Video: This right here is why people hate cops

If this does not make you angry, check your pulse.

The Video:

(I guess the YouTube user removed the video…..)

The Story is over at  Las Vegas Review and Journal.

Sorry, no quotes on this one, due to this paper being the copyright crazies that go after anyone who copies their content.

Also too…. Please know that I do not advocate violence against any member of the law enforcement community. I just am aware that this stuff happens and it does fuel resentment and even fear of the Government and police. This does lead to people acting out. Something Eric Holder just does not get.

I also toned down the subject a bit. I was angry when I wrote this originally.

Video: Jack Hunter “Bush Trumped Conservatism”

Wow, Me and Jack Hunter are on the same wave length.


Transcript Here

U.S. Military talks with Iraq faltering

I have some very mixed feelings on this story….

Via WSJ:

WASHINGTON—Senior U.S. and Iraqi military officials have been in negotiations about keeping some 10,000 American troops in Iraq beyond the scheduled withdrawal of all U.S. forces at year’s end, according to officials familiar with the talks.

But the discussions face political obstacles in both countries, and have faltered in recent weeks because of Iraqi worries that a continued U.S. military presence could fuel sectarian tension and lead to protests similar to those sweeping other Arab countries, U.S. officials say.

A separate drawdown deadline is looming in Afghanistan, where President Barack Obama wants to see a substantial U.S. troop reduction starting in July. Some U.S. commanders have cautioned against making reductions too quickly.

Underlining Obama administration concerns that U.S. forces have been stretched too thin, the White House has put strict constraints on American military involvement in Libya. On Thursday, the U.S. said it was sending armed drones to support operations in Libya, but the administration has stood firm against sending any ground troops.

In Iraq, top U.S. military officials believe that leaving a sizeable force beyond this year could bolster Iraqi stability and serve as a check on Iran, the major American nemesis in the region, officials said. U.S. allies Saudi Arabia and Israel have echoed the concern that if the U.S. pulls out completely, Iran could extend its influence.

Adm. Michael Mullen, the chairman of the U.S. military’s Joint Chiefs of Staff, arrived in Baghdad Thursday, urging Iraqi leaders to step up discussions soon if they want U.S. forces to stay beyond the end of 2011.

The timing is critical because the U.S. is scheduled to start drawing down remaining forces in late summer or early fall, and the military would have to assign new units months in advance to take their place.

While American defense officials have made clear they want to leave troops in Iraq, such a decision would require presidential approval. President Obama has yet to indicate publicly whether he would sign off on such a deal.

Mr. Obama could face a political backlash at home if he doesn’t meet his campaign pledge to bring troops home from Iraq. If the U.S. pulls out of Iraq and violence there surges, the president could face tough questions, particularly from Republicans in Congress, about whether the U.S. misjudged Iraq’s capabilities.

As a Conservative, A Paleo-Conservative, as opposed to a Neo-Conservative — but I digress; I have some very mixed feelings about this. On one hand, I would hate to see the United States withdraw from Iraq, it fall into chaos and Iran or some other surrounding Country invade the Country and mount attacks against Israel or even worse, even the United States. On the other hand, I feel that the invasion of Iraq was based on bad intelligence, largely based upon lies told by a man they called curve-ball.

Because of this, I believe we should really get out of there. Because, quite frankly, we have done our jobs. We got rid of Saddam, who was, admittedly hurting his own people and was corrupt as hell.  We have trained the Iraqi army to protect themselves from attack or foreign invasion and uprising from within its own Country. Which it appears they are using to hurt dissidents. So, I really do not understand why we are still there. It appears that the Iraqi Government is most likely worried about our interests there — such as oil.

Either way, this is a very sticky situation; no matter what we do, we are going to be the bad guys. If we stay, we will be blamed for any and all uprisings in the Country. If we leave and that Country falls into chaos; we will be blamed for that too and some idiot with a grudge will try to attack us for allowing his Country to invaded. So, either way, it is going to be a mess for us for a long time to come. 

This is why, that as a Paleo-Conservative, who rejects the foreign policy stance of the Neo-Conservative right; that we as Conservatives and Republicans should rethink our entire foreign policy status. The very idea of exporting freedom to other Nations is foolish on its face. Even David Horowitz, much to his credit, said this:

The Obama Administration, in my view, is the most dangerous administration in American history, and conservatives need to be very clear about the limits and objectives of American power so that they can lead the battle to restore our government to health. To accomplish this, neo-conservatives need to admit they were wrong, and return to the drawing board. They should give up the “neo” and become conservatives again.

Let me go on the record as saying, I wholeheartedly agree. Not so much about the Obama administration; I have yet to see anything that they have done that is overly dangerous to the Country. I do not agree with Obama’s whole, “Spread the Wealth around” nonsense; but Bush was not exactly my idea of a “perfect” President either. So, that whole argument is basically mute with me.  However, I will say that Conservatives do need to get back to their pre-George W. Bush Neo-Conservative lead foreign policy stance. Because quite frankly, our Nation cannot continue on this idiotic path and survive. I mean, tomorrow China could cut us off and we as a Nation would be done. They basically own us and could decide to collect on their debt — Militarily.   If you think about it, that would be quite scary; because what would we fight them with? They own our money and if they decided to defund us, where would we get the money to fight them with?  Again, something to think about.

As for the “other” war in Afghanistan; we need to define that mission and if we cannot do, what we set out to do there — which was to capture or kill Osama Bin Ladin, then we need to get out of that Country. Period. End of Story. Nation Building does not work. It was tried there by the Russians and it failed horribly and almost bankrupted the Russian Government. Establishing Governments and Nations should not be the responsibility of the United States armed forces; it should be the job of NATO and the U.N. — let them deal with that idiotic backward Nation — not us.

Sadly though, the United States Government will not listen to the voice of people like me or you. Who feel that this road to ruin that we are on, is not sustainable. That my friends, is the true crime of this Country.



Guest Voice Chuck Baldwin Asks Have The Tea Parties Been Neoconned?

(Lifted from Chuck Baldwin’s website)

Back in February of 2010, I appeared on Neil Cavuto’s FOXBusiness TV show to talk about the emergence and effectiveness of America’s Tea Party movement. I warned FOX biz host Charles Payne that I was very concerned about the Tea Parties being infiltrated and taken over by big-government neocons.

See my interview on Neil Cavuto’s show (hosted by Charles Payne):

With more than a year having gone by since that interview, I believe the concerns I expressed on FOX were more than warranted. I am seeing more and more Tea Parties fall into the same trap, as did their predecessors back in the “Conservative Revolution” of 1994 and ‘95.

Right here in my home State of Montana, voters overwhelmingly threw the liberal Democrats out of both State houses and replaced them with Republicans who campaigned on strong conservative rhetoric. But what has happened since? Neocon Republicans in leadership positions squashed the best legislation and bullied compromised, big-government legislation through both chambers. The result: big-government neocons, once again, stymied and squashed the efforts of constitutionalist GOP legislators.

A press release at the half-way point of the Montana legislative session stated, “According to Montana Conservatives’ just-released mid session scorecard, the new wave of Republican legislators elected in November’s landslide are actually voting less conservative than their party’s incumbents.

“This is not good news for Tea Party organizers and other conservative activists, who were hopeful the strong conservative mood of the fall elections would sweep into office a new breed of bolder conservative voices. Instead, the organization’s Taxpayer Advisory Bulletin (TAB) reveals that returning GOP legislators (including those who switched houses) voted 46% conservative through the transmittal break, while newcomers graded a slightly lower 43%. Democratic legislators had an average conservative score of 7%.

“Commenting, MC spokesman Roger Koopman said, ‘This poor performance of Republican freshmen perpetuates what is functionally a three-party system in Helena, consisting of small government Republicans, big government Republicans and big government Democrats. The pattern has existed for years. Consequently, even with large Republican majorities in both houses, conservative ideas remain in the minority and the overall thrust of the legislature is toward bigger, more intrusive government, with greater state control and less individual freedom.’”

See the TAB press release and report at:

What the report does not make a point to say is that the poor performance of many of these freshman GOP legislators is primarily due to the political pressure brought upon them by big-government neocons in leadership positions within the GOP State caucus. This is the same thing that has been going on in State legislatures all over America, and even more so in Washington, D.C. When the courageous freshman class of 1994 was elected to the US House of Representatives, everyone was talking about the great “Conservative Revolution” that had just taken place. Conservative freshman House members such as Helen Chenowith, Bob Barr, Steve Largent, J.C. Watts, J.D. Hayworth, Joe Scarborough, Sonny Bono, etc., marched into the US Capitol with broad support from the American electorate and a sense of commitment to reign in an out-of-control federal leviathan in Washington, D.C. So, what happened? Were any federal departments dismantled? No. Was the size and scope of the federal government reduced? No. Was federal spending reduced? No. Within a year from that historic election in 1994, the “Conservative Revolution” was dead, and it was “business as usual” in Washington, D.C.

Why did this happen? Two reasons: big-government neocon GOP Speaker of the House, Newt Gingrich and big-government neocon GOP Senate Majority Leader Trent Lott. These two big-government establishment phony conservatives used their leadership positions to stymie, steamroll, and squash the conservative agenda of the 1994 conservative freshman Republicans.

And the same way that Gingrich and Lott killed the “Conservative Revolution” of 1994 in Washington, D.C., big-government neocons in the State legislatures (including here in Montana) have killed and are killing the limited-government revolutions of the various Tea Parties in 2010 and ’11. Beyond that, many Tea Party leaders and activists are currently touting the Presidential candidacy of the same man who helped kill the “Conservative Revolution” of 1994: former Speaker of the House, Newt Gingrich.

In my interview on FOX, I said that I was angrier with the Republican Party than I was the Democrat Party. If you listened to the interview referenced above, you heard my reason why: with Democrats there is no pretense. One knows exactly what the Donkeys stand for: Big Government, more taxes, more spending, more welfare, etc. Republicans, however, constantly campaign for less government, less taxes, less spending, less welfare, etc., but after they are elected, they continue the big-spending ways of their colleagues on the other side of the aisle (then throw in their own propensities to expand a burgeoning Police State and Warfare State). Say what you want, at least Democrats are honest about their affinity for Big Government.

If Tea Party activists really believe they are going to change the size and direction of government (at any level) by promoting and electing people such as Newt Gingrich, they are living in fantasyland. (Or, if they live in Montana, they are smoking too much of the weed that they seem hell-bent to deny everyone else!)

Furthermore, this whole Republican vs. Democrat, or “conservative” vs. liberal, paradigm is a joke, anyway! Voters have been replacing Democrats with Republicans, liberals with “conservatives” (and vice versa) for decades; and what has it gotten us? Nothing but bigger and bigger government; more and more government spending; more and more welfare programs; more and more taxes; more and more Police-State legislation; more and more political correctness; more and more environmental wackoism; more and more foreign wars; less and less freedom; and less and less State autonomy.

Koopman’s “three party” description is well taken, except I might refine it a little by maintaining that we still have only two parties: socialist Democrats and neocon Republicans in one party, and limited-government, freedom-oriented constitutionalists in the other party. It’s time that people start identifying big-government neocons in the GOP as being nothing more than a clandestine fifth column unit of the Democrat Party!

If Tea Parties have a death wish, they will promote and support big government neocons such as Newt Gingrich. If they want to truly change the course of their states and country, they will promote and support only those men and women who understand what constitutionalism, limited-government, and liberty really mean–and who have the courage and fortitude to actually defend those principles after being elected. Anything less is just more of the same.

Video: Another reason why I will not vote Democratic Party again

You know what is worse than old racist dinosaurs in the Republican Party?

This, which comes via my facebook page:

Key phrase here is:

I wipe my ass with the American flag!

I am sorry, but there is no justification for this of Anti-American bile. If you are a minority in this Country and you feel this way; I got one thing to say to you:


It just so damned happens that these same minorities, who say that they wipe their ass with the American flag, are here making a good living in this Country. Want to know why? Because they know good and damned well, that they would never be able to do that in their Country. Which is, if the truth be known, Mexico, who treats their own people like crap; and pays them like crap too. Which is why Mexicans are sneaking across that boarder, so they can make a decent wage here.

Unlike this here; this is not about racism. This is about being angry about watching people, who come from another Country, trashing the values and the flag of the United States of America —- all the while making a decent living here in the United States of America. It is straight up hypocrisy of the highest order. You come to my Country, and you make a living for your family; you show some damned respect for its flag, culture and values or you get the fuck out and go back home. Just that damned plain and simple.

Anyone says or believes anything different than that; is either one of three things:

1. An Anti-American

2. A Communist

3. An Asshole

But then again, I might just be repeating myself.

That is all.

Video: What the Neo-Conservatives created in Iraq

First some very disturbing video from Fox News:

Now the story via Fox News Channel:

On April 8th, the same day Defense Secretary Robert Gates was visiting leaders in Baghdad, a 2,500-man Iraqi Army unit raided a compound occupied by Iranian dissidents in Iraq, killing 34 people and injuring 325 others. Eight of those killed were women, according to the United Nations.

The attack occurred just hours after members of the same group in Washington revealed what they said was a previously undisclosed Iranian centrifuge production facility near Tehran — part of Iran’s secret nuclear weapons program.

Camp Ashraf has long served as a sanctuary for members of the anti-Iranian government group known as the People’s Mujahideen Organization of Iran (MEK) — a place the U.S. military vowed to protect shortly after the invasion of Iraq in 2003.

But with only 47,000 U.S. troops still in the country, and a new Shiite-led government in Iraq looking to bolster relations with Iran, the camp is threatened.

A 12-minute video released by the MEK documents the nighttime attack, beginning with images of Iraqi soldiers driving through crowds of civilians and running men over with trucks and armored Humvees. It shows soldiers firing on and killing groups of unarmed men and women. Gaping wounds suffered by survivors are displayed in detail along with images of the dead laid side by side and covered to the neck by white sheets.

The Iraqi general who led the raid claims the shootings came in response to residents pelting his troops with rocks and throwing themselves in front of his military vehicles.

MEK say those same soldiers are still preventing the wounded from getting proper medical treatment.

MEK was designated a terrorist organization by the U.S. after it carried out an assassination campaign targeting American military leaders in Tehran in the 70’s, as well as later attacking Iranian government targets. Since then the group has become better known for revealing secret production facilities related to the Iranian nuclear program, as it did with uranium enrichment facility in Natanz in 2002.

Sen. John Kerry, head of the Foreign Relations Committee, wants the Iraqis to conduct a full investigation and the called the raid “deeply disturbing” and “simply unacceptable.”

Gates commented on the incident while he was in Iraq, saying he was “concerned” with the reports of deaths and injuries.

And State Department spokesman Mark Toner later condemned the attack, but called it a “sovereign” matter for the Iraqis. By law, the U.S. security agreement with Iraq prohibits the U.S. military from intervening.

A number of former U.S. government officials spoke out about the raid during a conference at the Mayflower hotel in Washington Thursday, many of them calling on the State Department to remove the MEK from its list of terrorist groups.

Michael Mukasey, an attorney general under George W. Bush, called the Iraqi’s guarantee in 2003 to protect the group, “worthless.” He said that unless the U.S. removes the MEK from its terror list the killings will continue.

“What has enabled the Iraqi government — acting in the behest of the Iranian regime — and what enables the Iranian regime itself is this continued designation,”

Mukasey said.

Gen. Wesley Clark, the former NATO Supreme Allied Commander, linked the incident at Camp Ashraf to current Arab uprisings in the region.

“How can we hope to help those inside Iran who are seeking a more open and liberated government if we can’t help those in Camp Ashraf who are simply asking for protection and an opportunity to live their lives in peace,?” he asked.

Critics say Iran is seizing on distractions in Libya by backing a Shia uprising in Bahrain and helping Syrian President Bashar Assad crack down on government protesters.

Alireza Jafarzadeh, a spokesman for the MEK and the National Council of Resistance Iran, says the Iranians encouraged the Iraqis to attack Camp Ashraf.

“This is a pure crime committed intentionally by the Iraqi government against the Iranian dissidents to do the bidding for Tehran,” Jafarzadeh said.

The last portion of the video provided by MEK shows a 29 year-old Iranian woman, named Isiyeh Rakhshani, delivering a video message to Congress in 2010. Flash to April 8th where she’s shooting cell phone video of the attack on Ashraf. In the final frame Rakhshani’s mother is seen mourning over her dead body.

I really hated to quote that all; but friends, I wanted you all to see it for yourselves; just what Bush and the Neo-Conservative warmongers in the G.O.P. created. My friends, if that does not sicken you to your core, you do not have a damned soul. In 2003, after the euphoria and outrage over 9/11, the United States of America went into a sovereign nation and invaded it; based on the lies of a man, who they call “Curveball.”

America then proceeded to take a Nation, who’s army had, at best, soviet-era tanks and equipment; and proceeded to give them our very best equipment; and now, they are using it on their own damned people. Anyone who believes that Iraq is a free nation; is either lying to themselves or worse. The United States of America basically ousted one dictator and installed a new one in Iraq. Even now the most pro-war Conservative admits that.

It was indeed “Mission Accomplished.” But this mission that we accomplished, was not what Bush and his Neo-Conservative friends had in mind. Now, there are people in Iraq this day, who have lost family; all because a group of Jacobin Democrats decided to invade a Country and further their warped foriegn policy fantasies.

For every action, there is a reaction. For every action taken by the United States Government and its military there is “blowback.” It is an CIA term, and it is very real. Welcome to the middle east 2011; brought you by internationalist Democrats and Neo-Conservatives. We have no one to blame, but ourselves.

More Fox News Stupidity

You know, I am the most open-minded person on the planet. But this is just straight up crap:

George Washington University students in Washington, D.C. learned of a tragic coincidence of timing on their campus Wednesday. As President Obama delivered a speech on deficit reduction in the Jack Morton Auditorium, university officials were learning one of their students had committed suicide in his dorm room across campus.

Fox News has learned that the male student may have been a junior at the school and was described as solitary. He rarely left his dorm room, according to a source.

“I am deeply saddened to report that the university has been notified of the death of one of our students,” GW President Steven Knapp said in a message to his students, faculty and staff. “The student was found in his room this afternoon at the City Hall residence hall,” he said.

GWU officials tell Fox that police were notified about the incident around 2pm, which happens to be at the same time that President Obama was speaking. A source tells Fox that the incident may have occurred earlier, noting that police went knocking on the student’s door at 1:30pm. As of this writing, Fox has not been able to obtain reaction from the White House.

“The Metropolitan Police Department is investigating the student’s death in coordination with the GW Police Department,” Knapp wrote. “At this time, we have no indication that the death was the result of a criminal act. We will release more information when it becomes available.”

DC police officials tell Fox that the death has, in fact, been ruled a suicide.

Knapp took note of the solemn moment, adding, “On behalf of the entire university community, I would like to express our sorrow and extend my condolences to the student’s family and friends.”

Since when did Fox News Channel start taking cues from Joseph Farah and WorldNetDaily?

Next time I hear some idiot right-winger bitching about NPR; first, I am going to slap the damned taste out of their mouths, and then, I am showing them this.

How lame can you get? Seriously. 🙄

Sometimes, I think Keith Olbermann, just might have a point.

Fox is, of course, getting blasted by the left for this and rightly so. if I done something that damned stupid; I would close down this blog and leave the damned Country. (Sounds like a very good idea for Rupert, if you ask me)

Others: Mediaite

Here we go: Latino Liberal Congresswoman and Italian Liberal radio host mock American Tea Party candidates

This is not only sick; it is racist and wrong.


I made a point to highlight the fact that Miller is Italian and this congresswoman is a latino; and the fact that people they are mocking are, for the most part, southern and white. Now imagine with me, if the shoe was on the other foot. Could you just imagine the outrage, if a White Conservative talk radio host mocked a black liberal like that? Imagine it.

I just wonder what her Dad would think of that? She is a disgrace to her Father’s memory. 😡

Update: You know, I was just going to settle with a short posting. But, no, I am just going to tell it like it is. I used to enjoy listening to Stephanie Miller and her show, back when I was still on the left of center side of the fence in politics. She was a moderate liberal, who had some seriously funny stuff on her show. I do not know what the hell happened to her; but I find this to be personally sickening, that she, being a minority herself; would even remotely allow this sort of straight up racism on her show. Sorry Mrs. Miller, but you disappoint me greatly. I really did used to be a fan. I thought you were bit more classy than say, Randi Rhoads. However, you have proven to me, that you are nothing more than just another bile spewing idiot liberal, who thinks mocking people of different colors and ethnic backgrounds than you is perfectly fine and that because you are some sort “enlightened being” that doing this is just perfectly fine. The truth is, your nothing but a racist bigot like your Democratic Forefathers, like the ones who killed Abraham Lincoln.  Sorry Stephanie, but you just blew it with me. I look forward to hearing of the day, when your syndicate finally gets tired of your bile and racism and finally pulls the plug on that nothing show of yours.


Others: theblogprof and The Blast

Holy Crap! MSNBC’s Chris Matthews says that President Barack Obama has a ‘Winning’ ‘Little Boy Smile’’.goodness!

File this one under “If a Republican had said this.”

This comes via Mediaite: (H/T HotAir)

Seriously, is Chris Matthews that damned shallow that he does not know, that using the word “Boy” in the same sentence with the word “Barack Obama” could be, and usually is, by black people quite highly offensive and thought to be by many as very highly racist?

Not to mention the fact that, if this had been someone; oh like say, Rush Limbaugh and he would have said this, World War III would have broken out in the media!

But, oh, because it is one of those so-called “Enlightened Liberals,” it is totally okay…. Because they are not Republicans.

Good grief…. 🙄

Glenn Beck to leave Fox News and quit show later this year

Can’t say I didn’t see this coming:


(New York, NY) Fox News and Mercury Radio Arts, Glenn Beck’s production company, are proud to announce that they will work together to develop and produce a variety of television projects for air on the Fox News Channel as well as content for other platforms including Fox News’ digital properties. Glenn intends to transition off of his daily program, the third highest rated in all of cable news, later this year.

Roger Ailes, Chairman and CEO of Fox News said, “Glenn Beck is a powerful communicator, a creative entrepreneur and a true success by anybody’s standards. I look forward to continuing to work with him.”??Glenn Beck said: “I truly believe that America owes a lot to Roger Ailes and Fox News. I cannot repay Roger for the lessons I’ve learned and will continue to learn from him and I look forward to starting this new phase of our partnership.”??Joel Cheatwood, SVP/Development at Fox News, will be joining Mercury Radio Arts effective April 24, 2011. Part of his role as EVP will be to manage the partnership and serve as a liaison with the Fox News Channel.??Roger Ailes said: “Joel is a good friend and one of the most talented and creative executives in the business. Over the past four years I have consistently valued his input and advice and that will not stop as we work with him in his new role.”??“Glenn Beck” is consistently the third highest rated program on cable news. For the 27 months that “Glenn Beck” has aired on Fox News, the program has averaged more than 2.2 million total viewers and 563,000 viewers 25-54 years old, numbers normally associated with shows airing in primetime, not at 5pm. “Glenn Beck” has dominated all of its cable news competitors since launch.

via Fox News and Mercury Radio Arts Announce New Agreement; Beck to ‘Transition Off’ Daily TV Program | The Blaze.

I had a feeling this was coming; because when you take a Neo-Conservative warmonger to task, like Glenn Beck did, you usually end up paying a price for it. After that happened, Glenn Beck was smeared by the Neo-Conservative right, as a Anti-Semite. I saw this for myself, especially on twitter. The Funny thing is, The New York Times, ended up proving Glenn Beck to be correct!  So, while I hate to see the guy go, I cannot say that I am shocked at all. The funny part was, that Glenn Beck never actually said the word “Neo-Con” or “Neo-Conservative” at all. He called them everything else, but that! 😀

I was not, admittedly, a daily watcher of Glenn’s program. However, I did catch a show ever now and again. He did have a good amount of interesting stuff. His biggest problem was that he repeated himself, almost to an incessant extreme. Which I found to be quite annoying. Another point I would like to make, is that whether anyone wants to admit it or not; Glenn Beck is the real Godfather of the Tea Party movement. It was the Tea Party movement, that basically, at first, scared the living daylights out of the Republican Party establishment. Then, they tried to ignore it; then they came to embrace it. Which, I felt, was a good thing.  The G.O.P. needed a wake up call and a break from the Big Government Conservatism of the Bush-era, and they got it, with the Tea Party movement. The funny part is, the Liberals have never gotten an equivalent to the Tea Party at all. The Coffee Party fizzled, due to internal conflicts.

Anyhow, I wish Mr. Beck all of the best and I look forward to seeing what is to come. 🙂

Update: As I hit publish; I totally forgot, Van Jones, Anita Dunn and countless others; are feathers in Glenn’s cap.

Update #2: Here’s the video: (H/T AllahPundit)

God Bless Him, I hope he goes on to do bigger and better things, than just an hour show on Fox.



Blogger Roundup from all over the political arena:  The Raw Story,, CNN, The Daily Caller, The Politico, Crooks and Liars, YID With LID, Nice Deb, The Lonely Conservative, MyDD, Blue Gal, Liberal Values, News Hounds, Suburban Guerrilla, Atlas Shrugs, Outside the Beltway, Washington Monthly, Hot Air, Jack & Jill Politics, Runnin’ Scared, Daily Kos, Ben Smith’s Blog, Pat Dollard, The Gateway Pundit, No More Mister Nice Blog, Patterico’s Pontifications, JOSHUAPUNDIT, Little Green Footballs, Pundit Press, Left Coast Rebel, Hendrik Hertzberg, Gothamist, Washington Post, ImmigrationProf Blog, Crooks and Liars,, The Washington Note,, Booman Tribune, Hit & Run, Wonkette, Salon, AlterNet, The Other McCain, Inside TV, The Blaze, The Wire, Mediaite, FOK News Channel, Mixed Media, TVNewser, MediaPost, Speakeasy,, The Atlantic Wire, Guardian, Runnin’ Scared, Tower Ticker, New York Observer, Adweek, The New Yorker Blog, Most Recent Home Page Posts …,, Hot Air, On Media’s Blog, Indecision Forever, TVbytheNumbers, Inside Cable News, @howardkurtz, Media Matters for America, Washington Monthly, Gawker, GalleyCat, Poynter, Latest Open Salon Blog, Broadcasting & Cable, Free Press, The Daily Caller, PopEater, Tuned In, New York Magazine, Salon, Reason, AdAge, Inside Cable News, Speakeasy, Guardian, The Atlantic Wire, Mediaite, @daveweigel, The Huffington Post and @davidfolkenflik

Quotes of the Day

Bastard. Graham is the sort of scum you get when you blindly vote for Republicans just because there is an R after their name.

Reid, who hates America and her liberties, him I expect to act this way. But Graham likes to call himself a “conservative,” and then, out of that same mouth, say that America might need to “limit” the First Amendment to appease Muslim barbarian savages.

He’s even worse than Reid, because ignoramuses think that Graham actually loves his country and our freedoms, even though his words and actions demonstrate exactly the opposite.

Yet there is a certain segment of “conservatives” who would expect me to vote for Graham no matter what, because he isn’t a Democrat.

I spit on that notion. I will never, ever vote for a candidate who espouses this sort of America-hating, anti-liberty, constitution-loathing crap, no matter what nominal party tag is dangling around his neck.

Video:Guest Voice Jack Hunter on Stereotyping the Old South, Plus Tea-O-Cons

More Great Commentary from Jack Hunter:

And as a Bonus:

Two very interesting articles

Two Authors that I happen to enjoy, have put two articles out, that I thought my readers would enjoy reading…

They are:


James Wesley – Move to the Mountain States–The American Redoubt

Yes, I am fully aware, that there are some people who happen to believe, that these two people are on the “Third Rail,” when it comes to American Conservative Politics. That might be so; but I would rather read them and be informed, than to read mainstream sources and be totally unprepared for what might happen.

Some people say that Chuck Baldwin and James Wesley peddle paranoia.  I like to think that they both of them promote Preparedness and Christian values. Which is more than I can say for some blog out there, that promote big Government Conservatism.

Enjoy the Articles.


Video: Obama’s Libyan War

Seeing that things are changing with Libya; I thought this to be a be very appropriate video: (Via Reason Hit and Run, and Reason TV)

Video: Police State: This right here is why people kill police officers

This video is unbelievable.

There is a story behind this, and I very highly suggest that you head over to and follow the links for the back story.

The Video:

Eric Holder wonders why there has been an uptick in police shootings? I can tell you exactly why; because of crap like this right here.

I very humbly submit to you; that if this homeowner had decided to use lethal force against this woman and these police officers, it would be have been entirely justified.

This is not freedom, this is tyranny.

Wake up America; wake.the.hell.up….

In case you would like to contact these bastards; here is the contact information for the Department involved:

1441 N. DuPont Highway
P.O. Box 430
Dover, Delaware 19903-0430
(302) 739-5901

Call them and let your rage be known to them. This is not Communist Russia; this is America and we do not sit idly by and allow the police to run roughshod over us.

Somebody somewhere in Washington D.C. ought to be shouting from the rooftops over this one. Ron Paul? Where the hell are you? Why is not someone raising a royal stink about this? Investigation? Yeah right. It will be more like a self-justification. 🙄

Again, this is America and we just do not do this. Something must be done. 😡

Video: Guest Voice: Jack Hunter on Mark Levin’s Constitution

Once again, Jack Hunter outs a slime ball Neo-Conservative for what he really is; a warmongering pig. Notice in this video, that Jack Hunter points out the differences between Neo-Conservatives —– and Paleo-Conservatives or American Conservatives who are against interventionist foriegn policy. Something that the Republican Party was for prior to the mass exodus from the Democratic Party in 1964. Then these Jacobin Democrats brought their foreign policy with them. That, my friends, is the problem and what brought us George W. Bush.


Jack Hunter HQ

Pamela Geller strikes gold again

No matter where you sit on the political fence; this is quite interesting.

They don’t call her super woman for nothing! 😀


Guest Voice: Jack Hunter on Obama’s Libyan War

Jack Hunter’s website

Jack Hunter on facebook

Jack Hunter on YouTube

Open Question to the Pro-Choice Crowd: Does this really help your cause?

(H/T to Steve Ertelt of lifenews,com on twitter for this story…)

A homemade incendiary device was thrown at one of the participants of the 40 Days for Life pro-life prayer vigil at an abortion business in Kalispell, Montana on Thursday night.The woman walked on the public sidewalk near the abortion business when an unidentified person threw the device — akin to a “Molotov cocktail” — in her direction. The woman did not see either the firebomb nor the assailant it exploded on the sidewalk behind her, making a loud popping noise like a big firecracker as it burst into flame. Fortunately, the woman was not hurt in the incident.After she regained her composure, the victim called Karen Trierweiler, coordinator of the 40 Days prayer vigils in Kalispell at the Karen Trierweiler, coordinator of the 40 Days prayer vigils in Kalispell over to her.After a lengthy delay, a Kalispell police officer arrived. However, according to officials with the Thomas More Society, a pro-life legal group that is helping the participants, instead of inspecting the bomb debris or calling evidence technicians to the scene, the officer remarked that police could never get prints or other evidence from the bomb’s remains and said he would call the city’s garbage service to dispose of all the debris.The officer then said that the 40 Days prayer vigil participants should expect this kind of reaction if they’re protesting at the abortion business. Questioning Officer Hoover’s assessment of the attack, Trierweiler called the Kalispell desk sergeant to complain, where she was unable to get further assistance.

via Firebomb Thrown at Elderly Woman at Pro-Life Prayer Event |

Before I pose my question to the pro-choice crowd, let me make the following things clear:

As a Conservative Christian:

I feel that abortion is a murder. end of discussion. “Thou Shalt not Kill” was a commandment for God Himself.

I feel that life begins at conception, and I do not believe that man has to right to kill, what God has created.

However, As a Libertarian Conservative and as a Federalist:

I feel that the United States Federal Government should NOT be in the business of telling woman what to do with their bodies.

I feel that if the Pro-Life crowd wants to stop the barbaric practice of abortion; that these people should appeal to their STATE Government and demand that they outlaw the practice of Abortion.

Having Said all of the above. I pose the following question to the “Pro-Choice” crowd:

Does committing acts of terrorism toward those of whom you disagree, really help your cause? I mean, has the pro-choice, liberal left in this Country gotten to the point of being so intolerant, that they now resort to acts of violence?

As a former, “Left of Center” and Former Democratic Party voter; it very highly disheartens me to see that now the liberal left, is now resorting to violence to reinforce their message. This is directly in opposition to the message of peace; which the Democratic Party was about, at least when I was voting for them. I mean, I quite vividly remember the liberal left literally going to pieces over the Iraq War and basically screaming “Peace!” at the top of their lungs.  But then, they do this? Someone needs to reexamine their message, quite a bit.

Now Listen.

Please, do not misunderstand me; I do not blame the entire Democratic Party, for the actions of a few. But, I believe that activists on the left need to really think about the message that they are sending to America and to the World. Do you encourage violence to get your message across? Do you believe in hurting those of which you disagree?

My Point to all of this is…..:

Those are the questions I want to see answered. Because I will give the Democratic Party a warning; from this writer. As someone who once voted for your party —- If this is the message that you are sending to America; that we plan on using force against those who dare dissent; you can forget about this independent ever voting for you again, ever. Because I simply know, that this is what Communist Russia AND Hitler’s Nazi Party did to those who dared to dissent. Does anyone on the left, remember the White Rose Society?  Does anyone remember what they stood for? Instead, it seems that the Left has come to want a top down style of rule, that oppresses with violence those who dissent. This is not what the founding principles of the Democratic Party ever were, ever.



Stupid: Federal Court rules that Colorado Man Can Sue Secret Service

My God, how stupid can the leftist fools be?

DENVER — A Colorado man can sue two Secret Service agents who arrested him after he touched former Vice President Dick Cheney on the arm in 2006 and told him his Iraq War policies were “disgusting,” a federal appeals court ruled Monday.The ruling means Steven Howards can try to subpoena Cheney to testify about the incident, said David Lane, Howards’ attorney.”I fully intend on deposing the former vice president,” Lane told The Associated Press.Lane has been trying for years to subpoena Cheney, but his motion has been delayed as judges weighed the question of whether the Secret Service agents were immune in the case. He has said he wants to subpoena the former vice president because he’s “the best eyewitness to the case.”

via Federal Court: Colorado Man Can Sue Secret Service –

This is why this strikes me as incredibly stupid; for one, this man made a choice to break the law and try to grab the former Vice President — to make a political statement. For two; now he is trying to capitalize on this incident and sue the Secret Service and the Government by proxy. In short; the man is nothing more than some leech, who wants to make a quick buck on the backs of the American people. Not to mention make a stupid political point.

Either way, I hope like hell that the courts toss this idiot’s case out. Because he does not deserve anything at all. Except maybe a swift kick in the butt. 😡

So, the next time some idiot liberal Democrat tries to tell you how horrible we Capitalist Conservative Christians are; show ’em this, please. I mean, I would rather be some money grubbing capitalist, than to be trying to make a quick buck on the back of the American people; and for what? To make a rather idiotic political point? How stupid. 🙄

….and I say this, as someone who was not too keen on Bush and Co’s polices either…..



It’s good work, when you can get it…


TMZ has learned … Charlie Sheen has just filed a lawsuit against Warner Bros. and Chuck Lorre, and he’s not only demanding he get paid for the 8 scrapped “Two and a Half Men” episodes, he’s also suing on behalf of the cast and crew … and the suit is for $100,000,000 plus punitive damages.


In a scathing preamble, legal pit bull Marty Singer writes in the lawsuit, “Chuck Lorre, one of the richest men in television who is worth hundreds of millions of dollars, believes himself to be so wealthy and powerful that he can unilaterally decide to take money away from the dedicated cast and crew of the popular television series, ‘Two and a Half Men,’ in order to serve his own ego and self-interest, and make the star of the Series the scapegoat for Lorre’s own conduct.”

Singer alleges the cancellation is based on “Warner Bros. capitulating to Lorre’s egotistical desire to punish Mr. Sheen …”

Singer alleges there was a conspiracy between Lorre and Warner Bros. to blame Charlie for the cancellation.

via Charlie Sheen Lawsuit — Sues Warner Bros. and Chuck Lorre for $100 Million |

Wait for the media now to play this, as a white Aryan man, picking on a Jew. Which is, of course, B.S.


NPR —- WTF?!?!?!

I have one thing to say…. WOW.

I am, of course, referring to this:

I also liked former NPR employee, turned Fox News darling; Juan Williams really taking NPR to the woodshed over this:

I am sure that you do know about the two NPR suits getting shown the door.

The Christian Science Monitor asks a question and answers it:

NPR President and CEO Vivian Schiller resigned under pressure on Wednesday amid a storm of negative reaction to an undercover video that showed another NPR executive denigrating tea party adherents and saying that public radio might be better off without federal funds.

Will the ouster of Ms. Schiller quiet conservative outrage at the incident? After all, it was she who approved the firing of NPR commentator Juan Williams over comments about Muslims he made during a Fox News appearance last October. At the time, many conservatives (though not only conservatives) complained that Mr. Williams had been axed in the name of political correctness. They thought Schiller should have gotten the boot then, too.

Long answer short: No, it does not look as if Wednesday’s events will end things. If anything, it appears that Republican lawmakers now may redouble their efforts to end federal funding for public broadcasting.

Let me try and make this as plain as I possibly can for these idiot liberals. I do not believe that federal money, which by the way is obtained by the tax dollars of the American people in this Country; and yes, that does include the Conservative, white people that this now former CEO of NPR spoke of. If NPR wants to be a politically slanted organization; let them buy advertising —- just like everyone else. MSNBC has to it, CNN has to do it, The Nation has to do it, The New Republic has to do it, National Review has to do it, The Weekly Standard has to do it, Fox News has to do it — all of these publications have political biases and all of them live on advertiser dollars. So, why should NPR be any different?

Bottom line: It is time to defund NPR and let private monies fund that liberal group or let them become a advertiser-funded and not, American people-funded group.

National Palestine Radio!?!?! Not with my tax dollars! 😡

Video: Las Vegas Boom & Bust – A Preview for Singapore & China?

This comes via

Wouldn’t it be a good time to invest in Gold and Silver and beat the rush?

Video: Blowback from 9/11

The reason why I am posting this, is because I feel it needs to be shown. Andrew Sullivan and Digby the owner of the progressive blog Hullabaloo say this is hate and by definition, yes it is. However, I think more broadly, it is simply blowback; which is an C.I.A. term, from what happened on 9/11. Not only that, these people are simply fed up, with all the recent acts of terrorism happening in America and elsewhere, people are just simply fed up to their wits end.

Again, I do not justify these actions, at all. I simply think progressive liberals need to understand, that people are just fed up.

More than anything else, this just gets up my libertarian nose a bit. What if those were blacks? Ya know? I’m just sayin’
