Patterico makes a pretty fair point, BUT!

I hate to say it; but when the guy makes sense, the guy makes sense:

And make no mistake: voters probably handed a Senate seat to Democrats last night. Castle voters were polled and said they prefer the Democrat 2-1 over O’Donnell. It’s not impossible for her to win if the stars align just right. But wishing upon the stars works in the movies; in real life, not so much.

After O’Donnell’s victory, Sarah Palin issued a call for “unity” among Republicans. I fully support this and support candidate O’Donnell. She has deep flaws, but I’d rather see my flawed candidate in the Senate than the other side’s flawed candidate.

However, I can tell you that Palin’s “unity” directive is going to be hard to implement.

Part of the problem is the Republican establishment, which let slip the fact that they do not intend to give O’Donnell a cent to pursue her quixotic ambitions. The decision not to fund her mostly hopeless candidacy is defensible. The decision to announce that decision on election night is unforgivable.

If O’Donnell loses — I’m thinking “when” but saying “if” for the sake of our “unity” — Tea Partiers will not look for blame in the mirror. Establishment Republicans have given them a ready-made scapegoat, and they will flog it all the way to 2012.

Another part of the problem lies in the insufferable gloating of O’Donnell supporters over what was a fairly predictable primary victory. It does not foster “unity” to declare that O’Donnell beat “Mike Castle, Allahpundit, Charles Krauthammer, and Jim Geraghty.” It does not foster “unity” to label Paul Mirengoff a “loser” who needs to wear a dress for noting the obvious obstacles O’Donnell faces. If Twitter is any reflection of the mood among conservatives, I saw civil war last night. The Levin acolytes going around mimicking his name-calling behavior are hardly seeking “unity.”

With all their toldya so’s, you’d think these people had won the general election instead of handing it to the opposition.

If Sarah Palin truly seeks “unity,” at some point she is going to need to rein these people in.

Indeed, Patterico makes a good point. However, there is another side to this story; which I want to share with you all.

I was talking in private with Dan Riehl and I mentioned that I live here in the Detroit, Michigan area. Quite bluntly folks; The Democratic Party’s socialist policies; have screwed this area straight to hell.  30% Unemployment just in the city of Detroit. 30% —- that is a whole bunch of people out of work! In the proper CITY alone! Let’s not even get into the percentage of people that are unemployed here in the suburbs! Believe you me; it is a MUCH, MUCH, MUCH more, than you might think! That is not even mentioning the people that are, what is referred to as underemployed — or not making enough to even making their bills. Like family members of mine, who are just barely getting by.  We need a business-friendly political climate in Washington DC, not to mention in Michigan — so that Business owners can start putting people back to work — with jobs, real jobs, where people; like those in my family with houses, and children and bills — can make a decent living again.  (…and If *I* happen to score a job too, all the better, this writing and not getting paid is getting a bit old!)

Here is my point: O’Donnell might be a little nutty; she might have been a little dishonest in the past. However, if she can win this election; and makes it to DC and can reverse course on this damned socialist nightmare that we have upon us; especially here in Michigan — then damn it, I am ALL for it!

Here is my other point: Our Nation and the state of Michigan is in a serious crisis; we need real Republican ideals to get this nation back to work. Not RINO, Democratic Party lite stupidity. That sort of crap might have worked by in the days of prosperity; but let me be the one to “wee wee” on the RINO Parade —- That party is over folks, that ship sailed long ago and it is time to get back to our principles of Conservative values. If the Republican Party and the Conservative establishment does not do this; the Republican Party will die and the Nation; as we know it now, might just die with it — and in the end, we will be handing the socialists the victory they so very much desire in the end.

Now as for O’Donnell’s supposed dishonesty… here she is defending herself against the smears: (H/T HotAir)

I think she will be alright. Everyone just needs to give her a chance. Especially the Conservative establishment.

Libby Spencer should talk

I find it amazing the things that I find when I look at liberal blogs.

Libby Spencer writes about the Tea Party Gathering:

Apparently Freedom Works staged another rally in DC this weekend. The crowd appears to be the usual mix of bussed in birthers, other assorted “ers”, gun nuts and old overweight white people. Their numbers are shrinking but they’re making up for it by hollering louder.

Libby Spencer’s picture:

Libby Spencer - Overweight old person

….and you were saying Libby?

Those who live in glasses houses, ought not throw stones.

Oh, and as for me? Yes, I am fat, and I know it. You don’t see me going around mocking people because of their weight and age. However, because Spencer is a part of that enlightened liberal sect. She is given a free pass to mock those, of whom she disagrees with politically. Which is proof of the fact that when liberals have nothing of substance to argue with; you know, like facts? They resort to this sort of school yard childish tripe. Which means, they are losing and they know it. It reeks of classic desperation by the left.

The ironic thing is, I actually tried to help this woman once, after she found herself in a tight spot. I also notice that I mistakenly thought she was from Michigan; that was a very regrettable error.  Perhaps next time, I will be a bit more careful when doing such stuff. Maybe she believes she is entitled to such idiocy — because she is a woman. 🙄

You see now, why I will not vote Democrat ever again?

Video: Is this is the future of America in 5 or 10 years?

(H/T to Richard Spencer of Alternative Right)

I think it’s time we got real; before we lose everything.

Late-Night Thoughts

It is 4:00am and I cannot sleep.  I went to bed earlier, I was just wiped out; ate a big meal and got the old heavy eye thing going on; happens to me all the time.  On a bit of no-so-pleasant note: I woke up at 2:30 feeling like I had half of my supper coming up into my throat.  It was nasty!   A good bottle of water and I am much better now.

On a good note, this might help me out a bit, and I say might, because my sleeping habits as of late, have been totally jacked up.  Anyhow, I am up early and in a bit of a mood to write.  Yesterday was just not good.  I had a bit of headache, and I just was not in the mood for politics, much less anything else.  I get like that, this whole thing gets to be a bit mundane at times; and I just have to push it away for a few days.

Blogger Happenings

As you can most likely tell; No, I did not go to BlogCon that is being held up in Washington D.C.  For one, I am not a big fan of Dick Army; furthermore, I am not a big fan of the “Beltway” or the “Beltway Crowd.”  I will be the first to admit to you, that there were some bloggers there, that I am just not a big fan of, at all.  One in particular is a GOP operative, although, he likes to deny this, at all time.  This same moronic jackass; outright accused me of being a racist bigot on his blog; and then not long after that, made a rather unfunny “Osama Obama” reference on his own blog.  He promptly removed it, when I and several other bloggers complained about it. Robert Stacy McCain has a video of the jackass, if you really can stomach looking at the hypocritical asshole. Personally, I would not want to be in the same room with that asshole.

There is another blogger up there, who I am not a big fan of; she is referenced in that link.  I never liked her.  She publishes like 10 million photos of herself on that blog of hers.  I mean, I have heard of being narcissistic and all — but good grief.  One would assume that if she actually had something to be narcissistic about; I would understand that.  However, she seems to be lacking in that area.  I mean, if you like looking at pictures of fatty beached whales, more power to you, I suppose. (Yes, I can do Ann Coulter snark too. I tend a bit harsher about it than Ann does though.)

I also see that despite not having a car; Robert Stacy McCain found a way up to the BlogCon event, despite the fact that the harpies who put on that event refused to invite him.  I think I know why.  You see, a while back, I laid the smack down on two far-right wing zealots, who felt the need to attack Megan McCain.  Well, in the process of doing this, I went a bit overboard.  I did apologize, which was not good enough for the Semite-Baiting, Identity Politics trafficking crowd.  Having said that, these traffickers engage in what could be called McCarthy or Nazi-style tactics of intimidating other bloggers into not linking to me.  So far, Robert Stacy McCain has not given in to their demands that I am banished from the Conservative movement and be put on terminal ignore.  However, the lack of invite from the BlogCon group was somewhat obvious to me, as to why that happened. These people have some serious power and influence in the Blogosphere.  If you do not cave to their demands, they will destroy you.  They have gotten to a few bloggers that I actually do speak with; the not answering of e-mails was obvious that I was on blackout in the Blogosphere.

None of this really matters to me one lousy iota.  I did not get into this game to have to kiss up to anyone.  The original reason I began blogging was that I was angry with George W. Bush and the blatant incompetent handling of the Iraq War back in 2006.  Yes, I started in this game; as angry “Left of Center,” although I will admit that the far left totally turned me off.  As time when on, and as I continued to blog; I found myself disagreeing with more and more of the far left and even the not so far left as well;  especially when it came to the Military.  It was during this time also, that my blog was hacked.  I did start this blog, shortly afterward.  Finally, during the primary, I just decided that enough was enough; and during the general election, I voted Libertarian.

I will be very honest with you all.  I am not am not a Republican; I will most likely never be.  I find the majority of the people that hang in those circles to be arrogant people, especially the beltway crowd.  I have little or nothing in common with them.  Robert Stacy McCain is a very rare exception to that rule.  I find their attitudes towards blacks to be disgusting.  I saw a perfect example of that on the O’Reilly Factor on Fox News last night.  The completely condescending attitude towards the representative for the NAACP was vomit provoking at best.  Bill O’Reilly and that shrieking harpy Laura Ingraham both said that the NAACP has double standard, when it comes to race.  Newsflash Mr. O’Reilly and Miss Ingraham —- Just in case you forgot white people in America and yes, in England as well, used blacks as slaves!  I think that might just give them the right to be a bit biased against white people.  I dislike identity politics just as much as the next person does.  However, that display on Fox News last night burned my ass. I say this, not as some white person of grew up in the rich, white, Suburbs; but as someone who grew up in southwest Detroit.  I also say this as someone who grew up in a middle class family as well —- someone who grew up around whites, blacks, Latinos, and every other sort of race.

This is why I feel a bit uncomfortable being associated with the whole “Angry Rich White Crowd.”  I do not fit that damned mold at all.  I might be a white person; but I am nowhere near being “rich” or even having a lot of money.  Neither am I angry with Obama for being a black President.  I do not agree with all of his polices; but the disagreement with me, has never been about racism.  Sadly, it is with the majority of those on the far right.  Oh, they nuance it to death, and dodge and spin it.  However, it is there; I see the postings on Facebook and it sickens me to my core.

On the Koran burning

I think that the idiot who was planning on this; is not a Christian; at least not in sense that I believe Christians to be.  I also believe that Fred Phelps and his cult ought be rounded up and jailed.  I am all for freedom of speech; but when your speech or actions incites people to commit acts of violence towards our Military, I believe that is where your freedom ends.

On “Don’t ask, Don’t tell”

I believe that this overruling is a good thing.  I believe someone sexual preference is no one’s business.  I fear Muslims in the Military more than I would homosexuals.  I do not believe that Homosexuals would want to kill fellow Military personnel; which is more than I can say for the Muslims at this point.

On Palin’s Endorsement on O’Donnell

I do not much care for Palin; however, this might have been a good move.  The Republican Party needs to get the crooks, phonies, and warmongers out of that party.  If Sarah Palin can help do that, I am all for it.  Of course, some who believe that Sarah Palin is a part of that warmongering class.

Video: RedState Update on “Murfreesboro vs. Muslims”

Redstate Update HQ

Chris Muir over at Day by Day knocks one out of ballpark!

Via Day by Day Cartoon:

Excellent one, Chris. Keep it up!

UPDATED: Memo to Fareed Zakaria: Overreact this you jackwad twit

Speaking of stupidity….

Via this Nimrod:

I do not minimize Al Qaeda’s intentions, which are barbaric. I question its capabilities. In every recent conflict, the United States has been right about the evil intentions of its adversaries but massively exaggerated their strength. In the 1980s, we thought the Soviet Union was expanding its power and influence when it was on the verge of economic and political bankruptcy. In the 1990s, we were certain that Saddam Hussein had a nuclear arsenal. In fact, his factories could barely make soap…

Some 30,000 people are now employed exclusively to listen in on phone conversations and other communications in the United States. And yet no one in Army intelligence noticed that Maj. Nidal Malik Hasan had been making a series of strange threats at the Walter Reed Army Medical Center, where he trained. The father of the Nigerian “Christmas bomber” reported his son’s radicalism to the U.S. Embassy. But that message never made its way to the right people in this vast security apparatus. The plot was foiled only by the bomber’s own incompetence and some alert passengers.

Such mistakes might be excusable. But the rise of this national-security state has entailed a vast expansion in the government’s powers that now touches every aspect of American life, even when seemingly unrelated to terrorism.

No, you nimrod, terrorist-supporting, idiot. We did not overreact. We had information that Saddam Hussein had weapons of mass destruction in Iraq. We acted on it. Yes, the intelligence was bad. So what? It happens. The truth is, once we weeded out the jack-wads, who did not know shit from shinola about running a fucking war; (Hello Rummy!) we were able to stabilize that Country and put leadership in there, that did not terrorize it’s own people.

So, yes, Iraq WAS worth it; and no we did NOT overreact.

Further more, once we break the back of Al-Qaeda in Afghanistan, it too will be worth it as well! People will die; that is the price you pay, when you fight a god-damned war. But in the end, when Afghanistan is free and clear of Al-Qaeda and their radical Muslim idiotic nonsense, it will be worth it.

I apologize in advance for the harsh tone of this posting. But I am about god-damned tired of these terrorist-appeasing, asshole, liberal retards telling me, that going to war against terrorists is not worth the god-damned hassle. Anytime, that the United States of America goes on the defensive, and also on the offensive, in the name of liberty and freedom, it is ALWAYS worth it! It was worth it in Germany, It was worth it in Japan, It was worth it in Korea, it was worth it in Grenada AND it was worth it in Iraq too, both god-damned times — and once the job is done in Afghanistan, it will be worth it there too.

So, on the behalf of all the Soldiers —- American and Coalition; both who died and especially those who came back in one piece and even those who did not — to Mr. Fareed Zakaria I say:


That is all…..

Update: I suppose that I should explain something here. The reason why this article provoked such a strong reaction out of me is this; I watched 9/11 unfold on TV. At the time I was a CNN watcher. All of it played out in front of me. I remember being paralyzed with fear, when the report came out, that there was a plane headed to the White House. Watching those buildings fall and seeing those images over and over and over; drove me into one of the worst depressions, that I have ever experienced. It, honestly, took me about 2 good years to get over that stuff. It took much prayer and some good old fashioned Bible reading to pull me out of that mess. Al-Qaeda caused that; and for that, I want them to pay, and pay dearly. Now you understand why it is, that I feel the way that I do.

Update #2: ….and of course, some terrorist supporting asshole links here; talking out his ass, as always. 🙄

An Apology

It appears that Alan Simpson and I have something in common.  We have the tendency to open our mouths before engaging what little brains we have left.

It appears that I have committed a major sin.  I shot my rather large mouth off; I was trying to defend someone, who calls herself a moderate Conservative.  However, in all reality is nothing more than a liberal Conservative; in the process of doing such, I, when I originally posted the entry, used some terms and wordage that is not consider decent and acceptable language in all quarters.  I, as always, was strictly, “shooting from the hip” as they call it.  Unfortunately, I ended up shooting myself in the damned foot instead; I am good at that sort of a thing.  I did clean up the post, to avoid problems; but as they say, the internet is forever.  I however did post a defense of my actions.  However, I really did not address the fact that I really should not have went there.  Which I did, and I do now regret that very highly.

Therefore, to my faithful readers, if you are even still there; to the two women of whom I did firmly insult and to the owner of said blog, I offer my most humble apologies.  Sometimes in the heat of the battle, we say and do things, that looking back on — we really just should not do.

As a Christian, I do not claim to be a perfect mortal, simply forgiven by God — Daily.

I will be sending a link of this posting to all parties involved.  I hope that they can find the place to forgive an old fool like me.

Quote of the Day

Of course, much as I admired her and refreshing as I found her, Dr. Laura wasn’t perfect. A good listener and a shrewd thinker most of the time, she could get hung up on tangential matters that would sometimes get in the way of the true meat of the caller’s issue. (It sounds as though the notorious call that triggered her resignation eariler this month might have been one instance of this unfortunate tendency.) And the more she grew to embrace her Jewish identity, culminating in a conversion to Orthodoxy, the more Dr. Laura seemed to get drawn into politics, mixing in commentary regarding Israel and the so-called War on Terror, all of which tended to undermine her cred as a nonpartisan, apolitical dispenser of relationship and family advice.

But if Dr. Laura had flaws, she never in any way resembled the caricature constructed of her by her enemies: that of a mean, hateful, rapaciously-judgmental dragon lady. Much as she frequently unloaded on her callers and spoke her mind, Schlessinger as often as not sent them off with a tender word; moreover, she was a true emotional sap, often driven to tears on the air. I vividly remember one call from a young mother with an infant child who shared her tragic story of being stricken by terminal cancer; when she mourned, “I’m not going to get to see my baby walk,” Dr. Laura was so choked up she couldn’t speak, and had to go to a break.

Tee Hee: Pakistani people are sneaking and looking at babes on my blog!

and how do I know this?

The page he was looking at? Right here.

Eh, God Bless the guy. If coming to my blog and taking in some hot babe makes the dude happy and even makes him rethink all that hardcore Islamic nonsense, I am all for it.

I did that Babe-of-the-day thing for a while, but I stopped, because there did not seem to be an interest in it. Plus, it’s hard to find good pics of chicks, with them looking all like porn shots. The problem with Babe shots is, that you tend scare off the hardcore Christian Crowd; not that I am really courting them. But they are Americans too. I try and stick to the political stuff, and the stuff that other Bloggers will not touch. But every now and again, and nice picture of a pretty woman ain’t bad.

If anyone of you have requests for babe photos; send me request via the contact me page on here. I will see if I can scarf up a photo and post it. no, I won’t post porn shots and nude shoot. Sorry, I do not do porn on here. But, a nice bikini shot I can do. Anyhow, if there’s enough interest, I’ll go back to doing that on a daily basis.

That is all…

PalinBot stupidity from the moderation que

My, my…. I guess my advice to the Conservative movement’s newest shrieking harpy must have hit a nerve with some of her robot followers:

Author : Smooth Jazz (IP: ,
E-mail :
URL    :
Whois  :
Memo to Political Byline: Are you guys a bunch of lunatic, mysynogist Palin Haters who are running neck and neck with KOS and Democratic Underground for the PDS Derangement Syndrome award of 2010, or do you people considering yourselves a serious polictical site.

I have no issues with you disagreeing or not liking Gov Palin; She knows she is not liked by everyone like any visible politician. But your childish, churlish shouts for her Shut UP (as if she doesn’t have a right to an opinion) is an indication that your enmity towards her borders on delusional and pathological – Almost as if you have a problem with a woman politician.

Good luck getting visitors to your site. Responsible conservatives will consider you a Andrew Sullivan clone, while Libs who hate Palin anyway will like go to Huff Post, et al for their Palin hating fix.

Wow……….. Just wow………….

This is the Republican Party of 2010 and 2012 people; please, keep this in mind when voting, there are other choices; you know like Libertarian? Unbelievable.

Now where is my dog photo????

Ah, here it is!

Memo to Sarah Palin: Those who live in glass houses, should not throw stones

Someone needs to tell this idiotic woman to please, shut up.

Later today, President Obama will speak to the American people about Iraq. No doubt he will laud the “end of major combat operations” by the date he randomly selected some 18 months ago. His press secretary Robert Gibbs also gave us a glimpse of what else he might say, telling the Today Show this morning that ”What is certainly not up for question is that President Obama, then-candidate Obama, said that adding those 20,000 troops into Iraq would, indeed, improve the security situation, and it did.”

Iraq in 2010 is indeed a very long way from Iraq in 2006, when violence and sectarian conflict threatened complete chaos. But then-candidate Obama did not support the course that brought us here as his press secretary now claims. On January 10, 2007, when President Bush announced the surge, Senator Obama insisted that the surge would actually increase sectarian violence: “I am not persuaded that 20,000 additional troops in Iraq are going to solve the sectarian violence there. In fact, I think it will do the reverse.” Barack Obama was clearly in opposition to the surge strategy.

via Facebook | Humility and Honesty About Iraq Can Inspire Trust.

In 2008, Sarah Palin rode into the G.O.P. convention on the white horse of social conservatism. All the while, knowing, that her eldest daughter, Bristol, was pregnant. This is something, that the McCain campaign, in concert with Sarah Palin; sought to keep hidden. Humility? Humility?!??! Seriously? This comes from a woman, who demands everything, but a gold plated toliet; when she appears somewhere. Let’s look at the facts here, shall we?

Mrs Palin’s public speaking requirements, reminiscent of those drawn up by rock star managers on behalf of their more demanding protégés, were included on the pages of a five-page contract allegedly found by Californian students in a bin.

Mrs Palin has also signed a multiyear contract with Fox News and a second book deal with HarperCollins.

These include two bottles of still water, unopened by a wooden lectern and accompanied by a “bendable” straw, three deluxe hotel rooms; and a first class flight or private aircraft that “MUST BE a Lear 60 or larger.”

Mrs Palin, 46, whose standing as John McCain’s vice-presidential candidate in 2008 was badly damaged when she stumbled over simple questions put to her by news anchor Katie Couric, also stipulates that all audience questions must be vetted.

“For Q&A, the questions are to be collected from the audience in advance, pre-screened, and a designated representative … shall ask questions directly of the Speaker to avoid delay time with a roving microphone in the audience,” the contract states in a clause highly unusual for a politician.

The contract, drawn up by the Washington Speakers Bureau and refers to a female speaker who will be aboard flights originating in Anchorage, Alaska, also provides sketches of how people should approach if they are to be photographed with her and how long the picture sessions should last.

The document, dated March 16, was discovered by students at California State University in a bin when they went searching for material relating to Mrs Palin’s speech in June to the university’s Stanislaus Foundation at a gala 50th anniversary event after they heard that university authorities were shredding documents.

The decision to invite Mrs Palin, the former governor of Alaska and potential 2012 presidential candidate, to speak at the event sparked controversy because of the cost at a time if budget crisis.

While the contract does not include the payment details for Mrs Palin, she regularly commands speaking fees of $100,000 (£65,000) per appearance. Her appearance at the gala is expected to draw a large crowd, with tickets selling for $500 (£324) each.

Mrs Palin resigned from her $125,000 (£81,000) a year post as Alaska governor last July stating she wanted to “fight for all our children’s future from outside the governor’s office”. Since then, she has earned an estimated $12 million in 10 months from television and speaking appearances and book deals.

Since then, she is estimated to have earned at least $12 million (£7.75m). Mrs Palin does not disclose her earnings but she reputedly landed a $7 million (£4.5m) deal for her first book Going Rogue.

She is understood to be receiving $250,000 (£160,000) per episode for each of eight episodes of a reality show about Alaska for The Learning Channel.

I think Megan McCain was right, she is a diva.

I think Sarah Palin needs to heed her own advice; and also I think she need to exercise a little control or a least pay attention to her own family. Bristol Palin is a perfect example of this. Hence my advice that, people like her; rich elitist snobs, ought to clean up the garbage in her own back yard. Before she starts trying to tell other how to do their jobs. Because quite frankly, she has failed at hers, as a Mother to her children. Because if she does this, her family and her children; Piper especially — will benefit from this.

The problem with Palin is, she is too busy telling other people what to do, and all the time is ignoring the horrible image in her own mirror.

Simply put, the woman is ate up with this entire foolish idea that she is entitled to be the President of the United States of America —- because she is woman. That is gender entitlement and I simply believe that she is absolutely wrong about it. Just like I did, when Hillary ran on that idiotic platform. The truth is, this woman is only entitled to be a wife to her husband and Mother to her children. The rest, she has to earn; and I’ve yet to see what she has actually done to earn anything of any standing within the Republican Party. Other than pimp herself out to Fox News and milk the “Oppressed White Soccer Mom” Tour for all it is worth.

Say WHAT?!?!: Glenn Beck the White Malcolm X?

Someone over at The Daily Beast thinks so:

Glenn Back the White Malcolm X? Oh My....

But as most of those who attended Beck’s rally understand in their bones, that world is gone. And President Obama, for all his efforts to expand the reach of the federal government, has had very little to do with this deep transformation. Rather, the country has long since been transformed by powerful demographic and economic forces that very much threaten what we might call Glenn Beck’s America.

Instead of accepting or embracing this transformation, a large and growing number of white Americans are, knowingly or otherwise, taking a page from minority protest movements of the past by asserting themselves and demanding recognition from political and cultural elites. Many on the left find this sense of anger and alienation risible, seeing in this movement of “are-nots,” as opposed to “have-nots,” a class of ignoramuses duped by Fox News into acting against their supposed economic interests.

Yet it seems more plausible that Fox News is following its audience rather than leading it — that this anger and alienation has existed for years, and has only now found a decidedly unconventional tribune in the form of Glenn Beck. Though this is a class with economic grievances, it seems more concerned with psychic injuries — with a profound sense of disempowerment in the face of centralized political power.

I contacted the official representative of the Malcolm X Black Power movement and ask for her reaction, this is what I got back:

Need I say anymore? 🙄

Blogger Friend of mine could use a little help

I have argued with him, when I thought he was wrong. I have cursed him, when I did not like what he had to say. However, when it comes right down to it. I still like the little scrawny skinny sawed off runt.

Yes, that’s right, I am referring to none other than Robert Stacy McCain.

McCain and I have something in common —-  Calhoun, Georgia.  He worked there at the paper many moons ago and some of my family on my Mom’s side of the family lived there at one point. Dalton, Calhoun, and now they are all over the place in Georgia. You see, most of my people lived in Dalton, Georgia. Well, when we wanted to go see the one aunt; my grandmother’s sister, we went to Calhoun. Hence my association with Calhoun, Georgia. I figure if McCain was from around that area, he cannot be that bad of a guy. As for what a certain unnamed pony-tailed gilipollas in California might think, McCain is not what he says he is. If you are a political Blogger, you know what I am be referring to.

Anyways, I happen to check over at McCain’s Blog this morning and this was staring me in the face:

Yes, that is a $678 repair bill. (What he gets for owning a foreign piece of crap! Serves him right! Harrumph!)

The first thing I thought was, “I told that guy that he couldn’t use that car to jump over creeks.” Turns out, it’s engine trouble. Mr. McCain explains his plight:

Friday afternoon Mrs. Other McCain said, “Oh, Jim just called — you need to go pick up the part for the car.” This required a trip across town to a machine shop, where my 17-year-old son had taken the valve head for our 2004 KIA Optima.

Two weeks ago, the timing belt broke. No problem, it seemed at first. My son and his friend replaced the timing belt but, when they went to start it, it turned out that four of the 16 valves were bent. (This being a side-effect of the broken timing belt, although the mechanics of this side-effect are alien to me.)

OK, so the valve head — the part on top of the engine to which the phrase “double overhead valve” refers — had to go to a machine shop to be repaired. Again, no problem, it seemed. The work would cost “four hundred something,” my son said, and we were prepared to bite the bullet.

Having a teenage son who’s a budding shade-tree mechanic (mentored by his more accomplished buddy) certainly saves labor costs. “Four hundred something” is nothing compared to what this kind of job would cost at a regular auto-repair place. So when my wife dispatched me to fetch the part, I had in mind a certain price that would be paid.

What I didn’t know was that Jim had also ordered gaskets and other parts necessary to doing this repair, and when the man at the machine shop — who may have been the eponymous Denny — told me the bill was nearly $700, my reaction was shocked anguish.

You ask, “So, why does he need my help?” Well, Mr. McCain is a full time writer and blogger, like me. In other words, He’s unemployed; his wife works, but when you have 575, 879,456 (or so… Seriously, I think he has 5 or 6 kids) kids, a house note, a car note for the car that he just fixed, Food costs and so forth — it all adds up. Now, unlike me; he does not have the “support system” other than his legion of fans in the Conservative Blogging World. Not to mention that he is one hell of a good Blogger, that every now and again, he scores a scoop! Not to mention that he has been known to travel to all sorts of neat places to cover political events. For what it is worth, he is not a unknown —- unlike me 🙁 — in fact, he is a pretty well known figure in politics.

So, if you can spare a little chump change, head on over to Mr. McCain’s blog and help the old bastard out. If you do, you shall heap bucket loads of Hosannas and a good JuJu on your head; and everyone knows, good juju is always a good thing.

For I was an hungred, and ye gave me meat: I was thirsty, and ye gave me drink: I was a stranger, and ye took me in: Naked, and ye clothed me: I was sick, and ye visited me: I was in prison, and ye came unto me. Then shall the righteous answer him, saying, Lord, when saw we thee an hungred, and fed thee? or thirsty, and gave thee drink? When saw we thee a stranger, and took thee in? or naked, and clothed thee? Or when saw we thee sick, or in prison, and came unto thee? And the King shall answer and say unto them, Verily I say unto you, Inasmuch as ye have done it unto one of the least of these my brethren, ye have done it unto me. Then shall he say also unto them on the left hand, Depart from me, ye cursed, into everlasting fire, prepared for the devil and his angels: For I was an hungred, and ye gave me no meat: I was thirsty, and ye gave me no drink: I was a stranger, and ye took me not in: naked, and ye clothed me not: sick, and in prison, and ye visited me not. Then shall they also answer him, saying, Lord, when saw we thee an hungred, or athirst, or a stranger, or naked, or sick, or in prison, and did not minister unto thee? Then shall he answer them, saying, Verily I say unto you, Inasmuch as ye did it not to one of the least of these, ye did it not to me. And these shall go away into everlasting punishment: but the righteous into life eternal. – (Matthew 25:35-46 KJV)

Update: Stacy McCain links over here and comments:

LOL! Actually, I am what used to be called a freelance journalist. The decline of print journalism has made this a problematic job description. Getting paid to write is one thing. Getting expense money is something else entirely.

To which I reply:

“You say Tomato…I say Tomato….”

Anyhow, send the old bastard some money. Because I’d really hate to see McCain getting his butt kicked by his wife. Not that he doesn’t deserve it. 😛

The Extremely Sadly Obligatory “People think President Obama is a Muslim more and more everyday” Posting


Why must I write about insanely stupid things such as this?

I mean, is being a moderate Conservative automatically a mandate to sign on with the stupid now? If it is, I must have not have gotten the memo on this at all.  Because this bunch of blatant stupidity, I find to be most distressing — almost to the point of shutting my blog and disappearing from Politics altogether.

What I am griping about, is this incredibly stupid poll out, which says that more and more people believe that President Obama is a Muslim.  I mean the man’s Father gives to his kid an Arab middle name, because the man was a Muslim at one time, and everyone freaks and says, “He’s a Muslim!” or in some quarters, “He’s a nigger Muslim!”  —- Depending on where you are, north or south of the Mason-Dixon Line.  Yes, I went there, you are very welcome.  Figure if Dr. Laura can go there, so can I.

Seriously, folks, I am honestly beginning to wonder if some members of the Anglo-Saxon race are not inflicted with some sort of incurable disorder.  I like to call it “Negro-Phobia,” White people are honestly frightened by anyone that looks, talks, acts, and even sounds different than they do.  This is 2010, I thought we were over such nonsense; after all, we did elect the Nation’s first black President.  Nevertheless, this nonsense is still being polled about, talked about and blogged about.

My question to my fellow Conservative is this; do you people honestly believe that this sort of idiotic nonsense is going to get the Republicans elected back into office in November?  I mean, seriously!

What is fueling this sort of nonsense?  Fear —– You know damned well the Republicans are playing that little card for all it is worth.

Look, I know the President is a socialist I get that.  However, to accuse a man of lying about what his Religious leanings are,  is just plain underhanded tripe.  I mean, has all of the damned intellectualism disappeared out of the Conservative side of the Political fence for God’s sake?  Have all of the men of wisdom within the ranks of Conservationism been replaced with Hillbilly Mouth breathing idiots, who have no concept of any sort intellectual thought?

I will not try to mislead my readers — at this point, I am seriously beginning to believe that Conservatives have officially jumped the damned shark on this little subject.  I am not ready to official change to another political stripe or anything; because I have learned too much about the left, and much of it, I cannot stand.  Nevertheless, this nonsense of accusing the first black President of the United States about lying to America, as to what God his subscribes to, is just very ridiculous.

Is this what the Republican Party has become?  The President of the United States, who happens to be black and have Arab middle name has a dinner with a group of Muslims.  The President tells a group of Arabs that are visiting the White House, that this Park 51 site — has the legal, not the moral, but the legal right to build in New York City and that the United States Government will not interfere with this process — and alone, that makes him a Muslim?

Another example: The economy is not recovering as fast or a well as the Democrats had hoped and that somehow means that President Obama is some sort cryptic-Muslim socialist that wants to overthrow the capitalistic system in America, and introduce us to Sharia law and Communism.

Do not laugh; I have heard such stuff out of the mouth of Glenn Beck himself and from other well-known Conservative Bloggers.

If this all somehow sounds familiar to some of my older readers, it should, the same very thing was said about President John F. Kennedy.  There were actually Conservatives and yes, some Democrats who were going around shrieking that Kennedy would be taking orders from Rome.  You see, Kennedy was Catholic and back in those days, a Catholic had never served as President of the United States.  In fact, the issue got so bad, that Kennedy had to address the Southern Baptist Convention in 1960 to convince them and the rest of America that he would not be taking orders from Rome.

Fortunately, back then, it worked.

What you did not have in 1960 were Conservative Bloggers who were “hell bent” on destroying a President, for the simple fact that he is a Black Democrat.  However, today, you do have them and there are many of them.

Look, I am going to make an admission to you all.  I did not create this blog to attempt to destroy President Obama.  I started this blog to criticize the President of the United States on his policies, when I thought that they were wrong, dumb, and misguided, and I will continue to do so.  However, what I will not partake in is the silly idiotic partisan rumormongering that is not based on facts.

Having said all of that let me give an open message to the Conservative and Republican Blogging community:

I will not partake in this stupidity and if this is, what is required to be in with the “Cool Kids” in Conservative blogger, then by all means, count me is an outsider — Because I want nothing to do with this sort of stupidity.

Dr Laura quits radio show, plays victim card

You know that someone has royally screwed up and is now spinning, when people on the right are going “HUH?”

First the Video:

and now the story from the NYT’s Media Decoder Blog:

Dr. Laura Schlessinger, the conservative talk radio commentator under fire for repeatedly using a racial epithet, announced on Tuesday that she was ending her long-running radio show.

Dr. Schlessinger made the announcement on Tuesday night on “Larry King Live,” saying she made a decision not to renew her contract when it expires at the end of the year and suggesting that she did not want her opinions and language, however provocative, to be muzzled.

But she stressed that she was not retiring, only ending her show, and would continue to write books and appear at speaking engagements.“I want to regain my First Amendment rights,” she said. “I want to be able to say what’s on my mind and in my heart and what I think is helpful and useful without somebody getting angry, some special interest group deciding this is the time to silence a voice of dissent and attack affiliates, attack sponsors. I’m sort of done with that.”

“I’m not quitting,” she told Larry King. “I feel energized actually — stronger and freer to say the things that I believe need to be said for people in this country.”

Sounds like a “I’m a victim” speech to me….

Z on TV from the Baltimore Sun Agrees:

The end of her radio career (in January when her contract concludes) is the result of her own ugliness on-air with a caller last week who asked “Dr. Laura” about the use of racially charged language. Schlessinger used the N-word 11 repeatedly in her answer, and listening to the tape,  I was shocked by the aggression that I could hear building in Schlessinger’s voice. She was using the word as a weapon.

Some of my colleagues have used the glib phrase “she lost it” to describe Schlessinger’s comments in that exchange, but I think it was almost the opposite: I think perhaps she was letting her speech connect to some deep seated feelings she had, and that is what made her words all the more troubling to me.

Ed Morrissey, while not so personally critical, does point out the obvious:

If Schlessinger feels that getting paid to talk puts too much restriction on her broadcast content, that may well be a legitimate point, but as noted above, broadcasting is only one of several means available to her in commercializing her speech.  Besides, the First Amendment doesn’t confer the right to profit from speech, only the right to speak.  It isn’t an entitlement to publication.  It also means that people can speak out and disagree with what Schlessinger says, even if she sees that speech as an “attack” on her, her sponsors, and her affiliates.  It’s a little late in the game to suddenly get sensitive about criticism, and just a little hypocritical to cast it as an “attack” while demanding the supposed return of her First Amendment rights.

Schlessinger offered a full apology for her remarks, calling them “wrong.”  She didn’t evade responsibility for them, nor did she offer the “I’m sorry if anyone was offended” non-apology apology.  Schlessinger should have stopped there, instead of making herself into a First Amendment martyr when she has never had an issue of being “silenced” or having those rights taken from her.  Even those of us who work daily in the First Amendment space seem to need reminders that the Constitution does not give people the right to be free from criticism after their own exercise of free speech.

I have to agree with all of the above. I am going to be quite blunt and honest with you. I do not like this woman at all. Why? Well, I have to say, that I have problem with people who try an articulate family values, who come from basically broken families; further more, I have a problem with people who are not exactly honest about their personal history. The truth is, Dr. Laura has repeatedly lied about her family, her previous marriages and a host of other things. That is, until people, who were concerned that she was not telling the truth, did some investigative work on her and found out the truth. This forced her to admit that she had not been exactly telling the truth. This to me, ruins any credibility that you might have; I’m sorry, but if I am going to take advice from anyone, it  is going to be from someone, who’s actually coming from a background of ideal family values.

Lastly, there is the issue of religion. I am sorry, but Religion, to me, is not like trying on pair of socks. How any person, can sit on a radio show and give Conservative Traditional and yes, even Christian values; all the while not even being a practicing Christian or any other religion for that matter, is quite beyond me. First, Dr. Laura was a Jew, then she was not; the lady needs to pick a Religion and stick with it.

I am sorry if this sounds like I am being overly critical of Dr. Laura; I know she most likely means to do well. But I believe the she could do and be much better; if she would just be more honest and open about who she is. Plus, find a religion that she can handle and stick with it.

The Feckless Far-Right: Exhibit F for Foot-in-Mouth

I am not going to be like the left and call Dr. Laura a racist. I do not know that to be a fact. However, I will say that she has a good knack for putting her foot in her mouth. It appears that Dr. Laura was trying to make a point; and in the process of making that point, used some language that is not acceptable in this “Politically Correct” World we live in today.

Via the Left’s Resident Carnival Barker:


SCHLESSINGER: Jade, welcome to the program.

CALLER: Hi, Dr. Laura.


CALLER: I’m having an issue with my husband where I’m starting to grow very resentful of him. I’m black, and he’s white. We’ve been around some of his friends and family members who start making racist comments as if I’m not there or if I’m not black. And my husband ignores those comments, and it hurts my feelings. And he acts like —

SCHLESSINGER: Well, can you give me an example of a racist comment? ‘Cause sometimes people are hypersensitive. So tell me what’s — give me two good examples of racist comments.

CALLER: OK. Last night — good example — we had a neighbor come over, and this neighbor — when every time he comes over, it’s always a black comment. It’s, "Oh, well, how do you black people like doing this?" And, "Do black people really like doing that?" And for a long time, I would ignore it. But last night, I got to the point where it —

SCHLESSINGER: I don’t think that’s racist.

CALLER: Well, the stereotype —

SCHLESSINGER: I don’t think that’s racist. No, I think that —

CALLER: [unintelligible]

SCHLESSINGER: No, no, no. I think that’s — well, listen, without giving much thought, a lot of blacks voted for Obama simply ’cause he was half-black. Didn’t matter what he was gonna do in office, it was a black thing. You gotta know that. That’s not a surprise. Not everything that somebody says — we had friends over the other day; we got about 35 people here — the guys who were gonna start playing basketball. I was going to go out and play basketball. My bodyguard and my dear friend is a black man. And I said, "White men can’t jump; I want you on my team." That was racist? That was funny.

CALLER: How about the N-word? So, the N-word’s been thrown around —

SCHLESSINGER: Black guys use it all the time. Turn on HBO, listen to a black comic, and all you hear is nigger, nigger, nigger.

CALLER: That isn’t —

SCHLESSINGER: I don’t get it. If anybody without enough melanin says it, it’s a horrible thing; but when black people say it, it’s affectionate. It’s very confusing. Don’t hang up, I want to talk to you some more. Don’t go away.

I’m Dr. Laura Schlessinger. I’ll be right back.

and after the break, it got worse…:

SCHLESSINGER: I’m Dr. Laura Schlessinger, talking to Jade. What did you think about during the break, by the way?

CALLER: I was a little caught back by the N-word that you spewed out, I have to be honest with you. But my point is, race relations —

SCHLESSINGER: Oh, then I guess you don’t watch HBO or listen to any black comedians.

CALLER: But that doesn’t make it right. I mean, race is a [unintelligible] —

SCHLESSINGER: My dear, my dear —

CALLER: — since Obama’s been in office —

SCHLESSINGER: — the point I’m trying to make —

CALLER: — racism has come to another level that’s unacceptable.

SCHLESSINGER: Yeah. We’ve got a black man as president, and we have more complaining about racism than ever. I mean, I think that’s hilarious.

CALLER: But I think, honestly, because there’s more white people afraid of a black man taking over the nation.

SCHLESSINGER: They’re afraid.

CALLER: If you want to be honest about it [unintelligible]

SCHLESSINGER: Dear, they voted him in. Only 12 percent of the population’s black. Whites voted him in.

CALLER: It was the younger generation that did it. It wasn’t the older white people who did it.


CALLER: It was the younger generation —

SCHLESSINGER: All right. All right.

CALLER: — that did it.

SCHLESSINGER: Chip on your shoulder. I can’t do much about that.

CALLER: It’s not like that.

SCHLESSINGER: Yeah. I think you have too much sensitivity —

CALLER: So it’s OK to say "nigger"?

SCHLESSINGER: — and not enough sense of humor.

CALLER: It’s OK to say that word?

SCHLESSINGER: It depends how it’s said.

CALLER: Is it OK to say that word? Is it ever OK to say that word?

SCHLESSINGER: It’s — it depends how it’s said. Black guys talking to each other seem to think it’s OK.

CALLER: But you’re not black. They’re not black. My husband is white.

SCHLESSINGER: Oh, I see. So, a word is restricted to race. Got it. Can’t do much about that.

CALLER: I can’t believe someone like you is on the radio spewing out the "nigger" word, and I hope everybody heard it.

SCHLESSINGER: I didn’t spew out the "nigger" word.

CALLER: You said, "Nigger, nigger, nigger."

SCHLESSINGER: Right, I said that’s what you hear.

CALLER: Everybody heard it.

SCHLESSINGER: Yes, they did.

CALLER: I hope everybody heard it.

SCHLESSINGER: They did, and I’ll say it again —

CALLER: So what makes it OK for you to say the word?

SCHLESSINGER: — nigger, nigger, nigger is what you hear on HB —

CALLER: So what makes it —

SCHLESSINGER: Why don’t you let me finish a sentence?


SCHLESSINGER: Don’t take things out of context. Don’t double N — NAACP me. Tape the —

CALLER: I know what the NAACP —

SCHLESSINGER: Leave them in context.

CALLER: I know what the N-word means and I know it came from a white person. And I know the white person made it bad.

SCHLESSINGER: All right. Thank you very much. Thank you very much. Can’t have this argument. You know what? If you’re that hypersensitive about color and don’t have a sense of humor, don’t marry out of your race. If you’re going to marry out of your race, people are going to say, "OK, what do blacks think? What do whites think? What do Jews think? What do Catholics think?" Of course there isn’t a one-think per se. But in general there’s "think."

And what I just heard from Jade is a lot of what I hear from black-think — and it’s really distressing [sic] and disturbing. And to put it in its context, she said the N-word, and I said, on HBO, listening to black comics, you hear "nigger, nigger, nigger." I didn’t call anybody a nigger. Nice try, Jade. Actually, sucky try.

Need a sense of humor, sense of humor — and answer the question. When somebody says, "What do blacks think?" say, "This is what I think. This is what I read that if you take a poll the majority of blacks think this." Answer the question and discuss the issue. It’s like we can’t discuss anything without saying there’s -isms?

We have to be able to discuss these things. We’re people — goodness gracious me. Ah — hypersensitivity, OK, which is being bred by black activists. I really thought that once we had a black president, the attempt to demonize whites hating blacks would stop, but it seems to have grown, and I don’t get it. Yes, I do. It’s all about power. I do get it. It’s all about power and that’s sad because what should be in power is not power or righteousness to do good — that should be the greatest power.

For the record, she has apologized:

I talk every day about doing the right thing.  And yesterday, I did the wrong thing.

I didn’t intend to hurt people, but I did.  And that makes it the wrong thing to have done.

I was attempting to make a philosophical point, and I articulated the “n” word all the way out – more than one time.  And that was wrong.  I’ll say it again – that was wrong.

She goes on to say:

I ended up, I’m sure, with many of you losing the point I was trying to make, because you were shocked by the fact that I said the word.  I, myself, realized I had made a horrible mistake, and was so upset I could not finish the show.  I pulled myself off the air at the end of the hour.  I had to finish the hour, because 20 minutes of dead air doesn’t work.  I am very sorry.  And it just won’t happen again.


One last note –
The caller in question (her name is Jade), called for help from me, and didn’t get it, because we got embroiled in the “n” word, and I’m really sorry about that, because I’m here for only one reason and that’s to be helpful, so I hope Jade or somebody who knows her is listening, and hope she will call me back and I will try my best to be helpful, which is what she wanted from me in the first place and what she did not get.

I am willing to take that at face value. I do not know this woman personally; I will not call her something that I do not know her to be personally. She blew it, she admitted that. However, the racist baiting twits on the left will never be happy, until Dr. Laura and those who believe like her are off of the air for good.

Others: Left Coast Rebel

Senate confirms first Jewish Lesbian to SCOTUS

Another activist Liberal makes it to the SCOTUS:

The Senate has confirmed Elena Kagan, President Barack Obama’s solicitor general, as the newest Supreme Court justice.

Kagan, the former dean of Harvard Law School, replaces retiring Justice John Paul Stevens and becomes the fourth woman to serve on the court in its 121-year history. The vote confirming Kagan, who also served in the Clinton administration, was largely along party lines, with just a handful of Republicans voting with Democrats to confirm her – and one Democrat, Senator Ben Nelson (D-Neb.), voting no. She is expected to join the court when it reconvenes after its summer recess

via Senate confirms Kagan – Josh Gerstein –

I figured that this would end up happening. This is just proof that elections matter. When you vote for a personality, without checking into his background thoroughly; this is what you get.

Remember this come 2010 and 2012 folks.

It is time to vote in the Michigan Primaries

I should have posted this earlier. But, I was busy.

I voted in today’s primary. I voted for Mike Bouchard for Governor of the State of Michigan.

I ask that if you live in Michigan and you are registered to vote, that you do so. When you vote, vote for Mike Bouchard.

A little about Mike Bouchard:

Born and raised in Michigan, Mike Bouchard has been committed to improving our state. Growing up in Oakland County, he attended Birmingham Brother Rice high school. He and Pam, his wife of twenty years, are teaching the same Michigan values they learned growing up to their three kids. From police officer to small business owner to elected office, Mike has taken on many different roles in his efforts to preserve and protect our way of life.

Bouchard FamilyMike brings all his experience, knowledge and leadership to the race for Governor. He understands it’s a critical time for the state, as many families face uncertain times as our economy continues to struggle. As governor, he’ll be prepared on day one to start making the tough choices that will turn our state around. He knows it took a long time to get here, so there are no easy fixes or simple solutions. But we need to take the first steps in order to get us back on the road to prosperity.
Mike believes if we fix Lansing, we’ll get Michigan back to work.

He’ll be able to bring his knowledge from serving as a leader in the state Senate to develop lasting solutions. He was in the Senate when our leaders worked together to deliver balanced budgets and tax cuts every year he was there. As Assistant Senate Majority Leader, he worked closely with leaders like Governor Engler and then Senate Majority Leader Posthumus. Mike placed a priority on helping families. He pushed for the Michigan Sex Offender Registry requiring sex offenders to register with local law enforcement agencies and making that information publicly available for concerned parents and neighbors. He also chaired the education committee where he worked to empower parents and students to make more decisions about their future.

Go read the rest of that. Mike’s a proven leader, that knows how to get things done. Just we need for Michigan and for jobs to be returned to this area. I supported Mike Bouchard since day one and I do truly hope that he does win this primary.

Check out Mike Bouchard for Republican  Governor of the State of Michigan.

Phyllis Schlafly and stubborn facts

I got to hand it to Phyllis Schlafly she really knows how to make the Liberal left crazy. I love her for that.

The Video:

The Money Quote:

“One of the things Obama’s been doing is deliberately trying to increase the percentage of our population that is dependent on government for their living. For example, do you know what was the second-biggest demographic group that voted for Obama? . . . Unmarried women. Seventy percent of unmarried women voted for Obama. And this is because, when you kick your husband out, you’ve got to have Big Brother government to be your provider. . . .”

Now the facts, taken by poll by CNN:

Stubborn Facts

Not to mention this:

Take a recent report entitled “Advancing the Economic Security of Unmarried Women” by the Center for American Progress, the “progressive” nonprofit run by Bill Clinton’s former chief of staff John Podesta. The report reviews the problems of a growing segment of our society: unmarried women. They are poorer, more likely than other women to be unemployed, have less access to health care, and often struggle to care for children without support from fathers.

What’s CAP’s solution? More government at every turn. Among the recommended proposals are more generous unemployment benefits, more job-training and job-placement programs, greater subsidies for child care, more generous child-nutrition programs, direct welfare payments for those with children, government intervention to prevent foreclosures, expanded low-income-housing programs, an increased minimum wage, government intervention to increase the pay of occupations dominated by women, mandatory paid family and sick leave, and, of course, government-provided health care. In other words, complete cradle-to-grave, taxpayer-provided government support.

It’s tempting to call this paper sexist: Women — especially unmarried women — are portrayed as barely able to subsist without extra protection. One could also ruminate on CAP’s view of family formation, which seems willing to substitute a dependent relationship on the government for marriage. A woman without a man is encouraged to depend on Uncle Sam.

Once again, Phyllis Schlafly makes the liberal left crazy…. With the FACTS!

...and I just love her for that…..

Phyllis Schlafly is the real deal — a True Conservative Christian woman, who; unlike Ann Coulter and Laura Ingraham, dresses, talks and acts like a true Conservative Christian woman.

The thing that I find some incredibly ironic, is that the fact that liberals think that Phyllis Schlafly is speaking extremism. But Mike Malloy wishing that Glenn Back and Rush Limbaugh would die, is perfectly fine.  It’s funny how those liberals work, isn’t it?

By the way, I have an entire WING of Mrs. Schlafly’s books in my Bookstore.

The Hills 50 most beautiful people

I normally loathe doing posts like this, but it is a slow news day and it’s farking content!

But first…. some music for the posting:

Anyhow, The Hill has once again named the 50 most “Beautiful People”

Here are some of the lookers:

Alexis Latifi - Republican - Single (and a looker!)

Laura Donahoe - Republican --- Very Pretty!

Now that’s from the top 10, here are few other lookers from the rest of the stack….:

Allison Sadoian - Republican - Very Nice...

Blair Mixon - Republican - Luckily for her, Taken!

Ashley Patterson - Democrat - She's a Democrat?!?!? How Tragic!

Kaitlyn Gibson - Republican - She likes Pizza, Would it be morbid to offer my, ahem, Pepperoni? (IYKWIMAITYD!)

Stephanie Sonksen - Republican - There is nothing more sexy that a freckled faced redhead!

Jessa Merrill - Republican - why do most women from Kennebunkport, Maine look similar to the Kennedy's? Still very pretty. 🙂

Brittany Prime - Republican - She can cook and digs classic rock! I am officially smitten...

Nicely done ladies! 😀

The Psychotic ramblings of Andrew Sullivan about Sarah Palin

The man is just plain crazy. Now why do I say this? This is why:

Because the people that were on that thing called the Journalist, decided that they would show some morals and NOT touch the Palin Trig false rumor:

Ezra Klein:

Seriously, folks? Best case scenario, what’s your outcome here: Her daughter, hounded by the tabloids, breaks down that it was her child, and her mother heroically took on the burden and welcomed the disabled boy as one of her own? Palin’s relationship with her children — however they may have come to her — strikes me as pretty far out of bounds. By all accounts she’s a wonderful mother, and devoted to her fifth son. Leave this be.

Katha Pollitt:

I like what you said about this possibly being a dirty trick, intended to blow up in our faces. so let’s just leave it alone…

Unlike Andrew Sullivan; these liberals actually had some morals, once again our favorite Faux Conservative  descends into madness:

Remember all those liberals and lefties huffily denouncing this blog’s attempts to make sense of Sarah Palin’s bizarre stories about the pregnancy and birth of her alleged fifth child? I was nuts, crazy, vile, disgusting, etc etc to indulge in what Dave Weigel, with no working knowledge of the story, calls “nonsense.” You may also recall that the liberal media didn’t touch this with a barge-pole  – and still hasn’t (apart from a NYT puff-piece that I found utterly credulous at the time). Newsweek has even put its entire reputation behind the details of the story as outlined in Going Rogue, without doing any independent reporting on the subject.

Well, we now know, that, for some at least, I wasn’t crazy. I was just not disciplined enough to curtail what this blog airs in order to conform with what many Journo-listers believed were the interests of the Obama campaign. Any delusions that Journo-List was not, in part, a collusory venture to shape the media narrative in ways to benefit Obama, above and beyond ferreting out the truth about any and all candidates, must now be abandoned. Ezra Klein has already been caught in a bald-faced lie about his discretion in picking members; and the notion that this was simply a water-cooler collection of journalistic thoughts is also belied by the emails now published by the Daily Caller.

One should say this, however: I have no way of knowing what the DC has omitted, and how it has shaped this information. The thread stops rather abruptly. Maybe there is context that adds to what we know. I do not trust in any way the ethics of the Daily Caller. Nonetheless, I was obviously not alone in those August days, when I was pilloried for saying out loud what the entire chattering class was saying in private.


If you want to know why the allegedly liberal media didn’t touch – and still won’t touch – this story, look no further. It has nothing to do with the facts, and everything to do with their politics. Notice the core modus operandi of the political operative, not the journalist. When dealing with a story: first ask yourself not if it is true but whether the outcome benefits your side. Second, write things in defense of this that you cannot possibly know. Palin a “wonderful mother”? How on earth did Klein know that?


This is your liberal media, ladies and gentlemen: totally partisan, interested in the truth only if it advances their agenda, and devoid of any balls whatsoever. And people wonder how this farce of a candidate now controls one major political party and could well be our next president. One reason is that we do not have a functioning adversarial media uncorrupted by partisan loyalty and tactics.

The man is totally insane. That is correct; I happen to believe that Andrew Sullivan is mentally unstable, should be considered a security risk and deported from the United States of American immediately back to Great Britain; where he can get the care he needs from the British nationalized heath-care system —– If that is even possible.

The reason why the Liberal media did not run with this story, is because there was not an ounce of truth to it. Because the is such a thing as journalistic standards. You simply do not report something that you cannot prove. You would think that Sullivan and his years of college education would have taught him that. However, I believe that this is a sign of something more deep. I believe it is sign that the man has an inbred hatred of Conservative Christians and more specifically women in general. I really wonder if the man was sexually abused as a child by a female family member of his or something. (His Mom?) Because this man’s unrelenting stalking and obsessing of Sarah Palin has been quite a disturbing things to watch, especially this long after the election.

Of course, we all know that Andrew Sullivan was already busted on drug charges for trying to buy pot, and should have been deported then. But because the man has connections, he was able to beat the deportation charge and is still in the Country. That, in itself, is a story there. However,  because Sullivan is well-connected within the liberal media, they would not touch the story. I believe this would be a good time for the liberal media to do its job, when it comes to Andrew Sullivan. However, Because I know that Andrew Sullivan is among the liberal elite, he will, as always, avoid the scrutiny that was placed upon Sarah Palin and the John McCain campaign.

Such a twisted world we live in.

Others: Taylor Marsh, Mediaite, Zandar Versus The Stupid, and POWIP (Via Memeorandum)

Sweet: Lesbian Prison Gangs looking to get some of that LiLo Action


Inmates of the jail where Lindsay Lohan is set to spend up to 90 days have warned of gangs out to attack the starlet, saying “everyone will want a piece of her”, The Sun reported Tuesday.

Lindsay Lohan will leave her Hollywood pad next week and move into new digs at the Lynwood correctional facility in Los Angeles. But instead of wild showbiz parties and a plush double bed to curl up in afterwards, the actress will be locked up for 23 hours a day in a tiny cell with a rock-hard bunk and a single blanket.

Lohan’s A-list neighbors will be replaced with tough guards and fearsome lesbian gangs desperate to get their hands on her.

via – Lesbian Prison Gangs Waiting to Get Hands on Lindsay Lohan, Report Says.

“The violation of Lindsay Lohan” has a cool ring to it.

Pics and Video —- please?

Calling Ron Jeremy….Ron Jeremy to the blue phone please…..

Others: The Jawa Report, Gawker, Mediaite and Advocate

Updated: Movie: We will not be silenced

This movie made by Gigi Gaston documents the voter fraud that took place during the election primaries in 2008.

The accusations in this video, if proven, could prove to be deadly for the Obama Administration. It is my personal hope, that if the Republicans take back both houses of Congress in 2010; that a full investigation is started by the Senate. Now, I highly doubt that this would happen; but I can hope.

What you are about to watch will most likely shock you.

We will not be silenced 2008’s official website.

Update: Ed Morrissey, as always, brings some perspective:

The allegations appear to be entirely confined to caucus states, which is one of the reasons I’m skeptical. Caucuses are bare-knuckled brawls where the parties make the rules and the campaigns routinely and viciously fight over them. I have no trouble believing that Team Obama played hardball and cut as many corners as they could without getting caught. What I have trouble believing is that Hillary Clinton wasn’t doing the exact same thing in these states. After all, Hillary was hardly a babe in the woods. The Clinton Machine had been fighting these battles since Obama was in high school. Now we’re suddenly to believe that they were manning the Good Ship Lollipop in 2008 and were shocked, shocked to find that caucuses aren’t played by Marquess de Queensbury rules?

This is one of the reasons that I believe primaries are usually a better way to select nominees, especially for higher offices. They’re not impervious to fraud and abuse, but it’s a more level ground, and the stakes for committing malfeasance are at least somewhat higher than in caucuses.