Video: Ron Paul talks with John Stossel on the SOTU address

This comes via The Daily Paul:

Part 1:

Part 2:

Comments are Welcome!

How a Simple Line Can Improve Your Trading Success

Elliott Wave International’s Jeffrey Kennedy explains many ways to use this basic tool
January 19, 2011

By Elliott Wave International

The following trading lesson has been adapted from Jeffrey Kennedy’s eBook, Trading the Line – 5 Ways You Can Use Trendlines to Improve Your Trading Decisions. Now through February 7, you can download the 14-page eBook free. Learn more here.

“How to draw a trendline” is one of the first things people learn when they study technical analysis. Typically, they quickly move on to more advanced topics and too often discard this simplest of all technical tools.

Yet you’d be amazed at the value a simple line can offer when you analyze a market. As Jeffrey Kennedy, Elliott Wave International’s Chief Commodity Analyst, puts it:

“A trendline represents the psychology of the market, specifically, the psychology between the bulls and the bears. If the trendline slopes upward, the bulls are in control. If the trendline slopes downward, the bears are in control. Moreover, the actual angle or slope of a trendline can determine whether or not the market is extremely optimistic or extremely pessimistic.”

In other words, a trendline can help you identify the market’s trend. Consider this example in the price chart of Google.

That one trendline — drawn between the lows in 2004 and the lows in 2005 — provided support for a number of retracements over the next two years.

That’s pretty basic. But there are many more ways to draw trendlines. When a market is in a correction, you can draw a trendline and then draw a parallel line: in turn, these two parallel lines can create a channel that often “contains” the corrective price action. When price breaks out of this channel, there’s a good chance the correction is over and the main trend has resumed. Here’s an example in a chart of Soybeans. Notice how the upper trendline provided support for the subsequent move.

For more free trading lessons on trendlines, download Jeffrey Kennedy’s free 14-page eBook, Trading the Line – 5 Ways You Can Use Trendlines to Improve Your Trading Decisions. It explains the power of simple trendlines, how to draw them, and how to determine when the trend has actually changed. Download your free eBook.

Tom Delay gets three years for corruption charges

Video Via CBN:

The Story:

Former House Majority Leader Tom Delay, R-Texas, was sentenced on Monday to three years in prison for conspiracy to commit money laundering.

The sentence came after Delay was convicted in November of trying to illegally influence elections in the Lone Star State.

In a 10 minute speech to Senior Judge Pat Priest, Delay insisted he did nothing wrong.

“I can’t be remorseful for something I don’t think I did,” Delay said, adding that accountants and lawyers checked everything he did.

“This criminalization of politics is very dangerous. It’s dangerous to our system. Just because somebody disagrees with you they got to put you in jail, bankrupt you, destroy your family,” he told Priest.

However, the prosecutor in the case saw the matter differently.

“I think Tom Delay said it best. He said that he was arrogant,” Assistant District Attorney Gary Cobb said.

“His statement was an extremely arrogant statement where he refused to accept responsibility, refused to show any remorse for the offense of which he’s been convicted of,” Cobb added.

I happen to see this a little differently than Tom Delay. I believe there is another motivation factor here; and that factor is race. This is nothing more, than a political and racial watch hunt by a black liberal Democrat who wants to make a name for himself by going after and bringing down a White Conservative Republican. I have information in my possession from well-placed anonymous sources, e-mails from this man saying that he was going to bring down Tom Delay and some very nasty racist words were used to describe Mr. Delay.

It is a sad day in America when out of control liberal blacks can attack, smear and persecute White Americans for crimes that they did not commit.

They never let a crisis go to waste: Far leftist loon Carolyn McCarthy readies Gun Control Bill

Not that anyone saw this coming…. 🙄

One of the fiercest gun-control advocates in Congress, Rep. Carolyn McCarthy (D-N.Y.), pounced on the shooting massacre in Tucson Sunday, promising to introduce legislation as soon as Monday targeting the high-capacity ammunition the gunman used.

McCarthy ran for Congress after her husband was gunned down and her son seriously injured in a shooting in 1993 on a Long Island commuter train.

“My staff is working on looking at the different legislation fixes that we might be able to do and we might be able to introduce as early as tomorrow,” McCarthy told POLITICO in a Sunday afternoon phone interview.

Gun control activists cried it was time to reform weapons laws in the United States, almost immediately after a gunman killed six and injured 14 more, including Rep. Gabrielle Giffords, in Arizona on Saturday.

Many said that people with a history of mental instability, like the alleged shooter, Jared Lee Loughner, should not be able to buy a gun — and no one should be able to buy stockpiles of ammunition used by the 22-year-old assailant.

McCarthy said she plans to confer with House Speaker John Boehner and Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi to see “if we can work something through” in the coming week.

McCarthy’s spokesman confirmed the legislation will target the high-capacity ammunition clips the Arizona gunman allegedly used in the shooting, but neither he or the congresswoman offered any further details.

“Again, we need to look at how this is going to work, to protect people, certainly citizens, and we have to look at what I can pass,” McCarthy said. “I don’t want to give the NRA – excuse the pun – the ammunition to come at me either.”

via Carolyn McCarthy readies gun control bill – Shira Toeplitz –

I understand her husband getting killed and he kids hurt in a shooting. But is it really necessary to impose her idiotic will on the American people?

Of course, unless something major changes; this bill will never, ever make it to the President’s desk. The Democrats tried this whole thing back during the Clinton era and ended up paying for it dearly during the elections. They fought this battle —- and ultimately lost.  So, I expect that this bill will be treated as such.

What will be interesting to note is whether the Conservative in Congress will stick to their principles ….or will they go the Neo-Conservative route and sell out their principles to the liberals, who want to strip our freedoms in the name of safety? Remember the only difference between a big Government liberal and a Big Government Conservative Neo-Con is the type and names of their special interest groups; there are others, but I do not want this article to be too long. 😉

What really needs to happen, is some freedom loving American needs to challenge Rep. Carolyn McCarthy at the ballot box, come election time. Because we just cannot allow these far-leftist loons to use a sad situation like this, to rob peace loving, and law abiding citizens of the United States of American of the freedoms that they hold dear.

It is a often used phrase among second amendment advocates, that “Gun Control is less about guns and more about Control.” This attempt by this far leftist loon proves that beyond a shadow of a doubt.

America is watching congress, act wisely; we voted you in — we can and will, vote you out.

Remember this come 2012.

For the record, I do not support this sort of nonsense

Normally, I would not touch a story like this; but this one sticks out a bit:

WASHINGTON (AP) — First, fiery packages sent to top officials in Maryland were opened, revealing an angry message complaining of the state’s terrorism tip line. Then, a mailing addressed to the nation’s homeland security chief ignited with a similar flash of fire and smoke at a D.C. postal processing facility.

While authorities have not said if the latest parcel contained a note, they did say the three packages were alike. The targeting of Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano also seemed to echo anger expressed by the mailer of the first two.

Napolitano launched a nationwide “see something, say something” campaign in July, and her recorded voice can be heard in Washington-area subway stations, reminding commuters to report suspicious behavior. The program expanded last month to include more than 230 Walmarts across the country.

The Maryland packages had an explicit message, railing against highway signs urging motorists to report suspicious activity by calling a toll-free number. The message read: “Report suspicious activity! Total Bull—-! You have created a self fulfilling prophecy.”

Authorities fear there could be more packages.

via Fiery package addressed to Homeland Security chief | The Daily Caller

This is one of those blog entries that I do not like having to write —- but because I am Christian and because I happen to believe that anarchy is wrong — I feel the need to write about it.

Contrary to what most radicals might want you to believe, sending package bombs to Governmental offices and targeting Governmental officials is NOT Patriotic! Nor is it cool or even remotely acceptable. In this great Country of ours, we have a perfect system of protest against existing Governments. It is called the Ballot box. We also have the first amendment, which allows us to peacefully assemble and protest against the actions of our Government. You saw that during the Tea Party protests this summer, and because of those protests and because of the media coverage of them, there was a landslide victory by the Republicans in the House and parts of the Senate as well.

Those who stoop to violence towards our Government have given up hope on the political system and on the process of elections. Violence solves nothing at all; it just causes the other side of the political fence to blame those of us, who are peace-loving Americans, who do not agree with the big Government polices of the liberals in Congress and in the White House — for this sort of ungodly nonsense. When in all honesty, it is not our fault.

I want it to be publicly known that this “right of center” political blog and it’s owner condemn this sort of terrorist actions in the highest terms possible and it is my personal hope and prayer that they catch the person or persons responsible for this and that they prosecute this godless vermin to the fullest extent of the law. Further more, I believe that if Fox News, and every other Conservative outlet out there has ANY sort of integrity at all; these organizations would come out and say the same exact thing.

Unfortunately, among the more Paleo-libertarian crowd, this sort of extremist action is seen as heroic and even justified — which is, of course, asinine.  Acts of violence, in a civilized society, such as ours, to make a political point, is right on par with what Al-Qaeda and other such Jihad groups wish to do here in America. In other words, this is nothing more than straight up terrorism and should be treated as such.

Again, in closing, having a political stance and opinion is fine — even acceptable. However, when one decides to hurt other people to express that opinion — you stop being a patriot or even an American and you become a terrorist and a criminal. There is a difference and I believe that more Bloggers on the right ought to be saying this.

Update: Dan says I am renouncing myself. Which is idiotic at best. I simply am saying that those, like Lew Rockwell, that find this sort of a thing to be chick are not patriots. But, TERRORISTS…. Period, FULL STOP.

Year End Stats of 2010 at

It is that time again. Time to take a look at what were the top postings of 2010.

It is important to remember that this was a down year for this blog. I just have not had the drive to post like I was back in 2009 and 2008. The mid-terms were a bit interesting, as was the passage of the health care bill. However, I just did not have that drive that I did back when I first started this blog.  I think it just has to do with the fact that my main reason for beginning to blog, that would be the Presidency of George W. Bush.  Not to mention the Bush Administration’s handling of the invasion and occupation  of Iraq.  Now that the Bush era is over, I really do not have a good reason to continue this; Yes, Obama’s White House is just as bad, if not worse. However, I just cannot muster the outrage towards the man, that many on my far right feel towards the man. Most of it, when one is really being honest is racially based. I mean, I do not remember the right being this hot and heavy against Bill Clinton. It was there, do not get me wrong — but I do not remember that this level.

Anyhow, I will still be around, I do not plan on going anywhere. I will not allow my political foes to win. I will stick around and continue to give you my feelings on things.

Having said all of that, here are the top postings and pages for 2010:

PAGE OR POST ——————————— Hits:

Home page 19,038

Considering the fact that I do no advertising on this blog at all. That is not a bad number. I really do not get linked here at all. I even had one so-called Conservative Blogger dump on me big time and basically toss me under the bus, because some of Michelle Malkin’s fanboys put the pressure on him. He knows who he is, and “You reap what you sow” I always say…

The rest…:

Hell Hath No Fury 13,665
The Tea Party Movement’s New Anthem? 10,535
Yes Please: Ron Paul says Wikileak the Fed! 5,401
UPDATED — Local News: Jennifer Petkov is a damned low-life scumball Facebook Pulls Page, read the update please. 5,004
Happy Thanksgiving! 3,821
Fatty this 3,164
September 11 – 8 Years later – Remembering Melissa C. Doi 2,303
The United States Marines is 234 years old today 2,045
BREAKING NEWS – 7.0 quake hits Haiti 1,850
About Me 1,747
One of most best de-motivators ever! 1,595
SEIU Thugs Beat Black Conservative Activist Update: New Footage Added 1,578
Beware of Gail Riplinger 1,390
On Rush Limbaugh’s Comments about Haiti 1,302
War Porn Video: Second Battalion Seventh Marines Fox Company in Zad, Afghanistan 1,175
Bleh…. Another Stupid Hot Conservative Women Meme 1,136
Justice: Maryland Cops who beat John McKenna will be FIRED! 1,076
UPDATE:Charles Foster Johnson extends his Blogger McCarthyism to me – Lord Chuckie responds and beclowns himself 1,068
UPDATED – Local News: FBI Raids Christian Militia-related group in MI, OH and IN 1,062
Two Words: Fuck Canada 1,056
Lies, Damned Lies and more Lies 997
Political Cartoons – Rev. Wright and Obama 989
Local News: Jennifer Petkov apologizes to family that she mocked 976
GUN OWNER ALERT!: EPA Considering Ban on Traditional Ammunition VICTORY! EPA BACKS DOWN! 849
Video: New Footage shows Haiti Earthquake as it happened 827
D’oh!: Fox News royally screws up and gets poked in the eye for it 818
UPDATED: Memo to Charles Johnson: What do you honestly expect? The Plot thickens! 793
UPDATEDBREAKING NEWS: Multiple bombs found on various planes coming from Yemen 733
UpdatedD’oh! – ACORN Slayer James O’Keefe busted for trying to tap Democratic Sen. Mary Landrieu’s phone – Conservatives react 729
Remembering Pearl Harbor – December 7, 1941 672
Updated: Scum of the week: Roseanne Barr – Barr me? 660
You think it is bad now? Wait till the States start collapsing! 607
Update: Socialist liberals use Detroit attempted Terrorist attack to sound the horn to cut and run 596
UPDATED! — Unbelievable: Juan Williams FIRED from NPR, for speaking the truth Juan Williams responds! 573
Updated: From the Dept. of Socialist Democrat Reactionary Politics 556
The New York times whines about not having enough graphic war images 549
Jennifer Petkov, the gift that keeps on giving 548
18 Myths about Obamacare Debunked by Jane Hamsher 546
Video: Lock and Load Show: Accuracy International AW.308 534
Video: Finally: Sarah Palin gets confronted by real Americans Update: Palin Responds, Beclowns herself as usual 532
Gun Porn: CZ 75 SP-01 Phantom Review 523
Happy Resurrection Day 2010! 501
Glenn Beck interviews Sarah Palin 471
President Barack Obama and Fox News’s Bret Baier politely spar over Healthcare and Foreign Policy 449
Local News: The Kathleen Edward saga continues 446
WTF?!?!?!: I am all for being really happy at weddings, but…… 437
Updated: And so, it begins? 436
Political Cartoons – Corn Prices and BioFuels 417
Here we go again: Canada’s Human Rights Commission is going after another Blogger 416
Progressive Fat Assed Idiot Michael Moore says Capitialism is evil 415
BREAKING NEWS: Air Marshalls stop attempted ‘Shoe Bomber’ on flight from D.C. to Denver 413
Could this be the actual Birth Certificate of President Obama? Update: It’s Bogus 408
UPDATED: Anti-American Journalists embed with terrorists, get killed, and Liberals whine about it 406
FEMA Coffins Conspiracy theory debunked, By a Conspiracy Theorist Website 406
<b><i><u><font colo 402
What I HATE about this new Healthcare Bill 400
Babe of the Day 398
Babe of the Day: Melissa Satta 395
Hundreds show up on St Louis, Mo to protest thug actions of the Union 392
UPDATED: Photo of the Day 383
Why I totally reject the so-called “Warning” from David Wilkerson 382
The Glenn Beck Rally: A Massive Capitulation to the Black Race or a Massive Mormon Recruitment Scheme? 379
ACTION ALERT!: Sarah Palin HATE GROUP on facebook 372
Gun Porn: Army Chrome Glock 17 361
The Feckless Far-Right: Exhibit S for Stupidity 359
Guest Voice: A TIMELINE OF 20TH CENTURY APOSTASY by David Cloud 359
Keith Olbermann’s Sexist, Racist & Slanderous Segment on “Countdown” 352
No, I am not a god-damned Neo-Nazi 346
May I go on the record as saying that this here is straight up BULLCRAP? 344
BREAKING NEWS: Michael Yon arrested at Seattle airport 342
UPDATED! – Obama’s visit to Mumbai, India.: 34 warships, security up the wazoo and….. No Coconuts?!?!?! 338
Babe of the Day 336
Video: Jack Cafferty rips on Obama and Pelosi?!?! 332
America tries to help Haiti, gets accused of occupation 331
Somebody Please! Turn the Stupid Machine Off! 323
There goes Rand Paul’s chances of getting elected 322
Possibly the greatest political t-shirt ever made 322
American Furkan Dogan among the terrorists who attacked IDF 316
UPDATED: Black Racism in the Obama Administration: Exhibit A – Shirley Sherrod Sherrod resigns – Update: Video didn’t tell full story. 309
Google Says to China, ‘If you keep hacking our servers, We will leave China’ 306
Obama double talks on Iran 305
UPDATED: Gulp: This does not look good people 297
Contact Me 296
Liberal Buffoon Joy Behar Disses Home Schooled Children 295
Why do Conservative Republicans and Christians say stupid stuff like this? 294
Townhall questioner to President Obama: ‘I’m Exhausted Of Defending You’ 292
BREAKING NEWS: Former Detroit City Councilwoman Monica Conyers Sentanced to 37 months in prison for bribe scandal 290
The Ed Brayton war is over, please. 289
UPDATED: Liberal “Comedy” insinuates that Glenn Beck should die 287
From the “WTF?!?!?!?” File 283
UPDATED: Memo to Fareed Zakaria: Overreact this you jackwad twit 282
The Classless Left: Exhibit JH for Jewish Hatred 282
Suspected Drug Dealer’s House gets raided, Liberals Angry 281
Editorial: Withdrawing support of Christine O’Donnell 281
Comment Policy 280
Uh-Oh: Looks like Christine O’Donnell is not what we might think 278
If Rachel Maddow does not retract this statement, she should be FIRED! 278
White Seattle Teen beaten by Asian and Black Teens 275
Awesome Video: Montage of Military Reunions 273
Video: The Day Obamacare Died 272
Oh My: America Rising? 270
One of the sad side effects of 9/11 and War, Military Crimes 266
Sweet: Lesbian Prison Gangs looking to get some of that LiLo Action 265
Video: Unhinged Black Democrat 264
Giggle of the Day 263
Norman Rockwell, A Coward? 262
Humor: South Park – You have zero friends 261
Andrew Sullivan, Trigg Palin, and Disabilities 260
Updated: Why was this man murdered? 256
Video: Bill Maher calls Republicans “A Deadly Enemy” 251
Video:Megyn Kelly and Kirsten Powers holler at each other over the New Black Panther Party 250
From the “WTF?!?!?!?” File: There are no words for this people 248
The Obligatory Conservative Babes in Mink Coats Posting 243
You tell me the difference between these two quotes 243
About that Stupid Ron Paul – Obama Poll 243
Why do Conservative Republicans say stupid stuff like this? 237
Answering Laurence Vance 237
Yes, Iran does hate us and they have reasons too 236
Cocaine use, in the White House? 235
Obama says, “Don’t ask no questions” 234
Obviously, I am in the wrong business 234
Republic vs Democracy 234
Is this man impersonating a Military Officer? 233
Navy Seals in trouble over supposedly punching a terrorist in the mouth 231
UPDATED: Interesting: Remember that Firebombing of Rep. Russ Carnahan’s office? Rep. Russ Carnahan admits it was Chris Powers that did the dirty! 228
About this Blog 228
A bit more on the Gun Scopes and Bible Verses 223
Humor: Growing Up Without a Cell Phone 222
Obama Poll numbers are slipping on Healthcare and other issues. 221
Germany is learning a lesson, that America will learn one day. 220
WHOA!: World’s Strongest Playmate? 220
Elvis and Michael Jackson found alive! 220
Here is a perfect reason why I will never vote Democrat again, ever 219
Glenn Beck launches The Blaze 218
Video: Black Leftist Attacks White Reporter Covering One Nation Rally 218
George Washington could not tell a lie, but Glenn Beck did 216
May we never forget: Pearl Harbor – December 7, 1941 216
Canadian Premier comes to America for Heart Surgery 215
Bill O’Reilly interviews President George W. Bush 214
Sarah Palin can forget about ever being President, her kids are out of control 214
Video: No Guns for Negros 214
Hamilton Nolan – Liberal Asshole of the Week 214
Libtalker idiot Mike Malloy jumps the shark 212
UAW Local 2244: The Other Side of the Story 211
Military Scopes being sold by Michigan supplier have Holy Scriptures references on them, liberals horrified 209
The G.O.P’s “Pledge to America” is nothing more retread Neo-Conservative, Theocracy nonsense 209
UPDATED: The Classless Left: Exhibit D for Desperation – Liberal Bloggers say the idea is stupid 208
UPDATED: I know Michael Moore is an idiot, but this is Awesome 205
How come the media is not reporting this? — FBI links shooting at Marine Corps recruiting station to 2 others 204
On Michelle Obama’s trip to Spain: Let me ask one question 204
Steve Wynn on the State of America 203
Welcome to my world! – 60 Minutes Admits Unemployment is Actually 17%, 22% in California 201
Military Humor 200
Want further proof that Muslim’s ar 199
Police State: Seattle Cop Beats 15 year old Girl For being “Mouthy” 199
News from a Fundamentalist Christian perspective 198
Cartoons of the Day 197
Jeff Kuhner takes it to another level: Kill Julian Assange 197
Memo to Sarah Palin: Please, Shut up 197
Black Racism is not a myth 195
Smartest damn thing Keith Olbermann has ever said on twitter 193
It is official: Lisa Murkowski just wants to be spanked 193
Behold the Anti-White Anti-Conservative Bigotry of the Democratic Party 192
Updated: Did Obama knowingly allow Al-Qaeda Terrorists to attack the United States? New Info 189
Obama Says: “I do think at a certain point you’ve made enough money” 189
Chris Matthews just jumped on Keith Olbermann on the Air! 188
Jon Stewart NUKES the Democrats, Obama and Coakley 188
Georgia Oyster bar owner not telling the truth about being a racist 187
Backup Blog 186
Grrrrrrrrrrrrrr: Obama Trolls Disrepect the Flag of the United States of America 185
BREAKING NEWS: Van Jones Green Energy Czar for the Obama Administration has RESIGNED! 185
Sad News: Poland’s President and 88 Members of the Polish Government die in Plane Crash in Russia 185
Your Daily War Porn Video 185
Memo to Chris Matthews: Kudos, I Agree, and Thank You 183
Breaking News: Major Tanker Accident, Explosion, Overpass collapse 183
Updated: Pajama’s Media does a hit piece on Detroit – PJTV Allows racist comments on thier site 182
John Stossel takes on Liberal Propagandist Michael Moore 181
Lew Rockwell jumps the shark 181
WTF?: Starting to really wonder about Lew Rockwell’s Blog 181
Updated: Why I left the libertarian ranks: Exhibit A – Hatred of the United States Military 181
Why do Conservatives and Republicans Say and Write Stupid Stuff like this? 179
The Classless Left: Exhibit D for Death Wish 179
Updated: It is official, Keith Olbermann and MSNBC have gone off the cliff! 178
Oops: President Obama gets it wrong on the carpet 178
UPDATE: I think I could live on $15.50 an hour quite well 178
Video — Unreal: Former Oil Cleanup Worker says the clean up effort is all for show 177
Debbie Schlussel vs Pamela Geller 176
Oh.My.Gawd: Katie Couric gets her sex dance on 176
Cartoons of the Day 175
The Classless Left: Exhibit S for Stupid 174
Keith Olbermann’s Father Passes 173
Updated: President Obama tells Senator Kyl: I won’t secure border because then Republicans will have no reason to support “comprehensive immigration reform.” White House: Kyl’s full of crap 173
Babe of the Day 172
Sad News at Wizbang Blog 171

The top referrals of 2010:

There are many who link here and there are places that I submit my postings to, I thank everyone who has came, read and clicked an ad or two, it does help. 🙂

Referrer Views 8,718 3,792 2,105 1,315 1,192 1,134 1,089 880 753 736 602 587 575 520 488 463 415 404 401 389 336 294 289 284 275 274 265 259 251,356 238 238 222 218 Petkov 212 205 204 200 199 190 189

So there you have it, my referrers. Not all of them are friendly. But hey, that is politics, not everyone is going to agree with me. Even I know that. 🙂

Again, to those who still read here. Thank You so very much for your readership. Perhaps 2011 will be a more prosperous year for me. I will admit, this year, money-wise was not that great. I am still unemployed and prospects are not that great. I did survive, but, if it were not for my Christian parents, I would be so very screwed. 🙁 I do not say that for pity or anything — I say it, because it is true. This is my reality folks and I know some would rather mock than help —- They have their reward, as Jesus did say.

There is a common misconception that ALL Conservatives are filthy rich or something to that effect. If only it were true. I am most likely the poorest Conservative Christian Blogger on the planet. Not by choice, but by circumstance — sometimes stuff just happens. I do not wallow in pity though, as I could much, much worse off. I have a roof over my head and three square meals a day. I also have a warm bed to sleep in at night. I also know Jesus Christ as my personal Saviour and I like to think that he is Lord over my life —- and that my friends, is ALL that matters! Everything else, is secondary. As long as you have Jesus in your heart, you are set for life. God never fails, and his word is settled in Heaven!

Some people ask why I even bother to continue this blog, even though 90% of the Conservative Blogging world has written me off. I will tell you why. Because as long as there are progressives out there that want to destroy our Conservative Christian values and want to impose on us a big centralized Government; liberty is threatened. As long as this is the case. I will be fighting this fight. Is it my “calling?” Eh, I do not know that to be a fact. But I do know that my blog does get read and that my opinion is being heard. Now, whether people like what I write and have to say, is another story. I do not claim to be the perfect “Conservative” and I am certainly not your average big Government liberal! I am just someone who saw wrong and decided to write against it. My politics have evolved much — but my commitment has remained the same — that is to be a uncompromising voice of reason in a world of political, religious and moral confusion. Which is what liberalism, whether political or religious, actually is. It is a Babylonian mentality. As Patriotic Americans, as Christians, we must stand up for what we know to be right. For that document called the Constitution. This is not a call to radicalism or violence, it is simply a call to be aware and watch.

Having said all that… Thank you and continue to read here in 2011. It will be a interesting year to watch!

-Charles Patrick Adkins


Personal Advice from ME: If you are small time stock investor, GET OUT NOW!

…and here is why….

This comes via Gateway Pundit, who is one hell of a great blogger:

The story via the U.K. Telegraph:

US Treasuries last week suffered their biggest two-day sell-off since the collapse of Lehman Brothers in September 2008. The borrowing costs of the government of the world’s largest economy have now risen by a quarter over the past four weeks.

Such a sharp rise in US benchmark market interest rates matters a lot – and it matters way beyond America. The US government is now servicing $13.8 trillion (£8.7 trilion) in declared liabilities – making it, by a long way, the world’s largest debtor. Around $414bn of US taxpayers’ money went on sovereign interest payments last year – around 4.5 times the budget of America’s Department of Education.

Debt service costs have reached such astronomical levels even though, over the past year and more, yields have been kept historically and artificially low by “quantitative easing (QE)” – in other words, Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke’s virtual printing press. Now borrowing costs are 28pc higher than a month ago, with the 10-year Treasury yield reaching 3.33pc last week, an already eye-watering debt service burden can only go up.

Few on this side of the Atlantic should feel smug. The eurozone’s ongoing sovereign debt debacle has pushed up Germany’s borrowing costs by 27pc over the last month – to 3.03pc. The market has judged that if Europe’s Teutonic powerhouse wants the single currency to survive, it will ultimately need to raise wads of cash to absorb the mess caused by other member states’ fiscal incontinence…

Some say that growing signs of a US economic recovery are positive for stocks, which means money is being diverted out of Treasuries, so lowering their price, which pushes up yields. That’s wishful thinking. Sovereign borrowing costs have just surged in the US – and therefore elsewhere – because a politically-wounded President Obama caved-in and extended the Bush-era tax cuts, combining them with a $120bn payroll tax holiday…

The market is increasingly alarmed at the rate of increase of the US government’s already massive liabilities. America’s government debt is set to expand by a jaw-dropping 42pc over the next few years, reaching $19.6 trillion by 2015 according to Treasury Department estimates presented (amid very little fanfare) to Congress back in June. Since then, government spending has risen even more. So US debt service costs, like those of many other Western nations, are expanding rapidly in terms of both the volumes of sovereign instruments outstanding, and the yields on each bond.

You know what that means? It means that if you are a small time investor; that you need to get out of the Market NOW! This could have a huge impact on the market, and you could lose very big. I do virtual trading and so far, I have done well on my trades. But I am not about to lose my shirt, so, I ordered a sell off of everything. Now the big time guys will be able to afford to ride this out, because they have the wealth to spare. But the small time people will get burned. The best thing I can tell you small times investors, is to dump your shares and put it all into Gold. That would either be into EFT‘s or real actual Gold.

Disclaimer: I do not claim to be a expert on the subject of stocks, trading or even Gold. However, it does stand to reason that when such news as this is report, that it will affect the U.S. markets and the United States financial system. I do however, promote a great investment advice service called Elliotwave. You might want to check it out.

Video: Representative Ron Paul on Wikileaks “Lying is not Patriotic”

Video: Representative Ron Paul on Fox Business

The main subject: The Federal Reserve and it’s printing of money.

It is a great video to watch: (Via the Daily Paul)

Gold & Stock Trading Advice: Is The Herd Trading Gold & SP500?

Over the past 2 weeks we have seen the market sentiment change three times from extreme bullish to bearish and back to bullish as of today. Normally we don’t see the herd (average Joe) switch trading directions this quickly. Over the past 10 years I found that the average time for the herd to reach an extreme bullish or bearish bias takes between 4-6 weeks in length. It is this herd mentality which makes for some excellent trend trading opportunities. But with the quantitative easing, thinner traded market, and lack of trading participants (smaller herd) I find everyone is ready to change directions at the drop of a hat.

The old school traders/investors who don’t use real-time data or charts, and who dabbled in stock picks, and options trades here and there have mostly exited the trading arena from frustration or losing to much money. This group accounted for a decent chuck of liquidity in the market and was also the slowest of the herd to change directions.

The new school, today’s smaller herd is much more aggressive and quicker to act on market gyrations. I think this is because the only people left in the market are those who make a living pulling money from the market and those who feel they are really close to mastering the stock market. It is these individuals who are using trading platforms with real-time data, charts and scanners to help get a pulse on the market so they can change directions when the big boys do. I feel this is the reason why the market is able to turn on a dime one week to another over the past 8 months… The easy prey (novice and delayed data traders) are few and far between and the fight to take money for other educated traders seems to be getting a little more interesting to say the least.

Anyways, enough about the herd already…

It’s been an interesting week thus far with stocks and commodities. The week started with a large gap up only for strong selling volume to step in and reverse direction the following day. It is this negative price action that starts to put fear into the market triggering a downward thrust in the market. During an up trend which we are in now, I look for these bearish chart patterns to form as they tend to trigger more selling the following days which cleanses the market of weak positions. Once a certain level of traders have been shaken out of their positions and are entering positions in order to take advantage of a falling market, that’s when we get the next rally, catching the majority of traders off guard as they panic to buy back their short positions. It’s this short covering which sparks a strong multi day rally and kicks off the new leg up in the market.

Currently we getting some mixed signals. The market sentiment is the most bullish it has been since 2007, just a little higher than the Jan & March highs this year. This makes me step back and think twice about taking any sizable long positions. Any day now the market could roll over. Another bearish signal is the fact that we just had a very strong reversal day for stocks and metals to the down side. That typically leads to more selling.

But if we look at the positive side of things, the trend is still up, this is typically a strong time for stocks as we go into Christmas/Holiday season, also the market breadth is really strong with the number of stocks hitting new highs has really taking off.

SP500 – Daily Chart

Below you can see the reversal candles along with short term and intermediate support levels. Although the market sentiment is screaming a correction is near, we must realize that sentiment can remain at this level for an extended period of time while the market continues to trend. This is one of the reasons why we say “The Trend Is Our Friend”.

I am hoping for a pullback and would like to see market sentiment shift enough on an intraday basis to give us a low risk entry point.

Gold – Daily Chart

A reversal candle is seen as a sell signal or a profit taking pattern. Short term aggressive trades use these to lock in quick price movements. With so many traders watching gold, it caused a flood of sell orders to push gold down today.

Mid-Week Conclusion:

In short, each time we see some decent selling in the market its get bought back up. Today was another perfect example as we had an early morning sell off, then a light volume rally for the second half of the session and a end of day short squeeze during the last 30 minutes. Gold has pulled back to the first short term support level. Because of the large following in gold I would like to see if there will be another day of follow through selling before possibly looking to take a trade.


For more stock and gold trading advice, please, check out The Oil and Gold Guy’s website!

Yes Please: Ron Paul says Wikileak the Fed!

Via Alternative Right:

Update: Thank you to voters at Reddit! You all are amazing… 😀

Here’s my stats screen as of a few hours ago:

Thanks so much you all. I will try to continue to post stuff like this, that everyone over at Reddit can enjoy. 🙂

Jeff Kuhner takes it to another level: Kill Julian Assange

I figured someone in the Conservative media would say this sooner or later. I thought about it, but I really do not like the idea myself.

Jeff Kuhner at the Washington Times writes:

Julian Assange poses a clear and present danger to American national security. The WikiLeaks founder is more than a reckless provocateur. He is aiding and abetting terrorists in their war against America. The administration must take care of the problem – effectively and permanently.

The recent WikiLeaks document dump is the latest example of Mr. Assange’s dangerous behavior. His release of more than 250,000 U.S. diplomatic cables, many of them containing classified information, is a major blow to our foreign policy. The essence of diplomacy – especially that of a great power – is the ability to conduct negotiations and hold talks in secret. Foreign leaders will not be willing to engage in sensitive discussions with American emissaries if their words are going to be splashed across the front pages of the world’s newspapers. Officials in autocratic and Islamist states often risk their lives to cooperate with Washington, usually by providing vital information or advice. They now face a further disincentive to help us: The U.S. government can no longer guarantee the privacy and secrecy of their discussions.

American diplomacy has been crippled. So has our ability to conduct the war on terrorism. For example, the cables cache reveals that the United States is working closely with Yemen’s dictator, Ali Abdullah Saleh, in launching drone strikes against local al Qaeda bases. Al Qaeda has spread to Yemen. Its insurgency is growing. Yemen risks becoming what Afghanistan was before Sept. 11, 2001: a vast sanctuary for jihadists. Mr. Saleh insists that Yemeni public opinion – insular, xenophobic and increasingly Islamic – will not support the U.S. military presence on domestic soil. Hence, he says the pretense must be maintained that Yemen is firing the missiles, not America. This pretense has been shattered – and with it, perhaps, a key ally in the struggle against al Qaeda. Mr. Assange is helping chase the American infidel out of Yemen’s desolate deserts.


The United States is paying a severe price for Mr. Obama’s negligence. This is the greatest diplomatic crisis since the late 1940s, when communist agents in the U.S. government provided atomic secrets to the Soviet Union. The world is witnessing the absurd, almost surreal spectacle of the American superpower standing helpless in the face of a lone hacker. Her diplomatic secrets are no longer safe; her allies and friends are being betrayed; and her cyber-enemies are free to roam with impunity. America is no longer feared or respected.

Attorney General Eric H. Holder Jr. vows that he is looking into possible criminal charges against Mr. Assange. It is too late for tough talk. At this point, we are beyond indictments and courts. The damage has been done; people have died – and will die because of the actions of this puerile, self-absorbed narcissist. News reports say the WikiLeaks founder is hiding out in England. If that’s true, we should treat Mr. Assange the same way as other high-value terrorist targets: Kill him

Okay, here is the question that I feel the need to ask. Are we going to kill someone every time some whistle blower decides to speak out and expose some corruption in Government? Because if that is where we are headed, that is a slippery slope we can never recover from. Like anyone else, I am for open Government, I am also for seeing elected officials held accountable. However, if the United States Government and more importantly the United States Military is being put at risk, then by all means, arrest this guy and put him away.

I have no idea what Julian Assanges motivation is; whether it is conspiracy theory, politics or if he is just a pompous ass.  But the idea of KILLING someone, just because decide to release some confidential information is not something, as a Conservative; who believes in rule of law and not Governmental treachery, that I can support. Because once you unleash that monster onto the American and World Wide Community, it cannot be stopped.

I would think that Jeff Kuhner would be a bit smarter than that. However, when you are working for a paper that basically was a cheerleader for the Bush Administration during the lead up to and during the Iraqi Invasion, one can expect only so much.

Others: Reporters Sans Frontières, Hullabaloo, Harry’s Place, Guardian, New York Times, News: News blog and The New Republic

Stock, Gold and Oil Trading Advice: Gold/Silver – Controlling Your Trades, Money & Emotions

Last week we had typical pre-holiday light volume trading going into US Thanksgiving. The previous week I warned every one to trade with extreme caution because of the light volume and the fact that the market is on the verge of a sizable drop for both stocks and commodities. Any price action could not be taken seriously because of the light volume. We will not know until later this coming week what the big money wants to do… Buy or Sell, also what the manipulators will do… Seems like there are a lot of wild cards out there with Europe issues and both unemployment and payroll numbers out on Friday morning.

Below are a few charts showing my intermediate term outlook for gold and silver.

Gold & Silver Futures – Daily Chart
You can see both metal are showing a possible reversal head and shoulders pattern. While they have yet to confirm and close below the neck line we must be aware of this pattern and the risk/potential it provides us with. Both metals are still in an uptrend but showing signs of weakness.

US Dollar Index – Weekly Chart
This chart is not really that helpful for trading stocks, commodities or options right now but I wanted to post it because it allows me to show you how I analyze the market and my trades.

As you can see, the past 3 weeks have been in a strong uptrend reaching the first resistance level. The point of this chart is to show you that if you step out to the next longer time frame you can get a solid feeling of where an investment will find major support and resistance levels. Any investment not matter if it’s a stock, commodity or currency, if the price is trading in the middle of a large range like this chart you should not be taking large positions because it almost becomes a 50/50 bet on the market which is not a good winning strategy unless you are very experienced at managing your trades and money.

If you are going to trade then you want to focus on the underlying trend and you do that by looking at the next larger time frame. For example: if you focus on trading the daily chart, then you must step back each week and review the weekly chart to be sure you are trading with the underlying trend which is up for the dollar right now.

Weekend Trading Ideas:
Tuesday morning we saw the SP500 gap lower and continue to sell off. Traders started panicking out of their long positions and we could see it using the intraday market internals charts, which I cover each morning in the pre-market trading videos. Me being a contrarian (buying into market fear, selling into market strength) I used that high level of fear in the market along with the expected light volume holiday week ahead as an excuse to book profits near the lows on SP500 using the SDS bear fund allowing us to profit from the falling market. I feel we are going to have some crazy moves on the markets going into year end and it should be a lot of fun if done correctly.

Trading in general is a very difficult task especially if you are doing it for a living and planning on using your monthly income to pay bills, salaries etc… We all know the stress which comes with trading and if do not have a solid trading strategy, rules and cannot properly manage yourself (emotions) then you are most likely running into problems like over-trading, getting shaken out of trades easily, and taking bigger risks than your account can handle. Each of these cause more traders to blow up their accounts and big up on trading.

I am giving away my book on how you can control your trades, money and emotions. This short and to the point guide is full of my trading techniques, tips and thoughts which will help you get a handle of your emotions turning the market noise into music.

For great stock, gold and oil trading tips; Please, click here to sign up for this great service for the day trader!

Hmmmmmm: Video: A Constitutional Case against term limits?

I found this to be quite interesting… I did not watch it all. Tell what you think, please.

Via Liberty News Network:

Not sure if I agree or not. On one hand, I see his point and on one hand, I don’t.

Video: Max Keiser’s Call: Crash JP Morgan Buy Silver

This comes via


Mike Maloney was recently in Europe working on his next top-secret project. While passing through France, Mike got the chance to visit with the one and only Max Keiser.

Intelligent, witty, and never bashful, Max Keiser is pure financial entertainment. With over 25 years of experience with markets and finance, Max often draws from first hand experiences when providing his listeners explicit insights on how the financial markets truly operate.

He has been described as a film producer, a journalist, and as JP Morgan and friends are now finding out, an activist investor with powerful ideas on how the masses can help themselves in taking their financial power back.

The Video:

The time in invest in gold and silver is now! Click here to find out how!

MarketWatch engages in Federal Reserve propaganda

This is pretty sad considering who owns the website:

Then there is this:

Gold has become highly prized bling, as anxious and astute buyers alike, from hedge-fund players to central bankers, flock to the “currency of fear.” Gold at around $1,400 an ounce is almost double what it commanded two years ago, and gold’s price is up almost 25% so far this year alone.

It’s been a great ride. Except gold is a bad investment.

Gold’s feverish run has made a lot of people a lot of money, and though the rally has taken a breather in the last few days, there’s no shortage of flag-waving supporters who claim gold is on a march to $1,600, $1,800, $2,000 and beyond. After all, gold is still well below its 1980 peak, when it was worth around $2,300 an ounce in today’s dollars.

….and this:

“Mercury poisoning,” is the answer from Barry Ritholtz, the very outspoken CEO and director of equity research at Fusion IQ, when asked where Zoellick’s idea might have come from.

Zoellick, also a former Treasury official in the Reagan administration and managing director at Goldman Sachs, made his suggestion in an op-ed in the Financial Times last Sunday, just days ahead of the Group of 20 major countries meeting in Seoul.

The suggestion was made to world leaders in order to address “global imbalances,” the diplomatic expression being used to refer to the impact of China’s vastly undervalued renminbi on other countries’ competitiveness.

All of the above is pure garbage. Gold is a hedge against inflation and the dollar. Do not listen to the Statists who want to seize all of the gold and give you a worthless dollar.

By the way, here is some SOUND investment advice pertaining to Gold:

There have been some major trend changes recently and it looks as though more investments are about to follow. The real question though is… Are You Ready To Take Advantage Of It?

It has been an exciting ride to say the least with the equities and metals bull market and the plummeting dollar. But it looks as though their time is up, or at least for a few weeks. Traders and investors will slowly pull money off the table to lock in gains or cut losses and re-evaluate the overall market condition before stepping back up to the plate and taking another swing.

Below are a few charts showing some possible money making trade ideas in the weeks ahead.

TBT 20+ Treasury Note Inverse Fund

This fund moves inverse to the price of the 20yr T.N’s also known as bonds. Looking at the chart you can see the recent reversal which took place. We had a great entry point shortly after this reversal took place using my low risk setup strategy.

Falling bond prices are considered to have a negative impact on equities because it implies that interest rates may start rising which means more investors will pull money out of stocks and put that money into a safe interest earning investment. You will typically see bonds change direction before equities. That being said the chart below is an inverse fund, so when this bond fund goes up, it means actually indicates bond yields are falling. I will admit these inverse funds really throw my brain for a loop at time… I prefer the good old days, buying long and selling short… so simple and clean… —- Read the rest Here

I ask you, go read the rest of that; listen to people, like the man at this link, who want to see you make and keep your money. Not force you to trust in an unsound money system, like the United States Dollar.  If you are not interested in FTS’s and would to buy actual Gold, then try this link here.

In fact, here is a video that explain why you should own Gold and Silver:

Is it not just good common sense to have a backup plan? Do not delay, invest in Gold and Silver today.

Please Note: In the interest of full disclosure — There are links in this blog posted that if click on and product bought or signed up for, will result in the compensation of myself. This will come with no price increase to the customer at all.  Think of it, as an easy way to support this blog and yours truly.

This is what happens when Sarah Palin endorses a candidate: Joe Miller LOSES!

This is what happens when a train wreck, reality television star gets involved in politics and endorses political candidates; they lose:

JUNEAU, Alaska (AP) – Sen. Lisa Murkowski has become the first Senate candidate in more than 50 years to win a write-in campaign.

Murkowski emerged victorious after a painstaking, two-week count of write-in ballots showed she has overtaken over tea party rival Joe Miller.

Her victory became clear when Alaska election officials confirmed they had only about 700 votes left to count, putting Murkowski in safe territory to win re-election.

Murkowski has a lead of about 10,000 votes, a total that includes 8,153 ballots in which Miller observers challenged over things like misspellings, extra words or legibility issues.

Murkowski is flying back to Alaska to address supporters, telling them that the campaign “made history.”

Miller surprised Murkowski in the GOP primary, prompting the incumbent to run as a write-in.

via AP: Murkowski emerges as winner in Alaska Senate race.

I felt good about Joe Miller, until Sarah Palin got involved, then I knew it would never happen, he would not get elected. This is what happens when Palin gets involved, people lose and lose badly. It is what happened when O’Donnell ran and it is now happening with Joe Miller. The truth is, Sarah Palin has zero business endorsing anyone at all. I just wonder, will her kids come to my blog and start swearing at me, like they did over on facebook, when someone started telling the truth about Sarah Palin and her idiotic show? It is to wonder.

The truth is Sarah Palin has never succeeded at anything; including being Governor of Alaska. This little failure here, is just more living proof of that. The Republican party should take notice of that and let this little incident here, be one of many pieces of evidence that Sarah Palin is not fit to the President of the PTA in Wasilla, Alaska; much less the President of the United States. If Sarah Palin wants to do anything to impress me, or anyone else in this movement that we call the Tea Party, she needs to pack up her little tampon box of silly ideas and go back to Alaska and try being a Mother to her children and a Wife to her Husband. That is if she even has any of that left at all.

We need leadership in Washington D.C. — not some shrieking harpy psycho, who is all for having a Christian version of Sharia law in this Country.  Count me as one of the many American Paleo-Conservatives, who have taken a great pleasure in seeing one of psycho Sarah Palin’s endorsements doing a very righteous face plant. It could not have happened to better person and may this be the first of many more for this idiotic woman.

Living proof that John McCain is a typical warmongering Neo-Conservative

This also explains why I did not vote for him and that moronic bimbo Sarah Palin:

Sen. John McCain (R-Ariz.), the ranking member of the Senate Armed Services Committee, expressed concern Monday that some new Republican legislators would be defined by their “protectionism and isolationism,” two views that the Vietnam war veteran feared would result in a butting of heads within the party on Afghanistan and defense spending.

“I think there are going to be some tensions within our party,” McCain said during a conference put on by Foreign Policy Initiative, a DC-based think tank. “I worry a lot about the rise of protectionism and isolationism in the Republican Party.”

A prime example, McCain continued, was Rand Paul, Kentucky’s next U.S. Senator.

“I admire his victory, but … already he has talked about withdrawals [and] cuts in defense,” McCain said.

Indeed, Paul appears to have taken after the more libertarian side of foreign policy issues, much like his father, Texas Rep. Rand Paul (R).

via John McCain Attacks Rand Paul’s ‘Isolationism’ In Willingness To Cut Defense Spending.

They mean Ron Paul. I’ve cracked up watching the media calling Rand, Ron and Ron, Rand. It is quite funny. To review! Ron Paul is from Texas, and Rand Paul is from Kentucky.

The serious point to be made here is that John McCain is trying to follow the foreign policy path that was started by President George W. Bush. That foreign policy, which was Wilsonian in nature, proved to be disastrous for the Republican Party and caused them to lose the 2008 election.  The Republican Party, under chairman Steele, has been trying to remake the image of the Republican Party being the party of warmongers. As a Conservative, I believe that protecting and defending the Republic of the United States of America is paramount. However, I believe that forcing our style of Democracy on nations that do not necessarily want it; at the cost of our treasure, that being our Military; is a tragic mistake. This is what happened in Iraq and that will always be a black mark on our record throughout the World.

Someone needs to get the memo to John McCain that the Republican Party has moved on from the Bush era and that the Conservative grassroots has pretty moved on from the Bush era.

Let me also say this; I will avoid taking a swipe at Israel, as I believe that they do have right to exist. However, We Paleo-Conservatives understand why McCain feels like he does. McCain comes from that old Wilsonian school of thought — Protect Israel at any cost. We can see what that idiotic stance has gotten us in the past eight years, can we not? Again, someone needs to get that Memo to McCain; that the Conservative grassroots, being challenged by the Tea Party movement, has moved on from that stance and has totally rethought that whole idea. The idea of going to war now, to appease that Country is not popular any longer, among anyone — and that my friends, is a good thing.

Others: Hit & Run, Raw Story, Outside the Beltway, DoD Buzz and Talk Radio News Service

Quote of the Day

“These men are NOT incompetent or stupid. If they were merely stupid, they would occasionally make a mistake in our favor.” That comment was made by James Forrestal concerning International Communism being promoted by our politicians in the early 1950’s. It isn’t being politically correct to refer to SOCIALISM as COMMUNISM, however, according to the Communist Manifesto the United States has already become a communist nation. If you have your little pocket size “CITIZENS RULE BOOK,” look on page 8, at the SUMMARY OF THE COMMUNIST MANIFESTO, which states “The Communist Manifesto represents a misguided philosophy, which teaches the citizens to give up their rights for the sake of the common good, but it always ends in a police state. This is called preventive justice. Control is the key concept.” In the September issue of NEWSWATCH Magazine titled “The Ten Planks That Are Destroying Our Country – COMMUNIST MANIFESTO.” The article warns us that Americans believe that Communism is dead, but Communism has just become more politically correct.


The Church was composed of benefactors who did not exercise authority but provided all the social welfare of the people through the perfect law of liberty by faith, hope and charity. That took real faith and doing, forgiveness and giving, sacrifice and love. Being a Christian was not as easy as modern Christians would like to believe.

Instead the modern church sends people to eat at the tables of those socialist benefactors who exercise authority one over the other which makes the word of God to none effect. They were warned that those tables served deceitful meats,[34] that they were a snare[35] and a trap.[36]

The religion practiced today is done at the government temples which provide for the needy of modern society. Those administrators are the priests of the people’s true religion and their government is the new Pharisees of the Coercive Church established by men. Their schemes of social security are formed like those of Herod and the Pharisees and again make the word of God to none effect. What they do on Sunday is just to ease their own conscience or tickle their ears with false hopes so they may give heed to fables, and commandments of men, that turn from the truth.[37]

Christ meant His Church to set the table of the Lord through faith, hope and charity. To depend on the welfare of rulers was to again become entangled in the bondage of their world.[38] Christ came to open our eyes to the sin common in the history of men and to set us free if we will repent.[39]

As we see the unrighteous mammon failing,[40] it is time for the people and the ministers of their church to repent and seek the Kingdom of God and His righteousness so that they will be suitable for more righteous habitations.


Please Note: I do not agree with all of the viewpoints presented in this video. Like the one that says A.D.H.D. is a myth. I’ve had A.D.H.D. for all my life. I know it is not a myth. However, there are some things in this video, that are not a myth and are legitimate viewpoints.  As always around here. I post and report and you decide.

Video: Charlton Heston speaks about A Torch With No Flame

I believe every American should watch this video….at least once.

I believe it is the duty of all liberty and freedom loving Americans to join this wonderful organization, if you are able.

So, Please…:

Because some rights are just not negotiable.

Please note: This was an totally unsolicited post. The NRA does not have a damned clue, who I even am. I do not belong to the organization….yet.  I do not make a dime off of your joining this wonderful and American organization. But I highly encourage you to join, because America needs people, like you I to stand up for what is rightly ours.

Bill O’Reilly interviews President George W. Bush

I have to give the man credit where it is due. Bill O’Reilly really gave Bush a good grilling here. Although, to his credit also, President Bush did stick to his guns.

Here part one and part two of the interview: (H/T Bill O’Reilly online)

Get the book:

Disclosure: I do make a little bit of money, if you order one of these books. You won’t pay any extra for it. It is capitalism, and I like capitalism, don’t you? 😉

Reality sets in: Obama White House caves on Tax Cuts

….and the left is not happy about it either. 😯

The Huffington Post reports:

WASHINGTON — President Barack Obama’s top adviser suggested to The Huffington Post late Wednesday that the administration is ready to accept an across-the-board, temporary continuation of steep Bush-era tax cuts, including those for the wealthiest taxpayers.

That appears to be the only way, said David Axelrod, that middle-class taxpayers can keep their tax cuts, given the legislative and political realities facing Obama in the aftermath of last week’s electoral defeat.

“We have to deal with the world as we find it,” Axelrod said during an unusually candid and reflective 90-minute interview in his office, steps away from the Oval Office. “The world of what it takes to get this done.”

“There are concerns,” he added, that Congress will continue to kick the can down the road in the future by passing temporary extensions for the wealthy time and time again. “But I don’t want to trade away security for the middle class in order to make that point.”

It has been widely assumed that the president would have to accept an across-the-board deal of some kind, but Axelrod’s remarks were the first public confirmation of that fact — and by a figure regarded as closer to Obama than any other White House staffer.

Also dealing “with the world as we find it,” Axelrod declined repeatedly to comment on any of the controversial debt-reduction measures suggested by the chairs of the president’s own commission — even those, such as raising the Social Security retirement age, that go against Obama campaign pledges and strike at the heart of Democratic constituencies.

He said that the White House would wait until the commission made its final recommendations on Dec. 1 before adding, “the president’s commitments haven’t changed.”

This is the consequence of the election.  The President is in full on, “I will give you whatever you want, just please do not hurt me!” mode. This is what happens when your Party has lost an election. It is called conceding power.  It is something that the Democrats are never good at doing, at all.  The unpopular truth is, that the Democrats have no one to blame, but themselves. They are the ones who overreached during the 2008 election and promptly kicked their base square in the jewels and left them out in the cold.  They are the ones who, instead of passing job creation bills and a stimulus bill and waiting to see of the economy recovered — instead passed a unpopular health-care bill that no one understood, much less wanted; and now they are paying the price for that stupidity.

The best these jackass idiots can do, is to continue to blame Bush over and over for something that he really had nothing do with. In fact, had Bush not taken some of the steps that he had; we would be in a full on 1930’s or worse style of massive depression.  Needless to say, some of Bush’s actions did not sit too well with his base.  Either way, the Democrats will use Bush as the proverbial “Human Shield” for a long time to come, when they are not spewing hate about him like this here: (H/T The Right Scoop Originally at The Blaze)

Needless to say, I believe that 2012 will be a referendum on this sort of blind hatred towards Republicans and Conservative values that people like me, hold dear. Further more, I believe that the 2012 elections will be a huge sea change of power and the Democrats will be sent to the wilderness, where they belong.

However, because I am a fair and balanced type of person and because I just do not carry water for ANY political party; I will say this — The Republican Party has one more chance to get it right. If it blows it this time and in 2012, they are sunk and our Nation, as a whole, will most likely be sunk as well. Here is hoping, for the sake and good of this Country, that they do it right and not screw it up. We are counting on you all, please….. Get it right.

Stock Trading Advice: SPX’s Running Correction, Gold’s Setup, Oil Explodes!

The financial markets continue to climb the wall of worry on the back of more Fed Quantitative Easing. Those trying to pick a top in this choppy bull market may prove to be correct for a couple hours but over time the shorts continue to get clobbered.

Quantitative easing was enough to turn gold back up and gave oil just enough of a nudge to breakout of its cup and handle pattern explained later.

The past few weeks the number of emails I receive on a daily basis about what individuals should do about short positions they took on their own has growing quickly. Usually when my inbox starts to fill up with traders holding heavy losses trying to pick a top I know something big is about to happen and its not going to be in the favor of the herd (everyone shorting). In the past couple week there have been some great entry points for the broad market whether its to buy the SP500, Dow, NASDAQ or Russell 2K. I focus on trading with the trend and entering on extreme sentiment readings as shown in the chart below.

Extreme Trend Trading Analysis

Below are my main market sentiment indicators for helping to time short term tops and bottoms. That being said I don’t pick short term tops in hopes to profit on the down side. Rather I wait for a extreme sentiment bottom to be put in place, then enter long with the up trend (Buy Low).

Once there is a 1-2% surge in price and sentiment indicators are showing a short term top I like to pull a little money off the table to lock in some profits while still holding a core position (Sell High). This is exactly what I/subscribers have done over the last couple weeks. This is a simple yet highly effective strategy and works just as well in a down trend except I focus on shorting extreme sentiment bounces. Subscribers know what these indicators are as I cover them each week in my daily pre-market trading videos as we prepare for the day ahead. —- Read The Rest Here

Video: Rick Santelli on what the Tea Party means to him


President Barack Obama delivers the President’s weekly address

Transcript Via The White House:

Remarks of President Barack Obama

Weekly Address

The White House

November 6, 2010

This week, Americans across the country cast their votes and made their voices heard. And your message was clear.

You’re rightly frustrated with the pace of our economic recovery. So am I.

You’re fed up with partisan politics and want results. I do too.

So I congratulate all of this week’s winners – Republicans, Democrats, and Independents. But now, the campaign season is over. And it’s time to focus on our shared responsibilities to work together and deliver those results: speeding up our economic recovery, creating jobs, and strengthening the middle class so that the American Dream feels like it’s back within reach.

That’s why I’ve asked to sit down soon with leaders of both parties so that we can have an extended discussion about what we can do together to move this country forward.

And over the next few weeks, we’re going to have a chance to work together in the brief upcoming session of Congress.

Here’s why this lame duck session is so important. Early in the last decade, President Bush and Congress enacted a series of tax cuts that were designed to expire at the end of this year.

What that means is, if Congress doesn’t act by New Year’s Eve, middle-class families will see their taxes go up starting on New Year’s Day.

But the last thing we should do is raise taxes on middle-class families. For the past decade, they saw their costs rise, their incomes fall, and too many jobs go overseas. They’re the ones bearing the brunt of the recession. They’re the ones having trouble making ends meet. They are the ones who need relief right now.

So something’s got to be done. And I believe there’s room for us to compromise and get it done together.

Let’s start where we agree. All of us want certainty for middle-class Americans. None of us want them to wake up on January 1st with a higher tax bill. That’s why I believe we should permanently extend the Bush tax cuts for all families making less than $250,000 a year. That’s 98 percent of the American people.

We also agree on the need to start cutting spending and bringing down our deficit. That’s going to require everyone to make some tough choices. In fact, if Congress were to implement my proposal to freeze non-security discretionary spending for three years, it would bring this spending down to its lowest level as share of the economy in 50 years.

But at a time when we are going to ask folks across the board to make such difficult sacrifices, I don’t see how we can afford to borrow an additional $700 billion from other countries to make all the Bush tax cuts permanent, even for the wealthiest 2 percent of Americans. We’d be digging ourselves into an even deeper fiscal hole and passing the burden on to our children.

I recognize that both parties are going to have to work together and compromise to get something done here. But I want to make my priorities clear from the start. One: middle class families need permanent tax relief. And two: I believe we can’t afford to borrow and spend another $700 billion on permanent tax cuts for millionaires and billionaires.

There are new public servants in Washington, but we still face the same challenges. And you made it clear that it’s time for results. This a great opportunity to show everyone that we got the message and that we’re willing, in this post-election season, to come together and do what’s best for the country we all love.
