Tragic News: Brittany Murphy has died

This is such a tragic story and one that I wish handle with as much respect and sensitivity as I can….

The Sad Story from TMZ:

Brittany Murphy died early this morning after she went into full cardiac arrest and could not be revived, multiple sources tell TMZ.

She was 32.

A 911 call was made at 8:00 AM from a home in Los Angeles that is listed as belonging to her husband, Simon Monjack, the Los Angeles City Fire Department tells TMZ.

This hits home. I am 37; that is much too young to die.

From her Wikipedia Entry:

She was raised a Baptist and later became a non-denominational Christian.

I also happened to notice this:

Murphy performs for the crew during a United Services Organization (USO) show aboard USS Nimitz on June 19, 2003.

She was, I would assume, at least someone who thought much of our Military.

May God be with her husband and with her family.

May Brittany rest in peace in the arms of the Lord Jesus Christ.

Update: Understandably, This is a huge story in the celebrity Blogosphere. Click here to read the round up at WeSmirch, which is Memeorandum‘s sister site.

Charles Johnson writes something that I actually agree with

I am writing this, because I believe that Mr. Johnson makes a very valid point here. Before I begin, let me say that the feud between Mr. Johnson and Robert Spencer and the rest of them has zero to do with me. I do not wish to take sides. I see Johnson’s point and I see Spencer and his friends point.

Having said all of that I do agree with Mr. Johnson on this point here;  This is Charles Johnson reacting to the video that Sarah Palin made for the Billy Graham Ministry group:

Sarah Palin’s extreme religious beliefs are on display in this video released by the Billy Graham organization, in which she repeats the long-debunked fundamentalist canard that the founding fathers “dedicated the country to God,” and calls for America to be ruled by “godly” leaders.

And of course, she’s not talking about Judaism or Buddhism here. She’s advocating a religious test for office, and only Christians need apply. Has she ever heard of the Establishment Clause of the First Amendment of the US Constitution?

This is why Palin was selected by the John McCain campaign in the 2008 election — to mollify the religious right.

via Little Green Footballs – Palin Calls for America to ‘Seek God’s Hand’.

I must say that I agree with that. I have long been bothered by the extreme religious right and their attempt to turn America into what England was back in the days of the monarchy, which was a theocracy. You see back in those days in England, if you did not submit to the religious rule of the Roman Catholic Church, and you chose to dissent, you were thrown in jail or worse — Killed. This is what the Roman Catholic Church wants again here in America, along with, mostly unwittingly, the evangelical right, hence the ecumenical movement.

What is my opinion of the Roman Catholic Church? I will answer that, anyone who has ever read The Book of Revelation; Chapters 17 & 18 (King James Version is the best for this reading) knows exactly my opinion of that god-forsaken false religion cesspool.

Now back to Johnson, He and I dislike Sarah Palin for some somewhat different reasons. Johnson hates her religion; I highly dislike her sense of female entitlement, her muddled populism, her blatant hypocrisy, her so-called “Conservative Feminism,” —- all of that just grinds me to my core. Because it goes against what I feel is true Conservatism. Anyone that has read books by Phyllis Schlafly knows of what I speak. Phyllis Schlafly is, what Ann Coulter and Sarah Palin claim to be; and that is a staunch Conservative Christian woman. Anyone that thinks that Sarah Palin is entitled to anything other than going back to Alaska and raising her many children, and for the sake of almighty God shutting her damn pie-hole and disappearing from the political scene —- sorry to say it, is not, what I consider to be a true Conservative.

Hell Hath No Fury

Of that of a Angry Woman with a golf club in her hand…. or something like that.


Tiger has yet to be formally interviewed by the Florida Highway Patrol — that should happen this afternoon. But we’re told Tiger had a conversation Friday — with a non-law enforcement type — detailing what went down before his Escalade hit a fire hydrant.

We’re told he said his wife had confronted him about reports that he was seeing another woman. The argument got heated and, according to our source, she scratched his face up. We’re told it was then Woods beat a hasty retreat for his SUV — but according to our source, Woods says his wife followed behind with a golf club. As Tiger drove away, she struck the vehicle several times with the club.

Tiger WoodsWe’re told Woods became “distracted,” thought the vehicle was stopped, and looked to see what had happened. At that point the SUV hit the fire hydrant and then hit a tree.

We’re also told Woods had said during the conversation Friday he had been taking prescription pain medication for an injury, which could explain why he seemed somewhat out of it at the scene.

So, that no one gets confused here….here are the players:


Tiger Wood's Wife - Erin Nordegren


Rachel Uchitel - The Other Woman

Rachel Uchitel - The Other Woman

😯 Man, How come I cannot have problems like that? 😛

But seriously, poor guy, I hope tiger makes a good recovery and is able to get his personal…ahem…affairs straightened out.

…and now for the politically incorrect line of the day!

Heck, I’d just invite them all over for a three way and call it even. Oh, I’m so bad! 😉 😛 😀 😆

Others: FrumForum, American Power, San Francisco Chronicle, JustOneMinute, Scared Monkeys, The Other McCain, Mediaite, THE ASTUTE BLOGGERS, Left Coast Rebel, Riehl World View and Doug Ross

Update: The Other McCain links in; Thank You! The Classic Liberal Links in; Thank you! Yankee Phil Links in; Thank You!

Update July 1, 2010: Welcome Yahoo Searchers! Please, check out the rest of my blog! 😀

I’m Back

Yes, I am back. You did not think I would stay gone for long did you? I just needed to take break from things for a bit. There are a few things, which I really need to make clear and get out into the open.

  1. Women are off limits now:  There will be no more stupid jokes about women or offensive stuff towards woman on this blog anymore. I will keep up what I did post on the blog. Because removing stuff is quite cowardly, except in some extreme cases. However, as of right now, I will not be doing that anymore. I guess I will have to remember that not everyone appreciates my politically incorrect snarky writings and dark humor. For the record, I am not a misogynistic piece of dung, as I so called by so-called “Conservative Lesbian” who obviously lacks a sense of humor. If I truly were, I would not be living were I am now. As my Mom would have none of that. For what it is worth; my Mom voted for Obama and has voted Democrat except when she voted for Reagan. I am very much against political correctness and the very idiotic feminist movement in this country — Because it is an out branch of the liberal mindset. However, I believe I have may have distanced some friends of mine in my quest to stick my finger in the eye of those feminists. I apologize to those that I may have offended; however, I will never apologize for my feelings about the feminist movement and the idiotic political ideology that it comes from.
  2. This blog, nor its author carry water for ANY political party, person, or opinion: Before I get some liberal come by here and say, “What about this here that you wrote?” I wrote what I wrote about Mike Bouchard, because I and many other Michigan residents; both Republican and Democrat know that the Democrats way of handling this recession has been a disaster for this State. I have known this, since the first state recession hit back in 2000; when I was laid off from my job back then, I knew something was horribly wrong and I knew then that the Democrats were causing it. The whole idea that Bush caused the Michigan recession is lie that was perpetuated by the Democrats, because of their inability to take responsibility for their own actions; like NAFTA. Because of this, our State here is in an economic free fall. When it comes to state politics, I do like to vote the principles over the party of the said candidate and right now Mike Bouchard is, as far as I am concerned, the man that Michigan needs for a full-scale economic recovery. Having said all of that, I wish to submit that I do not carry water for either of these political parties. I will explain this in my next point.
  3. Sarah Palin and Me: The reason I got a bit miffed earlier, is that I felt that the Conservative media and blogosphere were in full on stupid mode about Palin. Because of this, I ended tearing into a good friend of mine; and I feel horrible about that. Robert Stacy McCain is just as much entitled to his opinion of Sarah Palin; as I am or Ron Dreher is. I should not have went after McCain like that, I apologize to him publically and to you my readers. I should not have taken the slam of Dreher personally, as I sure that he did not at all. I will be upfront about it; I just do not believe that Sarah Palin is qualified to be President of the United States, at all. Nor will she ever be, in my opinion. I will not support her, if she runs. I will not carry water for her, at all —-There are plenty of blogs and websites that will do that; this will not be one of them. Fiscally, I am quite the Conservative; being in a bankruptcy will do that to a person, so will getting older too, and I feel that Palin’s mushy populism is just that, mushy populism and is not nearly as Conservative, as I would want someone to be, who was going to be in the White House. Another reason I do not much care for her, is that I am more of a libertarian, when it comes to social issues. Just because I do not agree with a particular social item, does not mean I think it is my right to persecute those that do. That my friend is what “Social Conservatism” does. My Conservatism on social matters is more of the “Ron Paul” stripe, honestly, the only thing that scares me worse that the far socialist left is the far religious right. The late Senator Barry Goldwater did not like them, and I am not a big fan either; I cannot support a style of Government that the far religious right wants that is on par with Nazi Fascism, and that is what, I feel, Sarah Palin embodies. For this reason, I would not be compelled to support Sarah Palin if she should decide to run for President. While I am a Born Again Christian; I do not believe that one should mix their personal religious beliefs with their politics, that is a dangerous thing to do and it has caused this Nation an enormous amount of grief in the past 20 years. Like it or not, or mixing of our religious views and our politics is what caused the 9/11 attacks.

In closing, I hope this little editorial has help some of you understand me better and where it is, that I am coming from. By the way, I am glad to see that I am not the only one who is taking the heat. It looks like AllahPundit is making new friends too. But at least, he is not knocking the tent down, like this here:


Media Matters to Newsweek: Hey, Stop with the sexist articles on Sarah Palin

I do believe that there is a blizzard in hell right about now.

Ho-ly Tol-freakin-ledo! 😯

There are a lot of legitimate reasons to criticize Sarah Palin, her new book, and her policies, but you don’t have to stoop to sexism to do it. Newsweek’s November 23 issue, however, does just that by publishing on its cover a photo of Palin in short running shorts and a fitted top, leaning against the American flag. Making matters worse is the equally offensive headline Newsweek editors chose to run alongside the photo — “How Do You Solve a Problem like Sarah?” — presumably a reference to the Sound of Music song, “Maria,” in which nuns fret about “how” to “solve a problem like Maria,” a “girl” who “climbs trees” and whose “dress has a tear.”

Where did I happen to read this? ——- Media Research Center? NewsBusters? Michelle Malkin? Nope! Try Media Matters for America. 😼

I was out earlier; I didn’t notice a full moon anywhere. Planet’s aligned? Something got into Julie’s water? Something got into my water? (!)

Another Black Conservative agrees with me; that hell is definitely frozen solid.

Even Shakesville isn’t happy about it. That’s it; I’m going to check to make sure that little green aliens haven’t landed and warped the Blogosphere into some odd parallel universe….or something.

A Good Bitch Slap Does a Woman Good!

Heh…. I’m gonna catch it for that. But, hey, I am one of those asshole right wingers. I gotta live up to the hype! 😛

Click the picture to slap the bitch.


Here’s a little music to put you on the right frame of mind: (and this is so going to kill my creds as a White racist bigot right winger too….)

(H/T Dan)

Others: Sociological Images,  Feministe, Gawker and Feministing

Debbie Schlussel vs Pamela Geller

Please note: This posting is entirely satire and not to be taken seriously by all parties mentioned. If you do, you might hurt yourself.

Note: Photo removed… It seems that Debbie is on the war path against people using her photo… 🙄

It seems that local Detroit, Michigan area Blogger Debbie Schlussel and Pamela Geller are at it. Go here to read about it.

I propose a mud wrestling match; to be held in a neutral spot; say maybe Robert Stacy McCain‘s backyard. At the end, we’ll just throw in Robert Spencer for good measure.  I would volunteer my own backyard; but it is much too small for all that craziness.

Of course, I would handle the concessions; being that bastard capitalist that I am.  I could just see that now:

“Programs, get your programs… You can’t tell a Kippah from Schvitz without a program!”

You mean Brody is just now figuring this out?


You’ve got to hand it to the folks at Newsweek. They have accomplished being biased and sexist at the same time. Quite a feat. This cover has got to be a new low right? They don’t use a photo of Palin on the campaign trail. No instead they take the sexy Runners World photo. Yes she posed for it but don’t tell me they didn’t purposely use that photo to make a point? I predict this cover will become a bigger story over the next 24-48 hours and let’s face it. This isn’t JUST about media bias. This cover should be insulting to women politicians. Where’s the sexy photo of Mitt Romney? Why not a picture of Tim Pawlenty with an unbuttoned shirt relaxing on a couch in the Twin Cities?

via Newsweek Photo of Palin Shows Media Bias and Sexism.

You mean to tell me that David is just now figuring all this out? Dang. I have always known that most of the time, that Christians were always behind the curve on modern issues; but man, I never though they were this behind.

Welcome to the real world Mr. Brody. Now, grab a sword and fight!

Oh My: More Carrie Prejean Sex Tapes?

Carrie Prejean - A disgrace to Christianity!

Carrie Prejean - A disgrace to Christianity!

AllahPundit and Ace have been all over this like a fly on Doo doo… (Phew!)  Which is not entirely surprising seeing that it is a pretty crappy subject. Bump da bump bump…ching! 😛

I have blogged about this woman before; and now, I am doing it again. Which proves that it is a slow news day. I, like many other Conservative Bloggers, gave this gal the benefit of the doubt. I see now, that this was a big mistake.

It seems that little miss “Polly Pure Bright” has made more than one sex tape and naked Photo in her day. Now, keep in mind, the source for this info has given some bogus info before. So, buyer beware!

AllahPundit Remarks:

On the contrary, it’s the fact that they’re imperfect and prone to “stray from the path,” as we all are, that draws them towards redemption in the faith. There does, however, come a point where you stray so far from the path or so frequently that your commitment to it comes into question. For example, an atheist in a foxhole might be forgiven for saying a prayer in a moment of panic, while he’s being shot at. An atheist who prays any time he’s in a tough spot 
 simply ain’t much of an atheist. Has CP reached that point (yet) in Christian/conservative opinion or is her line of credit essentially limitless”?

Ace just sets it out like it is:

My problem, instead, is that she has enlisted supporters, such as myself, to support her in her legal/PR campaign, on the theory that the California pageant had nothing legitimate to boot her out on, and that only anti-Christian animus could explain their behavior, when in fact
 well, first the photos, which were racy, but I excused and defended. And then, well, the masturbation tape, which I kept quiet about.

And now
 the other seven masturbation tapes

She knew all this stuff was out there, she knew it was coming out, etc., and yet I and many of her supporters have been impressed into duty as her defenders through deception.

Because it wasn’t ever true that there was no reason, save anti-Christian animus, to kick her out of the pageant organization. A masturbation tape is, well. I’m not really offended by it but other pageant-hopefuls have gotten the boot for the same thing, and even a lot less.

So what do I feel about her? I feel she chumped me in order to advance her own legal interests

Whether she has anything more interesting to say is up to her. But the Perez Hilton/pageant stuff? I really don’t care to hear how unfair it all was anymore. It was unfair, and a book deal was gotten out of that; that’s enough. A book deal can bandage up a lot of wounds.

What really made me want to blog about this, when I saw it last night; was this right here, which is over on the Radar Online story:

In her newly released book Carrie wrote, “God gave us our bodies, and it’s perfectly right that we use them in ways where we can give glory to God by making our bodies, our temples of the Holy Spirit, strong and fast.”

Sorry Miss Prejean; but making multiple tapes of yourself, rubbing yourself is NOT considered using your Body in a manner that is pleasing to God, nor is it considered making your body the temple of the Holy Spirit. The truth is folks Carrie Prejean played the “Jesus” card on us. She is nothing more than a two bit floozy, who would get naked to make a quick buck in a heartbeat. When asked about marriage, she gave the answer, that she knew damned well would cause a stink. If you think for one minute that this blond bimbo is truly a Conservative, much less a Christian, then I have a swamp to sell you in Texas; for cheap.  Carrie Prejean is nothing more than a opportunist; she gave the answer that she knew darned well would cause a backlash against her; knowing full well that she had some very bad behavior in her closet.

Why do I say all that? This is why; because no true Born-Again Christian that I know or even had contact with in my entire twenty-six years of being a Christian, would ever expose they bodies in the manner that this gal has. Carrie Prejean is the text book example of the outright stench of compromise in the Evangelical Christian movement of the 21 century. I mean, not over dramatize this whole thing; but it is the type Christianity of  — “Why yes, I am Christian, now let me get my clothes on and pour you a drink”  kind. It is sickening and reminds me why I left that bunch of compromising, watered-down type of Christianity. This is not to say that Fundamentalist Christianity is any different at all; we have our issues too. I can name a few — King James Only Cultism, Cult of personality, Pastoral Authority Abuse, and on and on. — But do we have Fundamentalist Baptists taking their clothes off and romping around in a Bikini; all the while praising Jesus Christ and making sex tapes? No. We do not!

The reason why this gets up my nose so much is this; as much as I know that I am not the perfect image of a Christian and at times, I say and do things that I know are not very becoming of a Christian, which is why I do not preach or even try and post things of a Christian nature on my blog, outside a newsletter that I like to read; it is quite hard to just sit here and do nothing, while some stupid idiot blond harpy takes a makes a mockery of Christian to the world. It makes me angry, sick and sad — all in one bundled up emotion inside. All the while smart mouthed beta males are getting their jollies off of mocking the Christian Faith. Quite bluntly, the stupid woman needs to be told, cut the stupidity or just farking disappear.

There, I said it and I feel better about it…

Feminist Nazis come out against President Obama

Oh brother…. Ol’ floppy ears can’t do anything right —- or make anyone happy for that matter!

Via the NYT:

WASHINGTON — Does the White House feel like a frat house?

The suspicion flared in recent weeks — and not for the first time — after President Obama was criticized by women’s advocates and liberal bloggers for hosting a high-level basketball game with no female players.

The president, after all, is an unabashed First Guy’s Guy. Since being elected, he has demonstrated an encyclopedic knowledge of college hoops on ESPN, indulged a craving for weekend golf, expressed a preference for adopting a “big rambunctious dog” over a “girlie dog” and hoisted beer in a peacemaking effort.

He presides over a White House rife with fist-bumping young men who call each other “dude” and testosterone-brimming personalities like Rahm Emanuel, the often-profane chief of staff; Lawrence Summers, the brash economic adviser; and Robert Gibbs, the press secretary, who habitually speaks in sports metaphors.

The technical foul over the all-male game has become a nagging concern for a White House that has battled an impression dating to the presidential campaign that Mr. Obama’s closest advisers form a boys’ club and that he is too frequently in the company of only men — not just when playing sports, but also when making big decisions.

While the senior adviser Valerie Jarrett is undeniably one of the president’s closest White House confidantes, some women inside or close to the administration complain that Mr. Obama’s female advisers are not as visible as their male colleagues or, they suspect, as influential.

“Women are Obama’s base, and they don’t seem to have enough people who look like the base inside of their own inner circle,” said Dee Dee Myers, a former press secretary in the Clinton administration whose sister, Betsy, served as the Obama campaign’s chief operating officer.

Ms. Myers said women have high expectations of the president. “Obama has a personal style that appeals to women,” she said. “He is seen as a consensus builder; he is not a towel snapper and does not tell crude jokes.”

Memo to the Nazi Feminist Bitches: It’s a guy party and your fat, nasty, hoe asses are not invited; now please, get the hell over it and move the hell on!


Others: Vox Popoli and American Power

Babe of the Day

That my friends is Debbee Keller. The Hill has more:

Age: 24
Hometown: Georgetown, Texas
Political party: Republican
Relationship status: Single

Debbee Keller could be right out of the movie “Varsity Blues.” She has brown hair that falls just below her shoulders and brown eyes to match; she dresses stylishly but would rather have a meal with her family than go shopping; and she won her hometown beauty contest at the age of 17.

As it happens, her hometown of Georgetown, Texas, was where “Varsity Blues” was filmed.

“We’re just a small town, where high school football is life,” says Keller, the press secretary for Rep. Michele Bachmann (R-Minn.). “On a Friday night, if you drive a block away [from the high school] it would be dead, but the stadium was packed with everyone in town.”

Keller recently became a Washington Nationals baseball fan and liked to point out that, as of her interview with The Hill, the team hadn’t lost a game since she started cheering for them.

“I attribute a lot of their losses to the fact that when you go to a home game everyone’s rooting for the visiting team, so I’m going to turn that around,” Keller says. “I never cared about baseball before, but I have compassion for the Nats.”

Keller also volunteers through her church. Once a month she helps elderly people in Washington’s Anacostia neighborhood with work on their houses and yards.

One recent weekend she was in charge of stripping paint from the side of a house using a power-washer.

“I recently discovered that I’m very good with a power-washer,” Keller says. “I ended up getting soaking wet. But it was worth it, just to know you’re helping someone.”

I got one thing to say about Miss. Keller —- Oh.My.Goodness. As the legendary Jackie Gleason put it once, “Humna Humna Humna…..”

Powerwasher, getting all wet. Her in a Bikini. Oh Yeah, I could handle that. All day long.

Now if you’ll pardon me, I need to take a cold shower.

Bleh…. Another Stupid Hot Conservative Women Meme

Why must I blog about such stupid stuff? But eh, what else is there? Besides this and bitching about Obama’s socialism; there isn’t much else.

John “Horndog” Hawkings is again making a list of hot Conservative women. There’s 15 of them, here’s my reaction to them all.

Update – 5/20/14: I feel the need to update these, because I see it’s being brought up a bit here as of late. I know a good deal about them now. All the next update info will be bolded.

1) Dana Loesch

Dana Loesch

Cute, Don’t know her. But she is pretty. I’m not much into short haired women though… She’s a looker. Update: I respect this woman, because she’s in the political game and all; but she is a bit of a pistol and she can be an asshole towards other bloggers. At least she was towards me. She’s also happily married to a guy named Chris, who owns a studio. Don’t know her personally, but the way she acted towards me on twitter and the stuff she said about her real Father, who served two tours of duty in Vietnam, really turned me off. Sorry, I don’t disrespect the Military, I don’t care who they are. Just my way. 

2) Ashley Herzog, Townhall

Ashley Herzog

Ugh, That pose tells me all I need to know about her; and believe me it is not good.  But, I don’t know really know her so…

3) Shelly Roche, Bytestyle TV

Shelly Roche

Bleh…. You see one Ann Coulter wanna be, you see ’em all. Pretty, Blonde, Nuff said.

4) Tabitha Hale, Pink Elephant Pundit

Tabitha Hale

I sorta know this one, cute, but quite stuck on herself. As are most Conservative women. Too young for me anyhow. Update: When I originally wrote this, I didn’t know much about this woman, except that she posted many pictures of herself on twitter and facebook. 😀 But, honestly, I got nothing personally against her at all. She’s went on to do some big things in the conservative blogging world. She’s also been looking pretty hot as of late. 😉 😛

5) Moxie


See #3 please.

6) Media Lizzy, Media Lizzy & Friends

Media Lizzy

Lizzy is a cutie. I follow her on facebook. Most of her stuff is basic cut and paste Conservative Blogging, not much on original thought. But her looks make her work. She deserves a spot on here.

7) Michelle Oddis, Human Events

Michelle Oddis

See #3 and #5 please.

8.Michelle Malkin

Update: I removed her profile and picture from this blog for some very good reasons; and anyone who reads my new blog or follows me on twitter, knows why.

9) Pamela Geller, Atlas Shrugs 

Pamela Geller

Overrated Screechy Michelle Malkin wanna-be and married with kids. Also see #3 and #5 Update: When I wrote this, I didn’t know about much Geller at all. I do now; Geller does her thing, okay? Pam Geller is an anti-Jihadi blogger, that’s her thing. I commend her for having the stones to stand up for what she damned believes in. She’s not married, she is divorced. She was married to Michael Geller, a car dealership owner, who was caught up in a huge scandal; and shortly afterward died of a heart attack. Geller is Jewish and stands for her Jewish Heritage and you know what? That’s okay! She’s been attacked by a particular pony-tailed asshole in California and she weathered it and is still trucking. God Bless her for it too. 😀

10) S.E. Cupp, Red S.E. Cupp

S.E. Cupp

Pretty, Red-headed, I follow her on facebook. Well, actually, she followed me first, which was a shocker. She needs to get a wordpress blog though. Deserves face time on Fox News, I think.

11) Bettina Inclan

Bettina Inclan

Don’t really know much about her. She’s a Conservative and a Latino. So, that’s always a plus.

12) Dr. Helen

Dr. Helen Smith

Here we go again…. UGH! This is Glenn Reyonld‘s Wife. Cute, but she’s married. Why pimp out married women on a Hot Conservative women list? I just do not get that, at all.

13) Ann Coulter

Ann Coulter

The queen on Neo-Conservative Screech herself. Pretty, but totally unapproachable and terminally unfuckable. Besides, she’s pushing 50. Egad, Egad indeed.

14) Amanda Carpenter, Hot Button

Amanda Carpenter

Pretty and quite married. She still got the hotness thing going on though. Update: She’s now married with two babies and still HOT! If given the chance, I’d rip her clothes off and stick my….. *&^%^^%^&%** NO CARRIER 😉 

15) Rachel Marsden

Rachel Marsden

See #3 and #5

Okay, they missed one… The douche nozzles:

Mary Katharine Ham


Mary Katharine Ham writes over at the Weekly Standard, which is decidedly Neo-Conservative in nature. But I still like this woman very much. She’s a southern gal, with a very down to earth personality and pretty face to boot. She’s just pretty enough to make any guy take notice and just tom-boy enough to get away with it. I think her exclusion from this list was a HUGE mistake. If I were about 10 year younger, I’d sweep this beautiful woman off her feet and marry her. 😀 Update: All that and now married with a baby. đŸ˜„ er, um, I mean 😀

Megan McCain Stupid Twitter Twat

It appears that the Republican Party’s resident media whore is still writing stupid stuff on the internet….

Megan McCain on The Daily Beast:

Karl Rove follows me on Twitter. That’s creepy. I joined Twitter a few months ago; so far, it has been a liberating way to transition from political to personal blogging. It’s allowed me to share the less-serious aspects and humorously uncensored moments of my life. But there’s also been a downside: I am now being followed by Karl and my local sheriff, and God knows how many other political pundits. We need to take Twitter back from the creepy people.

Clueless Bitch of the Year!

Clueless Bitch of the Year!

On the surface, Karl Rove’s Twitter feed intrigues me. Here’s a guy who for years has been perceived as some kind of inaccessible man-behind-the-curtain figure. And now he Tweets numerous times a day. I’ve never met him in person, which only makes our Twitter relationship even weirder. And to be honest, I find Rove’s Tweets boring. Sometimes he takes questions; other times he talks about his appearances on cable news and other shows. But he doesn’t say anything substantive. If I had to guess, I’d say Rove has a “ghost Twitterer” (as in a ghost writer) or an assistant updating his feed for him.

Oddly enough, Rove’s Tweets seem to reveal a softer side to him. Call it savvy marketing, but I find it disingenuous. And it’s a bit weird to think his people—not even Rove himself—are following me. I’d like to think it’s because they find what I’m saying entertaining, but I can’t help thinking they’re just trying to seem connected to young people.

The Twitter creeps gets stranger. My local Maricopa County Sheriff Joe Arpaio (who, as the author of America’s Toughest Sheriff, is notorious in his own right) recently sent me a Tweet about an answer I gave a fellow Twitter follower. He tried to tell me to go easy on them. It’s really scary when the guy who houses his inmates in tents in the summer and whose most visible public-relations success involves pink underwear, boxers, and handcuffs tells you to tone it down. The sheriff also inexplicably Tweeted me to say my mother owes him $10. Say what?

This all coming from the same woman, who blocked ME on twitter, because I dared to tell the little clueless little moronic twit that she was about as Republican, that I was a damned communist. Then she bitches about it!  Just like her stupid father, she has no real Conservative political convictions. She just follows what is trendy at the time. Just another boat with no direction, at all. Seriously, I really seriously think, that this little feckless bitch would go back to Arizona and seriously look into shutting the FUCK UP and leave the political to those who actually know anything about it! She even went on that Bull Dyke Rachel Maddow’s show and admitted to all of the ten people that watch that show, that she was freakin’ CLUELESS, when it comes it the economy.

This broad is nothing more than a spoiled rotten RICH KID, who is about as goofy as she is rich. Please, for the love of gott, go back to your hole and stay there and stop embarrassing the Republican Party and more importantly, your own damn father! 🙄

I mean, it must run in the family… Is Cindy this much of a moron too??!?!?! If so, Poor John, I mean, holy hell. Gives new meaning to the words, “Shut up and suck!”

Update: I’m sure some of you might have read this and thought, “I thought this guy was a Paleo-Conservative and didn’t like Rove and Co?” You’re right, I don’t. My bitch with McCain is that she’s trashing Rove because he’s a Conservative; and Megan McCain isn’t.  She’s quite the liberal. So, while I am definitely not a Neo-Con Rove fan boy; I find Megan McCain’s trashing of the Republican Party, which basically made her Father to be just asinine. She should be ashamed of herself and should be shamed from the public square. If she was not John McCain’s daughter, she’d be ignored, like anyone else.

Now, why am I not surprised about this?

As a Rule, I am not a big fan of (Because I ended up on there once! 😼 )  But this one is too good to pass up:

CNN’s Susan Roesgen went nuts on the air Wednesday at a Chicago tea party, blaming everything (accurately) on Fox News. But maybe she was angry because Fox turned her down for a job—twice!

Roesgen got snippy with a crazy interviewee while trying to cover the tea partiers, and the crowd turned on her. “I think you get the general tenor of this,” she said. “It’s anti-government, anti-CNN since this is highly promoted by the right-wing conservative network Fox.”

Back in 2005, though, according to a Fox News source, Roesgen really wanted to work for that right-wing conservative network. She sent a tape of her on-air work to Fox’s then-programming chief Kevin Magee in January 2005, and followed up with another reel to Magee’s successor Bill Shine in September 2005. Needless to say, she didn’t get the gig.

via Gawker – Fox-Bashing CNN Reporter Applied for a Job at Fox – Tea parties.

Man, the irony here is just too good. Nothing says asshole more than slamming a network; that you tried to apply for, more than doing what this feckless bitch tried to do. This is to say nothing about her total unprofessional treatment of the people she was trying to interview. Political Bias and an axe to grind; man, can’t get much more catty that! I thought Malkin was a bit catty! Wow! Meeooow indeed!

Gawker goes on:

So next time you see CNN or MSNBC talking heads—like Fox News alum David Shuster, for instance—talking about how awful Fox is (which it is!), just remember: It’s all business, kids.

Indeed. So, that explains O’Reilly and Olbermann? Huh, and here I thought it was some sort of gay crush thing. Doggone.

An Interesting Movie

I post this because I believe that it is interesting. Alex Jones has always struck me as a kook. Someone amongst the “Tin Foil Hat” crowd. However, it is something interesting to watch.


What do you think? Do you think that there is any truth to this?

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The Southern Avenger on “Affirmative Action GOP”

How Louisiana Governor Bobby Jindal’s awful Republican rebuttal to President Obama’s speech before Congress represents a wrongheaded and ill-fated GOP strategy of minority and gender identity politics.

The Southern Avenger’s Blog

The Southern Avenger’s Blog @ Taki’s Magazine

Keith Olbermann’s Sexist, Racist & Slanderous Segment on “Countdown”

You know, I have always given Keith the benefit of the doubt, most of the time. I am a libertarian-minded kind of guy and a Paleo-Conservative, I watch Chris Matthew’s and David Shuster and Keith’s Show nightly; I avoid Maddow’s as it seem, by me at least, as a rehashing of Keith’s Show. However on his show today, Keith Olbermann blew any sort of doubt that I had that he was nothing more, than a hypocritical Liberal.

What appears below is a listing of some of the most egregious, condescending, slime ball stuff that I have ever seen on Keith’s Show, on MSNBC or in a News Cast, or in this case, a Political Opinion show. This goes beyond just your typical gentle political humor or condescending political snark. This rises to the level of outright slander. If I were Jindal, I would be getting a lawyer.

In this segment you will see the following:
  • A sexist slam towards Sarah Palin at the very beginning.
  • You will see the character “Ken the page” mock white people, particularly White Conservative males.
  • A Caveman Reference while referring to Gov. Bobby Jindal. (Racist, or just plain mean?)
  • A slanderous inference that the G.O.P. is the party of white people.
  • A slanderous Inference that Bobby Jindal is a Homosexual and a child molester.
  • An Comparison of Jindal to Gomer Pyle, by a black person, an obvious racial stereotype.
  • An obvious insult to the intelligence of white people or Southern people in general.
  • An inference that males, presumably whites, in the G.O.P, are primarily interested in women’s bodies and therefore are sexist.
  • A direct insult to G.O.P President, Michael Steele essentially calling him stupid or at best naive.

My question to my readers of this blog is this; if the tables were turned here, Politically, Racially, and so forth; would not the Liberals be screaming from the rooftops for the head of said broadcaster? Did not Don Imus lose his job for doing something very similar to this? Only difference is that Don Imus was White and the girls insulted were Black. My question then is this, how is it that a Liberal so called “News Anchor” and a black female comedian can make these sort of remarks and not a thing happen to them? That so called Comedian, did everything but call G.O.P President Michael Steele a stupid Conservative Negro on live Television!

The reason why I am writing this is because of the following; The Democrats won. I just do not understand why there seems to be this insatiable desire to continually slander Conservatives; over and over and over. It just does not make any sense. I mean, they won, can they not just move on and stop with the continual bashing?

I know, there is going to be a Liberal that is going to read this and say, “Well, Conservatives do it too!!!” Some do, Sean Hannity; Yes, he does it. Bill O’Reilly? Not so much or at least not as bad. I have been watching the repeat of his show at night at 11:00PM locally here. He seems to have lightened up quite a bit, since the end of the election. Either that or Murdoch got onto him for being a bit over the top.

My point is here is that Keith, MSNBC, NBC in general is crazy for allowing this sort of a thing to happen on a public show. Keith should be reprimanded for this sort of behavior. I realize that this Blog won’t result in much, that Liberal network has no standards, but I figured I would point this one out to the masses.