Don’t believe the hype on the Coup in Honduras

That is what Octavio Sánchez is saying, and he should know; he’s there:

Tegucigalpa, Honduras – Sometimes, the whole world prefers a lie to the truth. The White House, the United Nations, the Organization of American States, and much of the media have condemned the ouster of Honduran President Manuel Zelaya this past weekend as a coup d’état.

That is nonsense.

In fact, what happened here is nothing short of the triumph of the rule of law.


Under our Constitution, what happened in Honduras this past Sunday? Soldiers arrested and sent out of the country a Honduran citizen who, the day before, through his own actions had stripped himself of the presidency.

These are the facts: On June 26, President Zelaya issued a decree ordering all government employees to take part in the “Public Opinion Poll to convene a National Constitutional Assembly.” In doing so, Zelaya triggered a constitutional provision that automatically removed him from office.

Constitutional assemblies are convened to write new constitutions. When Zelaya published that decree to initiate an “opinion poll” about the possibility of convening a national assembly, he contravened the unchangeable articles of the Constitution that deal with the prohibition of reelecting a president and of extending his term. His actions showed intent.

Our Constitution takes such intent seriously. According to Article 239: “No citizen who has already served as head of the Executive Branch can be President or Vice-President. Whoever violates this law or proposes its reform [emphasis added], as well as those that support such violation directly or indirectly, will immediately cease in their functions and will be unable to hold any public office for a period of 10 years.”

Notice that the article speaks about intent and that it also says “immediately” – as in “instant,” as in “no trial required,” as in “no impeachment needed.”

Continuismo – the tendency of heads of state to extend their rule indefinitely – has been the lifeblood of Latin America’s authoritarian tradition. The Constitution’s provision of instant sanction might sound draconian, but every Latin American democrat knows how much of a threat to our fragile democracies continuismo presents. In Latin America, chiefs of state have often been above the law. The instant sanction of the supreme law has successfully prevented the possibility of a new Honduran continuismo.

The Supreme Court and the attorney general ordered Zelaya’s arrest for disobeying several court orders compelling him to obey the Constitution. He was detained and taken to Costa Rica. Why? Congress needed time to convene and remove him from office. With him inside the country that would have been impossible. This decision was taken by the 123 (of the 128) members of Congress present that day.

Don’t believe the coup myth. The Honduran military acted entirely within the bounds of the Constitution. The military gained nothing but the respect of the nation by its actions.

via A ‘coup’ in Honduras? Nonsense. |

But yet you have idiot douche bag Communist Liberals, like Hillary Clinton, Like President Obama and the U.N. trying to tell the people in Honduras; that this man was right for doing this. I guess Senator McCarthy was right after all. The Democratic Party has been taken over by the Socialists, who are basically Communist light.  So, to this writer; is no big surprise that President Obama and his right hand lady Hillary Clinton took sides with the Communists.

Video: Something to make you think

This an excellent video: (Via True Conservatives on Facebook)

Hillary Clinton is now being pimped out for a female special interest group


From my inbox: limits...

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  • Updates on congressional progress toward health care reform – and what we can do to make it a reality!
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  • Speaking out about women’s rights as human rights and the implications for American policy. See this powerful video of Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, about international women’s health.

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Ann F. Lewis
Ann Lewis
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Cue the music!:

Hmmmmm… I wonder if they’re going to use any of that money to retire Hillary’s debt?

The Southern Avenger says “Partisans Make Us Less Safe”

How support for both “financial security” and “national security” reveal partisan hypocrisy and make us less safe.

Oops! White House Reporters call in to talk to Hillary…Get Phone Sex Operator Instead!

The Jokes write themselves:

Journalists seeking to talk a little foreign policy with high-profile Obama administration officials live from the G20 meetings in London this week were solicited for phone sex instead after ringing up the toll-free number given by the White House.

In a press release, the White House accidentally listed a sex line number for journalists seeking an “on-the-record briefing call with Secretary of State Hillary Clinton and National Security Advisor Jim Jones to discuss the NATO summit.”

But after dialing, a soft-voiced female recording that was clearly not Clinton asked for a credit card number if you “feel like getting nasty.”

After several efforts to make sure that the phone number was correctly dialed, a call to the White House resulted in a corrected press release. “If you are having trouble dialing into the call, please try this number as an alternative,” and listed the international line included for reporters abroad to dial.

By this time, the conference call was already under way.

Asked for comment about this mishap, Deputy White House Press Secretary Bill Burton responded: “A corrected phone number on a press release is probably one of the stupider things FOX News has covered lately.”

via White House Corrects Conference Call Number After Directing Reporters to Sex Line –

I will admit, when I saw this one, I did do the teen-like outburst of “BWAAAAAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!”

…and besides all that, getting nasty….:

With HER?!?!?!?!

Not in this lifetime sweetheart!

Update: Fixed title and spelling error. Ooops! 😆

Others: The Jawa Report, Caleb’s blog, Pajamas Media, Daily Dose, JammieWearingFool and New York Post

An Interesting Movie

I post this because I believe that it is interesting. Alex Jones has always struck me as a kook. Someone amongst the “Tin Foil Hat” crowd. However, it is something interesting to watch.


What do you think? Do you think that there is any truth to this?

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A New Parody “Barry’s Farm”

Here’s the Original Song:

Update: It seems that some Fascist Socialist Liberal twit keeps going around getting my video yanked. No biggie, if they yank it. I will find it elsewhere and put it up. This is America and not fascist Germany and I have the RIGHT to express my opinions about the President and his fascist polices. You liberals don’t like it? TOUGH SHIT! 😡

History about the song and concert

New Lyrics:

Barry’s Farm

(Sung to the tune of Maggie’s Farm by Bob Dylan)

Written by Paleo Pat

I ain’t gonna work on Barry’s farm no more.
I ain’t gonna work on Barry’s farm no more.
Well, I wake up in the morning,
Fold my hands and pray that I might keep my gain.
I got a bill full of Taxes
That are drivin’ me insane.
It’s a shame the way he makes me tip the whore.
Naw, I ain’t gonna work on Barry’s farm no more.

I ain’t gonna work under Barry’s Law’s no more.
I ain’t gonna work under Barry’s Law’s no more.
Well, he hands you a Dollar,
Taxes you a dime,
Looks at you with a grin
While robbin’ you fuckin’ Blind,
Then he taxes you every time you open the door.
I ain’t gonna work under Barry’s Laws no more.

I ain’t gonna be a slave for Barry’s Government no more.
No, I ain’t be a Slave for Barry’s Government no more.
Well, he puts a Tax Bill
in your face just for kicks.
His White House
It is made out of Bricks.
The Secret Service stands around his door.
Ah, I ain’t gonna be a slave for Barry’s Government no more.

I ain’t gonna work for Barry’s Bitch no more.
No, I ain’t gonna work for Barry’s Bitch no more.
Well, she talks to all the people
About Equality and Race and Law.
All the while the workin’ people
Are payin’ for other peoples bad calls
She’s a lying thief, but she says her honesty stands tall.
Naw, I ain’t gonna work for Barry’s Bitch no more.

I ain’t gonna work on Barry’s farm no more.
I ain’t gonna work on Barry’s farm no more.
Well, I try my best
To do the best I can,
But everybody wants you
To pay thier bills for them.
They eat steak while you slave and I just get bored.
I ain’t gonna work on Barry’s farm no more

Good place for her!

I must say, I won’t be shedding a tear over this one, at all.

Dick Morris writes over at The Hill:

Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton is finding that her job description is dissolving under her feet, leaving her with only a vestige of the power she must have thought she acquired when she signed on to be President Obama’s chief Cabinet officer.

Since her designation:

Vice President Biden has moved vigorously to stake out foreign policy as his turf. His visit to Afghanistan, right before the Inauguration, could not but send a signal to Hillary that he would conduct foreign policy in the new administration, leaving Hillary in the role of backup.

• Richard Holbrooke, the former Balkan negotiator and U.N. ambassador, has been named special envoy to Afghanistan and Pakistan. He insisted on direct access to the president, a privilege he was denied during much of the Clinton years.

• Former Sen. George Mitchell (D-Maine), negotiator of the Irish Peace Accords, was appointed to be the administration’s point man on Arab-Israeli negotiations.

• Samantha Powers, Obama’s former campaign aide, who once called Hillary a “monster,” has been appointed to the National Security Council (NSC) as director of “multilateral affairs.”

• Gen. James L. Jones, Obama’s new national security adviser, has announced an expansion of the membership and role of the NSC. He pledges to eliminate “back channels” to the president and wants to grow the NSC’s role to accommodate the “dramatically different” challenges of the current world situation.

• Susan Rice, Obama’s new United Nations ambassador, insisted upon and got Cabinet rank for her portfolio, and she will presumably also have the same kind of access to Obama that she had as his chief foreign policy adviser during the campaign.

So where does all this leave Secretary of State Clinton?

While sympathy for Mrs. Clinton is outside the normal fare of these columns, one cannot help but feel that she is surrounded by people who are, at best, strangers and, at worst, enemies. The competition that has historically occupied secretaries of State and national security advisers seems poised to ratchet up to a new level in the current administration.

Hillary’s essential problem is that she is an outsider in the current mix. She was the adversary in the campaign, and Rice and Powers — at the very least — know it well, having helped to run the campaign that dethroned her. Can they — and she — be devoid of bitterness or at least of normal human trepidation? Not very likely.

Sorry to say it; but it’s a good place for the old bitch. Especially after the way she conducted herself during this campaign. The ol’ biddy acted like Barack Obama was supposed to just roll over and die; and she get the fucking office of President. Why? Because her husband got a head job from an intern? Please.  Some of us have not forgotten what happened at the Waco Seige, of which her Husband was a accessory to murder.

So, as far as I am concerned, the less damage that this woman causes, while she is serving as Obama’s Secretary of State, the better.

Others: Israel Matzav, Riehl World View and Cafe Talk Aggregator

The Obligatory Hillary Clinton “intervened in government issues directly affecting companies and others that later contributed to her husband’s foundation” Posting

Seriously, why is anyone even remotely suprised by this?

Via AP:

Secretary of State appointee Hillary Rodham Clinton intervened at least six times in government issues directly affecting companies and others that later contributed to her husband’s foundation, an Associated Press review of her official correspondence found.

The overlap of names on former President Bill Clinton’s foundation donor list and business interests whose issues she championed raises new questions about potential ethics conflicts between her official actions and her husband’s fundraising. The AP obtained three of the senator’s government letters under the Freedom of Information Act.

Clinton was to begin her confirmation hearing Tuesday before the Senate Foreign Relations Committee.

Under an agreement with President-elect Barack Obama, Bill Clinton recently released the names of donors to his foundation, a nonprofit that has raised at least $492 million — including millions from foreign governments — to fund his library in Little Rock, Ark., and charitable efforts worldwide on such issues as AIDS, poverty and climate change.

The letters and donations involve pharmaceutical companies and telecommunications and energy interests. An aide to the senator said she made no secret of her involvement in many of the issues. Bill Clinton’s foundation declined to say when it received the donations or precisely how much was contributed.

I mean, after all, we are talking the Clinton’s here. Democratic ties to corruption and lobbyists; especially among the Clinton’s and other well-heeled Democratic figures goes all the way back the Kennedy era. I know, Obama promised change, and with Hillary we did not get it. One must remember though, if she’s not seated, Obama could lose his popularity among Hillary’s supporters.

Still it would be quite juvenile of me not to observe that this does represent a “walk back” of the mantra of hope and change that Obama promised during the campaign. The Clinton defeat was supposed to represent a defeat of the old Clinton guard within the Democratic Party. So much for that little bit of drama. 🙄

I’ve written it here a great number of times, but I believe it to be quite true, it is going to be a very interesting four to eight years in politics. 😀

Others: The Moderate Voice, CNN, NO QUARTER, Bloomberg, Wall Street Journal, NPR, Booman Tribune, Reuters, protein wisdom, CBS News, Associated Press, JammieWearingFool and The Politico

(via Memeornadum)

Kennedy Kid interested in Senate Seat

Speaking of Irony….

It is being reported via the New York Times that Caroline Kennedy is interested in Hillary Clinton’s Seat in Congress.

The Snort Worthy quote is this:

Ms. Kennedy ended weeks of silence with a series of rapid-fire phone calls to the state’s leading political figures, including Gov. David A. Paterson, in which she emphatically and enthusiastically declared herself interested in the seat, according to several people who received the calls.

“She told me she was interested in the position,” Mr. Paterson said at a news conference outside Albany on Monday. He added, “She’d like at some point to sit down and tell me what she thinks her qualifications are.”

The governor, who has sole authority to fill the Senate vacancy, insisted that he had not yet chosen a successor to Mrs. Clinton and said that Monday’s conversation with Ms. Kennedy was the first he had had with her since an initial discussion almost two weeks ago.

But several people who have counseled the governor on the pending vacancy said that Ms. Kennedy has emerged as a clear front-runner, if she proves able to withstand the intense scrutiny and criticism that her decision to seek the seat is likely to provoke.

Still, some have questioned whether Ms. Kennedy is qualified for the job.

Ha! (sorry Chris Matthews….) What are her qualifications? There are none! Does she honestly think that just because she’s a damn Kennedy that this fact automatically qualifies her to be the replacement for Hillary? You must be fucking joking me. Seriously.

Just a fair warning; I am about to serve off into the seriously political incorrectness here. So, hold onto your hat. Does this bitch seriously think, that just because she’s the holder of a family name of a President, who got his fucking head blown off; possibly by the mafia or for his involvement in the Cuban missile crisis. That this automatically qualifies her for the President of the United States? If this is the case, and using that sort rational, I am fucking qualified to the Senator of New York or even possibly President of the United States.

Do you all see now why I stopped voting for Democrats? I mean, because they’re now giving offices away! First they gave the Presidency to a African-American, who is not even remotely qualified to be President, now they are about to give an Senate seat away to some feckless bitch who is not even qualified to be a Senator!

I’ll tell ya, I didn’t vote for McCain, I voted for Bob Barr. Because I thought John McCain was too soft on principles and also because I felt he was a bit too close to Bush’s Polices, but I will give McCain credit for one thing, at least HE was fucking qualified to BE a President!  He just was too damn nice to be involved in Presidential Politics.

Others from all sides of the Political map: The Moderate Voice, The Field on the Narcosphere, Buck Naked Politics, Ben Smith’s Blogs, The Daily Politics, Fox News, NY Daily News, No More Mister Nice Blog, Crooks and Liars, Time, TalkLeft, Washington Monthly, The Gun Toting Liberal, Open Left, Salon, Majikthise, , Political Machine, D-Day, Gawker, The Hill’s Blog Briefing Room, Hot Air, A Blog For All, George’s Bottom Line, Taylor Marsh, Jack & Jill Politics, Democracy in America, NO QUARTER, The World Newser, TPMCafe, The Swamp, The Fix,, Ross Douthat, City Room, Below The Beltway, Hotline On Call, Truthdig, Kevin Drum and The Note (via Memeorandum)

The Automotive Bailouts: The Other Side of the Story

I have been sitting here, trying to keep out of this. But I have sat and looked at the Republican and NeoConservative Spin on this Story and I’m sick of it. 😡

So, I am giving you, the other side of the story, from the horses mouth; without commentary from me.

I did not ask that you agree, I simply ask that you listen and hear this man out. Now I am almost sure, that the Blogs, that I have linked to, will remove my trackback, like the Neo-Con Fascists that they are. I mean, it is all about controlling the message with those guys.  🙄

Here we go:

Part 1:

Part 2:

Media Q & A:

Media Q & A Part 2:

Media Q & A Part 3:

There you have it. The other side of the story. You decide.

(Source UAW.ORG)


Oh Man, this is too funny!

Obama’s Speechwriter got busted…..on Facebook!

On Left Obama Speech Writer Jon Favreau

On Left Obama Speech Writer Jon Favreau

Question No. 58 in the transition team vetting document for the Obama White House asks that applicants: “Please provide the URL address of any websites that feature you in either a personal or professional capacity (e.g. Facebook, My Space, etc.)”

Question No. 63 asks that applicants “please provide any other information … that could … be a possible source of embarrassment to you, your family, or the President-Elect.”

For a while there this afternoon, President-elect Barack Obama’s immensely talented chief speechwriter, 27-year-old Jon Favreau, might have been pondering how to address that question.

That’s when some interesting photos of a recent party he attended — including one where he’s dancing with a life-sized cardboard cut-out of secretary of state-designate Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton, and another where he’s placed his hand on the cardboard former first lady’s chest while a friend is offering her lips a beer — popped up on Facebook for about two hours. The photos were quickly taken down — along with every other photo Favreau had of himself on the popular social networking site, save for one profile headshot.

Asked about the photos, Favreau, who was recently appointed director of speechwriting for the White House, declined comment. A transition official said that Favreau had “reached out to Senator Clinton to offer an apology.”

Favreau is not the first campaign aide whose online presence has proved awkward. Last March, John McCain aide Soren Dayton forwarded an anti-Obama YouTube video to his private Twitter feed linking Obama with the Rev. Jeremiah Wright, leading to his suspension from the campaign. And in 2007, two bloggers hired by former North Carolina senator John Edwards stepped down after blog posts they had written before he hired them became a subject of controversy.

Favreau’s case seems unlikely to be so dire; Clinton senior adviser Philippe Reines cast the photos as evidence of increased bonhomie between the formerly rival camps.

“Senator Clinton is pleased to learn of Jon’s obvious interest in the State Department, and is currently reviewing his application,” he said in an e-mail.

ROFLMAO! 😆 I bet they are reviewing his application! 😀 HA!

Yes They can! Yes they did! and… Yes, they got caught! 😆

Never, never, never, post stuff on facebook that you do not want coming back to hunt you!

Others: New York Times, The Swamp, Weekly Standard, Anne Schroeder’s Blogs, Right Wing News and RedState

Editorial: A Look Back and a Look Ahead

The last time that one of these wonderful little editorials was written; in any sort of earnest, Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama were still trying to convince the rest of the country that one of them would make the best candidate for President of the United States of America.  John McCain was just being realized as a serious candidate and the Presidential race seemed like it was most likely going to last for the rest of my adult life.

Since that time, after one too many weeks of her carrying out a President campaign that was chalk full of many an error of comedic proportion; and after being told that waiting around for your opponent to be assassinated was just outrageously morbid.  Hillary Clinton; finally, did the World, the Democratic Party, The Feminist Movement, and anyone else you want to add to that list; a huge favor and dropped out of the Presidential race.  However, Hillary did this after ripping a gigantic gulf size hole, the size of the Grand Canyon between the Democratic Party faction lines.  Heck, as it is now, a Liberal Feminist Lesbian and an African-American cannot walk down the street in New York City without snarling at one another.  How is that for Hope and Change?

Once Hillary did finally get it through the miles of granite between her ears, that the American people wanted Obama, and not her —- she finally stepped aside.  However, not before doing a little dog and pony show with Obama.  I mean, the woman does have an ego; they had to make her feel good, one last time.

At this point is when the real action started, John McCain was anointed the golden boy of his Party, and that is when the bare-knuckle brawl between McCain and Obama and their many surrogates began.  There was a point when this writer was not sure what was worse, the race baiting of the Obama surrogates or some of the more moronic racism of the surrogates of McCain.

One of the biggest tragedies of this Presidential race was that the contenders of Barack Obama made some of the same silly mistakes, McCain and Hillary made the same misfires, miscalculations, and bad decisions.  This proves quite a few things.  One it proves that a Caucasian cannot effectively run against an African-American Candidate.  The reason is the “race card” issue, when cornered on his lack of experience; Obama’s surrogates would play that card and play it quite effectively.  This would cause a misfire by the other campaign and for the other campaign to be looked upon as racist.  This is what happened in Hillary Clinton and John McCain’s campaigns both; and they both made the same dreadfully awful mistakes.

However, I would committing a crime of epic proportions, if I did not acknowledge the fact that the Republican Party and those controlling John McCain’s campaign made some horrifically awful mistakes.  The Republican Party and John McCain’s campaign both tried to paint Obama as a terrorist by proxy.  The sick part is that they learned it from Hillary’s Campaign.  The very worst thing that Obama did was sit on a board with a man, who committed criminal acts; that were done in opposition to the Vietnam War.  These acts, horrific as they were, happened when Obama was all of eight years old.  How could anyone, who has a sane rational mind; want to try to subjugate a man to that sort of scrutiny over something he had no control over?

Barack Obama’s Pastor though was another matter entirely, this author does not entirely believe Obama’s claim that he did not ever hear his Pastor, say incendiary comments from the pulpit.  Obama might have heard the sermons and chose to ignore the content that he found offensive, which is an entirely plausible scenario.  It did however; bring up some very harsh differences between the White and Black cultures, sometimes to an uncomfortable and unsettling pitch at times.

The amazing thing was that; as much as I disagree with a great deal of his political ideologies, Obama handled all of the distractions and the controversies —- I refer to the man himself, not his tag-along followers; with a great deal of grace.  Obama did not run your “A typical” African-American campaign.  Obama ran a campaign like a very intelligent Harvard Graduate would run a campaign.  Obama’s campaign was not about the; whether real or imagined —- “Struggle.”

….and so, the election happened.  There was this release of an overwhelming feeling of, “Finally, it’s over.”  Obama Won.  The Republican Party got a lesson of how just how smart America really is, despite their attempts to paint Americans as complete idiots.  John McCain went back to the senate, Obama is now picking staff, Hillary, rewarded for her hard work, and maybe the Dog and Pony Shows, will be the new Secretary of State. Yeah, she is getting Condi’s old job.  As they say, keep your friends close and your enemies closer.

Bloggers and pundits —-Liberal and Conservative alike are now facing a very daunting task and that is, trying to figure out, what happens now? At the risk of sounding like Arlo Guthrie — I mean, most pundits and we Bloggers made it our life’s daily chore to analyze the Election.  I mean, Liberal Bloggers made it their life’s work to mock, and generally hate George W. Bush.  I mean…Now what?

I know what this author will do.  First, like many Americas who lived through the Bush era, I will happily put the past 8 years behind me.  I will, as someone who voted for Bob Barr, praise Obama after he is sworn in as President, when he does something that I think is great and wonderful.  Likewise, as a member of the loyal opposition, I will criticize Obama when I feel he has something that goes against the political beliefs that I hold as a somewhat Moderate Conservative Libertarian. It will be fair, not overly partisan, but rooted in what I consider to be fair.  I will not stoop to the stupidity of some on the right; who do feel the need to mock the man, every time he takes a breath.  However, my criticism will strictly be policy based.  Anything other than that is either racist in nature or goes into the realm of partisan idiocy.  Something I despise as a rule.

Therefore, there you have it.  Where we have been and where we are going.  Stick around; the mountaintop is coming on quickly.  I just want to be able to see it for myself.

Yes Rush…. But!

Rush Says:

The conservative talk show host — who urged supporters during the primary season to back Clinton in an effort to prolong the bitter Democratic presidential nomination fight — told ABC’s Barbara Walters that Clinton’s selection as Secretary of State was “a brilliant stroke” by President-elect Obama.

He said the move was a political master stroke, effectively ruling out a primary challenge in four years. “You know the old phrase, ‘You keep your friends close and your enemies closer?’ How can she run for president in 2012?” he asks. “She’d have to run against the incumbent and be critical of him — the one who made her Secretary of State.”

The question is Rush, is whom exactly is getting “stroked” here.

The United States of America, that’s whom!  😮

I predict that this woman will be a DISASTER as Sec of State. You watch and see. 😡

Idiot moonbats. 🙄

We’re so damn screwed and these idiot, Neo-Conservative talking heads have got their heads so far up their asses that they don’t even see it. 😡

Clinton 2.0


During this Election the theme was all the rage; Change. A different kind of Government promised. A new direction. A new vision for America. A new start.

Sadly, that whole mantra turned out to be nothing but a campaign slogan. A well orchestrated lie. A lie that was ate up by the hungry masses who truly desired change.  A lie that was swallowed and digested by Conservatives and Republicans, Libertarians, and of course, the mindless masses that are known as Democrats.

I am, of course, referring to the appointment of Senator Hillary Clinton as Secretary of State.

This is the person, who’s husband’s administration killed seventy-six people including 21 children and two pregnant women in cold blood in Waco, Texas on February 28, 1993.

This is the same woman who’s husbands Administration sold the U.A.W. and the American auto worker up the river, when they passed North American Free Trade Agreement.

This is the same Woman, who’s husband’s Administration ripped a innocent boy from the arms of a loving family and forced him back to the hell that is communism on December 6, 1993.

No Hillary, We have not forgotten. Nor will we ever.

This appointment of Hillary Clinton shows that the Democratic Party has still not let go of the disastrous era, that is known as the Clinton era of the Democratic Party. It shows that this power hungry woman will never be satisfied until her poisonous pen has been dipped into the inkwell that is the oval office.

Thank You for your support

The Following was made by me. It is my feelings towards those who opposed and still oppose the help that the Detroit Auto Industry needs. It might cost me readers, but it is how I feel.

I declare this photo PUBLIC DOMAIN. Feel free to copy it and post it to your Blogs.

Thank you for your support

Thank you for your support

Update: I posted this for one reason and one reason alone, Washington D.C. will hand over 4 BILLION dollars to Wall Street banks and not even flinch, but when Detroit needs help, they are like “You need a plan.” I am not saying that the companies are not at fault. But it just strikes me as pretty damned funny that Wall St. Gets that help and Detroit gets told to go fuck themselves, in essence. So, Yeah, I’m a little pissed off and a bit jaded at this point. Can’t you tell??!

Trackposted to Rosemary’s Thoughts, The Pink Flamingo – WordPress, 123beta, Right Truth, Shadowscope, DragonLady’s World, Leaning Straight Up, Cao’s Blog, Democrat=Socialist, Conservative Cat, , Allie is Wired, Faultline USA, Woman Honor Thyself, Walls of the City, The World According to Carl, Pirate’s Cove, Rosemary’s News and Ideas, The Pink Flamingo, Gulf Coast Hurricane Tracker, CORSARI D’ITALIA, L.O.M.A., Right Voices, and Gone Hollywood, thanks to Linkfest Haven Deluxe.

Guest Voice: Why the Neo-Cons Love Hillary by Jack Hunter

The Video (via TakiMag)

Transcript: (Via Charleston City Paper)

One item that made breaking news this week shouldn’t have surprised anyone – the possible selection of Hillary Clinton by Barack Obama as Secretary of State. And it’s a possible choice that has excited more than a few Republicans.

Neoconservatives afraid that a President Obama might even partially live up his promise to remove troops from Iraq have been warming up to the new administration and hedging their bets where they can. In his ongoing role as neocon concierge, Sen. Lindsey Graham’s arranged meeting between John McCain and Obama was one step, as was Graham’s blustering praise for Obama’s selection for Chief of Staff Rahm Emanuel, a man who few conservatives have a kind word about. “This is a wise choice by President-elect Obama” glowingly said Graham of Emanuel.

And one can only assume that if Clinton were to take over for Condoleezza Rice, Graham and his boss John McCain will have the same enthusiasm and for the same reason. Republican Senator John Kyl, who teamed up with Joe Lieberman to get Congress to declare the entire Iranian army a terrorist organization as a precursor to possible war, said of Clinton as possible Sec. of State “It seems to me she’s got the experience. She’s got the temperament for it.” The Weekly Standard’s Michael Goldfarb was just as praiseful and more explicit about his excitement, “On the issues, Clinton’s a hawk. Not only did she vote to authorize the war in Iraq, she… went so far as to connect Saddam to al Qaeda… She threatened to ‘obliterate’ Iran (and) on matters of diplomacy, Clinton’s views are not so different from those held by John McCain and most Republicans. Clinton would be a fine Secretary of State… And perhaps she could even present the case for war with Iran to an insubordinate United Nations.”

Not since Operation Chaos during the primaries have we seen some Republicans so anxious to jump off the “Stop-Hillary Express” and on the Clinton bandwagon. The sort of Republican who cheers for Hillary is the same sort who embraced Lieberman. No matter how many liberal positions either held, socialized healthcare, open borders, higher taxes, anti-2nd amendment, it didn’t matter. As with Lieberman, so long as Hillary is prepared to continue sending U.S. troops around the world to continue the neoconservative mission of American global empire, Clinton would be their gal.

The Atlantic Monthly’s Andrew Sullivan noticed the neocons seeming comfort with Hillary during the presidential primaries “Among the neoconservatives there is obviously sympathy for her (Clinton) against the most decisively anti-war candidates, Obama and Edwards. Many publicly prefer her to the insurgent anti-war candidate in their own ranks, Texas congressman Ron Paul. Privately some neocons see her as an important substantive successor to Bush, perpetuating and retroactively legitimizing the Iraq occupation. She did vote for it, after all, they tell themselves. And her constant attempt to stay to the right of her opponents in the primaries has led to the bizarre spectacle of some well known Republicans showering her with thinly veiled support on Fox News.”

The rise of the neoconservatives to prominence during the Bush administration and the decades old term finally becoming part of the popular lexicon has led many plain, old fashioned conservatives to wonder, “what is it about these ‘neoconservatives’ that is actually conservative?”

Absolutely nothing. Neoconservatism’s main premise, that drastically different cultures in some of the most contentious parts of the world can magically become democratic through sheer force of American will, is arguably the most radical policy ever put forth by any government, anywhere. And conservatives now concerned about “radicals taking over the White House,” need to take a good, hard look at not only the woman Obama might be trusting with foreign affairs, but the Republicans who adore her.

The Obligatory Hillary Accepts Secretary of State Posting

I figured she would…. anyhow, Because everyone and their uncle’s brother is talking about it. I guess I’ll follow the herd here. (Walk like a buffalo…..80’s humor, sorry… 😛 )

Via the NYT’s “The Caucus”:

Hillary Rodham Clinton has decided to give up her Senate seat and accept the position of secretary of state, making her the public face around the world for the administration of the man who beat her for the Democratic presidential nomination, two confidants said Friday.

Mrs. Clinton came to her decision after additional discussion with President-elect Barack Obama about the nature of her role and his plans for foreign policy, said one of the confidants, who insisted on anonymity to discuss the situation. Mr. Obama’s office told reporters Thursday that the nomination is “on track” but Clinton associates only confirmed Friday afternoon that she has decided.

“She’s ready,” said the confidant. Mrs. Clinton was reassured after talking again with Mr. Obama because their first meeting in Chicago last week “was so general,” the confidant said. The purpose of the follow-up talk, he added, was not to extract particular concessions but “just getting comfortable” with the idea of working together.

A second Clinton associate confirmed that her camp believes they have a done deal. Senior Obama advisers said Friday morning that the offer had not been formally accepted and no announcement will be made until after Thanksgiving. But they said they were convinced that the nascent alliance was now ready to be sealed.

Mrs. Clinton’s spokesman, Philippe Reines, issued a statement Friday afternoon cautioning that the nomination is not final. “We’re still in discussions, which are very much on track,” he said. “Any reports beyond that are premature.”

I can almost hear the Republicans screaming “RETREAD!” now. Which is pretty funny considering that Reagan used Nixon and Ford retreads.

The victims of the Waco Massacre, which included Seventy-six U.S. Citizens including 21 children and two pregnant women; were unavailable for comment.

Others: : The Campaign Spot, Washington Post, FishBowlDC, The Fix, Washington Monthly, Hot Air, Donklephant, Guardian, Boston Globe, TPM Election Central, Sister Toldjah, NO QUARTER, Lost in Transition,, blogs, Anglachel’s Journal, Wonkette, Tennessee Guerilla Women, The Reaction, Macsmind, Political Machine, The Daily Politics, Below The Beltway, MyDD, Talking Points Memo, Althouse, Salon and Patterico’s Pontifications and more via Memeorandum

Airforce one in 2009?

Do I dare go there? Why hell yes I dare! 😛

I got this via e-mail… It’s wrong as hell, but it’s funnyI think anyhow…

It’s going to be one funny 4 years. 😀 😛

Say What? Hillary Clinton for Secretary of State?

I’m a bit late to the press here on this one. My apologies.

But it appears that little miss cackle-a-lot might be our next secretary of state. So, says the Washington Post:

There’s increasing chatter in political circles that the Obama camp is not overly happy with the usual suspects for secretary of state these days and that the field might be expanding somewhat beyond Sen. John Kerry (D-Mass.), Gov. Bill Richardson (D-N.M.), Sen. Chuck Hagel (R-Neb.) and maybe former Democratic senator Sam Nunn of Georgia.

There’s talk, indeed, that Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton (D-N.Y.) may now be under consideration for the post. Her office referred any questions to the Obama transition; Obama spokesman Tommy Vietor declined to comment.

The pick of the former presidential contender and Senate Armed Services Committee member would go a long way toward healing any remaining divisions within the Democratic Party after the divisive primaries. Also, Clinton has long been known for her work on international women’s issues and human rights. The former first lady could also enhance Obama’s efforts to restore U.S. standing amongst allies worldwide.

And Obama could put her in his speed-dial for a 3 a.m. phone call every morning.

So much for all that talk of Hope and Change eh? Instead we’re getting left overs from the last Democratic Administration; Wonderful. 🙄

I guess Obama did not defeat the Clinton political machine after all.

The Children that parished at the Waco compound siege were unavailable for comment. 😡

Amazing isn’t it?

Michael Crowley over at TNR’s “The Stump” observers the following:

Watching MSNBC coverage of Obama’s rally in Raleigh, NC, I’m struck by this line from his stump speech:

When Bill Clinton was president your average wages and incomes went up $7,500. Under George Bush it went dow $2,000. So if I’ve get economic theories that are similar to Bill Clinton’s, and [McCain’s] got economic theories that are similar to George Bush’s–you can look and see which one worked and which didn’t.

Remember when he was running against the Clinton years?

It’s called wanting to get elected. Barry knew that if he didn’t suck up to Hillary and Bill who represent the “old 1990’s guard” of the Democratic Party, he’d never get elected. Plus, maybe Bubba wants to reign in on the Puma’s.

Although, it is a humorous thing to watch two people sucking up to one other, after ripping on one another weeks before. 😀

Audio of Barack Obama explaining the Communist doctrine of redistribution of wealth

(A Very Big Hat Tip to Mark Steyn at NRO’s The Corner and Betsy’s Page)

First the bombshell Video, which comes via Naked Emperor News which has a YouTube Account:

The money quote in this video is:

The Supreme Court never ventured into the issues of redistribution of wealth, and of more basic issues such as political and economic justice in society. To that extent, as radical as I think people try to characterize the Warren Court, it wasn’t that radical. It didn’t break free from the essential constraints that were placed by the founding fathers in the Constitution, at least as its been interpreted and Warren Court interpreted in the same way, that generally the Constitution is a charter of negative liberties. Says what the states can’t do to you. Says what the Federal government can’t do to you, but doesn’t say what the Federal government or State government must do on your behalf.

Bill Whittle lays the smack down on this whole idea:

The entire purpose of the Constitution was to limit government. That limitation of powers is what has unlocked in America the vast human potential available in any population.

Barack Obama sees that limiting of government not as a lynchpin but rather as a fatal flaw: “…One of the, I think, the tragedies of the Civil Rights movement was because the Civil Rights movement became so court-focused, uh, I think that there was a tendency to lose track of the political and community organizing and activities on the ground that are able to put together the actual coalitions of power through which you bring about redistributive change. And in some ways we still suffer from that.”

There is no room for wiggle or misunderstanding here. This is not edited copy. There is nothing out of context; for the entire thing is context — the context of what Barack Obama believes. You and I do not have to guess at what he believes or try to interpret what he believes. He says what he believes.

We have, in our storied history, elected Democrats and Republicans, liberals and conservatives and moderates. We have fought, and will continue to fight, pitched battles about how best to govern this nation. But we have never, ever in our 232-year history, elected a president who so completely and openly opposed the idea of limited government, the absolute cornerstone of makes the United States of America unique and exceptional.

If this does not frighten you — regardless of your political affiliation — then you deserve what this man will deliver with both houses of Congress, a filibuster-proof Senate, and, to quote Senator Obama again, “a righteous wind at our backs.”


I happen to know the person who found this audio. It is an individual person, with no more resources than a desire to know everything that he or she can about who might be the next president of the United States and the most powerful man in the world.

I know that this person does not have teams of highly paid professionals, does not work out of a corner office in a skyscraper in New York, does not have access to all of the subtle and hidden conduits of information … who possesses no network television stations, owns no satellite time, does not receive billions in advertising dollars, and has a staff of exactly one.

I do not blame Barack Obama for believing in wealth distribution. That’s his right as an American. I do blame him for lying about what he believes. But his entire life has been applying for the next job at the expense of the current one. He’s at the end of the line now.

I do, however, blame the press for allowing an individual citizen to do the work that they employ standing armies of so-called professionals for. I know they are capable of this kind of investigative journalism: It only took them a day or two to damage Sarah Palin with wild accusations about her baby’s paternity and less time than that to destroy a man who happened to be playing ball when the Messiah decided to roll up looking for a few more votes on the way to the inevitable coronation.

We no longer have an independent, fair, investigative press. That is abundantly clear to everyone — even the press. It is just another of the facts that they refuse to report, because it does not suit them.

Nothing could be more true.

My take on this so-called “Doctrine”. It is nothing short of diluted Communism. The whole idea of spread the wealth, in itself, is a core of socialism and is a form of Communism. The very idea the Government MUST do something for you, is in direct opposition of the principles that America was founded upon.

The very idea that our Government MUST do anything for anyone, is a doctrine of bigger Government, which is a socialist Doctrine and a core doctrine of Liberalism and a core doctrine of Communism.

Quite frankly, I fear for our Nation. I fear because our Nation is about to elect one of the most radical Presidents in the history of our Nation. It has absolutely nothing to do with skin color. It has to do with Politics and politics alone. This man’s political positions are left of Bill and Hillary Clinton. He is not just a Liberal, he is a ultra-Liberal or a Neo-Liberal, and that frightens me. Why? Because I have always said, any political power that goes unchecked or taken to it’s mind-numbing extremes is very dangerous. Barack Obama is a representative of that extreme.

Remember this, when you vote on November 4.

Others Blogging on this: Betsy’s Page, Fox News,, The Corner,, Pajamas Media, FOX Forum, BizzyBlog, FOX Forum, The Volokh Conspiracy, BizzyBlog, Runnin’ Scared, PrairiePundit, Fausta’s Blog, TigerHawk, American Power, The Campaign Spot, Atlas Shrugs, Doug Ross, The Radio Equalizer, Michelle Malkin, Commentary, Blogs of War, Right Wing Nut House, Wizbang, Riehl World View, Scared Monkeys, neo-neocon, This ain’t Hell …, Betsy’s Page, Suitably Flip, HillBuzz, Gateway Pundit