Jobs report bleak, Democrats still clueless as ever

Now I see why Rick Santelli is ranting and raving!

First of all, here is the lovely report via the NYT:

For the second month in a row, employers added a dismally small number of jobs, showing that the United States economy is barely creaking along despite being two years into the official recovery.

With all levels of government laying off workers, the Labor Department reported that employers eked out just 18,000 new nonfarm payroll jobs in June. The already low number of jobs created in May was also revised downward to just 25,000, less than half what was originally reported last month.

Even as the government’s survey of employers showed that they were adding an anemic number of jobs, a survey of households showed that more people were out of work, causing the unemployment rate to rise to 9.2 percent.

Economists were stunned since they had been expecting June to show stronger job creation as oil prices eased and supply disruptions receded in the aftermath of the Japanese tsunami and earthquake. Instead, the government’s monthly snapshot of the labor market showed that several sectors, including construction, finance and temporary services, actually shed workers. At the same time, leading indicators like wages and the length of the average workweek, which tend to grow before employers begin adding more jobs, actually contracted.

“Even the wild-eyed optimists out there have nothing to grasp onto in this report except to say, ‘Ah, this too shall pass,’ ” said Joshua Shapiro, chief United States economist at MFR Inc.

Meanwhile the stupidity continues on the left. A perfect example is found over at The Hill:

President Obama’s senior political adviser David Plouffe said Wednesday that people won’t vote in 2012 based on the unemployment rate.

Plouffe should probably hope that’s the case, since dismal job figures aren’t expected to get any better for Obama and the economy on Friday.

Most economists expect a report from the Bureau of Labor Statistics to show that the nation added about 100,000 jobs in June. That’s not enough to keep up with population growth, let alone lower the unemployment rate or make a dent in the 9 million jobs lost during the so called Great Recession.

[UPDATED: The jobs report released on Friday showed the economy added only 18,000 jobs, much less than anticipated. The unemployment rate creeped up to 9.2 percent.]

It’s looking more and more like Obama will have to do something no president has done since Franklin Roosevelt: Win reelection with unemployment around 8 percent.

I have a sinking feeling that Plouffe is making a seriously stupid miscalculation ; and one that the Republican Party is going to take full advantage of, come November 2012.

The stupidity continues over at the NYT, again with the stupidest Economist ever to be allowed to write for a paper:

Ugh. That was a seriously ugly jobs report. Almost no job creation, with slow private-sector growth offset by falling public-sector employment; a falling employment-population ratio; and (I don’t know how many people have picked this up), an actual decline in wages, albeit a small one.

Let me emphasize that last point. My bottom line on the inflation-deflation issue has always been to look at wages; you can’t have a wage-price spiral if wages ain’t spiraling. And they aren’t, to say the least.

It’s important to realize, by the way, that stagnant wages are NOT good for recovery; all they do is ensure that the burden of debt relative to income remains high, keeping demand and employment down.

The situation cries out for aggressively expansionary monetary and fiscal policy. Instead, however, all the political push is in the opposite direction.

The underlined part and the part above it; is where the stupidity really kicks in here. That stupidity above, is why this damned Nation is in the place that it is now. Because of stupid people like Krugman. These idiots, in a sane World, would be tossed out of this Country for causing one of the most horrible economic collapses in this Nation, since the great depression, which caused many Americans; Conservative and Liberal, to lose money that they rightly earned or invested in and profited from.

This is not to say that the Republican was not to blame; they too stood by and did nothing and for that they paid a price during the 2006 and 2008 election cycles. However, America was not fooled the Democrats proceeded to make some of, if not more, of the same mistakes that the Republican Party made, while in power. For this, they paid in 2010 and will pay again in 2012.

Further more, it was the DEMOCRATS, not the Republicans, who sought to game the housing market, with the Community Reinvestment act of 1973. Of which the Democrats added the sub-prime cause, which caused the Housing Market to become unstable; which essentially caused the markets to collapse. Yes, regulation was ripped out; but it was the adding of the sub-prime clause that caused the major problems that set the housing market up for a horrible downfall. I know, I watched it all happen here, in real-time, while blogging it all.

In fairness, I will say this; because I am not an overly partisan blogger. It also was the Neo-Conservatives, with their one war, that was totally unjustified in their idiotic visions of a Democratic middle east and the quagmire that it created, not to mention the millions spent and the lives lost; that also created this mess as well. If we would have fought the Afghanistan properly and not like we did Iraq; the war would have been much shorter and would have cost us much less money.

Others: The Atlantic Online, Hot Air, Washington Monthly, Firedoglake, The Huffington Post, Washington Post, The Nation, Calculated Risk, New Deal 2.0, Booman Tribune, Freakonomics, Economix, Free exchange, Speaker, AmSpecBlog, JustOneMinute, Oliver Willis, Gothamist, Hugh Hewitt’s TownHall Blog, Economist’s View, Shakesville, Lynn Sweet, ThinkProgress, Daily Kos, Truthdig, Emptywheel, AMERICAblog News, Lawyers, Guns & Money, FrumForumThe Huffington Post, The Note, The Hill, And So it Goes in Shreveport, AMERICAblog News, Hot Air, Taylor Marsh, Pajamas Media, Scared Monkeys, Outside the Beltway, NetRight Daily, The Western Experience, GOP 12, Le·gal In·sur·rec· tion, National Review, The Lonely Conservative,, and FrumForum and more via Memeorandum

Democratic Party Operative Milton Ohlsen indicted on 2008 parking garage bombing

WOW! 😯

The Video:

The Story via Fox 2 in St. Louis:


Downtown St. Louis, Mo. (KTVI_FOX2)—
A former Democratic political operative has been indicted by federal authorities for allegedly planting a bomb in a CLayton parking garage in 2008. The bomb went off, seriously injuring a Clayton attorney. Police believe he was not the bomber’s intended target.

Milton Ohlsen iii nicknamed “Skip” is well known to law enforcement. He’s also well known in Democratic political circles. The feds now say he’s the one who planted a bomb in a garage at 190 Carondolet plaza in Clayton on October 15, 2008.

Federal prosecutors say ohlsen made the bomb and put it in the parking garage where it went off and injured clayton attorney John Gillis.

Federal agents say Gillis was the wrong target. They say Ohlsen was actually trying to kill attorney Richard Eisen who drove a similar car. Eisen represented Ohlsen’s wife in a messy divorce case.

Starting in 2004 Ohlsen was used as a consultant by the Missouri Democratic party. He even had lunch at the governor’s mansion with then-governor Bob Holden.


Okay, somebody tell me again, about just how the Democratic Party is the party of peace? These are Obama’s people folks; they are the ones who do this sort of stuff. Yeah, I know about Watergate, that was years ago and personally, I believe Nixion was set up by people within the GOP and Government who did not like him. (You know, like Democrats?)

Anyhow, look for the Republicans to use this against the current Governor of Missouri.

Others: Big Journalism and The Gateway Pundit

Video: Trailer: The Undefeated

It’s the Sarah Palin Movie. Personally, I loathe the woman, and this looks like a Sarah Palin propaganda movie. However, it looks like it might be a good movie, for a few good laughs perhaps? 😛

What this movie will not tell you; because the Sarah Palin cult never really tells the truth, is that Sarah Palin feels that she is entitled to be President of the United States, either because she is a woman or because she feels that it is some sort of bizarre calling for God himself. Which in the eyes of this Independent Fundamental Baptist is quite absurd.

I will not get into all the various reasons why I do not like Sarah Palin; the best thing to do, is go here and read all the posts tagged with her name, and then you will understand why it is that I detest this woman.

Again, it might be just be a good movie, but it is sole purpose is to promote all things shrieking harpy Palin.

(Via Mediaite)

Video: This is why I like Rick Santelli

No, he is not crazy……Just slightly animated.

(via Mediate)

Video: Jack Hunter Says, “Tim Pawlenty is another Big Government Conservative!”

Transcript Here

Mark Halperin suspended for telling the truth about the President

He called Barack Obama a DICK, which is really what he and the progressives are anymore, in my humble opinion. So are the Neo-Conservative right for that matter.

Either way, here’s the video, via Politico:

The Story:

MSNBC senior political analyst Mark Halperin was suspended on Thursday by the cable network after he called President Obama “a dick” on a popular morning show and then quickly apologized.

“I thought he was a kind of a dick yesterday,” Halperin, who also is an editor-at large for Time, said on Morning Joe, referring to the President’s conduct during his press conference.

A couple of hours later, MSNBC issued a statement, saying, “Mark Halperin’s comments this morning were completely inappropriate and unacceptable. We apologize to the President, The White House and all of our viewers. We strive for a high level of discourse and comments like these have no place on our air. Therefore, Mark will be suspended indefinitely from his role as an analyst.

The cable outlet also put out a statment from Halperin at the same time, saying, “I completely agree with everything in MSNBC’s statement about my remark. I believe that the step they are taking in response is totally appropriate. Again, I want to offer a heartfelt and profound apology to the President, to my MSNBC colleagues, and to the viewers. My remark was unacceptable, and I deeply regret it.”

Time issued a statement later Thursday calling Halperin’s comments “inappropriate and in no way reflective of TIME’s views.”

The magazine did not suspend Halperin but said, “We have issued a warning to him that such behavior is unacceptable” and noted that he had “appropriately” apologized.

Here is why this bothers me; President Bush was called every last damned name under the sun by the media, the left, the left’s bloggers (which used to include me…) and now because someone dared to tell the truth about this President, he gets suspended. Let me go on the record as say that this man should be promoted a real job and not suspended.

Let me also go on the record as saying, that not only is President Obama a fucking dick; he is also a fucking asshole; who only really gives a shit about anything that promotes a BLACK agenda. Further, he only was elected BECAUSE he was BLACK! That is why the Democrats pushed him out front and made him the new NEGRO progressive Messiah! Because they knew that no white man would win the election! So, ol’ “Bambi Big Ears” was made the BOY for the cause and ended up being our next President.

Now there, assholes, you going to suspend me too? 🙄


: CNN, Firedoglake, TVNewser, Hotline On Call, Hot Air, Media Decoder, Booman Tribune, Michelle Malkin, Ben Smith’s Blog, Hugh Hewitt’s TownHall Blog, No More Mister Nice Blog, Scared Monkeys, FishbowlDC, blogs, Indecision Forever, RedState, Outside the Beltway, The New Republic, Pajamas Media, Gawker, Taylor Marsh, Ricochet Conversation Feed, New York Magazine, ImmigrationProf Blog, Daily Kos, Hold Fast, The Other McCain, and Runnin’ Scared, more at Mediagazer » More via Memeorandum


Oh my: This could be a bit of a problem for Michelle Bachmann


Now to be fair to Michelle Bachmann and her Husband; they are Conservative Christians, I get that part. However, I would think Michelle Bachmann would know that she has appeal to independent voters; and this is not a good way to do this at all.

Now, I also know that this piece is a liberal hit job on Michelle Bachmann. However, there is another reason that this bugs me, the same reason that I did not want Mike Huckabee in the 2012 race, it feeds the Meme that Republicans and all Conservatives hate gay people. Something that I know is just plain bunk. I could care less what gay people do in the privacy of their homes. Just don’t try to push your agenda off on me, like the far leftist gays want to do.

Again, while I believe this to be a hit job; sometimes the things that people say to further and foster false narratives should be critiqued.


Updated: Deranged stalker bloggers howl

I have a couple, one of them, in an atheist.

The other one, is this guy.

From what I am told, this guy is a Iraq War veteran and suffered a closed head injury; he takes medication for post traumatic stress syndrome. But there are times, when he strays and then proceeds to write stuff like what you just viewed. — Update: Some might take that is a slam towards the Military; IT IS NOT! I respect this man’s service to our Country. However, it does NOT give him a pass to attack me for stupid stuff that happened five years ago.

For the record, he is rambling on about stuff that happened back in 2006.

That is when I took Michelle Malkin, the neo-con psycho Blogger to the mat and said; “What’s good for them, is good for you!” and posted an address that I thought was hers. I got it from here. Turns out, she had not lived there for like 3 or 4 years; and that old address has long since been removed from that site. I consider this a feather in my cap, she is, as Debbie Schlussel has repeatedly pointed out and exposed, is nothing more than a two-bit hypocrite. Who railed against entitlements, all the while taking advantage of them in college, among other ways. Anyone who reads that blog of her’s knows this. This might explain her reduction of influence in the Blogosphere.

The other, is when another Neo-Con blogger attacked me first. His name is Mike Hendrix (or some spelling variation of that spelling) and I responded; now I will be the first to admit — I wish I had never responded to that first attack, but I did and boy did I go about it the wrong way, and an innocent person, who died in a very tragic way, got brought into it. I will always carry that with me.  🙁 I’ve written and said this before and I will say this again. If I’d known who she was; or my default known Mike’s full name, I would have never made the idiotic comment about her. I swear on my dead grandmother’s grave on that one. 🙁

Update #2: Another thing that this psycho neo-con Blogger is mumbling on about,; is the fact that I have — or at least did have — is an account at forum. The truth is, it was an account, simply for research, once they figured out, that I was not one of “them”. They removed my posting access. This is because I voiced some dissent to some of the mindless stupidity that emanates from that cesspool of mindless idiots who frequent that forum. Now that group is an interesting crowd. 😯  So, yes, I did have account there — but it was not for what you think it was! 😀 Again as I have said in my videos and said here in writing — if I was even remotely HALF as crazy, Neo-Nazi, racist or whatever — I would not be living here, that is for sure!  Yes, my mother; who is a saint, would toss me on my ear! 😮

The rest of it is just utter B.S. and childish nonsense — written by someone, who is a very sick and mentally unstable person, I’m told. Sad case that is…

As anyone knows that read this blog. I am not a Ron Paul Fan, at all. As many a blogger on the right has said, Ron Paul might have some good ideas on fiscal policy; his foreign policy is just unrealistic.

The accusations of Antisemitism and racism are, in fact, bogus and come right from this School of thought here. Which is, in fact, the playbook that the liberals play from; but these psycho bloggers, are supposedly Conservative. It is because they are Neo-Cons. Neo-Cons and Liberals play from the same playbook. They do it with Debbie Schlussel and they do it to me; because they cannot shut me or Debbie down, and cannot control my thoughts. So, they stoop to stupidity like this and it is so wrong. It makes them look like idiots, and left just looks at it, and says, “Yup, that is the crazy right. Eating their own.”

It is a sad situation. They simply cannot get over things that happened years ago. I have moved on, I have realized that the left is just simply wrong, that mindset of, “I want mine and yours too!” is wrong and I am now on the right side of things. But this psycho blogger and his furry friends simply cannot move on. So, every now and again, he lashes out to try to discredit me. Not that it works, but he does try. But simply makes himself look like the crazy one. Which is about normal, for him and his psycho neo-con friends.



Detroit’s budget woes

This first “adult” mayor that Detroit has had in over 30 years or more; and the city still cannot agree on a budget.

The Story via The Detroit Free Press:

Detroit Mayor Dave Bing abruptly ended budget negotiations Tuesday with the City Council, promising to move forward with the elimination of summer festivals, hundreds of police and firefighter layoffs, ending Sunday bus service and closing the People Mover and rec centers. 

Bing said he doesn’t believe the council is earnest about a compromise by the Thursday deadline.

“The time for talk is over,” he said. “It’s going to be painful.”

Earlier in the day, the council voted 7-2 to reject a compromise by the mayor that would have restored $30 million to the 2011-12 spending plan. Last month, the council cut $50 million to pay down the city’s deficit.

Council members expressed shock that Bing wouldn’t agree to a counter-compromise to restore $20 million in cuts to bus service and public safety.

“It’s irresponsible and immature,” Council President Charles Pugh said. “It’s like the mayor is mad and left the marbles at the playground. People in the city are going to be hurt because of these kinds of games. What is so important to the mayor that he can’t get this done?”

Unless the mayor budges or the council gives in to the Bing compromise, Bing will begin making cuts Friday that will affect thousands of Detroiters and many suburban residents.

Popular gatherings at Hart Plaza — the Downtown Hoedown, African World Festival, Ribs ‘n’ Soul and the techno bash Movement — would end. The city would lose homicide investigators and police patrolling the streets; swimming pools wouldn’t open, and park grass would stay uncut, Bing said.

The Detroit Free Press, which is a very liberally biased paper; gives a few son stories of people that will end up moving away, if the council does not get their way. To whom I say, you may as well move anyway, this town’s better days are behind it and it will not get better.

This story here, ought to be a textbook example of full on socialism does not work, at all. In times of economic prosperity, socialism and capitalism can co-exist, when the economy falters, the results are disastrous. In fairness to the City of Detroit, they went through this before; in the late 1970’s, when Coleman A. Young was Mayor of the city. Except, this time, things are much more bleak for the city and our Nation.

That being said even the Detroit Free Press Editors see that the writing is on the proverbial wall in Detroit:

For employees who have already taken pay cuts and seen the city’s workforce pared back, it must seem like the ultimate unfairness: Detroit Mayor Dave Bing says he needs deeper union concessions just to keep the state from imposing an emergency financial manager.

The reality is, both sides are right. Many employees can’t afford to pay more for their health care or contribute to their retirement. In a city (and region) already beaten down by the last decade of recession, these kinds of changes won’t help reverse economic trends.

But the city is also broke, and health care and pension costs are among the biggest drivers. Detroit has 22,000 retirees and 11,000 employees whose pension plans require no contribution. Those pension plans also carry steep requirements from taxpayers to maintain them — including unrealistic growth rates set by contract.

The city also pays more than 80% of health care costs for employees, and up to 90% in most cases.

It seems unlikely that the unions will even bargain, let alone give concessions by the Sept. 1 deadline Bing has set. What’s their incentive?

From their perspective, if Bing is telling the truth and the state will have to take over if concessions aren’t granted, it’s better to have an emergency manager impose the changes than to give them away at the bargaining table.

And if Bing isn’t being truthful, then calling his bluff counts as a union victory.

Union leadership can afford, in this case, to stand firm.

But that also underestimates the city’s dire financial situation. Cooperating with Bing, and negotiating around the margins of his proposal, could help put the city back on good economic footing.

Here is hoping that the city council and the city’s many unions leaders listen to this advice; which, by the way, I suggest you read the rest of that, as it is interesting reading.

This writer is old enough to remember the last major recession, which affected Detroit up till the late 1980’s. The last time this happened, Detroit had a “tough-as-nails” Mayor, who took no guff from people who got in his way and was able to pull Detroit out of a full scale nose dive. Here is hoping that bing has that same toughness in him. Because any way you look at this; it is going to be bad for ALL parties involved.

This Posting was crafted on my Apple iPod using WordPress Mobile Admin (Too Cool!)

Classless: Chris Wallace asks Michelle Bachmann, “Are you a flake?”

Funny, I don’t recall him ever asking Obama that at all.

The Video:

Me and Ed Morrissey are on the same wavelength here:

I can understand why Chris Wallace asked this question. Given his guest’s propensity for gaffes, such as picking the name of a dead hero as a live Medal of Honor winner, botching a toast to Queen Elizabeth II, discussing the high points of the Austrian language, and several references to a military medic as a “corpseman,” it might be hard to take the person seriously.

Oh, wait — Wallace wasn’t interviewing Barack Obama after all…


Jim Hoft calls this “awful,” but it’s just the same old double standard applied to Republicans. We have yet to hear any serious coverage from the national media of Obama’s hundreds of gaffes while in the White House, just as we heard little of his “57 or 58 states” remark and other gaffes on the campaign trail, such as the six-month string that produced these doozies:

Did any of the national media ask Barack Obama in the summer of 2008 if he was a “flake”? Bachmann has not been without her gaffes, although she has improved her media interactions substantially since the “anti-American” comment in November 2008. But given Obama’s track record both before and after his election to the presidency, it would take a superhuman effort to vault into his league. And the media still mainly ignores Obama’s gaffes, which have grown into the hundreds, without a single outlet ever asking Obama if he is a “flake” on that same basis.

It could be that Wallace was giving Bachmann an opening to push back against the “flake” meme, but the fact that Bachmann’s having to respond to this rather than the gaffemaster in the White House is the real problem.

I hated to have to quote that whole thing; but I believe Ed is absolutely correct. Now, for the record, Wallace apologized, and there is video of that; However, I do not believe it is enough to say that he is sorry. I believe Chris Wallace should be removed from Fox News Sunday and someone else be put in his place. Asking questions like this, is unacceptable in professional journalism. Because quite frankly, it shows a sexist bias on Wallace’s part; and Fox News should not be allowed to get away with that sort of nonsense. Ed Schultz did not get away with it, when he called Laura Ingraham a right wing slut; and neither should Wallace.

Republicans say “No Mas!” to debt ceiling talks

Looks like the Republicans have had enough.

This comes via ABC’s The Note:

Senate Minority Whip Jon Kyl, R-Ariz., will also drop out of the debt talks, a source within his office confirms today. The Arizona Republican’s office will issue a formal statement shortly.

After House Majority Leader Eric Cantor (R-VA) dropped out of the talks this morning, Senator Kyl was the lone Republican in the group left. And with his withdrawal late this morning, the group does not have a Republican negotiator left in the room.

The group was set to meet for the 11th time this afternoon with Vice President Biden, their third meeting of the week.

The group started as six – but is now down to four members from Congress. The remaining members are: Senate Finance Committee Chairman Max Baucus (D-Mont.), Senate Appropriations Chairman Daniel Inouye (D-Hawaii), Assistant House Minority Leader James Clyburn (D-S.C.), and House Budget Committee ranking member Chris Van Hollen (D-Md.).

This is nothing more, than the Republicans finally growing a pair and telling the Democrats, “you made this bed; now lay in it!!”

What I find amusing is this idiot spin by the Democrats:

UPDATE 12:00 p.m. – A Senior Democratic aide says, “Cantor and Kyl just threw Boehner and McConnell under the bus. This move is an admission that there will be a need for revenues and Cantor and Kyl don’t want to be the ones to make that deal.”

More liberal spin and bullcrap. The Republicans; unlike liberals, know that raising taxes on the Nation’s top earners is NOT a smart way to create jobs and generate revenue for the Country. The way to do this properly is to lower taxes for the top earners and remove regulation for the aspiring entrepreneur, who wants to follow the American dream and be his own boss.

But, no, the Democrats want to TAX the crap out of EVERYONE; not just the top earners, but everyone, to pay for their ill-conceived and hair-brained plans like so-called “economic stimulus” that did not work at all. This is why the Republicans walked out on these talks.

Allahpundit over at snarks:

Note to self: Buy gold.

…….and seeing that the Republicans and Democrats are not willing to come together to fix this problem. That is most likely not a very bad idea……

Sarah Palin: once a quitter, always a quitter

Now why I am not surprised?

Less than a month after she appeared poised to shake up the Republican presidential campaign, former Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin has once again receded from the 2012 limelight.

When Palin launched her “One Nation” bus tour on Memorial Day amid a swirl of media attention and excitement from her fervent fan base, many political observers who had once dismissed her were reminded of the jolt that her candidacy could provide to what has thus far been a relatively sleepy GOP nominating fight.

As Palin toured historical sites along the East Coast, she was clearly reveling in the tangible excitement she’d ginned up: She even eagerly answered questions — from the denizens of the “lamestream” media — ranging from matters of political process to an array of issues facing the nation.

In an apparent repudiation to those who dismissed her trip as a mere publicity stunt, Palin’s openness with reporters about her intentions to visit Iowa and South Carolina — in addition to her highly scrutinized stop in the first-in-the-nation primary state of New Hampshire — lent credence to her repeated assertions that she was indeed seriously considering a White House bid.

Though Palin and her staff never announced a timeline for the remaining legs of her trip, aides had drafted preliminary itineraries that would have taken her through the Midwest and Southeast at some point this month. But those travel blueprints are now in limbo, RCP has learned, as Palin and her family have reverted to the friendly confines of summertime Alaska, where the skies are currently alight for over 19 hours a day and the Bristol Bay salmon fishing season is nearing its peak.

As Palin enjoys her sojourn to the 49th state, she has not reconnected with key early-state figures like Iowa Gov. Terry Branstad and South Carolina Gov. Nikki Haley, and she may have jeopardized whatever political momentum she gained from her recent reemergence in the 2012 discussion. Her political action committee’s website still greets visitors with a stale banner, announcing the nationwide bus tour beginning “[t]his Sunday, May 29th.”

More than a few of Palin’s core supporters have grown impatient and confused about her strategy, venting their frustration on Internet fan sites.

via RealClearPolitics – Palin Bus Tour Takes Extended Pit Stop.

Of course, there is a reason for this, it is because Sarah Palin’s tour was about nothing more, than Sarah Palin herself. It was a way to gain attention for herself. When the media lost interest, so did she. This was nothing more than a way to generate revenue for her “Conservatism for Kindergarteners” — style of written books of hers. Which are kind of like Ann Coulter’s books. (and before you ask; yes, I have read previews for both author’s books on my iPod, both author’s writings did nothing for me.) 

Which leads me to my final comment; if you honestly believe that this woman is truly interested in the future of this Country or even gives a remote damn about the people that live in it —- you are crazy.  The only person that Sarah Palin gives a remote damn about; is herself. Everything she does, every move she makes, is all about her political future and her limelight image.  She reminds me of another rabid feminist; Hillary Clinton. The similarities are striking and she does the very same things.  The only striking difference is, that Hillary Clinton has actually worked for her political image and has some credibility to her resume and Sarah Palin does not. 

Others: The Raw Story, Washington Post, Outside the Beltway, Flap’s Blog, GOP 12, New York Magazine, The Daily Caller and Balloon Juice — via Memeorandum

Sick: The Rebecca Rose – Jennifer Petkov rift still continues

This is a sick and very sad situation; and as much as I am tempted to point the finger directly at Petkov — I cannot.

The Story:

Rebecca Rose, the grandmother of a terminally ill child who gained attention after a neighbor harassed her on Facebook last year, told Trenton police on Thursday that she’s still being targeted.

“I’m done. This is my life … this is my dead daughter, my handicapped daughter who can’t even sit outside without (being called) a retard…this is my life,” Rebecca Rose told Trenton Patch on Friday.

Rose, a grandmother of a terminally ill 7-year-old girl, spoke out Friday about what she told police is constant harassment aimed at her and her granddaughter that has been going on for years.

The harassment, she said, is coming from Facebook posts, attributed to a handle that appears to be associated with her former neighbor Jennifer Petkov, 33. Jennifer Petkov made national news last year after she taunted the dying girl on Facebook.

Rose said the most recent incident was Thursday, also via Facebook, and just one day before the anniversary of the girl’s mother’s death.

Both the girl, Kathleen Edward, and her late mother, Laura Edward, were diagnosed with Huntington’s disease. Laura died from the disease on June 17, 2009.

Rose filed the latest complaint with Trenton police Thursday, after she said she received several messages on her Facebook page from a Facebook user claiming to be the Petkovs at about 9:30 p.m.

Rose was “crying and extremely upset,” according to the report, and told police that the constant harassment had been going on for years.

Facebook documents Rose gave to Trenton police showed comments allegedly attributed to the neighbors stating:

“Detroit St. Party, When that kid dies, cause boys and girls it’s to happen.”

“Dead and gone, only a few more hours till party time, I’m going to visit a grave and take a piss.”

Rose told police, who then confirmed, that she has served Personal Protection Orders against Scott and Jennifer Petkov. The Personal Protection Orders stated that there is to be no communication to Rose, according to police.

Police said they tried to obtain a written witness statement from Rose, but while she was writing she stated, “I can’t take it anymore” and ran out of the Trenton Police Department crying.

Police tagged the six Facebook documents they received from Rose as evidence.

Rose told Trenton Patch she wants the harassment to stop for the sake of her dying grandchild. She said she wants her remaining days to be peaceful.

“Doctors say Kathleen might not live another year,” Rose said. “She has seizures and is in a wheelchair.”

She also wants the harassment to stop because she said she is tired of her life consisting of harassing comments and hateful language toward her and her daughter.

via Petkovs’ Neighbor Tells Trenton Police: ‘I Can’t Take It Anymore’ – Trenton, MI Patch.

When I originally covered this story originally in October of 2010, I was very sickened and disgusted by what I read and I am very glad that this woman got justice for what she did do. That was then and this, is now.

As much as I would want to point the finger directly to Jennifer Petkov; I cannot. Allow me to explain why. This could very well be a third party that is doing this to attempt and sir up more trouble, either for the Rose family or for Petkov herself. On Facebook, it is extremely easy to create a bogus account and go on doing what this person or persons are doing to Mrs. Rose.  My heart does break for this woman; and for her granddaughter who is dying of a dreadful disease. However, someone; namely the Trenton police, if that is where Jennifer Petkov is actually still living, need to get to this woman and ask her, if she is the person actually doing this and possibly even pull a warrant to search her computer and see if it is actually her.

If it is found that Jennifer Petkov is actually not involved at all with this incident; then the Trenton Police and the FBI need to get together and work with Facebook to find out just who is behind this sort of demented stupidity.

One thing that really struck me as very unfair is this here:

Jennifer Petkov no longer lives at the house on Detroit Street, but Rose said she has seen her several times since the judge ordered her away from the house.

You see this right here, is a classic case of shoddy journalism. Where has Rose seen the woman? In Trenton? Driving by her house? or what? Because the accusation is here, that Petkov is still coming around her house; and I have yet to see proof of that at all. Just Rose’s word, who is say that Rose is not just lying about this whole thing for attention? Why were not the actual messages released to the media?

Anyhow, Again, this is a very sad situation and I hope that the Trenton police can finally get to the bottom of it quickly and if it is proven to be true, the people involved can be stopped, so this family finally get some peace.


Jennifer Petkov, the gift that keeps on giving

Local News: The Kathleen Edward saga continues

Local News: Jennifer Petkov apologizes to family that she mocked

UPDATED — Local News: Jennifer Petkov is a damned low-life scumball Facebook Pulls Page, read the update please.

Update January 13 2012: As you all most likely well know. Kathleen Edward lost her battle and has passed away. My tribute to her is here.

Example of the stupidity I have to deal with here.

Here’s a comment from a “Charles”:

Author : Charles (IP: ,

E-mail :
URL    :
Whois  :
You’re obviously fond of the adage, “Might makes right,” as you seemingly feel that any time people say things to or about you on the internet they should, “man up”, and be ready to fight. This is ludicrous; you cannot effectively defend yourself verbally so you want to be a bully and “prove” that you’re smarter by taking the ignorant road and using violence.

You made some things painfully clear in the video; you are not educated and you have mental health issues. You aren’t crazy; you just have a chemical imbalance and a learning disability. However, I believe that your lack of education is what leads you to the conclusion of violence. And while your mental health issues are ones I can empathize with, having both dyslexia and ADD, they do not give you a pass.

On the parts of the video that were addressed specifically to me; I never said your family DID enslave black people, I said it was possible. I find it fantastic that your family held no slaves, but they were essentially slaves themselves. I applaud your efforts to find answers to this question, as I’ve had to do similar research concluding in my royal lineage in Spain being murdered in a peasant revolt (sweet justice).

The funny thing about all these topics is they have absolutely nothing to do with white privilege. Just because you’re poor doesn’t mean you’re not in a privileged position. I know this may be difficult for you to grasp, but there are things outside of your understanding; namely, the idea of white privilege.  I recommend Tim Wise as a good start on the subject as it is too long and difficult to explain in a comment:

Tim Wise also has a fantastic series of videos talking about this issue. Please remember though, I am only recommending him because he has an absolutely fantastic understanding of the issue and can explain this more succinctly than I ever could, regardless of education.

To close, what I said you could not pass judgment on was whether or not the ad was racist. The reason I said this is because you were saying what people could or should find racially offensive while speaking from a position of ignorance. Look, you have a right to your opinion like anyone else but if you spout some uninformed bullshit I will call you on it. I don’t say that women don’t have a right to get angry about sexist jokes or tell victims of rape to just, “calm down” when someone makes light of rape; neither is my place as I am ignorant of both. You have to understand this point otherwise a dialog is a waste of time.

My video response:

Message to Rep. Sheila Jackson, Maybe we should investigate militant Negros who want overthrow our Country

The headline is provocative one and for a damned good reason.

First the video:

The Story via CNSNEWS:

( – At a congressional hearing on Muslim radicalization in U.S. prisons, Rep. Sheila Jackson Lee (D-Texas) said that investigators needed to analyze Christian militants in America because they too might try to “bring down the country.”

In an exchange with witness Patrick Dunleavy, the former deputy inspector of the criminal intelligence unit, New York Department of Correctional Services, Rep. Jackson Lee mentioned the case of a man who blew up an abortion clinic and proposed that this perhaps was an attempt to undermine U.S. law that allows a woman to procure an abortion.

Rep. Lee then said, “As we look to be informational, we should include an analysis of how Christian militants or others might bring down the country. We have to look broadly, do we not?”

Dunleavy answered: “I don’t know that Christian militants have foreign country backing or foreign country financing.”

Lee then said, “I don’t think that’s the issue. The issue is whether or not their intent is to undermine the laws of this nation. And I think it is clear that that is the case. So it’s not — your distinction is not answering the question.

This proves it right here; that liberals equate small time lone wolf criminals to foreign funded Muslim terrorists. I see the point she is making; and it is a stupid one, there is no comparison.

While we’re on the subject, why don’t we investigate terrorist Negros that would like to see our so-called “White Controlled Government overthrown, like these people here:

or maybe as to the funding of this man here:

This is what we ought to be investigating in this Country, is how things like this were funded by Liberals in this Country.

We as Americans are supposed to be sane, rational people. We are told that not all blacks feel this way. We, as Conservatives, who reject the idea of “group thought” or collectivism, are not supposed to believe that all blacks feel this way. However, when you have a liberal senator comparing the actions of a few extremists to the actions of a globally funded group of Muslim terrorists; one must ask, where do her loyalties lie? One must ask, does she agree with the militant Negros like the ones in the video above? Who, by the way, agree with Al-Qaeda terrorists, — that America should be destroyed.

It is questions like this, which I ask on this blog. There is a battle for the soul of America; these are two of the groups, which wish to overthrow the power structure in this Country. This is why I blog, this is why I write, to fight against this liberal, idiotic mentality; because I do not wish to see my Country overran by those who wish to destroy her from within.

It is a fight that I will continue to battle till my dying days.

Update: Moonbattery Agrees with me.

The White House experiences “Blowback” from the Progressive Community

In other words a repeat of what happened in 1968?

It could very well be.

First the Unions, now this…

First a report from ABC News:

The frustrations and the fears that progressives feel about President Obama were on full display Thursday as thousands of them flocked to Minneapolis for the sixth annual Netroots Nation conference.

Former Wisconsin senator Russ Feingold said he hoped that Obama will be re-elected, but he urged the president to stand up to corporate interests, demanding that the Supreme Court’s Citizens United ruling become a focal point of the 2012 campaign.

“Sometimes we have to be very direct with the Democratic Party. Just as you have long pushed our Democrats to stand up for their ideals, I’m here this evening to ask you to redouble your efforts because I fear that the Democratic Party is in danger of losing its identity,” Feingold said in his keynote address to a crowd of around 2,400 progressive activists and bloggers here at the Minneapolis Convention Center, the most ever for the event.

Specifically, Feingold ripped Priorities USA, a super political action committee started last spring by former White House deputy press secretary Bill Burton.

“I think it’s a mistake for us to take the argument that they like to make that, ‘Well, what we’re going to do now is, we’re going to take the corporate money like the Republicans do and then after we win, we’ll change it.’ When’s the last time anyone did that? Most people don’t change the rules after they win by them. It doesn’t usually happen. It never happens,” Feingold said. “You know what? I think we’ll lose anyway if we do this. We’ll lose our soul when it comes to the issue of corporate domination. People will see us as weak. People will see us as corporate-lite. We’ll gut our message. I think it’s not just wrong, I think it’s a dumb strategy. It’s dumb because people will not believe us if we do this, so I strongly disagree with those who are trying to create these PACs. I know people want to win. I understand that. I like to win, too. And I know that today’s Republican party has found more ways to play dirty, so I empathize with the desire to fight fire with fire, but Democrats should just never be in the business of taking unlimited corporate contributions. It’s dancing with the devil and it’s a game that we will never win.”

“It’s not just campaigns and contributions,” Feingold noted. “We have to say to the president, ‘Mr. President, Jeff Immelt is not the right guy – the CEO of GE is not the right guy to be running your Jobs & Competitiveness Council, not when your company doubled its profits, increased his compensation, and asked its workers to take huge pay and benefits cuts.”

Then, there is this; seems like the White House and grass roots are talking past one another — Via The Hill:

President Obama’s communications czar sought to soothe frustrated liberals Friday, telling them Obama needs their support to win reelection.

White House communications director Dan Pfeiffer faced a grilling during an appearance at the Netroots Nation conference, a gathering of liberal bloggers and activists meeting this year in Minneapolis.

Pfeiffer faced tough questions from Kaili Joy Gray, an associate editor for the liberal blog Daily Kos, who often reacted to the communications director’s answers to questions with an audible sigh or a skeptical, elongated “OK.”

(“Frankly, we’re all a little sick of hearing about that one,” Gray said of Pfeiffer’s mentions of the Lilly Ledbetter Fair Pay Act.) Hecklers sometimes interjected during the Q-and-A, voicing their skepticism toward Pfeiffer and accusing him of being evasive in his answers.

Pfeiffer admitted that the administration has been “frustrated” with its critics on the left, but pleaded for their support heading into 2012.

“We can either work together and finish that work that we started in 2008 or we can be relegated back to the sidelines and see what a Republican president … does to this country,” he said at the event, which was streamed online.

Pfeiffer said that Obama is “absolutely” counting on his liberal base to turn out in 2012.

It’s no secret that liberals have been frustrated with the Obama White House, which has differed with the left on a host of foreign policy and economic issues.

The administration also has sometimes been frustrated with its liberal supporters.

This friction was perhaps best reflected in former press secretary Robert Gibbs’s criticism of the “professional left” in an interview with The Hill last year. The comments sparked outrage from progressive activists who saw that phrase as derogatory.

“Sometimes when our friends attack us, we get frustrated,” Pfeiffer said of the White House’s relationship with the left.

“I also know that beyond that, without a lot of the people in this room today, Barack Obama would not be president of the United States,” he said at the outset of the program.]

What you are seeing here; is what the CIA refers to as “Blowback.”  For every action, there is a reaction and consequence for that action.  You simply cannot straight lie to, or overreach in your promises to your base of voters and then when the election is over and you have won that election; tell your base to “kiss off” and show them to the door.  When you do this, you lose support.  You would think that Democrats would have learned this lesson, when Bill Clinton was in office; but I guess the Democrats are not the party of learning.

This is not to say that Republicans have never done this; sure, they have — President Ronald Reagan did this back during his run for the White House back in the 1980’s with the Christian Coalition.  Reagan gave the Conservative Christian group a place at the table, listened to their concerns; gave them some lip service and proceeded to ignore every one of their issues.  Truth is the only reason Reagan won that second term is that the Democrats ran a lousy candidate.

This is not to say that Ronald Reagan could not bring people together, that he could do.  However, he was not one that was going to be told what to do by any particular group.  That is because Ronald Reagan knew that he was the President of the United States and not the President of the Republican Party or the Conservative Christian community.  This is the same lesson that President Barack Obama is learning now in the White House and the lesson that the progressive community also has to learn.  That is, that the President of the United States of America is the President of the people; all of the people, not just the progressives that worked to get him in there.

This is not to say that I am not empathic to their frustrations; believe me when I say that I am.  I understand how they feel; those grass roots people worked very hard to get this President into the White House and now they feel like they have been conned.  The problem was not that these were stupid or anything of that sort.  The problem is that the President knew what he was doing; in other words, he was stringing them along like little sheep and them, desiring a change from the previous President; ate it up.  In other words, they were played and were played hard.

This is not to say that this is first time that this has happened; nor will it be the last.  As long as there is a Democratic Party and as long as there are people foolish enough to believe that millionaire limousine liberals honestly give two flips about them, this will continue to happen.  You ask, “What about the Republican Party?  Do they not do this?”  In a sense, they do, but usually, Republicans are not standing around with their hands open, wanting a handout from the Government.  If any at all, the business owners and individuals in that party seek relief from an oppressive tax system that makes their lives miserable.  Sometimes they get relief and sometimes they get lip service — as they did with George H.W. Bush, of who also was not elected to a second term.

The point is here, that when lip service and lies happen in the Republican Party, most of the time, things happen, as in elections are lost.  In the Democratic Party, it is considered business as usual.

Others: CNN, The Politico, The Nation, Hot Air, Taylor Marsh, Shakesville, Balloon Juice, The Gateway Pundit, TPMDC and FrumForum, The Moderate Voice, The Note, Washington Post, CNN, Weasel Zippers and The Daily Caller — more via Memeornadum

Video: Weiner’s Resignation Statement

It figures, the dude’s resignation speech is a freaking circus.

(H/T HotAir)

Update: Better video, via AllahPundit:

Visit for breaking news, world news, and news about the economy

Either way, I’m glad the douche-bag is gone. Like I said before, one down, many more to go.

I just wonder, who was the dude being the tool, while he was trying to talk?

Video: Is the Janice Hahn attack ad racist?

Here’s the Ad I am referring to:

Predictably, there are people on the left and the right; who are wetting themselves over this Ad. Although there are some who have not lost their minds, or at least do not buy into the whole Frankfurt Institute School of what is racist or not.

Here is my video response:

Another comedian that did the whole exploitation of all things black; was Redd Foxx.

Is Sarah Palin making the same fatal mistake as George W. Bush?

Honestly, I hate having to write stuff like this; but, as I have explained on this blog before —- this blog is not about partisan politics, nor it is about defending a particular political party. This blog, is about honesty, even when it is not popular.

Having said all that, John Ziegler over at the Daily Caller dishes on some brutal honesty about Sarah Palin:

But in spite of being approached by Sarah’s husband Todd only a month ago and specifically discussing the possibility, I won’t be working on any Palin presidential campaign. Why? Well, first of all, contrary to what geniuses like Andrew Sullivan and Howard Dean may want you to believe, there is absolutely no way that she can be elected. I’ve told this to her directly; more than once. While many pundits mistakenly think what she is doing is some Trump-like PR stunt, I’m pretty convinced she is running and in doing so will damage the prospects of any conservative defeating Barack Obama in 2012.

These aren’t my only concerns.

There’s also the fact that Sarah’s entire operation is increasingly managed like a CIA field office; that she’s adopted a bunker mentality; that she’s trusting the wrong people, some of whom I know are simply exploiting her. As a result, even those most loyal to her get tossed under the bus, with little or no effort to avoid the collateral damage. Which raises the question: if people like me who would once have taken a bullet for Sarah (and at least figuratively I did many times) can’t get behind her any more, what the hell happened?

Does any of that up there, that I underlined sound even vaguely familiar? It does to me; I seem to remember that President George W. Bush did the same thing; twice.  The first time, when he decided that Iraq had weapons of mass destruction and decided to invade that Country. There were some well-known Conservatives who objected to that invasion, and they were called unamerican and where scorned by the Neo-Conservatives at the time.

The second time that this happened, was in 2006, when it became quite obvious that there were no weapons of mass destruction in Iraq. George W. Bush went fully into the bunker, and loyalists went with him; and any who even remotely was skeptical was left out in the cold.  This mentality continued up until the end of Bush’s Presidency, almost to the point when even hardened Bush supporting Conservatives, knew the man was wrong and just wanted him out of office. This was especially true after the “throwing of principles into the wind” and bailing out of the banks on Wall Street.

Defenders of Sarah Palin, like Ed Morrissey over at; where I saw the link to this story, says the following:

While comebacks in presidential politics are rare, they’re not unknown.  Richard Nixon lost a national election, and then lost a state election two years later, which caused the media to declare his political career a dead letter.  Six years later, he won a presidential election in the middle of a war.  In what is by far a more attractive analogy, Ronald Reagan lost a bitter, narrow primary contest in 1976 that went all the way to the convention, and came back four years later to unite the GOP despite his age and his supposed inability to woo moderates. Neither man was known for his admiration of or by the media, either, although Reagan certainly knew how to use them better than almost anyone.  The difference between those examples and Palin are significant (especially the resignation), but perhaps not fatal; a primary campaign would certainly prove the issue.

Here is the whole problem with the above thought. Now, Nixon was before my time. I will not, because I am honest try to take that apart. Here is the problem with comparing Reagan to Palin; Reagan had a four term Governorship under his belt, Sarah Palin served one year and resigned; she is seen as a quitter, by the majority of those in the G.O.P.

Further more, Ronald Reagan had a legion of friends and supporters, who were formerly Democrats from his Hollywood days. What happened was this, Ronald Reagan became angered by what he saw in the Democratic Party; that was the increasing warm embracing of the tenants of Communism by the Democratic Party in California, and by the liberal establishment in California; and by the National Party as well, This included the embracing of doctrines of Marxism; like “social justice” and so forth. Further more, Reagan became incensed when he discovered that there were several trade unions were simply Communist fronts in the 1950’s. This lead Reagan to make a list of people that he knew, divided by one thing alone; who were Democrats and who were Republicans. The list of Republicans was much longer.

This caused Reagan to switch sides; and many of Reagan’s friends followed him to the other side. Some publicly, and some not publicly. Sadly, Sarah Palin does not have that sort of support at all. All she really has, is a small group of devoted supporters, who really refuse to look at the things that disqualify her for winning an election.

Further more, Sarah Palin has people who are her “Supporters” who, quite frankly, make this writer want to wretch. Sarah Palin’s biggest supporting blog, Conservatives4Palin is ran by a supposed former Obama Supporter. The picture of that woman, is enough to cause a young man to swear off sex and join the convent. Further more, based upon some of the recent events around that woman; I am convinced that she is not a “true-blue” Conservative. But rather a secret undercover liberal operative who is working to undermine Palin’s chances.

Lastly, one of the biggest issues with Sarah Palin, is that she is a feminist. Sarah Palin appeared with Geraldine Ferraro on Fox News channel and was literally fawning over her about how she was such an inspiration for her and so forth. Feminism, especially among the Conservative Christian right, and with this writer, is considered antithetical to all things Conservative. Even one prominent female Conservative named Phyllis Schlafly wrote a book condemning the movement as a whole.  But yet, Sarah Palin continues to promote this very strange idea that a woman can be a Conservative and a Feminist as well. Which is, in this writers opinion; utterly idiotic. Which does explain much of Palin’s reasoning.

Others: GOP 12, Hot Air, Sister Toldjah, Le·gal In·sur·rec· tion, New York Magazine,, Patterico’s Pontifications, FrumForum, Mediaite, RedState, The Lonely Conservative and The Daily Dish


Video: Anthony’s Weiner by Jack Hunter

I do not always agree with Jack, but more often than not; he is right on point.

Transcript Here

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May God Bless Governor Jennifer Granholm!

Before anyone says this to me in the comments section,        I KNOW!

She was a horrible Governor. But for this little piece of clarity on Mitt Romney; she gets a “Atta-Gal!” from me.:

Former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney is due in Detroit Wednesday and Thursday to fill his presidential campaign war chest. As at recent events, he’s likely to take partial credit for the extraordinary resurgence of the U.S. auto industry – a comeback that has created more than 12,000 jobs in Michigan alone over the past year.

Unfortunately for Romney, we aren’t likely to forget that, when our city most needed help, his response was simple: “Let Detroit Go Bankrupt.”

After the 2008 financial meltdown, America’s auto companies were in dire straits. To survive, they needed a loan to allow them to restructure. But no bank was lending.

Romney vehemently opposed helping the auto industry. But as he advocated a course that would have led to certain liquidation for Chrysler and General Motors, President Barack Obama made the bold decision to extend GM and Chrysler the support needed for the necessary restructuring.


So for him to claim now that he pointed the way toward the recovery of the auto industry is profoundly disturbing. When asked last week about Romney’s claim that Chrysler didn’t need federal loans, Chrysler chief executive officer Sergio Marchionne answered that he must be “smoking illegal material.”

That Romney is a native son of Michigan only makes his cold shoulder toward the auto industry in 2009, and his attempts to woo Detroit money today, even more shameful. His laissez-faire strategy toward our auto industry during its time of crisis was wrong from the start – and a clear indicator of the misguided leadership he would bring to the White House.

The U.S. is facing enormous economic and global challenges, so we need a leader who isn’t afraid to roll up his sleeves to do what it takes to guarantee U.S. jobs and American success. It’s obvious that Romney is not that leader.

When Romney comes here with his hand out Wednesday, his Michigan supporters should treat him in the same way he treated the auto industry.

She might be a Canadian, and have been an lousy Governor. But she does know her Mitt Romney!  It is much too bad, that many on our side of the fence are not say this more. Not to mention, the jerk is now trying, pathetically to pander to the Sarah Palin crowd!

Hey Moron Mormon Boy! Quit while your ahead! 🙄


AFL-CIO Boss says, “We have enough of Democrats crap”

Normally, I would rip on something like this; but because I come from a union family and because I have a very long memory, I get it.

Via The Hill:

AFL-CIO President Richard Trumka amplified his call for a politically independent labor movement Tuesday and said unions too often are holding “a canceled check” after Election Day.

Trumka rallied hundreds of nurses at a conference hosted by the National Nurses United. The nurses are in Washington this week to lobby lawmakers for a financial transactions tax that could help pay for social services.

Trumka said unions want “an independent labor movement” that doesn’t support just one political party or candidate. Labor has often been unhappy with its traditional allies in the Democratic Party, and Trumka said friends of unions in Congress have often paid little heed to workers’ needs.

“For too long, we have been left after Election Day holding a canceled check waving it about — ‘Remember us? Remember us? Remember us?’ — asking someone to pay a little attention to us. Well, I don’t know about you, but I’ve had a snootful of that s–t,” Trumka said to cheers.

Now, there are some on my far right, that would say, ” See? This proves that labor controls the Democratic Party!” Well, there is much more to this than that.

You see, I happen to remember the 1990’s and the era of the Clinton Administration. I also remember the signing of the NAFTA bill. I also remember the labor movement; especially the UAW and related unions never forgave Bill Clinton for signing that bill.

Because you see, to the labor movement, Clinton’s signing of that bill was the ultimate abdication of the progressive principles that the Democratic Party. To them, Clinton sold the unions and the members who work in the auto plants here in Detroit up the river.

So, what you are seeing here is simply “blowback” from those actions. Also too, it has been reported that the attitude of the Obama Administration is; or at least was, “f—- the big three!” That sort of attitude, does not bode very well amongst the union members or with the labor movement at all.

Now, for the realist “right of center” view of this; any attempt by the labor movement to create a new political party will be an abject flop and could be a disaster for the labor movement. My reasons for thinking this are:

1. The Democratic Party is very highly financed. Not to mention Party bosses carry a good deal weight and are known to use questionable tactics to get what they want. I predict a “Battle of the overpass” style of attack, if this plan of the AFL-CIO goes through with such a plan.

2. The second most important reason that this approach will flop is this; the labor movement simply does not have the numbers anymore

Way back in the 1940’s; before, during, and after World War 2, union membership was at its zenith and on into the 1950 and 1960’s union membership blossomed. However, those days of union growth and strength are over. They simply do not have the clout anymore in the progressive movement anymore.

Because if this; I personally believe that this idea would be a foolish move. While I greatly admire those who strongly believe in their convictions; I believe this would do more to hurt the labor movement, than it would ever help.

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To my liberal friends: is this acceptable?

File this one under, “If Rush Limbaugh had said this about Obama.”

This comes via The Daily Caller (with video, be sure and watch it, please!!!)

Sometimes there is a line that is crossed between what appropriate for comedy and what’s likely off limits. But did comic Christopher Titus cross that line?
In an appearance on Monday’s “The Adam Carolla Show” podcast, Titus may have waded into that territory. In responding to a question about former Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin’s appearance on “Fox News Sunday,” in which Palin defended her interpretation of what happened during Paul Revere’s pre-Revolutionary War famous ride, Titus launched into a description of what he would do if Palin were elected.
“You know what man?” Titus said. “I am going to literally — if she gets elected president, I am going to hang out on the grassy knoll all the time, just loaded and ready — because you know what? It’s for my country. It’s for my country. If I got to sacrifice myself, it’s for my country.”

To my liberal Democratic Party friends: Is jokes about assinating a conservative female acceptable? Is joking about assinating ANY sort of political figure, even remotely funny?

If not, then why are not more liberals speaking out about it?

In the name of decency; we need to stop this; before something awful happens again.

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Fiddlin’ around here a little

I have been really giving this mobile business a serious thought. I tried another mobile theme and it looked great. But my “related posts” plug in did not like it. So, I am back go the old one.

Only thing lacking from this plug in and many others is the ability to add links to a post, without going through the hassle of manually coding a URL. What a pain in the ass!

Oh well, it’s better than nothing. Stupid people, don’t they know that bloggers link?
Apple Ipod