You know, I support the Military, but this is just wrong

Here is hoping that this guy gets the help that he really needs:

TACOMA, Wash. – Army Sergeant Joshua Tabor was sentenced to 60 days in jail this morning after investigators say he “water boarded” his three-year-old daughter.

Police said 27-year-old Tabor punished his daughter last January in their Yelm home because she did not know her ABC’s and was having trouble learning to use the bathroom. Authorities said he pulled his daughter’s head backward into the kitchen sink.

Yelm Police Chief Todd Stancil said Tabor knew she was afraid of water and thought it was an appropriate punishment.

At first Tabor entered a not guilty plea to the charge but then entered no contest please in August.

Tabor will not be allowed to see his daughter for the next five years.

Tabor’s attorney said his client suffers from post traumatic stress disorder after serving tours as a helicopter mechanic in Iraq and Afghanistan.

Another JBLM soldier, Ruben Colon, is awaiting trial for allegedly waterboarding his foster son as punishment last year.

via JBLM soldier sentenced for waterboarding daughter | Washington – Oregon – Idaho.

I will accept the argument that he is a sick soldier  and need some medical treatment; I get that. But something is wrong with someone who does this sort of stuff….to a damned kid. 😡

Sorry, but this one brings my Fatherly instinct out. 😡

Cross-posted @ Alexandria

Ron Paul Condemns the killing of Al-Awlaki

There do seem to be two sides to this argument. Check out the exchange over at The National Review Online’s blog, the corner, between Andy McCarthy and Kevin Williamson Also, for good measure check out AllahPundit over Hotair’s feelings about it too. Just a short fun fact, AllahPundit was within 5 miles of the trade center when it was hit on 9/11.

Personally, I feel that the dude should have been killed; he was actively recruiting people for Jihad or in American terms, for war with the United States and would be considered a traitor to the United States. Due process? Feh. The people who died on 9/11 were not given any due process or even a choice whether to live or die. So, that whole bat shit crazy argument does not even fly with me.

Further more, this is why I despise Ron Paul with every damned fiber of my being; the man is a terrorist supporting jackal. Anyone who would side with those, or even have pity of those who would want to hurt this Country, ought be frog marched out into the public square and shot. I am sorry if that offends anyone; but it is just how I feel. Ron Paul and his merry band of leftists are a disgrace to this Country and everything it stands for. They call themselves Republicans and Conservatives — I call them bastards, evil, rotten to the damned core bastards, who should be locked in an insane asylum.

Update: Looks like Gary Johnson feels the same way, which is another reason why neither of these two idiots will ever be President:

Cross-posted at Alexandria

Arizona Christian Blogger ordered to surrender his guns, Just for Blogging

This is unreal.

An Arizona man has filed a federal lawsuit against some of the state’s top judges, claiming they’re taking away his freedom of speech and right to own firearms, all because someone didn’t like what he wrote on his blog.

“You can’t suspend someone’s constitutional rights [for blogging],” said Mike Palmer, who is bringing forth the legal action. “Everybody in America blogs or Twitters, so it’s a First and Second Amendment issue.”

The scenario started when Palmer, a 55-year-old Christian missionary from Phoenix, was online discussing “spiritual death” often referred to in the Bible.

Questions about guns? The ultimate searchable research guide to firearms and ammo is now on DVD …

But, according to the suit, a woman from Prescott, Ariz., Melody Thomas-Morgan, complained to authorities that Palmer was threatening her with “death,” keeping that word in quotes in her legal filings.

Palmer explains, “It is true that the blog, ‘That Woman Jezebel,’ talks about spiritual life and spiritual death. … Spiritual ‘death’ as in ‘The wages of sin is death.’ (Romans 6:23) … It is not true that the blog ever mentions the ‘death’ of Miss Thomas-Morgan.”

Kenton Jones, superior court judge for Yavapai County, went along with the woman’s harassment complaint and ordered Palmer to surrender his guns.

“The order says that I am not allowed to possess firearms or ammunition, and directs me to turn over any weapons to the Yavapai County Sheriff’s Office,” Palmer told WND.

Palmer indicated he does not own any weapons at this time, but when pressed on whether he had any guns previous to the order, he said, “No comment.”

“I certainly want my gun rights,” he added. “There is no law in Arizona which allows the courts to suspend any constitutional right, but in this instance, my Second Amendment right. And, of course, my life’s in danger now. I can’t defend myself, I can’t defend you. I can’t defend my fellow man.”

via WorldNetDaily: Man ordered to surrender guns – just for blogging!

This is what happens when you elect socialists.

UPDATED: Good: Anwar al-Awlaki is dead

Another one bites the dust:

Anwar al-Awlaki, a U.S.-born radical Islamic preacher who rose to the highest level of al Qaeda’s franchise in Yemen, has been killed.

Al-Awlaki, born in New Mexico, has been linked to al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula’s (AQAP) attempted bombing of a U.S. passenger jet over Detroit on Christmas day, 2009, and was thought to be a leader of the group.

A U.S. government official confirms to CBS News senior security correspondent David Martin that al-Awlaki was killed. Yemen’s Defense Ministry was first to tell CBS News of the strike, but given previous reports which turned out to be erroneous, the relatively rapid U.S. confirmation is crucial, and bolsters witness accounts that it was a U.S. drone strike that killed the al Qaeda figure.

The Associated Press reported that an unidentified source said the U.S. believes al-Awlaki was killed in a strike by U.S. jets and drones on his convoy.

U.S. officials considered al-Awlaki a most-wanted terror suspect, and added his name last year to the kill or capture list – making him a rare American addition to what is effectively a U.S. government hit-list.

Al-Awlaki’s father, who still lives in the U.S., filed a lawsuit against the federal government, claiming his son’s civil rights were violated by the U.S. call for his killing.

A federal court dismissed Nasser al-Awlaki’s suit on Dec. 7, 2010, on the grounds that he had no legal standing to challenge the targeting of his son.

A statement from Yemen’s foreign press office said the al Qaeda suspect “was targeted and killed 8 KM (about 5 miles) from the town of Khashef in the Province of Jawf, 140KM (about 80 miles) east of the Capital Sana’a.”

Al-Arabiya television network cited local tribal sources as saying suspected U.S. drone aircraft – which are known to operate in Yemen – fired two missiles Friday at a convoy of vehicles believed to be carrying al-Awlaki and his guards.

via Al Qaeda’s Anwar al-Awlaki killed in Yemen – CBS News.

Another towel-head puke goes to his 72 virgins. Good place for him; one down, many more to go.

Update: The usual suspect dip shits are now objecting.

Update #2: Ed Morrissey is reporting that American Samir Khan has also been killed

Blogger “theblogprof” quits blogging

Always sad to see another blogger quit. I have to admit, I have thought about it.

He writes: (H/T Insty)

I love my career and what I do, my time with students, and the mental challenges I face every day in my field of study. I truly love my job in the same way that a teenager loves video games. It is literally fun for me, and I leave work every evening with more energy than when I entered earlier in the day. It appears to be a rare thing.

This blog started in resistance to the bailouts, overspending, the subversion of the US Constitution by the ruling class, and then the march of radical liberalism after the election of Obama. To that end, many of us bloggers expanded our spheres of influence through writing and made a small difference. And the tea party formed. And liberalism is being beat back. That will not end.

However, this blog must. I like blogging, but I love my day job.

I want to thank everyone from the bottom of my heart for reading, commenting and encouraging me to continue. Thank you all for your messages of support of my efforts, which will now be at the grass roots level only. I want to make it clear that in no way am I burned out (almost 3 years now I have kept a consistent pace). In fact, I am more energized than ever. I also do not blame my employer. Nor should anyone connect this action with them.

via theblogprof: The End.

I wish him the best.

Video: A perfect reason why I stopped voting for Democrats


Ed Morrissey says:

If African-Americans don’t do well among Republicans, it’s evidence of racism, and now if they do get support among Republicans, that’s also racism. It’s an unanswerable assertion that not only is completely circular in its logic, it’s also lunacy. Basically, Garofalo is kind of like a cult member who insists that every data point supports her religious belief, regardless of whether it contradicts with other data points that are also used in defense of groupthink. That means she’s making the argument in the right venue, anyway.

Which explains why I stopped voting for the Democratic Party, I just do not do “group think,” at all. Further more, the Democratic Party was the party of segregation and of the Klan. So, this is a piss poor attempt to deflect the attention away from them. It’s sheer craziness and I am convinced that this chick is crazy, along with her host; which is why he is no longer on MSNBC.

Religion of Peace strikes again: Muslim man plots to blow up buildings

I agree with Debbie here, the so-called religion of peace, strikes again!

The FBI arrested and charged a man Wednesday for allegedly plotting to blow up the Capitol and the Pentagon.

The 26-year-old Massachusetts man, Rezwan Ferdaus, was arrested as part of an FBI sting operation in which he was made to believe he was working with members of al Qaeda, who were actually undercover agents.

Ferdaus allegedly gave the undercover FBI agents a detailed set of attack plans “with step-by-step instructions as to how he planned to attack the Pentagon and Capitol,” according to the Department of Justice.

The plans focused on the use of three small remote-controlled drone-like aircraft loaded with C-4 plastic explosives, which he planned to fly into the Capitol and the Pentagon using GPS equipment, according to the DOJ.

The DOJ stressed that the public was never in danger from the explosive devices, which it said were controlled at all times by undercover FBI officials who closely monitored Ferdaus as he allegedly developed his plot.

According to the DOJ, Ferdaus aimed to create a devastating psychological impact with the attacks, saying at one point, “I just can’t stop; there is no other choice for me.”

via Man arrested in ‘step-by-step’ plot to blow up Capitol, Pentagon – The Hill’s Blog Briefing Room.

The money quote:

According to the DOJ, Ferdaus aimed to create a devastating psychological impact with the attacks, saying at one point, “I just can’t stop; there is no other choice for me.”

Religion of peace? I think not.

I am most likely one of the few people who felt that President Bush did not do enough on 9/11. What President should have done was the following:

  • Temporarily declared Marshall Law in America and suspended the Constitution, Congress and the Supreme Court
  • Declared that Islam was not a Religion, but a political philosophy; and ordered all Muslims, practicing or not, out of the Country.
  • Ordered all those of Arab decent to interment camps, and if those people refused to go to a camp, they would be deported to their Country of origin.
  • Declared war on ALL Nations who harbored or gave safe haven to Al-Qaeda
  • Ordered all Mosques closed
  • Issued an executive order banning ALL forms of Islam in America
  • Issued an executive order, modifying the first amendment to exclude the practice of Islam, as it is a danger to the safety of America.
  • Ordered ALL Islamic websites or websites in Arabic within the United States offline.

There are a bunch more; these are the main ones; instead, Bush did a piece meal war and tried to take a politically correct stance on Islam and Muslims. For this we are still paying for it. Not to mention, the whole Iraq debacle. So, when I hear liberals carping about how horrible Bush’s war was and how horrible Bush handle 9/11. I always smirk and think, what if I were running the Country?

So, there you have it. The Religion of Peace!

Christian persecution in Iran

This is just awful:

Evangelical Pastor Faces Imminent Execution in Iran

By Joseph Perkins | Christian Post Contributor

Pastor Yousef Nadarkhani needs Christians around the world to stand in the gap for him as he faces execution Thursday at the hands of the Iranian government. That was the urgent email message disseminated Wednesday by International Christian Concern, a Washington, D.C., organization that assists the worldwide persecuted Christian church.

Nadarkhani, leader of a 400-strong house church movement in Rasht, Iran, was arrested in October 2009 for opposing the Islamic republic’s requirement that non-Muslim students read the Quran in school. The Christian pastor had argued that the Iranian constitution permitted children to be raised in their parents’ faith.

In September 2010, an Iranian regional court sentenced Nadarkhani to death by hanging for “convert(ing) to Christianity” and “encourag(ing) other Muslims to convert to Christianity.”

The Iranian Supreme Court upheld the 34-year-old Christian pastor’s death sentence this past July, while ordering a reexamination of the case. That reexamination began this past Sunday and continued the following three days.

On Wednesday, Nadarkhani refused for the fourth time in open court to renounce his Christian faith. That’s one opportunity more than required under Iranian law to execute the pastor for apostasy.

via Evangelical Pastor Faces Imminent Execution in Iran, Christian News.

At the risk of sounding like a neoconservative; this is just wrong. This sort of religious oppression should not be permitted to continue. On the other hand, it is an Islamic State and he was practicing Christianity there.  Still, the death penalty seems a bit harsh. Just the same, invading that Country would not be an easy task, as we found out in Iraq,  John Bolton and his crowd would love to see America invade that Country. However, clear minded folk, like myself, consider the risk, and loss of life; and quite frankly, it would not be worth it really. As it could destabilize that region further.

The Bottom Line: While the Christian in me think that this man being killed is awful. The Conservative libertarian in me, who believes in personal responsibility, says that this man knew the risks of going into an Islamic Country and starting a Church. For this, he was caught and imprisoned.  In short, he broke the law in Iran and was caught, and now must pay for his crimes. The point is this; you do not want to be executed for crimes of this nature in Iran, then stay out of the Country.


Fascism in Australia: Writer Andrew Bolt sued in court for column

(H/T Ace)

Could this be coming to America? The real kicker, the people this man wrote about….were white.

Via the Australian News and Herald:

THE assumed right of unfettered freedom of speech was trumped by laws protecting against racial vilification this morning after the Federal Court delivered its decision on the controversial “white Aborigines” case of Pat Eatock v Herald Sun columnist Andrew Bolt.

Justice Mordy Bromberg found Bolt and the Herald and Weekly Times contravened the Racial Discrimination Act by publishing two articles on racial identity which contained “errors in fact, distortions of the truth and inflammatory and provocative language”.

Speaking outside court, Bolt said it was “a terrible day for free speech in this country”.

“It is particularly a restriction on the freedom of all Australians to discusss multiculturalism and how people identify themselves,” Bolt said.

“I argued then and I argue now that we should not insist on the differences between us but focus instead on what unites us as human beings,” Bolt said.

The columnist said he would read and consider the full judgment before commenting further.

Justice Bromberg said it was important to note his judgment did not forbid debate or articles on racial identity issues if done “reasonably and in good faith in the making or publishing of a fair comment”.

“Nothing in the orders I make should suggest that it is unlawful for a publication to deal with racial identification, including by challenging the genuineness of the identification of a group of people,” Justice Bromberg said.

Ms Eatock and a group of eight other Aboriginals took Bolt and the Herald and Weekly Times to court claiming racial vilifiication over two articles in which he criticised fair-skinned Aborigines for what he argued was a choice they made, as people of mixed racial background, to emphasise their indigenous heritage over their white heritage.

Ms Eatock welcomed the judgment, saying it was a statement against discrimination.

She said the court’s decision meant racial identity could be debated, but with respect.

Respect my ass; this is nothing more than Nazi fascism or, if you wish, communist oppression of Freedom of Speech.  My question is this; is this coming to America? Is this what the World is coming to? That someone cannot express an opinion, without fear of being dragged into a court of law to explain what was said? That is fascism and it is something that I, personally, know too well about as I happen to know that so-called Conservatives like to play that same game, when it comes to their protected minorities. To accused of hatred of a group of people, because you happen to disagree with a foreign policy stance is nothing more than fascism in its purist form.

Either way, this is very wrong and if we had a goddamned President that was worth two flips; he would be at the podium and condemning such as action at the top of his lungs! However, we have this idiot broke back piece of dung, who will not say anything, that does not promote his own self image to his own damned party. This my friends is the disgrace of America.

Video: Black and Latino Flash Mob attacks white man in his own house

This is why I believe very strongly in the second amendment.

The Video: reports:

ABOUT 11 P.M. on Sept. 9, dozens of youths with bats and pipes descended on a tidy residential area of Port Richmond looking for white teens who allegedly had attacked an African-American kid at Stokely Playground a couple of hours earlier.

Two fearful white teens spotted Mark LaVelle on Indiana Avenue near Belgrade Street and asked for help. Suddenly, the mob appeared. LaVelle, who said that he didn’t know the two kids, who looked to be 13 or 14, ran with them into his nearby house.

” ‘We got you, you white mother——-!’ “ LaVelle said he heard someone yell in the “mob” of black and Hispanic youths.

Inside his house, LaVelle, 37, called to his wife, Kim, 30, to go to their bedroom with their twin 13-month-old boys, Mark and Mason, and to call police. He also ordered his two other sons, 11 and 17, and his nephew, 7, to stay upstairs.

With the two teens hiding in the house, LaVelle, 5 feet 10, 220 pounds, a well-known sports-league organizer and coach in the community, went outside to try to calm the angry mob.

They were standing on his steps. One shouted, ” ‘Something’s going to happen now!’ ” LaVelle recalled in an interview Friday at his house. LaVelle got nervous and went back inside, locking his door with a deadbolt.

But the attackers pounded on his front windows and kicked his wooden door so hard, it flew open and some of them entered his house.

“The first guy hits me with a pipe. The second guy knocks me in the face. All I’m hearing is my wife and kids screaming,” said LaVelle, who feared that the next time they saw him, he would be in a casket.

He said that he was able to push the attackers out the door, but then a third man – who had a gun – tried to extend his arm. LaVelle grabbed onto the gunman’s lower arm and shoulder so he couldn’t raise the weapon. Then, police sirens screamed in the neighborhood, and the mob turned and ran…

…LaVelle said that the next day the mother of the juvenile came back with some other people, banging on his door, screaming. LaVelle, who was at a charity sports event, was called back to the house by one of his sons.

When he got home, LaVelle said, the mother yelled at him, ” ‘You white mother——, you got my kid locked up! You got my son locked up because he’s black, you’re white!’ “ The mother claimed that her son had been “a witness,” not an attacker. To that, LaVelle said if that were true, it would come out in court.

But the mother, according to LaVelle, then yelled: ” ‘If you make it to court! I know where you live!’ “

All the more reason to buy a gun and get licensed to own it and buy lots and lots of ammo! (and not just click links! You know who you are! BUY THE STUFF!)  Just think how differently this would have turned out, had this guy been armed.

(Via Ironic Surrealism – H/T to Gateway Pundit)

WHAT?!?!: NC Governor: “Hey let’s suspend the elections for a while!”

Oh Sweet Jesus on a t-model Ford already! I thought Rep. Sheila Jackson was a little off in the head!

Turns out North Carolina’s Government makes her look rather smart!

Via the Daily Caller:

As a way to solve the national debt crisis, North Carolina Democratic Gov. Beverly Perdue recommends suspending Congressional elections for the next couple of years.

“I think we ought to suspend, perhaps, elections for Congress for two years and just tell them we won’t hold it against them, whatever decisions they make, to just let them help this country recover,” Perdue said at a rotary club event in Cary, North Carolina, according to the Raleigh News and Observer. “I really hope that someone can agree with me on that.”

Perdue said she thinks that temporarily halting elections would allow members of Congress to focus on the economy. “You have to have more ability from Congress, I think, to work together and to get over the partisan bickering and focus on fixing things,” Perdue said.

Of course, the Republicans of NC were not to0 keen on the idea…:

North Carolina Republicans immediately scoffed at Perdue’s proposal, pointing out to her that elections hold politicians accountable for their actions. “Now is a time when politicians need to be held accountable more than ever,” North Carolina GOP spokesman Rob Lockwood said in an email to The Daily Caller. “To suspend an election would be removing the surest mechanism that citizens have to hold politicians accountable: The right to vote.”

But that is what the hardcore Communists Progressives want; to get rid of the Election process, so that they can keep a Communist Progressive in the White House. This way they can fulfill their Communist dream of total Governmental Control and of the elimation of Conservative thought and action. It is their real goal. In fact, I have gotten e-mails that say that very thing. So, it is not just paranoid talk from a Right-Wing Blogger, in this case, it is the truth.


Ford caves to White House demand to pull ad ripping on tarp bailouts

This is unreal:

For the only Detroit automaker that “didn’t take the money” of the federal auto bailouts, Ford Motor Co. keeps paying a price for its comparative success and self-reliant turnaround.

There’s no help from American taxpayers to help lighten its debt load, giving crosstown rivals comparatively better credit ratings and a financial edge Ford is working diligently to erase all on its own.

There’s no clause barring a strike by hourly workers amid this fall’s national contract talks with the United Auto Workers — a by-product of the taxpayer-financed bailout that General Motors Co. and Chrysler Group LLC retain until 2015.

And there’s no assurance the Dearborn automaker can use the commercially advantageous fact that it didn’t “take the money” proffered by the Obama Treasury Department and use it in TV ads angling to sell cars and trucks. Not if the campaign takes a whack at its Detroit rivals and suggests that Ford no longer supports the Obama administration bailouts it backed in public statements and sworn congressional testimony.

As part of a campaign featuring “real people” explaining their decision to buy the Blue Oval, a guy named “Chris” says he “wasn’t going to buy another car that was bailed out by our government,” according the text of the ad, launched in early September.

“I was going to buy from a manufacturer that’s standing on their own: win, lose, or draw. That’s what America is about is taking the chance to succeed and understanding when you fail that you gotta’ pick yourself up and go back to work.”

That’s what some of America is about, evidently. Because Ford pulled the ad after individuals inside the White House questioned whether the copy was publicly denigrating the controversial bailout policy CEO Alan Mulally repeatedly supported in the dark days of late 2008, in early ’09 and again when the ad flap arose. And more.

via Columnists | Ford pulls its ad on bailouts | The Detroit News.

I would and could carp on about this one; but I will simply say this — this here, my friends, is why you do not elect totalitarian Presidential Administrations who are not too fond of criticism.    I know Bush did it too; to a point, but not nearly as bad as this bunch in the White House. This President is much worse. Further more, Bush’s issue was with the liberal media and never, ever with private business.

I also have to wonder; how much of this was the Union’s doing? I wonder if Ford received a threatening phone call from the President of the AFL-CIO and was told, “You either pull that ad or you are going have a huge labor walkout on your hands!” I cannot prove that in a court of law. But I would be willing to bet money that is what happened.

Again, as I am prone to saying here, quite a bit. Remember this dumb nonsense come 2012; because no President or White House should ever, and I do mean EVER be able to pressure any business to pull advertising. We are a free Republic; and not some damned Communist dictatorship; this has to stop and I hope like the dickens that Republicans pick the right guy to beat Obama in 2012.  Because crap like this, has go to go and I mean go quickly.

Others: Hit & Run, Mediaite, Big Government, Ben Smith’s Blog, National Review, Patterico’s Pontifications, Wake up America,, Hot Air, theblogprof, Weasel Zippers, Weekly Standard, JammieWearingFool and Cold Fury (via Memeorandum)

Rep. Sheila Jackson Lee tells right wing bloggers to shut up

The video is over at FOX NATION

Nice, gotta love that new tone.

Iran threatens US with warships

Looks like ol’ dinner jacket is looking for trouble….again

Via Reuters:

Iran raised the prospect on Tuesday of sending military ships close to the United States’ Atlantic coast, in what would be a major escalation of tensions between the long-standing adversaries.

“Like the arrogant powers that are present near our marine borders, we will also have a powerful presence close to American marine borders,” the head of the Navy, Rear Admiral Habibollah Sayyari said, according to the official IRNA news agency.

Speaking at a ceremony marking the 31st anniversary of the start of the 1980-1988 war with Iraq, Sayyari gave no details of when such a deployment could happen or the number or type of vessels to be used.

The declaration comes just weeks after Turkey said it would host a NATO early warning radar system which will help spot missile threats from outside Europe, including potentially from Iran. The decision has angered Tehran which had enjoyed close relations with Ankara.

And it comes a few months after Iran sent warships through the Suez canal, after the fall of former Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak, the first time the Islamic Republic had deployed navy vessels in the Mediterranean.

The United States and Israel have not ruled out military action against Iran if diplomacy fails to stop it getting nuclear weapons. Tehran denies it is developing nuclear arms saying its atomic program is for purely peaceful purposes.

Iran has dismissed the threats, warning that it will respond by hitting U.S. interests in the Gulf and Israel if any such attack happened.

There is a big part of me that wants to believe that this is nothing more than saber rattling.

Why Do Conservative Christians do stupid stuff like this?

I swear, as if the secular world needs any more reasons to believe that we Christians are Bible-carrying whack jobs…..

The video is here over at the Blaze, if you really want to watch it. I have not watched it, because I find stuff like this to be cringe inducing.

The Story:

A bizarre Bible-thumping heckler called President Obama “the Antichrist” as the Secret Service dragged him out of a presidential fund-raiser Monday.

The bearded young man, identified by the Secret Service as David Serrano, was standing in the front row closest to the stage at the House of Blues in Los Angeles when he began shouting, “Christian God is the one and only true living God, the Creator of heaven and the universe!”

Obama smiled uncomfortably as the crowd drowned the heckler out with chants of “Four more years!”

The Secret Service marched the heckler to the exit, but not before he yelled out, “Jesus Christ is God! Barack Obama is the Antichrist!”

Facing a mostly friendly crowd, the self-possessed President coolly continued with his speech, saying, “All right, where was I? It is good to be back in L.A.”

Serrano was questioned and released without charges, the Secret Service said.

Tony Bell, spokesman for Los Angeles County Supervisor Michael Antonovich, says Serrano has been a fixture at county meetings for a couple years, giving long, rambling religious statements predicting earthquakes and the apocalypse.

“He yells out his statements, which are very mistaken, odd interpretations of scriptures,” Bell said. “He’s been pretty close to being thrown out of our meetings. When he calls Supervisor Antonovich ‘Mikey,’ it’s very vitriolic. He’s not a pleasant guy. He talks about Jews in his diatribes and seems very anti-Semitic. I don’t have the impression he’s dangerous, but he has issues that could use some help.

via Bible-thumping heckler identified as David Serrano calls President Obama ‘the Antichrist’.

Okay, any other time, I would take this at face value; but this guy could be quite genuine. The problem I have is this; is going to an appearance of the President of United States of America and screaming at him and calling the Anti-Christ really doing anything for our cause? I mean, really. 🙄

It seems that Christians could be doing some useful things with their time, like maybe trying to win the lost to Christ? Instead of going to public appearances of the President of the United States of America and making a mockery of Christianity. I am not mocking Christians at all; as I am one myself. However, I think that doing stuff like what this idiot is doing; does nothing for our cause.

I am no more a fan of this President, than anyone else on the Christian Right; but this does nothing for us, at all. 🙁


Maxine Waters: President Obama would not tell Gays or Jews to “Stop Whining”

Remember President Barack Obama’s command to the CBC to “quit whining?

Well, that went over like a lead balloon with those folks.

Here’s the Video: (H/T

Ah  yes, identity politics Democratic Party style. a perfect example of why I stopped voting for them.

An aside, check out some of the comments over at Some seriously funny stuff there! 😆 😀


More Democratic Party stupidity

On boy, more of that stupidity that I blogged about earlier….

This one comes via CBS NEWS:

Democratic National Committee chair Debbie Wasserman Schultz says it makes no difference which Republican presidential candidate scores the nomination for 2012 – because they all share extreme-right views that will not prevail over President Obama.

Wasserman Schultz, speaking in an appearance on CBS’ “Face the Nation,” said Sunday that any Republican candidate in the field would pose a “very stark contrast” when matched up against Mr. Obama in the 2012 election, particularly on issues like Social Security, immigration reform and Medicare.

“It doesn’t much matter which one of the Republicans gets nominated because they’re all the same,” the Florida Democrat said. “They are all embracing and bear-hugging the Tea Party. Moving to the right – they can’t move to the right far enough.

“They all favor privatizing Social Security, which would pull the safety net out from under our seniors, and favor ending Medicare as we know it… They all are wrong on immigration reform when it comes to Hispanics in the states,” she continued.

I know what I’d like to call her, but if did. I’d be proving those who don’t like me right. I have to keep believe that all of “them” are not the same.

Others: weasel zippers

Stupid NYT article of the week

Would you like to see a perfect example of the disconnect between reality and the democrats?

Then, go, please and read here.

I have been at this blogging since 2006 and this is one of the more “interesting” ones I have read yet. See if you can spot the lies and spin and comment about them here.

Romney wins Michigan straw poll

Not a big surprise, but, it’s news.

Via HotLine On-Call

Mackinaw island, Mich. – In a rout, Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney trounced Rick Perry and the rest of the GOP field to win the National Journal Hotline/National Association of Home Builders Straw Poll of GOP activists attending a weekend conference in Michigan.

Romney received 51 percent of the 681 votes cast, a whopping 34-percentage point victory over second-place Perry, who garnered 17 percent. It was the second straight defeat for Perry in a straw poll, after he finished second in another contest Saturday in Florida. The twin disappointments, along with weak debate performances, have raised questions about whether the Texas governor will remain the perceived front-runner in the GOP nomination fight.

Romney grew up in suburban Detroit and in the Michigan governor’s mansion; his father, George Romney, served as the state’s chief executive from 1963 to 1969. Michigan is likely to hold its presidential nomination contest on Feb. 28, a week before Super Tuesday. It is also an important state in the general election contest.

Both Romney and Perry addressed the conference Saturday, and while Perry took subtle digs at his GOP rival, Romney denounced President Obama’s economic leadership. “I just don’t think he’s equipped for what’s happening,” the former Massachusetts governor said.

Like I’ve said on here a bunch of times, I do not like Mitt Romney. I have my reasons, like this here. … And that’s just for starters.

Hopefully, Herman Cain can pull off the nomination. Because a choice between the Mormon moron and Texas swagger cowboy, is really no choice at all.

Obama to blacks: “stop complaining and march!”


The video is here via breitbart who says Obama “lost his cool” which is not true. This why I don’t link to him much at all.

The has come down from the master of the plantation.

The story comes via the AP:

In a fiery summons to an important voting bloc, President Barack Obama told blacks on Saturday to quit crying and complaining and “put on your marching shoes” to follow him into battle for jobs and opportunity.

And though he didn’t say it directly, for a second term, too.

Obama’s speech to the annual awards dinner of the Congressional Black Caucus was his answer to increasingly vocal griping from black leaders that he’s been giving away too much in talks with Republicans — and not doing enough to fight black unemployment, which is nearly double the national average at 16.7 percent.

“It gets folks discouraged. I know. I listen to some of y’all,” Obama told an audience of some 3,000 in a darkened Washington convention center.

But he said blacks need to have faith in the future — and understand that the fight won’t be won if they don’t rally to his side.

“I need your help,” Obama said.

….and the real money quote??? Here:

“Take off your bedroom slippers. Put on your marching shoes,” he said, his voice rising as applause and cheers mounted. “Shake it off. Stop complainin’. Stop grumblin’. Stop cryin’. We are going to press on. We have work to do.”

All hail the master of the democratic party plantation! As I said last night, nothing has ever changed in the democratic party, just the players names. Yesterday, it was Bull Conner and George Wallace; now, it is Joe Biden and his sidekick Barack Obama. Same mentality, different era.

The sick and sad part is that that the black population in America; well, most of them anyhow! —- will march with that Marxist and his cronies; all for a little bit of a hand out and a little less freedom.

UPDATED: Speaking of Racism: Democrats show thier true colors

As you know, Herman Cain, who is a very successful businessman and also a black Conservative, won the straw poll in Florida.  As you also know, I just pointed out some serious racism by the left. Well, the democrats are not disappointing; check out some of the racist or “So damned close to being racist without sounding racist” as you can get.

All of these postings are actual blog postings by liberal blogs about Herman Cain and the night is young:

“Update: And it’s official. Pizza King Cain wins the straw poll. By a lot” — The Impolitic “Another day in the clown car – Update”

I have also heard Herman Cain referred to as Herman “Greasy Pizza” Cain too; which is just another way of calling him a greasy n-word. I mean, why not just say that?

Apparently, the Republicans are doing one of these stupid Straw Polls in Floridatoday. The problem is, the base hates all the candidates, which makes picking someone in the Straw Poll a bit of a challenge. Byron York speculates that Herman Cain might do better than expected because no one feels like voting for Rick Perry after he called them heartless. This makes sense to me because the most obvious to do if someone calls you out on your heartless hatred of Latinos is to vote for the black guy. ‘See? I’m not a racist who thinks minorities are biting into too much of my paycheck. I’m color blind.’

Can you feel the Cainmentum?  — Booman Tribune

Can you feel the racism?

Florida straw poll voters decided they hate everyone and voted for the only candidate who’s never held public office, Herman Cain. — Crooks and Liars

So what if Herman Cain has never held public office? Why is that a problem to Democrats? I mean, Barack Obama’s time in office was not that great. Why is this an issue? Because Herman Cain is a black Conservative. That my friends is classic Democratic Party racism.

and finally:

I’d say that Republicans couldn’t be crazy enough to nominate Herman Cain … but then again, they also nominated Christine O’Donnell, Sharron Angle, Joe Miller, Ken Buck, and, yes, Sarah Palin.

So, why would not the Republicans be crazy to nominate Herman Cain? Because he is black and a Conservative? Racism much John Amato? Just saying... 🙄

….and the night is young. If I spot anymore racism, I will post it here.

Update: Wow… Push out a post and find more of it:

Yes, running a chain of pizza parlors is just like running a country. Just yell, and the employees will scamper around and bring those cheese suppliers to heel.


In a field that might be called Mittens and the Seven Clowns, the base definitely prefers the clowns.The Mahablog

A Black Conservative being called “a clown” by a Democrat, that sounds about right. Unreal. 🙄

Update #2: Stupid is, as stupid does.


Russia’s Putin is rising in power…Again

This is not good news. Putin wants to take Russia back to the soviet style communism.

From FT.COM:

Russia’s prime minister Vladimir Putin will return to his post as president next year after he and president Dmitry Medvedev announced they were switching jobs.

The announcement was made on Saturday at the annual conference of United Russia, the hegemonic party that controls two-thirds of Russia’s parliament. It put to rest intrigue over Mr Putin’s next move.

The announcement confirms the long-held impression that Mr Medvedev was only ever a place holder for Mr Putin, who was constitutionally prohibited from a third term after serving as president from 2000-2008.

Mr Putin is now likely to win two consecutive 6 year terms, giving him a total of a quarter century in power from the time he took over the Kremlin in 2000. He remains Russia’s strongest political figure despite stepping aside for four years.

There are some on the partisan right, that would blame Obama for something like this; but I not. The truth is, Putin has wanted to put Russia back into the old Soviet style of communism since the Soviet Union fell. He was in the KGB and was and most likely still is a hardliner.

Can there be a reset of relations? Not with Obama. He is too weak. The next President will have to do that. Hopefully, the Republicans choose wisely.

Your out of control Government at work again….

This time it is the EPA that is out of control.

WorldNetDaily has the story:

Just imagine. You want to build a home, so you buy a $23,000 piece of land in a residential subdivision in your hometown and get started. The government then tells you to stop, threatens you with $40 million in fines and is not kidding.

That’s the case now before the U.S. Supreme Court, with briefs being filed today by the Pacific Legal Foundation on behalf of a Priest Lake, Idaho, family, Chantell and Mike Sackett.

Attorney Damien Schiff, who will be arguing before the high court in the case, said it’s simply a case of a government run amok, and it poses a potential threat to perhaps not every landowner across the nation, but untold millions.

The Sacketts, Schiff said, “bought property, and the government in effect has ordered them to treat the property like a public park.”

“The EPA has not paid them a dime for that privilege,” he said. “The regime we have operating now allows the EPA to take property without having to pay for it, or giving the owners the right to their day in court.

Read the rest at

Here is the video of the couple explaining their plight:

Allow me to simply say this, to add to this story; this, my friends, is what happens when you elect Democrats. They expand the size of Government and Government begins to overreach. Some would say that Neoconservatives, like Bush do the same thing and it is true. As Michelle Bachmann said here recently; we should not settle for second best, when it comes to a truly constitutionally Conservative candidate. We need someone as the Republican candidate for President that would SHRINK, NOT GROW the size of Government. Why, you ask? Because of ignorant stupidity like this right here.

Because the truth is this; big, overreaching Government not only hurts the small business owner and also the bigger business owners — but it also hurts the average American too. Not only in taxes; but in cases like this one here. Since when does the Government just come in and tell you that you cannot build your own house? Since Americans started electing big Government socialists.  Which is the whole crux of the problem; when Americans elect Democratic Party socialists, like the current one in the White House — it is not the poor and disadvantaged that suffer or more accurately the lazy people who do not want to work and want a free check from the Government. The people who suffer are the hard working people of this Country, who simply want to enjoy the American dream without fear of oppression of the Government. This is why the Republican Party had better choose wisely this time; because I simply do not know, if America can stand another four years of this sort of Governmental overreach. Republicans have done played the Big Government game too, That I do know. However, I also know that we cannot take another four years of Big Government — from either Party.



Welcome to my World: 6 Million people age 25-34 live with parents, up 25%

I’m 39 and I still live at home and yes, it sucks. You know, I’ve been called a leech, a shit stain and alot of other names. But honestly? Is it my fault? No, it’s the economy around here and leaders in Washington D.C. that have screwed the Country into the ground.

I saw this via Drudge:

WASHINGTON — Call it the recession’s lost generation.

In record-setting numbers, young adults struggling to find work are shunning long-distance moves to live with Mom and Dad, delaying marriage and buying fewer homes, often raising kids out of wedlock. They suffer from the highest unemployment since World War II and risk living in poverty more than others — nearly 1 in 5.

New 2010 census data released Thursday show the wrenching impact of a recession that officially ended in mid-2009. It highlights the missed opportunities and dim prospects for a generation of mostly 20-somethings and 30-somethings coming of age in a prolonged slump with high unemployment.

“We have a monster jobs problem, and young people are the biggest losers,” said Andrew Sum, an economist and director of the Center for Labor Market Studies at Northeastern University. He noted that for recent college grads now getting by with waitressing, bartending and odd jobs, they will have to compete with new graduates for entry-level career positions when the job market eventually does improve.

“Their really high levels of underemployment and unemployment will haunt young people for at least another decade,” Sum said.

via Recession yields a lost generation of workers – Business – Stocks & economy –

Honestly though, my folks do not mind me living here; they like the help and I am an only child; so, there is not another brother or anything, who can help. So, I live here, until this economy recovers. Another thing too, in 2004, I filed for bankruptcy and I did start over. I made the stupid mistake of getting into a lot of debt, when I was younger with a credit card. Needless to say, I learned my lesson there. I have a debit card now, and if I zap that back account, I am screwed. So, I have the motivation to not screw that up!

On a related note, on the economy; the man who came to fix our A/C here, told me that he is lucky if he gets like 25 hours a week with the company he is with. Now keep in mind, this is not a trainee or anything that, this dude was certified in A/C and Heating. He has the license and everything; and he is not even getting 40 hours a week of work. That, my friends, is how screwed up our economy truly is. 🙁

Those who have a job are lucky to get enough money to put food on the table, and those of us, who cannot find a job are basically left out in the cold. This is why I have such a big problem with all this union protectionism crap that the left is touting. I respect the Unions at all and what they fought for, many years ago. But, we are living in a different would and the prosperity of that era; which the unions took advantage of, is gone for good.

So, that is why, when I see stuff like this here; my heart breaks, because it is not the wealthy people who are going to suffer. It is going to be the working class people and the poor; who are going to suffer the most. The thing to remember is this; it all trickles down, sooner or later. The wealthy lose, the jobs dry up and people suffer. The bad part is, Government cannot fix it. it has to fix itself. The sad part is, it usually takes a LONG time for it to fix itself.

This, is the folly of Progressivism; the belief that Government can fix something that it did not break, in the first place.