UPDATED: President Obama says that he will not release the photos of OBL

President Obama covering for empire as always, or covering up for the lies; one of the two.

In an interview with Steve Kroft for this Sunday’s “60 Minutes” conducted today, President Obama said he won’t release post-mortem images of Osama bin Laden taken to prove his death.

“It is important to make sure that very graphic photos of somebody who was shot in the head are not floating around as an incitement to additional violence or as a propaganda tool,” said the president.

“We don’t trot out this stuff as trophies,” Mr. Obama added. “The fact of the matter is, this is somebody who was deserving of the justice that he received.”

The president said he had discussed the issue with his intelligence team, including Defense Secretary Robert Gates and Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, and that they agree with the decision. White House press secretary Jay Carney said Wednesday that Mr. Obama made the decision today.

In explaining his choice not to release the photo, Mr. Obama said that “we don’t need to spike the football.” He said that “given the graphic nature of the photo it would create a national security risk.”

The president told Kroft he saw the photos following the raid on the compound and knew that bin Laden had been killed.

“We discussed this internally,” he said. “Keep in mind, we are absolutely certain that this was him. We’ve done DNA sampling and testing. And so there is no doubt that we killed Osama bin Laden.”

When Kroft noted that there are people in Pakistan and elsewhere who believe bin Laden is still alive, the president said “we we monitoring worldwide reaction.”

“There is no doubt that Osama bin Laden is dead,” he said. “Certainly there is no doubt among al Qaeda members that he is dead. So we don’t think that a photograph in and of itself is going to make any difference.”

“There are going to be some folks who deny it,” he added. “The fact of the matter is, you will not see bin Laden walking on this earth again.”

via Obama: I won’t release bin Laden death photos – Political Hotsheet – CBS News.

You all know my feelings on this; it is either one of the two; either one, the Government is lying about this or two, The President, along with Hillary Clinton and the rest of them are internationalist Democrats who would dare put the feelings of the international Muslim and domestic Muslim community, over those who died on 9/11 and their families; and the American people in general.  Either way, it is an act of cowardice on the President’s part and it will cost the election of 2012. Because if you do not prove your word; how can you expect people to trust you?

Of course, the State-run and controlled media, as shown above, just laps this up and basically trusts the Government, as does many of the left-wing and many of the right-wing blogs out there. I do not choose to do such a foolish thing. I did not trust this Government, when Neo-Conservative Bush was in charge and I really do not trust this Government, when Neo-Liberal and internationalist Democrats like Barack Obama are running it — and neither should you.

My mistrust of this Government is not on a partisan basis; this is based on knowledge and in this case —- knowledge is power.

Others: The Note, Taegan Goddard’s …, protein wisdom, The Washington Note, GOP 12, Agence France Presse, Associated Press, The Hill, New York Magazine, The Hill, The Sundries Shack, Pajamas Media, Swampland, AMERICAblog News, The Raw Story, Mediaite, Weasel Zippers, The Page, No More Mister Nice Blog, The Daily Caller, Gawker, CNN, Lynn SweetTPMDC, Online NewsHour, LewRockwell.com Blog, Babalú Blog, FrumForum, Pundit Press, Indecision Forever and Confederate Yankee

Update: Jeff over a protein wisdom makes a very valid point:

“We don’t trot out this stuff as trophies,” Obama told CBS’s Steve Croft.

Coffin-draped caskets of American soldiers, on the other hand? Why, INFORMATION MUST BE FREE!*

He’s right. The left about went ape over the fact that their media could not take pictures of returning dead service-members coffins from Iraq; but the Democratic Party and Neo-Liberal President is afraid to offend the Muslims? Just where do his loyalties lie with? It sure is not America.

Smartest thing that Sarah Palin has done yet

For this Governor Palin gets a “atta-gal” from yours truly!

Sarah Palin has parted ways with the neoconservative foreign policy advisers who had been writing speeches and advising her on policy since she joined the McCain campaign.An aide to Palin, Tim Crawford, confirmed that Orion Strategies’ Randy Scheunemann and Michael Goldfarb are no longer working for her PAC. They parted, both sides said on good terms.”Randy flat out said, ‘We can’t give you the time,'” Crawford said.”I very much enjoyed my time working with Governor Palin and wish her and her family all the best,” Scheunemann said in an email. “If she decides to run for any office again, she will be a formidable candidate.”Crawford said they’ve been replaced by Peter Schweizer, a writer and fellow at the Hoover Institution who blogs regularly at Andrew Breitbart’s Big Peace.The personnel shift carries an ideological charge. Scheunemann, the former executive director of the Committee for the Liberation of Iraq, is a longtime neoconservative stalwart, as is Goldfarb, a former reporter and protege of Weekly Standard editor Bill Kristol. They crafted for Palin a policy platform and voice reflecting an eagerness to use American force. The pair, who helped Palin with press and debate prep in 2008, were also something of Palin’s last link to Washington’s political establishment.But Palin parted ways with that aggressive internationalism in a speech yesterday, condemning U.S. involvement in Libya and laying out a more cautious philosophy of the use of force. Schweizer has articulated a more skeptical view of the use of American force and promotion of democracy abroad.

via Palin splits with neocon advisers – Ben Smith – POLITICO.com.

I rarely praise the woman; for in this cause, she has earned it. Good going Sarah! 😀

Here is why I feel this way —- It was Randy Scheunemann and Michael Goldfarb that basically ruined John McCain’s ability to get elected. Further more, it was these two dolts political ideology that screwed this Country into the ground and put us in the position that we are in now; financially and foriegn policy wise. Needless to say, that Neo-Conservative political thought is no longer popular. So much in fact that many well-known Conservative Jews are bailing on it.

So, to Governor Palin I say; Good Job Lady and here is hoping that this is a sign that Sarah Palin comes to the “real” side of Conservatism and really starts acting like a real Conservative.

Others:Cubachi, The Politico, Eunomia, Salon, Taylor Marsh, Washington Post, Hot Air, Israpundit, Conservatives4Palin, The Note, The Washington Note, Datechguy’s Blog, Gawker, TBogg, Liberty Pundits Blog and GOP 12

Video: GUEST VOICE: Jack Hunter Asks “Have We Forgotten 9/11?”

Transcript at Jack Hunter’s HQ

Video: Jack Hunter Asks “Does John McCain Support Al-Qaeda?”

Transcript Here

Jack Hunter’s Website.

Video: Jack Hunter “Bush Trumped Conservatism”

Wow, Me and Jack Hunter are on the same wave length.


Transcript Here

U.S. Military talks with Iraq faltering

I have some very mixed feelings on this story….

Via WSJ:

WASHINGTON—Senior U.S. and Iraqi military officials have been in negotiations about keeping some 10,000 American troops in Iraq beyond the scheduled withdrawal of all U.S. forces at year’s end, according to officials familiar with the talks.

But the discussions face political obstacles in both countries, and have faltered in recent weeks because of Iraqi worries that a continued U.S. military presence could fuel sectarian tension and lead to protests similar to those sweeping other Arab countries, U.S. officials say.

A separate drawdown deadline is looming in Afghanistan, where President Barack Obama wants to see a substantial U.S. troop reduction starting in July. Some U.S. commanders have cautioned against making reductions too quickly.

Underlining Obama administration concerns that U.S. forces have been stretched too thin, the White House has put strict constraints on American military involvement in Libya. On Thursday, the U.S. said it was sending armed drones to support operations in Libya, but the administration has stood firm against sending any ground troops.

In Iraq, top U.S. military officials believe that leaving a sizeable force beyond this year could bolster Iraqi stability and serve as a check on Iran, the major American nemesis in the region, officials said. U.S. allies Saudi Arabia and Israel have echoed the concern that if the U.S. pulls out completely, Iran could extend its influence.

Adm. Michael Mullen, the chairman of the U.S. military’s Joint Chiefs of Staff, arrived in Baghdad Thursday, urging Iraqi leaders to step up discussions soon if they want U.S. forces to stay beyond the end of 2011.

The timing is critical because the U.S. is scheduled to start drawing down remaining forces in late summer or early fall, and the military would have to assign new units months in advance to take their place.

While American defense officials have made clear they want to leave troops in Iraq, such a decision would require presidential approval. President Obama has yet to indicate publicly whether he would sign off on such a deal.

Mr. Obama could face a political backlash at home if he doesn’t meet his campaign pledge to bring troops home from Iraq. If the U.S. pulls out of Iraq and violence there surges, the president could face tough questions, particularly from Republicans in Congress, about whether the U.S. misjudged Iraq’s capabilities.

As a Conservative, A Paleo-Conservative, as opposed to a Neo-Conservative — but I digress; I have some very mixed feelings about this. On one hand, I would hate to see the United States withdraw from Iraq, it fall into chaos and Iran or some other surrounding Country invade the Country and mount attacks against Israel or even worse, even the United States. On the other hand, I feel that the invasion of Iraq was based on bad intelligence, largely based upon lies told by a man they called curve-ball.

Because of this, I believe we should really get out of there. Because, quite frankly, we have done our jobs. We got rid of Saddam, who was, admittedly hurting his own people and was corrupt as hell.  We have trained the Iraqi army to protect themselves from attack or foreign invasion and uprising from within its own Country. Which it appears they are using to hurt dissidents. So, I really do not understand why we are still there. It appears that the Iraqi Government is most likely worried about our interests there — such as oil.

Either way, this is a very sticky situation; no matter what we do, we are going to be the bad guys. If we stay, we will be blamed for any and all uprisings in the Country. If we leave and that Country falls into chaos; we will be blamed for that too and some idiot with a grudge will try to attack us for allowing his Country to invaded. So, either way, it is going to be a mess for us for a long time to come. 

This is why, that as a Paleo-Conservative, who rejects the foreign policy stance of the Neo-Conservative right; that we as Conservatives and Republicans should rethink our entire foreign policy status. The very idea of exporting freedom to other Nations is foolish on its face. Even David Horowitz, much to his credit, said this:

The Obama Administration, in my view, is the most dangerous administration in American history, and conservatives need to be very clear about the limits and objectives of American power so that they can lead the battle to restore our government to health. To accomplish this, neo-conservatives need to admit they were wrong, and return to the drawing board. They should give up the “neo” and become conservatives again.

Let me go on the record as saying, I wholeheartedly agree. Not so much about the Obama administration; I have yet to see anything that they have done that is overly dangerous to the Country. I do not agree with Obama’s whole, “Spread the Wealth around” nonsense; but Bush was not exactly my idea of a “perfect” President either. So, that whole argument is basically mute with me.  However, I will say that Conservatives do need to get back to their pre-George W. Bush Neo-Conservative lead foreign policy stance. Because quite frankly, our Nation cannot continue on this idiotic path and survive. I mean, tomorrow China could cut us off and we as a Nation would be done. They basically own us and could decide to collect on their debt — Militarily.   If you think about it, that would be quite scary; because what would we fight them with? They own our money and if they decided to defund us, where would we get the money to fight them with?  Again, something to think about.

As for the “other” war in Afghanistan; we need to define that mission and if we cannot do, what we set out to do there — which was to capture or kill Osama Bin Ladin, then we need to get out of that Country. Period. End of Story. Nation Building does not work. It was tried there by the Russians and it failed horribly and almost bankrupted the Russian Government. Establishing Governments and Nations should not be the responsibility of the United States armed forces; it should be the job of NATO and the U.N. — let them deal with that idiotic backward Nation — not us.

Sadly though, the United States Government will not listen to the voice of people like me or you. Who feel that this road to ruin that we are on, is not sustainable. That my friends, is the true crime of this Country.



Video: Guest Voice: Jack Hunter on Liberals and Libya

Via Jack Hunter on Facebook:

Video: Police State: This right here is why people kill police officers

This video is unbelievable.

There is a story behind this, and I very highly suggest that you head over to HotAir.com and follow the links for the back story.

The Video:

Eric Holder wonders why there has been an uptick in police shootings? I can tell you exactly why; because of crap like this right here.

I very humbly submit to you; that if this homeowner had decided to use lethal force against this woman and these police officers, it would be have been entirely justified.

This is not freedom, this is tyranny.

Wake up America; wake.the.hell.up….

In case you would like to contact these bastards; here is the contact information for the Department involved:

1441 N. DuPont Highway
P.O. Box 430
Dover, Delaware 19903-0430
(302) 739-5901

Call them and let your rage be known to them. This is not Communist Russia; this is America and we do not sit idly by and allow the police to run roughshod over us.

Somebody somewhere in Washington D.C. ought to be shouting from the rooftops over this one. Ron Paul? Where the hell are you? Why is not someone raising a royal stink about this? Investigation? Yeah right. It will be more like a self-justification. 🙄

Again, this is America and we just do not do this. Something must be done. 😡

It all goes back to the Federal Reserve

I thought I would share this one with you all.

It seems that food prices are going up. I spotted this blog posting over at HotAir.com; which is, a Neo-Conservative Blog. Anyhow, Ed Morrissey points out that food prices are going up. Ed points to this story by the AP:

WASHINGTON (AP) — Wholesale prices jumped last month by the most in nearly two years due to higher energy costs and the steepest rise in food prices in 36 years. Excluding those volatile categories, inflation was tame.

The Labor Department said Wednesday that the Producer Price Index rose a seasonally adjusted 1.6 percent in February — double the 0.8 percent rise in the previous month. Outside of food and energy costs, the core index ticked up 0.2 percent, less than January’s 0.5 percent rise.

Food prices soared 3.9 percent last month, the biggest gain since November 1974. Most of that increase was due to a sharp rise in vegetable costs, which increased nearly 50 percent. That was the most in almost a year. Meat and dairy products also rose.

Energy prices rose 3.3 percent last month, led by a 3.7 percent increase in gasoline costs.

Separately, the Commerce Department said home construction plunged to a seasonally adjusted 479,000 homes last month, down 22.5 percent from the previous month. It was lowest level since April 2009, and the second-lowest on records dating back more than a half-century.

The building pace is far below the 1.2 million units a year that economists consider healthy.

There was little sign of inflationary pressures outside of food and energy. Core prices have increased 1.8 percent in the past 12 months.

Still consumers are paying more for the basic necessities.

Why is it that prices are going up? Well, I can tell you why…. It’s called inflation. Something this guy here has been talking about for years:

Of course, Ed Morrissey, tries to credit the shrieking harpy and two bit phony Sarah Palin for this; but we thinking Americans know better. Sarah Palin most likely cannot even program her own VCR, much less understand the workings of the Federal Reserve. Ron Paul was saying this sort of stuff, when Sarah Palin was still playing with dolls and dreaming of being someone in politics as a child.

Scott Johnson over at Powerline, smartly and very accurately points to the federal reserve bank for this rise in food costs, he also points to a Wall Street Journal Op-Ed that warned of this sort of a thing happening. Yes, I know, Powerline Blog is decidedly Neo-Conservative; but when it comes to this sort of stuff, those guys are in the right frame of mind. I just wish I could convince them that imperialism is a sad mistake —- As are unconstitutionally declared wars.

It also turns out, that the Federal Reserve Bank is not the only part of the Federal Government that is a danger to it’s citizens. There is also other things that we should be, as citizens, worried about; like the ill-conceived and improperly named “Patriot Act.” As this video shows, that act is being used against citizens in a very bad way: (H/T RTR.Org)

The part about the raid on Walter Reddy, the founder of the modern Committees of Safety is in this video. I do encourage you all to watch it. If this man’s story is true. If someone does not like you; they can go to your local police department and makes up actual lies about you and cause the police to conduct a raid on your home. That my friends, is insanity.

As you might expect, I post this video with a disclaimer; Just because I post this, does not mean that endorse the products being sold or the overall conspiratorial tone of the video. I simply post this for informational purposes only.

Update: Mark this on your calendars; this one of the rare times, when I actually agree with Lew Rockwell.

The Reality Report: Toll Booth Tyranny

Disclaimer: The posting of this video should not be considered an endorsement of the views and editorial position of the makers of this video. Further more, The posting of this video, should not be considered an endorsement of the advertisers in this video presentation. It is being posted for informational purposes only.







http://RTR.org | http://RealityReport.TV | This is one report you do not want to miss. Americans are being detained for using cash! Gary Franchi presents the investigation into the Florida Department of Transportation. Filmmaker and radio host Jason Bermas joins the cast for his new segment called Punk Rock Politics. Also this week we present the special report on Project Gunrunner, how the BATF facilitated ‘straw purchase’ firearm sales that resulted in the death of one of our own. We’ll also present a viral video explains Goldman Sachs is getting double dip profits off the Tax Payer’s backs. Nina returns to present the top stories of the week and as always, we dip into the mailbag, present last week’s poll results and brand another enemy of the state.


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Video: Newt Gingrich, Sarah Palin and Herman Cain’s Campaign Announcement?

I am most likely going to end up in hell for posting this… But hey, it’s 1:52 in the morning and I’m bored. Sue Me.

This comes via Jack Hunter on Facebook, who writes:

So I was originally going to say this was Herman Cain, Sarah Palin and someone else announcing their presidential candidacies but I couldn’t figure out who Macho Man should be. Any suggestions? Regardless, lest anyone think I’ve got any sense whatsoever, I’ve literally been laughing at this all week.

UPDATE: More proof that Sarah Palin is an idiot. Facebook account closes, Palin says it is not hers

This, my friends, is a sign that she is totally ate up with herself:

Sarah Palin has apparently created a second Facebook account with her Gmail address so that this fake “Lou Sarah” person can praise the other Sarah Palin on Facebook. The Gmail address is available for anyone to see in this leaked manuscript about Sarah Palin, and the Facebook page for “Lou Sarah” — Sarah Palin’s middle name is “Louise” — is just a bunch of praise and “Likes” for the things Sarah Palin likes and writes on her other Sarah Palin Facebook page. “Lou Sarah” even says “amen” to Facebook posts by Sarah Sarah.

So we’ve been reading this leaked Palin book. Interesting read! But this manuscript doesn’t seem quite ready to be published, despite it being leaked around to the entire Internet. Frank Bailey and his co-authors excerpt a bunch of Sarah Palin’s e-mails, and one page of these excerpts shows Palin’s personal Gmail address. We searched for this address on Facebook, the way millions of people search for people on Facebook every day, and it appears that Palin keeps a second Facebook account. Besides staying in touch with Sarah Palin’s father Chuck Heath, what does “Lou Sarah” use Facebook for? Saying “amen” to her own Facebook fan page missives, in the guise of a completely different person. “Lou Sarah” also really “LIkes” Bristol Palin’s Dancing With the Stars photos.

via Sarah Palin Has Secret ‘Lou Sarah’ Facebook Account To Praise Other Sarah Palin Facebook Account

I mean, I am not one to judge; but, my God. Creating a second facebook account; to praise herself?!?! 🙄

The woman is crazy, plain and simple.

Others: TPM LiveWire, Outside the Beltway, The Daily Dish, AOL News, Politics Daily and Gawker

Update…. and Just like magic, Via Wonkette:

Oh, it looks like we spoke too soon. Somebody finally shut down the “Lou Sarah” account, either while we were writing that last post or after it went up. So we guess Palin’s statement last night is true. Her public page is her only account, currently, as “Lou Sarah” is no more. Meanwhile, our repeated e-mails to Sarah Palin’s private e-mail account, as it was listed in her former advisor’s leaked book, continue to be unreturned. But we’re not getting delivery errors back, so the account still exists. We’ll let you know when that gets shut down too, we guess.

Sarah Palin says it was not her account.  Sarah Palin also said her daughter was not knocked up too, when that first broke too. She also says Trig is her baby too.  🙄

I’m just sayin!

She’ll never be president; if she even fucking tries, I will make it my life’s goal to destroy that bitch; I assure you of that. She’s not a Conservative, she is a feminist and a liberal populist and I will do everything within my means to stop her from the nomination. You have been warned, Mrs. Palin. 😡



Video: The Reality Report: Taking the Neo-Conservatives to the mat!

In this space, before I post this video; I usually post a disclaimer, because usually, I do not agree with some of the content and ideas presented in this Video report.  However, this week, I am going to forgo the disclaimer. Because a good ninety percent of what is presented here, I absolutely agree with and besides, nothing gives me more joy, than to watch freedom-loving Americans making Neo-Conservative fascists look like the damn fools that they are. Yes, it warms the cackles of my stone cold heart to see those who wish to sell our freedoms out to the altar of “Security” made to look like buffoons.

Very well done gents, very, very, well done. 😀

Having said all that —- here is the synopsis and Video….

Synopsis: In this special CPAC expanded edition of the Reality Report, we go face to face with Donald Rumsfeld, Dick Cheney and Newt Gingrich and present the highlights (and lowlights)! ; Gary Franchi runs into former Saturday Night Live star, Victoria Jackson, and interviews CPAC Chair David Keene about the Defender of the Constitution Award. Gary also meets with Jesse Benton, Ron Paul’s Communications Director, to give you the inside scoop on the Ron Paul 2012 Presidential campaign. Jeff Frazee from Young Americans for Liberty joins the show to tell us how he got turned on to Ron Paul’s message. We meet with Congresswoman Nan Hayworth from New York’s 19th district to ask her about her vote for the Patriot Act. We also ask Ron Paul supporters what it is about his message that inspires them. We also take you to the Jordan Page after party for the release of his new album titled “Liberty”. Angie returns to deliver the headlines with a special report on the Young Americans for Freedom and Truth Squad.TV’s confrontation. We’ll read your email, review last week’s poll results and brand a new enemy of the state.

The Video:

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Once again, Sarah Palin does not appear at CPAC

…and this is a bad thing?

UPDATED: After skipping the popular Conservative Political Action Conference for the past three years, Sarah Palin has once again turned down the invitation of CPAC officials to address the conference this year.

CPAC organizers invited Palin to deliver the closing-night keynote speech on Saturday Feb. 12, immediately following the announcement of the results of CPAC’s annual presidential straw poll, but after several days of negotiations, she declined.

“We’re disappointed that she wasn’t able to make it this year,” American Conservative Union Chairman David Keene said through a spokesman on Thursday. He noted that Palin “expressed interest in wanting to come this year,” but said that it came down to “a scheduling issue

via Sarah Palin Turns Down Coveted Keynote Speaking Slot At CPAC Conference – The Note.

Obviously the woman is not running for President. Which, in my humble opinion; is a good thing.

Others: CNN, Weigel, Cubachi, Outside the Beltway, Commentary, Conservatives4Palin, TPMDC, GOP 12, The Daily Caller, Rumproast and FrumForum (Via Memeorandum)

Video: The Reality Report #78: The Homeland becomes the Fatherland

Please note: The posting on this video does NOT constitute support for all of the views therein. It is posted for your education and information.


Synopsis: In the 78th edition of the Reality Report, Gary Franchi draws the direct parallels America shares with Hitler’s Germany and provides the solution to avoiding their terrible fate. We take a look at Ron Paul’s Texas Straight Talk where he discusses what a new found interest in the Constitution could mean for America. CEO of Euro Pacific Capital, Peter Schiff tells us why the Chinese modeled their currency after the U.S. dollar. We also hear from the former U.S. military analyst who is responsible for leaking the Pentagon Papers, Daniel Ellsberg. He explains the recent war on whistle-blowers. Chris Mathews latest hypocrisy is revealed and Angie breaks down the news. As always we take a dip into the mailbag, reveal the results from last weeks viewer poll and brand a new Enemy of the State.

The Video:

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Videos: Sunday Gun Porn!

Because there is a lack of stuff to really blog about, I figured it would be time to post some good old fashioned gun porn — and boy do I have a bunch to post!


…and for the Military folk:

Some on the right have given up on Sarah Palin

Kudos to John over at Powerline for speaking the truth:

The time has come to put any thoughts of Sarah Palin running for President to rest. I say that not because I dislike her; on the contrary, I’m a fan. I think she did an excellent job as a vice-presidential candidate in 2008 and has been an effective spokeswoman for conservative causes in the years since. But there is no way she is ever going to be elected President, and the sooner Republicans get over that idea, the better.

He goes on to cite a CNN Poll.

John Continues:

No one with a 59 percent unfavorability rating among independents has the chance of a snowball in Hell of being elected President. 2012 will be a vitally important election year; it is no time for a kamikaze Presidential campaign or for a cult of personality. Republicans (and conservatives) need a candidate who has a chance to win against an incumbent who, despite everything, is not particularly unpopular and who won’t be able to do much visible damage between now and then.

One hopes that Governor Palin will see the writing on the wall and devote her energies to helping the conservative movement and other, better-positioned candidates rather than to pursuing a Presidential ambition that can only prove destructive.

Of course, the Palin-bots come out, William over at Legal Insurrection:

Why is such an announcement necessary now, at the very moment that the conservative movement is trying to fight back against the mainstream media campaign related to the Tucson shooting?

You can throw Palin under the bus if you want, but what will you do when the next candidate faces blistering false accusations which drive negatives high after a mainstream media feeding frenzy?

Why not let the political and primary process work itself out.  We do not even know if Palin is running, or if she will garner enough Republican support to win.

There is an insatiable mainstream media hunger to demonize and marginalize potential Republican nominees. Feeding that beast in the wake of the Tucson shooting is not the way to win in 2012.

Well, Bill, it could be that some of us Conservatives want someone who is actually qualified to be a elected Federal official, you know like President? Instead of some woman who seems to think that her sex organs entitles her to be President of the United States. Further more, did you happen to see Palin on Fox News cooing over Geraldine Ferraro and saying she was hero of Palin’s? .…and she calls herself a Republican? Please. 🙄

It pleases me greatly to see people finally seeing Sarah Palin for what she really is; a political opportunist, who has zero business being President of the United States of America, much less anything else.  The quicker that shrieking harpy is remanded to the dust bin of history, the better. She has been nothing but an embarrassment to the Republican Party. I began feeling this way, when it came out that her daughter was pregnant; after she came into the Republican Convention in 2008, riding the white horse of social Conservatism. I thought then that something was horrible amiss about this woman and she has done nothing and I mean nothing to dispel that notion with me.

Video: Sarah Palin responds to accusations that somehow she caused the shooting spree in Arizona

I will admit, that I do not much care for Sarah Palin at all. However, I will give the ol’ gal credit — she knocked it out of the ballpark here and put all of her critics in their places.

The Video:

Sarah Palin: “America’s Enduring Strength” from Sarah Palin on Vimeo.

The Transcript from Sarah Palin’s Facebook Page:

Like millions of Americans I learned of the tragic events in Arizona on Saturday, and my heart broke for the innocent victims. No words can fill the hole left by the death of an innocent, but we do mourn for the victims’ families as we express our sympathy.

I agree with the sentiments shared yesterday at the beautiful Catholic mass held in honor of the victims. The mass will hopefully help begin a healing process for the families touched by this tragedy and for our country.

Our exceptional nation, so vibrant with ideas and the passionate exchange and debate of ideas, is a light to the rest of the world. Congresswoman Giffords and her constituents were exercising their right to exchange ideas that day, to celebrate our Republic’s core values and peacefully assemble to petition our government. It’s inexcusable and incomprehensible why a single evil man took the lives of peaceful citizens that day.

There is a bittersweet irony that the strength of the American spirit shines brightest in times of tragedy. We saw that in Arizona. We saw the tenacity of those clinging to life, the compassion of those who kept the victims alive, and the heroism of those who overpowered a deranged gunman.

Like many, I’ve spent the past few days reflecting on what happened and praying for guidance. After this shocking tragedy, I listened at first puzzled, then with concern, and now with sadness, to the irresponsible statements from people attempting to apportion blame for this terrible event.

President Reagan said, “We must reject the idea that every time a law’s broken, society is guilty rather than the lawbreaker. It is time to restore the American precept that each individual is accountable for his actions.” Acts of monstrous criminality stand on their own. They begin and end with the criminals who commit them, not collectively with all the citizens of a state, not with those who listen to talk radio, not with maps of swing districts used by both sides of the aisle, not with law-abiding citizens who respectfully exercise their First Amendment rights at campaign rallies, not with those who proudly voted in the last election.

The last election was all about taking responsibility for our country’s future. President Obama and I may not agree on everything, but I know he would join me in affirming the health of our democratic process. Two years ago his party was victorious. Last November, the other party won. In both elections the will of the American people was heard, and the peaceful transition of power proved yet again the enduring strength of our Republic.

Vigorous and spirited public debates during elections are among our most cherished traditions. And after the election, we shake hands and get back to work, and often both sides find common ground back in D.C. and elsewhere. If you don’t like a person’s vision for the country, you’re free to debate that vision. If you don’t like their ideas, you’re free to propose better ideas. But, especially within hours of a tragedy unfolding, journalists and pundits should not manufacture a blood libel that serves only to incite the very hatred and violence they purport to condemn. That is reprehensible.

There are those who claim political rhetoric is to blame for the despicable act of this deranged, apparently apolitical criminal. And they claim political debate has somehow gotten more heated just recently. But when was it less heated? Back in those “calm days” when political figures literally settled their differences with dueling pistols? In an ideal world all discourse would be civil and all disagreements cordial. But our Founding Fathers knew they weren’t designing a system for perfect men and women. If men and women were angels, there would be no need for government. Our Founders’ genius was to design a system that helped settle the inevitable conflicts caused by our imperfect passions in civil ways. So, we must condemn violence if our Republic is to endure.

As I said while campaigning for others last March in Arizona during a very heated primary race, “We know violence isn’t the answer. When we ‘take up our arms’, we’re talking about our vote.” Yes, our debates are full of passion, but we settle our political differences respectfully at the ballot box – as we did just two months ago, and as our Republic enables us to do again in the next election, and the next. That’s who we are as Americans and how we were meant to be. Public discourse and debate isn’t a sign of crisis, but of our enduring strength. It is part of why America is exceptional.

No one should be deterred from speaking up and speaking out in peaceful dissent, and we certainly must not be deterred by those who embrace evil and call it good. And we will not be stopped from celebrating the greatness of our country and our foundational freedoms by those who mock its greatness by being intolerant of differing opinion and seeking to muzzle dissent with shrill cries of imagined insults.

Just days before she was shot, Congresswoman Giffords read the First Amendment on the floor of the House. It was a beautiful moment and more than simply “symbolic,” as some claim, to have the Constitution read by our Congress. I am confident she knew that reading our sacred charter of liberty was more than just “symbolic.” But less than a week after Congresswoman Giffords reaffirmed our protected freedoms, another member of Congress announced that he would propose a law that would criminalize speech he found offensive.

It is in the hour when our values are challenged that we must remain resolved to protect those values. Recall how the events of 9-11 challenged our values and we had to fight the tendency to trade our freedoms for perceived security. And so it is today.

Let us honor those precious lives cut short in Tucson by praying for them and their families and by cherishing their memories. Let us pray for the full recovery of the wounded. And let us pray for our country. In times like this we need God’s guidance and the peace He provides. We need strength to not let the random acts of a criminal turn us against ourselves, or weaken our solid foundation, or provide a pretext to stifle debate.

America must be stronger than the evil we saw displayed last week. We are better than the mindless finger-pointing we endured in the wake of the tragedy. We will come out of this stronger and more united in our desire to peacefully engage in the great debates of our time, to respectfully embrace our differences in a positive manner, and to unite in the knowledge that, though our ideas may be different, we must all strive for a better future for our country. May God bless America.

– Sarah Palin

Like I said; I don’t even like her, but she won this argument — hands down, and seeing that ol’ Tom Pawlenty decided to be a damn weasel, I think she might have just won a convert. 😀

I also believe that ol’ Bambi Teleprompter most likely said something to the effect of “Damn, the crazy woman beat me to the punch again!” 😉

Others: Washington Wire, Alan Colmes’ Liberaland, CNN, The Moderate Voice, The Plum Line, TPMDC, Guardian, BBC, Gawker, Outside the Beltway, Liberty Pundits Blog, Riehl World View, Patterico’s Pontifications, Runnin’ Scared, The Confluence, theblogprof, Taegan Goddard’s …, Veterans Today, Hot Air, National Review, The Daily Caller, Yglesias, USA Today, RedState, Sister Toldjah, Le·gal In·sur·rec· tion, sisu, The Gateway Pundit, Tammy Bruce, alicublog, Pajamas Media and GOP 12 — Via Memeorandum

Hey Vox…..

I think it is cool and all that you made that list. But, trust me, I would not gloat about it.

John Hawkings is a, quite bluntly, rat bastard. 😡 His treatment and attitude towards David Frum confirmed what I suspected about that fat assed piece of shit.

I would not want to be on any list that moronic asshole made up, ever.

Besides all that, who the hell would want to be on a list with a bunch of idiots who are fans of a woman who believes she is entitled to be President of the United States of America, because of her sex organs? I mean, seriously! 🙄

OH PLEASE! Robert Stacy McCain: Levi Johnson Seduced (or Raped) Bristol Palin

Oh.My.God! The desperation of the Palin-Bots is becoming almost laughable.

You might think Hollywood liberals would embrace it as a feminist Cinderella success story: The teen mom, seduced and abandoned by a two-faced cheater, gets a once-in-a-lifetime chance at a nationally televised dance competition

via Bristol Palin, Margaret Cho, Kathy Griffin and the Politics of Sexual Destruction : The Other McCain.

I got news for you Mr. Robert Stacy McCain, you Neo-Nazi turncoat fuck.  Bristol Palin MORE THAN WILLINGLY spread those legs and those twat lips for Levi Johnson.  Anyone, and I mean ANYONE who believes anything other than that, has got their head planted square in their ASS! …or at the very LEAST is some sort of Sarah Palin Fan boy or possibly….or more than likely both! 🙄

Jesus freaking H. Christ on a freaking Crack rock!  The stupid on the right is becoming SO very hard to bear anymore! 🙄

Jeff Kuhner takes it to another level: Kill Julian Assange

I figured someone in the Conservative media would say this sooner or later. I thought about it, but I really do not like the idea myself.

Jeff Kuhner at the Washington Times writes:

Julian Assange poses a clear and present danger to American national security. The WikiLeaks founder is more than a reckless provocateur. He is aiding and abetting terrorists in their war against America. The administration must take care of the problem – effectively and permanently.

The recent WikiLeaks document dump is the latest example of Mr. Assange’s dangerous behavior. His release of more than 250,000 U.S. diplomatic cables, many of them containing classified information, is a major blow to our foreign policy. The essence of diplomacy – especially that of a great power – is the ability to conduct negotiations and hold talks in secret. Foreign leaders will not be willing to engage in sensitive discussions with American emissaries if their words are going to be splashed across the front pages of the world’s newspapers. Officials in autocratic and Islamist states often risk their lives to cooperate with Washington, usually by providing vital information or advice. They now face a further disincentive to help us: The U.S. government can no longer guarantee the privacy and secrecy of their discussions.

American diplomacy has been crippled. So has our ability to conduct the war on terrorism. For example, the cables cache reveals that the United States is working closely with Yemen’s dictator, Ali Abdullah Saleh, in launching drone strikes against local al Qaeda bases. Al Qaeda has spread to Yemen. Its insurgency is growing. Yemen risks becoming what Afghanistan was before Sept. 11, 2001: a vast sanctuary for jihadists. Mr. Saleh insists that Yemeni public opinion – insular, xenophobic and increasingly Islamic – will not support the U.S. military presence on domestic soil. Hence, he says the pretense must be maintained that Yemen is firing the missiles, not America. This pretense has been shattered – and with it, perhaps, a key ally in the struggle against al Qaeda. Mr. Assange is helping chase the American infidel out of Yemen’s desolate deserts.


The United States is paying a severe price for Mr. Obama’s negligence. This is the greatest diplomatic crisis since the late 1940s, when communist agents in the U.S. government provided atomic secrets to the Soviet Union. The world is witnessing the absurd, almost surreal spectacle of the American superpower standing helpless in the face of a lone hacker. Her diplomatic secrets are no longer safe; her allies and friends are being betrayed; and her cyber-enemies are free to roam with impunity. America is no longer feared or respected.

Attorney General Eric H. Holder Jr. vows that he is looking into possible criminal charges against Mr. Assange. It is too late for tough talk. At this point, we are beyond indictments and courts. The damage has been done; people have died – and will die because of the actions of this puerile, self-absorbed narcissist. News reports say the WikiLeaks founder is hiding out in England. If that’s true, we should treat Mr. Assange the same way as other high-value terrorist targets: Kill him

Okay, here is the question that I feel the need to ask. Are we going to kill someone every time some whistle blower decides to speak out and expose some corruption in Government? Because if that is where we are headed, that is a slippery slope we can never recover from. Like anyone else, I am for open Government, I am also for seeing elected officials held accountable. However, if the United States Government and more importantly the United States Military is being put at risk, then by all means, arrest this guy and put him away.

I have no idea what Julian Assanges motivation is; whether it is conspiracy theory, politics or if he is just a pompous ass.  But the idea of KILLING someone, just because decide to release some confidential information is not something, as a Conservative; who believes in rule of law and not Governmental treachery, that I can support. Because once you unleash that monster onto the American and World Wide Community, it cannot be stopped.

I would think that Jeff Kuhner would be a bit smarter than that. However, when you are working for a paper that basically was a cheerleader for the Bush Administration during the lead up to and during the Iraqi Invasion, one can expect only so much.

Others: Reporters Sans Frontières, Hullabaloo, Harry’s Place, Guardian, New York Times, News: News blog and The New Republic

Andrew Sullivan says something intelligent for a change.

I cannot say that I disagree with this:

There is no maturity here; no self-reflection; no capacity even to think how to appeal to the half of Americans who are already so appalled by her trashy behavior and cheap publicity stunts. There is a meanness, a disrespect, a vicious partisanship that, if allowed to gain more power, would split this country more deeply and more rancorously than at any time in recent years. And that’s saying something.

via Why America Won’t Buy Palinism – The Daily Dish | By Andrew Sullivan.

I also give Sully credit for not swiping her on that silly screw up with the Korea’s. That was petty and stupid.

Having said that —- Let’s not even talk her appearing with that mentally depraved Feminist Nazi Geraldine Ferraro and acting like she was some sort of hero of hers. She did everything but go down on her, on live TV. Hmph, some Conservative. 🙄

Plain and simple, Sarah Palin is a damned liberal in a Conservative skin, who thinks she is entitled to be President —– because she is a woman. Reagan is a damned skirt; please don’t make me barf. She’s nothing more than a attention whoring twat, with foul mouthed and slutty daughters. She is not fit to be Mayor of Utah, much less President of the United States. The quicker she disappears from the public scene, the better.

I wonder, are the Palin daughters and fan boys going to some swear at me too? 🙄

This is what happens when Sarah Palin endorses a candidate: Joe Miller LOSES!

This is what happens when a train wreck, reality television star gets involved in politics and endorses political candidates; they lose:

JUNEAU, Alaska (AP) – Sen. Lisa Murkowski has become the first Senate candidate in more than 50 years to win a write-in campaign.

Murkowski emerged victorious after a painstaking, two-week count of write-in ballots showed she has overtaken over tea party rival Joe Miller.

Her victory became clear when Alaska election officials confirmed they had only about 700 votes left to count, putting Murkowski in safe territory to win re-election.

Murkowski has a lead of about 10,000 votes, a total that includes 8,153 ballots in which Miller observers challenged over things like misspellings, extra words or legibility issues.

Murkowski is flying back to Alaska to address supporters, telling them that the campaign “made history.”

Miller surprised Murkowski in the GOP primary, prompting the incumbent to run as a write-in.

via AP: Murkowski emerges as winner in Alaska Senate race.

I felt good about Joe Miller, until Sarah Palin got involved, then I knew it would never happen, he would not get elected. This is what happens when Palin gets involved, people lose and lose badly. It is what happened when O’Donnell ran and it is now happening with Joe Miller. The truth is, Sarah Palin has zero business endorsing anyone at all. I just wonder, will her kids come to my blog and start swearing at me, like they did over on facebook, when someone started telling the truth about Sarah Palin and her idiotic show? It is to wonder.

The truth is Sarah Palin has never succeeded at anything; including being Governor of Alaska. This little failure here, is just more living proof of that. The Republican party should take notice of that and let this little incident here, be one of many pieces of evidence that Sarah Palin is not fit to the President of the PTA in Wasilla, Alaska; much less the President of the United States. If Sarah Palin wants to do anything to impress me, or anyone else in this movement that we call the Tea Party, she needs to pack up her little tampon box of silly ideas and go back to Alaska and try being a Mother to her children and a Wife to her Husband. That is if she even has any of that left at all.

We need leadership in Washington D.C. — not some shrieking harpy psycho, who is all for having a Christian version of Sharia law in this Country.  Count me as one of the many American Paleo-Conservatives, who have taken a great pleasure in seeing one of psycho Sarah Palin’s endorsements doing a very righteous face plant. It could not have happened to better person and may this be the first of many more for this idiotic woman.

Sarah Palin can forget about ever being President, her kids are out of control


During the premiere of “Sarah Palin’s Alaska” Sunday night — a boy named Tre who went to school with the Palin kids wrote a status update that read, “Sarah Palin’s Alaska, is failing so hard right now.”

The comment sparked an intense response from Willow — who replied on the boy’s wall, “Haha your so gay. I have no idea who you are, But what I’ve seen pictures of, your disgusting … My sister had a kid and is still hot.”

Willow followed up that comment with another that read, “Tre stfu. Your such a f**got.”

Bristol Palin also got in on the smacktalk — writing a message to Tre saying, “You’re running your mouth just to talk sh*t.”

Eventually, a message board war erupted — and Bristol took aim at another person named Jon — saying, “You’ll be as successful as my baby daddy, And actually I do work my ass off. I’ve been a single mom for the last two years.”

After more users began to gang up on the Palins, Willow dropped another message that read, “Sorry that you guys are all jealous of my families success and you guys aren’t goin to go anywhere with your lives.”

via Sarah Palin’s Daughter Willow Palin Uses Homophobic Slurs | TMZ.com.

TMZ has a poll for Sarah Palin’s child rearing skills; I gave her an F and I suggest you do the same. Read the messages here. Needless to say the Gay community is not happy about it. Click here and here to read.  I can see where the gay community would not like this. Sarah Palin had better do some damage control or she will pay for this in 2012.

Video: Charlton Heston speaks about A Torch With No Flame

I believe every American should watch this video….at least once.

I believe it is the duty of all liberty and freedom loving Americans to join this wonderful organization, if you are able.

So, Please…:

Because some rights are just not negotiable.

Please note: This was an totally unsolicited post. The NRA does not have a damned clue, who I even am. I do not belong to the organization….yet.  I do not make a dime off of your joining this wonderful and American organization. But I highly encourage you to join, because America needs people, like you I to stand up for what is rightly ours.