The Manufactured Liberal scandal against a Conservative of the day

Man, I’ll tell you, it goes for one silly headline to another. I awake this morning to the headline of Michelle Obama being referred to as a “Baby Momma”.

……and of course, Michelle Malkin is supposedly involved. Now let me say this, yes, the graphic was offensive, anyone who uses that sort of a term about a married woman, much less, a married black woman, is just being downright offensive.

Malkin for her part says:

I did not write the caption and I was not aware of it when it ran (the Baltimore studio doesn’t have a monitor). I don’t know if the caption writer was making a lame attempt to be hip, clueless about the original etymology of the phrase, or both.

She goes on to try to attempt to justify the caption, of which I do not agree, however, let me just say this, if you’re going to be angry with anyone, make it Fox News, not Michelle Malkin, she could not even see the damn graphic. Of course, Malkin has gotten hate mail for it. I just wonder how long it will be before some idiot liberal posts her home address and telephone numbers for the world to see, like they did last time.

I predict that Fox News will issue some lame apology and this will become yesterdays news. But still, Baby Momma? Talk about low!