Video: A PERFECT example of why I will never vote Democratic Party, ever again

This comes via Tina over at HotAir.

A perfect example of the extremely stupid mentality of the far left and not so far left in this Country.


Tina Says:

As one commenter put it on NewsBusters, the phrase won’t die because “the lefties like those nifty chants. ‘Bush acted on bad intelligence – people died,’ just doesn’t have the catchiness of ‘Bush lied – people died.’”

Another thing Tina did not mention in her piece is this; the opposition over the Iraq War was not over concern of the Iraqi’s. The truth is, the left did not honestly give two flips about those people. The entire Anti-War movement was entirely partisan. You say, I’m wrong? — then, tell me — where are the protests now that President Obama is in office!?!?

This video above, is another reason in a litany of reasons why I will never vote Democratic Party ever again. It is because of the blatant hypocrisy of the people. I would rather someone be truthful with me, than blow smoke up my rear end, when it comes to politics and that is what the Democratic Party has done for as long as I can remember. The sick part is, they have done for years and for what? Votes. They do it to blacks, they do it to Latinos, they do it to almost everyone that wants a handout. Democrats don’t teach achievement, they teach dependence, on the Government. I want to vote for someone, who will try to cut through the B.S. — so that I can start a small business or two. Maybe get this blog registered as a business, so that I can try to get some investment capital. But you think I am going to try it now, with all this idiotic nonsense in the way, with the Obama White House? Not on your life! I’d also like to start a business related to my hobby. But, I cannot, not with things the way they are now!

Just wanted to share this one; because this one here, hit home with me as a former “Left of Center.”

Another thing too, if this genius does not know the difference between a “lie” and a “mistake,” he needs to seriously get the heck off MSNBC’s airwaves and go back to school.

 Update: Blogger Round up at Memeorandum

T-Paw Endorses Mitt Romney

Ed Morrissey says he did not see this one coming. But, I did. I mean, why not? One moderate squishy Republican endorses another.

Here’s the official news via The Politico:

Former Minnesota Gov. Tim Pawlenty endorsed Mitt Romney for president Monday, praising his onetime rival for his “leadership ability” and the “depth and scope of [his] private-sector experience.”

“I believe he’s going to be our party’s nominee,” Pawlenty said on “Fox and Friends,” predicting Romney would be a “transformational and great president.”

Less than a month after ending his own White House bid, Pawlenty was in sync with the Romney campaign’s message on everything from jobs to health care, to Social Security and Rick Perry.

Asked how he could endorse a candidate who he once mocked as the author of “Obamneycare,” Pawlenty said he’d spoken about health care with Romney and concluded: “Mitt Romney is 100 percent dedicated and committed to repealing Obamacare.”

Here is the underlying reason, I think and no, it is not a V.P. spot either:

“Gov. Romney wants to fix Social Security. He doesn’t want to abolish it or end it,” Pawlenty said. “Gov. Perry has said in the past that he thought it was ‘failed.'”

Pawlenty, who is joining the Romney campaign as a national co-chairman, said he wasn’t angling for any other job in giving Romney an early endorsement.

“I’m not going to consider being VP. I was down that path once before with John McCain,” he said. “That won’t be part of the future for me.”

Which is all great and wonderful; except for one little thing —- Romney is a habitual liar. So much so, that former Michigan Governor Jennifer Granholm had to call him on it once already. That is my rub with man; plus he is Mormon and I trust those people about as far as I can throw them. If you will read that link to my blog posting regarding Jennifer Granholm, you will see why I wrote what I did. The man just cannot and will not tell the truth about what he believes. He tells what he wants the people to hear. He also changes his positions with the winds of politics. You know, like a Conservative John Kerry?

Anyhow, here is Paw’s official suck up endorsement via NRO:

Great crises often produce great leaders. Unfortunately, sometimes the timing isn’t right, and neither is the leader.

Barack Obama came into office in the midst of a great economic crisis. Although hopes were high, he did not rise to the occasion. Now that the clouds of enthusiasm and excitement have parted, we see he was obviously unsuited for the task at hand.

President Obama has failed to meet America’s economic challenges.

His three years of spending, regulating, and taxing have not restarted the economy. Unemployment remains at a shocking 9.1 percent. Economic growth is hovering on the edge of a renewed recession.

Abroad, the standing of the United States appears uncertain and adrift under the failed leadership of a president who prefers chastising allies to condemning foes.

Fortunately, America may get a second chance: Mitt Romney is running for president, and I am proud to endorse him.

So, what does this do? Well, for starters; this essentially pushes John Huntsman and possibly Michelle Bachmann out of the picture. Romney now has an endorsement behind him. This also mounts a rather large moderate challenge to Rick Parry, who did say that Social Security was a “Ponzi Scheme,” which does drive off some of the older folk within the Republican Party.

As for Michelle bachmann; I do not see her as even electable. Her lack of real legislation record, her husband and her wearing her Christianity on her sleeve — all make her undesirable to people, who just want jobs and want this Country to stop spending itself into a hole. Tea Party or no Tea Party, Bachmann is just not my…well, cup of…tea.

The American people just want to get back to work and leave the soul saving to the Church — thank you very much.

Either way, this race should be very, very interesting in the next coming weeks.

Others: Hot Air, Taylor Marsh, The Lonely Conservative, Moe Lane, Le·gal In·sur·rec· tion, Political Insider, Slate, Outside the Beltway, New York Magazine, Mediaite, The Crawdad Hole and Hugh Hewitt’s TownHall Blog

Interesting Reading: The Phony Right-Wing

This is a series of articles by Author Kelleigh Nelson; who was a classmate of Hillary Clinton and a Goldwater Girl back in the day. 

I found the last one to be terribly interesting and I thought you all would enjoy reading these.

The politicization of 9/11 by the left

You remember a few days ago, when I said I did not want to really do anything special on 9/11;  because of the politicization of 9/11 by the left and the right?

Well, here’s an example of what I am a talking about…..from the left.

This is from the AFL-CIO website and this is the AFL-CIO’s President

Sept. 11, 2011: A Day to Commit to Activism

A Message from AFL-CIO President Richard Trumka

All of us will remember the horror and anguish we experienced 10 years ago. Whether we lost loved ones ourselves—family members, union brothers and sisters—or felt the shock of a society that lost nearly 3,000 people and was forever changed, we need no reminding.

Instead, I would like to reflect on doors that were opened on Sept. 11, 2001, and what has come of them in the 10 years since.

Working men and women rushed through doors to danger and became America’s everyday heroes. Firefighters, construction workers, nurses and EMTs—all kinds of professionals and volunteers—were there not just on the fateful day but some for weeks and months and even years after. And we swore we would never forget.

Doors opened within us to each other. We came together. We flew the flag. We comforted one another. In our grief, we found the best in ourselves.

What an overwhelming sense of unity we shared, all across our nation. And it was this unity that allowed us to begin healing and rebuilding. There is no time in my memory of a more proud example of what we can accomplish when we work together. Solidarity, the cornerstone of the union movement, flowed through all of us and carried us through.

But other doors opened, too—doors to hate, suspicion of “others” and self-centered greed. Our fear was twisted into something much more dangerous.

The unity that had helped us survive faded as divisiveness took root. I look around today in amazement at just how far apart our nation has become—the endless possibilities that came with our unity have all but vanished.

Just 10 years after 9/11, despite our vows, the public servants, construction workers and others who lost their lives or still suffer with the cancerous remnants of the Twin Towers haven’t just been forgotten. They’ve been vilified. The extremist small government posse has turned them into public enemy No. 1, as though teachers and firefighters, EMTs and nurses and union construction workers ruined America’s economy.

In state after state this year—with the heroism of 9/11 less than a decade behind us—politicians targeted the paychecks, benefits and basic rights of these workers in a rabid campaign to shift government support to tax breaks for the wealthy and already profitable corporations.

Wealthy CEOs, anti-government extremist front groups and frothing talk show hosts—from the Rush Limbaughs and Glenn Becks to the Koch brothers, Karl Rove’s American Crossroads group, Americans for Prosperity, the Club for Growth, FreedomWorks and the American Legislative Exchange Council—also pushed open the door to hate.

Make no mistake—setting workers against workers is a highly profitable endeavor. How many times during the vilest state attacks on public workers did we hear the question: “Other people don’t have pensions. Why should he?” Prompting that question required twisting the American psyche—which, by its founding nature, seeks to lift the common good. The appropriate question should have been, “Why doesn’t everybody have a pension?” followed by collective action for retirement security.

We’ve seen the costs of hatred in ill-thought wars, in shameful attacks on immigrants and our LGBT neighbors. We saw it in the shooting of Rep. Gabrielle Giffords. We saw it in the racism that has found overt and covert expression since Barack Obama began his run for office—from outright declarations of people who said out loud they would never vote for a black man to the ridiculously persistent obsession with our president’s birth certificate. Regardless of his policies or priorities, President Obama is shadowed by the drumbeat of suspicion based on his “other”-ness. And those suspicions are fed and watered constantly by forces that were threatened by his message of “hope and change.”

We’ve seen the cost of greed in the recklessness of financial institutions that created the greatest economic collapse since the Great Depression and the devastating jobs crisis that persists today.

But I remember that other door that opened on 9/11—the door to our better selves, to our understanding that we are one and our values require us to care for one another.

That’s what sent 347 firefighters to their death at the Twin Towers 10 years ago. It’s also what sent firefighters to stand with teachers in Wisconsin even though Gov. Scott Walker had exempted them from his attack on public employees. It’s what moves employed people now to demand good jobs for the 26 million Americans who are looking for work. It’s what gives us the courage to take on a crumbling economy and the politicians preaching austerity and ignoring our jobs crisis—to take them on and say, “We are America. We are better than this. And we are one.”

Brothers and sisters, friends, I hope you will join me in marking this solemn anniversary by committing to redouble your activism on behalf of America’s everyday working heroes. We will rise or fall together.

If I were a relative of a 9/11 victim — I would be wanted to this self-centered asshole’s head on a platter. 😡


UPDATE: Follow up part duex: White House refuses to comment on Hoffa’s threat to the G.O.P. – White House Spokesman Says, “Hoffa Speaks for Himself”

Another follow up to the follow up to the original story.

The White House is not commenting on remarks by Teamster President Jimmy Hoffa Jr.

Heck even ABC News is noticing the reeking hypocrisy here:

Despite President Obama’s repeated claims to change the tone in Washington, the White House had no comment this afternoon after Teamsters Union leader James Hoffa, speaking at an event before President Obama, said of Tea Party activists that, come November, Democrats should “take these sons of bitches out.”

Warming up the crowd before President Obama’s Labor Day speech in Detroit this afternoon, Hoffa warned the largely union crowd that the Tea Party was waging a “war on workers.”

“We got to keep an eye on the battle that we face: The war on workers. And you see it everywhere, it is the Tea Party. And you know, there is only one way to beat and win that war. The one thing about working people is we like a good fight. And you know what? They’ve got a war, they got a war with us and there’s only going to be one winner. It’s going to be the workers of Michigan, and America. We’re going to win that war,” Hoffa told thousands of workers gathered for the annual event organized by the Detroit Labor Council.

“President Obama, this is your army. We are ready to march…Everybody here’s got a vote…Let’s take these sons of bitches out and give America back to an America where we belong,” he concluded.

The Tea Party Express has called on President Obama to “condemn this inappropriate and uncivil rhetoric,” saying it “has no place in the public forum.”

“Jimmy Hoffa’s remarks are inexcusable and amount to a call for violence on peaceful tea party members, which include many Teamster members,” Tea Party Express chair Amy Kremer said in a written statement.

During the 2008 campaign, Republican presidential candidate Sen. John McCain, R-Ariz., immediately rebuked talk radio host Bill Cunningham when he disparaged then-Senator Obama in his opening remarks at a McCain campaign event. In the view of many observers, Cunningham had fueled rumors that Obama was Muslim by repeatedly referring to him by his full name “Barack Hussein Obama.”

McCain immediately took responsibility and profusely apologized for Cunningham’s remarks.

Should President Obama do the same regarding Hoffa comments about the Tea Party? The president has repeatedly called for increased civility in American politics. “Only a more civil and honest public discourse can help us face up to the challenges of our nation,” the president said in January.

“I do believe there is hope for civility. I do believe there’s hope for progress,” Obama said after last November’s midterm elections.

When ABC News is basically letting everyone know that Obama is being a hypocrite; something is dreadfully wrong. When you have lost a major network like ABC and they will not cover for you. You are in trouble.

As for Hoffa, No Regrets:

Teamsters union president James Hoffa would say it all again if he could, he told TPM Monday.

Hoffa riled up Fox News and the right wing Monday with a Labor Day speech in Detroit in which he called Republican members of Congress “sons of bitches” and said union workers are ready to “go to war” with the tea party next year and “take out” Republicans at the ballot box.

Hoffa said he’d say the exact same words all over again.

“I would because I believe it,” he said. “They’ve declared war on us. We didn’t declare war on them, they declared war on us. We’re fighting back. The question is, who started the war?”

The speech came shortly before President Obama took the stage in Detroit — and Hoffa’s remarks certainly overshadowed Obama’s on Fox. But the Teamsters chief said he was just matching fired-up conservative rhetoric when it comes to organized labor and Obama with some fired-up rhetoric of his own.

Presidential hopeful Herman Cain decried the speech as “name-calling” in an interview on Fox News shortly after Hoffa’s remarks — which were repeatedly looped on the network — but the union leader dismissed criticisms like that one as total hypocrisy.

“How is that different than Mitch McConnell saying he wants to take out Barack Obama?” Hoffa said.

Like I said in my last follow up piece:

The problem now is this, what is going to be the liberal left’s reaction and response, when some liberal thug shows up at a Tea Party protest, start harassing people; and some Conservative pulls out a gun, and shoots him dead?  Further, what is going to be the left’s reaction and response when some person, who grasp on reality is not that of a normal, sane, rational person — and he shows up at a union organized rally somewhere, with a assault rifle and starts shooting people?  What will left do then?  Will they blame Hoffa?  Will they denounce their own? No, what they will do is blame the right for editing a video and accusing the right of ginning up the rhetoric.  It is a classic Neo-Liberal, Frankfurt Institute of political correctness response.

I fully stand by that Statement above. I mean, you cannot go around calling for civil discourse and then have one of your Union cronies calling for violence; sorry, that does not work. Obama’s got a big problem on his hands and if he does not fix it, he will be totally discredited come 2012 and will lose badly.

Others: Hot Air, Washington Post, Weasel Zippers, Mediaite, Alternate Brain, Big Government, The Gateway Pundit,, BizzyBlog, Business Insider, HotAirPundit, :, Althouse, Big Government, The Gateway Pundit, No More Mister Nice Blog, Betsy’s Page,, Somewhat Reasonable, Pajamas Media, Newsy, National Review, Weasel Zippers, Mediaite, Nice Deb, Wizbang, The Lonely Conservative and Outside the Beltway

Update: The Lonely Conservative Reports that Jay Carney has told Jack Tapper that Hoffa Speaks for himself. Good on Jack Tapper for hold that four-eyed political hack spokesman’s feet to the fire and force him to give some sort of explanation.  Which is my whole issue with this White House; just like former one, they seem to believe that they are above criticism and do not owe anyone, including those who voted for them, any sort of explanation. They’ll find out different come 2012.

Follow Up: Left claims that FOX NEWS edited Hoffa’s comments

The problem is —- it does not matter one lousy iota.

For back story on this go here.

Now for the unedited version of the clip and yes, I do know where it is from; and you can zip it with the objections. I am getting to a point here:

Now for my explanation as to why this silly little argument of context does not matter one lousy iota.  Whether the liberal left wants to be intellectually honest about this or not —- the phrase “let’s take these sons of bitches out” is a call to violence — Period, end of discussion.

The problem now is this, what is going to be the liberal left’s reaction and response, when some liberal thug shows up at a Tea Party protest, start harassing people; and some Conservative pulls out a gun, and shoots him dead?  Further, what is going to be the left’s reaction and response when some person, who grasp on reality is not that of a normal, sane, rational person — and he shows up at a union organized rally somewhere, with a assault rifle and starts shooting people?  What will left do then?  Will they blame Hoffa?  Will they denounce their own? No, what they will do is blame the right for editing a video and accusing the right of ginning up the rhetoric.  It is a classic Neo-Liberal, Frankfurt Institute of political correctness response.

This is a classical liberal tactic; Fox News and the Conservative Blogosphere took the bait and now we have this; this sort of nonsense right here makes me want to pack in it with Blogging.  This whipping of the political arenas into virtual bloodlust for the other side is most disgusting.  Both sides do it; and it totally pisses me the hell off.  I am not a man who enjoys violence at all.  In fact, the only reason I would ever want to own a gun, is for personal protection — not to carry around with me, unless I had to.

Further, another thing that really angers me is the fact that the President of the United States will not say one damned word to denounce Hoffa’s comments at all.  It is because the Obama Administration has its nose square up the ass of the labor movement — for votes. Not that he honestly gives two flips about the actual ordinary people of the labor movement, you know the actual workers?  You see, the President, along with Hillary and Bill Clinton are what is known as internationalist Democrats.  They see American in the context of the international community, not America for the great Country she is.

So, do not expect the White House to issue any sort of denunciation of these remarks.  Because this is, what the White House wanted and the right, as they are prone to do — took the bait and ran with it.  I hope that this does not turn into a huge issue, because the Liberals need something desperately to hold against the right, as liberal policies have failed Americans and the Democrats need a cover, badly.

Is Israel on the brink of an all-out war with neighboring countries?

It sure looks that way. (H/T Drudge)

Recent revolutions in the Arab world and the deteriorating ties with Turkey are raising the likelihood of a regional war in the Middle East, IDF Home Front Command Chief, Major General Eyal Eisenberg warned Monday.

“It looks like the Arab Spring, but it can also be a radical Islamic winter,” he said in a speech at the Institute for National Security Studies in Tel Aviv.

“This leads us to the conclusion that through a long-term process, the likelihood of an all-out war is increasingly growing,” the IDF general said.

“Iran has not abandoned its nuclear program. The opposite it true; it continues full steam ahead,” he said. “In Egypt, the army is collapsing under the burden of regular security operations, and this is reflected in the loss of control in the Sinai and the turning of the border with Israel into a terror border, with the possibility that Sinai will fall under the control of an Islamic entity.”

“In Lebanon, Hezbollah is growing stronger within government arms, but it has not lost its desire to harm Israel, and the ties with Turkey aren’t at their best,” Major General Eisenberg added.

Referring to what he characterized as the possibility of a “radical Islamic winter,” Major-General Eisenberg said: “This raises the likelihood of an all-out, total war, with the possibility of weapons of mass destruction being used.”

During his address, the senior IDF official revealed that new, more lethal arms surfaced in the hands of Gaza terror groups during the latest round of fighting in the area. As result of the disturbing development, Israeli civilians were instructed to adopt greater precautions, he said.

via IDF general: Likelihood of regional war growing – Israel News, Ynetnews.

Needless to say, I believe the Republicans will make this a wedge issue during the campaign. They are now, to a limited extent. But, I expect to see more of that, after the primaries. Because to many, who are Jewish; and those of us who are supporters of Israel. Obama’s attitude is basically, “I don’t give a shit” when it comes to Israel and the Jews.  For the most part, the Republicans own this issue; the notable exception being Ron Paul. Which is all you need to know about the man.


UPDATED: The coming 2012 battle?

The video is over at Real Clear Politics. (H/T Drudge)

Quotable Quote:

“We got to keep an eye on the battle that we face: The war on workers. And you see it everywhere, it is the Tea Party. And you know, there is only one way to beat and win that war. The one thing about working people is we like a good fight. And you know what? They’ve got a war, they got a war with us and there’s only going to be one winner. It’s going to be the workers of Michigan, and America. We’re going to win that war,” Jimmy Hoffa Jr. said to a heavily union crowd.

I got a bad feeling about this coming 2012 election. It’s going to get ugly on both sides, I am afraid.

Others: Big Government,, Proof Positive, And So it Goes in Shreveport, Associated Press, Scared Monkeys, Pajamas Media, Le·gal In·sur·rec· tion, Sipsey Street Irregulars, The Lonely Conservative and HotAirPundit

 Update: I’ve posted a follow up to this posting. Please, go check it out! Thanks. 😀

The left is not happy with President Barack Obama

First of all, Video of his biggest and most outspoken of his supporters: (Via Real Clear Politics)

Then there is this, which comes via Polipundit:

Its time to turn our backs to President Obama.
“I am so not alone here in bright blue oregon with my disgust and utter disappointment in Obama.”

It’s Too Late – 2012 Will Mark The Final Takeover
“The 2012 elections have already been decided in favor of a neo-fascist-controlled Republican party.”

President Obama spits on his own record, on the law, and on his base …
“The President’s decision flies in the face of — spits on — this Administration’s record, the law, and every single independent review of the costs and benefits of environmental regulation.”

Discord in the House the New Deal Built
“Yes, I’ll vote for Obama when the time comes because, as I’ve said before, the alternative is worse– but that means that Obama has become a ‘lesser of two evils’ candidate and that is not something to be proud of. That is ‘status quo’ when I was promised ‘change’.”

What’s the difference between Obama and Romney?
“This isn’t snark, I actually can’t really tell anymore.”

Nixon: more liberal than Obama?
“By many measures, Nixon was more of a liberal than Obama.”

All of those posts are from TheDailyKos. Which is a liberal community Blog.

The Republican Party is gearing up to defeat President Barack Obama in 2012; something tells me, that they are not going to have to work very hard at all.


OUT: Kenneth Melson, head of ATF

The other shoe drops:

The man who led the controversial Fast and Furious anti-gun-trafficking operation will step down as the interim head of Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives, the Justice Department announced Tuesday as it named a new acting director for the agency.

Kenneth Melson, the bureau’s acting director, on Wednesday will move to the Office of Legal Policy, where he will be a senior adviser on forensic science, the department said without making reference to the failed gun-tracking operation that is alleged to have ultimately put guns into the hands of criminals. Dennis Burke, the U.S. Attorney in Arizona who oversaw prosecutions in that state related to the Fast and Furious operation, is also stepping down, the department said.

“Ken brings decades of experience at the department and extensive knowledge in forensic science to his new role, and I know he will be a valuable contributor on these issues,” Attorney General Eric Holder said of Melson in a statement. “As he moves into this new role, I want to thank Ken for his dedication to the department over the last three decades.”

Melson’s replacement is B. Todd Jones, the U.S. Attorney for the District of Minnesota. Jones “is a demonstrated leader who brings a wealth of experience to this position,” Holder said. “I have great confidence that he will be a strong and steady influence guiding ATF in fulfilling its mission of combating violent crime by enforcing federal criminal laws and regulations in the firearms and explosives industries.”

via Kenneth Melson, acting ATF chief, steps down – Jennifer Epstein –

This is all find and dandy; but before any declares victory on this, please know that he is not going anywhere and will still be on the payroll.

So, no, I won’t be cheering just yet. I will cheer when the investigation proves that Obama ordered the whole thing and he is convicted. But I won’t hold my breath.


Uh-Oh: Israel sends 2 warships to Egyptian border


The Israeli Navy (INF) has decided to boost its presence and patrols near Israel’s maritime border with Egypt due to a viable terror threat in the area.

Israeli security sources told the Associated Press on Monday that two additional warships have been dispatched to Israel’s Red Sea border with Egypt. Another source stressed that the operation was routine, telling Reuters that “two naval craft have been sent to the Red Sea. This is not unusual.”

On Monday, IDF Chief of Staff Lt.-Gen Benny Gantz ordered that deployment across the entire southern sector be bolstered, especially in the area near the Israel-Egypt border, following intelligence indicating an imminent threat

via Report: Israel sends 2 warships to Egyptian border – Israel News, Ynetnews.

Some would brush this off as routine. But then, there’s this:

Meanwhile, Iran‘s Press TV reported Monday that Tehran has decided to dispatch the 15th fleet to the Red Sea once more.

Iran’s Navy Commander Rear Admiral Habibollah Sayyari told the state-run agency that the Islamic Republic is planning to send its 15th fleet to the Red Sea and the Gulf of Aden, adding that the fleet’s main operational objective will be to patrol the high seas and thwart pirate raids.

The Islamic Republic’s 15th fleet is comprised of a submarine and a several warships.

Sayyari noted that Iran’s Navy plans to have “an active presence in the high seas in line with the guidelines of Leader of the Islamic Revolution Ayatollah Seyyed Ali Khamenei with the purpose of serving the country’s interests.

 “The presence of Iran’s army in the high seas will convey the message of peace and friendship to all countries,” he said.

The stage would be being set here for a battle; I would hope not, but you never know, when it comes to these two Countries. What worries me is this; Iran has diplomatic ties with Russia. If Putin gets involved in this, Russia would turn against Israel. This would fulfill Biblical prophecy.

Read More …

Must Watch Video: George W. Bush – The 9/11 Interview

An important anniversary is coming up.  9/11. It has been 10 years. Can you believe it? I cannot.

This is the video that many are talking about; it is the best 9/11 interview that I have ever seen.

A special thank you to The Right Scoop for find this one.

I present this without commentary.

Part 1:

Part 2:

Part 3:

May it never happen again, ever.

Some Right-Wing Blogs are going soft on the fight against radical Islam

This is unreal.

This will put you up to speed:

I believe that it is about time that we that truly believe that the fight for America is a real one; need to take stock of who is truly in this battle and who was in it, just when it was fashionable.  Because to me, it truly seems that some of the bloggers, who were truly in this battle; like say back in 2003, were in it for purely political reasons and now that the spotlight of truth is being turned on one of the GOP’s own, some people are beginning to let their true colors show.

The sad thing is this; it seems to me that the battle that is going on is boiling down to the Jewish faction of the GOP versus the non-Jewish faction of the GOP.  It seems that the non-Jewish faction of the GOP seems to believe that radical Islam is no longer a threat to America, as it once was and the Jewish faction of the GOP does see radical Islam as a real threat to this great Republic of ours and the freedoms that we, as Americans, enjoy.

It also saddens me that Ace has seemed to take a stance against Religion in general.  Just look at the comments in the posts that I linked to on his blog.  Some of the comments over there are borderline Anti-Semite and furthermore, most of them are anti-Christian.  As a libertarian-minded Conservative, I believe in a man’s right to freedom of speech and I believe in a man’s right to a freedom from a Religion if he so chooses.  However, as a Christian; I find the using of a blog, like Ace’s, to mock, degrade and deride Religion, especially Judaism and the Christian Faith to be most offensive.  Yes, I know that Ace is not making the comments himself; but he is allowing the nasty stuff to be said.  Therefore, he must support it.

As for Pamela Geller; yes, I do support her fully.  I defended her against Charles Johnson’s fascist nonsense.  When he tried to tell her that she could not edit her own blog and I will now defend her against the Anti-Semitic fascists; who seem to have softened their stance on the threat of Islamofascism to America.

Therefore, to you Mr. Ace — I bid you adieu.  You sir, have joined the ranks of the fascists who now have turned their backs on the Jewish community, the Christian Community, and against freedom. There is no compromise sir. Either you are for or against we who stand for liberty — and it appears that you have taking the side of the Chuckles Johnson or the “Anything that looks even remotely anti-Muslim is evil” side.




It’s getting rough out there

Camp of the saints has more.

Although, I think it would be fair to point out that Bush loyalists and their Neoconservatives friends did dole out the same stuff in 2004, when Bush was President; towards anyone who disagreed with his polices.

Further more, they were prone to attack bloggers, who disagreed with them. I know, in 2006, when I started blogging, criticizing what I disagreed with in the Bush Administration; I was constantly attacked by the right.  The mentality was and believe it or not, with someone of them; still is, “You either with us or against us.” Which I believe is toxic.

Just a thought.


Special Comment: In Defense of Michelle Malkin

I know she would not want to hear it from me. As I have criticized her, when I thought she was wrong. But I have also praised her and even defended her, when I thought it was the right thing to do.

But the fact is, that Michelle Malkin is absolutely right for bringing to light Rick Parry’s record in Texas as Governor. Further more, she is absolutely right for shining the light on Orin Hatch’s record as a Conservative.

The truth is folks, after the big government Conservatism of the George W. Bush-era, which I utterly despised; it is refreshing to see that the Republican Party has, with the help of the Tea Party movement — became a party of fiscal, defensive and social restraint again.  One of my biggest complaints is that the Republican Party, during the Bush-era was all too eager to embrace the horrid doctrine of Wilsonian foreign policy. Which anyone with any kind of a brain, knows is a disastrous doctrine to adhere; when it comes to Wilsonian Foreign policy, I am not the only one who feels this way; it now seems that other bloggers are now speaking against it as well.

There is also this new wave of anti-establishment vitriol and criticism among the grassroots and Conservative Blogosphere.  I too, find this is a very refreshing change of pace.  There is a simple reasoning behind all of this: the Tea Party, the Anti-Establishment mentality and so forth.  The reason it exists is that for far too long, Republicans acted, spent, and porked — just like the Democrats.  Because of this, people in the Republican Party grassroots became fed up with it all.  This was, in a way, the beginnings of the Tea Party movement.  True, it was Glenn Beck’s idea, true; Rick Santelli was the one who sounded the call.  However, it was the American people who said, “NO MORE BUSINESS AS USUAL!” and began to organize the movement.

As for Michelle Malkin, I believe that her efforts to expose the people who wish to cash in on this Tea Party movement are critical to the reformation of the Government in Washington D.C.  Some of these politicians think that the common people are idiots; this is why we need people like Michelle Malkin to expose the underhanded attempts to deceive the Conservative voters into believing that they are on board with the reformers in the Conservative movement.  Further, there are some, in the Conservative grassroots, who have dreadfully short memories; this is why Michelle Malkin’s work is so very much important to the movement as a whole.

For the record and for what it is really worth; Michelle Malkin went after Bush’s Administration and cabinet as well as Obama’s and the current crop running for the G.O.P.  — That is why I respect the woman.  Because she has always said, you cannot criticize the other side, if you are not willing to drain the swamp in your party — which is so true.

Remember folks, we are at an imperative time in our Nation’s history.  We, as Conservative Americans and as those who vote Republican must be keenly aware of what we are doing here in the next couple of months.  For too long, the American Government has been at the mercy of those who did not give two thoughts to pissing our Children’s futures away — in the Democratic Party and the Republican Party.  We have to select a Candidate this time, which will not only beat Obama; but will uphold the fiscal values that is supposed to make up the Republican Party.  Because the core word of the Republican Party is “Conservative” which comes from the word “Conserve” which means to restrain.  That is what the Republican Party and this Nation needs to return —- the restraint of our fiscal, defense and social matters.

Because of this: we cannot afford to choose someone, who has some sort of Texas swagger, nor can we afford to choose some simple-minded old fool, who is lost in the world of extreme isolationism.  We must be a fully informed electorate.  This is why I defend Michelle Malkin and her quest to out those, who might not be a good choice for President of the United States in the Republican Party.

So, to Michelle: Keep up the good work.  I will be reading, and I will keep in mind everything that I read on your site and at your former site,; when I vote in the upcoming primary here in Michigan and in general election in 2012.


-Charles Patrick Adkins


UPDATEDBREAKING NEWS: Terrorist Attacks in Israel

More of that Religion of Peace!

Multiple coordinated  terrorists attacks in Israel. Many dead and many injured.

The AP has news and analysis and more news via Yahoo News.

Ed Morrissey at is covering it. Israel Matzav is also Live Blogging with the latest news.

Update #1: Jerusalem Post has coverage

Update #2: Haaretz has coverage and has pictures of the buses involved, it looks like this was a massacre. It’s time for war again Israel; get with the program!

Update #3: YNet News is reporting:

An Egyptian security official has denied Thursday that Egypt had any involvement in the terror attacks in the south of Israel. The official, told Egyptian media that the armed terrorists operated from within Israel’s borders.

 “Egypt was in no way involved in the incident, since it is difficult to penetrate the Egypt-Israel border. Moreover, it is impossible to open fire from the Egyptian side to Israel because of the distance,” said the source. (Roi Nahmias)

If you believe that, I got land to sell you in Texas. 🙄

Update #4: The Jawa ReportLe·gal In·sur·rec· tion are now covering and this is now a Memeorandum Thread.

If I can find any video, I will post it, stay tuned!

I have to wonder what our President’s response will be? If any. Considering this here, I doubt it will be much at all.


Video: Louis Farrakhan is still crazy

More of that Religion of peace here for ya.

Video: (H/T Gateway Pundit)

Wow…..Just Wow. 😯

In a sane World, this man would be arrested for treason or at the very least arrested for inciting violence against American Soldiers.

These are Obama’s people. Remember this, come November of 2012.

But yet, MSNBC and Democrats want you to believe that we Conservatives are the racists and the terrorists.

Unreal. 🙄


MSNBC admits to selective editing, but still does not admit to race-baiting

Remember this little gem of deception, where MSNBC got caught red-handed editing footage?

Well, they are now backtracking…..sort of.

But, they do not admit to the race-baiting at all. How typical. 😡

Like I said in my previous posts; 14 more month of this — 14.more.months 🙄

UPDATED: More union vandalism and violence against business owners

As some of you know, my Father is a retired General Motors worker and a 31 year member of the U.A.W.

Which basically makes me the son of a Union member.

Which is why this story here makes me even the more sick to my stomach.

The Video:

The Story via The Daily Caller:

King Electrical Services owner John King was shot by a person who appears to be from one of the many unions who have targeted his workers, Toledo News Channel 11 WTOL reports. King is the largest non-union electrical contractor company in the area of southeastern Michigan near the Ohio border.

He has a long history of being on the receiving end of union-related violence, and this case doesn’t appear to be any different. Before shooting him, the gunman etched the word “SCAB” into the side of King’s SUV.

The altercation started when King woke up late last Wednesday to find someone in his driveway. He described the intruder as a “silhouette figure” because he didn’t see the person clearly enough to offer a description. The individual was attempting to vandalize his SUV. When King went outside his Lambertville, Mich., home to confront the person, the vandal shot him in the arm.

The Labor Union Report Picks up the rest:

Until Wednesday, the worst of the union attacks on King and his business came in the mid-eighties during the UAW strike at AP Parts. During a lull during the lengthy strike, King’s business was picketed by more than 50 IBEW picketers. This was at a time when he only had eight or nine employees. One of his employees, whose car was trashed by the union picketers, was also beaten up by IBEW thugs.

Unfortunately, the vandalism has never stopped. This year alone, he’s had to report three incidents of damage to police. This doesn’t include the incidents of stalking he and his men have to go through while they’re working.

In one incident earlier this year, rocks were thrown through the front windows of his shop, one of which had the word “kill” written on it.

Last Wednesday, however, the attacks on Mr. King became much more serious when he was awakened late in the evening at his home in Monroe County, Michigan and saw that the motion lights in his driveway had come on. When he looked out his front window, he saw a figure near his SUV and went outside.

As soon as he got outside his front door, King yelled at the individual who was crouched down by King’s vehicle. As soon as King yelled, the suspect stood and, without hesitation, fired a shot at Mr. King.

Luckily for King, as he yelled, he also stumbled. If it weren’t for that, however, John King’s injuries might have been much, much worse. In fact, he might have been killed.

Upon scrambling back into his house, King got to his cell phone and called 911. However, due to the pain in his knees and shoulder from falling, King was unaware that he had been shot in the arm.

At first, King thought that his assailant was merely trying to break into his vehicle. Little did he know, however, that the perpetrator was targeting him–because of his non-union company.

The night of the shooting, police recovered a shell casing from a small caliber handgun. In addition to the shell casing, police also found a Swiss Army knife that police say was likely going to be used to slice the tires on King’s SUV.

While neither the police, nor Mr. King can say which union was behind the attack, it is very clear by the word ‘scab’ scrawled on his SUV that it the attack was union-related.

“The police have been very thorough,” King says. “I cannot praise the Monroe County Sheriff’s department enough.”

The Monroe County Sheriff’s office is encouraging anyone with information to call 734-240-7530.

In addition, Mr. King is offering a $10,000 reward for information that will lead to the arrest and conviction of the suspect.

I seem to remember that Obama said to his union supporters, something about “getting in their faces:”

Now, Do I believe that this is what Obama had in mind? Yes I do. You can expect this sort of violence, as long as Obama is up for reelection. This and the media straight up lying about racism on the right.

As I said last night. We have 14 more months of this to endure — 14 more months. 🙄

Here is hoping, however, that this thug or thugs are caught and hopefully, this business owner arms himself. I mean, because without a gun; this guy is a sitting duck.

Let me also say this; I have been around unions for a very long time. I have never, ever, heard of any of the U.A.W. guys ever taking part in anything like this; ever. At least not in the local that my Dad is in. I have heard of union violence in other locals; but never in the one my daddy is involved with. I also believe that whoever did this; should be publicly exposed. Because stuff like this, makes the labor movement look bad to the rest of the world. Hell, my daddy is not a vile criminal like that, he worked for 31 years at General Motors, played by the rules and made something of himself.

I could go on here and carp on about how the Unions are inherently corrupt and so forth; but, I will not, even I know better than that. I believe this most likely is an isolated incident with a local labor union, who might have some members who are a bit shady. What needs to happen is, that the Government needs to investigate this local and see if they were involved. But, that will not happen under the current Presidential Administration.

Update: Ed Morrissey over at covers this; for which I am very grateful and adds this haunting video:

Tense Verizon Strike Continues:

Ed Also says this:

It’s worth pointing out that “open season” is a hunting term. Remember when crosshairs on a map made Sarah Palin responsible for all political violence regardless of what the facts were? The actual violence that occurred in Michigan seems a lot more connected to unions, and the same will be true if a violent incident occurs in New York in the Verizon dispute. Will the national media shriek about unions being the cause of political violence and demand sanctions against them? Don’t hold your breath.

I also should note, the it is not lost on me where this happened. It happened in the Monroe, Michigan area. Which is about 20 miles to the south of me or so; as the crow flies. This is a new low for the Labor movement in Michigan. I can honestly say, that I am ashamed of being from this state. 🙁


MSNBC engages in outright deception and race-baiting

This is unbelievable and is one of the main reasons why I stopped watching that network long ago.

The Video via HotAir:

This is what we are going to have to deal with during this election. The liberal left is going to use every damned tool in their arsenal; and anytime someone mentions President Obama’s failures, someone is going to cry RACE!

You watch.

AllahPundit says:

Sounds like he’s talking about Obama, right? Not so. Watch the clip, which includes extra footage added by O’Connor, and you’ll see that he was talking about the debt. In fact, that’s obvious to me even from the footage Schultz did air, which conveniently excludes the final part where Perry emphasizes that the “cloud” he’s referring to is our debt crisis. They might as well have left it in there, frankly: The beauty of the “dog whistle” accusation Schultz is making is that there’s no way to disprove it, even in full context. It’s a claim about what a speaker means, not what he actually says, so the fact that Perry’s clearly talking about the debt is no impediment. Schultz and his viewers know that Perry’s a secret racist and that he’s using code words to communicate subtextually with his racist audience, so all they have to do is look for words like “black” or “dark” and connect the dots, irrespective of what the speech is about. Short of figuring out a way to let the left read his mind, there’s no way Perry can prove that his intentions were innocent, which of course is precisely why they love love love this specie of demagoguery. We have 14 more months of this ahead of us. And trust me, Captain Civility will be very coy indeed about reining in his side when they start in with it full-bore.

Update: Can we at least set some ground rules about this before the campaign? I know that would defeat the left’s purpose of being able to declare any innocent turn of phrase racist and disqualifying as political circumstances require, but let’s see if we can pin them down. How about if they gave us a list of words that Perry shouldn’t use, ever, in any context? And if he stays away from those, no “dog whistle” accusations. Deal?

I got one thing to say about the above:


and yes, 14 months… ugh. 🙄

Oh, I should also mention, that this is not the first time that MSNBC has doctored video footage to suit their purposes. See here. Looks like they are desperate for ratings again.



No, Ron Paul is NOT the one!

I am looking at this posting over at

I cannot comment over there, because I do not have access.

I did not even watch that idiotic video, nor do I want to.

No, Ron Paul is not the “One” nor will he ever be!


Because of crap like this!

This comes via

There has been controversy over Ron Paul’s ties to racism for some time now. Many people have pointed to Ron Paul’s Newsletters as proof of his racism. Paul has previously admitted to  writing the newsletters and defended the statements in 1996, then blamed them on an unnamed ghostwriter in 2001 and then denied any knowledge of them in 2008. He has given no explanation, for how the racism entered his newsletter. If we are to take Paul at his word, he is guilty of at least promoting racism on a large scale. Paul earned almost a million dollars a year from the racist, conspiracy theorist newsletters. Here are some excerpts that I’ve found.

ron paul needlin

In this story Ron Paul writes about “needlin” and blames packs of young black girls for spreading AIDS to white women. I could find no evidence of this “epidemic” and the article seems to have no point other than to make white people scared of Black people.

Ron Paul MLK

In this piece he criticizes Martin Luther King as a pro-communist philanderer and says the MLK holiday is “Hate Whitey Day.” This is in great contrast to 2008 when he told Wolf Blitzer that Martin Luther King was one of his heroes. When activists suggested naming a city after Martin Luther King Paul suggested other names such as “Welfaria,” “Zooville,” “Rapetown,” “Dirtburg,” and “Lazyopolis” He would continue:

ron paul mlk 2

In another piece he blamed Black people for the riots that happened in Chicago in 1992 after the Bulls won the NBA Championship

basket ball riots

Paul here is using false information to attack African Americans. The Washington Post reported that 1000 people were arrested but did not indicate their race. The riot, like most sports riots was multi-racial, including Blacks, white and Latinos, yet Paul used the incident to demonize African Americans. The Washington Post also reported that two officers suffered minor gunshot wounds and that 95 were injured in total, but the way Paul phrased it, it would seem most of the 95 officers injured were shot.

ron paul blast em

In this article Paul uses the “carjacking” epidemic to put fear into white people. He advises them to carry guns and shoot “carjackers” illegally and then dispose of their weapons. He also refers Black people as “animals” and directly refers to his home town of Lake Jackson, Texas.

The newsletters also contained the quotes:

opinion polls consistently show only about 5% of blacks have sensible political opinions

if you have ever been robbed by a black teen-aged male, you know how unbelievably fleet-footed they can be,

This is only the first skirmish in the race war of the 1990s

Here are some of the newsletters I could find. They also contain a good deal of homophobic and Black Helicopter, New World Order conspiracy theories and warnings of upcoming in “race wars.”

Read More …

Obama’s blatant hypocrisy: Chastises the Auto Industry for making SUV’s, while traveling in a BUS!

This guy should get the award for DUMB ASS OF THE YEAR!

The country’s automakers should ditch their focus on SUVs and trucks in favor of smaller, more fuel-efficient vehicles, President Obama said Monday.

“You can’t just make money on SUVs and trucks,” Obama said during a town hall forum in Cannon Falls, Minn. “There is a place for SUVs and trucks, but as gas prices keep on going up, you have got to understand the market. People are going to try to save money.”

Obama has positioned the revival and reshaping of the auto industry as a major part of his administration’s push to improve the economy and create jobs.

“When I came into office they were talking about the liquidation of GM and Chrysler, and a lot of folks said you can’t help them, and it’s a waste of the government’s money to try and help them,” Obama said Monday. “But what I said was, we can’t afford to lose up to a million jobs in this country, particularly in the Midwest.”

via Obama to automakers: ‘You can’t just make money on SUVs and trucks’ – The Hill’s E2-Wire.

But yet, he is traveling in one of these:

...and he wants to chastise the big three for continuing to build SUV's??!?!?

I think Obama needs to work on that messaging thing a little. First, he says the economy is not his fault, when actually, it was; and now this? This dude is out of touch; and I mean BADLY out of touch….with reality!

Others: NO QUARTER, The Sundries Shack, Weasel Zippers, Pajamas Media, and The Lonely Conservative

Update: The News Bird links in… Thank you!


President Obama just will not accept the fact that his polices failed

This guy is unbelievable!

At a town hall meeting on his campaign-style tour of the Midwest, President Obama claimed that his economic program “reversed the recession” until recovery was frustrated by events overseas. And then, Obama said, with the economy in an increasingly precarious position, the recovery suffered another blow when Republicans pressed the White House for federal spending cuts in exchange for an increase in the national debt limit, resulting in a deal Obama called a “debacle.”

“We had reversed the recession, avoided a depression, gotten the economy moving again,” Obama told a crowd in Decorah, Iowa. “But over the last six months we’ve had a run of bad luck.” Obama listed three events overseas — the Arab Spring uprisings, the tsunami in Japan, and the European debt crises — which set the economy back.

“All those things have been headwinds for our economy,” Obama said. “Now, those are things that we can’t completely control. The question is, how do we manage these challenging times and do the right things when it comes to those things that we can control?”

“The problem,” Obama continued, “is that we’ve got the kind of partisan brinksmanship that is willing to put party ahead of country, that is more interested in seeing their political opponents lose than seeing the country win. Nowhere was that more evident than in this recent debt ceiling debacle.”

via Obama: I reversed recession until ‘bad luck’ hit | Campaign 2012.

The man is a typical politician; when things fail, “It wasn’t my fault!” Um, yes, Obama, it was…. Let’s review shall we? –:

The charts don’t lie! (H/T to Gateway Pundit)

Charts don't lie Mr. President...

Unemployment was high under Bush, it has gotten HIGHER under Obama!

Charts don't lie Obama!

So, Yes, President Obama; it is YOUR fault, your spending debacle to try to grow the economy FAILED and now we’re saddled with debt, our economy is still damned broke and yet, you refuse to take responsibility for it!

Just to show how much of a damned blowhard this big eared bastard piece of shit really is; instead of staying at the White House and doing his damned job, like he is supposed to, this big eared piece of shit is going around traveling, trying to make people still like him, in a damned bus that costs 1.1 million TAXPAYER dollars! That’s right, bought and paid for with YOUR money!

Enough is enough! This man has got to go! Vote different in 2012. I know that I will be.

Others: ower Line, RedState, Weasel Zippers, The POH Diaries, Wizbang and THE ASTUTE BLOGGERS

U.S. Secret Service gets 2 new buses, at 1.1 Million each, at taxpayer’s expense

This is unreal:

The Magic Negro Bus?

CBS News has learned the buses were purchased in recent months at a cost of just under $1.1-million each and will serve as part of the fleet of vehicles the Service uses for all of its protectees.

In the past, the Secret Service would lease buses as needed and outfit them with the security and communications equipment.

“We have not been satisfied with the level of protection offered by leased buses,” said a Secret Service official.

Last year, the Secret Service placed an order for two buses with the Hemphill Brothers Coach Company of Whites Creek, Tennessee at a combined cost of $2,191,960.

The buses have lavish interiors and are usually leased to transport stars of the entertainment industry.

The company’s website says its clients have included Beyonce, Cher, Gloria Estefan, Jennifer Lopez, Stevie Wonder, Lady Gaga, Britney Spears, Mariah Carey, Madonna, Jack Nicholson, and Pope Benedict.

via U.S. Secret Service gets 2 new buses ahead of Obama tour – Political Hotsheet – CBS News.

That’s right folks, you are paying for that bus!

Contrast with:

At least Dubya was not scared to be seen on his bus!

…and that was after 9/11! So, what’s Bambi Teleprompter’s excuse? Say what you want; but this President is nothing more than a damned yellow-bellied coward; period, end of story.

Seeing that what Obama just did to the trucking industry; I hope some driver cuts that damned bus off and it ends up in a ditch somewhere. 😡

Others: FishbowlDC, White House Dossier and Weasel Zippers

Here I go, agreeing with Lew Rockwell, Again!

Ya know, this is starting to be a bit of a thing. People are going to start talking about me. 😯

(Yeah, like they don’t already…I know…I know…thank you very much…)

Some weirdo named Christopher Manion over at Lew Rockwell’s joint says the following:

The neoconservative dialectic, a.k.a. DoubleThink, trudges on. Obama is the same old anti-American Leftist he always was, says Norman Podhoretz. No, not at all, he’s a “born-again neocon,” says Kid Kristol.

Shocker: In this case, as Leo Strauss would say, the Dialectical Duo have revealed one dirty little secret too many—that is, Podhoretz and Kristol might both be right: a neocon just might be an anti-American leftist. After all, they were all Trotskyites once. So, like Obama, maybe they are the same old anti-American leftists they always were.

Damn that Aristotle and his logic!

Zzzzzzzzzzzzzzziiiing! 😆

I have to admit, the man is right. Before any of you meat-heads get any ideas about me being a hatemonger or something silly like that; Neo-Conservative does not really mean Jew, okay? * So, please, don’t play that little game, because that little dog won’t hunt around me. Ludwig Von Mises was Jewish as they come and he HATED Neo-Cons with a passion! (not to mention liberals….)

Count me as one of the many who say that Neo-Conservatives and the Domination of the World, by Military might that they advocate — is Anti-American and Anti-Conservative. I have ALWAYS felt that way and ALWAYS will!

Others: Neptunus Lex

* = Admittedly, some people use it to mean that; and yes, I am aware of the connotations behind it. When I see it, I point it out. But, you won’t hear me doing it.  As I have written on this site a ton of times; it simply means those who advocate Wilsonian foreign policy — at least with me. What other people write and say, I cannot control at all.