As such I thought….

You know, If I had a dollar for every time, some idiot news outlet, who was seeking ratings, published a bogus story, saying Bush was going to attack Iran. I’d be rich, very rich.

The Article: White House denies Army Radio report on plan to attack Iran (Via Jerusalem Post

The White House on Tuesday flatly denied an Army Radio report that claimed US President George W. Bush intends to attack Iran before the end of his term. It said that while the military option had not been taken off the table, the Administration preferred to resolve concerns about Iran’s push for a nuclear weapon "through peaceful diplomatic means."

I mean, really? Are people just that stupid that they will Blog on every drip of news that comes out of the nozzle of the Main Stream Media’s faucet?

I can see why now, that MSM hates Blogs, there’s just no ethical standards amongst these people.

A word of wise to you guys, if it doesn’t pass the smell test, don’t print it!

Here’s the list of gullible people that printed this unfounded story: Firedoglake, The Hill’s Blog Briefing Room, Think Progress, Wonkette, God-o-Meter, Israel Matzav. The major exception being Blogs of War who, like me, says the story doesn’t pass the smell test.

Update: Hello to all the readers from Memeorandum, who finally added me back to the list of blogs to scan! yippie! DancingBig Grin (thanks to Blogs of War for linking!)


via Brave New Films:


If this is any preview of what’s going to happen in the general election… It’s going to be tough of the G.O.P. and McCain.

Others: MyDD, Booman Tribune, The Real McCain, Daily Kos, Balloon Juice, Group News Blog and Attackerman

The White House cannot control the media and whines about it.

This is too damn funny….

The Article: White House takes swipe at NBC News (Via The Hill)

Steve Capus

President, NBC News

30 Rockefeller Plaza
New York, N.Y. 10112

Mr. Capus:

This e-mail is to formally request that NBC Nightly News and The Today Show air for their viewers President Bush’s actual answer to correspondent Richard Engel’s question about Iran policy and "appeasement," rather than the deceptively edited version of the President’s answer that was aired last night on the Nightly News and this morning on The Today Show.
In the interview, Engel asked the President: "You said that negotiating with Iran is pointless, and then you went further. You said that it was appeasement. Were you referring to Senator Barack Obama?"

The President responded: "You know, my policies haven’t changed, but evidently the political calendar has. People need to read the speech. You didn’t get it exactly right, either. What I said was is that we need to take the words of people seriously. And when, you know, a leader of Iran says that they want to destroy Israel, you’ve got to take those words seriously. And if you don’t take them seriously, then it harkens back to a day when we didn’t take other words seriously. It was fitting that I talked about not taking the words of Adolf Hitler seriously on the floor of the Knesset. But I also talked about the need to defend Israel, the need to not negotiate with the likes of al Qaeda, Hezbollah and Hamas. And the need to make sure Iran doesn’t get a nuclear weapon."

This answer makes clear: (1). The President’s remarks before the Knesset were not different from past policy statements, but are now being looked at through a political prism, (2). Corrects the inaccurate premise of Engel’s question by putting the "appeasement" line in the proper context of taking the words of leaders seriously, not "negotiating with Iran," (3). Restates the U.S.’s long-standing policy positions against negotiating with al Qaeda, Hezbollah and Hamas, and not allowing Iran to obtain a nuclear weapon.

Engel’s immediate follow-up question was, "Repeatedly you’ve talked about Iran and that you don’t want to see Iran develop a nuclear weapon. How far away do you think Iran is from developing a nuclear capability?"

The President replied, "You know, Richard, I don’t want to speculate – and there’s a lot of speculation. But one thing is for certain – we need to prevent them from learning how to enrich uranium. And I have made it clear to the Iranians that there is a seat at the table for them if they would verifiably suspend their enrichment. And if not, we’ll continue to rally the world to isolate them."

This response reiterates another long-standing policy, which is that if Iran verifiably suspends its uranium enrichment program the U.S. government would engage in talks with the Iranian government.

NBC’s selective editing of the President’s response is clearly intended to give viewers the impression that he agreed with Engel’s characterization of his remarks when he explicitly challenged it. Furthermore, it omitted the references to al Qaeda, Hezbollah and Hamas and ignored the clarifying point in the President’s follow-up response that U.S. policy is to require Iran to suspend its nuclear enrichment program before coming to the table, not that "negotiating with Iran is pointless" and amounts to "appeasement."

This deceitful editing to further a media-manufactured storyline is utterly misleading and irresponsible and I hereby request in the interest of fairness and accuracy that the network air the President’s responses to both initial questions in full on the two programs that used the excerpts.
As long as I am making this formal request, please allow me to take this opportunity to ask if your network has reconsidered its position that Iraq is in the midst of a civil war, especially in light of the fact that the unity government in Baghdad recently rooted out illegal, extremist groups in Basra and reclaimed the port there for the people of Iraq, among other significant signs of progress.

On November 27, 2006, NBC News made a decision to no longer just cover the news in Iraq, but to make an analytical and editorial judgment that Iraq was in a civil war. As you know, both the United States government and the Government of Iraq disputed your account at that time. As Matt Lauer said that morning on The Today Show: "We should mention, we didn’t just wake up on a Monday morning and say, ‘Let’s call this a civil war.’ This took careful deliberation.’"

I noticed that around September of 2007, your network quietly stopped referring to conditions in Iraq as a "civil war." Is it still NBC News’s carefully deliberated opinion that Iraq is in the midst of a civil war? If not, will the network publicly declare that the civil war has ended, or that it was wrong to declare it in the first place?

Lastly, when the Commerce Department on April 30 released the GDP numbers for the first quarter of 2007, Brian Williams reported it this way: "If you go by the government number, the figure that came out today stops just short of the official declaration of a recession."

The GDP estimate was a positive 0.6% for the first quarter. Slow growth, but growth nonetheless. This followed a slow but growing fourth quarter in 2007. Consequently, even if the first quarter GDP estimate had been negative, it still would not have signaled a recession – neither by the unofficial rule-of-thumb of two consecutive quarters of negative growth, nor the more robust definition by the National Bureau of Economic Research (the group that officially marks the beginnings and ends of business cycles).

Furthermore, never in our nation’s history have we characterized economic conditions as a "recession" with unemployment so low – in fact, when this rate of unemployment was eventually reached in the 1990s, it was hailed as the sign of a strong economy. This rate of unemployment is lower than the average of the past three decades.

Are there numbers besides the "government number" to go by? Is there reason to believe "the government number" is suspect? How does the release of positive economic growth for two consecutive quarters, albeit limited, stop "just short of the official declaration of a recession"?

Mr. Capus, I’m sure you don’t want people to conclude that there is really no distinction between the "news" as reported on NBC and the "opinion" as reported on MSNBC, despite the increasing blurring of those lines. I welcome your response to this letter, and hope it is one that reassures your broadcast network’s viewers that blatantly partisan talk show hosts like Christopher Matthews and Keith Olbermann at MSNBC don’t hold editorial sway over the NBC network news division.


Ed Gillespie

Counselor to the President

So, they cannot control the media, like they do over at Fox News and so, they write NBC whining about it. Crying

How immature, stupid, and terribly lame, can you be? Rolling EyesLoser

November cannot come fast enough.

Others agree: JustOneMinute, Marc Ambinder, The Hill’s Blog Briefing Room and Gawker

U.S. to build new prison in Afghanistan

I can hear the Liberals whining now….

The Article: U.S. Planning Big New Prison in Afghanistan (Via New York Times)


The Pentagon is moving forward with plans to build a new, 40-acre detention complex on the main American military base in Afghanistan, officials said, in a stark acknowledgment that the United States is likely to continue to hold prisoners overseas for years to come.

The proposed detention center would replace the cavernous, makeshift American prison on the Bagram military base north of Kabul, which is now typically packed with about 630 prisoners, compared with the 270 held at Guantánamo Bay, Cuba.

Until now, the Bush administration had signaled that it intended to scale back American involvement in detention operations in Afghanistan. It had planned to transfer a large majority of the prisoners to Afghan custody, in an American-financed, high-security prison outside Kabul to be guarded by Afghan soldiers.

The reason why I would say that Liberals will whine about this, is because Bush said he would scale back American involvement in detention centers in Afghanistan. However, if you read the REST of this article. You will see why were having to get involved and stay involved.


But American officials now concede that the new Afghan-run prison cannot absorb all the Afghans now detained by the United States, much less the waves of new prisoners from the escalating fight against Al Qaeda and the Taliban.


Faced with that, American officials said they wanted to replace the Bagram prison, a converted aircraft hangar that still holds some of the decrepit aircraft-repair machinery left by the Soviet troops who occupied the country in the 1980s. In its place the United States will build what officials described as a more modern and humane detention center that would usually accommodate about 600 detainees — or as many as 1,100 in a surge — and cost more than $60 million.

“Our existing theater internment facility is deteriorating,” said Sandra L. Hodgkinson, the senior Pentagon official for detention policy, in a telephone interview. “It was renovated to do a temporary mission. There is a sense that this is the right time to build a new facility.”

American officials also acknowledged that there are serious health risks to detainees and American military personnel who work at the Bagram prison, because of their exposure to heavy metals from the aircraft-repair machinery and asbestos.

“It’s just not suitable,” another Pentagon official said. “At some point, you have to say, ‘That’s it. This place was not made to keep people there indefinitely.’ ”

That point came about six months ago. It became clear to Pentagon officials that the original plan of releasing some Afghan prisoners outright and transferring other detainees to Afghan custody would not come close to emptying the existing detention center.

You see, this is not being done, so that the American Government can keep us in that country forever, as Liberals like Keith Olbermann and his hyperventilating special comments want us to believe. They’re doing this out of a human concern for Prisoners housed there, Yes, my friends, the United States is still a caring Country, that cares for the well-being of people, even those who would want to kill us.

I am writing this to prove a point, that even if President George W. Bush is an idiot, and Yes, I do believe that he is not the brightest bulb in the box, there are people still working in the United States Government, that do still possess a great deal of intelligence and still have the morals and integrity that this Nation is known for.

The New York Times’s Liberal bias aside, the article is quite informative as to the real conditions on the ground in Afghanistan. I suggest you read it.

One of the best "Hardball" shows…….ever!

You know, whether you like Chris Matthews or Loathe him, one thing cannot be argued, he does know his stuff. He did get one fact wrong yesterday. He most likely misspoke, but he did, for once, put a right wing talking head in his rightful place. I watched that little debacle unravel on MSNBC, and I can honestly say, I wish Chris Matthews would have pulled a Bill O’Reilly and cut that idiot’s microphone off, he was wrong, from the start, and when taken to the carpet on a point and asked a simple question, he was too damn stupid to answer it.

Thank you Chris Matthews for doing and saying, what many of us Americans many Americans are feeling right about now.

Here is the infamous Video:

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Chris Matthew’s Opens his Pie hole and inserts his rather large foot……again

Here’s the Video:

Transcript via MMFA:

From the May 13 edition of MSNBC’s Hardball with Chris Matthews:

MATTHEWS: Andrea, this whole question — Hillary Clinton goes down there and rolls up the score, as she ought to, because it’s a state she can do well in. The Barack Obama dissing of that state, not even going in there to fight the primary, is that going to hurt him in the general if he’s the nominee?

MITCHELL: Well, that’s what Joe Manchin, the governor, was concerned about — that people here need to size him up. He said, you know, these are hard working people, but they have a Ph.D. in life and in human nature, and they want to see you. They want to have, you know, dinner with you. They want to break bread with you.


MITCHELL: They want to get to know what motivates you.


MITCHELL: And that’s what he wants to see.

MATTHEWS: I agree. Well, I think he’s right. I think, being an African-American, it’s all the more important to get in there and show who you are, introduce yourself as a person, not as an identity group —

FINEMAN: Right. Right.

MATTHEWS: — but as a human being, and connect with people. I think that’s still going to be his challenge. Playing pool, not a bad start, but it’s not what most people play. People with money play pool these days.


MATTHEWS: Anyway, thank you. The guys who have pool rooms in their house in the basement. You know what those tables cost? Anyway, Howard Fineman, thank you, Andrea Mitchell. Up next, it’s the Hardball sideshow.

Smart, Real smart Matthews, show ’em how big of an idiot you really are.

Actually the truth about pool is:

According to a Sporting Goods Manufacturers Association 2007 study posted on the Billiards Congress of America website, "There are 46,990,000 Billiards participants in the U.S." — defined as people who play billiards at least once a year — and "60% of all Billiards participants have a household income of under $75,000 per year." Additionally, 54 percent of billiards participants also participated in bowling, and "30% of all Billiards participants have a college degree or higher."

So, Matthews, not only are you offensive, But you’re an idiot who can’t get his facts straight.

I’ll just say it, why the hell is this idiot even on the air? I mean, what the hell has he even done? He worked for peace core, He was a speech writer for Carter, and that was it, what else has this jack ass done? Nothing! Pat Buchanan has more political credits than this moronic tool has ever had. 

I wish MSNBC would do the American people a favor and retire this feckless former drunk off the air, once and for all. The American people would be better off, MSNBC would be better off and world in general would be such a sweeter, nice place to exist.

I hate to tell Media Matters for America this, But……

That is what the majority of America is thinking….

Here’s the Video and Transcript: (via Media Matters for America)

Full Transcript:

From the May 12 edition of ABC Radio Networks’ Imus in the Morning:

DIETL: Well, I got real a problem with the president, the former president. You know, this weekend, I go to gas up my car, my M6, the BMW. Uses a lot of gas, we all agree with that. It’s 510 horsepower.

IMUS: Sure.

DIETL: Four dollars and fifty cents for the high test now. Now, I did a little investigation through the whole — you know, through the whole weekend there to find out really where it lies. And I got a problem with President Bush the father, my friend. I got a problem with this guy sitting across from me, Bill Clinton, and Fredo over here. We all — Fredo, the president, the current, sitting president, with those stupid faces that he makes. There was tornadoes in the Midwest, and he’s making a press conference with his wife sitting there. He’s making these stupid —

IMUS: This is your guy.

DIETL: He’s — nobody’s my guy.

IMUS: No, he was your guy —

DIETL: Nobody’s my guy.

IMUS: No, no. He was your guy when he ran.

DIETL: Here’s what I call out to the Senate majority —

IMUS: I did not vote for him. You did.

DIETL: Senate majority —

IMUS: Did you vote for him? Did you vote for him?

DIETL: Yes. Yes, I did.


DIETL: People make mistakes.

IMUS: Well, yeah. You made a big mistake. You voted for him twice.

DIETL: Well, I made a few big mistakes when I didn’t invest my money into oil and gold.

IMUS: True.

DIETL: OK. But my point is, there should be a congressional investigation. One, into all these former presidents. What kind of money is being influxitated [sic] into their libaries [sic]? I’m talking about this guy sitting across from me, Bill Clinton. They have hundreds of millions of dollars that were pumped in there from these Aba Daba Doos over there in the Middle East, controlling the oil. Right now in the Middle East, you’ve got Saudi Arabia, who’s got their finger. Why doesn’t Fredo get on his Air Force One, fly over to Riyadh, get those little hamel [sic] humpers over there, sit ’em down, and say, "Look, we got our F-16s –"

IMUS: It’s, uh, "camel humpers."

DIETL: "We got our F-16s guarding you against Iran. We saved you from Saddam Hussein. We’re going to move all our troops out of here and leave you to defend your own country." ‘Cause you know what? They couldn’t do it. ‘Cause all they do is pick their nose and eat their boogies, and that’s the end of it. That’s all they do.

BERNARD McGUIRK (executive producer): Hey, oh.

DIETL: I’ve been there.

IMUS: Hey, calm down here a minute. We’re trying to have breakfast.

DIETL: All right. ‘Cause this aggravates me. We protect Saudi Arabia.

IMUS: [unintelligible] to be eating your boogers. [unintelligible]

DIETL: Saudi Arabia controls the oil flow.

IMUS: That is disgusting.

DIETL: And right now, people are starving.

IMUS: Why are you hollering?

DIETL: Families can’t put their kids into their SUVs and take them to school because the gas is so expensive.

IMUS: Here’s what’s happening now. People’s houses are being foreclosed on.

DIETL: Right.

IMUS: So they put their furniture in storage. Then they can’t pay the storage bill, so they’re losing that.

DIETL: Right. Now, America that listens to you, Don, and everyone’s ears are out there today. I want people to realize and understand, these former presidents and the current president now have a relationship with Saudi Arabia that they should go over there to — President Bush, my friend there, the cowboy, should hop on his plane and go over there, sit down with the ministers and say, "Here’s the way it’s going to be. We’re pulling out all our men over there protecting you."

You go now — you go to the next stop, Dubai. Do you know what’s going on in Dubai now? Twenty-five percent of the cranes in the world are in Dubai. You got Philippine workers dying two a day, construction workers are dying two a day. They can’t put up a building fast enough. They got three buildings programmed that’ll be double the size of the former World Trade Center. They’re building islands. They’re building man-made islands.

You know what is there? I’ll tell you what’s there. A bunch of hookers from Russia and all over there.

IMUS: Yeah, well —

DIETL: It’s a playground for —

IMUS: I wouldn’t bring that up if I were you.

DIETL: It’s a playground for all these people who are pumping all the oil out of the ground, making all this money. Our Americans dying defending them over in Iraq, and they stand around there [imitates ululation]. They go running around, hopping on their private planes, hopping on their camels.

The Congress should be getting involved with this. Where is the senators and where is the congressmen to step up and step on Saudi Arabia and stop with my fuel pump? ‘Cause I got people that can’t drive their cars.

And I ran for Congress back in ’86. I wish I would’ve won. ‘Cause I would be there in Congress slapping people around, saying, "How much money? You want to take a trip over to Saudi Arabia?"

IMUS: You would’ve made — you’d have made Vito — what’s that guy’s name, Bernie?

DIETL: I like Vito Fossella.

McGUIRK: Fossella.

IMUS: You would’ve made Vito Fossella look like a Boy Scout.

DIETL: Guy made a little mistake. Guy made a little mistake. We all make little mistakes in our lives.

The "Boogies" joke aside, I hate to break it to David Brock and the rest of the crew over at Media Matters for America, but, this is what the majority of America is thinking right about now. I, for one, cannot afford to drive my car, much anywhere at all, either.

I am fully aware that the Arab slam was offensive, but Christ Almighty man, the guy is right. I think he should be applauded for telling the damn truth, if anything at all.

Bill O’ Flips his wig trying to tape a segment…

I’m posting this from the interface… Because I want to upload a video…

The newest thing making the rounds on the Blogs is a Video of Bill O’ of Faux Noise fame, flipping his wig over a prompter not having the correct text or no text at all.

Here’s the Video, ENJOY!

Of course, as a native Detroit’er. This stuff is nothing new. Here’s a video of our own Bill Bonds of WXYZ-TV in Detroit, Michigan flipping his wig over something that wasn’t written to his liking, this was also when Bill Bonds was hitting the sauce as well, back in the 1980’s. For what it is worth, Bill Bonds ended up finally getting fired for his drinking problem, after many "second chances" by management.

So there you have it. Broadcasting at it’s finest.

Update: Here’s Keith Olbermann’s reaction:

Clinton Supporter Lanny Davis reguarding his appearance on CNN

Worst experience I ever had on television

I shall resist the temptation of calling him a whiny Liberal. He does make a valid point, that CNN is one of the most Liberal biased cable television networks out there. I ought to know, I used to watch CNN with Religious devotion, from day we moved to Lincoln Park from Detroit. I never was much of a Fox News watcher, I do know the difference between Political and Religious/Zionist Propaganda and legit news and political coverage.

As to the bias against Hillary Clinton, I have no idea, I do not watch that network any longer. I stopped watching after CNN ran a special called “What is a Christian?” Which I felt was nothing more than a veiled slap in the face towards Christianity. I mean, they’ve never, ever ran a special called, “What is a Muslim?” or “What is a Jew?” or anything of that sort. Christians in this piece were painted is Religion zealots and psychotic crazy people.

I personally believe that Anderson Hays Cooper Vanderbilt should stick to making blue jeans with his mommy and quit trying to be a legit journalist. Because quite frankly, I find his work vomit provoking and along the lines of the National Enquirer.

I have written this before, to no response or real drama, I often wonder, if Anderson would have jumped, instead of Carter, would the world be a better place? I really wonder.

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Keith Olbermann’s Worst Person in the World

Silver: Dick Morris for opening his Bazoo about Obama. (I’m no Fan of Obama, But that’s just plain stupid)

Bronze: Hillary former campaign Manager for being a damned idiot

Gold: Cindy McCain for claiming to run a clean campaign, when her Hubby Jaun McSame is already running a dirty campaign.

Sorry Liberals Cindy McCain DOES have a right to her privacy….

I know it pains liberals to no end, but it’s true.

The Article: Cindy McCain says she’ll never release her tax returns (Via Yahoo! News)

Cindy McCain says she will never make her tax returns public even if her husband wins the White House and she becomes the first lady.

"You know, my husband and I have been married 28 years and we have filed separate tax returns for 28 years. This is a privacy issue. My husband is the candidate," Cindy McCain, wife of Republican presidential nominee-in-waiting John McCain, said in an interview aired on NBC’s "Today" on Thursday.

Asked if she would release her tax returns if she was first lady, Cindy McCain said: "No.

As much as I know that it makes the commie Liberal’s heads explode, but there is a thing in this country called a right to privacy and everyone in America is entitled to that right. Including someone’s wife, who’s husband is running for President. They do not file jointly, they file separately and she had a right to her privacy, if she chooses not to release said information.

What cracks me up is these idiot commie liberal idiots, who say, "What does she have to hide?"  like vultures ready to devour a dead carcass at a funeral. My question is, why is it automatically assumed that, just because someone wants to protect their personal privacy, that their automatically accused of corruption. But these same people would bitch a blue streak, if they found out someone had obtained their personal tax records or other personal information and had it broadcast all over the Internet and national media. In other words, "I want MY privacy, but John McCain’s wife? How dare she demand privacy!"

More of that Liberal "double standard" that I keep hearing about. So typical of the defeatist liberal commie terror sympathizers.

Bastards, all of them. Frustrated 

….and before anyone thinks I’m voting for Mr. Juan McSame, think again… I’m voting for this guy. and NOT McCain.

The goodness sakes people, Let the Wright thing GO, PLEASE!

Good early morning…. I wasn’t going to write much today, because my mind is on that piece of junk car of mine and other stuff, but I’m getting to the point of, I can’t take it anymore!

When will the media just stop talking about the stupid Rev. Wright story!?! I mean, seriously people! Even Newt Gingrich said to stop:

The Anti-Obama, Anti-Wright, and Anti-Clinton GOP Model Has Been Tested — And It Failed

The Republican brand has been so badly damaged that if Republicans try to run an anti-Obama, anti- Reverend Wright, or (if Senator Clinton wins), anti-Clinton campaign, they are simply going to fail.

This model has already been tested with disastrous results.

In 2006, there were six incumbent Republican Senators who had plenty of money, the advantage of incumbency, and traditionally successful consultants.

But the voters in all six states had adopted a simple position: “Not you.” No matter what the GOP Senators attacked their opponents with, the voters shrugged off the attacks and returned to, “Not you.”

The danger for House and Senate Republicans in 2008 is that the voters will say, “Not the Republicans.”

But yet, we STILL have media types that just continue to want to recycle this story, again, this time accusing the media of not reporting on it, fast enough.

Okay, here’s a little bit of dose of reality for the hosebag idiot that wrote this story.

The mainstream media did not first report this story, it originated out of the political blogging world. I remember when the Blogs first started reporting on it. It was about 2 months ago or so. Finally, after not being able to ignore it any longer, the MSM started reporting on it, first Fox News and then the rest followed suit. and of course, they put in on repeat mode until the candidate in question, ended up having to sever all ties with Rev. Wright, and until people, like myself, were ready pull what little hair we have left out, for having to hear the damn story, repeated 24 freakin’ 7 on the television, radio and yes, on most websites that we ready daily.

The point I am trying to make is this, the Obama-Wright story was not even a story, until US BLOGGERS brought it up, once in the MSM’s hands, it took a life unto it’s own, almost to the point of becoming a parody of itself. Of course, Wright did not help matters either by going on TV and acting like total idiot himself. Thereby giving the story more life. Which I also found to be quite annoying, and now the story is basically a dead issue, and quite frankly, I wish the media would just drop the damn story and move on to the next thing, like getting fucking Hillary Clinton out of this damn race, so we can move on to the next thing, like the General Election!

Okay, I feel better now….

Others: and PrestoPundit

Special Podcast for my readers: Donation Appeal

This is a special Podcast for the regular readers of my Blog.

I need some serious help folks, please, listen to this.

Click here to get your own player.


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Keith Obermann’s Worst person in the World….

Even though I am a Conservative Minded Libertarian/Constitutionalist, I still cannot stand this current Presidential Administration or the Republican Party as a whole, and yes, that includes Faux Noise. So, having said that, here’s the "Worst Person in the World" from last night…:

Bronze: The Idiot host at Fox and Friends and His Kid, (Steve What’s his name….)

Silver: William Kristol for being the Neo-Conservative idiot that he is… (simply put….)

Gold: Rush Limbaugh for making a ethnic slur about the Mayor or LA. 

Another Liberal, Another Book… Zzzzzzz

The Liberal Marble Mouth from Greece, is trying to sell a book by slamming McCain. What else is new?

A New Video….that everyone should watch!

made by yours truly…

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Jaun McSame gets asked "The Question"…

Yes, he got asked, "The Question!"

The problem is, as to whom, asked that question.

The far lefty, Commie, Liberal Blogs are breathlessly reporting that the guy was, in fact, a Baptist Minister.

There’s only one little problem with that story!

It is totally and unequivocally false. 

The man was a former staff member for Joe Biden and is now a supporter of none of than, you guessed it, B. Hussein Obama. 

There’s video of the incident, I’m not going to bother putting it here. This is just one of those fool hardy attempts by the left to distract the media’s attention away from the fact, that Barry’s got some quite interesting friends, Pastors, terrorist buddies and he is running for President of the United States of America.

I think it is high time that people woke and really seen the Democrat Party for what it has become. A group of criminal thugs and goons, who are more interested in having a communist, socialist society, than a free republic. 

B. Hussein Obama is a perfect embodiment of such a society.

The New York Times wants it both ways

I am not quite sure what to make of this. It just strikes me is quite odd that the New York Times, who once endorsed Hillary Clinton, would turn right around and scold her.

After all, on January 25, 2008, the New York Times said this:

This generally is the stage of a campaign when Democrats have to work hard to get excited about whichever candidate seems most likely to outlast an uninspiring pack. That is not remotely the case this year.

The early primaries produced two powerful main contenders: Hillary Clinton, the brilliant if at times harsh-sounding senator from New York; and Barack Obama, the incandescent if still undefined senator from Illinois. The remaining long shot, John Edwards, has enlivened the race with his own brand of raw populism.

As Democrats look ahead to the primaries in the biggest states on Feb. 5, The Times’s editorial board strongly recommends that they select Hillary Clinton as their nominee for the 2008 presidential election.

But now this same board of editors, because Hillary Clinton did not play by their expected narrative, they publish this:

The Pennsylvania campaign, which produced yet another inconclusive result on Tuesday, was even meaner, more vacuous, more desperate, and more filled with pandering than the mean, vacuous, desperate, pander-filled contests that preceded it.

Voters are getting tired of it; it is demeaning the political process; and it does not work. It is past time for Senator Hillary Rodham Clinton to acknowledge that the negativity, for which she is mostly responsible, does nothing but harm to her, her opponent, her party and the 2008 election.

If nothing else, self interest should push her in that direction. Mrs. Clinton did not get the big win in Pennsylvania that she needed to challenge the calculus of the Democratic race. It is true that Senator Barack Obama outspent her 2-to-1. But Mrs. Clinton and her advisers should mainly blame themselves, because, as the political operatives say, they went heavily negative and ended up squandering a good part of what was once a 20-point lead.

Is there any clearer proof of bias at The New York Times? At the very least, it shows that the New York Times wants Hillary to follow a pre-written narrative. How childish can a newspaper be! The very idea, that a major newspaper would publish an endorsement and then, because that said candidate does not jump through said hoops that the Newspaper wishes her to, that paper puts out a Editorial blasting her.

I can clearly see now why the Conservatives as a whole are rejecting the New York Times as some Liberal rag, which does not have the Journalistic integrity that it once did. The shoddy work on the John McCain story was living proof of that this just confirms it totally.

Others on this:Washington Wire, protein wisdom, Swampland, Balloon Juice, Hot Air, MSNBC, Real Clear Politics, Buck Naked Politics, Guardian Unlimited, The American Conservative, CANNONFIRE, Salon, Comedy Central, The Huffington Post, Top of the Ticket, No More Mister Nice Blog, The Strata-Sphere, American Street, Connecting.the.Dots, TalkLeft, TPMCafe, Marc Ambinder, Hotline On Call, Daily Kos, Commentary, and The Mahablog


WaPo does a piece on McCain’s temper.

Good grief, John McCain can’t even catch a break on Sunday. (Come to think of it, neither can I! WinkingBig Grin )

Seems that The Washington Post has now put out another article on John McCain’s temper.

The McCain camp says it’s totally dishonest and misrepresents him. 

In the Blogosphere, The left is breaking out the surrender hymnals and the defeatist scrolls and treating this piece as The Gospel According to St. WaPo. That is after offering their hourly prayers for the Obamassiah. You know, St. Magic Negro?

Even the Moderate Voice, which is supposed to be a moderate voice of reason in the Blogosphere, is accepting this article as gospel, maybe they should change their name to Liberal Voice, because any open minded Moderate would want to know the truth, before accepting something as Gospel. 

The response on the right has been as expected, they’re crying "Foul!" and dismissing it as a liberal hit piece on John McCain. Which is to be expected.

My Take on it:

First off, I don’t know John McCain, So, I am not about to sit here and pronounce Judgement on someone, that I do not know. Second of all, I find it very disturbing that the Washington Post, which is a supposed to be a respectable news organization, would take an article like this, based upon half truths and gossip, and print them as fact. I would expect this from say, a DC Gossip Blog, like Wonkette, but from the Washington Post? Come on. They can do better than this. I feel that if the Washington Post wants to trash Senator McCain, trash him on his politics, trash him on his policy positions, but leave the gossip, the innuendo and the downright blatant stupidity to the National Enquirer, and other Magazines. 

Others on this:Hot Air, The Corner, Roger L. Simon, THE LIBERAL JOURNAL, The Moderate Voice, The American Conservative, The Carpetbagger Report, DownWithTyranny!, The Caucus, AMERICAblog, Shakesville, Ed, Jonathan Martin’s Blogs, The Seminal, TownHall Blog, Althouse, Redstate, Pam’s House Blend, The Swamp, Booman Tribune, JammieWearingFool, and Macsmind


A Video, that everyone needs to watch…

I think everyone needs to watch this:

It’s pretty scary, but all true.

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