s federal overseers are stepping up their efforts to actually manage GM through its restructuring, this sets an awful precedent, both on general principle and in this particular instance.

The principle at stake says government shouldn’t manage private businesses. GM has a board of directors that, no matter its many mistakes, is accountable for the company’s fate. The government should ensure the board doesn’t squander taxpayer funds, but that doesn’t include selecting the company’s leadership.

It didn’t for banks, mortgage companies or insurance outfits like AIG. Why should GM be treated differently?

Something tells me that there is going to be a huge blow back from this and it might just cost Obama a reelection, should be try and run in 2012.

Additional Coverage:


Fox News does something so stupid that I can’t even defend it

Now I am about to post something that someone in the Conservative Blogosphere is going to say that proves that I am a fake Conservative. Well, I got one thing to say about that; Screw ’em 🙄

I will explain why this rather tweaks me off after the quote.

The Video: (Via The Politico)

Via The Raw Story:

On Fox & Friends Monday, host Steve Doocy took time to note that a former CNN employee, Mauricio Funes, has been elected President of El Salvador. “He is from a party down in El Salvador that is essentially the communist party,” Doocy explained.

“I wonder if he is just on a leave of absence from CNN, which, given his political inklings CNN could stand for the Communist News Network,” he said.

But Fox was so eager to tie CNN to communism that they couldn’t get the name of Venezuela’s leader right when making an unsourced allegation.

A second Fox pundit pointed out that Funes’ party, Farabundo Martí National Liberation Front, is liberal and said it was essentially communist. He then declared that FMLN “allegedly” has ties to Caesar Chavez.

Except that Caesar Chavez doesn’t lead a party in Latin America. He was a Mexican-American farm worker and labor activist who died in 1993.

It took a few moments before the Fox pundits corrected themselves — they were accusing the former CNN employee of being tied to Hugo Chavez, Venezuela’s sharp-tongued liberal president.

“Scary, guys,” quipped Fox’s Ainsley Earhardt.

Here’s why it bothers me:

Walter Reuther with Ceaser Chevez

Walter Reuther with Ceaser Chevez

Walter Reuther with Ceaser Chevez

Walter Reuther with Ceaser Chevez

Walter Reuther with Ceaser Chevez

Walter Reuther with Ceaser Chevez

Anyone that reads this Blog, other than to read just a single entry; knows that I come from a Union family. My Father is a retired General Motors worker, and a member of the United Auto Workers. Walter Reuther was, I personally feel, the United Auto Workers version of President Franklin D. Roosevelt.

In fact:

After Pearl Harbor, Reuther strongly supported the war effort and refused to tolerate wildcat strikes that might disrupt munitions production. He worked for the War Manpower Commission, the Office of Production Management, and the War Production Board. He led a 113-day strike against General Motors in 1945-1946; it only partially succeeded. He never received the power he wanted to inspect company books or have a say in management, but he achieved increasingly lucrative wage and benefits contracts. In 1946 he narrowly defeated R. J. Thomas for the UAW presidency, and soon after he purged the UAW of all Communist elements. He was active in the Congress of Industrial Organizations (CIO) umbrella as well, taking the lead in expelling eleven Communist-dominated unions from the CIO in 1949. – Source Wikipedia

So, you see. Fox News not only insulted the memory of a dead man, who was unable to defend himself. Fox News also insulted the friend of one the greatest union leaders and in the writers opinion, one of the greatest Americans ever.

Hopefully, this will explain to you why that; outside of Bill O’Reilly, I steadfastly refuse to watch Fox News Channel.

And before anyone chides me for cheering for someone who was a Democrat. The Democratic Party of Reuther and Chevez’s day was a totally different party. Unlike the Socialist swine of today, the Democratic Party of the 1940’s was actually a Pro-American party. A pity that it has changed.

An Interesting Movie

I post this because I believe that it is interesting. Alex Jones has always struck me as a kook. Someone amongst the “Tin Foil Hat” crowd. However, it is something interesting to watch.


What do you think? Do you think that there is any truth to this?

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A New Parody “Barry’s Farm”

Here’s the Original Song:

Update: It seems that some Fascist Socialist Liberal twit keeps going around getting my video yanked. No biggie, if they yank it. I will find it elsewhere and put it up. This is America and not fascist Germany and I have the RIGHT to express my opinions about the President and his fascist polices. You liberals don’t like it? TOUGH SHIT! 😡

History about the song and concert

New Lyrics:

Barry’s Farm

(Sung to the tune of Maggie’s Farm by Bob Dylan)

Written by Paleo Pat

I ain’t gonna work on Barry’s farm no more.
I ain’t gonna work on Barry’s farm no more.
Well, I wake up in the morning,
Fold my hands and pray that I might keep my gain.
I got a bill full of Taxes
That are drivin’ me insane.
It’s a shame the way he makes me tip the whore.
Naw, I ain’t gonna work on Barry’s farm no more.

I ain’t gonna work under Barry’s Law’s no more.
I ain’t gonna work under Barry’s Law’s no more.
Well, he hands you a Dollar,
Taxes you a dime,
Looks at you with a grin
While robbin’ you fuckin’ Blind,
Then he taxes you every time you open the door.
I ain’t gonna work under Barry’s Laws no more.

I ain’t gonna be a slave for Barry’s Government no more.
No, I ain’t be a Slave for Barry’s Government no more.
Well, he puts a Tax Bill
in your face just for kicks.
His White House
It is made out of Bricks.
The Secret Service stands around his door.
Ah, I ain’t gonna be a slave for Barry’s Government no more.

I ain’t gonna work for Barry’s Bitch no more.
No, I ain’t gonna work for Barry’s Bitch no more.
Well, she talks to all the people
About Equality and Race and Law.
All the while the workin’ people
Are payin’ for other peoples bad calls
She’s a lying thief, but she says her honesty stands tall.
Naw, I ain’t gonna work for Barry’s Bitch no more.

I ain’t gonna work on Barry’s farm no more.
I ain’t gonna work on Barry’s farm no more.
Well, I try my best
To do the best I can,
But everybody wants you
To pay thier bills for them.
They eat steak while you slave and I just get bored.
I ain’t gonna work on Barry’s farm no more

Writers Union Targets Jay Leno

Normally, I am a bit sympathetic towards the unions and their right to exist, especially when it comes to the Auto Workers here in Detroit, But this is one of those “WTF?!?!” Stories that burns my butt:

Comedian Jay Leno was hauled in front of his own union’s trial committee Wednesday to address charges that he broke guild rules during last season’s writers strike, a full year after the alleged violations.

The NBC late-night host was a prominent backer of the Writers Guild of America during the 100-day work stoppage, but he alarmed union officials when he announced on the air that he was penning his own monologues while the strike was still in full swing.

Leno contends that he did nothing wrong. He has the highest profile among a handful of writers whose cases are being reviewed by the committee, which will make a recommendation to the board on whether any action should be taken. Possible penalties include a reprimand, a fine and even expulsion from the union.

via Jay Leno hauled before Writers Guild trial committee – Los Angeles Times.

Basically, what burns my butt is this. The man is being punished for doing his own job.  This is my rub with the Labor Movement and Unions, it prevents people from doing their own job. To me, that would be like having your own car, and not being able to drive yourself.

On top of this, Jay Leno was one of the few performers out in Hollywood, that supported those bastards and now they’re knifing him in the back. I am quite sure that Leno is really kicking himself for supporting those bastards.

I am for a workers right to organize and all, but this over-unionization of industry, to the point where you cannot even do your own job; is just absolutely ridiculous.

Breaking Local News – G.M. to offer buyout packages to all union employees.

This is interesting…:

General Motors Corp. will offer buyouts to all of its hourly employees, a spokesman confirmed Tuesday, as the troubled automaker continues to slash costs.

GM spokesman Tony Sapienza said the buyouts will mainly target GM’s 22,000 retirement-eligible hourly employees, though any union employee can take the offer.

News of the buyouts first broke on Monday. A union official told The Associated Press then that GM would offer $20,000 in cash and a $25,000 car voucher for workers who retire early and those who simply leave the company. The official spoke on condition of anonymity because workers were not yet notified of the packages.

via GM To Offer Buyouts To All Hourly Employees — WDIV Detroit.

Just another sign of the times. For the record, G.M. has done this in the past, when times were bad. Hopefully some of the guys that have been with the company and are about ready to retire will take this buy out. Hopefully, this will help the problem and G.M. will become viable.