Charles Johnson writes something that I actually agree with

I am writing this, because I believe that Mr. Johnson makes a very valid point here. Before I begin, let me say that the feud between Mr. Johnson and Robert Spencer and the rest of them has zero to do with me. I do not wish to take sides. I see Johnson’s point and I see Spencer and his friends point.

Having said all of that I do agree with Mr. Johnson on this point here;  This is Charles Johnson reacting to the video that Sarah Palin made for the Billy Graham Ministry group:

Sarah Palin’s extreme religious beliefs are on display in this video released by the Billy Graham organization, in which she repeats the long-debunked fundamentalist canard that the founding fathers “dedicated the country to God,” and calls for America to be ruled by “godly” leaders.

And of course, she’s not talking about Judaism or Buddhism here. She’s advocating a religious test for office, and only Christians need apply. Has she ever heard of the Establishment Clause of the First Amendment of the US Constitution?

This is why Palin was selected by the John McCain campaign in the 2008 election — to mollify the religious right.

via Little Green Footballs – Palin Calls for America to ‘Seek God’s Hand’.

I must say that I agree with that. I have long been bothered by the extreme religious right and their attempt to turn America into what England was back in the days of the monarchy, which was a theocracy. You see back in those days in England, if you did not submit to the religious rule of the Roman Catholic Church, and you chose to dissent, you were thrown in jail or worse — Killed. This is what the Roman Catholic Church wants again here in America, along with, mostly unwittingly, the evangelical right, hence the ecumenical movement.

What is my opinion of the Roman Catholic Church? I will answer that, anyone who has ever read The Book of Revelation; Chapters 17 & 18 (King James Version is the best for this reading) knows exactly my opinion of that god-forsaken false religion cesspool.

Now back to Johnson, He and I dislike Sarah Palin for some somewhat different reasons. Johnson hates her religion; I highly dislike her sense of female entitlement, her muddled populism, her blatant hypocrisy, her so-called “Conservative Feminism,” —- all of that just grinds me to my core. Because it goes against what I feel is true Conservatism. Anyone that has read books by Phyllis Schlafly knows of what I speak. Phyllis Schlafly is, what Ann Coulter and Sarah Palin claim to be; and that is a staunch Conservative Christian woman. Anyone that thinks that Sarah Palin is entitled to anything other than going back to Alaska and raising her many children, and for the sake of almighty God shutting her damn pie-hole and disappearing from the political scene —- sorry to say it, is not, what I consider to be a true Conservative.

2 Replies to “Charles Johnson writes something that I actually agree with”

  1. I’m not sure your interpretation of the Establishment Clause is historically accurate. See
    That said, we’ve certainly established Secular Humanism as the anti-faith we all love to hate.
    Also, “godly” is a rather subjective term, and may not have the kind of heavy artillery meaning you’re ascribing in Sarah’s context.
    AFAIC, the main thing is that leaders don’t consider _themselves_ God.
    If Palin is any more heavy duty in her interpretation of faith in the public realm than, say, George W. Bush, I’m not seeing it.

    1. I hear ya. …and it’s not my personal interpretation of the clause. It is, Charles Johnson’s. But you do have a point.

      I hope this doesn’t turn into flame war…

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