The Southern Avenger on “America’s One-Way Conversation on Race”

When Attorney General Eric Holder said that America was a “nation of cowards” for not talking more about race, he was not only wrong about the infrequency of such discussions, but ignored the blatant one-sidedness of the never-ending national conversation on the subject.

The Video:

The Southern Avenger’s Blog

The Southern Avenger @ Taki’s Magazine

Black Fascist Liberals 1, New York Post 0

Looks like there is more “Monkey Business” over at the New York Post:

As the Chairman of the New York Post, I am ultimately responsible for what is printed in its pages. The buck stops with me.

Last week, we made a mistake. We ran a cartoon that offended many people. Today I want to personally apologize to any reader who felt offended, and even insulted.

Over the past couple of days, I have spoken to a number of people and I now better understand the hurt this cartoon has caused. At the same time, I have had conversations with Post editors about the situation and I can assure you – without a doubt – that the only intent of that cartoon was to mock a badly written piece of legislation. It was not meant to be racist, but unfortunately, it was interpreted by many as such.

We all hold the readers of the New York Post in high regard and I promise you that we will seek to be more attuned to the sensitivities of our community.

Honestly, when are the people of this wonderful country of ours going to stop sucking up to and cowering in fear to the “Shoe Shine Boy” of “White Guilt” in this country?

I know when…. When Monkeys fly.  🙄

….and by the way there Mr. “Interloper”. I do not feel a twinge of guilt for what happened to your race 300 years ago, nor do I feel a twinge of guilt over what happened in the south in the before 1964. I had nothing do with it, neither did ANY of my family members. So, yeah, you can put me in the column of those who refuse to submit to “White Guilt” and the curse of post-racial racialism.  Personally, Mr. “Interloper” I wish that dead chimp, would have been you. 😡

Remember folks, these are OBAMA’S Supporters. Remember this come 2010 and 2012, or this country will end up just like South Africa, broke and run by “Those people”.

Others, mostly fascist liberals who pander to White Guilt and HATE freedom of speech and love to play the  race card: Alan Colmes’ Liberaland, City Room, Gawker, Gothamist, Political Machine, New York Times, Tower Ticker, Patterico’s Pontifications, Michael Calderone’s Blogs, New York Times, On Deadline, TheZoo, Salon Ben Smith Think Progress and Hoffmania!

There are, as always two sides to every story.

This is interesting to say the least:

A federal discrimination lawsuit filed this month against the Lansing Board of Water & Light says two employees in November wore Ku Klux Klan-like hoods to apparently taunt a black co-worker.

That incident is one of several allegations made by Corey Clay in the lawsuit filed Feb. 9 in U.S. District Court in Grand Rapids.

Clay, an electrical worker from Lansing who was hired in 2001, endured “a racially discriminating hostile work environment” for many years with little or no management response, according to the lawsuit.

BWL spokesman Mark Nixon said that after learning about the November incident, management took immediate action that resulted in “disciplinary action and the termination of a Board of Water & Light employee.”

Nixon added: “The law firm representing Mr. Clay is aware of these actions.”

Clay’s Clinton Township-based attorney, Heidi Sharp, said one of the employees was reinstated recently.

Clay works as an apprentice under that employee’s purview and is evaluated by him, Sharp said.

The situation “has just been devastating to him emotionally,” she said.

via Lawsuit claims racial bias at BWL — Lansing State Journal.

I have to really wonder. What is the other side of this story? Not one to pre-judge, but something tells me there is much more to this story than is being reported by this very liberal media outlet.

(Via The Detroit Free Press)

Quote of the Day Part 1

Wow! 😮

Holder was eight years old half a century ago. The desegregation of schools had barely begun. The “dream” of Martin Luther King, Jr. was still ringing in the people’s ears and he had only recently been murdered. Black men and women did not figure in our national politics. Black teenagers did not then reasonably aspire to do well at school -the odds were against them–or hope to graduate, as Holder did, from Columbia University (as Barack Obama also did) and from the Columbia Law School. There were no black generals or managing partners of law firms or presidents of the best institutions of higher learning or CEOs of Fortune 500 companies and not many black people at all in the solid middle class. And almost none in the upper middle class. How many blacks were actually rich or even super-rich? No, America is not racial paradise. But it is more integrated, much more integrated than Great Britain and France which used to disdain our bigoted traditions and habits. No longer, believe me, no longer.

Kudos to the person that had the guts to say this in public! 😀

Trackposted to Nuke’s, The Virtuous Republic, Rosemary’s Thoughts, third world county, Woman Honor Thyself, The World According to Carl, The Pink Flamingo, Gulf Coast Hurricane Tracker, , Democrat=Socialist, Conservative Cat, and Right Voices, thanks to Linkfest Haven Deluxe.

Linkfest Haven, the Blogger's Oasis

A very valid point

I must say that I agree with this:

Our new Attorney General, Eric Holder, says that America is a “nation of cowards” when it comes to race relations. The race-baiting cabinet official made his remarks yesterday in honor of Black History Month. Apparently being the first black attorney general serving under the first black president isn’t indicative of progress according to Holder. Listening to him, you’d think that Jim Crow had just ended with Obama’s election.

Holder’s insulting remarks were no doubt aimed at white Americans, particularly those who didn’t vote for Obama. That’s why Holder dragged out the tired rhetoric about “the need to confront our racial past and to understand our racial present.” It’s the same white-guilt lecturing we’ve always heard before. Yet what makes this event noteworthy is the fact that a sitting attorney general is saying this nonsense, implying that he’ll be incorporating this racialism into public policy at the Justice Department.

In their never-ending work to preserve victimhood for racial minorities, the Left will now have the perfect spokesman to help with that task. No, the real cowards are self-righteous liberals like Holder who build themselves up by tearing down Middle America for cheap political gain. If the fires of racism still exist in America (and they do), then it’s only because people like Holder keep stoking the embers. His political career depends upon it.

via Holder’s Racialist Lecturing | Conservative Heritage Times.

The only thing that I can really add to this is, that the Liberal African-American Community, led by the leadership within the Democratic Party wants to use racism as a false flag, to limit dissent and freedom of speech towards those, who disagree with their Race Baiting and more broadly disagree with their socialist agenda.

Which is just about as bad as the Identity Politics on the far right, amongst the Republicans. When it comes to the Jewish Community. What I am trying to say is, that I have nothing against the Jewish people, at all. But I refuse to be held responsible for what happened to the Jews in Germany.  This is Identity Politics and the pushing of the “White Guilt” mentality. Again, let me be clear, I have zero against Jews, Israel, or their right to exist. But, I will not “Kiss up” to them at all. Neither will I do this to the African-American Community. I did not put them in chains, and I will not feel a bit of guilt for what happened to them 300 years ago. Because I did not have anything to do with it.

The problem with what I just wrote above is, that when a “Zionist” or a Race Baiting Liberals reads what I wrote; the first thing they will do is, play the race card. Which garners them support and paints the person that says these things, as Nazi’s and Hatemongers, and it’s bullshit. Because I do not hate. I just will not made to feel guilty for something that I did not have a part in; Period.

Race baiting and White Guilt is insane and Anti-American as hell.

Regarding the New York Post’s apology

Regarding the New York Post’s Apology and the other stupidity.

I dunno, what ya’ll think?

Family Resemblance?

Family Resemblance?

So, like Michelle said; Sue me.

Other likemided people: Michelle Malkin, Gateway Pundit, Pat Dollard and JOSHUAPUNDIT

Yeah, I know what I wrote here. I still feel that way too. But this is not about Racism, this is about the Liberal Democrats controlling Conservatives right to free speech. The, ahem, chimps Liberal Black Democrats want to control what we honkey White Conservatives write, and I think it is a bunch of bullshit.

So, bring it on, there Mr. “Interloper”.  I dare ya.

Chris Muir also weighs in here:

Racism, Race Baiting and the Stoking of Racial Resentment

Here my latest entry, to my column called Slightly Right:

I am writing this because it needs to be written, especially from someone of my political leanings.  Today was quite the interesting day when it comes to race relations.  Earlier in the day, our Country’s new Attorney General; Eric Holder, castigated the United States of America, by saying that we were a “Nation of cowards,” when it comes to race relations.  I found this to be quite the interesting remark considering that the United States of America just elected an African-American as the Nation’s 44’th President,  not to mention the fact that Congress just confirmed Eric Holder to be the first African-American Attorney General. This is a form of race baiting, not to mention that fact that it is a form of stoking the racial resentment in this country.  Conversely, this is what the Democratic Party promotes and even encourage within the Party.  In the Democratic Party, it always seems like it is still 1964, before the civil rights act was passed. The Democratic Party does this, so that they can control the people and keep them around for the votes come election time.  Someone who is a bit nastier than me would refer to them as “useful idiots,” However; I am not that kind of a person.

What I just wrote about is just one of the many culprits of racial disharmony in this country and is commonly found in the Liberal circles.  Another culprit that is, in this writer’s opinion, just as bad a race baiting and that is abject racism.  A sick example of that is the cartoon that was published in the New York Post yesterday.  The cartoon was supposedly, and I use that term in the strongest way possible, a piece of satire.  The problem is the only person or persons that were laughing, was the man who drew the cartoon and the editorial staff at The New York Post. The rest of sane rational America was standing with their arms folded and toes tapping wondering just what were the New York Post thinking, when they allowed this cartoon to published?

As I have written on my blog many times, racism is just plain wrong, as is Race Baiting and this continual stoking of the racial resentments in this Country.  I will be the first person to admit, that the Liberals do the stoking, just as much as those of the Conservative side of the political fence.  It is this writers opinion that the only thing worse than a race baiter, who continually attempts to stoke the resentment between the races by continually waving the victim flag every time someone says something that is considered out of line or politically incorrect.  That is the person in the Anglo-Saxon race that says or does something intentionally offensive to cause those of the African-American race to have a knee jerk reaction.  This is more of that stoking of the flames of the historic racial resentment.

The cartoon that was published yesterday by the New York Post was classless, tasteless and downright offensive, considering that this Nation just recently took a major step, in a long list of steps of burying this nations past of ugliness towards those of the African-American race.  The only purpose of that cartoon was to stoke the flames of the resentment between the Black and White races in the country.  Furthermore, the response of the New York Post Editorial board when pressed about the issue was the typical arrogant demagoguery position of that paper.

Frankly, I am quite shocked that Rupert Murdoch, a man who is supposedly a born-again Christian and himself a immigrant from Australia would even allow this sort of tripe to be published in one of his newspapers. I do truly believe that in the quest to strike a humorous home run, the New York Post unfortunately stuck out, and quite horribly so.

New AG Eric Holder is nothing more than a race baiting shill for the left

Maybe it is just me. But am I the only person that see’s a alarming similarity between this video here:

….and this video here: (Content Warning)

Just sayin’

Others: Weekly Standard, Hot Air, Michelle Malkin, Riehl World View, The Campaign Spot, Cold Fury

The White House is Hiring – Liberals only need apply

This is pretty funny.

We’re happy to announce that the jobs application feature is now live on The Jobs Application feature enables people everywhere to apply to be considered for a political appointment in President Obama’s Administration. You can get to it by clicking on the “Jobs” link at the very bottom of each of the pages on

That link will take you to a page which tells you a little bit more about the application process, with a a button at the bottom marked, “Begin Application Form.” That’s where you fill out your information, upload a resume, and tell us what kinds of positions you’re interested in. But a quick heads up – you have to complete the application in one session, and it’s going to take you about 15 minutes to do it. So before you start, you might want to print the Paper Application, gather up the information you’ll need, then sign back in.

via The White House – Blog Post – Apply for a job.

Of course, if you are White, Bitter, Clingy, Anti-Illegal immigration,  Conservative type; you need not apply. Only Black,  God-Denying, Baby Killing, Gay Enabling, Open border Advocate, Liberals need bother applying.

Red State Update on Obama’s Stimulus News Conference

Jackie and Dunlap on Obama’s first prime-time news conference. Stimulus pimpin’ and Elkhart bashin’ ensue.

Members of the Black Press not Happy with President Obama

I have some very different feelings than you think about this story, I will explain below…:

After the first black president completed his first prime-time press conference, the black press was red hot.

“We were window dressing,” said Hazel Edney, a reporter with the National Newspaper Publishers Association, also known as the Black Press of America. “We were nothing more than window dressing.”

As the media filed into the stately White House East Room on Monday night, the reporter was shocked to find herself in the front row. Alongside her were the top news agencies, Associated Press, Reuters; also up front, 86-year-old Helen Thomas, who started covering presidents 50 years ago.

Alongside the most prominent journalists in America was Tiffany Cross from Black Entertainment Television. Like Miss Edney, she didn’t know why she was in first-class while all the television networks – every single one – was exiled to the steerage compartment.

“I really don’t know why I’m up here,” Miss Cross said with a shy smile.

While most on the front row got to pose a question to President Obama, the two reporters from the black press did not. Nor did any other black-press reporter, for that matter.

“This was like Reagan, when he’d put all the blacks up front,” said another prominent but visibly peeved black-press reporter who asked to remain anonymous. “He oughta’ be ashamed.”

via Washington Times – CURL: Obama snubs black press.

As I said above, I have mixed feelings about this report; I tend to believe that this report is one those “Let’s stir the pot and see what happens,” kind of reports. President Obama, to his credit, did not run a “Black Power” Presidential campaign, if he had done so, the American people would have been turn off and President Obama would not have made it out of the Primary.

As much as I respect the reporting of the Washington Times and their Conservative stance, I believe that this story is nothing more of the rattling of the race baiting sabers that the Far Right Wing bunch are known for. Yes, that is correct, I am a moderate Conservative and I am admitting that there is a certain bit of reverse race baiting that goes on in those circles. It is a sad fact, but it is the truth.

Michael Steele-Gate continues

I wrote on this earlier, but now it seems that even more blowback from the far fringes of the Republican Party are now bellowing about the election of Michael Steele to the Republican Party’s National chair position. This time from no other than the God-Father and Master of Ceremonies of White Nationalism himself, Former Klansman and Republican Representative of Louisiana David Duke, who goes on, what can only be called a nuclear nut:

The Republican Party leadership in its latest act of self-immolation appointed, Michael Steele, a radical Black racist as the leader of the Party.

Steele is a passionate supporter of affirmative action programs that racially discriminate against tens of millions of White Americans. He also supports increased discrimination against White owned businesses in the awarding of non-merit and non-bid minority contracts. He is opposed to the death penalty and thinks that it is disproportionately applied to Blacks even though it is applied to White murderers at 500 percent higher than it is to Black murderers. He is also an advocate of more gun control legislation as well as a draconian, massively increased enforcement of the current laws. He is a servile dog of Israel and has condemned Hamas and Hezbollah as terrorists and yet said not a word of compassion for the 5,000 (half of them women and children) who have been maimed and murdered in Gaza by Israel’s weapons of mass destruction. He says that he would still support the Iraq War and the loss of 50,000 maimed Americans, 4500 killed and trillions in cost, even though the reason for the war (Weapons of Mass Destruction) was proven to be a lie.

When a reporter for the Washington Post interviewed me on the appointment, this is what I said:

I am glad these traitorous leaders of the Republican Party appointed this Black racist, affirmative action advocate to the head of the Republican party because this will lead to a huge revolt among the Republican base. As a former Republican official, I can tell you that millions of rank-and-file Republicans are mad as hell and aren’t going to take it anymore! We will either take the Republican Party back over the next four years or we will say, “To Hell With the Republican Party!” And we will take 90 percent of Republicans with us into a New Party that will take its current place!

I think the insanity of nominating “Mr. Amnesty” John McCain and now this Black racist — will lead to insurgency in the Republican ranks, and a lot of dissidents getting elected in Republican Party primaries around the country. This will result over the next four years a real move by millions of Republicans to take the party back to the populist issues that are not only right but can win for the Republican Party. We must end affirmative action, protect our gun rights and all our constitutional rights, have a moratorium on immigration, we must have protectionism, yes I said protect American businesses and their workers from NAFTA and GATT and the lie of free trade, and we must have America First, not foreign interventionism. Our boys should be home protecting the American borders a not being murdered on the borders of Iraq or Afghanistan. The time as come for Republican Party to stand up to Obama and defend American heritage, rights, and freedom!

Man, Wow. Surprise You think he might be just a wee bit angry? Duke goes on to call Michael Steel, “Obama Junior”.  Doh

However, he does make some very valid points:

Some excerpts of media and direct quotes by Steele:

RNC Chairman Michael Steele Pledges Action RNC Chairman Michael Steele Pledges Action
January 30, 2009 by Michael Thompson in Associated Content

Some delegates at the RNC Chairman’s election in Washington, Michael Steele’s hometown, opposed Steele on the basis that he is not politically conservative enough for their tastes. This reflects the philosophic divisions that have afflicted the Republican National Committee at various times through history, most recently during the past three years. Michael Steele opposes the death penalty and supports affirmative action, unlike most Republicans.

Steele says he want more discrimination against White-owned businesses

Michael chaired a 17-member task force devoted to reforming Maryland’s Minority Business Enterprise (MBE), which works to provide more opportunities for minority-owned small businesses and further spur job growth and economic vitality. There are 82,000 minority-owned businesses in the state, accounting for 20% of all Maryland firms. Maryland ranks 2nd in the nation in having the most minority-owned businesses.

Source: Campaign site,, “On the Issues” May 2, 2006

Steele wants stronger gun control laws and harder enforcement of the draconian laws on the books

Steele: “Society should draw lines. What do you need an assault weapon for, if you’re going hunting? That’s overkill. But I don’t think that means you go to a total ban for those who want to use gun for skeet shooting or hunting or things like that But what’s the point of passing gun laws if we’re not going to enforce them? If you want to talk about gun control, that’s where you need to start. We’ve got 300 gun laws on the books right now. At the end of the day, it’s about how we enforce the law.”

Source: Washington Post interview Oct 16, 2006

Opposed to the death penalty and thinks that is is disproportionately applied to Blacks (When in fact Whites receive a dramatically disproportionate percentage of death penalties.

Steele is personally opposed to the death penalty, but he has not publicly expressed his opinion on two executions [in Maryland]. Nor, he said, did he privately try to dissuade Gov. Ehrlich from signing the execution orders. He did, however, volunteer to undertake a study of the fairness of the death penalty to determine if minorities and the poor in Maryland receive a disproportionate share of death sentences. But that was in 2003, and three years later he has still not produced a finished report.

Source: By Michael Sokolove, New York Times Mar 26, 2006

Would still vote for the Iraq war even there were no weapons of mass destruction

I would think we’d still prosecute the war. But what I would do, if we’re going to do it, let’s make sure we have the right complement of personnel on the ground and that we are looking forward in this and not looking backwards. And that’s where I am right now: What are we going to do, what is our strategy to begin to move our soldiers home and have Iraqi government and leadership move forward and keeping what they want in Iraq?

Source: 2006 Maryland Senate debate on Meet the Press Oct 29, 2006

Works against the American business and their workers

Steele Supports Free Trade and actually led a trade mission to Africa where he called for no tariffs on these nation’s products where workers are paid a few cents per day. Such a policy would of course undermine American companies, American employment and wages.

“As Maryland’s Lieutenant Governor, Michael Steele led an historic trade mission to Ghana and South Africa to advance opportunities for small businesses in Maryland to bring their goods and services to the global market. In the United States Senate, Michael Steele will continue a growth-oriented dialogue with countries all over the world to advance the interests of Maryland businesses and to help them compete in an ever-changing global economy.”

Source: Campaign website,, “Issues” Oct 25, 2006

Betrays the Republican base states!

Can Michael Steele lead GOP out of woods? Republican National Committee picks first black chair
By RICHARD SISK Daily News Washington Bureau, January 30th 2009

“Steele quickly pledged to break the current mold of the GOP as a southern and southwestern stronghold and reach out to reclaim the party’s former base in New York and the Northeast.”

So, while I can see why Duke does not like the guy. It is the whole framing of his arguments that bug me to death. I mean, it’s the whole “Servile Dog of Israel” business that turns me off. I mean, can understand Duke’s feelings. But does he have to swerve into the Israel Bashing? 🙄

Of course, the Liberals are just loving this stuff. They’re listed below…

Others: Jack & Jill Politics, Ben Smith’s Blogs, Pam’s House Blend, Booman Tribune, Alas, a blog,  and The Raw Story

Michael Steele elected Republican National Committee Chairman

First the video of remarks by Steele:

Via The Politico:

Former Maryland Lt. Gov Michael Steele triumphed over four opponents in the race for Republican National Committee chairman Friday, giving the party its first black chairman as well as a forceful communicator at a time of political weakness.

“This is awesome,” Steele told RNC members in a victory speech. “It is with a great deal of humility and a sense of service that I accept and appreciate and thank all of you for the opportunity to serve.”

Steele emerged victorious from a lengthy, six-ballot voting process. Running against him were incumbent RNC Chair Mike Duncan, South Carolina Republican Party Chair Katon Dawson, Michigan Republican Party Chair Saul Anuzis, and former Ohio Secretary of State Ken Blackwell.

I will say it. I am glad to see that the Republican Party has elected an African-American. This will render the days of post-race racialism null and void.

…and for that, I am very glad. 😀

Maybe now some of the more Conservative Democrats, which have avoided the Republican Party because of it being perceived as a “White Man’s Party”, will come on over to the party of sanity.

One can only hope.

Memeornadum is now providing Coverage

Trackposted to The Virtuous Republic, Rosemary’s Thoughts, Wingless – Alastair Crooke on Gaza & Hamas – living in the twilight zone!, Wingless – Sura 5:32 – When Killing isn’t Murder, Cao’s Blog, Leaning Straight Up, Democrat=Socialist, Conservative Cat, Nuke’s, third world county, Allie is Wired, Woman Honor Thyself, Wingless – What Lead to Cast Lead, The World According to Carl, Wingless – Cuba: Beautiful Country, People…Not so Beautiful System…, Rosemary’s News and Ideas, The Pink Flamingo, Wingless, and Right Voices, thanks to Linkfest Haven Deluxe.

Linkfest Haven, the Blogger's Oasis

See, The problem is this

It seems that the Far left Liberal Blog Huffington Post, which is owned by a marble-mouthed Greek twit; is giving Michelle Malkin a hard time:

Michelle Malkin Doesn’t Care About Black People

To mark the day, Michelle Malkin kept a whimsical inauguration cliché count, supposedly monitoring utterances of the “First black president in American history” and “We are witnessing history.”

Michelle didn’t hide her contempt for all this attention being paid to Obama or for the credit he’s getting for being our first black president. She also made space on her blog to point out that no one in the media was covering how Obama inauguration celebrant Jay-Z often uses the word “nigga.” Then she uploaded a video on her site to prove it and sniffed, “And you wonder why some of us don’t believe MLK’s dream has been completely fulfilled …”

Now, many of you may be wondering why someone who is of Asian decent would be so antagonistic toward Obama and his background. And while Michelle may be a whore for the far-right — and she is certainly being a good one by discounting this momentous event — it still gives us pause. While most whores love to bring joy to people, it seems this one only seeks to spread hate.

Michelle Responds:

Yeah, that’s me. “Whore for the far-right.” All because I refuse to genuflect at the altar of the far-left’s selective, skin-deep diversity and slaver at the feet of Barack Obama. All because I pointed out the hypocrisy of the post-racialists’ obnoxious racialism.

Perhaps if I instead drooled all over Barack Obama’s presidential blanket like giddy Donna Brazile did in this embarrassing Good Morning America video, they’d pat me on my head and consider me a properly-behaved member of my ethnic group, too.

Let me add something to the Conversation here. Here’s the real deal on the Far Left’s idea of “Diversity”. “Diversity” goes one way and one way only, to the minorities.  If you are a white man, like me; you’re just out of luck! Want proof?

Check out this video here, this is Robert Reich, who served in the Clinton Administration: (H/T HotAir)

Money Quote:

I am concerned, as I’m sure many of you are, that these jobs not simply go to high-skilled people who are already professionals or to white male construction workers.  … I have nothing against white male construction workers.  I’m just saying that there are a lot of other people who have needs as well. … Criteria can be set so that the money does go to others, the long term unemployed minorities, women, people who are not necessarily construction workers or high-skilled professionals.

So, you see, Diversity within the Democratic Party means, if you’re black or a minority; you are covered. If your a White Man, like me, You are totally screwed.

As for what is being said about Michelle is simply this. Race Baiting. Anyone that does not dance to the tune of Hope and Change; and does not bow to the alter of B. Hussein Obama, is unfairly smeared as a racist. It has been that way since the passage of the unconstitutional civil rights act of 1964, and has only gotten worse ever since.  Thanks to LBJ for selling the White man and true ethnic diversity up the river.

While I might have some issues with Michelle’s Neo-Conservatism and her support of the Iraq War. I am in total agreement with Michelle on this issue here.

Zo Breaks it down on “The Dream and the 44th”

Zo’s Website

Updated: And so, it begins?

Change we can Believe in?

One of my wife’s friends told her on Tuesday that someone she knew had been renting a house to a single African-American woman for several years. The lady had apparently never missed a payment or even been late with one.

But, for some strange reason, immediately after Barack Obama was elected to office last November, the woman reportedly stopped paying rent. When politely questioned about it, she told her landlord: “We have a new president now and some things are going to change.” He replied: “Well, that’s fine, but you still have to pay your rent,” to which she reiterated: “No, we have a new president now – and some things are going to change.”

From what I understand, the rent has yet to be paid. —–  Read the Rest At: Paul Proctor — We Have a New President Now.

I wonder if the people in Iowa, who voted to elected this man, counted on this sort of a thing? What’s next? White men as slaves?

Update: January 4, 2010: Some people are linking to this posting, with another a made here just the other day. I am sorry to tell you people this, but, you wouldn’t know snark and sarcasm, if it bit you on the nose. Further more, this was originally posted right after the election of the President. So, I dunno what you all are trying to say. But I think you need a good course in Humor. Good day! 😀

Tucker Carlson on Obama’s Inauguration, “Let’s Not Pretend This is the Second Coming of Jesus”

This is why I like Tucker Carlson, he is absolutely fearless and is not afraid to speak his mind.

Listen to it: (Via Media Bistro)


Former MSNBC and CNN anchor Tucker Carlson, who is already “worn out” from the Inauguration festivities, joined us this morning on the Morning Media Menu. Carlson and host Glynnis MacNicol are two of the millions in D.C. right now.

He had some strong thoughts about the media’s love affair with President-elect Barack Obama. “I’m excited about it, I live here, I want my kids to see it…On the other hand, in the end he’s a politician taking a political office, 52% of the public voted for him, 48% didn’t vote for him, so let’s not pretend this is the second coming of Jesus,” said Carlson.

And although he didn’t want to sound like “a libertarian wacko,” he had some problems with the D.C. security. “The security is really over the top, anti-American really…We are far too willing to accept security restrictions,” he said.

As for the “exclusive” deals being worked out between TV networks and the Presidential Inauguration Committee, Carlson said, “How you can decide you have exclusive right to something that takes place on the National Mall? I don’t know who came up with that? I should try it!”

He also had some other suggestions: “Why don’t we name the White House? We could call it the Staples House, you know what I mean. The Home Depot House.”

Carlson also said that a friend of his tried to cross the Washington Bridge and was confronted by a United States Army solider with a bullhorn and an assault rifle. Which I believe, if I am not mistaken, against the law and our constitution.

I also agree with his assessment of the Liberal media’s infatuation with “The One”, it’s a sad day; when the media refuses to look at something objectively.  I mean, there are so many questions, his citizenship, his ties to communism, it just sickens me, that the media and the American citizens not asking more questions.

Of course, you can expect that the far lefty liberal media will, of course, pay attempt to paint Tucker Carlson as a hater. But thinking Americans will know better. Further more, the Fascist Neo-Conservatives will refuse to report this, because of their love affair with the Democrats, seeing that most Neo-Cons are of Democratic breed.

I fear for what America is about to become. The Rapture of the Church cannot come fast enough, if you ask me.

Once again the Liberal media lies about those who do not support Obama

This is getting to be about the stupidest bunch of nonsense, that I have ever heard in my entire life.

It now seems that the Communist News Network, also known as CNN is now trying to trump up the possibility of President Obama being assassinated, and in the process smeared David Duke.

Via CNN:

Hate crimes experts and law enforcement officials are closely watching white supremacists across the country as Barack Obama prepares next week to be sworn in as the first black president of the United States.

So far, there is no known organized effort to express opposition to Obama’s rise to the presidency other than a call by the National Knights of the Ku Klux Klan for its members to wear black armbands as well as fly the U.S. flag upside down on Inauguration Day and Obama’s first full day in office.

As Tuesday approaches, when Obama stands outside the Capitol to take the oath of office, experts expect anger about the new president to spike. But they don’t expect it to go away.

“The level of vitriol, I expect, will go up a bit more around inauguration time,” said Brian Levin, director of the Center for the Study of Hate and Extremism at California State University-San Bernardino.

There “is concern” about white supremacist groups during the inauguration, said Joe Persichini, the assistant FBI director who is helping to oversee security during the inauguration. What might the Rev. Martin Luther King Jr. have said? »

The inauguration of the nation’s first minority president increases any potential threat, “particularly stemming from individuals on the extremist fringe of the white supremacist movement,” said a recent intelligence assessment by the Department of Homeland Security and the FBI.

But law enforcement has the appropriate resources to respond if needed, Persichini said.

“We have seen a lot of chatter,” Persichini said. “We have seen a lot of discussions. We have seen some information via the Internet. But those are discussions. We look at the vulnerabilities and whether or not the groups are taking action.

“You have freedom of speech,” he added. “Anyone in this nation can have a discussion about their beliefs, but we are concerned about whether or not they take that freedom of speech and exercise some act that is against the law.”

Anger, violence and interest in racist ideology did increase in the hours and days after Obama was elected president in November, hate groups experts said.

Three New York men were indicted on charges of conspiracy to interfere with voting rights — accused of targeting and attacking African-Americans in a brutal crime spree soon after Obama was declared the winner on November 4.

And interest in racist ideology was so high right after the election that computer servers for two White supremacist Web sites crashed, according to the Southern Poverty Law Center, which tracks hate groups.

But the violence and interest soon subsided. Leaders within the white supremacist movement are now seeking to capitalize on Obama’s presidency by using his election to help grow their organizations.

“President-elect Obama is going to be the spark that arouses the ‘white movement,’ ” reads a posting on the National Socialist Movement Web site. “Obama’s win is our win. We should all be happy of this event.”

In an interview posted on his Web site on election night, former Louisiana state Rep. David Duke said Obama’s election “is good in one sense — that it is making white people clear of the fact that that government in Washington, D.C., is not our government.”

“We are beginning to learn and realize our positioning,” Duke, a prominent white supremacist, later said in the election night recording. “And our position is that we have got to stand up and fight now.”

Mark Potok, director of the SPLC’s Intelligence Project, said the leaders of these groups are frustrated by Obama’s win.

“I think the hate groups are desperately looking for a silver lining in a very dark cloud for them,” Potok said.

While experts said it is difficult to determine how many people belong to hate groups, they do agree with an SPLC estimate that claims there are about 900 operating now, a 40 percent increase from 2000. The vast majority of these groups promote white supremacist beliefs, and range from skinheads living in urban areas to the KKK ,which is based largely in rural settings.

It is difficult to pinpoint how many people subscribe to white supremacist views, because the Internet allows people to follow the movement under the cloak of anonymity. Leaders of the white supremacist movement are able to use their Web sites to reach a new subset of potential followers and push their racist rhetoric to the limit without outright calling for violence.

Levin said one challenge in protecting Obama is that the identity of a potential attacker would likely be unknown — a person who believes in white supremacist ideology, but decides to act as a lone wolf.

Threats of violence are more likely to be found on Web sites that allow posters to remain anonymous.

Most white supremacist leaders have been careful in what is posted on their Web sites, “hyper-aware that they are being watched,” Potok said.

But not all white supremacist leaders are mindful of their actions or care to be. Two months before the election, American National Socialist Workers Party head Bill White posted a magazine cover on his Web site featuring a picture of Obama in the cross hairs of a rifle scope with a headline “Kill This N—–?”

White is now in jail on unrelated charges that he “threatened use of force against” a juror who had helped convict another white supremacist as well as several other charges of making threats to unrelated victims.

Racism in the U.S. “remains a real problem” even though Obama won the White House, Potok said, and he predicted that hate groups will continue to grow during Obama’s presidency.

“I think we are in a very worrisome moment historically,” Potok said. “I say that because there are several things converging that could foster the continued growth of these groups: continuing high levels of nonwhite immigration, the prediction by the Census Bureau that whites will lose their majority in 2042, the tanking economy, and what is seen as the final insult, the election of a black man to the White House.”

Levin noted that it is common knowledge the U.S. Secret Service is taking great measures to protect Obama (who began receiving coverage in May 2007, the earliest point ever for a candidate in a presidential campaign), and emphasized it is a great challenge.

“President-elect Obama is so used to a public presence, and being among people poses some real difficulties for his protection,” Levin said.

I think it is important to note that the Southern Poverty Law Center is a Communist Liberal run organization, who goal and aim is to stifle the free speech of those whom they deem to be hateful.

More after the jump:

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Shocker: Scary Harry Reid Says, “We don’t want no Darkies in our Senate!”

That is according to the Chicago Sun Times:

“Days before Gov. Blagojevich was charged with trying to sell President-elect Barack Obama’s U.S. Senate seat to the highest bidder, top Senate Democrat Harry Reid made it clear who he didn’t want in the post: Jesse Jackson, Jr., Danny Davis or Emil Jones.

Rather, Reid called Blagojevich to argue he appoint either state Veterans Affairs chief Tammy Duckworth or Illinois Attorney General Lisa Madigan, sources told the Chicago Sun-Times.

Sources say Senate majority leader Harry Reid (left) pushed against Rep. Jesse Jackson Jr. (center), and suggested Gov. Rod Blagojevich appoint state Veterans Affairs chief Tammy Duckworth (right) to President-elect Obama’s vacant Senate seat.

Sources say the Senate majority leader pushed against Jackson and Davis — both democratic congressmen from Illinois — and against Jones — the Illinois Senate president who is the political godfather of President-elect Barack Obama — because he did not believe the three men were electable. He feared losing the seat to a Republican in a future election.

Blagojevich spokesman Lucio Guerrero confirmed that Reid (D-Nev.) and U.S. Sen. Robert Menendez (D-N.J.) — the new chief of the Senate Democratic political operation — each called Blagojevich’s campaign office separately Dec. 3. Sources believe that at least portions of the phone conversations are on tape.

Before their contacts, Obama’s chief of staff Rahm Emanuel called Blagojevich to tell him to expect to hear from Senate leadership because they were pushing against Jackson and others, according to statements the governor made to others.

The Reid-Menendez calls came a day before a Dec. 4 conversation overheard on government wiretaps where Blagojevich says he “was getting ‘a lot of pressure’ not to appoint Candidate 5.” Candidate 5 is Jackson.

The calls reveal the varying forces directed at Blagojevich as he weighed the appointment.”

“Not Electable” my behind. The mask slips from the old school democrats. For the record:

He didn’t want these:


But he wanted these:


Man, unreal. Harry Reid, a racist. Who knew? I dont know Of course, for a Religious stand point I can report that Mormons, Especially old school morons from the old days, are very highly racist. They would not admit blacks into their churches until like the 1970’s, I believe.  I know this from reading up on them. They also believed that Adam and Eve, when they sinned were turned black, as was Cain. (To be fair, many old school Baptists believed the same thing…)

Should be a very interesting news week. Something to really blog about! yay! Dancing

Others:JammieWearingFoolHot Air,, Don Surber, BLACKFIVE, RedState, Macsmind, Stop The ACLU, Sister Toldjah, Gateway Pundit

The question is; What is Racist?

I cannot believe it, but it is here again. Another stink over the Rush Limbaugh inspired “Barack Magic Negro” parody song. Seems the washed up hippy, who wrote the song is having a fit over the fact that it was even made. He calls it “racist.”

Well, I have a problem with that. As someone who knows what racism really is, and not this “knee jerk” politically correct nonsense, created by the fascist, free speech hating far left.

I am showing this videos and the respective songs with Lyrics to show you something, the absurdity of this so called controversy.

First up, the “Magic” video”:


Barack the Magic Negro lives in D.C.
The L.A. Times, they called him that
‘Cause he’s not authentic like me.
Yeah, the guy from the L.A. paper
Said he makes guilty whites feel good
They’ll vote for him, and not for me
‘Cause he’s not from the hood.

See, real black men, like Snoop Dog,
Or me, or Farrakhan
Have talked the talk, and walked the walk.
Not come in late and won!

Oh, Barack the Magic Negro, lives in D.C.
The L.A. Times, they called him that
‘Cause he’s black, but not authentically.
Oh, Barack the Magic Negro, lives in D.C.
The L.A. Times, they called him that
‘Cause he’s black, but not authentically.

Some say Barack’s “articulate”
And bright and new and “clean.”
The media sure loves this guy,
A white interloper’s dream!
But, when you vote for president,
Watch out, and don’t be fooled!
Don’t vote the Magic Negro in –
‘Cause —

’Cause I won’t have nothing after all these years of sacrifice
And I won’t get justice. This is about justice. This isn’t about me, it’s about justice.
It’s about buffet. I don’t have no buffet and there won’t be any church contributions,
And there’ll be no cash in the collection plate.
There ain’t gonna be no cash money, no walkin’ around money, no phoning money.
Now, Barack going to come in here and ……..

…and now a real racist song and video:

Music By: Johnny Rebel


L.B.J. was a-flyin’ one morn’
Over south Louisiana…feeling forlorn
When he looks down below, and what does he see?
Two cajuns pullin’ a nigger on ski’s!

So he lands, and says, “Thanks for helping your black brother!”
And them two cajuns just looked at each other
And said, “He might be smart, but I’ll tell you something…”
“He don’t know a thing about alligator huntin’!”

Who likes a nigger?
o-wop-bop-bam-bam (CHORUS)
Who likes a nigger?
Who likes a nigger?
And the hatin’, everybody, is a-gettin’ much bigger

Rich man travelin’ down thru the South
Stopped in Mississippi to get a tooth pulled out
When he paid the doctor the charges due
He said “My nigger chauffer’s got a bad tooth, too”

“Well, I’ll pull it…”, said the doc, “but you’d better not holler!
Cause I’ll have to charge you $200.00
Cause here in Mississippi he can’t open his mouth
We’ll have to go thru his bottom, to get the thing out!”


There ain’t much difference ‘tween a nigger and a donkey
‘Bout as much between an ape and a monkey
Ones a little bigger, but you gotta agree
There’s not very much more that you can see.

But a mule earns his livin’ by the sweat of his neck
While a nigger sits down and draws a gov’t check
The nigger should be smarter, as a general rule
But in a spelling contest, I’d pick the mule!

Now obviously, the second song is quite racist. Do you see the point that I am trying to make here? The first song is a light-hearted attempt at Humor and nothing more. Anyone who tries to paint it as anything other than this, is basically being a race baiter and someone who’s business is identity politics.

Update: Michelle Malkin makes a very good point: (H/T Macsmind)

All of sudden — after eight years of “F**k Bush” bumper stickers and “Kill Bush” assassination chic and Bush-or-Chimp parodies — the left is concerned about insulting the office of the Presidency?

Now, they are concerned with protecting the dignity of the office and with forging “commong ground and mutual respect?

Not to mention, when someone like me, tries to makes a point of all the race baiting and identity politics and the hypocrisy, when it comes to racism and intolerance on the left, I get death threats.  So, I ask again, what is racism? Whatever happened to free speech? Who are the real haters? The answer, I think, is quite obvious. 🙄

Others: Hot Air, Political Punch, Riehl World View, The Strata-Sphere, Jezebel, JammieWearingFool, Michelle Malkin, Blogs and Stories, BrothersJudd Blog, Commentary, The Hill, Wake up America and Real Clear Politics

Already?: The Party’s over for Obama and the far left

Seriously. That was the first thing out of my mouth.


In other parts of the country one would say, “That Quick?”

Seems that way, because Richard Cohen has basically said of Obama, that the Party; with him and his lesbian sister, was over.

Quotable Quotes:

Not that he was planning to attend, but Barack Obama should know that my sister’s inauguration night party — the one for which she was preparing Obama Punch — has been canceled. The notice went out over the weekend, by e-mail and word of mouth, that Obama’s choice of Rick Warren to give the inaugural invocation had simply ruined the party. Warren is anti-gay, and my sister, not to put too fine a point on it, is not. She’s gay.

She is — or was — a committed Obama supporter. On the weekend before the presidential election, my sister and my mother drove from the Boston area, where they both live, to Obama’s New Hampshire headquarters in Manchester. There my mother made 76 phone calls for Obama, which is not bad for someone who is 96, and gives you an idea of the level of commitment to Obama in certain precincts of my family.

I should say right off that my mother feels less strongly about Warren than my sister does. But I should add immediately that my sister feels very strongly, indeed. She’s been in a relationship with another woman, the quite wonderful Nancy, for 19 years, and she resents the fact that Warren has likened same-sex marriage to incest, pederasty and polygamy.

Let me just say right here. What you are seeing, is a major let down by the far left. Many on the far left saw Barack Obama is some sort of Liberal Messiah that would make the world all better again, if he were elected. It had to do with much of his election stump speech, which was filled with bombast and platitudes. In reality, Barack Obama is nothing more than just another Chicago liberal politician who will say and do almost anything to get elected to the office in which he is running for.

Of Obama’s Preacher Problems, Cohen Adds:

The conventional thing to say is that Obama has a preacher problem — first the volcanic Jeremiah Wright and now the transparently anti-gay Warren. But the real problem has nothing to do with ministers and everything to do with Obama’s inability or unwillingness to be a moral leader. Sooner or later, he just might have to stand for something.

This was apparent to me almost a year ago when I reported that Obama’s church, the Trinity United Church of Christ, had given a major award to Louis Farrakhan, the anti-Semitic leader of the Nation of Islam. The award was presented in Wright’s name and featured in a cover story in the church’s magazine, Trumpet. When I asked the Obama campaign about this, I was told that Obama himself did not agree with Farrakhan. What a relief!

And what a joke. I never for a moment thought Obama viewed Farrakhan any differently from the way I do. But I also thought that as a U.S. senator, as a presidential candidate or even as a mere citizen, he had an obligation to denounce the award — maybe quit the church. Do something! He did nothing.

Wow! Isn’t that what Republicans and Independent Conservatives were saying, um, for the last 2 years about Obama, but were derided as racists? Man, talking about turning on your own! 😮

I knew this was coming, I just knew it. The Democratic Party elected someone based upon popularity and it is now coming back to haunt them. I said this way back in the primary, when I was still running this blog over on the old site on Blogger, that Obama was being set up as some sort of “Perfect Liberal” and that the Democrats were setting themselves up for a let down.

Somewhere today, John Edwards and the rest of the Democrats are smiling. Because they are seeing what I am seeing and thinking, “That’s what those assholes get for electing him!” Anytime you elected someone based upon popularity or in Bambi’s case, skin color; it almost always comes back to haunt you, and right now it is.

Something tells me, that this is going to be an interesting four years to come. I predict that by the time Obama’s four years are up, he will be the most hated President among the far left, ever.

Others: Commentary, Babalu Blog, Stop The ACLU, Macsmind and Riehl World View