Keith Olbermann’s Worst Person in the World

The Bronze: John Bolton for saying that Sept 11’th was on Clinton’s Watch. (it wasn’t, it was on Bush’s watch…)

The Silver: Chris Wallace for saying that Bill O. and the other Opinion people over at Fox, do not handle election coverage, when they do. (duh!)

The Gold: The idiots over at The New York Post’s Page Six Dept. who are going to write idiotically untrue statement about Olbermann.

You know, I know, some of you are thinking, “What the hell are you posting these videos for?" For one, I like Olbermann’s show, because I happen to think that George W. Bush is the biggest flippin’  idiot President, that this Nation has EVER had, anyone that disagrees with that, mostly likely has their ass planted so far up George W. Bush’s ass, the G.O.P.’s ass, that they cannot see reality, or is just being willfully ignorant. (which is what 90% of Fox Noise’s viewers are….Willfully ignorant)