Why is it that Liberals are Anti-Gun and Anti-Capitalist?

I just love the voices of liberal whiners in the morning….

In another sharp break with its traditions, the court struck down parts of the District of Columbia’s gun-control law. After seven decades of holding that the Second Amendment’s right to bear arms is tied to raising a militia, the court reversed itself and ruled that it confers on individuals the right to keep guns in their homes for personal use. The decision will no doubt add significantly to the number of Americans killed by gun violence.

Corporations fared especially well in this term. The court reduced the punitive-damages award against Exxon Mobil for the 1989 Exxon Valdez oil spill from $2.5 billion to about $500 million, a pittance for the energy company. In the process, the court declared that in maritime cases, punitive damages should not exceed the actual damages in a case. It is a rule that foils the purposes of punitive damages: to punish and to deter bad conduct.A Supreme Court on the Brink (Via NYTimes.com Editorial Dept.)

I just do not understand it. Why are Liberals so against capitalism in America? Why do they hate people that make a profit? I just do not get that at all.

Oh, By the way, on the Gun issue, fellow Libertarian Vox Day weighs in:

Note that “significantly”. In 2004, 29,569 people were killed by guns. In 2005, 30,694 were killed, a 3.8 percent increase. According to the natural progression, there should be about 35,633 firearms deaths in 2009 even without the recent supreme court decision; let’s assume that a “significant” increase would be at least twice the expected rate of increase given population growth, to say nothing of the economic downturn and global warming. So, if the prophetic skills of the New York Times is to be trusted, gun fatalities should rise to at least 40,000 in 2009.

My view is that they won’t get anywhere near that level, unless, of course, Obama gets elected and decides to govern in the conventional African manner.

So much for that Liberal lie. I mean, between the lies about Guns and the Anti-Capitalist rhetoric, why does anyone even remotely consider the New York Times a Legitimate news outlet anymore?

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Another Reason Why I do not watch Fox News

This is about as low as you can get. Even for Fox News. Seems someone over at Faux Noise thought it would be cute to alter photos of some NYT staffers.

Here’s the video that ran:

Here are the altered Photos:



I don’t know Fox News realizes it or not. But they have ventured into major Lawsuit territory. That would be considered defamation of Character. I mean News is a very public forum. I would be lining me up some legal representation and I would be taking me some Rupert Mudoch to court.

Others: The Raw Story, Gothamist and The BRAD BLOG

On Rush


I just got done reading the article on Rush Limbaugh. I will be the first to admit, I have written quite a bit about this guy in the past. I’ve even, admittedly, listened to his show as well. I haven’t always agreed with Rush. But I do respect the guy. His background is similar to mine. I also hated school, my grades weren’t greatest either.

But I have a confession to make, I do really admire the guy, he’s an all American success story. Nobody did it for him, nobody handed it to him on a silver platter. He worked his rear end off for it, and for that, he does have my admiration and respect.

My best wishes to Rush for many more years of cheese head Conservative Entertainment.

Others: : The Moderate Voice, Hot Air, PR Newswire, Althouse, TIME.com, Macsmind NewsBusters.org, JammieWearingFool, Althouse, GawkerWake up America and more via Memeorandum 

Keith Olbermann’s Worst Person in the World

The Bronze: John Bolton for saying that Sept 11’th was on Clinton’s Watch. (it wasn’t, it was on Bush’s watch…)

The Silver: Chris Wallace for saying that Bill O. and the other Opinion people over at Fox, do not handle election coverage, when they do. (duh!)

The Gold: The idiots over at The New York Post’s Page Six Dept. who are going to write idiotically untrue statement about Olbermann.

You know, I know, some of you are thinking, “What the hell are you posting these videos for?" For one, I like Olbermann’s show, because I happen to think that George W. Bush is the biggest flippin’  idiot President, that this Nation has EVER had, anyone that disagrees with that, mostly likely has their ass planted so far up George W. Bush’s ass, the G.O.P.’s ass, that they cannot see reality, or is just being willfully ignorant. (which is what 90% of Fox Noise’s viewers are….Willfully ignorant)

Associated Press continues to dig themselves into a P.R. Hole…

Now, they’ve set a “toll booth” up for people to pay them for articles used and quoted.

You know, I am all for copyright enforcement and respecting of other people’s intellectual property and all that kind of stuff, but this is just downright stupid and will end up costing the AP readership in the end.

I will continue the boycott of quoting or linking directly to AP articles until this stupidity stops.

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As of today, Political Byline will not be Blogging on Stories published by the Associated Press

As you all can see, I have yanked the AP Videos.

I realized that those video are authorized by the AP and are made available through Clip Syndicate. But the AP has, in my opinion, committed the unpardonable sin. They have imposed restrictions on how Bloggers can use their stories. So, until the AP changes their polices, I will not be quoting from the AP and I encourage all bloggers to do the same.

There are plenty of alternatives: Agence France-Press, Reuters, McClatchy, or IPS

Grab a banner and sign the petition:

(Click the picture to sign the Petition)

If you need the code, drop me an e-mail @ tpblogeditor at gmail dot com and I will e-mail it to you.

I will be adding a Banner to my Blog shortly.

The complete Story is available at Memeorandum and TechMeME

Update: Bloggasm (nice name for a Blog…. *hehe*) reports that this wasn’t the first time that AP has given drudge retort a rough time.

My Thoughts on Obama’s supposed smearing of Rush Limbaugh

I happened to notice The Chicago Sun Times’s Ballyhooing of Obama’s Supposed smear of Rush Limbaugh.

Let me just say publicly, that seeing Rush is someone who built a career on bashing and smearing of Liberals, I think any and all smearing of Rush Limbaugh is totally appropriate and acceptable. 

For the record, Obama did not smear Rush, at all.

My Thoughts on Keith Olbermann

I am awake early today.  I went with my Father to Michigan International Speedway, in Brooklyn, Michigan yesterday for Father’s Day.  It was an enjoyable experience.  Except perhaps for the sore foot I earned, because I wore the wrong kind of shoes and I take medication for Attention Deficit Disorder, because of this, if I sit out in direct sunlight for long periods of time, I begin feeling sick to my stomach.  Other than that, I had a great time.  Dale Earnhardt Jr. won the race, I saw him on the big screen, which is possibly as close as I will ever come to meeting someone famous.  I was rooting for Tony Stewart myself, he finished in the top 5, I believe.  My Mother thinks Tony Stewart is cute; my Father was unavailable for comment.

Anyhow, I happen to come across this article about Keith Olbermann in the New Yorker.  As many of my readers know, I do post videos of Keith’s here on my Blog.  I have had people ask me, in various stages of vulgarity at times, as to why do I post his videos on my Blog.  The answer is simply this, Keith Olbermann and his special comments and with his Worst Person in the World segments, presents a sobering and realistic response to the propaganda being generated by the Neo-Conservative media machine at Fox News. 

I will not deny it, as a Conservative Constitutionalist and a Paleo-Conservative, I am most disgusted this Presidential Administration, There are numerous reasons for this, if I wrote about them all, this Blog entry would resemble a small novel.  I do not have time to write a novel, so I will simply say, pick an issue and it is one that I have with the President.

On another level, Keith is just simply a brilliant writer, some do say that his writings are projective, bombastic, and generally over the top.  This is his brilliant quality; he has the ability to write, in his own polished and magnificent style, what everyone else is thinking.  I think the reason why his detractors hate him so, is because he articulates so damn awesomely, and frankly, we as Americans are better for it.

Another reason that I heartily enjoy Keith’s show is because he is fair, there have been numerous times when Keith could have pounced, but, because Keith is a man of standards, whether forced by the network, or not, is telling about him.  A few examples, one is recently, when Ann Coulter’s charge card was denied, and many liberals were guffawing about it.  Keith simply said, “You know, it happens.”  Keith also then, quite humorously, proceeded to rib her, because the New York Post called Ann something rather humorous in the New York Post.

Another more telling example is the time when fiery Conservative Michelle Malkin was guest hosting Fox News show “The Factor” and some black guest essentially called Malkin a Conservative media whore.  Keith rushed the Malkin’s defense and essentially went “Whoa, Hold it!  Let’s all step back from the usage of the whore categorization, when it comes to women!”

I am sure that if Keith would have read some of the things that I have written in the past, he would handed me a good scolding. When I have, admittedly went over the top, with women.

In closing, let me just say this, Keith is our Ed Murrow, whether you loathe him and enjoy him, he is a force to be reckoned with and will continue to be, for many years to come.

Memeorandum has more reactions to this story.

Senator David Duke responds to the MSNBC Smears

Taken from Here:

The death of Tim Russert and how the media repeatedly lies to you (about me)

By David Duke

I am reluctant to comment on the latest media attack on me because I have no joy in learning about Tim Russert’s death. I am not anxious in any way to put him down. We had a rivalry, yes, but I always considered him gentlemanly and I am sad to hear of his death. However, it does get very tiresome for the national media to relentlessly lie about me in both big and little things. At some point I must respond. The latest little lie is the suggestion by a Washington Post writer that Tim Russert crushed me in interviews. Howard Kurtz, one of the many Jewish extremists in media, in TV Commentator had gift for asking tough questions, June 14, 2008 wrote that,

“Meet the Press” was languishing in the ratings when Russert took it over in 1991, and he first gained national attention by stumping David Duke, a Louisiana gubernatorial candidate…

In truth, many in media felt that I did quite well in that interview. Even more interesting, many in the media acknowledged that in my last appearance on Meet the Press I gave Russert the most devastating defeat of his broadcast career. It was such a powerful win for me that it became a model for public figures to learn from on how to handle a Russert interview.

Slate magazine ran a detailed article titled How to Beat Tim Russert. The piece appeared in the a June, 2003 Press Box column by Jack Shafer, a well-known media critic. http://slate.msn.com/id/2085153/ In the column he was, of course, very critical of me (who isn’t in the national press?) but he uses me as the best example of “How to beat Tim Russert.” Here are some excerpts:

…David Duke beat Russert badly in March 1999, when he appeared on Meet the Press during his Louisiana campaign for a seat in the House of Representatives. Unable to stick it to Duke with his time-proven techniques, Russert sputtered, steamed, and almost boiled over…

Here are more examples Shafer uses of my match with Russert:

1) Prepare for a Hostile Interrogation

Tim Russert is heavily invested in the friendly Irishman persona, all smiles and sincere, direct questions. But he is not your friend: He wishes your destruction on his show. But don’t play defense on Meet the Press—it will only make you look defensive. Stay cool and poised, as David Duke did, and play offense by pushing Russert’s toughest questions back at him.

Russert quoted heavily from Duke’s scurrilous writings on Jews, blacks, and Martin Luther King Jr., but because Duke knows his own work by heart and has been attacked repeatedly on this score, he found it easy to dismiss King as a Marxist and Kwanzaa as a “pagan religious ceremony” without losing a point to his questioner. By neglecting the element of surprise, Russert lost the match…

4) If That Doesn’t Work, Concede the Point. Then Make Yours.

When Russert tried to corral David Duke into the position of a Holocaust denier by reading aloud from Duke’s writings, Duke admitted that some Jews were killed—”I don’t know what the numbers are.” He then switched the subject, complaining about the 60 million Christians the Soviets killed and the lack of media showcases on those atrocities. Apparently because this dodge wasn’t in Russert’s script, he abandoned the line of questioning…

One more time I must say, “Thank God for the Internet.” Why? It is because before the rise of the Internet the mainstream (controlled) media could make up any lie about me (or anybody else) without the possibility of rebuttal. Now when someone reads or hears some attack against me those with a little curiosity can get an different and documented viewpoint. Before the Internet, people had no ability to easily get the “rest of the story.” Now they do. I hope that you might realize that just as the media often make up disparaging lies about me, about my past, about my successes and about my failures, but they also lie about what I actually say and what I actually advocate. When someone reads what the media says I say, and then he goes to my website and reads what I actually say, the tissue of media lies begins to tear apart.

You now have a chance to read for yourself about my thoughts and ideas in my own words. and I sincerely believe you find them honest, reasonable and intelligent.

Now let me be clear, I do not agree, at all, with this positions and opinions at the said forum linked, however, I did feel that it was important to get Senator Duke’s side of the story, as MSNBC is using Tim Russert’s death as an excuse to slam David Duke.

Special Comment by Keith Olbermann: McCain should know better

Transcript: (H/T K.O’s NewsHole)

Finally tonight, as promised, a Special Comment on Senator John McCain’s conclusion that it’s "not too important" when American forces come home from Iraq.

Thoughts, offered more in sorrow, than in anger.

For two full days now, the Senator and his supporters have been outraged at what they see as the subtraction of context from this extraordinary remark.

This is, sadly, the excuse of our time, for everything.

Still. If the Senator claims truncation, we will correct that, first.

"A lot of people," Matt Lauer began, "now say the surge is working."

"Anybody who knows the facts on the ground say that," the Senator interjected.

"If it’s now working, Senator," Matt continued, "do you now have a better estimate of when American forces can come home from Iraq?"

"No," answered McCain. "But that’s not too important. What’s important is the casualties in Iraq. Americans are in South Korea. Americans are in Japan. American troops are in Germany.

"That’s all fine. American casualties and the ability to withdraw. We will be able to withdraw.

"General Petraeus is going to tell us in July when he thinks we are. But the key to it is we don’t want any more Americans in harm’s way. And that way they will be safe, and serve our country, and come home with honor and victory – not in defeat,  which is what Senator Obama’s proposal would have done. And I’m proud of them, and they’re doing a great job. And we are succeeding. And it’s fascinating that Senator Obama still doesn’t realize it."

And there is the context of what Senator McCain said.

Well… not quite, Senator.

The full context, is that the Iraq you see, is a figment of your imagination.

This is not a war about "honor and victory," Sir.

This is a war you, and the President you support and seek to succeed, conned this nation into.

Yes, sir.


Of the prospect of war in Iraq, you said, quote, "I believe that success will be fairly easy."

John McCain… September 24th… 2002.

"I believe that we can win an overwhelming victory in a very short period of time."

John McCain… September 29th… 2002.

Of the ouster of Saddam and the Baathists:

"There’s no doubt in my mind that once these people are gone, that we will be welcomed as liberators."

John McCain… March 24th… 2003.

Asked, about a long-term commitment in Iraq, quote, "are you talking about something in terms of South Korea, for instance, where you would expect U.S. troops to be in Iraq for decades?"

"No," you answered. "I don’t think decades, but I think years. A little straight talk, I think years. And I hope that we can gradually reduce that presence."

John McCain… March 18th… 2004.

You were asked about the troops, and the future.

"I would hope that we could bring them all home. I would hope that we would probably leave some military advisers, as we have in other countries, to help them with

their training and equipment and that kind of stuff."…I think one of our big problems has been the fact that many Iraqis resent American military presence.

And I don’t pretend to know exactly Iraqi public opinion. But as soon as we can reduce our visibility as much as possible, the better I think it is going to be."

John McCain… January 31st… 2005

When a speaker at your town hall, five months ago, referenced the President’s forecast that we might stay in Iraq for 50 years, you cut him off.

"Make it a hundred! We’ve been in Japan for 60 years. We’ve been in South Korea 50 years or so. That would be fine with me. As long as Americans are not being injured or harmed or wounded or killed. That’s fine by me…"

John McCain… January 3rd… 2008.

And your forecast of your hypothetical first term.

"By January, 2013, America has welcomed home most of the servicemen and women who have sacrificed terribly so that America might be secure in her freedom. The Iraq war has been won."

John McCain… May 15th… 2008.

That, Senator McCain, is context.

You have attested to: a fairly easy success; an overwhelming victory in a very short period of time; in which we would be welcomed as liberators; which you assured us would not require our troops stay for decades but merely for years; from which we could bring them all home, since you noted many Iraqis resent American military presence; in which all those troops coming home will also stay there, not being injured, for a hundred years; but most will be back by 2013; and the timing of their return, is… not… that… important.

That, Senator McCain, is context.

And that, Senator McCain, is madness.

The Government Accountability Office just released a study Tuesday that concludes that one out of every ten soldiers sent to Iraq, takes with them medical problems "severe enough to significantly limit their ability to fight."

In five years, we have now sent 43-thousand of them to war even though… they were already wounded.

And when they come home, is… not… that… important.

Jalal al Din al Sagir, a member of the Islamic Supreme Council of Iraq, and Ali al Adeeb, of the rival Dawa Political Party, gave a series of interviews last week about the particulars of this country’s demand for a "Status of Forces" agreement with Iraq — a treaty …which Mr. Bush does not intend to show Congress before he signs it.

The Iraqi politicians say the treaty demands Iraq’s consent to the establishment of nearly double the number of U-S military bases in Iraq — from about 30, to 58, and from temporary, to permanent.

Those will be American men and women who must, of necessity, staff these bases – staff them, in Mr. McCain’s M-C Escher dream world in which our people can all come home while they stay there for a hundred years but they’ll be back by 2013.

And when they come home, is not… that… important.

Last year, a 20-year old soldier from the Bronx, on the day of his re-deployment to a second tour in Iraq, said he just couldn’t face the smell of burning flesh again. So, Jonathan Aponte paid a hit man 500 dollars… to shoot him in the knee.

Mount Sinai Hospital in New York reported treating a patient identifying himself as another Iraq-bound soldier, who claimed he had accidentally swallowed a pen at the bus station. No one doubted his story until examinations proved there was a second pen in his stomach bearing the logo of Greyhound Bus Lines.

In 2006, says his sister, a 24-year old Army Specialist from Washington State, on the eve of his second deployment, strapped a pack full of tools to his back, and then jumped off the roof of his house, injuring his spine.

And when they come home — or more correctly all those like them who did not risk death or disability to avoid going back — when they come home, is not… that… important.

You’ve sold them all out, Senator.


You, whose sacrifice for this country was as all-encompassing and as horrible as the rest of us can only imagine in our darkest moments.

You, who survived, so that you could make America a better place where young men did not have to go and die in pointless wars… or be maimed… or be held prisoner… or have to hire hit-men to shoot them in the knee because that couldn’t be worse.

You… who should know better.

Where, Senator, is the man who once said "veterans hate war more than anyone else, because veterans know, because veterans know these brave Americans, and others, know, that there is nothing more painful than the loss of a comrade."

Where is he, Sir?

Where is the man who described that ineffable truth?

Oh, so long ago you touched the essence of the reality of Iraq. Your comments about your lost comrades — yesterday.

The men and women in Iraq, today, Senator — they are your comrades, too.

And you are condemning them to die.

To die, for your misdirection, for Mr. Bush’s lies — for whoever makes the money off building 58 permanent American bases and all the weapons and all the bullets and all the wiring so costly and so slip-shod that it electrocutes our comrades as they step, not to fight freedom’s enemies, but into the shower at the base.

That, Senator, that is context.

It is an easy thing to dismiss Senator McCain as a sad and befuddled figure, already challenging for some kind of campaign record for malaprops.

Just yesterday in Philadelphia he answered Senator Obama, not by defending or explaining his own "not that important" remark, but by seizing upon Obama’s "bitter" remark – or trying to.

Obama had foolishly said that some, in despair, in small towns, cling to their religion and their guns.

Senator McCain vowed he’d go to those towns and tell them, "I don’t agree with Senator Obama that they cling to their religion and the Constitution because they’re bitter."

It was hard not to dismiss with a laugh, Senator McCain, or any Republican, for even accidentally implying that he’s clung to the Constitution — not after the last seven years.

It was hard, the day before, not to become almost bemused when the Senator tried to say he would veto every single bill with ear-marks, but wound up, instead, vowing "I will veto every single beer."

It was hard, this week, not to laugh at how Senator McCain could offer any serious defense against the accusation that he is running for President Bush’s third term, when a 2006 interview suddenly surfaced in which McCain said he would consider Dick Cheney for a position in a McCain administration.

"I don’t know if I would want him as Vice President. He and I have the same strengths. But to serve in other capacities? Hell, yeah."

These are all very funny, in a macabre yet unthreatening way.

And then one remembers Senator McCain’s inability to separate Sunni and Shia, or his insistence that Iran is training Al-Qaeda for service in Iraq, and then being corrected about it, and then saying the same thing again anyway.

And then one is, inevitably, drawn back again to the overlooked substance of yesterday’s remark…

"If (the surge) is now working, Senator, do you now have a better estimate of when American forces can come home from Iraq?"



The surge is working and even that still tells Senator McCain nothing about when we can ransom our soldiers?

Wasn’t that the ultimate purpose of the surge? To get them out?

If we cannot tell — if McCain cannot even guess — doesn’t that, by definition, mean… the surge isn’t working?

And ultimately we are drawn back to the "not… too… important" remark, in its full context:

The context of the kaleidoscope of confused rhetoric, and endless non sequitur, and mutually exclusive conclusions — and what they add up to: a veritable tragedy, a microcosm of the American tragedy that is Iraq, a tragedy of a man who himself will never understand… "the context."

Your tragedy, Senator McCain?

No. I’m sorry.

This tragedy… is of Justin Mixon of Bogalusa, Louisiana.

And it’s of Christopher McCarthy of Virginia Beach.

It’s of Quincy Green of El Paso, and Joshua Waltenbaugh of Ford City, P.A.

The tragedy is of Shane Duffy of Taunton Mass, and Jonathan Emard of Mesquite, Texas.

It’s of Cody Legg of Escondido in California, and David Hurst of Fort Sill in Oklahoma.

The tragedy is of Thomas Duncan the 3rd of Rowlett, Texas, and Tyler Pickett of Saratoga, Wyoming.

And who are they, Senator?

They are ten Americans…. who have died in Iraq… since the first of this month. There are four more. The Defense Department has not yet identified the others.

And while you, Senator, may ask for all the context you can get, those ten men… will never know any of it.

Because the true context here, is that if you could ask those American war heroes, or the family and the friends that loved them, if they have a better estimate of when American forces can come home from Iraq…

They could rightly say, "No. But that’s… not… too… important."

Good night, and good luck.

The Manufactured Liberal scandal against a Conservative of the day

Man, I’ll tell you, it goes for one silly headline to another. I awake this morning to the headline of Michelle Obama being referred to as a “Baby Momma”.

……and of course, Michelle Malkin is supposedly involved. Now let me say this, yes, the graphic was offensive, anyone who uses that sort of a term about a married woman, much less, a married black woman, is just being downright offensive.

Malkin for her part says:

I did not write the caption and I was not aware of it when it ran (the Baltimore studio doesn’t have a monitor). I don’t know if the caption writer was making a lame attempt to be hip, clueless about the original etymology of the phrase, or both.

She goes on to try to attempt to justify the caption, of which I do not agree, however, let me just say this, if you’re going to be angry with anyone, make it Fox News, not Michelle Malkin, she could not even see the damn graphic. Of course, Malkin has gotten hate mail for it. I just wonder how long it will be before some idiot liberal posts her home address and telephone numbers for the world to see, like they did last time.

I predict that Fox News will issue some lame apology and this will become yesterdays news. But still, Baby Momma? Talk about low!

Bill Orally opens his mouth and inserts his rather large foot

Ol’ Bill Orally, he just cannot resist the racist or social class homophobia.

The Video:

The transcript: (via Media Matters)

From the June 10 edition of Fox News’ The O’Reilly Factor:

O’REILLY: "Unresolved Problem" segment tonight, more evidence of values problem among American young people. At the Pascack Valley High School in northern New Jersey, seven ninth-graders, 14- and 15-year-olds, have been suspended for distributing topless photos of their classmates. As many as 20 young girls appeared that way. No charges have been filed, but the community is shocked.

And with us now is Inger Kruegle, the mother of two girls attending the school — they were not involved — and Leslie Brody, a reporter for the Bergen Record who broke the story yesterday. Leslie, we’ll begin with you.

See, what I don’t understand is how girls this young could be persuaded to put themselves at risk by posing in this way for a cell phone camera. What was the persuadability factor there?

BRODY: Well, there are different ways that children got onto these photos. In one case, a boy asked several girls to be part of his photo gallery, kind of a collage he was putting together. Another instance a girl sent it to her boyfriend thinking it was just for him, perhaps, and then they broke up and then he sent it around to his friends.

But this is a common occurrence these days. Boys send photos of themselves to girls as well. Sometimes the photos are meant to stop at the recipient. Sometimes they are intended for distribution.

O’REILLY: Do you think 13- and 14-year-olds or 15-year-olds are smart enough to understand they put themselves at risk when they do this kind of behavior? The girls that you talked to, do they have any idea or are they just stone cold dumb?

BRODY: Well, bear in mind some of these pictures were taken two or three years ago and they surfaced now. But some of these girls were 11, so they could be, perhaps, understood as being a little more innocent or thoughtless. Some kids, perhaps, are looking for attention. Some see Lindsay Lohan doing this kind of thing and want to do it themselves. Some are impulsive.

O’REILLY: But it’s an amazing amount of kids involved with this — 20 — in an affluent school district. This isn’t, you know, the inner city; you would think that these kids would have some kind of a values system. It’s not that it’s so horrendous. You know, it’s not murder or rape. But it’s so stupid.

BRODY: True. But it’s very common as well and the adults —

O’REILLY: Do you think it’s very common across the country?

BRODY: I talked to police today who say it’s quite common. It’s been a big issue at their juvenile officer conferences. It’s been reported in Utah, Connecticut, Texas, New York, previously in New Jersey. I believe —

O’REILLY: So it’s all — and kids as young as 11 are doing it?

BRODY: Yeah, because cell phones are so everywhere —

O’REILLY: Oh, I know that. The technology makes it very easy to do it. Now Inga, what I think this is is lack of a values education. In public school they don’t have — teach values anymore, civics or any of that. You can’t tell the kids what’s right and wrong. You get in trouble. And if kids at home don’t have parents who set boundaries, and many of them don’t, then it’s inevitable that some of them will do this. I still think that they’re incredibly dumb.

Okay, I will admit, I do think that 11 year old girls getting their tits out for a Camera, is very wrong. But do you think Bill let his disdain for the poor class and yes, even the Black race be any more obvious?  But then again, we are talking about Faux Noise.

Of course anymore, every time I think of Bill Orally, I Think of this rather humorous video: (content warning!)


…..and they say white people can’t be funky….

Keith Olbermann’s Worst Person in the World.


Silver: AP for Publishing Biased Articles

Bronze: Bill O’. for using NewsBusters Articles for his show.

Gold: Senator Joe Lieberman for referring to the Democratic Party as the Democrat Party.

Time’s James Poniewozik is nothing more than partisan hack

Unbelievable. I’m up early this morning and looking through the stories and what do I see. Some partisan hack story, disguised as objective journalism……..again.

Yep, that’s right, Another one. It is over Time Magazine.

It just so happens there Mr. Poniewozik, (Sounds like a polish name, great… I’m tearing into a damn pollack… wonderfulRolling Eyes) Keith Olbermann had a very valid point. I thought that Hillary’s comment was totally distasteful, it smacked of a desperate person trying to hold on for dear life.

Perhaps if you would open a damn history book, you would understand why this comment was totally out of line. You do not look like you are even remotely old enough to even remotely understand why Keith even "blew a gasket." Much less to even understand it’s impact.

What do you strike me as, is some smart aleck punk ass kid, who takes some sort of perverted pleasure in mocking others. That being said, Keith’s commentaries are over the top, at times, but you know what? The man gets paid. He has a iron clad, five million dollar contract with MSNBC, and how much do you make?

Stick to what you know, James. Because Politics and the historical significance of this election and the events surrounding it, you do not have a clue.

More commentary via Memeorandum

Editorial: Objective Journalism or hit piece on Michelle Malkin?

I never thought in a million years that I would be defending the knuckle-headed woman. However, here I am, once again, defending someone, of whom my political beliefs are a bit similar. Michelle, being a staunch Republican and Conservative, and me a former “Left of Center” type and more of a Libertarian and very much a Constitutionalist.

In the interest of full disclosure, there are times, when I read what Michelle Malkin writes and I just roll my eyes and think to myself, “My God in Heaven, why do they let that women near a Computer?” However, there are other times, when I would like to whack her upside the head with an aluminum baseball bat, to knock some sense into her head, for some of the things that she has written. But then again, there has been quite a few times, that I would loved to kiss her soundly on the lips and give a nice squeeze on the butt, for some of the good stuff that she has written as well.

Deadly violence and sexual fantasies aside, when I see stuff like this piece in the Boston Globe, I find myself in a position of saying, “Hey, wait a minute here!”

What strikes me about this article is the glaring bias, could it be any clearer that this was written by some idiotic liberal who has a axe to grind with the Conservatives?

I mean, yes, when I read the article on Malkin’s Blog I just laughed and thought, “Well, maybe it is a slow news day, and she is looking for content.” It happens, I as a Blogger have the problem, some days, there just is not much write about in Politics. This is especially painfully true with the Democrats. I mean, can we just chose the candidate and move on please?

Nevertheless, what bothered me about this piece was this little quote here:

Some observers, including ultra-conservative Fox News commentator Michelle Malkin, were so incensed by the ad that there was even talk of a Dunkin’ Donuts boycott.

‘‘The keffiyeh, for the clueless, is the traditional scarf of Arab men that has come to symbolize murderous Palestinian jihad,’’ Malkin yowls in her syndicated column.

‘‘Popularized by Yasser Arafat and a regular adornment of Muslim terrorists appearing in beheading and hostage-taking videos, the apparel has been mainstreamed by both ignorant and not-so-ignorant fashion designers, celebrities, and left-wing icons.’’

The company at first pooh-poohed the complaints, claiming the black-and-white wrap was not a keffiyeh. But the right-wing drumbeat on the blogosphere continued and by yesterday, Dunkin’ Donuts decided it’d be easier just to yank the ad.

Said the suits in a statement: ‘‘In a recent online ad, Rachael Ray is wearing a black-and-white silk scarf with a paisley design. It was selected by her stylist for the advertising shoot. Absolutely no symbolism was intended. However, given the possibility of misperception, we are no longer using the commercial.’

Yowls? I mean, can you get any more biased than to reduce a woman of great writing skills and awesome Conservative values to a word like “yowls?” This is, by the way, an underhanded way of basically calling Michelle Malkin a crybaby.

I mean, I can understand the idea that some people find Michelle Malkin’s writing a bit screechy at times, but to basically slam her for her Conservative values in a article and disguise it as objective journalism is just pathetic. As far as I am concerned the editors at the Boston Globe owes Michelle Malkin and people like me, who share her values a big apology, and should terminate the employment of the writer who produced this story.

Obama’s lead strategist has lobbyist ties….Media Buries it.

Now this is quite interesting…

Why wasn’t Michael Isikoff’s investigative piece outlining the lobbying connections of Barack Obama’s lead strategist, David Axelrod, promoted in Newsweek’s Sunday e-mail to subscribers?

I’ve cropped the article descriptions from this list for purposes of formatting this post, but I have not removed any of the articles. Although Isikoff’s report appears in the same June 2 issue of Newsweek as the stories at right, it is nowhere to be found here. And it should be, especially considering that the first four articles listed are all generally pro-Obama in their tilt and three are explicitly framed as advice for candidate Obama. The other four articles cover minor issues such as Hillary Clinton, Ted Kennedy and John McCain.

What happened? One slim possibility is that the article is online-only and thus not eligible for inclusion in a round-up of magazine stories. But this seems not to be the case, as the screen capture above indicates, Newsweek says it’s in the print edition. – Via Blog PI

I must say, I’ve suspected that the liberal media was in the tank for Obama, and this just confirms what I’ve thought all along.

It is pretty stinking bad, when Newsweek, which is owned by MSNBC, buries a story, so the Bloggers won’t get grab the story and run with it. This is the SAME network that allowed their resident liberal attack dog, Keith Olbermann to attack the damned President for trying to control the media, but yet, they do the same damn thing themselves. The hypocrisy of the Left is so vast, you could park the Pentagon, The White House AND the Capital Building in Washington DC in it.   

Now maybe I will get lucky Keith Olbermann will name me worst person in the World for saying that about him, one can only hope, God knows I need the traffic for this Blog. Of course, if I honestly gave two flips what that lapdog for Media Matters for America and the DailyKos thought, I wouldn’t be writing this Blog, now would I? Winking

Seriously, I shouldn’t talk about Keith like that, DohI don’t disagree with everything Keith says. Some stuff I do agree with, especially the things about Bush and the Iraq War, and the Kool-Air drinking right. Some of the stuff, like him ripping on Armed Forces staff at the Pentagon, who are ALSO Soldiers. I don’t agree with. But for the most part, I know he means well. I just wish he’d learn to train the damn fire of that flame thrower at the right people, that’s all. Big Grin (Which he does do, 95% of the time. It’s just that 5% that he gets wrong that annoys me. At wits end)

More at Memeorandum

Liz Trotta on Fox News jokes about Obama Being Assassinated

Just as it was totally unacceptable for Hillary Clinton to make a flippant remark about Bobby Kennedy being assassinated in 1968 and to suggest that she was running in case it happened to Obama, Just as it was totally unacceptable for Michael Savage to play the "Dead Kennedy’s" on his radio show, in a lame attempt to mock the health crisis of Ted Kennedy, It was totally unacceptable what this woman did on Fox News.

The Short Clip:

The Quote:

"and now we have what … uh…some are reading as a suggestion that somebody knock off Osama …uh..um..Obama [after being prompted by the FNC anchor]….well both if we could [laughing]"

What this woman did was not only distasteful, socially unacceptable, and totally disgusting, it was also against the law. Making a statement of this nature is against the law, for anyone under the protection of secret service. Now whether they will enforce it or not, is another matter.

You can also contact FOX:

Contact FOX:
Teri Everett, Senior Vice President
Corporate Affairs & Communications
Phone: 212-852-7070
E-Mail: teverett@newscorp.com


In case anyone thinks that she was taken out of context, here is the full clip:

This not to say, that all Republicans think like this, I am personally a Constitutionalist and Libertarian and I do not feel this way, I cherish my right to free speech, but with that Right comes a responsibility, and this stupid woman, totally shot that responsibility all to hell.

I also notice that none of the Conservative Blogs are even talking about this. Because they are cowardly bastards, all of them, they should hang their heads in shame, because talking about, even jokingly, killing someone that is running for President of the United States of America, is about the most low class, ignorant thing that one could ever want to do.

The very idea that Rupert Murdoch would even remotely tolerate this sort of reprehensible sort of talk on his own network, speaks volumes about him, his thought process and the status of this man’s very dark soul. It also speak volumes as to the reason why I will never, ever, watch Fox News Channel.

There is a great deal of outrage in the blogging world and rightly so, you can see it all, at Memeorandum

Update: Spied over at HotAir, an apology from Liz, I guess the DailyKos people got through to the Secret Service or to Murdoch:

Exit Question: If she did not mean it, then why the hell say it for in the first place? Humor my ass. Dumb bitch. AngryLoserTalk to the handRolling Eyes

Chuck Baldwin officially launches his campaign website….

I received some great news this morning in my e-mail inbox. Dancing

Pastor Chuck Baldwin has officially launched his Campaign website.  

I am voting for Chuck Baldwin because he more represents the American values that I, as a Christian, as a Libertarian and as a Constitutionalist, hold very dear.

He might not win, but I will know that my vote went for someone who still believes in the old Paleo-conservative values that I hold dear. I will also know, that my vote did not go to a third term of George W. Bush, a Neo-Conservative, Globalist, Shill or a Socialist, Marxist, Liberal. 

This notion that if you don’t vote for John McCain, that your vote is a vote for Hillary or Obama is the biggest lie and the great travesty ever heaped upon this Nation. Heaped upon it by warmongering bastards who want to send this Nation into a pit that it will never get itself out of.

I ask you today, Libertarian, Constitutionalist, Conservative, Republican, wake up and realize that this Nations only hope, is found in this man.

Check out his Website, Forum  and go to his "Money Bomb" page.

Let’s get American back on the right track, vote for Chuck Baldwin

Keith Olbermann’s Special Comment: "Clinton, you invoked a political nightmare"

The Video:

Full Transcript: (Taken from and Thanks to MSNBC for getting this on, before the weekend.)

Asked if her continuing fight for the nomination against Senator Obama hurts the Democratic party, Sen. Hillary Clinton replied, "I don’t. Because again, I’ve been around long enough. You know, my husband did not wrap up the nomination in 1992 until he won the California primary somewhere in the middle of June, right? We all remember Bobby Kennedy was assassinated in June in California. You know, I just don’t understand it. You know, there’s lots of speculation about why it is. “

The comments were recorded and we showed them to you earlier and they are online as we speak.

She actually said those words.

Those words, Senator?

You actually invoked the nightmare of political assassination.

You actually invoked the specter of an inspirational leader, at the seeming moment of triumph, for himself and a battered nation yearning to breathe free, silenced forever.

You actually used the word "assassination" in the middle of a campaign with a loud undertone of racial hatred  -  and  gender  hatred  – and political hatred.

You actually used the word "assassination" in a time when there is a fear, unspoken but vivid and terrible, that our again-troubled land and fractured political landscape might target a black man running for president.

Or a white man.

Or a white woman!

You actually used those words, in this America, Senator, while running against an African-American against whom the death threats started the moment he declared his campaign?

You actually used those words, in this America, Senator, while running to break your "greatest glass ceiling" and claiming there are people who would do anything to stop you?


Senator -  never mind the implications of using the word "assassination" in any connection to Senator Obama…

What about you?

You cannot say this!

The references, said her spokesperson, were not, in any way, weighted.

The allusions, said Mo Uh-leathee, are, "…historical examples of the nominating process going well into the summer and any reading into it beyond that would be inaccurate and outrageous."

I’m sorry.

There is no inaccuracy.

Not for a moment does any rational person believe Senator Clinton is actually hoping for the worst of all political calamities.

Yet the outrage belongs, not to Senator Clinton or her supporters, but to every other American.

Firstly, she has previously bordered on the remarks she made today…

Then swerved back from them and the awful skid they represented.

She said, in an off-camera interview with Time on March 6, "Primary contests used to last a lot longer. We all remember the great tragedy of Bobby Kennedy being assassinated in June in L.A. My husband didn’t wrap up the nomination in 1992 until June, also in California. Having a primary contest go through June is nothing particularly unusual. We will see how it unfolds as we go forward over the next three to four months."

In retrospect, we failed her when we did not call her out, for that remark, dry and only disturbing, in a magazine’s pages. But somebody obviously warned her of the danger of that rhetoric:

After the Indiana primary, on May 7, she told supporters at a Washington hotel:

"Sometimes you gotta calm people down a little bit. But if you look at successful presidential campaigns, my husband did not get the nomination until June of 1992. I remember tragically when Senator Kennedy won California near the end of that process."

And at Shepherdstown, West Virginia, on the same day, she referenced it again:

"You know, I remember very well what happened in the California primary in 1968 as, you know, Senator Kennedy won that primary."

On March 6th she had said "assassinated."

By May 7 she had avoided it. Today… she went back to an awful well. There is no good time to recall the awful events of June 5th, 1968, of Senator Bobby Kennedy, happy and alive – perhaps, for the first time since his own brother’s death in Dallas in 1963… Galvanized to try to lead this nation back from one of its darkest eras… Only to fall victim to the same surge that took that brother, and Martin Luther King… There is no good time to recall this. But certainly to invoke it, two weeks before the exact 40th anniversary of the assassination, is an insensitive and heartless thing.

And certainly to invoke it, three days after the awful diagnosis, and heart-breaking prognosis, for Senator Ted Kennedy, is just as insensitive, and just as heartless. And both actions, open a door wide into the soul of somebody who seeks the highest office in this country, and through that door shows something not merely troubling, but frightening. And politically inexplicable.

What, Senator, do you suppose would happen if you withdrew from the campaign, and Senator Obama formally became the presumptive nominee, and then suddenly left the scene? It doesn’t even have to be the “dark curse upon the land” you mentioned today, Senator. Nor even an issue of health. He could simply change his mind… Or there could unfold that perfect-storm scandal your people have often referenced, even predicted. Maybe he could get a better offer from some other, wiser, country. What happens then, Senator? You are not allowed back into the race? Your delegates and your support vanish? The Democrats don’t run anybody for President?

What happens, of course, is what happened when the Democrats’ vice presidential choice, Senator Thomas Eagleton of Missouri, had to withdraw from the ticket, in 1972 after it proved he had not been forthcoming about previous mental health treatments. George McGovern simply got another vice president.

Senator, as late as the late summer of 1864 the Republicans were talking about having a second convention, to withdraw Abraham Lincoln’s re-nomination and choose somebody else because until Sherman took Atlanta in September it looked like Lincoln was going to lose to George McClellan.

You could theoretically suspend your campaign, Senator.

There’s plenty of time and plenty of historical precedent, Senator, in case you want to come back in, if something bad should happen to Senator Obama. Nothing serious, mind you.

It’s just like you said, "We all remember Bobby Kennedy was assassinated in June in California."

Since those awful words in Sioux Falls, and after the condescending, buck-passing statement from her spokesperson, Senator Clinton has made something akin to an apology, without any evident recognition of the true trauma she has inflicted.

"I was discussing the Democratic primary history, and in the course of that discussion mentioned the campaigns both my husband and Senator Kennedy waged California in June in 1992 and 1968," she said in Brandon, South Dakota. "I was referencing those to make the point that we have had nomination primary contests that go into June. That’s a historic fact.

"The Kennedys have been much on my mind the last days because of Senator Kennedy.  I regret that if my referencing that moment of trauma for our entire nation, particularly for the Kennedy family was in any way offensive, I certainly had no intention of that whatsoever."

"My view is that we have to look to the past and to our leaders who have inspired us and give us a lot to live up
to and I’m honored to hold Senator Kennedy’s seat in the United States Senate in the state of New York and have the highest regard for the entire Kennedy family.  Thanks. Not a word about the inappropriateness of referencing assassination.

Not a word about the inappropriateness of implying – whether it was intended or not – that she was hanging around waiting for somebody to try something terrible.

Not a word about Senator Obama.

Not a word about Senator McCain.

Not: I’m sorry…

Not: I apologize…

Not: I blew it…

Not: please forgive me.

God knows, Senator, in this campaign, this nation has had to forgive you, early and often…

And despite your now traditional position of the offended victim, the nation has forgiven you.

We have forgiven you your insistence that there have been widespread calls for you to end your campaign, when such calls had been few. We have forgiven you your misspeaking about Martin Luther King’s relative importance to the Civil Rights movement.

We have forgiven you your misspeaking about your under-fire landing in Bosnia.

We have forgiven you insisting Michigan’s vote wouldn’t count and then claiming those who would not count it were Un-Democratic.

We have forgiven you pledging to not campaign in Florida and thus disenfranchise voters there, and then claim those who stuck to those rules were as wrong as those who defended slavery or denied women the vote.

We have forgiven you the photos of Osama Bin Laden in an anti-Obama ad…

We have forgiven you fawning over the fairness of Fox News while they were still calling you a murderer.

We have forgiven you accepting Richard Mellon Scaife’s endorsement and then laughing as you described his "deathbed conversion."

We have forgiven you quoting the electoral predictions of Boss Karl Rove.

We have forgiven you the 3 a.m. Phone Call commercial.

We have forgiven you President Clinton’s disparaging comparison of the Obama candidacy to Jesse Jackson’s.

We have forgiven you Geraldine Ferraro’s national radio interview suggesting Obama would not still be in the race had he been a white man.

We have forgiven you the dozen changing metrics and the endless self-contradictions of your insistence that your nomination is mathematically probable rather than a statistical impossibility.

We have forgiven you your declaration of some primary states as counting and some as not.

We have forgiven you exploiting Jeremiah Wright in front of the editorial board of the lunatic-fringe Pittsburgh Tribune-Review.

We have forgiven you exploiting William Ayers in front of the debate on ABC.

We have forgiven you for boasting of your "support among working, hard-working Americans, white Americans"…

We have even forgiven you repeatedly praising Senator McCain at Senator Obama’s expense, and your own expense, and the Democratic ticket’s expense.

But Senator, we cannot forgive you this.

"You know, my husband did not wrap up the nomination in 1992 until he won the California primary somewhere in the middle of June, right? We all remember Bobby Kennedy was assassinated in June in California."

We cannot forgive you this — not because it is crass and low and unfeeling and brutal.

This is unforgivable, because this nation’s deepest shame, its most enduring horror, its most terrifying legacy, is political assassination.





Martin Luther King.

Robert Kennedy.

And, but for the grace of the universe or the luck of the draw, Reagan, Ford, Truman, Nixon, Andrew Jackson, both Roosevelts, even George Wallace.

The politics of this nation is steeped enough in blood, Senator Clinton, you cannot and must not invoke that imagery! Anywhere! At any time!

And to not appreciate, immediately – to still not appreciate tonight – just what you have done… is to reveal an incomprehension of the America you seek to lead.

This, Senator, is too much.

Because a senator – a politician – a person -  who can let hang in mid-air the prospect that she might just be sticking around in part, just in case the other guy gets shot – has no business being, and no capacity to be, the President of the United States.

Good night and good luck.


I am also working on an editorial about the comments that Senator Clinton made. I most likely will not be able to finish it tonight. I am going to watch racing with my Father tomorrow. So, the piece will not be up till tomorrow or Sunday. There is just too much here to write a simple piece, this whole thing is a grand insult and outrage that cannot be just tossed aside. Something has to happen to fix it, before it destroys the Democrat Party. I just hope Senator Clinton wakes up from whatever dream world she is living in and realizes what she has done.

Till tomorrow, as Keith Olbermann would say…..

Good Night and Good Luck

Let us not forget our United States Servicemen

While I have been a very vocal critic of the Bush Administration’s Handling of the war in Iraq. I will always stand in honor for our United States Military.

Here is a video that I think everyone, Liberal, Conservative and everything in between, needs to watch: (H/T to Army Wife Toddler Mom and Tammi)

Please, support Military Ministry or Soldiers’ Angels

Let’s not forget those, who choose to serve our Nation, so that Bloggers, like me, can write and be free.

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Ex-Romney Adviser says it’s "accurate" to call Hillary a Bitch.


From the "Open Mouth, Insert Foot" file….

Seen over Here:

Man, what do you start here? I’m no Hillary fan, not by a long shot, but man, at least have some decorum for the idiot closet lesbian Lady. What? Why are you looking at me like that for? I dont knowTongueWinkingBig Grin

Seriously, people should engage the brain just a wee bit more, especially on network TV man. I mean, it is one to sit here on a Blog and rip on the Liberals and call ’em Marxists and Lesbo’s and Idiots and the like, but on National TV?

That’s going a little overboard if you ask me. Worried

Just saying ya’ll…. Cowboy

A Perfect example of what is wrong with the modern day Republican Party.

I mean, I can understand people not liking what Keith Olbermann said, but it is really necessary to be that damned nasty about it?

I mean, after all, he did clarify what he meant.

Don’t get me wrong, I believe in free speech, but this sort of nonsense is uncalled for.

Update: As such as I thought, Cannot answer my question, so, they resort to personal attacks. So typical for your ilk. You see folks, this is what happens when you allow intellectually dishonest people near a computer. Keep drinking the Kool-Aid guys, and I’ll keep pointing you out to the Blogging world.