You mean Brody is just now figuring this out?


You’ve got to hand it to the folks at Newsweek. They have accomplished being biased and sexist at the same time. Quite a feat. This cover has got to be a new low right? They don’t use a photo of Palin on the campaign trail. No instead they take the sexy Runners World photo. Yes she posed for it but don’t tell me they didn’t purposely use that photo to make a point? I predict this cover will become a bigger story over the next 24-48 hours and let’s face it. This isn’t JUST about media bias. This cover should be insulting to women politicians. Where’s the sexy photo of Mitt Romney? Why not a picture of Tim Pawlenty with an unbuttoned shirt relaxing on a couch in the Twin Cities?

via Newsweek Photo of Palin Shows Media Bias and Sexism.

You mean to tell me that David is just now figuring all this out? Dang. I have always known that most of the time, that Christians were always behind the curve on modern issues; but man, I never though they were this behind.

Welcome to the real world Mr. Brody. Now, grab a sword and fight!