Guest Voice: Dear Charlotte – You Are Bankrupt

Dear Charlotte – You Are Bankrupt

By J.J. Jackson

Dear Charlotte,

Even though you are far too young yet to understand this letter, and you are rightfully more interested in seeing how much noise you can make by throwing all of our pots and pans on the floor, I wanted to let you know that I am sorry. I am sorry at what has happened to you. For you see, you are bankrupt.

I know that this will come as a shock to you once you are old enough to read these words considering that you have never held a job, earned a wage or incurred a single debt to your name. But it is true and I am sorry that I was not able to stop this from happening. Believe me, your mother and I tried and tried hard to not have you placed in such a situation. We have worked hard, paid our bills and lived within our means.

It is not because of us, your parents, that you are bankrupt however. Ask your mother when you are older about how every week I toiled at the computer and wrote numerous articles and blog postings about the misbegotten economic ideas of our nation. These are the ideas and practices which are the real reason why, before you can even think about needing to earn a wage to support yourself, you will be tens of thousands, if not hundreds of thousands, of dollars in debt to the federal government.

I am sad for you. I am sad for you because these are not burdens that someone who is not yet even two years old should be saddled with. It is not right that the people of this once great nation have stripped you of so much at such a young age and sold you, without permission or without you having committed any crime, into slavery and bound you to serve them and their greed.

A lot of citizens have mortgaged your future for their own present comfort and security. Knowing how it feels to have my own future mortgaged by these same greedy, and dare I say unrighteous, souls I understand that it will only get worse for you as you grow up. Your mother and I already have a heavy weight on our own shoulders in which thousands of our hard earned dollars are taken by the government at the behest of the greedy who did not care enough about their own future to save for their own retirement and believe they are entitled to such at our expense. We are burdened with the heavy cost of other greedy folks who believe that we should pay for their health care because of the virtue of our success while they have not cared one bit to better their own lots in life and acquire that which they desire. And then there are the myriad of other thieves that have compiled agencies of government to demand from us to pay the other debts that they could not pay themselves.

My dear Charlotte, I know it will only get worse for you because it has only gotten worse for us. Already in the past year the government has issued hundreds of billions of dollars in debt certificates, paper money with no substantive backing simply printed on a whim, to line the pockets of people that have made more bad choices in ten minutes than you will make in your lifetime and who believe that they are “too big to fail.” The government calls these debt certificates “money,” but they are nothing more than I.O.U.s which are being financed by foreign governments that will demand the interest we are promising them in return for taking on this debt. Yes, you, my dear, will be tasked to repay these “loans” and all the other spiraling costs of a government run amok beyond sound limits.

For now you will not have to worry much about this looming crisis. There is so much that is of greater importance to you at this moment and for the next few years. You will thrill in chasing the dogs around the living room as they try to escape your all encompassing love and simple desire for just a hug and a sloppy doggie kiss from them. You will be learning your ABC’s and your 123’s and discovering new words. You will be busy trying to mimic new actions you see your mother and I doing and continue trying to sweep the floor, dust the table and clumsily sop up spills with paper towels. You will soon be learning how to ride a bike and to roller-skate. You will undoubtedly revel in enjoying the thrills of the first snow each year and then the first blossoms of spring that will follow. You will eagerly anticipate Christmas morning for many years and what Saint Nicolas has brought for you as a reward for being a good little girl.

I do not write this letter to you in order to strip you of the childish joy you will be filled with over the coming years. I do not expect you to even understand the severity of the situation in which you have been placed even when you are able to read these words, probably asking how to pronounce certain new and unfamiliar ones that you will come across in doing so. I do however write this letter to you hoping that someday, when you are older and wiser and buried by the avalanche of public debt that is bearing down on you, you will find it in your heart to forgive me for not being able to stop the pending disaster which will doom you to a life of servitude to the slothful and the greedy. I hope that you will forgive me for not being able to stop the bad policies of our government that will invariably force you to have to work even harder to support not only yourself but also support all those that the bureaucracy has decided that you must, in addition to yourself, while pursuing the American Dream.

I know that you will be able to succeed in bettering yourself and taking care of yourself but I am sad and disappointed in myself that I have not been able to make it easier on you to live free and experience a greater sense of liberty than the generation before you. I hope and pray that you will not hold it against us, your parents. And I want you to know that I will continue to do everything in my power so that I will, hopefully, one day be able to tear up this letter and never have you read it.

Love eternally,

Your Father

Because a couple Latinos get killed, it’s Lou Dobbs Fault

So, say the Liberal Moonbats, who want to deny that there is any illegal immigration problem.

Give me a break. Some Latino gets shot and killed and the first thing the damn liberal moonbats want to do is blame someone like Lou Dobbs.

What about Christian-Newsom Murders? Can I blame Liberal Blacks for that? It was a hate crime after all, even though the authorities covered it up and said it was not.

NYT story on the Latino murders is here.

(Via Memeornadum)

Finally – An African-American that gets it!

A very excellent article by Erik Rush on the problems on Wall Street and our Economy.

Highly Recommended! 😀

Money Quote:

Remember affirmative action? It was that lovely social program that (again, ostensibly) promoted access to education and employment to minority groups, usually ethnic minorities, women and those considered socioeconomically disadvantaged. In practice, education and job opportunities wound up being made available to many who were either indolent or unqualified, as opposed to disenfranchised, resulting in inequity, a lowering of standards and bitterness on the part of qualified, industrious Americans who were passed over for these opportunities.

Man, he is ever right. God is he ever.

Guest Voice: Why the Neo-Cons Love Hillary by Jack Hunter

The Video (via TakiMag)

Transcript: (Via Charleston City Paper)

One item that made breaking news this week shouldn’t have surprised anyone – the possible selection of Hillary Clinton by Barack Obama as Secretary of State. And it’s a possible choice that has excited more than a few Republicans.

Neoconservatives afraid that a President Obama might even partially live up his promise to remove troops from Iraq have been warming up to the new administration and hedging their bets where they can. In his ongoing role as neocon concierge, Sen. Lindsey Graham’s arranged meeting between John McCain and Obama was one step, as was Graham’s blustering praise for Obama’s selection for Chief of Staff Rahm Emanuel, a man who few conservatives have a kind word about. “This is a wise choice by President-elect Obama” glowingly said Graham of Emanuel.

And one can only assume that if Clinton were to take over for Condoleezza Rice, Graham and his boss John McCain will have the same enthusiasm and for the same reason. Republican Senator John Kyl, who teamed up with Joe Lieberman to get Congress to declare the entire Iranian army a terrorist organization as a precursor to possible war, said of Clinton as possible Sec. of State “It seems to me she’s got the experience. She’s got the temperament for it.” The Weekly Standard’s Michael Goldfarb was just as praiseful and more explicit about his excitement, “On the issues, Clinton’s a hawk. Not only did she vote to authorize the war in Iraq, she… went so far as to connect Saddam to al Qaeda… She threatened to ‘obliterate’ Iran (and) on matters of diplomacy, Clinton’s views are not so different from those held by John McCain and most Republicans. Clinton would be a fine Secretary of State… And perhaps she could even present the case for war with Iran to an insubordinate United Nations.”

Not since Operation Chaos during the primaries have we seen some Republicans so anxious to jump off the “Stop-Hillary Express” and on the Clinton bandwagon. The sort of Republican who cheers for Hillary is the same sort who embraced Lieberman. No matter how many liberal positions either held, socialized healthcare, open borders, higher taxes, anti-2nd amendment, it didn’t matter. As with Lieberman, so long as Hillary is prepared to continue sending U.S. troops around the world to continue the neoconservative mission of American global empire, Clinton would be their gal.

The Atlantic Monthly’s Andrew Sullivan noticed the neocons seeming comfort with Hillary during the presidential primaries “Among the neoconservatives there is obviously sympathy for her (Clinton) against the most decisively anti-war candidates, Obama and Edwards. Many publicly prefer her to the insurgent anti-war candidate in their own ranks, Texas congressman Ron Paul. Privately some neocons see her as an important substantive successor to Bush, perpetuating and retroactively legitimizing the Iraq occupation. She did vote for it, after all, they tell themselves. And her constant attempt to stay to the right of her opponents in the primaries has led to the bizarre spectacle of some well known Republicans showering her with thinly veiled support on Fox News.”

The rise of the neoconservatives to prominence during the Bush administration and the decades old term finally becoming part of the popular lexicon has led many plain, old fashioned conservatives to wonder, “what is it about these ‘neoconservatives’ that is actually conservative?”

Absolutely nothing. Neoconservatism’s main premise, that drastically different cultures in some of the most contentious parts of the world can magically become democratic through sheer force of American will, is arguably the most radical policy ever put forth by any government, anywhere. And conservatives now concerned about “radicals taking over the White House,” need to take a good, hard look at not only the woman Obama might be trusting with foreign affairs, but the Republicans who adore her.

A Picture of our Economy

A Picture of our Economy

A Picture of our Economy

(H/T to ParaPundit)

New York Times has the story:

But the inventory glut in Long Beach is not limited to imported cars. There has also been a sharp drop in demand for the port’s single largest export: recycled cardboard and paper products.

This material typically goes to China, where it is used to make boxes for new electronics and other products that are sent back to the United States. But Chinese factories reacting to sharply falling demand are slowing production, so they need less cardboard. Tons of paper are piling up recycling businesses around the port, the detritus of economies on hold.

Long Beach is an important port, particularly for the West. It is where imported products arrive and filter through the tributary of trucks, trains and retailers into the hands of consumers. But now, products are just sitting.

“We’re supposed to move things, not store them,” Mr. Wong said.

Roughly 20 percent of the nation’s container imports last year came through Long Beach, putting it close behind the largest container port, Los Angeles. This year, shipping volume at Long Beach is down 10 percent from 2007, and nearly all major ports around the country have seen similar declines. Veteran port workers say the slowdown since mid-October is like nothing they have ever seen. And it is having a cascading impact on other businesses and workers. – Read the rest

Go read the rest of the story. But it’s not only cars, it’s everything. I think Obama might just come; too little, too late. 🙁

Liberal Buffoon Joy Behar Disses Home Schooled Children

(H/T and Thanks to Michelle Malkin)

This Liberal piece of trash just crossed into the “You don’t got there” area with me. It seems that the liberal message is being parroted loud and clear on “The View.”

Here’s the Video, the rant towards homeschooling starts at 6:10 and comes to a head at 7:10:

You see before this Liberal idiot was a so-called “comedian”, she was, you guessed it; A Public School Teacher.

This is why I am even mentioning this; Normally, I could give two flips what these idiot women talk about every week on the view. But there’s a bit of a personal reason as to why.

I, your host, was homeschoolled for about 2 years. Before I moved out of Detroit. I was attending a Private School, run by some Baptist Christians. The teacher that was there, when I first started attending there, retired. He was replaced by an idiot who couldn’t teach his way out of a paper bag. He just was not able to handle the kids. So, I opted for the homeschooling. I was on the ACE Program.

Now, admittedly, I ended up dropping out of School when I turned 18. This was no fault of the School or the program I was on at all. It was me. I had A.D.H.D.; I still have it. That program is not for everyone, it is not geared towards those who have learning disabilities. It is geared towards kids who have zero learning disabilities.  I just could not handle the math, it was very tough, I was good till the multiplication started and after that, I was toast.

The reason why this blows up my skirt so much, is because people watch this show, every freaking day and they hear the B.S. lie of homeschooled kids are demented and they believe it, because they hear this liberal buffoon saying this crap.

Let me just say this, as someone who attended Christian Schools all his life. There are many more demented kids in Public Schools, then they are in Private or among HomeSchooled kids.

Let me give a good example, Does anyone remember this picture?:

Remember this?:

Or Maybe this:

In case you don’t know what I am referring to, this video and pictures of the Columbine High School massacre which took place on Tuesday, April 20, 1999.

The two Demented shooters:

The Shooters: Eric Harris (left) and Dylan Klebold (right)

Public school kids, demented, in fact, it is recorded the about the two:

However, on the fifth anniversary of Columbine, the FBI’s lead Columbine investigator and several psychiatrists went public with their conclusions in a news article.[27] There they argued Harris was a clinical psychopath and Klebold was depressive. They believed the plan was masterminded by Harris, who they thought had a messianic-level superiority complex and hoped to illustrate his massive superiority to the world. – Source: Wikipedia

Um, Joy Behar, what was it you were saying about demented Homeschooled kids again?

Others Blogging: Conservative Pilgrim, The Daley Gator

Zo continues the resistance to the Democrats

He’s back with a new video! and a cool looking Website too! 😀 (Language Warning!)

Zo’s New Website

Blogs 4 Borders is going on long term Hiatus!

It seems that my friends M.J. and Jake are going have to put Blogs for Borders on Long term hiatus, due to a personal financial situation. Hey, it’s tough everywhere right now, including in the world of border security. I know their pain, all too well, this is why I stick up for the middle class on this Blog.

Here’s their “final” Video:

I don’t know if they’ll be back, but until then, you can head on over to their Blog called “Freedom Folks” and check out the latest on the battle against illegal immigration.

Guest Voice: Welcome To Obamaburger. May I Take Your Money

Welcome To Obamaburger.  May I Take Your Money?
By: J.J. Jackson

Behind the counter is an Obamaburger employee busily filing her fingernails and who barely looks up as a young man approaches her, bypassing a longer line at another register which does not seem to be moving. “Welcome to Obamaburger.  May I take your money?” she asks listlessly.

The perplexed customer responds, “Don’t you mean take my order?”

Her response, without so much as a look is, “Sir, you’re holding up the line.  Don’t make me call security.”

The customer, looks behind him and notices that he is the only one in this particular line but not wanting to cause a fuss replies hastily, “Geez, ok.  Uh … let’s see.  I will have –”

“Sir, I need your Social Security Number first.”

“Excuse me?” the customer asks.

“Your Social Security Number sir.  You’re holding up the line again.”

“What line?”  Now, very confused the customer asks again, “What do you need my Social Security Number for?”

Finally looking up from her “work” the employee gets very testy at the delay and the line of questioning.  “That’s it, I’m calling security –”

“What? No …” scared at what is going on the customer finally concedes to her demands, “Alright my number is 123-45-6789.”

Sighing at the thought of having to finally do something productive, the lady behind the counter starts punching numbers into her register, “One moment while I pull up your tax return for last year.”

“My tax return?  What the hell are you doing?”

Read More …

Shocking News: Gay anarchist group attacks Church

This is sick and totally disgusting.

The Story via RightMichigan:

This is what we’re up against.

On Sunday morning, amidst worshiping congregants and following unifying prayers that our President-elect be granted wisdom as he prepares to lead our nation through difficult global, social and economic challenges, the Michigan left declared open war on peaceful church goers.

They did it with banners, chants, blasphemy, by storming the pulpit, by vandalizing the church facility, by potentially defiling the building with lewd, public, sex acts and by intentionally forcing physical confrontations with worshipers.

This didn’t take place in some dystopian, post modern work of fiction and it didn’t take place in San Francisco or Berkley.  This was the scene at a Bible believing church in Lansing, Michigan.


The lefties were a part of a liberal organization known as Bash Back Lansing and their collection of radical blogs, including one of the state’s most widely read "mainstream" progressive blogs (and none which will receive a link on this website) called on "queers and trannies" from across the state and the region to converge on Lansing for what they refer to as an "action."  While many of the members claim to be anarchists (they drove on roads, ate non-garden grown foods, printed materials on products created by government protected free markets, wore clothing, talk incessantly about "organization," etc etc etc) their broader goal is stated plainly on one of their lefty blogs.

"I can tell you that we are targeting a well-known anti-queer, anti-choice radical right wing establishment."

Mount Hope, for the record, is an evangelical, bible believing church whose members provide free 24 hour counseling, prayer lines, catastrophic care for families dealing with medical emergencies, support groups for men, women and children dealing with a wide variety of life’s troubles, crisis intervention, marriage ministries, regular, organized volunteer work in and around the city, missions in dozens of countries across the globe, a construction ministry that has built over 100 churches, schools, orphanages and other projects all over the world and an in-depth prison ministry that reaches out, touches and helps the men and women the rest of society fears the most.  They also teach respect for all human life and the Biblical sanctity of marriage as an institution between one man and one woman.

…….and you wonder why I despise liberals so much?

This is obviously a sign that we as Conservative Christians are now at war. War against a Liberal machine that wants to destroy America and values that we a American and Christians hold dear.

But wait there’s more:

Their other props?  I’ll let them tell you in their own words… from another of their liberal blogs:

"(A) video camera, a megaphone, noise makers, condoms, glitter by the bucket load, confetti, pink fabric…yeh."

The video camera they put to good use as they attempted to provoke a violent reaction.  The image of the pink-clad folks above is one of theirs, stating in a picture worth more than a thousand words the goals of the Michigan left.

The "open minded" and "tolerant" liberals ran down the aisles and across the pews, hoping against hope to catch a "right winger" on tape daring to push back (none did).  And just in case their camera missed the target, they had a reporter in tow.  According to a source inside the church yesterday there was a "journalist" from the Lansing City Pulse along for the ride, tipped off about the action and more interested in getting a story than in preventing the vandalism, the violence and anti-Christian hatred being spewed by the lefties.  We’ll see what he files and what his editors see fit to print.

Do you now see what I mean, when I call the Liberal main stream media as the Marxist Liberal Media? They sat back and watched this Church getting attacked, hoping that the Church would lash out in self defense, they would get it on tape; then they could use against them in the media. A perfect plan.

My dear readers, it is time to stop being pacifists and start defending our own. There is a book, that I highly recommend that ALL Christians read, and that is this:

Others: American Power, Gateway Pundit, Classical Values, Moonbattery, Clayton Cramer’s BLOG, Wake up America, and THE ASTUTE BLOGGERS

Important Announcement From the Blogs 4 Borders Crew!

Jake Delivers a sobering announcement about the Blogs 4 Borders BlogBurst. 🙁

….and here I am unemployed and cannot help. 😥

If you want to help Jake get his show on the road, click here to send him a message. Or go to his YouTube site and leave him a message there.

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New Black Panther Party intimidating voters in Pennsylvania

(First seen at HotAir, and then via Twitter)

First Video: (Via NetRightNation)

Amateur Video:

Story on Fox News:

Via Fox News:

Intimidation tactics, missing ballots and faulty machinery are plaguing voters descending on polling stations to choose between Barack Obama and John McCain.

In Philadelphia, FOX News’ Rick Leventhal received a report from Republican poll watcher Chris Hill that two Black Panthers had stationed themselves at the door to a polling station and were intimidating voters. One held a night stick, Hill said.

Hill told FOX News that he went to talk to the men and they told him white power didn’t rule there.

The man reportedly carrying a night stick was escorted away from the polling station by police, and FOX News found another Black Panther outside the station who said he was a certified observer. Police asked him and the FOX News crew to leave the polling station.

I feared stuff like this happening during this election. The last thing we need right now is reactionaries doing crazy stuff like this. I fear what might happen, if Obama should lose.

Something tells me that this is going to be a very long day and quite the long night.

Local News: Detroit’s New Mayor in hot water

We thought that all the corruption was over in Detroit, after the City’s “hip hop” Mayor Kwame Kilpatrick was out of office.

It turns out, however that I, we; the city, was very wrong.

It seems the newest Mayor of the city of Detroit has been caught with his hands in the cookie jar.

This story from my Favorite Detroit paper, The Detroit Free Press: (I always hated the Detroit News)

The state Attorney General’s Office is exploring whether Detroit Mayor Ken Cockrel Jr. should be investigated for perjury because he signed a sworn statement that he had no unpaid campaign fees when he owed $42,000.

A source in Attorney General Mike Cox’s office, speaking on condition of anonymity, said today that attorneys in the office began looking at  the situation after it became public about two weeks ago. The source said no decision has been made about whether to charge Cockrel, and the legal review continues.

“If we decide to do something, it will be with the utmost reluctance because Detroit’s already been through the wringer,” said the source, referring to the scandals and criminal charges that forced former Mayor Kwame Kilpatrick from office in September, elevating Cockrel to mayor.

“But he’s going to do his job,” the source said, referring to Cox.

On Wednesday, Detroit political consultant and Kilpatrick ally Adolph Mongo filed a request with Cox’s office requesting he charge Cockrel with perjury after Wayne County Prosecutor Kym Worthy declined to take the case, citing a lack of resources to handle elections complaints.

The attorney general’s legal review has concluded that while Worthy has the authority, she has essentially referred the case to Cox.

Cockrel’s troubles began after he failed to resolve $42,000 in unpaid campaign fees that Wayne County Clerk Cathy Garrett assessed against his campaign fund in late 2006.

When Cockrel filed to run for mayor Oct. 14, he signed a sworn statement that the fees were paid, saying he thought his filing of remaining campaign paperwork would earn him a waiver. But Garrett denied the waiver.

Mayoral spokesman Daniel Cherrin said Cockrel respects the need of the Attorney General’s Office to do its job. He said Cockrel “believes he was in compliance when he signed the affidavit.”

He noted that once Cockrel was denied a waiver from the fees last week, he paid them.

Meanwhile, Cockrel’s situation took a bizarre turn today when one of his little-known opponents in the mayoral election attempted to obtain a citizen’s warrant for a perjury charge from 36th District Court in Detroit only to withdraw his effort because he didn’t have the $2 million that a judge said he needed to fund the prosecution.

Duane Montgomery filed a citizen’s warrant with Judge Robert Giles, but it died because Montgomery didn’t have the money to pay for the prosecution as required by the law that allows such warrants, said Chief District Judge Marylin Atkins.

Honestly, What is it about African-American Democrats and Corruption?  Seems to the two go hand in hand anymore. I truly hope that Attorney Mike Cox does his job and does not give this guy a free pass, just because the “One” is running for office. Of course, He won’t do a thing till after the election. Judging by the comments left at the Free Press, people are not too happy about this either. Can you blame them? 😮

I have to believe though that Kilpatrick is laughing rather hard in jail right now. He was sentenced here recently. A mere 120 days in jail, a slap on the hand for his crimes against a once-fine city. He also had to pay rather lean amount of restitution to the city, and lost his law license, but knowing him, mamma warbucks will have his back.

These are Obama’s people, remember that. yeah, I know… RAAAAACIST! Rolling Eyes

I just wonder when that Communist Liberal Keith Olbermann will do a Special Comment on this little gem of News? I also wonder if the Marxist owned and operated Main Stream Media will report this news story? I won’t hold my breath, lest I turn blue and die. 😛

From the Mailbag

This from the AHSA:

USAToday reported that Dan Cooper, founder and owner of Cooper Firearms, lost his job.  The reason: He’s voting for Obama:

Montana gunsmith Dan Cooper has been ousted as chief executive of the rifle company that bears his name after pressure from gun owners who are angry that he is supporting Democrat Barack Obama.

Today, on behalf of the American Hunters and Shooters Association (AHSA), I condemned the actions by the NRA and its cronies forcing Dan Cooper out.

The gun lobby’s attempt to destroy a good man and small business owner, a loyal member of the gun fraternity, again reveals the desperate Joe McCarthy-like politics of fear that the NRA leadership and others put first.  They are trying to scare America’s hunters and shooters into voting against Barack Obama — but we have one thing to say: vote hope and not fear.

I have been campaigning in battleground states, including Ohio, Minnesota, Florida and Colorado for Barack Obama this fall.  I know first-hand that gun owners are voting for Obama. They know their gun rights are secure.  And they want a president who won’t take their guns AND will focus on the economy and their jobs.  It’s beyond appalling that hard-core gun activists would destroy the economic livelihood of a guy like Dan Cooper.  John McCain should be ashamed that his supporters have harmed a small business owner for political reasons.  That should never happen in the America.

Last year we witnessed what happened to prominent outdoor writer and commentator Jim Zumbo when he dared take a position contrary to NRA policy.  Now they are trying to do the same to Dan Cooper.

This is wrong, and rank and file gun owners who have no political ax to grind need to stand up, reject such underhanded tactics and have their voices heard. That’s why AHSA was formed, to end this partisan bullying and to restore pride to the shooting sports.   This action against Cooper reinforces my commitment to making change happen by electing Obama – and by building an organization for hunters and shooters who are tired of extremism.

I believe that while it is a legit point to not like Obama’s socialism. Firing someone from their own company for supporting a politician, is crazy.  Especially when they founded the company.

This election cannot end quick enough, for me anyhow.

Blogs for Borders for 10/27/08

From my friends over at

The weekly vlog/podcast on illegal immigration and border security. In this weeks edition…

The shadow campaign? Did you know there is another whole election campaign going on right under your nose? In another language?

Is America Balkanizing? We take a look.

100% Preventable! Americans continue to pay the bloody price for open borders. In this edition elderly Americans are preyed on by an illegal alien while a previously deported drug dealer shoots two NYC cops! When will the madness end?

Download for your Ipod here.

Click on image

If you’d like to sponsor a show contact us here.

This has been the Blogs For Borders Video Blogburst. The Blogs For Borders Blogroll is dedicated to American sovereignty, border security and a sane immigration policy. If you’d like to join find out how right here.

Audio of Barack Obama explaining the Communist doctrine of redistribution of wealth

(A Very Big Hat Tip to Mark Steyn at NRO’s The Corner and Betsy’s Page)

First the bombshell Video, which comes via Naked Emperor News which has a YouTube Account:

The money quote in this video is:

The Supreme Court never ventured into the issues of redistribution of wealth, and of more basic issues such as political and economic justice in society. To that extent, as radical as I think people try to characterize the Warren Court, it wasn’t that radical. It didn’t break free from the essential constraints that were placed by the founding fathers in the Constitution, at least as its been interpreted and Warren Court interpreted in the same way, that generally the Constitution is a charter of negative liberties. Says what the states can’t do to you. Says what the Federal government can’t do to you, but doesn’t say what the Federal government or State government must do on your behalf.

Bill Whittle lays the smack down on this whole idea:

The entire purpose of the Constitution was to limit government. That limitation of powers is what has unlocked in America the vast human potential available in any population.

Barack Obama sees that limiting of government not as a lynchpin but rather as a fatal flaw: “…One of the, I think, the tragedies of the Civil Rights movement was because the Civil Rights movement became so court-focused, uh, I think that there was a tendency to lose track of the political and community organizing and activities on the ground that are able to put together the actual coalitions of power through which you bring about redistributive change. And in some ways we still suffer from that.”

There is no room for wiggle or misunderstanding here. This is not edited copy. There is nothing out of context; for the entire thing is context — the context of what Barack Obama believes. You and I do not have to guess at what he believes or try to interpret what he believes. He says what he believes.

We have, in our storied history, elected Democrats and Republicans, liberals and conservatives and moderates. We have fought, and will continue to fight, pitched battles about how best to govern this nation. But we have never, ever in our 232-year history, elected a president who so completely and openly opposed the idea of limited government, the absolute cornerstone of makes the United States of America unique and exceptional.

If this does not frighten you — regardless of your political affiliation — then you deserve what this man will deliver with both houses of Congress, a filibuster-proof Senate, and, to quote Senator Obama again, “a righteous wind at our backs.”


I happen to know the person who found this audio. It is an individual person, with no more resources than a desire to know everything that he or she can about who might be the next president of the United States and the most powerful man in the world.

I know that this person does not have teams of highly paid professionals, does not work out of a corner office in a skyscraper in New York, does not have access to all of the subtle and hidden conduits of information … who possesses no network television stations, owns no satellite time, does not receive billions in advertising dollars, and has a staff of exactly one.

I do not blame Barack Obama for believing in wealth distribution. That’s his right as an American. I do blame him for lying about what he believes. But his entire life has been applying for the next job at the expense of the current one. He’s at the end of the line now.

I do, however, blame the press for allowing an individual citizen to do the work that they employ standing armies of so-called professionals for. I know they are capable of this kind of investigative journalism: It only took them a day or two to damage Sarah Palin with wild accusations about her baby’s paternity and less time than that to destroy a man who happened to be playing ball when the Messiah decided to roll up looking for a few more votes on the way to the inevitable coronation.

We no longer have an independent, fair, investigative press. That is abundantly clear to everyone — even the press. It is just another of the facts that they refuse to report, because it does not suit them.

Nothing could be more true.

My take on this so-called “Doctrine”. It is nothing short of diluted Communism. The whole idea of spread the wealth, in itself, is a core of socialism and is a form of Communism. The very idea the Government MUST do something for you, is in direct opposition of the principles that America was founded upon.

The very idea that our Government MUST do anything for anyone, is a doctrine of bigger Government, which is a socialist Doctrine and a core doctrine of Liberalism and a core doctrine of Communism.

Quite frankly, I fear for our Nation. I fear because our Nation is about to elect one of the most radical Presidents in the history of our Nation. It has absolutely nothing to do with skin color. It has to do with Politics and politics alone. This man’s political positions are left of Bill and Hillary Clinton. He is not just a Liberal, he is a ultra-Liberal or a Neo-Liberal, and that frightens me. Why? Because I have always said, any political power that goes unchecked or taken to it’s mind-numbing extremes is very dangerous. Barack Obama is a representative of that extreme.

Remember this, when you vote on November 4.

Others Blogging on this: Betsy’s Page, Fox News,, The Corner,, Pajamas Media, FOX Forum, BizzyBlog, FOX Forum, The Volokh Conspiracy, BizzyBlog, Runnin’ Scared, PrairiePundit, Fausta’s Blog, TigerHawk, American Power, The Campaign Spot, Atlas Shrugs, Doug Ross, The Radio Equalizer, Michelle Malkin, Commentary, Blogs of War, Right Wing Nut House, Wizbang, Riehl World View, Scared Monkeys, neo-neocon, This ain’t Hell …, Betsy’s Page, Suitably Flip, HillBuzz, Gateway Pundit