Not like we really needed anymore; but here we go….:
Via International Business Times:
Fuel of the Fukushima nuke plant plant’s No. 1 reactor could be melting, an official said on Wednesday at Tokyo Electric Power Co. (TEPCO) , the operator of the crippled plant.
TEPCO said last week some of the spent nuclear fuel rods stored in the No. 4 reactor building of the Fukushima Daiichi power plant were damaged.
The company’s workers have put iRobot PackBots to measure radiation, oxygen and temperature inside the reactor.
TEPCO announced plans on Monday to take about 10,000 cubic meters of contaminated water from the reactor unit 2, and move it to a treatment plant that will be built on site.
The company said there is somewhat less radioactive water in the tunnel linked to one of the reactors, amounting to 210 metric tons of water, according to broadcaster NHK.
This is one of those rare times, when I am actually going to agree with a liberal. Susie Madrak over at Crooks and Lairs says:
Remember that old joke about the guy who went on vacation and left his brother home to watch his cat? The cat fell off the roof and died. When the brother called to ask how his cat was, his brother said, “I’m sorry to tell you that your cat just died.”
The brother was really upset and said, “You don’t just come out and say something like that. You should have prepared me. You could have said, ‘The cat’s on the roof, I’ve called the fire department, we’re trying to get him down’. That’s how you prepare someone for bad news: something like that.”
Then he asked his brother, “By the way, how’s mom?”
“She’s on the roof…”
Do I hear a “meow”?
Meow! 😯