Hillary Clinton is now being pimped out for a female special interest group


From my inbox:

...no limits...

You are receiving this message as a member of Hillaryclinton.com’s online community. Please take a look at No Limits.org’s message below from Ann Lewis about the important work they do. No Limits.org is solely responsible for the content of this message.

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Dear Chuck,
Remember Hillary’s speech in Denver last summer, when she said: "With our ingenuity, innovative spirit and creativity, there are no limits to what is possible in America"

That’s our message at NoLimits.org, a non-partisan organization that enables us to keep in touch and stay engaged on issues Hillary championed: health care reform; an economy that works for the middle class; a foreign policy that recognizes America is stronger when we have more allies, and safer in a world where women’s rights are human rights.

Some of our projects include:

  • Updates on congressional progress toward health care reform – and what we can do to make it a reality!
  • Our Equal Pay Action Kit, with a calculator that shows what the wage gap is costing your family, and news about policies that can make a difference.
  • Supporting the historic call for action against rape and violence against women in conflict zones, like the Democratic Republic of Congo, by Sen. Barbara Boxer and her new subcommittee on global women’s issues.
  • Speaking out about women’s rights as human rights and the implications for American policy. See this powerful video of Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, about international women’s health.

A social networking site, where you can connect with friends you made along the campaign trail. You’ll see many familiar faces!
Click here to join today.

NoLimits.org isn’t a political organization – it’s a community. We don’t raise money for candidates or political parties; we do raise our voices on issues we care about.

And with your voice, we can be even more powerful!
Click here to join today.
We are so proud to be part of this new era for our country. Let’s keep working for the values and goals we share – a better future for every child, from every family; a world in which No Limits is not just our goal, but a reality.
Ann F. Lewis
Ann Lewis
P.S. We’ve come a long way together, but there is so much more to do. Please join us!

Cue the music!:

Hmmmmm… I wonder if they’re going to use any of that money to retire Hillary’s debt?