The Automotive Bailouts: The Other Side of the Story

I have been sitting here, trying to keep out of this. But I have sat and looked at the Republican and NeoConservative Spin on this Story and I’m sick of it. 😡

So, I am giving you, the other side of the story, from the horses mouth; without commentary from me.

I did not ask that you agree, I simply ask that you listen and hear this man out. Now I am almost sure, that the Blogs, that I have linked to, will remove my trackback, like the Neo-Con Fascists that they are. I mean, it is all about controlling the message with those guys.  🙄

Here we go:

Part 1:

Part 2:

Media Q & A:

Media Q & A Part 2:

Media Q & A Part 3:

There you have it. The other side of the story. You decide.

(Source UAW.ORG)

Alfonzo on The “Declaration of Dependence”

An Excellent Video:

Now, towards of the end of this. He gets off into the weeds about the Unions. I’ll give him a pass on it. Because some of the stuff he says, I kind agree with. But he went overboard with the “They should gotten out from under them years ago…” I disgree with that crap. But the rest of the video is right on point.

Of course, if I was a real butt hole, I could say if it weren’t for the Democrats, his black ass would not have half the freedom that he has now. But to counter that, If it were not for Abe Lincoln, he would be still in chains. So, it evens out. 😀

Still I wish there were more black people, like Zo here who believed this way. But unfortunately most of them got sucked into that stupid socialist identity politics crap. Thanks to tools like Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson.

Good show Zo, as always man. 😀

Oh No He didn’t!

Oh yes he did.

Go read:

A white social studies teacher attempted to enliven a seventh-grade discussion of slavery by binding the hands and feet of two black girls, prompting outrage from one girl’s mother and the local chapter of the NAACP. After the mother complained to Haverstraw Middle School, the superintendent said he was having “conversations with our staff on how to deliver effective lessons.”

“If a student was upset, then it was a bad idea,” said Superintendent Brian Monahan of the North Rockland School District in New York City’s northern suburbs.

The teacher apologized to the mother who complained and her 13-year-old daughter during a meeting Thursday that also included a representative of the local NAACP. But the mother, Christine Shand of Haverstraw, said Friday she thinks the teacher should be removed from the class.

“I think the teacher should have gotten some discipline,” Shand said. “I know if that was me, I would be uncomfortable going back to that class. Why should my daughter have to switch?”

Monahan refused to say what, if any, measures were taken against the teacher, Eileen Bernstein, who was still working on Friday. The school district said she was not available for comment.

“We encourage our teachers to deliver the curriculum in a variety of ways, to go beyond just reading the textbook,” the superintendent said. “We don’t want to discourage creativity. But this obviously went wrong because the student was upset.”

Uhm…. These people ought not to be allowed near cars. Much less teach.

This deserves a big, fat, honkin’….:


Editorial: A Look Back and a Look Ahead

The last time that one of these wonderful little editorials was written; in any sort of earnest, Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama were still trying to convince the rest of the country that one of them would make the best candidate for President of the United States of America.  John McCain was just being realized as a serious candidate and the Presidential race seemed like it was most likely going to last for the rest of my adult life.

Since that time, after one too many weeks of her carrying out a President campaign that was chalk full of many an error of comedic proportion; and after being told that waiting around for your opponent to be assassinated was just outrageously morbid.  Hillary Clinton; finally, did the World, the Democratic Party, The Feminist Movement, and anyone else you want to add to that list; a huge favor and dropped out of the Presidential race.  However, Hillary did this after ripping a gigantic gulf size hole, the size of the Grand Canyon between the Democratic Party faction lines.  Heck, as it is now, a Liberal Feminist Lesbian and an African-American cannot walk down the street in New York City without snarling at one another.  How is that for Hope and Change?

Once Hillary did finally get it through the miles of granite between her ears, that the American people wanted Obama, and not her —- she finally stepped aside.  However, not before doing a little dog and pony show with Obama.  I mean, the woman does have an ego; they had to make her feel good, one last time.

At this point is when the real action started, John McCain was anointed the golden boy of his Party, and that is when the bare-knuckle brawl between McCain and Obama and their many surrogates began.  There was a point when this writer was not sure what was worse, the race baiting of the Obama surrogates or some of the more moronic racism of the surrogates of McCain.

One of the biggest tragedies of this Presidential race was that the contenders of Barack Obama made some of the same silly mistakes, McCain and Hillary made the same misfires, miscalculations, and bad decisions.  This proves quite a few things.  One it proves that a Caucasian cannot effectively run against an African-American Candidate.  The reason is the “race card” issue, when cornered on his lack of experience; Obama’s surrogates would play that card and play it quite effectively.  This would cause a misfire by the other campaign and for the other campaign to be looked upon as racist.  This is what happened in Hillary Clinton and John McCain’s campaigns both; and they both made the same dreadfully awful mistakes.

However, I would committing a crime of epic proportions, if I did not acknowledge the fact that the Republican Party and those controlling John McCain’s campaign made some horrifically awful mistakes.  The Republican Party and John McCain’s campaign both tried to paint Obama as a terrorist by proxy.  The sick part is that they learned it from Hillary’s Campaign.  The very worst thing that Obama did was sit on a board with a man, who committed criminal acts; that were done in opposition to the Vietnam War.  These acts, horrific as they were, happened when Obama was all of eight years old.  How could anyone, who has a sane rational mind; want to try to subjugate a man to that sort of scrutiny over something he had no control over?

Barack Obama’s Pastor though was another matter entirely, this author does not entirely believe Obama’s claim that he did not ever hear his Pastor, say incendiary comments from the pulpit.  Obama might have heard the sermons and chose to ignore the content that he found offensive, which is an entirely plausible scenario.  It did however; bring up some very harsh differences between the White and Black cultures, sometimes to an uncomfortable and unsettling pitch at times.

The amazing thing was that; as much as I disagree with a great deal of his political ideologies, Obama handled all of the distractions and the controversies —- I refer to the man himself, not his tag-along followers; with a great deal of grace.  Obama did not run your “A typical” African-American campaign.  Obama ran a campaign like a very intelligent Harvard Graduate would run a campaign.  Obama’s campaign was not about the; whether real or imagined —- “Struggle.”

….and so, the election happened.  There was this release of an overwhelming feeling of, “Finally, it’s over.”  Obama Won.  The Republican Party got a lesson of how just how smart America really is, despite their attempts to paint Americans as complete idiots.  John McCain went back to the senate, Obama is now picking staff, Hillary, rewarded for her hard work, and maybe the Dog and Pony Shows, will be the new Secretary of State. Yeah, she is getting Condi’s old job.  As they say, keep your friends close and your enemies closer.

Bloggers and pundits —-Liberal and Conservative alike are now facing a very daunting task and that is, trying to figure out, what happens now? At the risk of sounding like Arlo Guthrie — I mean, most pundits and we Bloggers made it our life’s daily chore to analyze the Election.  I mean, Liberal Bloggers made it their life’s work to mock, and generally hate George W. Bush.  I mean…Now what?

I know what this author will do.  First, like many Americas who lived through the Bush era, I will happily put the past 8 years behind me.  I will, as someone who voted for Bob Barr, praise Obama after he is sworn in as President, when he does something that I think is great and wonderful.  Likewise, as a member of the loyal opposition, I will criticize Obama when I feel he has something that goes against the political beliefs that I hold as a somewhat Moderate Conservative Libertarian. It will be fair, not overly partisan, but rooted in what I consider to be fair.  I will not stoop to the stupidity of some on the right; who do feel the need to mock the man, every time he takes a breath.  However, my criticism will strictly be policy based.  Anything other than that is either racist in nature or goes into the realm of partisan idiocy.  Something I despise as a rule.

Therefore, there you have it.  Where we have been and where we are going.  Stick around; the mountaintop is coming on quickly.  I just want to be able to see it for myself.

Suspect Nabbed in Little Rock, Ark T.V. Anchor Beating Murder

I got one thing to say about this right here…

Via NYT:

Aware that the man they were seeking in the killing of a television anchorwoman knew he was a suspect and fearful that he was already fleeing, the police provided the victim’s employer and its competitors their lead story on Wednesday’s 10 p.m. newscasts, giving the suspect’s name and picture at a news conference that the stations broadcast live.

Almost within seconds, the authorities say, tips began flooding in, and 90 minutes later the suspect, Curtis L. Vance, surrendered to officers who had surrounded a house in the city’s tough south-central neighborhood.

Mr. Vance, 28, was charged with capital murder in the death of the anchor, Anne Pressly, 26, a regular on the “Daybreak” program of KATV, the ABC affiliate here.

Ms. Pressly’s failure to answer a wake-up call early on the morning of Oct. 20 prompted her mother to drive to her home. Her mother found her in bed, bloodied and beaten almost beyond recognition. Ms. Pressly died of blunt-force trauma five days later, having never regained consciousness.

The police said Mr. Vance was a resident of Marianna, a small town in the Arkansas Delta, but had frequently been in the Little Rock metropolitan area, some 100 miles west. They said he had been arrested before for relatively minor infractions but had no history of violent crime.

At the news conference Wednesday night, the Little Rock police chief, Stuart Thomas, described the case against Mr. Vance as “very, very solid” but was silent as to a motive for the crime and details of the investigation, including exactly how Mr. Vance had become a suspect and how he had learned that he was under suspicion.

Nor did the police say who owned the residence where Mr. Vance was seized, a house five miles and a world distant from Ms. Pressly’s home.

The victim lived in a rented cottage-style house in the affluent Pulaski Heights neighborhood, the Country Club of Little Rock only three blocks from her front door. The poor section of the city where Mr. Vance was apprehended exudes a sense of menace, with crimes against people and property as common on its streets as they were essentially unheard of along the lanes that surround Ms. Pressly’s former address.

Even as Mr. Vance was being questioned early Thursday, detectives returned to Ms. Pressly’s home and searched its grounds by flashlight, neighbors said.

“I know this sounds stupid, but we never even lock our doors,” said Zoe Oakleaf, who lives with her husband and daughter across the street from Ms. Pressly’s house. “Well,” Ms. Oakleaf added after a moment, “we used to not lock our doors.”

This is truly a sad story all around. I got one thing to say about it. I hope like hell that the Police have a solid, water tight, Iron Clad case here. Because if they do not and this guy walk for any reason. They could be opening themselves up to a huge lawsuit and backlash.

(Thanks V-Dare, Who made, I felt, a rather idiotic comment about it, who cares if the words Black or White didn’t appear in the fucking article. Why didn’t you just call him a nigger and get it over with? Idiots! 🙄 )

Even more Dog Whistle Race-Baiting

Seems some Judge in Texas dared to exercise his right to free speech and now some weak minded, “Let’s enable and legitimize Al Sharpton” Neo-Con Republican is asking him to resign.

Every time I hear the word Racism tossed around. I think of this piece, written by some proud White American.


You pass me on the street and sneer in my direction.

You call me ‘White Boy’,’Cracker’,’Honkey’,’Whitey’, and you think it’s ok.

But when I call you , Nigger, Kike, Towelhead, Sand-Nigger, Camel Jockey, Beaner, Gook, or Chink you call me a racist.

You say that whites commit a lot of violence against you, so why are the ghettos the most dangerous places to live?

You have the united Negro College Fund.

You have Martin Luther King Day.

You have Cesar Chavez Day.

You have Yom Hashoah

You have Ma’uled Al-Nabi

You have the NAACP

You have BET

If we had WET (White Entertainment Channel) we’d be racists.

If we had a White Pride Day you would call us Racists.

If we had white history month, we’d be racists.

If we had an organization for only whites to “advance” our lives, we’d be racists.There are over 60 openly proclaimed Black Colleges in the US, yet if there were “white colleges” that would be a racist college.

In the Million Man March, you believed that you were marching for you race and rights. If we marched for our race and rights, you would call us racists. You are proud to black, brown, yellow and orange, and you’re not afraid to announce it. But when we announce our white pride, you call us racists.

You rob us, carjack us, and shoot at us. But when a white police officer shoots a black gang member or beats up a black drug-dealer running from the law and posing a threat to society, you call him a racist.

I am proud.

But, you call me a racist.

‘Nuff Said…. Nutroots and weak minded Conservative outrage in 5….4….3…2

Quote of the Day

Conservatives were called racist for opposing immigration policies pushed by the Bush administration, other Big-Government Republicans and Democrats. The wrong immigration policy, under which people here unlawfully would receive benefits at taxpayer expense, would also allow them to steal jobs from low-income Americans, and would be a slap in the face to immigrants who came to America legally through a long and sometimes expensive process.

Conservatism is a threat to liberalism because bigotry is counterproductive to conservatives, but is a cornerstone of liberalism. Economic conservatism values the productivity, work, intelligence, integrity, motivation and other virtues of the individual. Religious conservatism is based in the fundamental premise that we are all born of equal value in the eyes of God.

Liberals who evade the merits of policy arguments by resorting to calling white conservatives “racists” or African-American conservatives “Uncle Toms” don’t merely demonstrate their own ignorance, they cheapen the cause against real racism.

Guest Voice: No More White Guilt – By Tom Adkins

Look at my fellow conservatives! There they go, glumly shuffling along, depressed by the election aftermath. Not me. I’m virtually euphoric. Don’t get me wrong. I’m not thrilled with America ‘s flirtation with neo socialism. But there’s a massive silver lining in those magical clouds that lofted Barack Obama to the Presidency. For today, without a shred of intellectually legitimate opposition, I can loudly proclaim to America : The Era of White Guilt is over.

This seemingly impossible event occurred because the vast majority of white Americans didn’t give a fluff about skin color, and enthusiastically pulled the voting lever for a black man. Not just any black man. A very liberal black man who spent his early career race-hustling banks, praying in a racist church for 20 years, and actively worked with America-hating domestic terrorists. Wow! Some resume! Yet they made Barak Obama their leader. Therefore, as of Nov 4th, 2008, white guilt is dead.

For over a century, the millstone of white guilt hung around our necks, retribution for slave-owning predecessors. In the 60s, American liberals began yanking that millstone while sticking a fork in the eye of black Americans, exacerbating the racial divide to extort a socialist solution. But if a black man can become President, exactly what significant barrier is left? The election of Barack Obama absolutely destroys the entire validation of liberal white guilt. The dragon is hereby slain.

So today, I’m feeling a little “uppity,” if you will. From this day forward, my tolerance level for having my skin color hustled is now exactly ZERO. And it’s time to clean house. No more Reverend Wright’s “God Damn America ,” Al Sharpton’s Church of Perpetual Victimization , or Jesse Jackson’s rainbow racism. Cornell West? You’re a fraud. Go home. All those “black studies” programs that taught kids to hate whitey? You must now thank Whitey. And I want
that on the final.

Congressional Black Caucus? Irrelevant. Maxine Waters? Shut up. ACORN? Outlawed. Black Panthers? Go home and pet your kitty. Black separatists? Find another nation that offers better dreams. Go ahead. I’m waiting.

Gangsta rappers? Start praising America . Begin with the Pledge of Allegiance. And please…no more ebonics. Speak English, and who knows where you might end up? Oh, yeah…pull up your pants. Your underwear is showing. You look stupid.

To those Eurosnots who forged entire careers hating America ? I’m still waiting for the first black French President.

And let me offer an equal opportunity whupping. I’ve always despised lazy white people. Now, I can talk smack about lazy black people. You’re poor because you quit school, did drugs, had three kids with three different fathers, and refuse to work. So when you plop your Colt 45-swilling, Oprah watchin’ butt on the couch and complain “Da Man is keepin’ me down,” allow me to inform you: Da Man is now black. You have no excuses.

No more quotas. No more handouts. No more stealing my money because someone’s great-great-great-great grandparents suffered actual pain and misery at the hands of people I have no relation to, and personally revile.

It’s time to toss that massive, obsolete race-hustle machine upon the heap of the other stupid 60s ideas. Drag it over there, by wife swapping, next to dope-smoking. Plenty of room right between free love and cop-killing. Careful…don’t trip on streaking. There ya go, don’t be gentle. Just dump it. Wash your hands. It’s filthy.

In fact, Obama’s ascension created a gargantuan irony. How can you sell class envy and American unfairness when you and your black wife went to Ivy League schools, got high-paying jobs, became millionaires, bought a mansion, and got elected President? How unfair is that??? Now, Like a delicious O’Henry tale, Obama’s spread-the-wealth campaign rendered itself moot by it’s own victory! America is officially a meritocracy. Obama’s election has validated American conservatism!

So, listen carefully…Wham!!!

That’s the sound of my foot kicking the door shut on the era of white guilt. The rites have been muttered, the carcass lowered, dirt shoveled, and tombstone erected. White guilt is dead and buried.

However, despite my glee, there’s apparently one small, rabid bastion of American racism remaining. Black Americans voted 96% for Barack Obama. Hmmm. In a color-blind world, shouldn’t that be 50-50? Tonight, every black person should ask forgiveness for their apparent racism and prejudice towards white people. Maybe it’s time to start spreading the guilt around.

Airforce one in 2009?

Do I dare go there? Why hell yes I dare! 😛

I got this via e-mail… It’s wrong as hell, but it’s funnyI think anyhow…

It’s going to be one funny 4 years. 😀 😛

Zo continues the resistance to the Democrats

He’s back with a new video! and a cool looking Website too! 😀 (Language Warning!)

Zo’s New Website

Important Announcement From the Blogs 4 Borders Crew!

Jake Delivers a sobering announcement about the Blogs 4 Borders BlogBurst. 🙁

….and here I am unemployed and cannot help. 😥

If you want to help Jake get his show on the road, click here to send him a message. Or go to his YouTube site and leave him a message there.

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Wanna see why Conservatives are not taken seriously anymore?

Then go read this.

For those who want to know what they are clicking on first. It’s a rather long and quite idiotic posting, by a Conservative Blogger, attempting to prove that Barack Obama is really the son of Malcolm X.

Yes, they went there.

No wonder that the Conservatives are losing, not only the election. But the intellectual debate.

I’m ashamed to even be a Conservative minded person right now. 🙁

Blogs for Borders for 10/27/08

From my friends over at

The weekly vlog/podcast on illegal immigration and border security. In this weeks edition…

The shadow campaign? Did you know there is another whole election campaign going on right under your nose? In another language?

Is America Balkanizing? We take a look.

100% Preventable! Americans continue to pay the bloody price for open borders. In this edition elderly Americans are preyed on by an illegal alien while a previously deported drug dealer shoots two NYC cops! When will the madness end?

Download for your Ipod here.

Click on image

If you’d like to sponsor a show contact us here.

This has been the Blogs For Borders Video Blogburst. The Blogs For Borders Blogroll is dedicated to American sovereignty, border security and a sane immigration policy. If you’d like to join find out how right here.

ATF Breaks up skinhead plot to assassinate Barack Obama

My personal thoughts in a moment. But first the story via AP:

WASHINGTON – Law enforcement agents have broken up a plot by two neo-Nazi skinheads to assassinate Democratic presidential candidate Barack Obama and shoot or decapitate 88 black people, the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco Firearms and Explosives said Monday.

In court records unsealed Monday in U.S. District Court in Jackson, Tenn., federal agents said they disrupted plans to rob a gun store and target a predominantly African-American high school in a murder spree that was to begin in Tennessee. Agents said the skinheads did not identify the school by name.

Jim Cavanaugh, special agent in charge of ATF’s Nashville field office, said the two men planned to kill 88 black people, including 14 by beheading. The numbers 88 and 14 are symbolic in the white supremacist community.

The men also sought to go on a national killing spree after the Tennessee murders, with Obama as its final target, Cavanaugh told The Associated Press.

"They said that would be their last, final act — that they would attempt to kill Sen. Obama," Cavanaugh said. "They didn’t believe they would be able to do it, but that they would get killed trying."

An Obama spokeswoman traveling with the senator in Pennsylvania had no immediate comment.

The men, Daniel Cowart, 20, of Bells, Tenn., and Paul Schlesselman 18, of Helena-West Helena, Ark., are being held without bond. Agents seized a rifle, a sawed-off shotgun and three pistols from the men when they were arrested. Authorities alleged the two men were preparing to break into a gun shop to steal more.

The defendants were arrested Oct. 22 by the Crockett County, Tenn., Sheriffs Office. "Once we arrested the defendants and suspected they had violated federal law, we immediately contacted federal authorities," said Crockett County Sheriff Troy Klyce.

Attorney Joe Byrd, who has been hired to represent Cowart, did not immediately return a call seeking comment Monday.

Cowart and Schlesselman are charged with possessing an unregistered firearm, conspiring to steal firearms from a federally licensed gun dealer, and threatening a candidate for president.

The investigation is continuing, and more charges are possible, Cavanaugh said.

The court records say Cowart and Schlesselman also bought nylon rope and ski masks to use in a robbery or home invasion to fund their spree, during which they allegedly planned to go from state to state and kill people.

For the Obama plot, the legal documents show, Cowart and Schlesselman "planned to drive their vehicle as fast as they could toward Obama shooting at him from the windows."

"Both individuals stated they would dress in all white tuxedos and wear top hats during the assassination attempt," the court complaint states. "Both individuals further stated they knew they would and were willing to die during this attempt."

Cavanaugh said there’s no evidence — so far — that others were willing to assist Cowart and Schlesselman with the plot.

He said authorities took the threats very seriously.

"They seemed determined to do it," Cavanaugh said. "Even if they were just to try it, it would be a trail of tears around the South."

This is obviously the actions of some very disturbed individuals. I want to be absolutely clear, I have never, nor will I ever advocate violence towards blacks or any other race for that matter. The thing that I posted a while back, was nothing than a rather fool hearty attempt at being a bit of a smart ass and a attempt to throw the race baiting of the far left, in the faces of those doing it.  However, This sort of a thing goes far well beyond that. This sort of thing is outright malicious behavior.  I would never support that, and if in fact, I did have knowledge of something of this nature happening, I will report it to the proper authorities right away.

Further more, This Blog is use to criticize the POLITICS of Barack Obama and the Democrats, NOT THE RACE OF OBAMA. I am not, nor have I ever been, nor will I ever be a White Nationalist, a White Supremacist, A Nazi or anything of that sort of insanity.  The Bible says the following:

Then Peter opened his mouth, and said, Of a truth I perceive that God is no respecter of persons: (Acts 10:34 KJV)


He that saith he is in the light, and hateth his brother, is in darkness even until now. (1 John 2:9 KJV)

But he that hateth his brother is in darkness, and walketh in darkness, and knoweth not whither he goeth, because that darkness hath blinded his eyes. (1 John 2:11 KJV)

Whosoever hateth his brother is a murderer: and ye know that no murderer hath eternal life abiding in him. (1 John 3:15 KJV)

If a man say, I love God, and hateth his brother, he is a liar: for he that loveth not his brother whom he hath seen, how can he love God whom he hath not seen? (1 John 4:20 KJV) 

There are those who would want to debate the finer points of the doctrine behind those scriptures up there. But I simply say this, anyone who claims to be a Christian or even a respectable human being and has hatred towards those of a different race than themselves, have got issues deeper than just politics. I have, myself, seen that sort of hate up close and quite frankly, it sickens me to my core.

Let me just simply say this, this sort of racial hatred once festered within the Democratic Party. This was long before the Democratic Party had it’s “Come to Jesus” moment, over the issue of civil rights and rights towards blacks. It was mostly in the south and was a product of the south’s loss of the civil war. It is a historic fact that the Ku Klux Clan was formed by former Civil War soldiers. It is a sad stain on the pages of American history.  However, it was the Republican Party that stood up against the hatred of the south and it’s attitude towards blacks, it was Abraham Lincoln and his Emancipation Proclamation which lead way for the ending of slavery in America. When Lincoln wrote the following, I tend to believe he meant business…:

I would save the Union. I would save it the shortest way under the Constitution. The sooner the national authority can be restored; the nearer the Union will be "the Union as it was." … My paramount object in this struggle is to save the Union, and is not either to save or to destroy slavery. If I could save the Union without freeing any slave I would do it, and if I could save it by freeing all the slaves I would do it; and if I could save it by freeing some and leaving others alone I would also do that. What I do about slavery, and the colored race, I do because I believe it helps to save the Union; and what I forbear, I forbear because I do not believe it would help to save the Union. I shall do less whenever I shall believe what I am doing hurts the cause, and I shall do more whenever I shall believe doing more will help the cause. I shall try to correct errors when shown to be errors; and I shall adopt new views so fast as they shall appear to be true views. I have here stated my purpose according to my view of official duty; and I intend no modification of my oft-expressed personal wish that all men everywhere could be free.

So, when I hear of Barack Obama supports painting “Republican means Slavery” on the doors of the Republican Party headquarters in South Carolina. I tend to get a little ticked. Angry 

Here is hoping that the idiots that tried to carry out this sort of act, will be locked in a jail for a long time to come.

One of Barry’s fans, I’m sure…. UPDATE: Woman’s Claims are an Admitted Hoax… Follow links to newest posting!

So, this is what they do to people who support McCain:


Via WTAE-TV in Pittsburg, Pa:

A 20-year-old woman who was robbed at an ATM in Bloomfield was also maimed by her attacker, police said.

Pittsburgh police spokeswoman Diane Richard tells Channel 4 Action News that the victim was robbed at knifepoint on Wednesday night outside of a Citizens Bank near Liberty Avenue and Pearl Street just before 9 p.m.

Richard said the robber took $60 from the woman, then became angry when he saw a McCain bumper sticker on the victim’s car. The attacker then punched and kicked the victim, before using the knife to scratch the letter “B” into her face, Richard said.

Richard said the woman refused medical treatment after the assault, which happened outside the view of the bank’s surveillance cameras.

The robber is described as a dark-skinned black man, 6 feet 4 inches tall, 200 pounds with a medium build, short black hair and brown eyes. The man was wearing dark colored jeans, a black undershirt and black shoes.

Of course, the best that useless Marxist Magic Negro can say is:

The Obama-Biden campaign released a statement, commenting on the attack. The statement said “Our thoughts and prayers are with the young woman for her to make a speedy recovery, and we hope that the person who perpetrated this crime is swiftly apprehended and brought to justice.”

I know what I am thinking, but the last time I expressed my frustration, I made it to So, I’ll just keep my damn mouth shut. I think you all know what I’m feelin’… Angry

Update: Malkin has her doubts.

Update 2: Turns out the story is a Hoax. I’ve Blogged about it. Go read, please.

Others: Ben Smith’s Blogs, The Jawa Report,, Little Green Footballs, Wizbang, Babalu Blog,, Fausta’s Blog, RIGHTWINGSPARKLE, Riehl World View ,Dean’s World, HotAir, Pittsburgh Post-Gazette, Ace of Spades HQ, The Campaign Spot, Gateway Pundit and Ed, Patterico’s Pontifications,

Depressing Quotes of the Day: Rush Limbaugh and Redstate Prove my Points

Remember what I wrote earlier about Colin Powell’s endorsement of Obama?

Well, it seems that Rush Limbaugh and someone over at RedState has basically proven my point.

Rush Limbaugh wrote to Jonathan Martin the following:

“Secretary Powell says his endorsement is not about race,” Limbaugh wrote in an e-mail. “OK, fine. I am now researching his past endorsements to see if I can find all the inexperienced, very liberal, white candidates he has endorsed. I’ll let you know what I come up with.”

As for Powell’s statement of concern this morning about the sort of Supreme Court justices a President McCain might appoint, Limbaugh wrote: “I was also unaware of his dislike for John Roberts, Clarence Thomas, Samuel Alito, Anthony Kennedy and Antonin Scalia. I guess he also regrets Reagan and Bush making him a four-star [general] and secretary of state and appointing his son to head the FCC. Yes, let’s hear it for transformational figures.”

and over at Redstate:

So Colin Powell has endorsed Obama. Let’s see, Powell is pro-abortion. So is Obama. Powell is pro-affirmative action. So is Obama. Powell has stated repeatedly that tax policy should ensure fairness. Obama likewise wants to “spread the wealth.” The endorsement of Obama only demonstrates what unpaid prognosticators could have told those million dollar a year experts years ago. Powell never was a Republican. He has been aligned with the Democrats from the day of his retirement from service.

On today’s talk show, Powell explains: “I think he is a transformational figure.” THAT’S what I’m afraid of. Hitler, Stalin, and Pol Pot were all transformational too, Colin.

Another note to moderate Republicans: Hey guys, are you happy with your fellow moderate? No? You should be–this is what you moderates do. They pretend in order to achieve status, and then attack the hand that feeds them–to maintain that status. Yes, you keep telling us that Palin’s conservatism is what is sinking McCain. Really? Do you think that McCain picking another moderate would have changed Powell’s position? If you do, I’ve got a nice bridge to sell you.

Affirmative action is now at its zenith here. A unqualified candidate for president who has never run anything; who has never governed anything; and who has policies precisely on line with Karl Marx–is going to be put into our highest office solely due to his race. Doubt me? Just ask if Obama would be where he is at if he were a white man. The answer is inevitable.

The Republican party must clean house or it is lost.

My goodness, the Republicans are not even trying to hide it anymore. It has went from nuance and inferring to outright blantant racism.  The part I put into red is what really disturbs me. The Republicans and Conservatives are now officially channeling McCarthy. The whole Idea is, if you cannot beat him, you slander him with racism and attempt to paint him, as some sort of communist. It is the oldest trick in the book.

The the guy from Redstate tries to claim that Moderates are ruining his party. What a damn joke. It’s the moderates that have kept the Republican Party from becoming the next Whig Party! Which is right where it is heading now. Some would say and good for it too. Myself, I think it is a sad place that the Republican Party is headed. Change is needed within that party, but not this sort of a change at all.

More Liberal Hypocrisy… Liberal Democrat Backer puts McCain in a KKK Suit, chasing Obama!

This right here was exactly what my original “Enough!” posting was about. The left’s use of race in this election, and man is it ever sickening.

This via the


Ron Havens has a reputation for provocative Halloween displays that reflect his strong political views.

But even Havens was pretty sure his latest effort was over the top. That didn’t stop him from setting it up in plain sight anyway.

Havens, who lives on Schuyler County Route 15 (Ridge Road) just south of Odessa, this week set up a Halloween display featuring mannequins that  look like Democratic presidential candidate Barack Obama and Republican rival John McCain.

But the Obama figure looks like he is running, and the McCain likeness is dressed in the hooded robe of the Ku Klux Klan and is carrying a baseball bat.

Havens is quick to point out he is a liberal and a big supporter of Obama, and that the scene is meant to provoke thought about the way he believes Obama has been unfairly treated by the McCain campaign.

"I figured it would be equally offensive to everyone. It’s just for shock value," Havens said. "McCain has been rabble-rousing, calling Obama a terrorist and a Muslim. The McCain campaign has gotten so ugly. That’s what the message is. I can see how people could take this the wrong way. I’m not advocating anything. It’s sarcasm."

The display is in Havens’ front lawn, only a few yards from the highway.

Two years ago, Havens set up a display with a Wizard of Oz theme, with President Bush as the Scarecrow, Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice as Dorothy, Vice President Dick Cheney as the Tin Man and former Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld representing the Cowardly Lion.

During the 2004 presidential race between Bush and Massachusetts Sen. John Kerry, Bush took on the persona of Dracula in Havens’ front lawn, while Kerry appeared as Frankenstein’s monster, complete with neck bolts.

Georgia Verdier, president of the Elmira-Corning Branch of the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People, said she was concerned about the injection of race into the presidential campaign when someone called her to complain about the scene.

After viewing a photograph of Havens’ display, Verdier said it seems innocuous enough, but she’s still concerned it may send the wrong message.

"It looks friendly but I am concerned not so much about this display, but in general about the fear and hate that have entered the campaign," Verdier said. "This display appears friendly to me. But that’s my take. A young lady passed by and had other feelings. We need to be concerned about that. I think we all need to be careful about what messages we send. The message we send is not always the message received."

Havens said he has no plans to take the display down at this time.

I find it so very ironic that the left can do something like this, and it just fine. But when someone like me, posts a ironic Blog entry that basically says, “Hey the left wants to paint us as racist, let’s give them what they want!”. I get threats and Liberals calling the Secret Service on me. How Ironic.

Like someone said who commented on my posting about the original posting that I made, I cannot wait till this damn election is finally over, because quite frankly, I am sick of the race war and the race baiting and imagery like this. Anyone that thinks that the RIGHT is stoking the flames of racism in this damn election, has got their fucking head up their collective ass.

The right is NOT stocking the racism in this election, it’s the damn left and they’re getting a fucking free pass and yes, I am pissed off about it and yes, I think it is a bunch of BULLSHIT! Angry

This is one of Obama’s supporters people, remember that.

Others: Protein Wisdom

The Obligatory Race Card Posting

Yeah, they’ve went there.

Here’s my response.. (Content Warning!)

If the “One” thinks that this is going to help. He’s wrong, very wrong. Not everyone buys into that stuff. He’d better drop this and move on.

Others feeling about the same way: Flopping Aces, Gateway Pundit, Riehl World View, Hot Air, (H/T Memeorandum)

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The AP Plays the race card and again, I must correct it.


Greetings, It appears that our communist liberal friends have decided that our beloved Republican Vice President Candidate is a racist bigot. Here is what these idiotic people have written:

In a post-Sept. 11 America, terrorists are envisioned as dark-skinned radical Muslims, not the homegrown anarchists of Ayers’ day 40 years ago. With Obama a relative unknown when he began his campaign, the Internet hummed with false e-mails about ties to radical Islam of a foreign-born candidate.

Whether intended or not by the McCain campaign, portraying Obama as “not like us” is another potential appeal to racism. It suggests that the Hawaiian-born Christian is, at heart, un-American.

Most troubling, however, is how allowing racism to creep into the discussion serves McCain’s purpose so well. As the fallout from Wright’s sermons showed earlier this year, forcing Obama to abandon issues to talk about race leads to unresolved arguments about America’s promise to treat all people equally.

John McCain occasionally looks back on decisions with regret. He has apologized for opposing a holiday to honor Martin Luther King Jr. He has apologized for refusing to call for the removal of a Confederate flag from South Carolina’s Capitol.

When the 2008 campaign is over McCain might regret appeals such as Palin’s perhaps more so if he wins.

Once again, our Communist Liberals have confused freedom of speech and the statement of facts. So, to instruct these mentally depraved people, as I have time and time before, I will show you what racist is, and what it is not.

First off, THIS is racist:

Music By: Johnny Rebel
and THIS is not:

Any questions?

Others: protein wisdom, Power Line, The Corner, Little Green Footballs,, Say Anything, Wake up America, Stop The ACLU, Counting Sheep, Wizbang, Gateway Pundit and Pajamas Media (H/T Memeorandum)

Blogs 4 Borders! 09/29/08

I missed this on Monday. Hopefully I will remember next week….

Our weekly vlog/podcast on illegal immigration and border security. In this weeks edition…

Vigilance Dispatch: Everyone is talking about the massive bailouts. How has illegal immigration fed into the financial crisis that Washington plans to fix using our taxpayer dollars?

100% Preventable! Americans continue to pay the bloody price for open borders, when will the madness end?

Blogs For Borders 09/29/08

Download for your Ipod here.

Make sure to visit this weeks sponsor….

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If you’d like to sponsor a show contact us here.

This has been the Blogs For Borders Video Blogburst. The Blogs For Borders Blogroll is dedicated to American sovereignty, border security and a sane immigration policy. If you’d like to join find out how right here.

Here are some books that I highly recommend that everyone read, related to this subject:

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Presidential Debate Moderator in the tank for Obama

It appears that the liberal media’s bias towards Obama is now leaking into the supposed apolitical world of Presidential debates.

Michelle Malkin has dutifully recorded the fact that the moderator of these upcoming debates is seriously in the tank of Obama. I guess we can forget about any serious questions being asked of Joe Biden, about his ties to lobbyists. I also suppose we can expect all sort of stupid “Gotcha” questions to Palin and will see a concentrated effort to make Sarah Palin look like some sort of a buffoon.  

There’s one thing in Michelle’s article that I very much disagree with, trust me, it is not what you think….:

Like Obama, Ifill, who is black, is quick to play the race card at the first sign of criticism. In an interview with the Washington Post a few weeks ago, she carped: “[N]o one’s ever assumed a white reporter can’t cover a white candidate.”

It’s not the color of your skin, sweetie. It’s the color of your politics. Perhaps Ifill will be able to conceal it this week. But if the “stunning” “Breakthrough” she’s rooting for comes to pass on January 20, 2009, nobody will be fooled.

Michelle, I must respectfully disagree with you assessment here. This is all about skin color. Why do I say this? I will tell you why, because there is an unwritten code amongst the African-American race. It is summed up in the ghetto-type statement, and that statement is:

“A Brother just don’t cut another Brother”

In educated normal American English, that is translated as such:

“An African-American does not stab another African-American in the back”

The point that I am trying to make here is this, if you believe that there will be any sort of legitimate debate here, without bias or favoritism towards the Democrats and more importantly towards Barack Obama’s running mate, you are very highly mistaken.

This unwritten rule dates back to the days of slavery. When a black slave would do something wrong, the White slave owners would question, to find out who did the offense, often so they could beat the slave. Because the black slaves did not want the fellow slave to be beaten, they would not “fess up.” This is where this and the whole “stop snitching” doctrine did originate.

This is not about racism, this about historic facts. Putting another African-America as the moderator of this Presidential debate, would be like asking David Duke to preside over a trial of white supremacists.

Others: JammieWearingFool,, Gateway Pundit, Stop The ACLU, GretaWire,,, Hot Air, Classical Values and Riehl World View and more via Memeorandum

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Editorial: Sometimes acting like Michelle Malkin is a good thing

I sit here tonight, as a former “left of center” Blogger, amazed at what has become of the party, that I once used to just blindly vote for every year.  I fully understand what Ronald Reagan was referring to, when he quoted Al Smith in his 1964 speech called “Rendezvous with Destiny.”  It just seems to me that the Liberals in this country of ours, instead of listening to the other side of the political fence and possibly learning from them, are more interested in mocking them and living in their own altered state of reality. Conversely, I have been told that this is nothing new, Democrats have been doing this for years.

Earlier tonight, I was over looking around on a well-known liberal Blog called Crooks and Liars, which, for those of you who are not normally of the Blogging community is a rather humorous reference to former President Richard M. Nixon’s statement of, “I am not a crook.” John Amato, A liberal from California, runs that rather interesting Blog.  Earlier tonight, John made a rather flippant comment that burned me to my core, and as a result, I felt the need to write about it, and the person, of whom he was referring.

John Amato was reporting on a Conservative Radio host from Alaska, who rather idiotically, made some rather nasty comments about some women holding a Anti-Sarah Palin rally in Alaska, and also about him giving their personal cell phone numbers out, whereby causing some of them to receive threats.  The host was suspended a week, without pay, which I feel was ample punishment.  To be fair to the Host, he was not aware that the numbers given out were personal cell phone numbers.

It was not the reporting of the incident that annoyed me to my core, it was the rather offhanded, mean spirited comment that was attached to the reporting of that story, that warranted this Editorial.  The comment that sent me over the rails, the comment, that I feel, was a shot over the bow of a rather highly intelligent woman, who I feel is unique spokesperson for American Conservative values in this Country.

“Acting like Michelle Malkin does have some consequences after all.”

That, Mr. Amato, is over the line.  I will explain why. However, I do not expect you, being locked into your bastardly Liberal mindset, to understand why I feel so damned strongly about this. Nevertheless, I will try to make your rather simple liberal mind understand the questions I am about to ask you.  I realize it might be a crab shoot with you, but I am in need of a challenge this evening and you are the target of interest.

  1. Do you believe that Michelle Malkin’s due diligence in reporting on the war on terror is a hateful thing?  I would expect so, seeing most of you liberals believe that we should try to talk to people who want to see this Nation and everything it stands for destroyed.
  2. I suppose that you believe that Michelle Malkin’s reporting of the vandalism that happened to the Vietnam vets war memorial in Washington D.C. is a hateful thing as well?  This would not surprise me.  Seeing it is you liberals, who hate our military, to the point of wanting America to lose a war and return home in disgrace.  Vietnam proved that sir.
  3. I suppose you would disapprove of Michelle Malkin’s resolve to “Lan Astaslem” which is Arabic for “I will not submit/surrender?”  This is a pledge that we as Americans will not submit or surrender to Islamic extremists who want to strike fear into the American people and ruin our livelihoods, something that I also believe in, to my very core.  I say this because it is you and your Liberal friends wish to appease those who want to destroy this Nation.

Yes, Michelle Malkin and I do have our differences.  Her brand of Conservatism is a bit different from mine.  I do not agree with every thing that she writes.  I am not a “Malkin-bot,” a funny term that I gave to some of her supporters, who tend to be, what I and Andrew P. Napolitano like to call sheep. However, that is about where the differences end.  When it comes to matters of National Defense and Defending our Military against those who would like to see it destroyed, including brain-dead liberals like you, Ted Kennedy, Nancy Pelosi, and Harry Reid.  I am, in fact, in agreement with her on these issues.

In closing, let me simply say this.  The Democrats talk about change.  Well, this year is going to be a major change for me as well.  For the first time, since I have legally eligible to vote, I will be not voting for a Democrat.  This is because the party that I used to just blindly vote for, in every election has totally drifted beyond the point that I feel to be acceptable in American politics.  I am sorry, but I cannot and will not vote for a Party’s candidate, whose politics resemble that of Karl Marx or that of the Nazi Party.  Furthermore, I will not vote for a candidate whose party abdicated its core principles in the Primary and at the convention, just so they could hurry up and get their nominee.

This is to say nothing of the communist socialist agenda,  the wholesale slaughter of innocent babies, the outright attack of the Judeo-Christian Faith, The Promotion and advocating of the Atheistic movement and the furtherance of the Homosexual agenda, the promoting of Identity Politics within the African-American community, in response to a perceived and mostly falsely assumed attack on the Negro Race.

All of these things are why this Blogger will be voting differently on November 4, 2008.

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Once Again, I must instruct Liberals on what is racist and what is not….

*rolls out the blackboard*


Alright class, today we will, once again, review as to what is racist and what is not.

Ready? Good!

THIS is Racist!:

Video: Unknown

Music: Johnny Rebel

This is NOT:


The Back story is Here.

This is called Political Satire. It is funny, that is what Political Satire does, make one laugh. It is commonly found in Political Cartoons. The only people that would find this sort of a thing, even remotely offensive, would be those who are commonly referred to as race baiters or race hustlers, or for short, Al Sharpton.

That is all….

Class Dismissed!

Race Baiting Hall of shame: Think Progress, Balloon Juice, The Raw StoryAt-Largely, TheZoo, Jack & Jill Politics,

Killer Klansman’s conviction overturned

This is a sad day….

This in via

A federal appeals court overturned the kidnapping conviction of a reputed Klansman in connection with the 1964 deaths of two black teenagers in Mississippi. James Ford Seale, a former sheriff’s deputy, was convicted in June 2007 of kidnapping and conspiracy to commit kidnapping in the disappearances of Charles Eddie Moore and Henry Hezekiah Dee, both 19. On Tuesday, a three-judge panel from the Fifth Circuit Court Appeals sided with Seale’s claim that he should have never been tried in connection with the teens’ deaths because a five-year statute of limitations on kidnapping-related offenses had expired. “The more than 40-year delay clearly exceeded the limitations period,” Judge Harold DeVoss wrote in the panel’s ruling. “While we are mindful of the seriousness of the crimes at issue, we cannot abdicate our duty to faithfully apply a valid limitations period.”

I just wonder, if those judges were Democrats or Republicans? That man belongs in jail for his crimes. In this case, I think Al Sharpton should be called in.

I know, that there are times on this blog, when I bitch to high heaven about race baiting, but this is not going to be one of them times. What this guy and his cohorts did back in 1964, was truly racism, to the point of committing a crime.

I can only imagine what Eddie Moore’s brother is going through, he is the one that did the leg work to get his Brother’s killer charged, it was filled in a documentary, that was filmed by the CBC, it was rebroadcast on MSNBC. I watched that, and I can honestly tell you all, I had a different understanding of what the African-American community went through in the south.

Let me just say this too, any damned Republican or Conservative, that scoffs at this and says this man did not deserve to go to jail, Well, I doubt whether you have a damn soul or not. That is, this man was a cold blooded killer and belonged in jail. I will also tell you to watch that documentary and look at the pain in the man’s eyes, as he tries to get justice for his Brother…..and then tell me, that this pitiful excuse for human being, does not belong in jail. 😡

My prayers go out to the Moore and Dee Families. May God’s justice prevail. I hope the justice Dept appeals this ruling.

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