Video: Anthony’s Weiner by Jack Hunter

I do not always agree with Jack, but more often than not; he is right on point.

Transcript Here

This Posting was crafted on my Apple iPod using WordPress Mobile Admin (Too Cool!)

May God Bless Governor Jennifer Granholm!

Before anyone says this to me in the comments section,        I KNOW!

She was a horrible Governor. But for this little piece of clarity on Mitt Romney; she gets a “Atta-Gal!” from me.:

Former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney is due in Detroit Wednesday and Thursday to fill his presidential campaign war chest. As at recent events, he’s likely to take partial credit for the extraordinary resurgence of the U.S. auto industry – a comeback that has created more than 12,000 jobs in Michigan alone over the past year.

Unfortunately for Romney, we aren’t likely to forget that, when our city most needed help, his response was simple: “Let Detroit Go Bankrupt.”

After the 2008 financial meltdown, America’s auto companies were in dire straits. To survive, they needed a loan to allow them to restructure. But no bank was lending.

Romney vehemently opposed helping the auto industry. But as he advocated a course that would have led to certain liquidation for Chrysler and General Motors, President Barack Obama made the bold decision to extend GM and Chrysler the support needed for the necessary restructuring.


So for him to claim now that he pointed the way toward the recovery of the auto industry is profoundly disturbing. When asked last week about Romney’s claim that Chrysler didn’t need federal loans, Chrysler chief executive officer Sergio Marchionne answered that he must be “smoking illegal material.”

That Romney is a native son of Michigan only makes his cold shoulder toward the auto industry in 2009, and his attempts to woo Detroit money today, even more shameful. His laissez-faire strategy toward our auto industry during its time of crisis was wrong from the start – and a clear indicator of the misguided leadership he would bring to the White House.

The U.S. is facing enormous economic and global challenges, so we need a leader who isn’t afraid to roll up his sleeves to do what it takes to guarantee U.S. jobs and American success. It’s obvious that Romney is not that leader.

When Romney comes here with his hand out Wednesday, his Michigan supporters should treat him in the same way he treated the auto industry.

She might be a Canadian, and have been an lousy Governor. But she does know her Mitt Romney!  It is much too bad, that many on our side of the fence are not say this more. Not to mention, the jerk is now trying, pathetically to pander to the Sarah Palin crowd!

Hey Moron Mormon Boy! Quit while your ahead! 🙄


To my liberal friends: is this acceptable?

File this one under, “If Rush Limbaugh had said this about Obama.”

This comes via The Daily Caller (with video, be sure and watch it, please!!!)

Sometimes there is a line that is crossed between what appropriate for comedy and what’s likely off limits. But did comic Christopher Titus cross that line?
In an appearance on Monday’s “The Adam Carolla Show” podcast, Titus may have waded into that territory. In responding to a question about former Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin’s appearance on “Fox News Sunday,” in which Palin defended her interpretation of what happened during Paul Revere’s pre-Revolutionary War famous ride, Titus launched into a description of what he would do if Palin were elected.
“You know what man?” Titus said. “I am going to literally — if she gets elected president, I am going to hang out on the grassy knoll all the time, just loaded and ready — because you know what? It’s for my country. It’s for my country. If I got to sacrifice myself, it’s for my country.”

To my liberal Democratic Party friends: Is jokes about assinating a conservative female acceptable? Is joking about assinating ANY sort of political figure, even remotely funny?

If not, then why are not more liberals speaking out about it?

In the name of decency; we need to stop this; before something awful happens again.

This Posting was crafted on my Apple iPod using WordPress Mobile Admin (Too Cool!)

Why I am not blogging about Anthony Weiner

If you have come looking for any and all postings related to this idiotic so-called scandal by Anthony Weiner.  Let me stop you here, there are none on here anymore —well, except for this posting here.  Why you ask?

Because I pulled the posting —- really, it was nothing anyhow, just a casual mention of it.  I also mentioned it one of my “Daily Rant!” videos.  I stated on there, that I thought he was guilty as sin.  I officially retract that statement.

Why the change all of a sudden towards this story?


I do not wish to be one of the hoards of people in on the persecution of this man.

Folks, I have mentioned here in the past, it has been a while; but I do need to mention it again.  I am not, nor have I ever been a hyper-partisan or a partisan blogger at all —- period, end of story.  Corruption exists on both sides of the aisle.  There are corrupt Republicans and there are corrupt Democrats.  I do not buy into that whole idea that somehow or another that Democrats are more corrupt than Republicans are.  That is partisan nonsense and I simply do not play that game, at all.

It is obvious to the writer of this article; that this persecution of this man is of a partisan base.  Anything that Andrew Breitbart is involved in is purely of a partisan nature.  I will never give Breitbart, that vulgar piece of human excrement, any more attention or bandwidth than this man really honestly deserves.

The second reason why I am not allowing myself to become involved in such idiocy is the following:

I am a former “Left of center” person and blogger, who now finds himself in a happy place between the camps of Classic LiberalPaleo-Conservativelibertarian.  Because I have an opinion on the Zionist Movement, and on Neo-Conservatism and its foreign policy idiocy, I have been branded by some as an Anti-Semite and by liberals as being a racist bigot and by some as a white nationalist.

Because of this, I have decided that this “scandal” is not worth my time or trouble.  The way I feel about it, is this; If Anthony Weiner is even remotely as guilty as some are making him out to be, this whole thing will, as they put it, “Come out in the wash.”  What I do not support is the pathetic continual hounding of the man.  It is ridiculous!

Right now, our Nation is facing some serious issues.  Unemployment is at an ultimate high; our Nation’s debt is also at an ultimate high.  We have a President and a federal reserve bank that is literally ruining our money supply by pumping more currency into the money supply, thereby creating hyperinflation.  We also have a President that is more interested in importing oil from Brazil than he is drilling here and now; which sending gas prices over four dollars a gallon.  We are in the midst of all this and the best thing my fellow Conservative bloggers can do is fret and worry whether some idiot Democrat in congress tweeted a picture of his penis in a pair of men’s briefs?  Are you people damned Serious?!

Do you mental giants realize that this whole thing could blow up in our faces and that Conservatives, Republican Party, Tea Party (Pick a damn name!) could be perceived by those who are just mildly paying attention as Anti-Semites who are on the hunt for a Jewish politico to mess up, so that we can go after them?  Do you really what to know what the fallout from this all blowing up in your faces could be?  How about four more years of Barack Obama, you damned ninnies! —  Forget Sarah Palin, Forget even being taken seriously again; forget the damned Tea Party —- none of it will even matter, if this blows up and you all are proven to be wrong.

Because I will issue a hallow warning to the Republican Party and to every damned blogger who dared to cover this silly story.  If you think that, the Democrats will not use this little situation against the Republican Party in the 2012 election cycle, think again.  The Democrats will, they have no honor and in election cycles, perception is 90% of the rule and the socialist liberals will use their unlimited resources to drill this moron story in the sub-conscience of the Country; believe me when I tell you this.

If you want to return to the Bush-era of being perceived as downright evil, fine, do so.  However, do so at your own peril and possibly not being able to take the White House until 2016 —- or later.

Adam Kokesh attempts a flash mob at Jefferson memorial and gets his tail kicked and arrested by the D.C. Police

Call me one of the responsible ones.

Some who follows me on twitter, named “zacorbett” sent me a link to a video earlier; and being the anti-big Government person that I am, I was quite shocked at what I saw.

Here’s the video:

You say, “How Horrible!”

Well, hold the phone a minute. Let me give you some context here.

The dude that organized this “flash mob” that ended up getting a bunch of people arrested was none other than Adam Kokesh. Yeah, THAT Adam Kokesh! The same damned leftist Adam Kokersh that opposed the Iraq War, and is a fiery leftist; who lies about every damned thing under the sun; including his Military career.

Apparently, some people that he is friendly with; were arrested a while back for “Dancing” at the Jefferson Memorial in D.C. Well. ol’ leftist Kokesh did not like that one bit. So, he and friends tried a flash mob today at the Jefferson Memorial and you know what? The moronic douche-nozzles got arrested again!

Quite frankly, I hope the D.C. police puts that idiot, UNDER the damn jail and keeps him there for a very long time.

I do not believe in a police state, I really do not. But I do support our Military and I also believe in the concept of “rule of law” and I also believe that when you pull little stunts like this and you happen to get arrested and in the process you get your ass kicked by the police; then that is just too fucking bad. Sorry, Adam Kokesh, you will get no support from this blogger mostly likely no one else either. Except, maybe for the supporters of the pseudo-Conservative Ron Paul.

Sorry guys, but this idiot and his friends, got just what was coming to them….. JAIL.

The feckless left, Exhibit RP for Racial Paranoia

The Video: (H/T Saber Point)

The story via Central Coast News:

Soquel Students Suspended for White Supremacy Claims
Posted: May 26, 2011 1:29 AM EDT Updated: May 26, 2011 1:40 AM EDT
By Azenith Smith – email

SOQUEL, Calif. – Students banned from a Central Coast school for wearing a white t-shirt. On Wednesday, Soquel High School suspended at least two students. The students say it’s because of allegations, they’re part of a white supremacist group.

“All the girls wore pink, all the sports guys wore tank tops,” says Soquel High Senior Mikey Donnelly. “We were all going to wear white so that was the plan. Just wear white t-shirts to identify ourselves and look back and say that was our group of friends right there.”

Soquel High Senior Mikey Donnelly wore a white t-shirt for his senior class photo Tuesday. About 10 of his friends did the same. That decision may seem harmless. But Soquel High suspended Donnelly for three days because of it.

Donnelly said the school told him people were offended and intimidated by his group, claiming they’re a white supremacist gang.

“I do think this is BS,” says Donnelly. “I’m not a white supremacist in any way shape or form. If I did say white power, I would probably say it just as much as I say black power.”

He’s not the only one upset.

“I feel disrespected,” says Soquel High Senior David Mine.

Mine also wore a white t-shirt and was also suspended. He’s missing out on finals and that could jeopardize his graduation.

“I’m Asian,” says Mine. “I don’t see how I can be a white supremacist. I’m against it completely.”

I don’t know about you; but if I were accused of something as stupid as this, if I were not a White Supremacist, I would most likely want to become one or at the very least, I would really begin to rethink my feelings about politics and multiculturalism.

But, this is what happens when political correctness gets out of control. Not to mention, what is wrong with having a “White Pride” group? Blacks have “Black pride” groups; so why the double standard? It is because liberals and some Neo-Conservatives, like to demonize we WASP’s. (White Anglo-Saxon Protestants) All because of the stupidity of the Southern Democrats of days gone by. We WASP’s will have to carry that guilt card, and demonetization for the rest of time. Just ask Rick Sanchez, Taki Theodoracopulos, Pat Buchanan and Ron Paul.

It is truly a sad state of affairs.

Others: Five Feet of Fury and Moonbattery

Cross-posted @ Alexandria

Video: Jack Hunter on Israel and The Right

Clank! — President’s Limo hits a…. snag?

This is rather funny.

Via the Daily Mail U.K.: (H/T to Memeornadum)

I bet every drive-train mechanic in the world went “Ouch!” and shuttered when that happened. That “CLANK!” was the drive shaft clanking after getting nailed. Either that or it was armor plating that you heard.

Either way, it was not a good day in Dublin; especially for the President.

Ace of Spades and AllahPundit Snark away.

Update: Doug Powers, writing over at Michelle Malkin’s Blog, really pours on the snark:

The “Moe hits Curly in the head with a ball peen hammer” wacky sound-effect is certainly a bonus.


Close enough for Government work. 😉

Anybody who threatens Amy Myers is NOT a true Conservative

There are not many times, that I feel the need to fire up my copy of Microsoft Word to write blog opinion pieces.  However, considering what I just read; I feel that writing anything other, than a professional sounding blog entry for this young woman; would be doing a disservice to her and her family.

As of late, there has been a gnawing cynism, which has been festering inside of me.  It is the thought that politics has become too partisan, too toxic, and almost too unbearable to write about any longer.  After all, it has been said by many people, that politics is like an open smelly sewer.  It is when I read things like this, that I begin to have those feelings of defeatist cynism very strongly.  This story has to be, one of the worst, if not the worst political story that I have read in a very long time:

Read More …

Change: Obama Says “Drill baby Drill”!

The Video:


So much for that, eh?

Reality sets in:

WASHINGTON – In this week’s address, President Obama laid out his strategy to continue to expand responsible and safe domestic oil production, leveraging existing authorities as part of his long-term plan to reduce our reliance on foreign oil. He is directing the Department of the Interior to conduct annual lease sales in Alaska’s National Petroleum Reserve – while respecting sensitive areas, to speed up the evaluation of oil and gas resources in the mid and south Atlantic, and to create new incentives for industry to develop their unused leases both on and offshore. Also, to give companies more time to meet higher safety standard for exploration and drilling, the administration is extending drilling leases in areas of the Gulf of Mexico that were impacted by the temporary moratorium, as well as certain leases off the coast of Alaska. And, he is establishing a new interagency working group to ensure that Arctic development projects meet health, safety and environmental standards. The past few months, rising gas prices have put an added strain on American families. While there are no quick fixes to the problem, these are steps, along with eliminating taxpayer subsidies for oil companies and rooting out fraud and manipulation in the markets, that are worth taking.

via Weekly Address: President Obama Announces New Plans to Increase Responsible Domestic Oil Production | The White House.

$4.00 a gallon gas and people are getting ticked; including his base. So, he quits with the cute silly liberal answers and starts back to drilling. Ed Morrissey says, “Nice try, but no.”

Quoting Ed Morrissey:

In fact, most of this action deals with extensions for existing leases, rather than new drilling. Instead of approving extension requests individually, Obama will issue blanket one-year extensions in Alaska and the Gulf of Mexico. The lease sales for the Gulf that Obama announced were supposed to take place last year. They’re not new leases. Obama did pledge to hold annual lease sales in Alaska’s North Slope area, where they had been ad hoc in the past, which is the only hint of new expansion in his remarks.

This isn’t leadership. It’s a threadbare attempt at triangulation that doesn’t add much new capacity at all, nor does it speed up the process of exploration and extraction. The White House will drag its heels on expansion of American production as long as possible; this announcement just buys Obama some time and a respite from the political fallout of high gas prices. Still, the fact that Obama had to protect himself in this manner shows how politically damaging his refusal to expand American production has become, and how damaging it will continue to be.

So, basically, Barry is trying to cover his backside and make it look like he is doing something about the high gas prices. When in all reality, the President and his Administration are simply giving political cover and lip-service to the American people. Which is what President Obama is actually pretty good at —- as long as he has his teleprompter.

Which proves what we Blogs on the right have known for three years now. That this President, who was elected more as a Black Novelty, than anything else; has no plan for this Nation’s future. Nor does have, nor does he care, about this Nation’s energy policy and its future. All he truly cares about, is his idiotic vision of progressive utopia; which is in reality, nothing but a pipe dream. Hopefully, the voters in 2012 will see this and vote accordingly.

Memeorandum Thread

Photos of the Day

This is sad really, not something I smirk or laugh about….:

An SEIU leader holding a Communist Flag


A SEIU worker holding a sign praising communism

The rest are over at Zombie’s Blog.

It saddens me, because it was not always like this. In fact, Walter Reuther, one of founding fathers of the UAW, fought against Communism:

After Pearl Harbor, Reuther strongly supported the war effort and refused to tolerate wildcat strikes that might disrupt munitions production. He worked for the War Manpower Commission, the Office of Production Management, and the War Production Board. He led a 113-day strike against General Motors in 1945-1946; it only partially succeeded. He never received the power he wanted to inspect company books or have a say in management, but he achieved increasingly lucrative wage and benefits contracts. In 1946 he narrowly defeated R. J. Thomas for the UAW presidency, and soon after he purged the UAW of all Communist elements. He was active in the Congress of Industrial Organizations (CIO) umbrella as well, taking the lead in expelling eleven communist-led unions from the CIO in 1949.

As a prominent figure in the anti-Communist left, he was a founder of the Americans for Democratic Action in 1947. He became president of the CIO in 1952, and negotiated a merger with George Meany and the American Federation of Labor immediately after, which took effect in 1955. In 1949 he led the CIO delegation to the London conference that set up the International Confederation of Free Trade Unions in opposition to the Communist-dominated World Federation of Trade Unions. He had left the Socialist party in 1939, and throughout the 1950s and 1960s was a leading spokesman for liberal interests in the CIO and in the Democratic party. — Source Wikipedia on Walter Reuther

My friends, it saddens me, as a former Democratic Party voter and as the Son of a retired G.M. Worker and UAW member to say, that the very madness of Communism that the Labor movement fought against, during a time of war in the 1940’s — that very labor movement is now embracing that madness now with full open arms. Anyone that believes that a “top down” style of Government is the solution to anything at all —- is insane. This younger generation just does not understand why Communism is so evil. They simply do not get it at all; that my friends will be the death of this Country. Somehow that Communism is cool or even, as they call it; “Chic.”

To those that might disagree —- go, ask someone from Cuba, Venezuela, North Korea, how they live and just how “Free” that they might really be. Ask if they are free to write, speak or even demonstrate against their Governments. What they will answer you with, might just surprise you.

I grieve deeply for the organized labor movement; and I would be willing to bet that the late Walter Reuther, that the communists killed, is too. 🙁

Confirmed: President Barack Obama is an Anti-American, Asshole, Piece of Shit

I am sorry, but that is how I feel. This man, this bastard piece of shit; has not only bungled a major kill in the war on terrorism. He has refused to give the American people closure.

Now there is this:

Audio: (H/T Pat Dollard)

Video: (H/T Atlas)

The Story via Real Clear Politics:

Debra Burlingame, the sister of Charles “Chic” Burlingame (pilot of the plane that crashed into the Pentagon) met with President Obama today, along with other families who were victims of 9/11. Burlingame said she confronted Obama about Attorney General Eric Holder prosecuting the men who interrogated KSM, which may have produced intelligence leading us to bin Laden.

Burlingame describes the encounter with Obama: “As a former attorney I know you can’t tell the Attorney General what to do, he said, ‘No, I can’t.’ But I said ‘we — that shouldn’t stop you from giving your opinion. We wouldn’t be here today if they hadn’t done their jobs. Can’t you at least give them your opinion.’ And he said ‘no I won’t,’ and he turned around and walked away.”

There is not anything more than I can add to this. The man is an ASSHOLE and a piece of shit. An Internationalist Democrat, who does not give a damn about America, its people or its principles.

Quite frankly, here is hoping that President Obama rots in the Devil’s hell. Screw him, Screw. him. hard. 😡

Because obviously this President does not give a flying fuck about anyone, but himself. Especially white people, who have lost loved ones who lost family members on 9/11. He is an internationalist Democratic and a black man, who at the very least, has sympathies to the Muslim community and for all we know; radical Muslims as well. Why else would he do something like this? Again, I say, SCREW HIM, SCREW.HIM.HARD…. 😡

Others: protein wisdom

Update:  Let me say this as well; I could have dealt with the President nicely saying to this woman, “I will take it under consideration and speak with my advisers,”  and then,  not doing anything. But to just say, “No, I won’t.” That my friends, is pure asshole behavior.  It is beneath the office and it brings a reproach to the office. For this, as far as I am concerned; President Obama has lost any sort of credibility, that he might have had with me. I’m finished with him and I will be voting in 2012 against him and I hope you, the reader, are too.


Video: GUEST VOICE: Jack Hunter Asks “Have We Forgotten 9/11?”

Transcript at Jack Hunter’s HQ

Confirmed: Orly Taitz is a moronic screwball

Oh Brother…:

In a development that will surprise no one, it turns out that President Barack Obama’s decision to release his long-form birth certificate hasn’t quieted members of the “birther” movement who promote the conspiracy theory that he wasn’t born in the United States.”Look, I applaud this release. I think it’s a step in the right direction,” so-called “birther queen” Orly Taitz told me in one of her many media interviews this morning. “I credit Donald Trump in pushing this issue.”But she still has her suspicions. Specifically, Taitz thinks that the birth certificate should peg Obama’s race as “Negro” and not “African.”

via Orly Taitz: Obama’s Long-Form Birth Certificate Should Say ‘Negro’ Not ‘African’ | TPMMuckraker.

From Wikipedia:

Orly Taitz was born to a Jewish family in Chi?in?u, Moldavian SSR in the Soviet Union (present day Moldova).[6] Both of her parents were science teachers.[10] In 1981, Orly immigrated to Israel,[1] where she obtained a dentistry degree at Hebrew University.[1]

If there ever was a case for calling someone a screwball Jew. This would be one of them. Someone please send this crazy woman back to Israel, where she belongs please; preferably in a straight jacket.

Others: Washington Wire, TPMDC, Jack & Jill Politics, Fox News, Alas, a Blog, Weigel, National Review, Comments from Left Field, Gawker, The Raw Story, Outside the Beltway, Colorlines and Raw Replay

Liberal Universities now teaching violent union tactics

This is unreal…

The Video:

The Story via Big Government:

If you are wondering why some folks are starting to question whether a college education is worth the cost, the video below goes a long way towards explaining it. Recently, the University of Missouri-St. Louis (UMSL) and the University of Missouri-Kansas City (UMKC) sponsored two college courses: Introduction to Labor Studies and Labor Politics and Society, to be taught simultaneously through a video conference between to two campuses.

The Professors are Judy Ancel, Director of Labor Studies at UMKC and  Don Giljum, business manager for the International Union of Operating Engineers at Ameren UE in St. Louis. (Bonus: he is a member of the Communist Party.)

In the class, the Professors not only advocate the occasional need for violence and industrial sabotage, they outline specific tactics that can be used. As one of our colleagues pointed out, its the matter-of-factness of it all that is so disturbing.

And yes, the schools, and the professors’ salaries, are funded by taxpayers.

Your tax dollars hard at work!

Update: Here is part 2: (H/T Big Government)

Video: Jack Hunter Asks “Does John McCain Support Al-Qaeda?”

Transcript Here

Jack Hunter’s Website.

Transgendered Beating Victim speaks out

Remember the White Transgendered woman who was savagely beaten by the two black female thugs? Well, She is speaking out.

The Video:

“They said, ‘That’s a dude, that’s a dude and she’s in the female bathroom,’ ” said Chrissy Lee Polis, 22, who said she stopped at the Rosedale restaurant to use the restroom. “They spit in my face.”

A worker at the restaurant taped Monday’s attack and created a graphic video that went viral last week. After the video garnered hundreds of thousands of views on websites, McDonald’s issued a statement condemning the incident, and on Saturday the worker who taped the incident was fired.

The video shows two females — one of them a 14-year-old girl — repeatedly kicking and punching Polis in the head as an employee and a patron try to intervene. Others can be heard laughing, and men are seen standing idly by.

Toward the end of the video, one of the suspects lands a punishing blow to the victim’s head, and Polis appears to have a seizure. A man’s voice tells the women to run because police are coming.


“I knew they were taping me; I told the guy to stop,” said Polis, a resident of Baltimore. “They didn’t help me. They didn’t do nothing for me.”

Of course, the dumb ass liberals are missing the point of this attack, as usual:

Polis, who is white, believes race may have also been a factor in her attack— both the assailants were black, according to the police report.

Of course, Pam couldn’t be bothered to report that in her blog posting; I guess it does not fit the narrative of the left or of the supposedly “oppressed” black community. Hey Pam, try owning your shit for a change, you stupid bitch! 😡 I guess it’s all about the struggle and a “Sister” don’t cut another “Sister”, if you know what I mean, and I think you do. 🙄

It goes on to tell that the woman has been out of work for a while; and now she is worried that she will not able to find a job. I can relate the job stuff, been out of work since 2005 and I sometimes wonder if having this blog would hinder me from getting a job. Seeing I have been outed by some serious assholes.

Here is hoping that this woman gets the justice she deserves.

Others: Poliglot, The Lonely Conservative and Scared Monkeys

Two Black Girls Beat White Transgendered Woman

These are Obama’s people…

The shocking video:

The Story via the Baltimore Sun:

A video of a vicious beating at a Baltimore County McDonald’s restaurant went viral Friday, garnering hundreds of thousands of views on websites and prompting the fast-food giant to issue a statement condemning the incident.

The video shows two women — one of them a 14-year-old girl — repeatedly kicking and punching the 22-year-old victim in the head, as an employee of the Rosedale restaurant and a patron try to intervene. Others can be heard laughing, and men are seen standing idly by.

Toward the end of the video, one of the suspects lands a punishing blow to the victim’s head, and she appears to have a seizure. A man’s voice tells the women to run because police are coming.

The three-minute clip was apparently first posted on YouTube, then taken down by administrators who said it violated the site’s policies. But it popped back up on other sites and was ultimately linked from the popular Drudge Report, which gave it top billing for much of the day.

So, why’d these two beat this woman?


Equality Maryland said the victim is a transgender woman and called on state Attorney General Douglas F. Gansler to step in and investigate the case as a hate crime. Police and prosecutors said they did not know whether the victim is a transgender woman.

“It does appear that the victim was a transgender woman, and she was brutalized while people stood by and watched,” said Lisa Polyak, vice president of the board of directors for Equality Maryland, an advocacy organization that fought unsuccessfully in the past legislative session for greater protections for transgender individuals. “There’s no excuse for that violence under any circumstances, but we would encourage police to investigate as a hate crime.”

The police report does not provide a motive, but quotes one of the suspects saying that the fight was “over using a bathroom.”

Oh, so because she’s a “Chick with a dick” that makes this sort of a crime just fine right? Wrong. Hate Crimes are hate crimes; no matter whom is doing it or who it is happening too.

You ask, “Why did you bring the race issue into it?” Because quite frankly, the damned liberal media will not report on black on white crime; so, I guess it is we blogger’s job to do that, is it not? Not only that, but I feel, when you do a crime like this; not only do you own the fact that you did the crime —– you own your race as well. Just like a white man or woman would if they committed a crime like this to black man or woman. That is my entire bitch with the liberal black community; they will never, ever, own their racial crimes and racist attitudes towards whites. But they sure as hell want we White people to own ours.  Just like Jews, Jews can be bigoted toward we White Aryan people all they wish; but the minute we Aryans say an critical word about a Jew, we get plowed for it. Again, it is that double standard in this Country. It is wrong, it began with Progressivism back in the 1940’s and it needs to change.

Others: The Smoking Gun, Pajamas Media, The Other McCain, The Lonely Conservative,, JONATHAN TURLEY, The Gateway Pundit and UrbanGrounds

Update: Oh my…. I got into the racist issue, a whole bunch, but UrbanGrounds, he went for the jugular!:

and this is what Black Culture in America has become. And make no doubt, that it is different from anything even remotely resembling American Culture (which is shared by all races, to include some blacks who have not fallen victim to this thug culture).

I can’t tell you how sick this video makes me. Not just the two piece-of-shit niggers beating on that helpless woman (NOTE: Nigger is not a word I use lightly or frequently. But make no doubt about it — the two pieces-of-shit women animals attacking this woman are indeed worthless niggers) — but I’m almost more appalled by their “brothers” and “sisters” who are standing around, not helping — many of them laughing and videoing the attack — while a helpless white woman is nearly beaten to death.

Even the black male McDonald’s employees only half-heatedly attempt to help their customer. The only person within any sense of humanity in the entire store? An old white woman who puts herself in harms way to protect the woman from being dragged outside, where the two niggers likely would have killed her.

Note at the end of the video where the man who is video taping it repeatedly warns the two thug attackers that they better leave before the police arrive. A decent human (which he clearly is not) would have done everything humanly possible to make sure they were detained until the police did arrive.

I can only hope that the police catch these two women, and that they resist arrest, and are both shot to death as a result, freeing the tax payers from having to try and incarcerate two worthless piles of shit that are lower than any animal I can think of.

You know why you never see videos like this with a bunch of white people in it? Because most white men would have stopped the attack from happening. I would have beat both of those niggers unconscious if I had to. And if that didn’t work…well, then I’m sure my .45 ACP that I carry everywhere would have done the job.

The biggest cancer in all of America is modern black culture, which condones, promotes and revels in this kind of violence.

I can see his point and such…..but, I would not have used the whole N-Word thing. But the rest is right on point. The sad part is, Democrats foster that sort of culture.

Video: This right here is why people hate cops

If this does not make you angry, check your pulse.

The Video:

(I guess the YouTube user removed the video…..)

The Story is over at  Las Vegas Review and Journal.

Sorry, no quotes on this one, due to this paper being the copyright crazies that go after anyone who copies their content.

Also too…. Please know that I do not advocate violence against any member of the law enforcement community. I just am aware that this stuff happens and it does fuel resentment and even fear of the Government and police. This does lead to people acting out. Something Eric Holder just does not get.

I also toned down the subject a bit. I was angry when I wrote this originally.

Video: More video of the classy left

Continuing with the theme here….

This comes via

Racism is bad people, no matter who is doing it.

and even more:

You see now, why I will never vote Democratic Party, ever again?

Others: Don Surber, theblogprof, The Lonely Conservative, The Jawa Report, Sister Toldjah and Left Coast Rebel

Video: Another reason why I will not vote Democratic Party again

You know what is worse than old racist dinosaurs in the Republican Party?

This, which comes via my facebook page:

Key phrase here is:

I wipe my ass with the American flag!

I am sorry, but there is no justification for this of Anti-American bile. If you are a minority in this Country and you feel this way; I got one thing to say to you:


It just so damned happens that these same minorities, who say that they wipe their ass with the American flag, are here making a good living in this Country. Want to know why? Because they know good and damned well, that they would never be able to do that in their Country. Which is, if the truth be known, Mexico, who treats their own people like crap; and pays them like crap too. Which is why Mexicans are sneaking across that boarder, so they can make a decent wage here.

Unlike this here; this is not about racism. This is about being angry about watching people, who come from another Country, trashing the values and the flag of the United States of America —- all the while making a decent living here in the United States of America. It is straight up hypocrisy of the highest order. You come to my Country, and you make a living for your family; you show some damned respect for its flag, culture and values or you get the fuck out and go back home. Just that damned plain and simple.

Anyone says or believes anything different than that; is either one of three things:

1. An Anti-American

2. A Communist

3. An Asshole

But then again, I might just be repeating myself.

That is all.

UPDATED Memo to Marilyn Davenport: Get the HELL out of the Republican Party NOW!

I am an open-minded person; but this is just straight up damned wrong!

ORIGINAL POST, April 15, 5 P.M.: Orange County might be a beautiful oceanfront locale, but it’s also home to Holocaust deniers, vicious anti-gay bigots and freakish big-haired televangelists.

Here, one of our Republican politicians welcomed the inauguration of the first African American U.S. president in early 2009 by sending out an email that depicted a watermelon field in front of the White House.

That incident drew embarrassing international attention, but now another Orange County Republican has apparently topped the watermelon imagery with another racist attack on President Barack Obama.

The Weekly has obtained a copy of an email sent to fellow conservatives this week by Marilyn Davenport, a Southern California Tea Party activist and member of the central committee of the Orange County Republican Party.

Under the words, “Now you know why no birth certificate,” there’s an Obama family portrait showing them as apes.

(Donald Trump must be elated to finally have an explanation about Obama’s true birth circumstances.)

Here’s the image attached to the email:


via [UPDATED: Davenport Defiant] Racist Orange County Republican Email: President Obama and His Parents Are Apes – Orange County News – Navel Gazing.

…and what might her rational be for this sort of stupidity?


UPDATE, APRIL 16, 5:55 P.M.: This afternoon, Marilyn Davenport sent an email to fellow Orange County Republican elected officials, apologizing if anyone was offended and blasted the “liberal media” for reporting the story.

“I simply found it amusing regarding the character of [President Barack] Obama and all the questions surrounding his origin of birth,” Davenport wrote. “In no way did I even consider the fact he’s half black when I sent out the email. In fact, the thought never entered my mind until one or two other people [Scott Baugh, Orange County GOP boss, and this writer] tried to make this about race . . . I received plenty of emails about George Bush that I didn’t particularly like yet there was no ‘cry’ in the media about them . . . That being said, I will NOT resign my central committee position over this matter that the average person knows and agrees is much to do about nothing.” (*Davenport’s entire statement is at the end of this article.)


(This is a copy of Davenport’s entire 12:24 p.m. Saturday email to other OC Republican leaders: “I’m sorry if my email offended anyone. I simply found it amusing regarding the character of Obama and all the questions surrounding his origin of birth. In no way did I even consider the fact he’s half black when I sent out the email. In fact, the thought never entered my mind until one or two other people tried to make this about race. We all know a double standard applies regarding this president. I received plenty of emails about George Bush that I didn’t particularly like yet there was no ‘cry’ in the media about them. One only has to go to Youtube or Google Images to see a plethora or lampooning videos and pictures of Obama, Bush and other politicians. That being said, I will NOT resign my central committee position over this matter that the average person knows and agrees is much to do about nothing. Again, for those select few who might be truly offended by viewing a copy of an email I sent to a select list of friends and acquaintances, unlike the liberal left when they do the same, I offer my sincere apologies to you–the email was no meant for you. For any of my friends or acquaintances who were the recipients of my email and were truly offended, please call me so I may offer a sincere verbal apology to you.”)

No ma’am, you are wrong. It IS racism! Comparing a black man to a chimp, is classic racial stereotyping and it is damned wrong. The Republican Party is the party of Lincoln and this sort of stupidity should NOT be tolerated; and if this vermin of a woman does not resign, she should be removed by the Republican leadership themselves. Of course, the liberal media and bloggers are upset, as they should rightly be. There is no place for this sort of nonsense in Conservative or Republican politics. Anyone says there is, is not; in my humble opinion, a true Conservative.

So, again, to this racist vermin bitch; GET THE HELL OUT OF THE REPUBLICAN PARTY!

…and before anyone asks, “Is not what you do here racist?” To that I answer very simply; hell to the no, it is not racist! This blog is simply a man, who politics is “right of center,” who happens to believe that the far socialist left is wrong on a number of things. It has never been, nor will it ever be about racism. I admittedly, have issues with the fact that the Democratic Party choose Barack Obama — because of his skin color, which they did. However, I do NOT ever, nor will I ever post any sort of racist imagery on this blog, ever! Oh, believe you me; I get emails all the time, “Hey this might be funny on your blog” and it is some racist tripe crap, that I would never, in a million years publish here. Hell, I have unfriended people on Facebook for this very thing. It is uncalled for, and those who do it are NOT Conservative; not in my view of what true Conservative Christianity and Republicanism is about. 

The real sick and sad part is; there are “Supposed” Conservatives and Republicans, who think this sort of thing is just fine. It’s humor they say; no, it is not humor, it is racism and I will not sit by and watch it. I’ve called more than one blogger out on here for it too. They’re assholes and they give us honest guys a bad name. 😡

Related: The Huffington Post: Marilyn Davenport’s Racist Email Denounced By OC GOP

Others: Crooks and Liars, Associated Press, The Moderate Voice, Little Green Footballs, Pam’s House Blend,, HyperVocal, Balloon Juice, The Immoral Minority, Booman Tribune, CBS Los Angeles and Mediaite

Update: For you Democrats coming here and being all smug about this. Your side does it too! See Here and Here please. So, wipe that smug look off of your face! Because your party and people’s hands are just as dirty as the Republican Party’s hands are, if not worse. Ever read any history?

Democrats have no love for Obama, Part Two

Continuing with this theme

Coming from The Nation:

President Obama cut a budget deal with congressional Republican leaders that outlined draconian cuts to needed programs while doing little if anything to address a supposed fiscal crisis. As such, it was a classic austerity agreement that served the special interests that dominate the upper ranks of both parties while ill-serving the great mass of Americans.

Congress has approved the deal that Vermont Senator Bernie Sanders says “moves America in exactly the wrong direction. It cuts programs for struggling working families, the elderly, children and the poor while preserving tax breaks for millionaires and billionaires.” But Sanders and a majority of House Democrats opposed it.

That represents a significant break with Obama and his attempt to get congressional Democrats to buy into the austerity agenda — and the false premise that America has the resources for wars and bank bailouts but not for health care, education and meaningful investments in community renewal and job creation.

The House vote was especially telling.

Poor man can’t do nothing right. Continuing:

Sanders captured the sentiment of progressives in Congress and across the country when he said, “There is no question that we must reduce soaring deficits, but it must be done in a way that is fair, which protects the most vulnerable people in our country, and which requires shared sacrifice.”

Roughly translated: “But it must be done in a way that is fair, that protects my special interests; like those old fools who voted me into office.” It must be kept in mind, that Sanders is a socialist. I mean, this guy left the Democratic Party, because it was not liberal enough. 

However, I will say this; like I told Karl Rove on twitter, all of this talk about cuts; without making any Military Cuts and ending the wars, especially Iraq and also end the war and more importantly, end the nation building in Afghanistan — is nothing more than a well-planned ruse on the American people. Heck, even Lew Rockwell agrees that making cuts on the back of the poor is just damned immoral. I have to agree, my parents are in their sixties; why should they have to suffer, because a bunch of idiots want to defend an empire?

Further more, why should my parents suffer, because a group of beltway thugs, of both parties, got drunk on spending? It makes no sense to me at all. End these wars, The Afghanistan War has outlived it’s mission, we’re simply nation building there, to make Bush happy. Iraq is done, let’s get the heck out of there! Libya is another mess. We should have never gotten involved with that, at all.  

So, as I said, when Democrats and Republicans both want to get real on spending, then I will commend them and vote for a Republican President; until then, it is just all Hot Air.