The feckless left Exhibit TDFR: Total Disconnect from Reality

This my friends, is a shining example to why I hung it up with the Democratic Party and with Progressive Politics in General.

RFK Jr. Muses over at HuffPo:

Uncle Jack’s speech in Dallas was to have been an explosive broadside against the right wing. He found Dallas’ streets packed five deep with Kennedy Democrats, but among them were the familiar ornaments of presidential hatred; high-flying confederate flags and hundreds of posters adorning the walls and streets of Dallas showing Jack’s picture inscribed with “Wanted for Treason.” One man held a posterboard saying, “you a traitor [sic].” Other placards accused him of being a communist. When public school P.A. systems announced Jack’s assassination, Dallas school children as young as the fourth grade applauded. A Birmingham radio caller declared that “any white man who did what he did for niggers should be shot.” As my siblings and I visited the White House to console my cousins John and Caroline, a picket paraded out front with a sign, “God punished JFK.”

Jack had received myriad warnings against visiting the right-wing Texas city. Indeed, there had been a sense of foreboding even within our family as he and Aunt Jackie prepared for the trip. Jack made an unscheduled trip to Cape Cod to say goodbye to my ailing grandfather. The night before the trip, Mummy found Jack distant and brooding at a dinner for the Supreme Court Justices. He was very fond of Mummy, but for the first time ever, he looked right through her…

Gabrielle Giffords lies in a hospital room fighting for her life, and a precious nine-year-old girl is dead along with five others. Let’s pray for them and for our country and hope this tragedy prompts another round of examination of conscience.

Which could be entirely true. However, RFK Jr. seems to have missed something rather important — really important.

AllahPundit over at, of whom I do enjoy reading greatly. fills in the ever so conveniently missing blanks in this lesson in history:

Nowhere in the post is Oswald mentioned, or his communist sympathies, or the fact that he had tried to kill an ultra-conservative general seven months before he shot JFK. Which, sadly, is not uncommon when an especially unscrupulous left-wing hack writes about Kennedy’s assassination. The “reasoning” here, I guess, is that because conservatives in Dallas hated Kennedy, the otherwise peaceful Oswald — an ideologue so devoted that he actually defected to the Soviet Union in the last 1950s — saw his mind turn from civil political opposition to Kennedy to murderous rage. The “climate” of anger affected him … even though his own political grievances were nothing like the Birchers’. That’s as coherent as I can make this argument, and in any case, I don’t think Junior’s concerned about coherence. He’s practicing voodoo here: Right-wing city –> ??? –> JFK assassinated. Fill in the blank yourself.

The fact that AllahPundit is missing here; is the fact that the Democrats and progressives are skillful masters at historical revisionism and whitewashing of the past to further a political point. I mean, is not very uncommon to hear Democrats essentially blaming things like Slavery, Segregation, and general racism on the Republican Party and on White Conservatives in general —- when on the contrary, it was the Democratic Party who fought for the continued slavery of the black race in this Country. It also was the Democratic Party establishment in the South, who fought against the efforts of Martin Luther King Jr. in Alabama and other such Southern States. It was the Democrats of the south, who broke away from the Democratic Party to form the “States Right Party” and ran Strom Thurmond as its Presidential Candidate.

In fact, the only reason that the Democratic Party has ever given the Black, Jewish or Latino races anything other than the time of day, is because they know that they need those races to get votes in order to win elections. They are able secure those votes from the Black, Latino, and Jewish races is by offering them lip service and the occasional handout. If the Democratic Party stopped with lip service and the hand outs, they would never, ever be able to win elections.

So, what does the Democratic Party do? They seek to revise history and blame the other sides for the stuff that Democrats were responsible for in the first place. They do this, because they know that the majority of the people from those said races are mostly uninformed boobs, who are, for the most part, too lazy to pick up a history book and see who were the people responsible for the sins committed in our Nation’s past.

Is this to say that there is not racism within Conservative circles? Not at all. There is, plenty, I have seen it on websites and on Blogs and yes; even on facebook. In fact, I have unliked several pages and even several people — who were Conservative and yes, were quite racist. I mean, I dislike some of Obama’s polices as much as the next guy. But when I see President Obama and the First Lady’s faces being superimposed with the faces of the players from the movie Planet of the apes; I most politely object. Of course, I was called a “race baiter” and a fake Conservative by those people for making a stink about it. Which is all too common for those people.

The point that I am trying to make here is this —- neither of these political parties are without blame when it comes to racism. However, it is not improper to point out the fact that it was the Democratic Party — not the Republican Party —- that was the supporter, enabler and financer of institutionalized racism in the United States of America for many, many years. Anyone who says anything other than this and further more, anyone who says that the person who killed JFK and RFK were anything other than a Soviet admiring leftist and an Anti-Israel Palestinian supporter — is dealing in abject historical revisionism.

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