There goes Rand Paul’s chances of getting elected

First the Video:

The Story via

LOUISVILLE, Ky. (WDRB Fox 41) — Outside the Conway-Paul debate, a Rand Paul supporter pulled the woman’s blonde wig off and stomped on her head. She was representing the liberal organization and claimed to be presenting Paul with an award from RepubliCorp. That’s a group created by that focuses on what it calls the merger between corporate America and the Republican Party. “I’m here to present Rand Paul with the ‘Employee of the Month’ award, however his supporters were not very nice to me and my message which is same as everyone else. I got my head stepped on and I have a bit of a headache,” said Lauren Valle, The woman denied police were involved, but right afterwards officers pulled her aside to question her about the incident.

I am in agreement with John Hawkings on this one; I do not care who she is, or what she was doing —- stomping people’s noggins on the curb is not cool at all. I mean, I dislike liberals and progressives as much as the next Right Wing knucklehead; but this is totally unacceptable. These people have as much right to believe and the right to express the way they believe; no matter how ignorant and misinformed it might be. The is American, and curb stomping someone’s head, because you do not like what they are saying and might be doing — is on par with Nazi Germany! Just as unacceptable when Kenneth Gladney was roughed up by the SEIU guys. Both are wrong and both should be treated as a criminal event.

Let me go on the record as saying that this here, that this could be considered of political terrorism and should be treated as such and no I am not kidding.

Memorandum Roundup Here

Update: Hey AP, Truth hurts don’t it? Unlike you sir, I actually meant it. What happened there was wrong and it does remind me of Nazi Germany’s handling of political dissent.

Video: Juan Williams responds to his firing by NPR

Well, there seems to be push back from Juan Williams and his supporters in response to his firing by NPR.


Needless to say, Bill O’Reilly is out for blood….. NPR’s Blood! 😯

Media Bistro has the story:

As we reported early this morning, Juan Williams was fired from his news analyst role at NPR for comments he made on Fox News Channel earlier in the week. Williams, who’s been an FNC contributor for 13 years, was back on the network this morning.

In a taped soundbite during “Happening Now,” Williams explained how his NPR firing went down during a cell phone conversation with the head of news at NPR: “I said, ‘you mean I don’t get the chance to come in and do this eyeball-to-eyeball?’ I’ve been there for more than 10 years.” TVNewser has learned from a Fox insider that SVP of News Michael Clemente conducted the interview.

I would be willing to bet; that the O’Reilly Factor is going to be some majorly hot TV to watch tonight! I’ll be there… 😀

Further proof that Multi-Culturalism does not work

I wrote a few days ago about Germany learning the lesson that America would learn one day. Here is more proof that I do know what I am talking about — Via V-DARE:

He was a “wonderful kid.”

“A man of high moral character.”

“There was no reason to fire shots.”


“He had a great personality, a warm smile, and …a very generous heart” … except for when he was trying to murder three policemen.

Go read the rest of that. It is some interesting reading. Liberals in the Country have it so backward. Criminals are celebrated, while American Patriots are condemned.

Here is a perfect reason why I will never vote Democrat again, ever

Some video clips, but first a little housekeeping —- sorry for the lack of posts. I passed out asleep and didn’t wake up till 12:00 midnight.

Anyhow, here are three video clips, all of which I saw over at

The first one is where Bill O. is on the view and he makes the fetal mistake of ID’ing who actually attacked us on 9/11:

My friends, after 10 years, if we cannot say Muslim’s attacked us on 9/11 without having to add the radical part, then something is seriously wrong. We usually do not say, radical Japanese attacked us at Pearl Harbor, nor do we say that Germany under Hitler was radical Germany —- we just call them Germans. I ask you people, why the hell do we have to give the god damned Muslims in this Country some sort of god damned special treatment!?!?!?! Now the argument here is, that if you do not use the term “Radical Muslims”, that you imply that ALL Muslims are terrorists; to which I say, ever read their Koran? I am just saying….

Now this next clip is beyond belief, to add insult to injury, Joy Behar invites Jesse Ventura; Yes, Jesse “I think Bush and Cheney caused 9/11” Ventura:

Finally, here is the clip of Bill O. talking with Laura Ingraham ripping on Behar and Whoopie on the walkout and basically saying what I said; Now I know that I have ripped on Ingraham on here in the past, calling her a shrieking Harpy, when I thought it was due, I have also made fun of her, when she has done silly stuff, case and point, see here —  But this time, Bill O’Reilly and yes, Laura Ingraham are both right, the damned liberals, as usual, are straight up wrong and are trying to play some sort of political correctness game with 9/11, which I happen to know is straight up BULLSHIT. Anyhow, here’s the clip of Bill O and Ingraham:

Again, let me say, I agree with both of these people 100 percent; it was Muslims that attacked us on 9/11, it was not Christians, it was not Jews, it was not Hindus; it was Muslims. To say anything other than this, excuses the group that attacked us. What about so-called peace loving Muslims? Well, to that I say this, when the Muslim Community decides to confront, head on, the radical element within their own religion abroad and here in America —- then I might start making that distinction, until that starts happening, all bets are off.

Further more, let me get into something else here. This whole idea, by some, on the liberal left, that Bush did 9/11. Now to normal sane Americans; this idea that President George W. Bush caused or ordered the attacks on 9/11 is pure insanity. But to some of the left, it is a true fact. Honestly, only about 1% actually believe that Bush caused 9/11. The rest of the left, use that little line, out of anger — over losing the 2000 and 2004 elections. I ought to know, I used to vote Democrat, up until 2007, when I decided that the Democratic Party had went too far to the left for even my liking.

This whole idea that Bush caused 9/11 and Democrats calling for a formal investigation into events surrounding 9/11, and also the lead up to the Iraq War is nothing more than political retribution towards the Republican Party and towards George W. Bush —- because the Democrats lost 2000 and 2004. As you all know, in 2000, the Democrats ran an unelectable buffoon named Al Gore. In 2004, Same deal, different person. Losing both of those elections have burned Democrats for years. Hence the continued inferring that Bush caused 9/11. Plus, on top of that, there was the Iraq War; which was the liberal “cause” here, up until someone within the liberal establishment decided that the Iraq War was no longer worth making the entire liberal movement look stupid and they dropped it as a whole. Then there is the afghan war; which the opposition to it, has been rather muted. Because the liberal establishment knows that if they turn on that War that the Democratic Party to the rest of America, will look like the biggest bunch of hypocrites ever. Which they are, but I digress. Either way, these videos just show you; one, the hypocrisy of the liberals and two, how bad that the liberal movement has become, when it comes to freedom of speech.

Come November 2, I will either be voting for Libertarians or Republicans. I have no really decided which; at this point, I am most likely pulling the lever for the Republicans. Because we need to right the ship and the libertarians have never won anything at all, and I want to vote for a winner this time; especially here in Michigan. We have had enough of Democratic failure, me especially, being out of work since 2005, it does really suck. Instead of doing the normal blaming of the Republicans, like some people I know around here do, I am facing reality and saying that Granholm and her polices failed and am voting different.

…and I hope you will do the same….

Reason Magazine profiles Detroit, Here is what they missed

It seems that Reason Magazine has decided that it is Detroit’s time in the barrel.  They have produced a video detailing another rightfully named “Boondoggle” of a light rail system.  It appears that the funding for this project is coming from the United States Government and by proxy — yours and mine pocketbooks and Taxes.

I noticed in the video of theirs, that they used an old promo video, made in 1965 by the city of Detroit.  For what it is worth; that video was made for the luring of the International Olympic Committee to Detroit; of which I am very to report that the committee saw right through that silly propaganda film and passed on Detroit.  Which proves to this writer that the people at the Olympic committee are much smarter than the then Mayor of Detroit, gave them credit for being.  I mean, could you have seen the Olympics being held in Detroit?  The metals themselves would have never made it out alive.  I could just see it now, “Your Medal, or your life cracka!”  It is quite the horrifying thought actually.

First, here is Reason TV’s video:

Now for what they missed; in 1967 there was a horrific riot here in Detroit.  It has been called the 1967 Detroit race riot.  The riot itself was started after the City of Detroit’s Police Department raided an after-hours blind pig.  Now, keep in mind, the police were simply doing their jobs.  They were tipped off to an illegal drinking establishment, which, for what it is worth —- only catered to black people; and they raided the place.  During the raid, a scuffle broke out, between the police and the persons being raided, somehow during that scuffle; a police officer’s guns went off and thus gave catalyst to one of worst riots in the history of the Country —- not mention the city of Detroit —– a rumor.  The rumor was that a black man that was arrested during raid of the blind pig was laying face down on the sidewalk, with his hands cuffed behind his back; was shot at point blank range in the back of the head, by a uniformed Detroit Police officer.

Now there is only one little inconvenient truth to this sickening and most awful rumor —- not a word of it was even remotely true. — It was this rumor, which was circulated among the Detroit black population, in a rather short amount of time; that was the proverbial kerosene on the bonfire for the City of Detroit in 1967 and as a result; all hell broke loose in Detroit.  This was the result:

(More Photos can be found by going here)

If I sat here and said that all of the above was done by blacks — I would be straight up lying to you.  It has been widely reported around here, and there were outside forces that egged on, supported, and even contributed to the huge riot.  Anarchists from various states were believed to have come to Detroit and joined in the riot —- we call those people libertarian leftists today.  Although, I like to call these people something different —- Anti-American.

Here is a groovy little video that shows just went on here in Detroit in 1967 —- with music from Detroit’s own MC5:

The riot stopped after the then Mayor of Detroit, Jerome Cavanagh, a Democrat, stopped cowering behind his desk, at the prospect of so many out of control blacks; and actually called the Governor of Michigan, George W. Romney, a Republican and begged for the National Guard to be brought in to stop the rioting.  Which is so typical of the liberal Democrats, they make a mess of things and then call in the adults to clean up the mess, which is what we have in Washington DC right now!  Anyone who would doubt my words, I will personally give you the “real world” tour of Detroit and show you just how bad the children Democrats have ruined that city.  I ought to know, I did live there at one time, like many other people from this area.

It is fair to note, however, that the riot in Detroit was not the first one.  There were actually three —- 1863, 1943, and 1967 respectively.  They all had the same things in common; blacks who were under the impression that they were being oppressed somehow or another —- or as it is commonly known in proper English as being a selfish ingrate.  I mean, we allowed them to migrate to Detroit from places like Alabama, where they were getting lynched on a regular basis, gave them jobs based on their skill levels; which were, honestly, not that very high — but yet, they were being oppressed by the white man.  The blacks at time said that they wanted social justice, which means, in normal human speak, “I want what you have, but I do not want to have to actually earn it or work for it, I want it given to me.”  This is pretty much the hallmark of the Democratic Party, is it not?

It happened around this time in 1967.  Many of the white immigrants, who fled Germany and the surrounding countries, after the horrific collapse of the Weimar Republic began to really think that this whole idea of blacks and whites living in Detroit in sweet and loving harmony —- was nothing more than a pipe dream and began to flee the city Detroit.  I kid you not; entire Churches, Synagogues, and Families — everything beat a path out of Detroit like cockroaches scattering in sudden daylight. Now, the Democrats have long said this was because these people were racist.  However, let me ask you a question.  If an angry black man came tearing up your street and wanted to toss a Molotov cocktail through the front window of your house or through the window of your store, for no reason other than a silly rumor — would you not have second thoughts about wanting to keep your store or possibly even your family in that city?  I think the answer to that question is obvious.

In closing, while the Reason Magazine video was great, it missed one important piece of the puzzle.  Detroit did not just end up in its current condition for no reason; it had help and it was not an overnight thing, it has been happening for years.  In addition, there is not one thing to blame, but a plethora of things to blame; politics, corruption, riots, unions — all of it have contributed to Detroit’s demise.  Not to mention race, it is a factor; but to scapegoat one race for the demise is wrong-headed.  This is why the Neo-Nazi Klan hates me so much, because I disagree with and mock their folly with great joy.  In other words, not just blacks destroyed Detroit.  It was all of races, taking what they could get for themselves and then fleeing to their perspective corners of the state and allowing the inner city to rot.  All the while painting over the rot and justifying it as some sort of community project.  As they say, you can put lipstick on a pig, but it is still a pig.  You can put socialist programs into a city that is beyond saving; but the city, along with its rot and failures are still there.  You would think that after some 43 years after those race riots; Detroit’s leadership and Michigan’s leadership would have figured that out by now.

Video: Black Leftist Attacks White Reporter Covering One Nation Rally

….and, of course, nothing happens to her.

Here’s the video: (Via Human Events)

The Story Via Human Events:

A liberal protester at the “One Nation Working Together” march physically assaulted a HUMAN EVENTS reporter who was videotaping Rep. Charlie Rangel (D.-N.Y) at the event at the National Mall in Washington, D.C.

The reporter, Emily Miller, was first hit from behind while she was taping Rangel as the Harlem congressman glad-handed supporters in front of the Lincoln Memorial. Miss Miller is heard on the video saying, “Please don’t hit me.” The protester proceeds to yell at the reporter, “Well get out of the way! What do you think this is? Asshole.” The activist was attempting to meet Rangel herself. Miss Miller continued videotaping the event, when suddenly the same unhinged protester lunged at her, hit her on the arm, and yelled, “Don’t take my picture.”

As the footage shows, the protestor then slapped Miss Miller, hitting the flip cam and saying, “Do not take my picture. Do not take my fucking picture and I mean it.”

The scene continued, as the deranged woman assaulted Miss Miller yet again, before having to be restrained by members of the Park Police.

Here’s the story by the lady who was hit:

To answer your questions….

The Park Police called Capitol Police to handle the situation. I asked the Capitol Police to get me somewhere safe, which they did. They took my report of what happened.

They interviewed the many witnesses at the scene around the protester. All the witnesses said nothing happened, and that the woman did not hit me. I showed the officers one of the videos on the flip cam. The officer said that hitting the camera is not against the law.

My hands were shaking so much, I couldn’t rewind to show the earlier video.

The police asked me repeatedly if I had someone with me who could vouch for my story. I said, no, I’m alone here reporting on this march. Since it was my word against all the witnesses, I asked them to just get me safely out of the rally.

The officer said he would investigate to determine if an arrest was warranted. As far as I know, nothing further happened.

I was mostly shocked that all of those the witnesses lied to the police. So much for not bearing false witness…

And, I’ll add, no one stopped the woman from repeatedly hitting me. So much for decency… – Emily Miller, Washington, D.C

Folks, we need to just be real about this one; this woman was not arrested, because she was black. If this would have been a White Woman and the camera woman black and this would have been a Tea Party rally —- the liberal media would have been a perpetual meltdown mode, the person would have been made an example of and this persons name would have been in all of the papers. But because it was some black protester at a union rally; not a word is said about it.

You know, I am just going to say it. Sometimes, I really think Governor George Wallace —- was absolutely correct.

I hate to the one to say it; but I think we, as Americans, as White Americans — need to STOP apologizing to these bastards and take our Country back from the interlopers who have taken it over.

Here’s what I mean: (This video pertains to South Africa, but it could very well apply to America too)

It is time we got real; and quit this “Go along to get along” crap that the GOP is doing now. Because it is only hurting us.

Via Memeornadum

The forgotten faces of the Afghanistan War

Call me an old softie; call me whatever you wanna call me. But this little Gallery here, breaks me up a bit.

Whether we want to admit it or not; but these children are in the crossfire of a very adult war. They are the victims of a deranged group of people; who attacked us on 9/11.

They are the one’s that my heart breaks for, in this thing we call war.

Mission Accomplished: Grayson will most likely lose his seat to Webster

Good. Looks like ol’ Christian-bashing Jew Alan Grayson will lose his job. Could not happen to a better idiot:

In one of the most closely watched U.S. House races in the nation, Republican Daniel Webster now holds a 7-point lead over Democratic Rep. Alan Grayson in Central Florida’s 8th Congressional District, according to a new Sunshine State News Poll.

Webster, a former state senator, leads the freshman congressman 43-36 in the survey of 559 likely voters conducted Sept. 25-27. TEA (“Taxed Enough Already”) Party candidate Peg Dunmire drew 6 percent and NPA hopeful George Metcalfe garnered 3 percent, while 9 percent remained undecided (2 percent cited “other” and 1 percent refused to state).

Digging deeper, the numbers look even worse for Grayson as 51 percent of respondents said they had an unfavorable view of the Orlando-area congressman.

“Grayson has real problems here,” said Jim Lee, president of Voter Survey Service, which conducted the poll for Sunshine State News.

“He’s even more unpopular than the president, which is not surprising given how controversial he has been with his rhetoric, overall style and TV ads.”

Lee added, “It’s fascinating that both Grayson and the president have virtually the same image (a positive/negative ratio of 34/51), but Grayson is actually disliked more by independents (36/47 favorable/unfavorable) while Obama is only 36/37.”

Andy Sere, spokesman for the National Republican Congressional Committee in Washington, D.C., said the Central Florida district “is ripe for a Republican pick-up, even if we weren’t running against Alan Grayson.”

Calling Grayson’s views “so far outside the maintstream,” Sere predicted that “a large swath of independents and conservative Democrats will hand him a resounding defeat in November.”

Tom Gaitens, Florida director for FreedomWorks, said the Washington, D.C-based tea group has focused on the CD8 race “from the beginning.”

“Grayson is an obnoxious antagonist to tea partiers and raised the ire of the movement,” Gaitens said. “He’s probably the biggest lightning rod-type candidate in the nation.”

With controversial TV ads like “Taliban Dan,” in which the Democrat tried to portray the Baptist Webster as a religious extremist, “Grayson put himself in the crosshairs,” Gaitens said.

“It’s his character to say foolish things, and he doesn’t handle stress well. He’ll see this poll and get more desperate,” said Gaitens, who predicts a 10-point victory for Webster.

via Poll: Obama, Dems Poised to Lose Grayson House Seat | Sunshine State News.

Let that be a lesson to the Democratic Party. You allow your candidates to bash Christians, and in this man’s case — Baptists. You pay the price at the polls. As I said in the title — Mission Accomplished. 😀

Roundup in the Blogosphere: Hot Air, Michelle Malkin, The Atlantic Online, Weekly Standard, National Review, JammieWearingFool, RedState, Mediaite, The Politico and The Plum Line

Democratic Party Representative Alan Grayson is a disgrace to the Jewish Race and to Judaism itself

I have avoided writing about this topic, because not too long ago, I was branded a Neo-Nazi and Anti-Semite by those whose business it is to play that card.  However, as a Christian, as an American Conservative —- I will not sit idly by and allow a Jewish man to slander a Christian man in this manner.

However, let me say this; this is not about hatred towards a Jewish man.  This is about a liberal man, who happens to be Jewish, taking a very nasty swipe at Christianity —- All in the name of politics. Let me clear, I said this in the title and I will say it again. Alan Grayson is an utter disgrace to the Jewish race and to Judaism itself. Alan Grayson should be refuted and severely chastised by the Democratic Party and told to remove the ad or be removed as the candidate for the House of Representatives.  There is no place in politics for the bashing of political opponents religion.

Here is the video in question:

Now here are the words of Daniel Webster in their proper context:

Now this is very surprising, even Contessa Brewer over at MSNBC; much to her credit would not even let this one go:

Okay, can we be real about this now?  If a Christian Conservative Republican candidate had attacked a Democratic Party candidate like this, the outrage would be apoplectic.  However, because it is a Jewish man attacking a Christian — there is not a word of outrage. My question is why are not AIPAC and the many other Jewish lobbying groups putting out a statement condemning this sort of obvious slander of Christianity, by a liberal Jew?

I mean, could you just imagine; if a Republican Candidate put something like this out?

Could you just image what the Liberal Blogosphere would do to that person?  —- Not to mention some in the Neo-Conservative Blogosphere!  So, why is that this man is getting away with this, without any repercussions from the Democratic Party?  Why is not AIPAC condemning it? Why is this man getting a free pass by the liberals?

While you are thinking about this:

Donate to Daniel Webster’s campaign!

Again, this is not about hate at all, it is about realism folks —-  If the Republican Candidate had even remotely thought about putting an ad like the one above by a one David Duke.  The outrage would be off the charts.  However, because Alan Grayson is a Jewish liberal he gets a free pass.  Why is that?

Until those in the media are willing to ask those questions, it is nothing more the rube for the Democratic Party and for the likes of Alan Grayson.

Police State? The Erik Scott Shooting

As you all know, as a Conservative, I believe in rule of law. However, I am keenly aware that Law Enforcement has been known to overstep its bounds at times.

This Series is extremely difficult to read, but I ask you to read it.

Part I

Part II

Part III

Part IV

Vox Day writes at his blog:

One police officer commented: “Seems as if many here are not willing to give Law Enforcement the benefit of the doubt until the inquest is over. This saddens me as a Police Officer and retired Marine.”

No, we’re not. Because Law Enforcement doesn’t merit it anymore. Not all cops are murderers, thieves, and pedophiles, but most cops are willing to look the other way whenever their “brother” cops commit crimes. And that is why they fully merit the contempt in which they are now held by so many Americans. A badge is not a license to commit more crime than the average civilian, it is an indication that the police are to be held to a higher standard of behavior, not a lower one.


Erik Scott Memorial Blog

Bill Maher gets schooled on what a libertarian really is

Nothing like watching a self absorbed douche bag getting schooled by another self absorbed douche bag.

Via the Busters:


AMY HOLMES, CNN CONTRIBUTOR: In point of fact, Democrats did talk about healthcare endlessly. President Obama went out on the stump talking about, “Pass this bill, pass this bill.” Bill Clinton said once it was passed it would become popular. Bill Clinton now, he confesses that he made a mistake, that it has not become more popular.

BILL MAHER, HOST: It’s been kicked in for two days…

HOLMES: It’s become less popular, and here’s why.

MAHER: …and most of it doesn’t kick in till 2014. Could we wait till people see it before we can judge whether it’s popular?

HOLMES: You’re asking why…


MAHER: Please, sorry.

HOLMES: But you’re asking why Democrats are not campaigning on this. Because in the next 40 days with a bill that is hugely unpopular, it’s not good for their re-election process.

MAHER: It would be popular if they would talk about it. They could have, if they could stand up for what they believe they could have passed Medicare for all. That’s what they should have done. What they should have said is insurance companies have a million other things to insure. They insure your car and your house and if it rains and there’s a flood and an earthquake and Betty Grable’s legs and a million other things. They don’t need to also insure life. Life should be off the table.

HOLMES: They talked endlessly about it and their agenda was rejected by the American people, that’s a simple fact.

MAHER: Because they’re stupid.

This is where it gets good:

ANDREW BREITBART: So you’re, you’re officially not a Libertarian anymore, right? I mean, this position…

MAHER: Well..

BREITBART: …has run so far from the Libertarian position. Is this, so you admit that you have more of a, you know, European socialist leaning perspective on this issue?


BREITBART: Why is that funny?

MAHER: I’m, I’m not afraid, it’s not, I’m not afraid to say European socialism works.

No true-blue libertarian would ever say that, at all.

AllahPundit chimes in:
The funniest thing about this? I’m not sure Maher does know. He knows he’s more socialist than libertarian when it comes to health care, but as a general proposition about how he self-identifies, he seems hesitant when Breitbart puts it to him. That’s a testament, I think, to how intellectually attractive the libertarian brand is, ironically almost in inverse proportion to how successful it is at the polls. Democrats bristle at the “socialist” label but tell any Republican pol or pundit except Mike Huckabee that he’s a “libertarian” — especially in the year of the tea party — and he’s likely to agree, albeit with qualifiers. And why not? The brand means free markets, property rights, civil liberties, and most importantly for Maher, permissiveness towards drug use and sexual behavior. The Constitution + fun = crazy delicious. And because libertarianism tends to operate in popular debate as a critique of mainstream conservatism (even though, of course, economically it’s a much sharper critique of liberalism), it’s a useful way of endorsing certain elements of the GOP agenda without endorsing the entire rotten GOP brand, essentially shorthand for saying, “I like capitalism but I’m too thoughtful to be a Republican.” None of which is meant to impugn committed libertarians like the Reason crew, just guys like Maher who dig the label and the slight charge of dissident chic that it carries so much that they’re reluctant to part with it, even after they’ve (d)evolved into center-left Democrats.

True ‘dat! 😀

The difference is, that libertarians actually believe, unlike most Republicans, that big Government is actually a problem. Where most Republicans say that big Government is a problem, but in another breath praise big Government. (Hello Social Security!)

Drugs and Drinking have been a problem for years in Auto Plants

I noticed that the local media here has finally caught up with auto workers doing some seriously illegal stuff in a Chrysler plant here in Detroit.

Via Detroit’s Fox 2 News:


The Story: Staff – We’re all rooting for the auto industry to come back stronger than ever. It affects every one of us here in metro Detroit and across the country because it’s so important to our economy.

Fox 2’s Rob Wolchek got a tip about what some guys are doing at Chrysler’s Jefferson North Assembly Plant in Detroit. This is the same plant that President Barack Obama visited back in July and talked about the significance of manufacturing in America.

The same place where the President remarked on the tax-payer generated government loan saying “I believed that if each of us were willing to work and sacrifice in the short term — workers, management, creditors, shareholders, retirees, communities — it could mark a new beginning for a great American industry. And if we could summon that sense of teamwork and common purpose, we could once again see the best cars in the world designed, engineered, forged, and built right here in Detroit, right here in the Midwest, right here in the United States of America.”

I thought I would comment on this story; seeing that I have some background in this area. I have news for my fellow Conservatives; this sort of thing has been going on for years in the auto plants. In fact, back in the 1980’s the drug problem was so bad in a few of the G.M. plants locally here, that General Motors had to call in the Federal Government to bring in undercover narcotics officers —- posing as workers that transferred in from other states, to nab these people dealing the dope. That is because the Union, that was supposed to be making sure stuff like this was not happening; had been bought off by the drug dealers and was standing by and letting them deal the drugs. I believe that Chrysler and Ford had similar raids too back in the 1980’s.

From a taxpayer’s stand point; yes, this does make me angry. Because basically, taxpayer’s dollars are paying for these guys to sit around and smoke dope. This is because taxpayer dollars did, in fact, bail this auto company out.  However, because I am a bit of a libertarian; I do see this in another light. The late great Senator Barry Goldwater said the following: “You cannot legislate morality.”  You can set rules, you can encourage people not to smoke or deal drugs; but you cannot force people not to do these things. As long as there are people out there who have a desire to do these things and as long as they are illegal — People are going to figure out a way to do them, without getting caught. Breaking the law is in the human DNA. It is how we are wired, it is, as the Bible puts it; in our human fleshly nature. Adam and Eve proved that one in the Garden.

The real underlying point here is this; these companies, especially Chrysler — should have never been rescued by the Government, at all. General Motors and Chrysler both had enough liquid assets that they could have sold off to generate enough capital to get themselves out of the hole that they were in. Granted, the problem was created by the Wall Street crash of 2008; however, General Motors and Chrysler had and most likely still has management issues that has caused waste for years. Now, unlike other libertarians and Conservatives; I will not play the scape-goat game with the Unions. The unions are a only a small part of the problem. Granted, they do play a role in the problem; but that role is not nearly is huge as it is made out to be by some on the right.  The truth of the matter is, that these companies have not been properly managed for years. This is why these auto companies have had money issues for years.

White Seattle Teen beaten by Asian and Black Teens

I was not going to touch this; but seeing that Jim Hoft is being attacked and they are trying to tie me to it — here is the story:

The Video: (via KOMO-TV)

The Story via  The Seattle Times:

Two men who were questioned and released by Seattle police after a West Seattle teen was beaten in a racially charged attack have been charged in connection with the May 25 assault. One of the men was arrested Tuesday evening.

DNA recently linked Ahmed Mohamed and Jonathan Baquiring to the attack in which a 16-year-old boy was robbed, taunted with racial insults, burned with a lit cigarette and punched repeatedly. Mohamed, 22, and Baquiring, 21, each were charged Monday with first-degree robbery and malicious harassment, the state’s hate-crime statute.

Baquiring was booked into the Seattle Correctional Facility just after 6 p.m. Tuesday, according to the King County Jail Booking Register. His bail is set at $500,000.

Seattle police are still searching for Mohamed.

King County Deputy Prosecutor Samantha Kanner will also seek to have Mohamed held on $500,000 bail once he is arrested, according to charging papers.

The victim, Shane McClellan, said he was walking home around 2 a.m. when two men, whom he described as black and Filipino, asked him for a light.

He said the two men then robbed him and beat him for four hours, whipping him with his own belt while saying things like, “How do you like it, white boy?” and “This is for enslaving our people,according to the police report.

McClellan, who is white, said the two men also poured Four Loko energy beer on him, burned him with a cigarette and urinated on him, police said.

Okay now, I want these bastards to attack me. The thugs that attacked this white man, were not “Black People”, they were not ‘African-Americans” — they were NEGRO and ASIAN thugs! Period! Racism? Please. 🙄  What about Shannon Christian and Christopher Newsom from Knoxville, Tennessee —- a white couple tortured, raped and killed by blacks? Were those people racists too? The police conveniently did not classify that as a hate crime! Because it did not fit liberal narrative; that all white people are evil and we are the one’s that hurt blacks. Which is of course, straight up BULLSHIT!

Now look at this face!

Look at it!

Now you tell me that I should “celebrate diversity”….. and I will tell you, what I tell every damned body that tells me that….:


and by the way liberals. I happen to think this site is pretty damned cool. Why? Because I happen to think that the liberal idea of Diversity IS CRAP! 😡 Update: However, I am not sending that hate site no traffic. Not smart.

I could save that town a whole bunch of money; get a good rope and damn tree and FIX that little situation! Now bring it on liberals —- BRING IT THE FUCK ON, PLEASE. I FUCKING DARE YOU! I want to see you justify this fucking crime; please, do it. I want to, so bad, to prove my damned point about you fucking bastards. BRING IT!

Update: I guess now, that they will call me a Neo-Nazi for posting this. which, of course, bullcrap.

Michael Enright: I am a Patriot and I want my Mommy!

Oh my goodness….:

The crazed film student charged with knifing a Muslim cab driver insisted to arresting officers that he was “a patriot” – and then whined for his mom.

“I am a patriot and I want representation,” Michael Enright, 21, said after his Aug. 25 arrest for slashing Ahmed Sharif while riding in his taxi.”

Police records released during a court appearance Wednesday show the baby-faced attacker incoherently claimed he cut the cabby in self defense – and then said he was targeted because he’s Catholic and Jewish.

“That man just tried to rob me, he wanted to rob me, I used self-defense,” Enright allegedly told cops during his arrest. “He was holding me against my will. What did I do wrong? I just came back from Afghanistan.

“I need my mother.”

Enright spent 35 days in Afghanistan in May filming a documentary about front-line troops.

“You’re prosecuting me because I’m Irish Catholic,” he told cops.

Minutes later, Enright told cops, “I’m Jewish, you are going to ruin the entire Jewish race by locking me up.”

He also admitted to drinking “a pint of Scotch \[whiskey\]” earlier that day.

“Asalaam alaikum, do you like salami and bacon?,” the young man asked an officer.

He accused another cop of allowing Muslims “to blow up buildings in this country.”

via Michael Enright, crazed student charged with stabbing Muslim cabbie, told cops he was a ‘patriot’.

But yet, they call me a damned mentally unstable Neo-Nazi. Last time I checked; I have not stabbed any Muslims, nor cab drivers. This dude needs to be put under the jail. He gives sane white Americans —- a very bad image. 🙄

Then again:

Michael Enright - What a farking loon!

He does have the Momma’s boy look thing going on. Not to mention the scared shitless white dude look. 😛

Here is hoping that they put this moron where he belongs —-in jail —- for a very long time; and with any luck, he will be the pivot man, in a Arab prisoner circle jerk. If you know what I mean, and I think you do! 😆

UPDATED: On the Bob Woodward Book

I am poking my head back in again — to comment on the big Bob Woodward story, that is the top story on Memeorandum.

I am referring to this:

President Obama urgently looked for a way out of the war in Afghanistan last year, repeatedly pressing his top military advisers for an exit plan that they never gave him, according to secret meeting notes and documents cited in a new book by journalist Bob Woodward.

Frustrated with his military commanders for consistently offering only options that required significantly more troops, Obama finally crafted his own strategy, dictating a classified six-page “terms sheet” that sought to limit U.S. involvement, Woodward reports in “Obama’s Wars,” to be released on Monday.

According to Woodward’s meeting-by-meeting, memo-by-memo account of the 2009 Afghan strategy review, the president avoided talk of victory as he described his objectives.

“This needs to be a plan about how we’re going to hand it off and get out of Afghanistan,” Obama is quoted as telling White House aides as he laid out his reasons for adding 30,000 troops in a short-term escalation. “Everything we’re doing has to be focused on how we’re going to get to the point where we can reduce our footprint. It’s in our national security interest. There cannot be any wiggle room.”

Obama rejected the military’s request for 40,000 troops as part of an expansive mission that had no foreseeable end. “I’m not doing 10 years,” he told Secretary of Defense Robert M. Gates and Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton at a meeting on Oct. 26, 2009. “I’m not doing long-term nation-building. I am not spending a trillion dollars.”

Woodward’s book portrays Obama and the White House as barraged by warnings about the threat of terrorist attacks on U.S. soil and confronted with the difficulty in preventing them. During an interview with Woodward in July, the president said, “We can absorb a terrorist attack. We’ll do everything we can to prevent it, but even a 9/11, even the biggest attack ever . . . we absorbed it and we are stronger.”

But most of the book centers on the strategy review, and the dissension, distrust and infighting that consumed Obama’s national security team as it was locked in a fierce and emotional struggle over the direction, goals, timetable, troop levels and the chances of success for a war that is almost certain to be one of the defining events of this presidency.

Obama is shown at odds with his uniformed military commanders, particularly Adm. Mike Mullen, the chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, and Gen. David H. Petraeus, head of U.S. Central Command during the 2009 strategy review and now the top U.S. and NATO commander in Afghanistan.

Woodward reveals their conflicts through detailed accounts of two dozen closed-door secret strategy sessions and nearly 40 private conversations between Obama and Cabinet officers, key aides and intelligence officials.

Tensions often turned personal. National security adviser James L. Jones privately referred to Obama’s political aides as “the water bugs,” the “Politburo,” the “Mafia,” or the “campaign set.” Petraeus, who felt shut out by the new administration, told an aide that he considered the president’s senior adviser David Axelrod to be “a complete spin doctor.”

During a flight in May, after a glass of wine, Petraeus told his own staffers that the administration was “[expletive] with the wrong guy.” Gates was tempted to walk out of an Oval Office meeting after being offended by comments made by deputy national security adviser Thomas E. Donilon about a general not named in the book.

Suspicion lingered among some from the 2008 presidential campaign as well. When Obama floated the idea of naming Clinton to a high-profile post, Axelrod asked him, “How could you trust Hillary?”

Okay, first off, has everyone forgotten that 90% of what Bob Woodward writes is just straight up, sensationalized Bullshit? The Neo-Cons sure did say that, when Bob Woodward wrote his book about Bush.  However, now the Neo-Cons are treating this book like the Gospel truth; because it is about a Democratic Party President. Of course, the warmongering Neo-Cons are eating the whole bit about the terrorist attack up and basically saying that President Obama wants another attack on America. Which is, of course, straight up bullshit.

Some of the other highlights are:

— Obama told Woodward in the July interview that he didn’t think about the Afghan war in the “classic” terms of the United States winning or losing. “I think about it more in terms of: Do you successfully prosecute a strategy that results in the country being stronger rather than weaker at the end?” he said.

— The CIA created, controls and pays for a clandestine 3,000-man paramilitary army of local Afghans, known as Counterterrorism Pursuit Teams. Woodward describes these teams as elite, well-trained units that conduct highly sensitive covert operations into Pakistan as part of a stepped-up campaign against al-Qaeda and Afghan Taliban havens there.

— Obama has kept in place or expanded 14 intelligence orders, known as findings, issued by his predecessor, George W. Bush. The orders provide the legal basis for the CIA’s worldwide covert operations.

— A new capability developed by the National Security Agency has dramatically increased the speed at which intercepted communications can be turned around into useful information for intelligence analysts and covert operators. “They talk, we listen. They move, we observe. Given the opportunity, we react operationally,” then-Director of National Intelligence Mike McConnell explained to Obama at a briefing two days after he was elected president.

— A classified exercise in May showed that the government was woefully unprepared to deal with a nuclear terrorist attack in the United States. The scenario involved the detonation of a small, crude nuclear weapon in Indianapolis and the simultaneous threat of a second blast in Los Angeles. Obama, in the interview with Woodward, called a nuclear attack here “a potential game changer.” He said: “When I go down the list of things I have to worry about all the time, that is at the top, because that’s one where you can’t afford any mistakes.”

— Afghan President Hamid Karzai was diagnosed as manic depressive, according to U.S. intelligence reports. “He’s on his meds, he’s off his meds,” Woodward quotes U.S. Ambassador Karl W. Eikenberry as saying.

Again, I have to ask; how much of this is actual truth and how much of it is sensationalized bullshit?

Liberal Blogger No more Mister Nice Blog puts it correctly:

“It’s in our national security interest” “I am not spending a trillion dollars.” At least he understand that endless war is bad for America.

And the reason that’s important is that, if we’re still deeply mired in Afghanistan as of January 20, 2013, we’ll still be just as deeply mired four years later, because President Palin/Pence/Daniels/Thune/Huckabee/Barbour/Christie sure as hell ain’t gonna withdraw. But this semi-rationality on Obama’s part is going to be lost, and the bullet-point version of this entire book is going to be “Obama plans to surrender in Afghanistan to appease the evil traitorous voters in his party.”

I hate to say it; but he is absolutely correct. Because you all know that the Neo-Conservatives are all about perpetual war. But they call me a Neo-Nazi for pointing that out; and because I refuse to do the “Identity politics” for that particular warmongering class of people. I despise identity politics on the left and the right. That, according to the protected class, is being a Neo-Nazi. Which, like most of Bob Woodward’s writings, is just straight up bullshit.

Memeorandum Thread Here.

Update: But of course. That is the same idiot that said that Iraq was an imminent danger to America and the rest of the free world back in 2003. Which of course, like Bob Woodward’s books; was straight up bullshit. 🙄

Good: The city of Gainesville, Florida will bill Pastor for crackpot publicity stunt

Never in a million years would I ever believe that I would be writing a headline like that. But it is how I feel.


Orlando, Florida (CNN) — The city of Gainesville, Florida, plans to send a bill estimated at more than $180,000 to Pastor Terry Jones for security costs surrounding his controversial threat to burn Qurans on the anniversary of the September, 11, 2001, attacks, a police spokeswoman said Friday.

Police agencies spent more than a month working on security plans to ensure the community surrounding Jones’ Dove World Outreach Center — the planned site of the burning — was safe, according to Gainesville police spokeswoman Cpl. Tscharna Senn.

Jones also told authorities he received numerous death threats because of the planned protest, which he called off amid increasing pressure from world leaders.

The Gainesville Police Department said it spent more than $100,000 while the Alachua County Sheriff’s Office spent an estimated $80,000 during the weekend of the planned demonstration.

“We have 286 sworn officers and almost everyone was working either at the Dove Center or at other soft targets,” Senn said. “Unless you were sick or injured you were working” the day the burning was to take place.

Officers secured malls in the region, the University of Florida’s football stadium and areas around the church in the days leading up to the planned event.

…and you know what this idiotic piece of crap said in response? This:

Jones said Friday that the church was “not aware that we would be billed for security.”

“If we had known this in advance, then we would have refused to have security,” he said.

Oh.My.God —- This moronic tool thinks that it is all about him. No wonder his daughter thinks that he is gone crazy! Memo to Religious nut-job: It is NOT about YOU! It is about protecting the citizens in the town of Gainsville, Florida from a Muslim uprising, because of your stupid little publicity stunt;  you ignorant tool! 😡

Unbelievable. I have seen some out of touch, tone-deaf people in my day; but this jack-wad takes the cake. Some people have accused me of being that type of a person. But, I do not even remotely hold a candle to him, at all. 🙄

This is not even mentioning into the fact that this jack-wad was actually stupid enough to pull a stunt like this; that would endanger the lives of our service members overseas. I mean, that is the absolute epitome of tone-deaf.

….and people wonder why Christianity is such a damaged brand in this day and age. It is because ignorant jack-wads like this idiot here; and that other jack-wad Freddie Phelps! Morons. Both of them. 🙄

Video: REALITY REPORT #60 – Obama’s Iraq Bushism

In this edition of the Reality Report:

Gary Franchi points out Obama’s latest Iraq War Bushism and welcomes We Are Change Founder Luke Rudkowski to the show.

Nina breaks down the headlines including Homeowners Associations restricting Gadsden Flags, the Blogger Shakedown of Righthaven LLC, the recent Emergency Declaration in North Carolina that suspended the 2nd Amendment and how Blackwater Security used shell corporations to acquire tax payer money.

The viewers answer whether or not the World Trade Center was a Controlled demolition in the mailbag and keep watching to see the viewer pick for this week’s Enemy of the State.

Two Sites to check out: http://RealityReport.TV | |

…and now the video:

The feckless Far-Right Exhibit WTF for…You know

Whoa… Now I am all for Conservative purity and all that. But, this just goes a wee bit over the line. 😯

As much as I hate to have to link to these guys…. Via the Huffington Post:

The chairman of the Delaware Republican Party received a death threat last week over his support for Rep. Mike Castle (R-Del) over Tea Party challenger Christine O’Donnell in the state’s upcoming Senate primary, a party official confirmed to the Huffington Post.

The threat, issued in the form of an email, told chairman Tom Ross that he deserves “a bullet in the head” for backing “political ass-kissing RINO’s” [Republicans in name only].

“It is one thing to have your country screwed over by socialists, it is far worse to be backstabbed by people pretending to be your friends,” the email read. “We will either rid the GOP of pieces of shit like you, or we will start a new ‘Common Sense Conservative’ party and render you all useless.”

The threat was serious enough to compel Ross to leave his home, temporarily, and to spur an investigation from the Department of Justice said the official with the Delaware GOP (a DoJ official did not immediately return a request for comment). It also was sinister enough to alarm state party officials who are unaccustomed to not just threats of violence but even to heated political contests like the one unfolding in the state’s Republican primary.

“It is just scary what is going on right now,” the official said. “Tom is a loyal and dedicated Republican officer in Delaware… the position is unpaid and his job as party chairman is to defend and promote the candidates… It is disgusting, it is amazing and it has no place in our democracy.”

The really, really, really stupid part? THIS:

The identity of the emailer was not immediately known, though the official said that the person “wrote his name and address” on the note — providing obvious information for authorities to use.

WOW. 😯 😮 not only is this a guy right wing extremist…. he ain’t very bright either. 🙄 😆 😀 😛

I mean, I literally sat here and laughed hard about that last quoted bit there. I mean, it’s like, “I’m gonna shoot you in the head, screw your wife and eat your babies —- and I live at this address right here, now please, come and arrest me.” 😆 😀 😉

I guess it is true what they say; criminals are not the brightest bulbs in the box.

UPDATED: I hate to say it: Nicholas Kristof makes a very good point

Rarely do I ever concede a point to a liberal. However, in this case; it is fair to do so.

This morning Nicholas Kristof writes in the New York Times, about the Mosque Controversy:

For a glimpse of how venomous and debased the discourse about Islam has become, consider a blog post in The New Republic this month. Written by Martin Peretz, the magazine’s editor in chief, it asserted: “Frankly, Muslim life is cheap, most notably to Muslims.”

Mr. Peretz added: “I wonder whether I need honor these people and pretend that they are worthy of the privileges of the First Amendment, which I have in my gut the sense that they will abuse.”

Thus a prominent American commentator, in a magazine long associated with tolerance, ponders whether Muslims should be afforded constitutional freedoms. Is it possible to imagine the same kind of casual slur tossed off about blacks or Jews? How do America’s nearly seven million American Muslims feel when their faith is denounced as barbaric?

This is one of those times that test our values, a bit like the shameful interning of Japanese-Americans during World War II, or the disgraceful refusal to accept Jewish refugees from Nazi Europe.

It would have been natural for this test to have come right after 9/11, but it was forestalled because President George W. Bush pushed back at his conservative ranks and repeatedly warned Americans not to confuse Al Qaeda with Islam.

As much as I hate to say it; Mr. Kristof is absolutely right. It should noted that Martin Peretz is, in fact Jewish and is, in fact, a rabid Zionist. In fact, Martin Peretz is known for the following comments:

Frankly, I couldn’t quite imagine any venture like [the Iraq War] in the Arab World turning out especially well. This is, you will say, my prejudice. But some prejudices are built on real facts, and history generally proves me right. Go ahead, prove me wrong. — Source


But, frankly, Muslim life is cheap, most notably to Muslims. And among those Muslims led by the Imam Rauf there is hardly one who has raised a fuss about the routine and random bloodshed that defines their brotherhood. So, yes, I wonder whether I need honor these people and pretend that they are worthy of the privileges [sic] of the First Amendment which I have in my gut the sense that they will abuse. — Source

Like Kristof said; could you imagine if the above were uttered about the Jews or about the black race? There would a media frenzy about it. Believe me, I know; I have been attacked by those who are of the protected class and all for speaking my mind about them and how they attack those of whom they disagree.

The fact is, that this whole Mosque situation boils down to this; Islam versus Christian Nativists and Jews, Arabs versus Americans, whites versus non-whites. Am I calling those who oppose this mosque racists? Well, my question for you is this; do you feel that burning pages of the Koran normal acceptable practice? Would you feel the same way, if some Muslim took a page out of the  Christian Bible and began burning it? How about the Tanakh, the Torah, or The ?umash, the Siddur, the Piyutim or even the Zohar?

The point I am trying to make here is this; I realize that radicalized Muslims attacked the World Trade Center, The Pentagon and Flight 93. However, when you punish an entire religion for the actions of a few, you are practicing a forum of collectivism. That is not anything remotely Conservative, nor is it anything remotely American. Being vigilant against terrorism is one thing; but being idiotic is another, this situation with this Mosque is well beyond that — on both sides.

Update: On the Other hand… these are videos from 9/11:

There are two sides to every argument; one would suppose. There is also this here.

Video: Is this is the future of America in 5 or 10 years?

(H/T to Richard Spencer of Alternative Right)

I think it’s time we got real; before we lose everything.

Friday Night at the PB Pub Presents: Metallica

This is dedicated to all my fellow Bloggers and Friends who will be marching on the mall on 9/12.  While I am not there in body; please do know, that I will be there in Spirit. I will try to locate a live feed and post it here.

For the fools who do not understand the reason for the march. This is why here, keyword being, “Stand up for justice!”:

Some of you might have gotten the idea; that just because I have gotten a bit tired of them mundane, that I was going to quit. Yes, I think about that, all the time. However, my mind goes back to messages that I have gotten, like this one here, that I received on December 31, 2009:

Date: Thu, 31 Dec 2009 21:17:49 -0500
Subject: Re: Keep up the good work.
From: Janet
To: Patrick

Hi Patrick,

Yes. Please do.

I wanted to say something else if I may. I too was a liberal. However, on
9/11/01, I had an epiphany which changed me to a Freedom loving

Our son was two months old, and I stood in my living room and looked at my
husband in horror
as the news reported the flights that were hijacked and used to kill
thousands of Americans.

My husband was scheduled on the 8:00am American Airlines Flight 11, which
was scheduled from Logan International Airport in Boston, Massachusetts, to
Los Angeles International Airport. The only difference was that his flight
was on 9/13/01 instead of 9/11/01.

I realize today that my dear little boy might never have know his father.
Amazing the difference a day or two can make in your life.



I wrote that night:

Janet, Thank you so very much for your e-mail. It is little stuff like this, that makes every little snide comment that I have to delete, every nasty e-mail that I have to deal with, every blogger who has written bad stuff about me; worth it. I like you Janet, was someone who was a Democrat voter, that changed my views after starting this Blogging adventure. I have said this before, and I believe some of my readers might not believe this, but it is the truth. This blogging stuff have NEVER, EVER, EVER been about the money, ever. If it was, I would have QUIT DOING THIS LONG AGO! Now if I happen to make a little money in the process, fine and dandy, but, my motivation is NOT money! This blog is simply my virtual protest against what I consider to be wrong and that is the big Government socialism of the far left. This here is what keeps me going, not lust for money, not pride.


I fight the good fight of faith. I cannot serve in the Military, they won’t take me, I am too old, plus, Physically I am not in good shape, so… I fight here. In the Internet realm. Pushing back against the socialist machine… It is the fight for my life. I know that I fight for the rights of others, for freedom, and for the Republic!

I think it goes without saying, that my mind has not changed one lousy iota. I sometimes get discouraged by what I see on the far-right, at times. But I will be damned if I ever stop fighting completely. I may, at times, slow down to smell the roses at bit. But I will never, ever completely stop fighting for America. Never.

To my Brothers and Sisters in Christ Jesus; and in the realm of Conservatism. Enjoy! Have Fun! — and know; I’ve got your six here in the Blogosphere. 😀

Late-Night Thoughts

It is 4:00am and I cannot sleep.  I went to bed earlier, I was just wiped out; ate a big meal and got the old heavy eye thing going on; happens to me all the time.  On a bit of no-so-pleasant note: I woke up at 2:30 feeling like I had half of my supper coming up into my throat.  It was nasty!   A good bottle of water and I am much better now.

On a good note, this might help me out a bit, and I say might, because my sleeping habits as of late, have been totally jacked up.  Anyhow, I am up early and in a bit of a mood to write.  Yesterday was just not good.  I had a bit of headache, and I just was not in the mood for politics, much less anything else.  I get like that, this whole thing gets to be a bit mundane at times; and I just have to push it away for a few days.

Blogger Happenings

As you can most likely tell; No, I did not go to BlogCon that is being held up in Washington D.C.  For one, I am not a big fan of Dick Army; furthermore, I am not a big fan of the “Beltway” or the “Beltway Crowd.”  I will be the first to admit to you, that there were some bloggers there, that I am just not a big fan of, at all.  One in particular is a GOP operative, although, he likes to deny this, at all time.  This same moronic jackass; outright accused me of being a racist bigot on his blog; and then not long after that, made a rather unfunny “Osama Obama” reference on his own blog.  He promptly removed it, when I and several other bloggers complained about it. Robert Stacy McCain has a video of the jackass, if you really can stomach looking at the hypocritical asshole. Personally, I would not want to be in the same room with that asshole.

There is another blogger up there, who I am not a big fan of; she is referenced in that link.  I never liked her.  She publishes like 10 million photos of herself on that blog of hers.  I mean, I have heard of being narcissistic and all — but good grief.  One would assume that if she actually had something to be narcissistic about; I would understand that.  However, she seems to be lacking in that area.  I mean, if you like looking at pictures of fatty beached whales, more power to you, I suppose. (Yes, I can do Ann Coulter snark too. I tend a bit harsher about it than Ann does though.)

I also see that despite not having a car; Robert Stacy McCain found a way up to the BlogCon event, despite the fact that the harpies who put on that event refused to invite him.  I think I know why.  You see, a while back, I laid the smack down on two far-right wing zealots, who felt the need to attack Megan McCain.  Well, in the process of doing this, I went a bit overboard.  I did apologize, which was not good enough for the Semite-Baiting, Identity Politics trafficking crowd.  Having said that, these traffickers engage in what could be called McCarthy or Nazi-style tactics of intimidating other bloggers into not linking to me.  So far, Robert Stacy McCain has not given in to their demands that I am banished from the Conservative movement and be put on terminal ignore.  However, the lack of invite from the BlogCon group was somewhat obvious to me, as to why that happened. These people have some serious power and influence in the Blogosphere.  If you do not cave to their demands, they will destroy you.  They have gotten to a few bloggers that I actually do speak with; the not answering of e-mails was obvious that I was on blackout in the Blogosphere.

None of this really matters to me one lousy iota.  I did not get into this game to have to kiss up to anyone.  The original reason I began blogging was that I was angry with George W. Bush and the blatant incompetent handling of the Iraq War back in 2006.  Yes, I started in this game; as angry “Left of Center,” although I will admit that the far left totally turned me off.  As time when on, and as I continued to blog; I found myself disagreeing with more and more of the far left and even the not so far left as well;  especially when it came to the Military.  It was during this time also, that my blog was hacked.  I did start this blog, shortly afterward.  Finally, during the primary, I just decided that enough was enough; and during the general election, I voted Libertarian.

I will be very honest with you all.  I am not am not a Republican; I will most likely never be.  I find the majority of the people that hang in those circles to be arrogant people, especially the beltway crowd.  I have little or nothing in common with them.  Robert Stacy McCain is a very rare exception to that rule.  I find their attitudes towards blacks to be disgusting.  I saw a perfect example of that on the O’Reilly Factor on Fox News last night.  The completely condescending attitude towards the representative for the NAACP was vomit provoking at best.  Bill O’Reilly and that shrieking harpy Laura Ingraham both said that the NAACP has double standard, when it comes to race.  Newsflash Mr. O’Reilly and Miss Ingraham —- Just in case you forgot white people in America and yes, in England as well, used blacks as slaves!  I think that might just give them the right to be a bit biased against white people.  I dislike identity politics just as much as the next person does.  However, that display on Fox News last night burned my ass. I say this, not as some white person of grew up in the rich, white, Suburbs; but as someone who grew up in southwest Detroit.  I also say this as someone who grew up in a middle class family as well —- someone who grew up around whites, blacks, Latinos, and every other sort of race.

This is why I feel a bit uncomfortable being associated with the whole “Angry Rich White Crowd.”  I do not fit that damned mold at all.  I might be a white person; but I am nowhere near being “rich” or even having a lot of money.  Neither am I angry with Obama for being a black President.  I do not agree with all of his polices; but the disagreement with me, has never been about racism.  Sadly, it is with the majority of those on the far right.  Oh, they nuance it to death, and dodge and spin it.  However, it is there; I see the postings on Facebook and it sickens me to my core.

On the Koran burning

I think that the idiot who was planning on this; is not a Christian; at least not in sense that I believe Christians to be.  I also believe that Fred Phelps and his cult ought be rounded up and jailed.  I am all for freedom of speech; but when your speech or actions incites people to commit acts of violence towards our Military, I believe that is where your freedom ends.

On “Don’t ask, Don’t tell”

I believe that this overruling is a good thing.  I believe someone sexual preference is no one’s business.  I fear Muslims in the Military more than I would homosexuals.  I do not believe that Homosexuals would want to kill fellow Military personnel; which is more than I can say for the Muslims at this point.

On Palin’s Endorsement on O’Donnell

I do not much care for Palin; however, this might have been a good move.  The Republican Party needs to get the crooks, phonies, and warmongers out of that party.  If Sarah Palin can help do that, I am all for it.  Of course, some who believe that Sarah Palin is a part of that warmongering class.

The Obligatory Obama will not extend Bush Tax Cuts Posting

Well, duh, he is a liberal and a Democrat. He does believe in class warfare. Remember you Republicans and Libertarians that voted for him. (You know who you are…)

Via the NYT:

WASHINGTON — President Obama on Wednesday will make clear that he opposes any compromise that would extend the Bush-era tax cuts for the wealthy beyond this year, officials said, adding a populist twist to an election-season economic package that is otherwise designed to entice support from big businesses and their Republican allies.

Mr. Obama’s opposition to allowing the high-end tax cuts to remain in place for even another year or two would be the signal many Congressional Democrats have been awaiting as they prepare for a showdown with Republicans on the issue and ends speculation that the White House might be open to an extension. Democrats say only the president can rally wavering lawmakers who, amid the party’s weakened poll numbers, feel increasingly vulnerable to Republican attacks if they let the top rates lapse at the end of this year as scheduled.

It is not clear that Mr. Obama can prevail given his own diminished popularity, the tepid economic recovery and the divisions within his party. But by proposing to extend the rates for the 98 percent of households with income below $250,000 for couples and $200,000 for individuals — and insisting that federal income tax rates in 2011 go back to their pre-2001 levels for income above those cutoffs — he intends to cast the issue as a choice between supporting the middle class or giving breaks to the wealthy.

In a speech in Cleveland on Wednesday, Mr. Obama will also make a case for the package of roughly $180 billion in expanded business tax cuts and infrastructure spending disclosed by the White House in bits and pieces over the past few days. He would offset the cost by closing other tax breaks for multinational corporations, oil and gas companies and others.

While the speech will be centrist in its policy prescriptions other than the Bush tax cuts, Mr. Obama’s language will be partisan as he seeks to sharpen the contrasts between Republicans’ record and efforts by Democrats to create more jobs, aides said.

As much as I would like to jump up, holler and raise a fuss about this; I cannot. We all knew that this was coming. This should be a lesson to the Republican Party. That is, do not run weak or moderate Conservatives during elections. Because when you do; Conservatives, and I mean hardcore Conservatives will not vote — and this is what you get. I know that I, personally, will not be affected by this; neither will my family.

However, I am sure that there will be some families affected by this —  not to mention a myriad of business owners out there. This will, I am sure, cause a downtown in hiring by businesses; which will add to the huge downturn in the economy. It is all a domino effect, starts at the top and goes to the bottom.

Another thing to think about; we do have to eventually pay for these two wars. I believe that those who profited off of both of these wars ought to be targeted for taxing. I believe that a special “War Tax”, ought to be appended to anyone making over $500.000 or more a year. I would target multinational companies, like oil companies and so forth. Especially those in Iraq. Perhaps next time, the warmongering class will not be so eager to start a war next time. This taxing would reinforce the idea that those wanting said war, should they actually have to pay for it. Foreign Policy has a price tag; and those who want follow Woodrow Wilson’s steps, should be required to pay that price tag.

Memorandum Thread.

Want Living Proof that Nation-Building does not work?

Here you go, a video of New York Times reporter John Burns, who, by the way, was the best person covering the Iraq War.

The Video: (H/T

Ed Morrissey makes a very important point:

On Iraq, it’s hard to see how Obama could have improved the situation. He followed the SOFA pact that George W. Bush negotiated with Nouri al-Maliki, and the Iraqi government made it clear they wanted us to stick to that schedule. If the Iraqis want us out entirely by the end of next year, we have little choice but to comply; to do otherwise would be a de facto reoccupation that will not fly well here at home or abroad.  However, I’d say it’s entirely likely that Baghdad will rethink that final phase and ask us to remain for logistics, training, and air and sea protection for the next several years, and then the question will be whether Obama will agree to it or insist on a full withdrawal, even if it means the collapse of the nascent democracy in Iraq.

Afghanistan is a different problem, but one with potentially the same result.  Obama owns Afghanistan more than he does Iraq, having made the decision himself to add more troops and get more aggressive, which means a failure there can’t be left on the doorstep of his predecessor.  If Obama starts withdrawing from both fronts as they deteriorate, he will at least be the man who lost Afghanistan, if not Iraq as well, just as he has to prepare to convince Americans to give him another four years as Commander-in-Chief.  For that reason, I doubt we’ll see a significant drawdown in either theater, and Obama will just have to remind the Left that they have nowhere else to go in 2012.

Ever notice how Neo-Conservatives will never say Bush screwed up with Iraq, at all? They will never admit, that there was an intelligence error — never. That is what Party loyalty does to a person.

Anyhow, some good reading about Nation-Building over at The American Conservative:

“Nation-building is the most prominent — and most important — part of the neocon doctrine,” wrote Jed Babbin in the American Spectator. “And the decision to pursue it is the principal reason that we are losing in Afghanistan, Iraq is falling apart, and the real enemy — the terror-sponsoring nations — have grown stronger.”

None of these writers can accurately be described as a budding noninterventionist. But most conservatives who opposed the Iraq War from the beginning and favored no more than a limited mission in Afghanistan can agree with them on the following: neither Islam nor foreign lands can easily be reformed by either bureaucrats or the force or the force of arms; our interventions have produced something closer to sharia states than Switzerland’s; Iran is now more powerful in the region rather than less.

There have l0ng been three main foreign-policy tendencies on the American Right: old-style conservatives who agree with Randolph Bourne that war is the health of the state and therefore favor less military intervention abroad; neoconservatives who want to preserve the United States’ global hegemony and engage in armed proselytizing for democracy; and defense-minded conservatives who believe the U.S. should strike forcefully at its enemies whenever it perceives itself, its interests, or its allies to be threatened.

Roughly speaking, these groups can be described as the Jeffersonians, the Wilsonians, and the Jacksonians. Among rank-and-file conservatives, the Jacksonians are by far the largest group. In the postwar era, the Jacksonians have tended to align with the Wilsonians. But there is no reason why that conjunction is inevitable.

With the exception of Ron Paul and some Ron Paul Republicans, the Jeffersonians have no major political figure to speak for them. Yet the popularity of the Wilsonians was always greatly exaggerated. The invasion of Iraq and the mass conservative acceptance of the Bush Doctrine were made possible by al-Qaeda’s act of mass murder on 9/11.

Throughout the 1990s, Wilsonian neoconservatives called for regime change in Iraq, but they did not succeed in rallying the grassroots Right to the cause. The conservative base tuned out the PNAC crowd. Millions of conservatives voted for Pat Buchanan, who opposed even the first war with Iraq, in the 1992 and 1996 Republican presidential primaries—even as neoconservative commentators were writing essays attempting to purge Buchanan from conservative movement.

Grassroots conservatives were repulsed by American bloodshed during our humanitarian intervention in Somalia. They opposed using our armed forces to deliver groceries to Third World countries and restoring a dubious left-wing character to power in Haiti. They objected to the bombing of Serbia and canceled their subscriptions to the Weekly Standard when that magazine sided with the Clinton administration on military action in the Balkans.

The years after 9/11 were a Jacksonian moment hijacked by neoconservatives. While most American conservatives liked the idea that the we could increase others’ freedom by defending our own against despots overseas, very few of them wanted to go to war to build schools in Iraq or promote democracy. They wanted to pay back the people who murdered their countrymen and make sure that such an attack never happened again.

They trusted that George W. Bush was the man for the job and were patient when he talked about lighting a fire in the minds of men. But ordinary conservatives nevertheless agreed with the following sentiment expressed by John Derbyshire: “What matters most is not the fire in the minds of men, which will burn at some level for as long as there are men, but the fire that results when fissionable material undergoes a fast chain reaction.”

You see the problem is that the very same people that stood behind George W. Bush and cheered him, as he charged off to war in Iraq and Afghanistan; are the same one who stand and in unison blame President Obama for any failures for the war in both Countries.  The truth is that President Obama DID inherit BOTH of these wars for President Bush and it is because of utter incompetence of the Pentagon and State Department under President Bush, not to mention the entire intelligence community, is why we are in this mess in the first place!

So, instead of being noble and honest men, and admitting that they actually made mistakes, one being electing a President that was about as Conservative, as I am damned atheist; they would rather navel graze the whole thing and try and deflect the blame onto the Democrats, as much as they possibly can.  The problem is with that little idiotic plan is this; thinking Americans, like this writer are just smarter than that, we know what happened and we know who was responsible for the actions of the President.  I am fully aware of who goaded the President into declaring war with Iraq.  I have no forgotten and neither have the American people.  This is, one of a myriad of reasons, why John McCain lost the election.  Because the American people did not want someone, who would take marching orders from the Neo-Conservatives.

So far, Obama has been showing his independence of the warmongering class in the Republican Party. Thankfully, under Michael Steele the warmongering class have been pushed aside; which is why people like William Kristol want him to resign so badly, that being because Michael Steele will not march to their orders and is expressing his own views, and not those who wish the United States to fight a perpetual war.  I commend Michael Steele for that.

Another thing I think I need to be clear on; as you know, I did post a video, that was a warning to America.  Some would look at that and say, “Are you not talking about of both sides of your mouth?” to that I would say no. That is because that video essentially validates what I have believed all along; that the notion of, “We must fight the terrorists there, so we do not have to fight them here” is idiotic at best.  That is because there are radical Islamic terrorists that are already here now! That video proves as much.  My personal issue with George W. Bush was not with fighting terrorism, which he began in Afghanistan.  He however, was goaded by the warmongering class in the Republican Party to go to war with Iraq, which, for what it is worth, is what this class of people wanted to do during the Clinton years, but was rebuffed repeatedly.  This caused, I feel, a distraction, as those who planned had this strange idea, that the invasion would be a cakewalk.  I believe it would be understood that we all know now that this was a very flawed idea.

Much of what I said above, would be considered, what I like to call, “rearview mirror quarterbacking.”  We all know this now, the problem is, where do he go from here?  The best thing that can happen is Obama follow through with his promises to follow Bush’s pull out timetable in Iraq.  We cannot continue to be the World’s police officer.  If Iraq has an upheaval over there, let them.  We did our part over there; we rooted the major player in the insurgency.  We toppled Saddam.  What happens after we have left is not our concern.  As for Afghanistan, if we can catch or kill Osama Bin Laden, fine do so.  However, if the Afghan Government and the Pakistani Government is that corrupt and does not want to be partner against the war on terror.  I say cut our losses and pull out the troops and leave.  Then send in specialized CIA assassins in there to hunt Osama Bin Laden down and kill him that way.  I just do not see the justification for our Military personnel dying for a Government that is corrupt to its core.  It just does not make any sort of sense to me at all.

Bottom Line:  President Obama should not be blame for any of the failures of any of these wars.  The President who started them should be blamed.  President Obama should continue the turnkey plan given him by Bush, and should implement a better strategy in the Afghan theater.  If the Governments of Afghanistan and Pakistan will not work with the United States on the capture or killing of Osama Bin Laden, then President should use the CIA to kill him.

Breaking Local News: Massive Fire Outbreak in Detroit, High Winds partly to blame

This is a very interesting story; and I did not know anything about it. Until I saw a headline via ABC NEWS.

There has been a massive fire outbreak on the West and East sides of Detroit. It has been windy here for the last few days. Well, you take a windy day, add some electrical lines that have been arcing and sparking; plus dry conditions and you have a massive problem on your hands.

Videos and Story via WXYZ-TV in Detroit:

The Story:

DETROIT (WXYZ) – Detroit’s Fire Commissioner told Action News fires were burning at 80 locations between 4:00pm and 8:00pm Tuesday. No word on how many homes and buildings were destroyed. Many of the destroyed homes were abandoned.

Multiple homes were destroyed on Detroit’s east side.

On Moenart Street and Luce Avenue near Mound and McNichols 7 homes caught fire.

On Van Dyke near Quinn firefighters worked to control 20 homes. The fire spread across the city block to Robinwood Street. Firefighters say it’s possible the blazes in this neighborhood were ignited by a faulty transformer spraying sparks. Those sparks were carried by strong winds and started fires at a number of other houses. Folks on the block say they alerted DTE to the problem last week and nothing was done. Action News contacted DTE and they tell us they are investigating those claims.

An abandoned commercial building also burned near Chene and Hendrie on the city’s east side.

On Detroit’s west side four homes burned on Stoepel near Livernois and Margareta Avenue.

The Fire Commissioner told Action News during the height of the fires 236 firefighters were working. One firefighter was injured during the afternoon.

Strong winds are to blame for fueling many of the fires. The winds may also have prompted the flames. The Detroit Fire Department took calls on 140 wires down across the city from 8:00am to 5:00pm Tuesday. They stopped taking calls when the string of fires began. Investigators say one person is in custody being questioned about the fires on the east side.

My thoughts and prayers are with the people on Detroit’s East and West sides tonight. I remember back in the day in Southwest Detroit. We did have fires like that in the summer too. Sounds like the gents at the Detroit fire houses have their hands full. My Prayers go out to those guys as well.

I will say this; Detroit’s city management is to blame for the short handed situation. What you are seeing there is a result of horrible leadership under Kwame Kilpatrick, Detroit’s Former Mayor and now convicted crook. Not to mention the fact that parts of the city, just have some bad water lines and such, and cannot keep up the pressure to deal with the fires. You can thank some of the corrupt Democrats, who have funneled money to pet projects, instead of keeping up the city — for this horrible mess.

Some of the fires were set intentionally; that is a unfortunate part of inner city living and that is crime and arson. I cannot say to much. We had an arson less than a mile from my house here. It was a commercial business. The difference is, I live out here in the suburbs. Which really bothered me. Hopefully, they will catch the little bastard that pulled that little stunt.

Hopefully, the Detroit Fire Department gets a handle on the situation in the city. I feel for the people in those areas. Unable to get out, and move somewhere better. It sucks. My heart goes out to them. 🙁

If you are Christian at all; and happen to believe in Prayer. Say a small prayer for those in that area. I am sure that they would appreciate it.

The Detroit News and Detroit Free Press, WDIV-TV all have good coverage as well.