Kennedy Kid interested in Senate Seat

Speaking of Irony….

It is being reported via the New York Times that Caroline Kennedy is interested in Hillary Clinton’s Seat in Congress.

The Snort Worthy quote is this:

Ms. Kennedy ended weeks of silence with a series of rapid-fire phone calls to the state’s leading political figures, including Gov. David A. Paterson, in which she emphatically and enthusiastically declared herself interested in the seat, according to several people who received the calls.

“She told me she was interested in the position,” Mr. Paterson said at a news conference outside Albany on Monday. He added, “She’d like at some point to sit down and tell me what she thinks her qualifications are.”

The governor, who has sole authority to fill the Senate vacancy, insisted that he had not yet chosen a successor to Mrs. Clinton and said that Monday’s conversation with Ms. Kennedy was the first he had had with her since an initial discussion almost two weeks ago.

But several people who have counseled the governor on the pending vacancy said that Ms. Kennedy has emerged as a clear front-runner, if she proves able to withstand the intense scrutiny and criticism that her decision to seek the seat is likely to provoke.

Still, some have questioned whether Ms. Kennedy is qualified for the job.

Ha! (sorry Chris Matthews….) What are her qualifications? There are none! Does she honestly think that just because she’s a damn Kennedy that this fact automatically qualifies her to be the replacement for Hillary? You must be fucking joking me. Seriously.

Just a fair warning; I am about to serve off into the seriously political incorrectness here. So, hold onto your hat. Does this bitch seriously think, that just because she’s the holder of a family name of a President, who got his fucking head blown off; possibly by the mafia or for his involvement in the Cuban missile crisis. That this automatically qualifies her for the President of the United States? If this is the case, and using that sort rational, I am fucking qualified to the Senator of New York or even possibly President of the United States.

Do you all see now why I stopped voting for Democrats? I mean, because they’re now giving offices away! First they gave the Presidency to a African-American, who is not even remotely qualified to be President, now they are about to give an Senate seat away to some feckless bitch who is not even qualified to be a Senator!

I’ll tell ya, I didn’t vote for McCain, I voted for Bob Barr. Because I thought John McCain was too soft on principles and also because I felt he was a bit too close to Bush’s Polices, but I will give McCain credit for one thing, at least HE was fucking qualified to BE a President!  He just was too damn nice to be involved in Presidential Politics.

Others from all sides of the Political map: The Moderate Voice, The Field on the Narcosphere, Buck Naked Politics, Ben Smith’s Blogs, The Daily Politics, Fox News, NY Daily News, No More Mister Nice Blog, Crooks and Liars, Time, TalkLeft, Washington Monthly, The Gun Toting Liberal, Open Left, Salon, Majikthise, , Political Machine, D-Day, Gawker, The Hill’s Blog Briefing Room, Hot Air, A Blog For All, George’s Bottom Line, Taylor Marsh, Jack & Jill Politics, Democracy in America, NO QUARTER, The World Newser, TPMCafe, The Swamp, The Fix,, Ross Douthat, City Room, Below The Beltway, Hotline On Call, Truthdig, Kevin Drum and The Note (via Memeorandum)