The Automotive Bailouts: The Other Side of the Story

I have been sitting here, trying to keep out of this. But I have sat and looked at the Republican and NeoConservative Spin on this Story and I’m sick of it. 😡

So, I am giving you, the other side of the story, from the horses mouth; without commentary from me.

I did not ask that you agree, I simply ask that you listen and hear this man out. Now I am almost sure, that the Blogs, that I have linked to, will remove my trackback, like the Neo-Con Fascists that they are. I mean, it is all about controlling the message with those guys.  🙄

Here we go:

Part 1:

Part 2:

Media Q & A:

Media Q & A Part 2:

Media Q & A Part 3:

There you have it. The other side of the story. You decide.

(Source UAW.ORG)

Keith Olbermann talks out his ass….and I correct him….

Well, Sort of. I don’t do it personally, But I will point to an article that does.

See the #3 in his “Worst Persons in the World”:

Once again, Bathtub head is, of course, wrong.

Here’s V-Dare’s Response to Keith O’s Slander.

I did this, because when Don Surber talked out his rather large bazoo, I busted his chops too.

This is also the same chowder head that referred to the election as the A.D.D. election, and I haven’t forgotten about it either. 😡

The Afternoon Music Express with….Drowning Pool

This comes via dude named Chuck, who’s got quite the awesome Blog. 😀

It’s good to see that there are some Rock musicians that really do get it.

Which is more than I can see for these fuck headed moonbats, that are against the soldiers and the war. Idiots, all of ’em.

(Thanks Tammi)

Obama’s Questionnaire for the Potential Presidential Pooch

This is too funny…

J. J. Jackson has a very hilarious questionare that Obama would possibly use for Obama’s White House Dog.

1. Did you donate to my campaign? If so, please list the fictitious name you used to make a donation so that I can determine if it was significant enough to warrant your consideration. Only cash donations count. Sorry, but I cannot consider simply working for my campaign or voice support because, well, we see what happened when I promised a position to Hillary based on her support. Now I have a staff that is starting to look like the Clinton Administration!

2. Have you ever sniffed the butt of a terrorist or a terrorist’s dog?

3. If you answered “yes” or “maybe” or “I’m not really certain, could you define ‘terrorist’?” to the previous question, please provide a detailed account of the incident in question and include a convincing explanation that we could present to the press to explain why the of sniffing the butt in question is not a pertinent issue and should be ignored.

4. Have you ever bitten a liberal? If so, please document the incident fully so that we can see if you are intolerant of liberal ideas or whether this liberal really did deserve to be bitten. Although we highly doubt the later, because liberals are so well intentioned and peace loving that such a claim would be completely unfounded, I will give you an opportunity to prove your innocence in the matter.

5. Have you ever bitten a conservative? If so, please document the incident fully as biting this conservative because he or she was an evil, anti-poor, racist. Biting multiple conservatives would be an even bigger boost to your chances so please make sure to recount all such incidents.

6. Which do you prefer, listening to Rush Limbaugh or Air America?

7. Would you prefer Air America more if we mandated that they hire more canine hosts to discuss dog related issues and the oppression Lupine-Americans suffer at the hands of their human oppressors?

8. Have you ever peed on an undocumented worker?

9. Do you contain any Pit Bull blood in your genetic makeup? If so, please fill out form 7843-C completing addendums N, R, S, U and Z and also authorization form A-1 so that we may perform a mental screening to determine your tendency towards violence.

10. Has any member of your family ever been a German Sheppard?

11. Qualified applicants will be at least 25% of each of the following: Portuguese Water Hound, Shitz-zu, Chihuahua, giraffe, Australian Sheppard, Cornish hen, English Terrier, Daschund, African elephant, Black Labrador Retriever, Indian Elephant, Woolly Mammoth, Poodle, Woozle, Tigger, and Pooh Bear Please verify all claims as to your lineage although validity of documentation will not be checked so forgeries are ok.

12. Do you have only a Certificate of Live Birth or can you fully document your birth in the United States with an actual Vault Copy of your papers? Do not worry, absence of the latter will not be held against you.

13. Have you or any member of your family ever lived in a household where any human being was at any time registered with or donated to the Republican Party? If so, please document all the abuse these evil people visited upon you and list their address. You know … just for record keeping purposes.

14. What religion do you practice? Please be aware that preferential treatment will be given to practitioners of Canine Liberation Theology although you will be required to verify that at no time were you ever actually present during any of your Pastor’s vicious and anti-American rants.

15. Have you ever uttered a racial slur such as, “wooooof,” “woooff,” “woof yelp,” or “bark bark woof” at any time?

16. Please list all other dogs which you consider your friends. Completely document their breeds so that we can determine if your circle of friends (aka your pack) is significantly diverse.

17. If you were left in a room alone with Condoleezza Rice, would you bite her a) because she is a tool of the Republican Party, b) betrayed her gender by serving an evil Republican during his presidency while Republicans were constantly trying to return women to a status of “barefoot and pregnant in the kitchen,” c) a traitor to her race, or d) all of the above?

18. If given the opportunity, would you plant bombs at a police station and attempt to maim and kill law enforcement officers and civilians for the just cause of canine liberation?

19. Explain in not less than 5,000 words why the people of Iraq were not worthy of being helped, how much you were against helping them from the very beginning and how you were the only dog that held such a stance.

20. If asked, what parts of the Constitution would you chose to ignore?

21. Would you be open to the concept of a Canine Defense Force in which all dogs in the United States would volunteer for mandatory service of at least 50 hours a month growling at conservatives to intimidate them?

22. What are your opinions on the following potential sources of energy: oil, coal, natural gas, nuclear, wind, solar, biofuel and hydro. No, seriously, because I have no clue what the heck to do come January 20th, 2009. You have no idea what it is like with all these environmental nutcases pulling me in every direction possible. Hey, would you be open to being my Energy Czar by any chance?

23. Describe how evil you think corporations are. The more evil you think they are, the better.

24. I am currently seeking ideas about how to keep Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson off my back for the next four years. Give me your best estimate at how much money I should have Congress earmark for them to keep them quiet.

25. And one final question. Are you hypoallergenic? See, my one daughter is allergic to dogs so you have to be hypoallergenic so as not to cause her any discomfort while allowing me to look like I can relate to the common man and pet owner. Sorry, but my wife made me ask.

Uh…Oh…: Obama Says one thing, Axelrod says another….

Obama says had no contact with Blagojevich. Uhm…. Well, Sounds like that is not 100% correct.

‘Da Video:


When your a President-Elect, it is a good idea for the left hand to know what the right hand is doing. 🙄

(HatTip: AP @

Corrupt Democrat Governor Rod Blagojevich in FBI Custody

Seems the Democrat Illinois Gov. Rod Blagojevich is in trouble with the FBI.

MSNBC Reports:

Illinois Gov. Rod Blagojevich was arrested Tuesday on federal charges that accuse him of trying to benefit from his ability to appoint President-elect Barack Obama’s replacement in the U.S. Senate.

A 76-page FBI affidavit says the 51-year-old Democrat was intercepted on court-authorized wiretaps over the last month conspiring to sell or trade the vacant Senate seat for personal benefits for himself and his wife, Patti.

The affidavit contends Blagojevich discussed getting a substantial salary for himself at a non-profit foundation or an organization affiliated with labor unions. It also says Blagojevich talked about getting his wife placed on corporate boards where she might get $150,000 a year in director’s fees.

The affidavit also quotes Blagojevich as saying “I want to make money” in one conversation.

John Harris, the governor’s chief of staff, was also charged, the U.S. Department of Justice said.

Now, because I don’t like to pile on, let me simply say this. Corruption is wrong, Democrats AND Republicans have done it. Recently Ted Stevens was indicted on corruption charges. As well as Democrat  congressman William Jefferson. So, there’s equal amounts on both sides of the aisle.

Let’s hope this slimeball gets what’s coming to him.

Would not it be funny if this guy talked and said that Obama ordered it to happen? Would not it be neat of the Electoral College voted to not to seat Obama as President, because of the corruption charges?

A Man can dream. 😀

Update: Here’s the U.S. Attorney General talking about the charges: (Thanks Andrew)

Others: protein wisdom, Don Surber, Gateway Pundit,Capitol Annex, Vodkapundit, Sister Toldjah, Outside The Beltway, Fausta’s Blog,,

(Thanks to Musing Minds for correcting me on my slight mistake.. ooops! 😛 )

Well, they did call them “High Risk” Loans…

Seems that the people that defaulted on their mortgages, have defaulted again, even after all this aid that has been tossed around. So reports Reuters:

Recent data suggests that many borrowers who received help with mortgage modifications earlier this year tended to re-default on their payments, a top U.S. banking regulator said on Monday.

“The results, I confess, were somewhat surprising, and not in a good way,” said John Dugan, head of the U.S. Office of the Comptroller of the Currency, in prepared remarks for a U.S. housing forum.

“Put simply, it shows that over half of mortgage modifications seemed not to be working after six months,” he said.

Dugan said based on data collected from some of the biggest U.S. institutions, like Bank of America, Citibank and JPMorgan Chase, home foreclosure starts fell 2.6 percent in the three months ended in September.

However, data which is to be issued by the OCC and the Office of Thrift Supervision (OTS) next week could throw cold water on a push by some U.S. policymakers for loan modifications as the key remedy for the ailing U.S. financial and economic crisis.

Dugan said recent data showed that after three months, nearly 36 percent of borrowers who received restructured mortgages in the first quarter re-defaulted.

The rate of re-default jumped to about 53 percent after six months and 58 percent after eight months, Dugan said, without providing an explanation for the trend.

Regulators speaking at an OTS-housing forum did not provide any explanations for the causes behind the data.

“We don’t know the answers yet, but these are the types of questions that we have begun asking our servicers in detail,” Dugan said.

Sheila Bair, chairman of the Federal Deposit Insurance Corp, who has been pushing for fast and systematic loan modifications, said regulators need to examine re-default data more closely.

“I think it’s very important to look at this data carefully and know what it says and what it doesn’t say,” Bair said.

Dugan said the third-quarter report will show many of the same disturbing trends as other recent mortgage reports, as credit quality continued to decline across the board and delinquencies rose for subprime, alt-A and prime mortgages.

He said the report will also show that the greatest delinquencies were in prime mortgages.

I can tell you exactly what the answer is. You do not hand out mortgages to people that you know damned well that they cannot pay for them. That is the answer!  This is why the Country, The Big Three and Wall Street are in the mess that they are in now, in the first place. Because fucking Bill Clinton and his team of morons decided to FORCE lending companies to gives loans to HIGH RISK persons, and they’re called that for a reason, they’re known not to pay their bills!

High Risk is called High Risk for a reason! Duh! Man, I could have told them that and I am a High School Drop out with A.D.H.D. 🙄

“Clue needed on Asle 5, Clue needed on Asle 5 Please.”

(Thanks Q & O)

Is Obama Censoring Free Speech on his Website? Update: Not Obama’s Site

Seems so….

This comes from a site called Abolish the Federal Reserve:

Today, I received an email saying this idea “lies outside the scope of the Ideas for Change in America project, which is focused on identifying solutions that we believe can, through a grassroots lobbying effort, receive serious consideration from the Obama administration and/or Congress.

Let’s hope like hell that this is not the norm.

(Via Twitter)

Update: After a few requests, me forgetting and being reminded, again. I want to be sure and point out that was an still is a PRIVATE website. was the OFFICIAL Obama transition team site, which now redirects to the White House website. was a private venture, and still is.  Thanks to reader Tony Spears for pointing this out. I totally forgot to update this before. Ooops!

Good Time for a Missile Strike!

Video: (Via Breit Bart)

AP has the Details.

If you have a problem with what I just wrote. I encourage you to take a look at the ISLAM section of my Bookstore. Especially this title HERE. Perhaps you should also check out the section on 9/11. Maybe you’ll have a dfferent view after you buy some books telling of the horrible carnage and death that took place that fateful day. Yet, we have bastard Liberals, like “The One” who want to try and talk with these monsters. Perhaps it is because he’s one of them.

So, Bush, you’re already the lame duck, you know where most of the money came from anyhow. Why not just authorize a missile strike and wipe out all of ISLAM in one great swoop? A missile attack, and the President’s outlawing the Pratice of Islam in this Country, would be the ultimate act of justice to all of those who died on September 11, 2001.

NYT’s Timothy Egan takes Joe Wurzelbacher to the woodshed

First off, let me just say that I agree with the premise of this article.   However, the way it was written and tone of the article, comes off sounding very high brow and elitist sounding.   I am, of course, referring to the article written by NYT guest columnist Timothy Egan, who’s filling in for Moreen Dowd.    I was going to quote some of that here. But I think I’ll just let you click the link on his name there and let you go read what was written. Here is my take on what was written:

While some of what was said was actually factually correct, Joe was not a licensed Journeyman Plumber in Ohio. He was, in fact, an apprentice. He never intended to buy the shop he worked for, because it was not even for sale.   The information about the supposed tax violations, even if all that is true. How this information was gained, is what burns me. How is it, that the Liberals who have been whining and crying about the FISA Bill, are all too eager to dig up information about someone who happened to challenge Barack Obama on one of his polices.

In fact, I will make a direct accusation on this Blog. I believe, personally, that Barack Hussein Obama personally asked that political operatives within the Democratic Party, working in Governmental positions in Ohio to dig up information on “Joe The Plumber” in order to discredit him.  I realize that this can never be proven, because nobody within the Democratic Party is going to go against “The One”.

So, the next time, some idiotic Liberal tries to tell you about Nixon and how evil he was, just tell them, Barack Obama did basically the same thing. Only difference is, he did not get caught.

Others:, Tim Blair and Flopping Aces

Soldier’s Daughter gets wish for Christmas

If this does not make you emotional or even a little dewy eyed. You don’t have a damn soul.

Story via WXII TV:

PILOT MOUNTAIN, N.C. — A woman and 2-year-old daughter welcomed home a sergeant Thursday night who had been serving in Afghanistan since March.

Kensley Penney said she promises this year she has been a good girl. She said she does just what grandma asks and kisses her special doll with her father’s picture every night.

“When we go to bed, we say prayers and ask Jesus to keep him safe,” Kensley’s grandmother, Patty Childress, said.

Kensley is hoping these good deeds will be enough for Santa Claus to give her the two special requests she has this Christmas.

“I asked her if she wanted a new doll or a stroller, and she said, ‘I don’t know,’ and then a week later she said, ‘I want a blue truck and my daddy,'” Childress said.

Her father, Sgt. Scottie Penney, has been serving in Afghanistan since March.

Penney’s wife, April, said it’s been hard for her, but that it’s been especially tough on Kensley.

Scottie Penney’s family worked very hard to keep him in his daughter’s life, even though he was thousands of miles away from home.

“There are pictures all over the house, and like I said, she has our daddy doll,” Childress said. “When she can, she gets on the Web cam with him and makes funny faces. She knows who daddy is.”

In fact, Kensley sleeps cuddled up with her father every night. His picture is on a special doll that her family said she takes everywhere.

Thursday night, Penney walked into Pine Hills Church in Pilot Mountain to surprise his daughter.

The moment was caught on camera.

Kensley waited patiently in her grandmother’s arms to tell Santa Claus her special Christmas wish Thursday night.

“I want my daddy,” Kensley told Santa.

Kensley even practiced a song for Santa Claus, hoping it will help get her wish granted.

Kensley’s constant singing must have paid off, because the Pine Hills Church Santa delivered her Christmas wish right in time for the holidays.

“It was pretty nice,” Scottie Penney said. “We have been planning this for some time. I had mixed emotions about how (Kensley) would react.”

The rest of the room burst out in tears when Kensley and her father reunited.

Scottie Penney said it was also a surprise for him and his wife to see the community supporting them.

“It was very emotional,” he said. “I didn’t see anyone who had a dry eye. It was so great to see the love and support of our community and people who care.”

You see, it is because of stuff like this right here. Is why I am a Libertarian Conservative Blogger, this is why I decided that the Democratic Party was not that Party that loves America, Respects it’s Military. I mean, you need look no further than Michelle Malkin’s Blog to see that.

….and while I am on it. These are the people that voted for that idiotic Communist NEGRO into the White House, them are HIS people.

(removed because bad language… I should not post when I am emotional.)

God Bless that little Blondie bundle of Joy. Especially on Christmas Day. 😀

(H/T AllahPundit)

The Obligatory Bill Ayers NYT Piece Posting

I really do not like having to give this idiot anymore of my bandwidth than needed… But… I will.

His NYT piece he says he isn’t a terrorist.

But according to U.S. law 22 USC 2656f(d)f(2) (there are others as well) He is. (Thanks to Eric)

the term “terrorism” means premeditated, politically motivated violence perpetrated against non-combatant targets by subnational groups or clandestine agents

It is the usual Liberal line of spin and denial. Mixed in with the usual hippie horse hockey of the Anti-War Communist Left.

Go read, if you’ve got a strong stomach. But if your laptop display and or Computer monitor gets broken, don’t come crying to me. 😛

There are others who better at the griping about this guy, than me, they are: The Other McCain, The Volokh Conspiracy, JammieWearingFool,, and Don Surber

Soldier’s Angels gets blankets stolen.

Not to continually link to her Blog. But Michelle Malkin reports that some jackass twerps stole a bunch of blankets that were supposed to be going to some of our Military overseas. This wasn’t just random punk kids, there were fucking commie liberals, who hate our Military.

Anyhow, they could use the help.

Go read more about at Michelle’s Blog.

Oy Vey…. – Liberals in Berkley fighting mad about… Nuke Laws?

Michelle Malkin reports that some of those idiotic Communist Code Pink idiots are fighting mad (What else is new?) over a nuke-free zone law.

Strange crowd indeed.

Here’s the e-mail that Michelle Got:

Code Pink’s very upset about it and forwarded it around. The key bit is that the Berkeley Public Library wants a waiver to get around the Berkeley Nuclear Free Zone laws (because they can’t do business with 3M otherwise).

It’s amusing in its own way…

Hi Berkeley People!

Who would ever have believed that this law that has been on the City of Berkeley books for 22 years in our town is now in jeopardy! Not only that but it[‘]s because of our beloved Berkeley Public Library! This is a situation that would make Kafka, himself, shudder!

The present dilemma starts with the Radio Frequency Identification D’s (RFID)-these are the chips now in all library books to track them AND you when you carry said book. They were purchased from the company, “Checkpoint” who then turned the (expired) contract over to 3M.

Since 3M is a manufacturer of munitions and depleted uranium with connections to Honeywell and Boeing, it is against the law for Berkeley to do business with them because of the Nuclear Free Status Law.

That’s why the library is requesting Berkeley to institute a 2 year waiver to rescind our Nuclear Free Status.

This waiver, which is now before the Berk. Peace & Justice Commission of the Berkeley City Council, could allow nuclear material to be transported through our town. In Berkeley we also have an important reputation as a peace city-this obviously would be in tatters.

The library doesn’t want to go to a bar-code system; it’s easier for them to keep the status quo even though the cost is $70,000/year to maintain this invasive of privacy system that also requires the waiver of the above mentioned law.

The Nuclear Free Law is more relevant now than ever!

PLEASE call/write your council person to take action on this matter. The Peace & Justice Comm has tabled the issue until its next meting in Jan. as no decision could be made at the Dec 1 meeting.

I believe the next meeting will be on Jan 5th. 2009.

A strange bunch, they are.

Nothing more humorous, than bunch of Dyke Commies with nothing to do. 🙄

Obama’s friends, Remember that. 😮

Charlie Rangel’s Ethics

Oh boy…. Here we go again!

Via the Politico:

Between 2004 and 2007, Rep. Charles Rangel steered nearly $80,000 in campaign cash to an Internet company run by his son – paying lavishly for a pair of political Web sites so poorly designed an expert estimated one should have cost no more than $100 to create.

The payments are apparently legal under federal law, but their disclosure raises new questions about the Ways and Means chairman as he faces House ethics committee probes into his failure to pay taxes on rental income and his alleged use of House stationery to solicit contributions for a public policy center that bears his name.

Rangel’s leadership PAC and congressional committee shelled out $79,560 to Edisonian Innovative Works LLC for “websites,” according to Federal Election Commission filings.

Yes, but it is legal?

“This is probably legal but is definitely wrong,” said Meredith McGeehee of the Campaign Legal Center, a nonprofit organization that monitors compliance with electoral law.

“You’re in a situation where you were given money for a campaign and it’s being used to enrich family members,” she added. “The return argument is they’re performing legitimate services. The question that needs to be asked in this case is: Was this a legitimate payment or was this a payoff?”

Rangel spokesman Emile Milne said Rangel’s son was a valuable member of the congressman’s re-election team and was paid a modest monthly retainer to build, maintain, update and publicize the site.

“Steven Rangel’s firm was paid roughly $2,500 on a monthly basis—less than the firm that had previously managed Congressman Rangel’s Web and on-line operation (Network Politics)—and the firm’s fees included money for Web advertising designed to promote traffic to the Web site,” Milne wrote in an e-mail message to Politico.

You know. I am going to just say this. This Representative  is on the ways and means committee. He is supposed to be a man of integrity. It is become very obvious that this man has no integrity and should resign his position as the chairman of the ways and means committee.

Of course, when you say something like this about an African-American Representative you are automatically panned as a raaaaciiiist! So, do not expect much to become of this. Because when you are black politician, especially a black Liberal politican, rules do not matter. But you always have that race card to play.

A sick and disgusting thing indeed. 😡

If you want to blame someone, blame President Johnson, if he would have kept his nose outta the business of the south, Rangel would not be in the House and maybe they would be some integrity on capital hill!

Tweety for Congress?!?!?!?

You must be kidding….

Via Politico:

Chris Matthews is dead serious about running for the Senate in Pennsylvania — and is shopping for a house in the state and privately discussing quitting MSNBC as proof of his intense interest, according to NBC colleagues, political operatives and friends.

Even so, some NBC insiders think it’s all simply a negotiating ploy to jack up his contract.

The garrulous host of the show “Hardball with Chris Matthews” has already picked out a home in Philadelphia to establish residency in the state, according to a Democratic operative in discussions with him about a potential candidacy. Over Thanksgiving weekend, at his vacation house in Nantucket, Matthews’ family members gave him their full backing.

As speculation surrounding his potential candidacy heats up, Matthews has also been asking advisers whether to step down from his MSNBC post well before his contract expires in June. At one recent meeting, he was advised that if he truly intends to run, he should resign from the network as soon as possible.

One word:



Seriously…. This guy?

Others: Washington Monthly, Sister Toldjah, Wizbang, TPM Election Central, Gawker, Wonkette, Salon, MyDD, Below The Beltway, Tennessee Guerilla Women, Wilshire & Washington, Jules Crittenden and Real Clear Politics

(Via Meme)

Yes Rush…. But!

Rush Says:

The conservative talk show host — who urged supporters during the primary season to back Clinton in an effort to prolong the bitter Democratic presidential nomination fight — told ABC’s Barbara Walters that Clinton’s selection as Secretary of State was “a brilliant stroke” by President-elect Obama.

He said the move was a political master stroke, effectively ruling out a primary challenge in four years. “You know the old phrase, ‘You keep your friends close and your enemies closer?’ How can she run for president in 2012?” he asks. “She’d have to run against the incumbent and be critical of him — the one who made her Secretary of State.”

The question is Rush, is whom exactly is getting “stroked” here.

The United States of America, that’s whom!  😮

I predict that this woman will be a DISASTER as Sec of State. You watch and see. 😡

Idiot moonbats. 🙄

We’re so damn screwed and these idiot, Neo-Conservative talking heads have got their heads so far up their asses that they don’t even see it. 😡

Liberal Moonbat NY Mayor Bloomberg hates Guns

His true colors are showing….

Seems like he’s more against the guns than he is upset about this man owning an illegal gun.

Video: (Via Breit Bart)

Ted Turner channels his inner Karl Marx

Spoken like the true Communist that he is….

Video (Via Breit Bart)

Article at NewsBusters

Money Quote:

“And the KGB, I think, was an honorable place to work. And it, it gave people in the former Soviet Union, a communist country, an opportunity to do something important and worthwhile.”

Joseph McCarthy was so right. Now, we’re surrounded by them. God Help us.

Thank You for your support

The Following was made by me. It is my feelings towards those who opposed and still oppose the help that the Detroit Auto Industry needs. It might cost me readers, but it is how I feel.

I declare this photo PUBLIC DOMAIN. Feel free to copy it and post it to your Blogs.

Thank you for your support

Thank you for your support

Update: I posted this for one reason and one reason alone, Washington D.C. will hand over 4 BILLION dollars to Wall Street banks and not even flinch, but when Detroit needs help, they are like “You need a plan.” I am not saying that the companies are not at fault. But it just strikes me as pretty damned funny that Wall St. Gets that help and Detroit gets told to go fuck themselves, in essence. So, Yeah, I’m a little pissed off and a bit jaded at this point. Can’t you tell??!

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