Tee Hee: Pakistani people are sneaking and looking at babes on my blog!

and how do I know this?

The page he was looking at? Right here.

Eh, God Bless the guy. If coming to my blog and taking in some hot babe makes the dude happy and even makes him rethink all that hardcore Islamic nonsense, I am all for it.

I did that Babe-of-the-day thing for a while, but I stopped, because there did not seem to be an interest in it. Plus, it’s hard to find good pics of chicks, with them looking all like porn shots. The problem with Babe shots is, that you tend scare off the hardcore Christian Crowd; not that I am really courting them. But they are Americans too. I try and stick to the political stuff, and the stuff that other Bloggers will not touch. But every now and again, and nice picture of a pretty woman ain’t bad.

If anyone of you have requests for babe photos; send me request via the contact me page on here. I will see if I can scarf up a photo and post it. no, I won’t post porn shots and nude shoot. Sorry, I do not do porn on here. But, a nice bikini shot I can do. Anyhow, if there’s enough interest, I’ll go back to doing that on a daily basis.

That is all…