Leftist Race-Baiting at it’s best

Normally anymore, I do not comment about what is written on other blogs. Mainly because I do not like to get involved in blog wars; because sometimes the outcome is worse than the offense itself. Believe me, I know all about what happens when stuff gets out of hand during blog wars. 🙄

Anyhow, I thought this was a bit….much: (Via someone whom I will never link to directly every again)

I think the thing that pisses me off the most about the birtherism and the coverage is that no one will come out and state that what is obviously motivating this crap is racism. Period. End of story.

If Obama was white, we wouldn’t be politely rebutting lunatics questioning his birth certificate for four fucking years. But because he is black, we can spend tens of thousands of hours listening to drooling idiots wonder whether or not he is a real Murrikan.

It’s really that simple.

Really John? bad thing is; this miserable excuse for an American, used to be a Republican. Glad he left, and wish he would take fucking Megan McCain with him.

Race-Baiting is such a tragic thing; but that is what liberals do, when they are losing the argument.

What is even more eye-popping, is this comment over there:

They would say “Get that Nigger out of the White House” if they could get away with it.

Now if that were said or even remotely alluded to, over at a Conservative blog, like Michelle Malkin’s or over at HotAir; the liberal Blogosphere would be all over it. But, because John Cole is one of the enlightened liberals now, it is perfectly fine.

I guess Dan was right about this guy:

Balloon Juice? Give me a break. Don’t look now, John, but I think the balloon exploded and the juice is running from your lips. Here’s hoping you enjoyed, it c***s*****.

All I did was half-jokingly call you a name you earned. Congratualtions, obviously, it was well deserved.

Indeed. Calling people, like myself; who simply want to see the long form Birth Certificate racists is about the damned stupidest thing I have ever heard.  Not to mention using the N-Word like that; but what more is one to expect of the party of Stephen A. Douglas? How ironic is it, that the very party that championed slavery and segregation, is now the same party that wishes to make us into a third world Country. All the while, race-baiting and spewing racist bile in the process. It is like watching a train wreck. You feel guilty for watching, but you really do not want to miss it.

Holy Crap! MSNBC’s Chris Matthews says that President Barack Obama has a ‘Winning’ ‘Little Boy Smile’


File this one under “If a Republican had said this.”

This comes via Mediaite: (H/T HotAir)

Seriously, is Chris Matthews that damned shallow that he does not know, that using the word “Boy” in the same sentence with the word “Barack Obama” could be, and usually is, by black people quite highly offensive and thought to be by many as very highly racist?

Not to mention the fact that, if this had been someone; oh like say, Rush Limbaugh and he would have said this, World War III would have broken out in the media!

But, oh, because it is one of those so-called “Enlightened Liberals,” it is totally okay…. Because they are not Republicans.

Good grief…. 🙄

Quotes of the Day

Bastard. Graham is the sort of scum you get when you blindly vote for Republicans just because there is an R after their name.

Reid, who hates America and her liberties, him I expect to act this way. But Graham likes to call himself a “conservative,” and then, out of that same mouth, say that America might need to “limit” the First Amendment to appease Muslim barbarian savages.

He’s even worse than Reid, because ignoramuses think that Graham actually loves his country and our freedoms, even though his words and actions demonstrate exactly the opposite.

Yet there is a certain segment of “conservatives” who would expect me to vote for Graham no matter what, because he isn’t a Democrat.

I spit on that notion. I will never, ever vote for a candidate who espouses this sort of America-hating, anti-liberty, constitution-loathing crap, no matter what nominal party tag is dangling around his neck.

Charles Johnson is right and here is why

First, go read — I will wait.

Are you finished?  Good.

What is my point?  This:

This right here above, is why I have my comments section on lock down.  Not only do I require people to register, but I also moderate all comments — meaning, I personally read every comment; because of stuff like this right here.  Uncontrolled discussion on blogs leads to things being said, like what Charles Johnson quoted.

However, I do wholeheartedly reject the accusation or at least the inferring that all Conservative blogs have become a swamp of hate against Muslims and or Arabs.  Furthermore, I reject the inferring that all Conservatives/Classic Liberals/Republicans and Christians hate all Muslims and Arabs.  That is collectivism, and it is crap; and I think Johnson is smart enough to know this, I think he is backhanding the blogs mentioned due to his dispute with the persons mentioned.

Having said of that, I do truly believe that there is a minority of persons in the Republican/Conservative/Classic Liberal crowd — who are frankly, bigoted towards Muslims and ultimately Arabs.  Unlike some of the empty-headed idiots on the left, I am not going to make the asinine inferring that they are this way by design.  What I will do is tell you the truth; what has caused this small but very vocal minority to become this way, is because of the attacks on American soil on September 11, 2001.

President George W. Bush, much to his credit did make the much vital distinction between the war on Terrorism and the war on Islam or Muslims or even Arabs.  Not everyone within the conservative circles agreed with him and still does not agree with that mindset to this day; and now that President George W. Bush is out of the picture that vocal minority is becoming louder and much more accepted.  I do not like myself; because it just makes the rest of us look bad.

This of course, is what the C.I.A. calls “Blowback.”  It is the unintended consequences of actions taken by the United States Government.  Most people think of “Blowback” as the angering of the Arab people to cause them to take up arms and commit terrorism against the United States of America – and in fact, it is just that.  However, that is just the one side of “Blowback.”  The other, more tragic and sinister side of “blowback” is the incitement of racial hatred towards Arabs and the religious hatred towards Muslims in General — including those here in the United States of America.

This reason, along with the laundry list of reasons; is why people like myself, Jack Hunter, Ron Paul, Rand Paul and an ever-growing list of Conservatives and Republicans are beginning to question the role of the United States Government involvement on foreign entanglements in foreign lands.

Of course, anyone with a good knowledge of the history of the United States of America and of American politics can tell you, that this is nothing new at all.  In the 1940’s President Franklin Roosevelt, badly wanting to enter into the conflict against the Empire of Japan and against Germany, ordered a blockade of oil from South America that was headed to Japan.  This act by the President plunged Japan into desperation caused Japan to fly across the Atlantic and attack America’s interests in the Republic of Hawaii.  At the time however, Americans were not made aware of the fact that President Roosevelt had done this, as it was kept quiet by the Government.  However, there were people who did know about it.  Winston Churchill was one of those people, and in fact, Churchill warned FDR that doing such things would cause some sort of backlash from the Japanese and, as history shows, he was correct.  The sick and sad part is; to this very day, there are people who still believe that the Empire of Japan attacked the United States for no reason at all.

How this ties into the modern-day events is this; back in 1941, after the attack on Pearl Harbor, the United States Government set up internment camps throughout the United States for the Japanese people.  It is very widely believed that the decision to do this, by the United States Government was brought on by or at the very least fueled Anti-Japanese sentiment in this Country for years, even after the war.  Sadly, there are Conservatives, of whom I will not name; that actually advocated the interment of Muslims and Arab Americans — after the attacks on 9/11.  Thankfully, the Bush Administration did not listen to the foolish ranting of the people who wrote those books.

My point is the following: Conservatives who believe that foreign policy interventionism is wrong, need to take a stand against the internationalist Democrats and the Neo-Conservative foreign policy interventionists and take control of the Republican Party and possibly the Democratic Party away from these warmongers.  Because as long as the United States continues to wage war against Nations that have never really attacked it, this sort of hatred and bigotry will continue.  It is simply the doctrine of “Cause and Effect.”  Nothing ever happens for any reason at all.  It is tragically sad, that the United States and its political parties and their legions of sheep followers, have not figured that simple kernel of truth out.

You say, “What about protecting the Republic?”  I do not have a problem with that.  However, there is a Grand Canyon difference in protecting the Republic and protecting the empire of America; and wise is the person who knows the difference between the two.  Declaring unconstitutional wars and military actions against Nations who have not attacked us; is not defending or protecting the Republic; but rather defending the empire of America and playing useful idiot to foreign lands.  I hope that someday, the grassroots of both of these parties will wrestle control away from these people.  However, if one is to base his hopes on the Republican Party — their recent actions — make that hope, nothing more than a pipe-dream.


Video:Guest Voice Jack Hunter on Stereotyping the Old South, Plus Tea-O-Cons

More Great Commentary from Jack Hunter:

And as a Bonus:

The Feckless Far Right: Exhibit B for Bigotry

The reason I am not very well liked in the Conservative Blogosphere, is because I dare to write stuff like this. I am sorry, but if this below is what the Far-Right in America is all about; then consider me to be a bit more moderate. Sorry, but this is just wrong, on many levels:

The First Amendment was written by the Founders to protect the free exercise of Christianity. They were making no effort to give special protections to Islam. Quite the contrary. We actually at the time were dealing with our first encounters with jihad in the form of the Barbary Pirates, which is why Jefferson bought a copy of the Koran. He was told by the Bey of Tripoli that Islam requires Muslims to rob, kill and pillage infidel Christians wherever they find them. Jefferson naturally found that hard to believe, so he bought a copy of the Koran to read it for himself. Sure enough, it’s right in there, in the 109 verses of the Koran that call for violence against the infidels. Islam has no fundamental First Amendment claims, for the simple reason that it was not written to protect the religion of Islam. Islam is entitled only to the religious liberty we extend to it out of courtesy. While there certainly ought to be a presumption of religious liberty for non-Christian religious traditions in America, the Founders were not writing a suicide pact when they wrote the First Amendment. Our government has no obligation to allow a treasonous ideology to receive special protections in America, but this is exactly what the Democrats are trying to do right now with Islam.

via Bryan Fischer: Islam and the First Amendment: privileges but not rights – RIGHTLYCONCERNED.COM.

What you are seeing above; is nothing more than racial and religious bigotry. What if you took out the words Islam and Muslims; and put in the words Jews or Catholics —– or even the word Negros? There would be a massive outcry of Biblical proportions. But because it is some so-called “Christian” speaking of Muslims, it is perfectly fine. 🙄  Wait, What? As I have said before; religious and racial bigotry are wrong; no matter whom is doing it and/or whom the victims are — whether it be black, Jew, latino and whatever else. Whenever we try to pit one against another; whether by class, race, or even Religion — we undermine the very basis for what this Country was founded upon.

If that was not bad enough; we have this pony-tailed idiot here, trying to smear ALL Republicans or Conservatives as agreeing with the guy:


Charles Foster Johnson, doing what he does best... Spouting Bullcrap!

Alright Johnson, I am not letting you get away with this one. How dare you smear me!?!?! It just so happens that I voted libertarian in the 2008 election and for the very first time; since I have been eligible to vote, I actually voted Republican in the 2010 elections. (Much to the chagrin of my Democratic Party voting parents….)  I want it to be publicly known; that I DO NOT AGREE at all, with this man’s opinion about Islam or Muslims. I personally believe that the first amendment applies to ALL, not just some; but everyone. Indeed, I have expressed reservations about Radical Islam. However, I disagree with the assertion that ALL Muslims are terrorists. That is nothing more than bigotry. I think Charles Johnson knows better than this; however, I believe he is trying to appeal to his reading audience. It is too bad too, because when you do this, you lose whatever credibility you ever had.

Now, let me be clear; I do agree with the fact that some people in the Republican Party do cater to this guy; and it is quite sad. However to imply or out right say that everyone who votes Republican agrees with these extremist views — is quite idiotic.

I think Charles Johnson needs to rethink collectivist stance a bit. Because it is making him look an an utter buffoon.

Previous Charles Johnson Buffoonery here.


Pamela Geller strikes gold again

No matter where you sit on the political fence; this is quite interesting.

They don’t call her super woman for nothing! 😀


Rep. Anthony Weiner said What?!?!?!

Hoo Boy! 😯

Oh no he did not.

Oh yes he did.

This from Amanda Terkel, who, in this writers opinion is a very pretty lady for a liberal. 😛

Headline:Anthony Weiner: Obama Is ‘Not A Values Guy’

Needless to say; my eyes did bug out over that one! 😯

The Story:

WASHINGTON — Rep. Anthony Weiner (D-N.Y.) and a handful of other House Democrats expressed deep frustration with President Barack Obama’s leadership on Wednesday, saying he needs to do more to set the direction for the progressive movement.

Across the aisle, House Speaker John Boehner (R-Ohio) has struggled to wrangle the various wings of his conference and pass budget measures through the lower chamber. Weiner told a group of journalists and bloggers on Capitol Hill that the Republican leader has a tough job of trying to hold “a coalition of crazies and completely crazies together.”

But Republicans, Weiner said, have nonetheless long done a better job of making their case — “smaller government, smaller deficits, lower taxes” — to the public and each other. The Democratic Party remains unclear as to its core policy principles, Weiner said, and part of the problem is Obama.

“On our side is this weird squishy affirmative sense of what government should do and how we’re opposed to this cut and that cut, rather than saying, ‘Here are the things: Medicare, Medicaid, Social Security, environment and education. We’re not cutting those. Those are off the table. That’s non-negotiable,'” said Weiner, adding, “We haven’t really done that very well. That’s because the president fundamentally — he’s not a values guy. He wants to try to get the best deal for the American people and that’s virtuous in its own right, but it becomes very difficult to make a strategy. There’s been much greater global strategy thinking on [progressive media] outlets, frankly, than at 1600 Pennsylvania.”


Continued Weiner: “It is now pretty clear to me — I’m not saying this is pejorative — the president, he doesn’t animate his day by saying, ‘All right, what is the thing that has me fired up today? I’m going to out and try to move the ball on it.’ He kind of sees his job as to take this calamitous noise that’s going on on the left with people like us and on the right on Fox News, and his path to being a successful president, in his view, is taking that cacophony and trying to make good, level-headed, smart policy out of it and moving it incrementally down the road. That’s nice. That’s a good thing. We need that, obviously. The problem is there’s no substitute for someone really leaning into these values questions. “

I have to hand it to Rep. Anthony Weiner, he is not afraid to speak his mind. After all, this is the same guy, who went ape over a vote for 9/11 recovery workers. That little performance was a piece of work. 😛

I will refrain from the whole “rats jumping from ship” analogy. But, I do find the whole thing quite ironic. What happened to unity, and the whole “Hope and Change” idea?

I guess even “The One” is not even immune to the old “Party Backlash” syndrome. I have one thing to say about that:

It’s about friggin’ time!

I just wonder when someone of the “Black Left” will holler “RAAAACIST!” and complain that the joooos are picking on Obama?




More of that civility: Wisconsin Senators get e-mailed death threats

These people are not humans; they’re damned thugs and should be treated as such.

Since the MSM appears intent on downplaying the growing intimidation and escalating threats of violence around the union power issue, I am reprinting verbatim an email that was sent to Republican senators. The email was signed, but I have deleted the name pending what I hope will be a thorough police investigation.

From: XXXX

Sent: Wed 3/9/2011 9:18 PM

To: Sen.Kapanke; Sen.Darling; Sen.Cowles; Sen.Ellis; Sen.Fitzgerald; Sen.Galloway; Sen.Grothman; Sen.Harsdorf; Sen.Hopper; Sen.Kedzie; Sen.Lasee; Sen.Lazich; Sen.Leibham; Sen.Moulton; Sen.Olsen

Subject: Atten: Death threat!!!! Bomb!!!!

Please put your things in order because you will be killed and your familes

will also be killed due to your actions in the last 8 weeks. Please explain

to them that this is because if we get rid of you and your families then it

will save the rights of 300,000 people and also be able to close the deficit

that you have created. I hope you have a good time in hell. Read below for

more information on possible scenarios in which you will die.

WE want to make this perfectly clear. Because of your actions today and in

the past couple of weeks I and the group of people that are working with me

have decided that we’ve had enough. We feel that you and the people that

support the dictator have to die. We have tried many other ways of dealing

with your corruption but you have taken things too far and we will not stand

for it any longer. So, this is how it’s going to happen: I as well as many

others know where you and your family live, it’s a matter of public records.

We have all planned to assult you by arriving at your house and putting a

nice little bullet in your head. However, we decided that we wouldn’t leave

it there. We also have decided that this may not be enough to send the

message to you since you are so “high” on Koch and have decided that you are

now going to single handedly make this a dictatorship instead of a

demorcratic process. So we have also built several bombs that we have placed

in various locations around the areas in which we know that you frequent.

This includes, your house, your car, the state capitol, and well I won’t

tell you all of them because that’s just no fun. Since we know that you are

not smart enough to figure out why this is happening to you we have decided

to make it perfectly clear to you. If you and your goonies feel that it’s

necessary to strip the rights of 300,000 people and ruin their lives, making

them unable to feed, clothe, and provide the necessities to their families

and themselves then We Will “get rid of” (in which I mean kill) you. Please

understand that this does not include the heroic Rep. Senator that risked

everything to go aganist what you and your goonies wanted him to do. We feel

that it’s worth our lives to do this, because we would be saving the lives

of 300,000 people. Please make your peace with God as soon as possible and

say goodbye to your loved ones we will not wait any longer. YOU WILL DIE!!!!

via DEATH THREATS | Newsradio 620 – Milwaukee, Wisconsin News, Talk, Sports, Weather | Charlie Sykes.

This is nothing new. Michelle Malkin gets love songs written about her all the time:

Civility, it’s the new F####ing tone.

CNN Asks, “Are Whites racially oppressed?”

This is a very interesting article and I have very mixed feelings on it. On one hand, I think it is very fair of CNN to ask the question; on the other, I am very highly disappointed that they went to some very, shall we say, nasty people for their answers.

Via CNN:

(CNN) — They marched on Washington to reclaim civil rights.

They complained of voter intimidation at the polls.

They called for ethnic studies programs to promote racial pride.

They are, some say, the new face of racial oppression in this nation — and their faces are white.

“We went from being a privileged group to all of a sudden becoming whites, the new victims,” says Charles Gallagher, a sociologist at La Salle University in Pennsylvania who researches white racial attitudes and was baffled to find that whites see themselves as a minority.

“You have this perception out there that whites are no longer in control or the majority. Whites are the new minority group.”

Call it racial jujitsu: A growing number of white Americans are acting like a racially oppressed majority. They are adopting the language and protest tactics of an embattled minority group, scholars and commentators say.

The legitimate reasoning:

  • A recent Public Religion Research Institute poll found 44% of Americans surveyed identify discrimination against whites as being just as big as bigotry aimed at blacks and other minorities. The poll found 61% of those identifying with the Tea Party held that view, as did 56% of Republicans and 57% of white evangelicals.
  • More colleges are offering courses in “Whiteness Studies” as white Americans cope with becoming what one commentator calls a “dispossessed majority group.”
  • A Texas group recently formed the “Former Majority Association for Equality” to offer college scholarships to needy white men. Colby Bohannan, the group’s president, says white men don’t have scholarship options available to minorities. “White males are definitely not a majority” anymore, he says.
  • U.S. Census Bureau projections that whites will become a minority by 2050 are fueling fears that whiteness no longer represents the norm. This fear has been compounded by the recent recession, which hit whites hard.
  • You have this perception out there that whites are no longer in control or the majority. –Charles Gallagher, sociologist
  • Conservative talk-show host Rush Limbaugh argued in a radio show that Republicans are an “oppressed minority” in need of a “civil rights movement” because its members willingly sit in the “back of the bus” and “are afraid of the fire hoses and the dogs.”
  • Fox talk-show host Glenn Beck led a march on Washington (attended primarily by white people) to “restore honor,” and once called President Obama a racist with a “deep-seated hatred for white people and white culture.” He later said he regretted making that comment.
  • Conservative news outlets ran a number of stories last summer highlighting an incident from the 2008 elections, in which activists from the New Black Panther Party appeared to be intimidating voters at a polling place. Those claims were never proven.

All of that stuff is very much legitimate, and I am fine with CNN reporting the story; because, quite frankly, I am one of these people.  However, here is my issue with this story:

Some white commentators are unapologetic about this racial anxiety.

Peter Brimelow, author of “Alien Nation: Common Sense About America’s Immigration Disaster,” asserts that much of white America’s anxiety derives from living under a black president and changing demographics.

Diversity, he says, “is not strength.”

Brimelow’s website, VDARE.COM, has been described as a hate site by the Southern Poverty Law Center, a group that tracks extremist groups in the U.S.

Some may see him as extreme, but Brimelow argues in his columns that more white Americans are moving toward his stance on immigration and other issues.

He cites as proof the rise of the Tea Party movement and the racial makeup of Beck’s march on Washington. He says more whites recognize, even if it’s only on a subliminal level, that they have common interests to defend.

“Of course, they would deny this, quite sincerely, if you put it to them because the idea of whites defending their interests as whites is quite new,” he says. “Americans are trained to think that any explicit defense of white interests is ‘racist.’ “

Sociologist Charles Gallagher says more whites regard themselves as an embattled minority group.

James Edwards, host of the “Political Cesspool” radio show, isn’t shy about naming those interests. He says white Americans have become the “dispossessed majority” and that coming demographic changes may turn the United States into a “Third-World flop-house.”

Edwards, who is considered a white nationalist by the Southern Poverty Law Center, says whites must organize like other stigmatized groups.

“There is nothing wrong for Jewish organizations to promote the self-interest of Jews or black organizations to promote the interest of blacks,” he says. “There is no organization to stand up to advance the interests of the dispossessed majority.”

Those white interests have been compromised by what he sees as the “preferential treatment” blacks have received in the job market to compensate for slavery, Edwards says.

“Whatever mistakes might have been made in our pasts, they have not only been corrected, but they’ve been overcompensated for,” he says.

Now whites are victims of pervasive racism, Edwards says.

“They’re the victims of it every day. Anything a white conservative does that a liberal doesn’t like is called racism.”

Both Brimelow and Edwards reject outright the Southern Poverty Law Center’s description of their organizations as extremist.

Okay, here is my issue with this part. Firstly, I do not believe that Peter Brimelow is a racist. But I know damned well that James Edwards is a racist and very much a bigot. I have listened to that “Political Cesspool” and I can tell you firsthand; that the political cesspool is nothing more than high-brow White Nationalism and Klanman mentality. Here is a few select quotes from this guy:

Among the things Edwards has written:

* August 11, 2008: “For blacks in the Americas, slavery is the greatest thing that ever happened to them. Unfortunately, it’s the worst thing that ever happened to white Americans.”

* In an August 6, 2008, post headlined “Jewish media reaches new heights,” discussing a Slate.com article by “Jew Timothy Noah,” Edwards wrote that the piece would “make sense once you understand that Jews are the ones who are always speaking in code; when they use words like ‘racists’, ‘bigots’, ‘anti-semites’, they simply mean white people.”

* In a July 9, 2008, post headlined “Great moments in Jewish journalism,” Edwards referred to a column by The Washington Post’s David S. Broder about former Sen. Jesse Helms as “another hatefilled Jewish attack piece.”

* In a July 30, 2008, post, Edwards asked: “If the WNBA [Women’s National Basketball Association] is so hell bent on diversity, why don’t they hire a couple of heterosexual players or coaches?”

* In a June 6, 2008, post headlined “Does she hate Whitey?” Edwards wrote: “Michelle Obama, that is. Uh, yeah, I’m pretty sure she does. Just like her husband. Just like about 90% of blacks.”

Yeah, I know where I got the quotes from, but when you’re rounding up the truth, you do what you gotta do; there is also this: (H/T Myself!)

Oh, man…if only they had read my book! Racism, Schmacism. All of this unpleasantness could’ve been avoided. This thing is such a mess I don’t even know where to start, and it’s pathetic and hilarious at the same time. I wanted to write about it last week, but I was just swamped, and now things have gotten even crazier with the whole NAACP/Tea Party brouhaha, so I might as well go for it.

Well, let’s just start at the beginning. Last week, the NAACP passed a resolution condemning the “racism” of the Tea Party movement, and demanding that the movement purge itself of those hideous “racists” in their grass roots movement. Yes, the very same mental midgets who just a few weeks ago were condemning a Hallmark greeting card with an outer space theme because they think “black holes” means “black hos”, an organization which is explicitly organized for the exclusive benefit of one race of people, and whose name contains the words “Colored People”, actually had the gall to pass this resolution.

This was a great opportunity for the Tea Party movement to show some backbone by laughing in the face of the imbeciles at the NAACP. But did they? Of course not. Predictably, they responded in the same tired, pusillanimous manner with which they always respond to these never ending accusations. Instead of replying with a loud BWAHAHAHA! or a “Yeah? What’s your point?” or “So what?” or “Of course we’re racists -we’re white people.

That’s what “racist” means or “Can any of you race hustlers even spell “racist”?”, they predictably went into their usual bend over and grab their ankles mode. They protested that oh no, we’re not racists at all, we don’t tolerate racists at our rallies which are really huge rainbow coalitions, and it’s the NAACP and the liberals who are the real racists, etc., etc. You know, the lame “Bull Connor was a Democrat!” defense. It never works, but they just keep trotting it out like some lucky charm in the vain hope that this time it will work.

Racist means white person. Period. Until the Tea Partiers get that through their heads, nothing’s going to change, and they’re never going to be an effective political force. They really, really need to read Racism, Schmacism.

No, what you need to do asshole, is to disappear or die of a massive heart attack. James Edwards motivation is one thing and one thing only; hatred of blacks, Jews, and any other minority that is not “Aryan” white. In this man’s case, is one instance when the Southern Poverty Law Center, as much as I dislike that organization; is absolutely correct. For the record, the man’s mentality is not that of a Republican; that damned mentality was cultivated by the Democrats of the south. After all, the Democrats are the one’s who created the original Klu Klux Klan of the 1800’s to harass and intimidate those blacks who tried to vote Republican.

James Edwards, is one of those people.

So, my point here is this; I do not mind CNN “Going There” as they say nowadays. But I would have much preferred if they would have used someone of a more legitimate status. Possibly someone like Pat Buchanan or someone like him. Instead of a third-rate, modern day Klansman like Edwards. Because really, the article sort of looks like it is trying to paint white people in a negative light.

Unless, maybe that was the intent in the first place.

Other Bloggers Covering this, mostly liberal, mileage may very, as well truthfulness: Zandar Versus The Stupid, American Prospect, Runnin’ Scared, The Awl, Shakesville and Wonkette



Video: Blowback from 9/11

The reason why I am posting this, is because I feel it needs to be shown. Andrew Sullivan and Digby the owner of the progressive blog Hullabaloo say this is hate and by definition, yes it is. However, I think more broadly, it is simply blowback; which is an C.I.A. term, from what happened on 9/11. Not only that, these people are simply fed up, with all the recent acts of terrorism happening in America and elsewhere, people are just simply fed up to their wits end.

Again, I do not justify these actions, at all. I simply think progressive liberals need to understand, that people are just fed up.

More than anything else, this just gets up my libertarian nose a bit. What if those were blacks? Ya know? I’m just sayin’



Yikes! Anti-Semitism during Union Demonstration at Freedom Works HQ?

This is rather bizarre. First some dude hits a lady’s camera, and now this? Whoa. 😮  This whole thing is going in a rather strange particular way.

This guy explains it:

As Lenin said: “Who, whom?”

UPDATE: Tikkum olam is a rabbinical concept that might properly be translated as “for the public good,” but which in the modern era has been politicized by many on the Left, so that it is indistinguishable in their interpretation from “social justice.” Most famously, Michael Lerner — a 1960s anti-war radical who once led an SDS splinter group called the Seattle Liberation Front — named his magazine Tikkun.

I am assuming that Ben Howe is Jewish; That is a new one on me. and This ugly leftist must be Jewish too, she certainly ugly enough to be one. (D’oh! I am so bad… 😛 )

So, does this make this little incident, Jew Vs Jew, you know; kinda like Spy Vs Spy?

I’m just sayin’ ya’ll. 😉

Others: The Other McCain, Breitbart.tv, Fire Andrea Mitchell! and Pajamas Media

Note: Sorry about that misspelling in the headline. I just woke up here, due some awful heartburn. I love ya Mexico, but your food plays hell on my tummy! 🙁 I know, I know, go from picking on Jews to Mexicans; Hey, at least I am fair and…slightly balanced. 😀


Special Comment: Birthers, Birchers and Paleoconservatives are Americans too

It appears to me that there seems to be a problem in the Conservative movement; and that is an attempt by the Republican and Conservative establishment, to silence those with whom they disagree or dislike.  Earlier this week, on my personal Blog, I posted two videos; one of RINO, Neo-Conservative princess Sarah Palin, saying that the “Birther” issue was a distraction to the Conservative and Tea Party movement and another of Karl Rove; who conversely was the brains behind Neo-Conservative George W. Bush’s Presidency.  A Presidency that included the invasion and occupation of the sovereign Nation of Iraq —-which we now know was based upon a lie.  Karl Rove in this video suggested that the Birther movement should be excommunicated from the Republican Party and from the Conservative movement entirely, like the John Birch Society was from the Republican Party and the Conservative movement was by that pied piper of the establishment; William F. Buckley.

I have read quite a bit about that so-called excommunication, and in all reality it was an unfair branding of the John Birch Society as being a racist and anti-Semitic organization.  This was performed by Neo-Conservatives, which were and still are, former Democrats who seem to be in love with idea of a big Government — as long as they are the people controlling it.  Furthermore, Neo-Conservatives claim, falsely of course; to be for the constitution — all the while declaring war against countries and other actions that fly in the face of the very principles that the document itself was founded upon.  They do this, all the while, defending a Country and people, who look upon the people of Christian America as nothing more than a group of idiots, of good use.  Yes, Neo-Conservatives, I am referring to your pet project —- Israel.  All of this, in the name of “Defending America” or as it should be called, “defending the empire.”

If any of this sounds even vaguely familiar — it is because Soviet Russia and Nazi Germany or for you history buffs — Rome — minus Israel, of course; did the same very things and eventually were destroyed or simply went broke and failed.

You see, I happen to believe that those who have doubts about President Barack Obama’s place of origin or birthplace; or “Birthers” as they are called by those who wish to degrade them, members of the John Birch Society, we Paleoconservatives and our cousins;  Libertarians — are Americans too. I believe that anyone who tries to silence any sort of political thought, belief, or conviction — of any sort — is doing what was done to those who dared to challenge the actions of Adolf Hitler and the Communist leadership in the former Soviet Union.  Yes, that does include those, of whom I disagree with.  It is called thought policing and it goes against the very tenets of our United States Constitution and the very ideals that surrounded our leaving of England to find a land, where we as a people could be free to worship God in the way that we pleased — without fear of persecution.  This is what caused Senator Joseph McCarthy to lose support from his fellow Republicans.

Whenever you seek to control those with whom you disagree, you run the danger of becoming like the liberal left in this Country.  This is why I have such an issue with the Neo-Conservative wing of the Republican Party.  It is because of the mentality of “We are always right in what we believe and if anyone disagrees with our way of thinking and Governing; then that person is not a real Conservative.” Furthermore, they will try to suppress those, of whom they disagree; that my friend is a tactic right out of the Saul Alinsky playbook.  This is to isolate, suppress and even mock and ridicule those who are in opposition to what these people believe.  Hence, the reason Neo-Conservatives are even called by that name, it is not a slanderous term that is related to a particular ethnic or Religious group, it is a name given to bunch of people, who bolted from the socialist party and joined the right — and brought their tactics with them.

Now, I feel that I should be clear; I do not have any problem believing that President Barack Obama is a citizen of the United States of America.  However, I believe that President Barack Obama, like every other President; should release his original long form birth certificate.  Now does that make me a crazy person?  I think not.  Furthermore, I believe that John Birch Society is a great American institution of liberty and I happen to agree with the majority of what they believe in, if not all of it — Now does that make me a crazy person or even a racist or anti-Semite —  of course not.  I also happen to believe that Pat Buchanan and Representative Ron Paul are both exemplary Americans, who happen to love their Country and do not wish to see it become another third world Nation lost to the wiles of Socialism and Globalism.  Now, does that make me some sort of a racist, Anti-Semite terrorist?  I think not.

Now, do I believe that Ron Paul can be elected President of the United States?  As much as I would like to believe that he could be elected; I cannot.  Neo-Conservatives control a good part of the Republican Party, and between them and the Neo-Liberal left in this Country; which control a good part of the media — except for Fox News that is Neo-Conservative and not Ron Paul friendly at all, I just do not believe that Ron Paul would be able to overcome such odds.  You do not believe that the Neo-Conservatives would give up that cottage industry that easily, do you.  Oh please, just look what they did to Pat Buchanan when he tried to break into that little clique in the Republican Party — much of the same thing as did happen to Ron Paul —- False accusations of racism and Anti-Semitism.

As long as there is empire to defend, Countries to be invaded for oil and pseudo-states to support the Neo-Conservatives will never surrender control of the Republican Party.  Furthermore, as long as there is a stranglehold on the mainstream media by the neo-liberal left in this Country someone like Ron Paul does not have a chance in Hades to be elected President of the United States of America.  As long as lying Neo-Conservatives like Karl Rove, Sarah Palin and Newt Gingrich are around, the chances of Paleoconservatives like Pat Buchanan or libertarian Conservatives like Ron Paul do not stand a chance of ever being elected.

In closing, America is a great Country; it is just being held hostage, so to speak — by some very powerful and evil people, as is the Republican Party.

Also Published at USA Sentinel

Sorry White Nationalists

But, I am not going to allow people from that forum, that I will not link to here in a blog entry; to come to my site and leave sock puppet comments — especially when the IP addresses on the comments are the same as the man who came and tried to argue with me.

I swear, those people are just straight up vermin and those actions prove that beyond a shadow of a doubt with me. 😡


Video: Young CPAC attendees send career racist jerk running for his car

I do believe that I hit a nerve!

Speaking of Racism: The Sons of Confederate Veterans want Mississippi to issue a specialty plate honoring the first Grand Wizard of the Ku Klux Klan

This one is for the “Ugh” file… Via MSNBC:

The Sons of Confederate Veterans proposed that Mississippi issue a specialty plate honoring General Nathan Bedford Forrest, who many historians say was the first Grand

Wizard of the Ku Klux Klan, the white supremacist group that terrorized blacks in the South after the Civil War.

Forrest is the only individual they want to commemorate. All the other plates would be in remembrance of battles that took place in Mississippi or Confederate veterans as a whole.

The proposal must be approved by the state legislature and signed by Gov. Haley Barbour.

Needless to say, the NAACP, rightfully so, is not too happy about this:

(CNN) — The Mississippi NAACP has called on Governor Haley Barbour to publicly denounce an attempt by a Confederacy group to honor a Ku Klux Klan leader, the organization said Monday.

The Sons of Confederate Veterans has launched the campaign to recognize Confederate Gen. Nathan Bedford Forrest on a specialty license plate.

Forrest, a popular and controversial figure, is best known as a leader of the KKK, the white supremacist group known for terrorizing blacks in the South after the Civil War.

He is also praised and criticized for an 1864 raid at Fort Pillow, Tennessee, where hundreds of black Union Army members were killed during the war. The controversy over whether Forrest conducted or condoned the massacre is still a matter for heated debate.

Mississippi NAACP leaders feel a state-sanctioned license plate honoring a man with ties to the KKK sends the wrong message to people in the state and across the country.

“Any individual who was a traitor to our country and our Constitution should be treated as such,” said Derrick Johnson, president of the state NAACP chapter.

Forrest was a “terrorist” whose acts were “immoral and unconstitutional,” Johnson said. Honoring him or anyone who promoted racial hatred or violence would be offensive, he said.

The NAACP isn’t alone in its protest against the SCV. More than 1,700 Mississippians have joined a Facebook group called Mississippians Against The Commemoration Of Grand Wizard Nathan Forrest.

The group’s website says they “are united in sending a message to the state government of Mississippi that WE WILL NOT STAND for the public glorification of one of the original leaders of the Ku Klux Klan.”

The proposal by the Sons of Confederate Veterans seeks to honor Confederate generals.

“If we can’t hold him up to where he’s supposed to be, then nobody else is gonna do it,” group member Greg Stewart said. Forrest is being “unfairly maligned,” he told CNN.

Most historians agree that Forrest left the KKK after less than two years because the small pockets of groups were growing rapidly, were unorganized and violent.

Forrest felt “they had the right idea, but went about it the wrong way,” said Mike Martinez, a part-time political science instructor at Kennesaw State University. Despite his short stint with the Klan, Martinez said Forrest’s affiliation with the organization gave it credibility.

Stewart said Forrest was chosen to be recognized not because of his time with the KKK, but for his spirit and leadership during the Civil War.

His image is one in a series of five that will have to be approved on a year-by-year basis by the state legislature, Stewart said.

Other Confederacy symbols to be used on license plates are Beauvoir, the Jefferson Davis Home and Presidential Library, the battle for Vicksburg, the battle of Shiloh and Confederate soldiers.

“unfairly maligned” by ass. The man was racist and should be remembered as so. Screw him and rest of those damned racist assholes. Like this guy here. 😡

I do believe that I hit a nerve!

I guess my posting about the career racist getting told to hit the road by the young CPAC’ers has hit a nerve!

Look at what just popped into my moderation Que!

Author : federica (IP: , 72-45-7-188-dhcp.gsv.md.atlanticbb.net)
E-mail : fgn23@libero.it
URL    :
Whois  : http://ws.arin.net/cgi-bin/whois.pl?queryinput=
Fuck off you jerk. What are you a parasite jew or something?

Whoa! 😮 I guess them rats don’t like having the spotlight on them! 😆

Such ignorance, such stupidity, such liberals. 🙄

Eh, screw ’em. They knew what their game is; and I am on to them. Think ya’ll gonna scare me? Think again. 😡

I gotta glock with your name on it, ya damned bastards. Bring it. 😡

For the record: No, I am not a Jew. I am a Michigan redneck that could and would be more than happy to stomp one of you racist dickheads into the ground. So, you wanna dance motherfuckers? Again, I say, bring in on —- BRING IT THE FUCK ON!

Video: Young CPAC attendees send career racist jerk running for his car

The man’s name is Jamie Kelso and you can read all about this bigot here.  I find these people to be most detesting, as it says on my newly minted “about me” page. I grew up in a multicultural environment and these people just offend me to the high heavens. Not only that but as that little cartoon on my “About This Blog” page says; whenever someone tries to preach disunity, through class warfare, race hatred or Religious intolerance — they seek to rob us of the one founding thing that this Country was founded upon — Freedom.

This is not to say that I do not believe that identity politics is an issue; I really do believe that. However, my modus operandi is not about race hatred, my modus operandi is simply about hating liberalism, Progressivism, and Marxism. (but then again, I do repeat myself there, three times! 😛 )  Anytime you attempt to take from those who have, and give it to those who did not work a damned day for it — you are pitting classes of people against one another.  You see, I used to believe that populism was an pro-American belief; and at time some point, it might have been. However, I believe the pro-American thought process evaporated and now an anti-capitalist, anti-rich, anti-prosperity mentality has taken over those ranks. Which is, as far as this writer is concerned, anti-American.   The problem is, the populists began to think that the only way to get what they wanted and that was help for their farms; was to infiltrate the Government. This was a very flawed mentality. Further more, Populists believe that big business is the enemy of the people. I am afraid that I was very wrong about that, as were the populist. Big business is NOT the enemy of the people — big Government is the enemy of the people —  as is Progressivism.

Here is the video, which comes with a Hat Tip to Ed Morrissey:

Also, I believe I should mention this; I am not totally oblivious to the fact there are Anti-Semite and Racist elements to the Paleo-Conservative movement. Believe me, I know all about them. The only reason they have been allowed to fester in our circles, is because no one has had the courage to stand up and denounce them. I will admit, there are some in Paleo-Conservative circles who justify and even approve of such idiotic stuff. I am not one of them. 😡

Video: So, is this what passes for civil discourse among the liberals?

So, liberals — is this what you call civility?

Posted on liveleak, in case it disappears:

From the Comments section of the video:

RACISTS like this, are begging for war. Let’s give them one. It is 220,000,000 white people, against 37,000,000 blacks. You know what a genocide looks like? You don’t, because there is no one left, to remember it. Be? smart, though. Let them, make the first violent moves. Let the people, see their violence. Let them give us a reason. Be patient. Do not move, as an individual. Wait. Keep giving them rope, they need, to hang themselves. LOL!!!

A-Farking-Amen. 😡

(H/T Michelle Malkin)

Video: Andrew Breitbart blows the lid off the pigford lawsuit story!

I am going to be totally honest with you all; I do not even like Andrew Breitbart —- But this video right here, is pretty darned interesting.

If everything in this video is true, the Obama Administration could be looking at some problems down the road.  To be fair to Mr. Breitbart, he also goes after Republicans for their cowardice in not checking this out. In short, it is fraud on a massive scale and hopefully when this story breaks, someone in the Republican Party — like in the House, will order investigations.  The really funny part is, Breitbart says he hired someone from Huffington Post — of all places — to debunk the story and he could not.

Having said all of that; here is the video which comes from Ed Morrissey, who is out in California:

Of course the cynical person in me thinks that nothing will become of this; because of race and other factors, none of the people involved in this scandal will see justice. It is just how our system works. Only those who ruffle the wrong feathers — so to speak — are the ones who are actually prosecuted.

However, as they say; I will wait and see.

Stay Tuned.

Update: RedState.com allows racist content on their site – Redstate pulls post, no apologies

After attacking me as a racist and an Anti-Semite. Funny how that works, isn’t it? 🙄 Who me?

Well, I’ll be dipped in doo doo. RedState.com, the site that brutally attacked me a long while back for being a racist and an Anti-Semite……is now doing the same damned thing.

Brownstein writes: ‘The new data show that white voters not only strongly preferred Republican House and Senate candidates but also registered deep disappointment with President Obama’s performance, hostility toward the cornerstones of the current Democratic agenda, and widespread skepticism about the expansive role for Washington embedded in the party’s priorities. On each of those questions, minority voters expressed almost exactly the opposite view from whites.’ Comment: Indeed, because these white voters are generally creative, ambitious, studious and self-reliant while many of today’s blacks, whose lives are modeled after angry, nonproductive agitators like Jackson and Sharpton, are often the opposite.

Brownstein writes: ‘David Axelrod, Obama’s chief political strategist, said in an interview that “it would be a mistake to take exit polls from a midterm election and extrapolate too far” toward 2012. Conditions—and the composition of the electorate—will change a great deal by then, he said. But he acknowledged that Obama must “reset” the public perception about his view of government’s role. Axelrod…  also made it clear that he sees as a “particularly instructive” model for 2012 the case of Democratic Sen. Michael Bennet in Colorado, who won his contest last fall by mobilizing enough minorities, young people, and socially liberal, well-educated white women to overcome a sharp turn toward the GOP among most of the other white voters in his state.Comment: ‘Conditions… will change a great deal by then’? Hardly. The public has a very well-founded idea of where Obama stands and conditions are not going to change, or change that perception. And look at who is supporting Obama – well-educated white women who just might, over time, understand that his agenda is harming them and their own children. Many apparently are just not smart enough to know it yet even with all their advanced degrees… or because of them.

Brownstein writes: ‘Meanwhile, Republicans, with their 60 percent showing, notched the party’s best congressional result among white voters in the history of modern polling.’ Comment: And that number is not going to go down again. Because the media anger generated toward conservatism and Republicans always has been based on the theory that Democrats could do much better for the American people. Now the contrast between media rhetoric and reality is in.

Brownstein writes: ‘The racial gulf was similar when voters were asked whether they believed that Obama’s policies would help the nation in the long run. By 70 percent to 22 percent, minorities said yes; by 61 percent to 34 percent, whites said no.’ Comment: Because whites are generally well-disciplined higher-income people who generate wealth and pay taxes to the government. Meanwhile many blacks are collecting money and benefits from the government at a level that is absolutely unsustainable.

Brownstein writes: ‘Democrats have been losing support among blue-collar white voters since the 1960s, but in this election, they hit one of their lowest points ever. In House campaigns, the exit poll found, noncollege whites preferred Republicans by nearly 2-to-1 with virtually no gender gap: White working-class women—the so-called waitress moms—gave Republicans almost exactly as many of their votes as blue-collar men did. Comment: That is why they are referred to as “working class” voters. Because they know what it means to really work for a living and get their hands dirty, not live on some elite college campus or work in a media newsroom or sit in a law office or collect welfare or work at a do-nothing government job. This is something that liberals do not understand – what it means to really work for a living.

Brownstein writes: ‘Rodolfo de la Garza, a political scientist at ColumbiaUniversity who studies Hispanics’ attitudes, says… More minority workers hold marginal positions in the private economy… so they were less likely to be shocked by the severity of the downturn—and more likely to turn to government, rather than the private sector, to help survive it. “They didn’t lose money on Wall Street; they had shitty jobs, if they had jobs, so where would they look to if not the [government]?” de la Garza asked.’ Comment: And why do ‘minority workers hold marginal positions in the private economy’ and need to look to the government? How about their poor academic achievement and dropout rate. How about their refusal to learn English. How about their lack of skills, education and ambition to better themselves. How about their terrible schools run by Democrat teacher unions. How about young black males walking around with their underwear hanging out and Democrats defending them at every turn. That is why they have “shitty jobs”, professor.

Brownstein writes: ‘Merle Black, a political scientist at Emory University, says that (white) blue-collar disaffection from Democratic candidates reflects not only immediate economic distress but also a longer-term process of alienation from the party. “The noncollege whites … see themselves as a declining minority within the national Democratic Party, where they have very little control or influence on the policies,” he says. “The party is controlled by the coastal elites and nonwhites, and that is a very different kind of Democratic Party” than a generation ago.Comment: Indeed. Working white people never have supported the kind of radicalism in the Democrat party today. As the old saying goes, “I did not abandon the Democrat party. The Democrat party abandoned me.”

Brownstein writes: ‘College-educated white women, though not immune to these trends, displayed more resistance. Although traditionally the most liberal portion of the white electorate, even these women cooled toward Democrats last year. In contrast to the majority support they provided Obama in 2008, they voted 55 percent to 43 percent for Republicans in 2010 House races. In the exit poll, most of them agreed that government was trying to do too much, and a slim majority of them said they wanted Congress to repeal the health care law.Comment: Because some of these women finally are using their education to look at what is happening around them rather than reading about reality according toThe New York Times. It’s about time these females wised up like we conservative men have been suggesting for decades now.

Brownstein writes: ‘According to veteran conservative strategist Jeff Bell, all signs suggest that Obama has permanently antagonized much of the white electorate (nearly half of which this year identified itself as conservative in the exit poll). “The significance of the tea party is that it is not a situational vote,” says Bell, the policy director at the American Principles Project, a right-leaning advocacy group. “They are going to be militant even if, or when, the economy improves.… It’s significant if you have more voters who are willing to vote with the conservative coalition regardless of what’s going on with the economy.Comment: Very good observation. White Tea Party activists are not going to sway even with an improving economy. They are smart people who will always remember how the Democrats manhandled America between 2008 and 2010. They are not going to let it happen again. They finally understand the Democrats all too well.

Wow…. Just Wow

Screenshots in case it disappears: (click to make them bigger….)





Hypocrisy, thy name is RedState.

I mean, I could understand if it was Altright.com; but Redstate? Wow… That is interesting… 😮 Surprised smile

Update: ….and just like that, the posting disappears. But, the internet, is forever. Click here to see the cached version over google.com.

Like the folks at RedState.com told me a good few months back:

The Internet always remembers, Mr. Adkins. And we’ll remember the next time you pop up your racist head, too.

Likewise Mr. Erickson, the internet always remembers YOUR racism and your straight up hypocrisy. Because I dispise those who say one thing and do another — I will continue to expose this sort of nonsense and call it for what it is. You and your crown princess of the Neo-Conservative movement Michelle Malkin, and the rest of the Neo-Conservative Blogosphere; who say one thing and do another, as usual. What is very shocking to me, is that CNN; a very respectable organization actually has this assclown on their network. It is a sad and very sick thing.

I have to wonder: What would Martin Luther King Jr. think today?

Because today is his day. I remember the man.

His Best Speech, I felt:

Part 1:

Part 2:

It is without argument; except from some mentally and morally depraved few among the white race — that Martin Luther King Jr. was in fact, the standard bearer of Christian way of fighting racial injustice in America. Martin Luther King Jr. was, in fact, a registered Republican and felt that the progressive black’s slogan of “fight the power” was, in fact. morally wrong. So much so, that Malcolm X said this about Martin Luther King Jr.:

To which Martin Luther King Jr. said back:

You see, some people within the Republican Party and within White Conservative circles do not understand the differences here. Well, I happen to be one of the white people who totally understand the difference. Martin Luther King Jr. was a Conservative Christian, who was, in fact, trying to fight racial oppression by Christian means. Malcolm X was not.

But, now that is all history, MLK was killed, as was Malcolm X was as well. But, I have to wonder, what would Martin Luther King Jr. think of the following, which was compiled by Michelle Malkin:

Harry Reid openly sneered at Hispanic Republicans;

Harry Reid, Jesse Jackson & Company likened Obamacare critics to white supremacists and slave owners;

Journolist members conspired to paint Jeremiah Wright’s critics as racists;

MSNBC attacked conservatives who bought Sarah Palin’s book as paranoid white Tea Partiers;

Charlie Rangel attacked NYPD officers as racists who would arrest President Obama if he weren’t surrounded by Secret Service agents;

Former House Democratic whip James Clyburn played the race card over earmarks;

The FCC played the race card to expand its regulatory powers over the Internet;

The Congressional Black Caucus invoked the race-card shield to deflect widespread corruption charges against its members;

Liberal minority mobsters played ethnicity police against GOP Florida Sen. Marco Rubio;

Democrat Rep. Loretta Sanchez pulled out a divisive mega-race card to whip up Hispanics’ anti-Vietnamese fervor;

DREAM Act radicals bitterly accused opponents of xenophobia and race traitorism;

Progressives led the race-card attacks on the Tea Party from day one;

An NPR commentator cheered the fact that Tucson massacre suspect Jared Loughner was a “gringo;”

And the NAACP has morphed into the National Association for the Advancement of Coddled People.

I often have to wonder, just what would Martin Luther King Jr. think of the progressives who have claimed his mantle?

It is to truly wonder.

The feckless left Exhibit TDFR: Total Disconnect from Reality

This my friends, is a shining example to why I hung it up with the Democratic Party and with Progressive Politics in General.

RFK Jr. Muses over at HuffPo:

Uncle Jack’s speech in Dallas was to have been an explosive broadside against the right wing. He found Dallas’ streets packed five deep with Kennedy Democrats, but among them were the familiar ornaments of presidential hatred; high-flying confederate flags and hundreds of posters adorning the walls and streets of Dallas showing Jack’s picture inscribed with “Wanted for Treason.” One man held a posterboard saying, “you a traitor [sic].” Other placards accused him of being a communist. When public school P.A. systems announced Jack’s assassination, Dallas school children as young as the fourth grade applauded. A Birmingham radio caller declared that “any white man who did what he did for niggers should be shot.” As my siblings and I visited the White House to console my cousins John and Caroline, a picket paraded out front with a sign, “God punished JFK.”

Jack had received myriad warnings against visiting the right-wing Texas city. Indeed, there had been a sense of foreboding even within our family as he and Aunt Jackie prepared for the trip. Jack made an unscheduled trip to Cape Cod to say goodbye to my ailing grandfather. The night before the trip, Mummy found Jack distant and brooding at a dinner for the Supreme Court Justices. He was very fond of Mummy, but for the first time ever, he looked right through her…

Gabrielle Giffords lies in a hospital room fighting for her life, and a precious nine-year-old girl is dead along with five others. Let’s pray for them and for our country and hope this tragedy prompts another round of examination of conscience.

Which could be entirely true. However, RFK Jr. seems to have missed something rather important — really important.

AllahPundit over at HotAir.com, of whom I do enjoy reading greatly. fills in the ever so conveniently missing blanks in this lesson in history:

Nowhere in the post is Oswald mentioned, or his communist sympathies, or the fact that he had tried to kill an ultra-conservative general seven months before he shot JFK. Which, sadly, is not uncommon when an especially unscrupulous left-wing hack writes about Kennedy’s assassination. The “reasoning” here, I guess, is that because conservatives in Dallas hated Kennedy, the otherwise peaceful Oswald — an ideologue so devoted that he actually defected to the Soviet Union in the last 1950s — saw his mind turn from civil political opposition to Kennedy to murderous rage. The “climate” of anger affected him … even though his own political grievances were nothing like the Birchers’. That’s as coherent as I can make this argument, and in any case, I don’t think Junior’s concerned about coherence. He’s practicing voodoo here: Right-wing city –> ??? –> JFK assassinated. Fill in the blank yourself.

The fact that AllahPundit is missing here; is the fact that the Democrats and progressives are skillful masters at historical revisionism and whitewashing of the past to further a political point. I mean, is not very uncommon to hear Democrats essentially blaming things like Slavery, Segregation, and general racism on the Republican Party and on White Conservatives in general —- when on the contrary, it was the Democratic Party who fought for the continued slavery of the black race in this Country. It also was the Democratic Party establishment in the South, who fought against the efforts of Martin Luther King Jr. in Alabama and other such Southern States. It was the Democrats of the south, who broke away from the Democratic Party to form the “States Right Party” and ran Strom Thurmond as its Presidential Candidate.

In fact, the only reason that the Democratic Party has ever given the Black, Jewish or Latino races anything other than the time of day, is because they know that they need those races to get votes in order to win elections. They are able secure those votes from the Black, Latino, and Jewish races is by offering them lip service and the occasional handout. If the Democratic Party stopped with lip service and the hand outs, they would never, ever be able to win elections.

So, what does the Democratic Party do? They seek to revise history and blame the other sides for the stuff that Democrats were responsible for in the first place. They do this, because they know that the majority of the people from those said races are mostly uninformed boobs, who are, for the most part, too lazy to pick up a history book and see who were the people responsible for the sins committed in our Nation’s past.

Is this to say that there is not racism within Conservative circles? Not at all. There is, plenty, I have seen it on websites and on Blogs and yes; even on facebook. In fact, I have unliked several pages and even several people — who were Conservative and yes, were quite racist. I mean, I dislike some of Obama’s polices as much as the next guy. But when I see President Obama and the First Lady’s faces being superimposed with the faces of the players from the movie Planet of the apes; I most politely object. Of course, I was called a “race baiter” and a fake Conservative by those people for making a stink about it. Which is all too common for those people.

The point that I am trying to make here is this —- neither of these political parties are without blame when it comes to racism. However, it is not improper to point out the fact that it was the Democratic Party — not the Republican Party —- that was the supporter, enabler and financer of institutionalized racism in the United States of America for many, many years. Anyone who says anything other than this and further more, anyone who says that the person who killed JFK and RFK were anything other than a Soviet admiring leftist and an Anti-Israel Palestinian supporter — is dealing in abject historical revisionism.

Tom Delay gets three years for corruption charges

Video Via CBN:

The Story:

Former House Majority Leader Tom Delay, R-Texas, was sentenced on Monday to three years in prison for conspiracy to commit money laundering.

The sentence came after Delay was convicted in November of trying to illegally influence elections in the Lone Star State.

In a 10 minute speech to Senior Judge Pat Priest, Delay insisted he did nothing wrong.

“I can’t be remorseful for something I don’t think I did,” Delay said, adding that accountants and lawyers checked everything he did.

“This criminalization of politics is very dangerous. It’s dangerous to our system. Just because somebody disagrees with you they got to put you in jail, bankrupt you, destroy your family,” he told Priest.

However, the prosecutor in the case saw the matter differently.

“I think Tom Delay said it best. He said that he was arrogant,” Assistant District Attorney Gary Cobb said.

“His statement was an extremely arrogant statement where he refused to accept responsibility, refused to show any remorse for the offense of which he’s been convicted of,” Cobb added.

I happen to see this a little differently than Tom Delay. I believe there is another motivation factor here; and that factor is race. This is nothing more, than a political and racial watch hunt by a black liberal Democrat who wants to make a name for himself by going after and bringing down a White Conservative Republican. I have information in my possession from well-placed anonymous sources, e-mails from this man saying that he was going to bring down Tom Delay and some very nasty racist words were used to describe Mr. Delay.

It is a sad day in America when out of control liberal blacks can attack, smear and persecute White Americans for crimes that they did not commit.

Ouch, that is going to leave a Mark…..

Okay, who left the stupid door open again?!?!? 🙄

Gov. Haley Barbour (R-MS), a potential Republican presidential candidate, has an interesting perspective on the tumults of the civil rights era that swept through his Deep South state.

As Barbour recalls it in a new profile in The Weekly Standard, things weren’t so bad in his hometown of Yazoo City, which took until 1970 to integrate its schools (though the final event itself is said to have gone on peacefully). For example, Barbour says that there was no problem of Ku Klux Klan activity in the town — thanks to the Citizens Council movement, an organization that was founded on the basis of resistance to integration and the promotion of white supremacy.

“You heard of the Citizens Councils? Up north they think it was like the KKK,” said Barbour. “Where I come from it was an organization of town leaders. In Yazoo City they passed a resolution that said anybody who started a chapter of the Klan would get their ass run out of town. If you had a job, you’d lose it. If you had a store, they’d see nobody shopped there. We didn’t have a problem with the Klan in Yazoo City.”

The White Citizens Council movement was founded in Mississippi in 1954, shortly after the Brown v. Board of Education Supreme Court decision that outlawed segregated public schools, and was dedicated to political activities opposing civil rights — notably boycotts of pro-civil rights individuals, as opposed to Barbour’s recollection of actions against the Klan. It was distinguished from the Klan by the public self-identification of its members, and its image of suits and ties as opposed to white robes and nooses

via Haley Barbour and White Supremacists | Citizens Councils | Mediaite.

I do believe that Gov. Haley Barbour just killed any notion of him ever running for President. I knew he was from the south; but I really did not think he was this bad. 😯

I do believe that Gov. Haley Barbour just wandered off into Ron Paul territory.

Somewhere, Trett Lott is smiling…

Update: Bloggers React

The Feckless Far Right: Exhibit SWOG: Stupid White Old Guys

An alternative headline would be “What I hate about White Christian Conservatives.” I saw this, and first thing I thought was, “does this old man ever get out of his house and into the real world?”

Now, at first, I wanted to just say this guy was being a straight up racist. However, I do not know that to be a fact. I think it is more of that stuffy old white Conservative Christian stupidity that the Republican right is known for.

Anyhow, here is Dennis Prager being as old, white, and Christian as he can be:

The nominees to receive the most prestigious awards in the music industry, the Grammy Awards, were just announced. Among the five nominees for Record of the Year is a song titled “F— You,” with the F-word, of course, spelled out and pronounced.

Here are the song’s opening lyrics:

“I see you driving ’round town

With the girl I love and I’m like,

F— you!

Oo, oo, ooo

I guess the change in my pocket

Wasn’t enough, I’m like,

F— you!

And f— her, too!”

The next lyrics add the S-word:

“I said, if I was richer, I’d still be with ya

Ha, now ain’t that some s–t? (ain’t that some s–t?)

And although there’s pain in my chest

I still wish you the best with a

F— you!

Oo, oo, ooo.”

And shortly thereafter, the N-word:

“I pity the fool that falls in love with you

(oh, s–t, she’s a gold digger)


(just thought you should know, n—-)


Dennis Prager is, of course, referring to this video here:

This video and song, of course, is about a young man, who has a crush on a young girl; who, of course, could care less about him. As someone who knows a little about that whole thing. I believe Dennis Prager needs to relax a little and maybe lighten up.

But wait! It gets better!


It is also worth noting that the video of this song includes children who appear to be under 12 years of age and all the performers are black — a point I will address later.

I have long believed that MTV has done more damage to America’s young people than any other single institution. I am referring to the music videos, in which most images or scenes are shown for less than two seconds and thereby numb kids’ minds, and to the sexual imagery and sex talk that permeate the music videos and much of the rest of MTV programming.

But while MTV should be singled out for the damage it has done to America, the music industry in general has been equally guilty.

How does a song replete with expletives, whose very title is “F— You,” get nominated for a Grammy Award as Record of the Year?

The answer is that the music industry, from producers to artists, is largely populated by people who regard social and cultural norms as stifling. Their professional lives are dedicated to lowering that which is elevated, destroying that which uplifts, and to profaning that which is held sacred.

There is no better explanation for “F— You” being nominated as Record of the Year. It has little, if any, redeeming moral, social or artistic (to the extent that this word retains its original meaning) value. The lyrics are as vapid as they are obscene; the video further degrades that part of black life that is already too lacking in elevation; and there is the participation of children in a profanity-filled video.

For most of American history, a child who used such words was punished by his parents, and society instinctively knew how important it was not to expose children to obscenities. Today, adults in the music industry reward children for participating in videos laced with obscenities.

Nor is the nomination of “F— You” as Song of the Year an aberration. Two of the other four nominees are rap “songs” whose lyrics are also vile.

12 year old children!

Black kids saying “F— You!”

What’s next?

Your little 12 year old white daughter being gang raped by a group of wild black man? Horrors! 😯

Please. 🙄

I think Dennis Prager needs to relax and loosen up a little and realize that not everyone in American, including most black people are not out to get every Conservative White girl in America knocked up. Prager might also want to put away the Klan uniform, that decade ended long ago.

You say, “Hey! I thought you were a Conservative!?!?!”

Well, I am; albeit more of a fiscal Conservative, a libertarian-minded person. I find the good majority of social Conservatism to be downright hypocritical. Bristol Palin being a perfect example, not to mention her screwball Mother. (UGH!)

In closing, I believe if Dennis Prager spent more time fighting to define what the Republican Party is supposed to stand for; like trying to move it away from the George W. Bush warmonger Neo-Conservatism that it has been ensconced in since 2000 and back to the traditional Conservative, which is represented by sites like this one here. Then Prager might be doing something. Until then, he his just blowing Hot Air around and acting a bit like a Religious Holier than thou as well. Which, in all honesty, is doing nothing for the Republican Party. Well, except for making them look like total idiots to Independent thinkers, like myself and the rest of the Country.