It’s about time Bozell!

Well, it’s about time!

Quote: will launch its new Web site on Tuesday, July 8, with a fresh look, more stories, videos, photos, and reader comments. Check out the new on Tuesday, July 8.- Launches New Web Site on Tuesday, July 8 — 07/04/2008

I’ve always said that Brent Bozell needed to update that 1990’s era website of theirs. Hopefully, it will rival Media Matters for America’s site, embeddable video clips, nice banners or buttons for Blogs. It has to be totally web 2.0 friendly. Now if they could just get the MRC site updated too, they’d be in good shape.

I can’t wait to see it.

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Afghanistan officials claim US air strikes killed civilians

You know, I’m just going to say it….


Afghan officials said fighter aircraft battling militants accidentally killed up to 27 Afghans walking to a wedding ceremony in eastern Afghanistan early Sunday, the second military attack in three days with reports of civilian deaths — Afghan officials: US missiles killed 27 civilians – Yahoo! News

Two Words….

Tough shit

Why would I say that? I’ll tell you why. The way I see it, if your country knowingly harbors a terrorist leader and his group of thugs, that was responsible for killing 2,974 of our people. Then I say if some of your people, who happened to be in the area, when our forces happen to be taking out a group of terrorists. That’s just too damn bad.

Does that make me a chicken hawk? Hell No. What that makes me is someone who supports our Military, it makes me a Nationalist, who loves America and happens to believe in the doctrine of “what comes around, goes around” and of “If you play with mud, you’re gonna get dirty”.

Some of us, have not forgotten, at all, what happened in New York, and at the Pentegon on 9/11.

Others: BLACKFIVE, Sweetness & Light

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Libertarians love Obama?? Wha?

This is crazy…..

Via Rasmussen Reports:

Libertarian voters make up 4% of the nation’s likely voters and they favor Barack Obama over John McCain by a 53% to 38% margin. Three percent (3%) would vote for some other candidate and 5% are not sure. These results, from an analysis of 15,000 Likely Voter interviews conducted by Rasmussen Reports, challenges the conventional wisdom which assumes that strong support for a Libertarian candidate would hurt John McCain.

Why any self respecting Free Market, Pro Gun, Anti-Big Goverment, Anti-Socialist, Pro Capitalist, Libertarian would vote for a big government, anti-Capitalist, Socialist, Marxist like Obama is totally beyond me.

Obama is everything that Libertarianism is not. Big Government, Anti-Gun, Anti-Capitalist, Pro-socialist, Communist, Marxist… (same difference, but….)

But then again, the Libertarian party did choose Bab Barr for the Presidential candidate. That says quite a bit, considering that Bob Barr was 100 percent against everything that he is running for now. Which is, well, odd.

I think it would not be a bit of embellishment to say that, in the words of the great Bob Dylan, the times they are changin’….

….and for whatever it’s worth….. Not THIS Libertarian! Not on Barry’s Best day!

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A Great Article by Devvy Kidd

This is a great article, I recommend you go read it all…


“The most important thing is for us to find Osama bin Laden. It is our number one priority and we will not rest until we find him.” George W. Bush, September 13, 2001. “I don’t know where bin Laden is. I have no idea and really don’t care. It’s not that important. It’s not our priority.” George W. Bush, March 13, 2002

The move to impeach President George W. Bush has been around for years. A large number of Americans actually thought that by voting in Democrats and “taking back” Congress in 2006, not only would America withdraw from this heinous, unconstitutional war in Iraq (and Afghanistan), they could also expect the incompetent, Nancy Pelosi, to spear head the impeachment of Bush. Of course, these duped Americans were played, again. There was never any doubt in my mind that there would be no impeachment.The Prosecution of George W. Bush for Murder By Devvy Kidd (via

The most important point that Mrs. Kidd makes in this article is:

1. It is not our duty or obligation to remove any dictator from any foreign country by invading and killing anyone in our way. The Monroe Doctrine, December 2, 1823

2. It is not our responsibility to invade a foreign country to promote the evil of democracy. The Monroe Doctrine, December 2, 1823

3 – It is not our responsibility to invade any foreign country to allegedly protect a neighboring country to settle squabbling, religious or tribal differences between them that have lasted decades or a thousand years. The Monroe Doctrine, December 2, 1823

4. The U.S. Constitution does not authorize the American people to be robbed using borrowed money to fund wars based on lies and what is known as nation building. Our military is for our defense, period. We have the right to defend if attacked.

5. Bush has acknowledged the fact that Saddam Hussein had nothing to do with September 11, 2001.

6. There were no weapons of mass destruction.

7. Iraq was NOT any kind of threat to these united States of America.

8. Bush and his co conspirators planned the invasion of Iraq long before September 11, 2001, because it is the agenda being pursued for world government and every country who doesn’t fall lock step into line will be invaded and occupied until the desired results are achieved. That agenda includes making sure control of the world’s oil supply is in the hands of the power brokers who own the U.S. Congress.

Paid mouth pieces and party hacks on the stupid tube shout that any American questioning Bush’s motives during a time of war and and the invasions of two non threatening countries are somehow aiding and abetting the enemy. “Soft on terrorism.” Classic propaganda. It is our duty to question the motives and policies of those allegedly elected to public office on any issue – especially war.

…..and this woman is a Conservative…. Wow. 😮

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Happy Birthday America!


The unanimous Declaration of the thirteen United States of America

When in the Course of human events it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another and to assume among the powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which the Laws of Nature and of Nature’s God entitle them, a decent respect to the opinions of mankind requires that they should declare the causes which impel them to the separation.

We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness. — That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, — That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness.”


We, therefore, the Representatives of the united States of America, in General Congress, Assembled, appealing to the Supreme Judge of the world for the rectitude of our intentions, do, in the Name, and by Authority of the good People of these Colonies, solemnly publish and declare, That these united Colonies are, and of Right ought to be Free and Independent States, that they are Absolved from all Allegiance to the British Crown, and that all political connection between them and the State of Great Britain, is and ought to be totally dissolved; and that as Free and Independent States, they have full Power to levy War, conclude Peace, contract Alliances, establish Commerce, and to do all other Acts and Things which Independent States may of right do. — And for the support of this Declaration, with a firm reliance on the protection of Divine Providence, we mutually pledge to each other our Lives, our Fortunes, and our sacred Honor.

John Hancock

New Hampshire:
Josiah Bartlett, William Whipple, Matthew Thornton

John Hancock, Samuel Adams, John Adams, Robert Treat Paine, Elbridge Gerry

Rhode Island:
Stephen Hopkins, William Ellery

Roger Sherman, Samuel Huntington, William Williams, Oliver Wolcott

New York:
William Floyd, Philip Livingston, Francis Lewis, Lewis Morris

New Jersey:
Richard Stockton, John Witherspoon, Francis Hopkinson, John Hart, Abraham Clark

Robert Morris, Benjamin Rush, Benjamin Franklin, John Morton, George Clymer, James Smith, George Taylor, James Wilson, George Ross

Caesar Rodney, George Read, Thomas McKean

Samuel Chase, William Paca, Thomas Stone, Charles Carroll of Carrollton

George Wythe, Richard Henry Lee, Thomas Jefferson, Benjamin Harrison, Thomas Nelson, Jr., Francis Lightfoot Lee, Carter Braxton

North Carolina:
William Hooper, Joseph Hewes, John Penn

South Carolina:
Edward Rutledge, Thomas Heyward, Jr., Thomas Lynch, Jr., Arthur Middleton

Button Gwinnett, Lyman Hall, George Walton

It was on this day, 232 years ago. That men decided that freedom was the only way. This post is for them.

A few videos:

A video that tells the story of our National Anthem and how it came to be:

A singing of our National Anthem, that I think is the closest thing to Heavenly Angels singing that we’ll ever get here on Earth:

Another American Classic:

Another one, done, only the way, this man could do it:

Even John Wayne knows:

I posted this, not for some stupid political ploy, not to be clever, but to remind everyone, no matter what your political stripe or conviction or feeling, You are, We are, all Americans. This is our land, and we should, at least once a year, stop and reflect on our freedoms. The freedom to write, the freedom to Pray to whatever God we wish or the freedom to not pray, at all.  The freedom to agree, the freedom of dissent or to disagree, the freedom to assemble or simply the freedom to do nothing at all.

As Always, We remember our soldiers, especially those who have fallen:

One of my favorite songs:

Update: I could not remember the name of this song last night, I remembered the name this morning:

I cannot listen to this without tearing up… it’s tough, even for a guy:

God Bless the United States of America and God Bless and Keep our Soldiers.

Karl Rove asks if Barack Obama will buy the election

Karl Rove is asking that.

Karl Rove?!?!?!?

You mean the same Karl Rove that guided the President to basically break every damn election promise made during the 2000 election?

You mean the same Karl Rove the guided the President to stomp all over the Constitution during a time of war?

You mean THAT Karl Rove?

As if anyone gives a remote flying flip what that moron says….

If Obama wins this election it will be the G.O.P’s own fault for running a stupid and misguided smear campaign against him, That’s why!

Quite frankly, I cannot say that they don’t deserve to get their tails kicked this year.

Karl Rove, that’s a laugh…. Idiots, pure idiots, I tell ya…

Others: protein wisdom, Think Progress, Commentary, Blogs of War, Dean’s World and Blog

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Why is it that Liberals are Anti-Gun and Anti-Capitalist?

I just love the voices of liberal whiners in the morning….

In another sharp break with its traditions, the court struck down parts of the District of Columbia’s gun-control law. After seven decades of holding that the Second Amendment’s right to bear arms is tied to raising a militia, the court reversed itself and ruled that it confers on individuals the right to keep guns in their homes for personal use. The decision will no doubt add significantly to the number of Americans killed by gun violence.

Corporations fared especially well in this term. The court reduced the punitive-damages award against Exxon Mobil for the 1989 Exxon Valdez oil spill from $2.5 billion to about $500 million, a pittance for the energy company. In the process, the court declared that in maritime cases, punitive damages should not exceed the actual damages in a case. It is a rule that foils the purposes of punitive damages: to punish and to deter bad conduct.A Supreme Court on the Brink (Via Editorial Dept.)

I just do not understand it. Why are Liberals so against capitalism in America? Why do they hate people that make a profit? I just do not get that at all.

Oh, By the way, on the Gun issue, fellow Libertarian Vox Day weighs in:

Note that “significantly”. In 2004, 29,569 people were killed by guns. In 2005, 30,694 were killed, a 3.8 percent increase. According to the natural progression, there should be about 35,633 firearms deaths in 2009 even without the recent supreme court decision; let’s assume that a “significant” increase would be at least twice the expected rate of increase given population growth, to say nothing of the economic downturn and global warming. So, if the prophetic skills of the New York Times is to be trusted, gun fatalities should rise to at least 40,000 in 2009.

My view is that they won’t get anywhere near that level, unless, of course, Obama gets elected and decides to govern in the conventional African manner.

So much for that Liberal lie. I mean, between the lies about Guns and the Anti-Capitalist rhetoric, why does anyone even remotely consider the New York Times a Legitimate news outlet anymore?

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Another Stupid Obama smear….

Yeah, the Neo-Con goons will talk about some stupid loan Non-Story, But they’ll completely ignore the fact the United States tortured detainees with techniques they learned from China.

Yeah, I read it, enough to know that it is big on accusations and little on substance. With a mention of Rezko tossed in for good measure. Kind of like the majority of the stories coming out about Obama.

When Obama spanks the collective asses of the G.O.P. in November, it will be because of the blatant stupidity of the Neo-Conservative right that has milinged the Conservative cause in this country.

Quite frankly, I wish November were tommorow.

Others:, The Swamp, Fox News, Right Wing News, TBogg, Political Machine, Confederate Yankee, The Campaign Spot, Redstate, NO QUARTER, Salon, The Caucus, MSNBC, Hot Air, Ben Smith’s Blogs, Brilliant at Breakfast, Comments from Left Field, Bark Bark Woof Woof, The Political Carnival, JammieWearingFool,, Whiskey Fire, Bang the Drum,, Oliver Willis, Spin Cycle, PoliGazette, EconoPundit and American Thinker and more via Memeorandum

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More of the Shame of America…

There is a bunch that one could say about this. From what I have read this was covered in a book. But it does strike me as shocking that a Presidential Administration would allow something like this to happen.

What the trainers did not say, and may not have known, was that their chart had been copied verbatim from a 1957 Air Force study of Chinese Communist techniques used during the Korean War to obtain confessions, many of them false, from American prisoners.

The recycled chart is the latest and most vivid evidence of the way Communist interrogation methods that the United States long described as torture became the basis for interrogations both by the military at the base at Guantánamo Bay, Cuba, and by the Central Intelligence Agency.- An Expert Reveals Chinese Origins of Interrogation Techniques at Guantánamo –

I just have to wonder aloud, I wonder if Neo-Con Michelle Malkin and her stooge Capt. Ed. will try and spin this one and act like there’s nothing wrong with it? When do you finally say, “This is wrong” and disassociate yourself with a Political Party? What does it take? It is to truly wonder.

Others: The Moderate Voice, Firedoglake, KIKO’S HOUSE, The Agitator, The Carpetbagger Report, The Seminal, the talking dog, Matthew Yglesias, cab drollery, On Deadline, Amygdala, The Daily Dish, Balkinization, Washington Monthly, Prairie Weather, Blog, Unfogged, The Mahablog, Balloon Juice, Shakesville, ATTACKERMAN and The Political Carnival

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A Video that asks a few legit questions of Obama

Via Tigerhawk:

Obama’s buddy’s from Weather Underground going under the bus in 5…4…3…2..1

Others: Gateway Pundit, alicublog, EconoPundit, Stop The ACLU and Pajamas Media

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Editorial: Memo to right and the left – Patriotism (or lack of) should not be part of this presidential race!

I feel as if I have to break up a fight on the grade school playground. I have been watching the silly back and forth between the Right and Left about as to whom, between Barack Obama and John McCain is more patriotic. There is a word, that springs to my mind, while watching this rather idiotic display of lunacy, and that word is pathetic.

Ladies and Gentlemen, I do not know if it has occurred to any of you grown adults, assuming that is what I am dealing with here, that is this election is NOT about whom is the more patriotic. It is about whom is more qualified to be the commander in chief of the United States of America or as it is commonly known, The President.

Let me just say, more than just a political blogger, more than just a Conservative, but as a American, an American who had suffered through 7 long years of a Neo-Conservative, Imperialistic Presidency. As someone who has watched as a Neo Conservative President has trampled upon a Constitution. As someone who has watched the ability to get a good paying job, in my State dry up to the point of being almost non-existent. Let me assure you all, Right, Left and everything and everyone in between, that the America people, the average American, does not give a damn whom, between these two men, whom is more patriotic of the two.

However, what people do what know are:

  • What are John McCain and Barack Obama going to do about getting more Jobs, Especially here in Michigan, where we have a one state recession?
  • What are John McCain and Barack Obama going to do about stopping the exporting of Jobs overseas?
  • What are John McCain and Barack Obama going to do about solvency of Social Security? So at the time that I am 65 years old, (I am 35 now…) I can collect my benefits.
  • What are John McCain and Barack Obama offer for solutions, for the ultra high gas prices, like closing the Enron Loophole? Instead, of the stupid flashy gimmicks that is being offered now.

These are the questions on the mind of the American people, especially here in Michigan, not this stupid, beauty contest nonsense that is emanating out of both campaigns and by the surrogates and by the Blogging world of both sides.

Other: Weekly Standard Blog, The Jed Report, The Hill’s Blog Briefing Room, Whiskey Fire, Ben Smith’s Blogs, Washington Monthly, PrestoPundit, Guardian, Lawyers, Guns and Money and The Trail and more via Memeorandum

Taxes Scraps a plan that they tried to claim never existed.

(Via and H/T The John Birch Society)

Via Ron Paul’s Texas Straight Talk Column:

I am pleased to report that last week we received notice that the Texas Department of Transportation will recommend the I-69 Project be developed using existing highway facilities instead of the proposed massive new Trans Texas Corridor/NAFTA Superhighway. According to the Texas Transportation Commissioner, consideration is no longer being given to new corridors and other proposals for a new highway footprint for this project. A major looming threat to property rights and national sovereignty is removed with this encouraging announcement.

Public outcry was cited as the main reason for this decision. I was very impressed to learn that the TxDOT received nearly 28,000 public comments on this matter, and that some 12,000 Texans attended the 47 public hearings held earlier this year. They could not ignore this tsunami of strong public opinion against the proposed plans. I was especially proud of how informed my constituents became on the subject, and how eloquently and respectfully they spoke and conducted themselves, considering how upsetting the plans were for our communities in Texas .

This is a major victory for the people of Texas , and a reminder of what we can accomplish with civic involvement. The informed and active citizen truly is a force to be reckoned with, as we have seen with the defeat of this proposal. We must keep fighting the good fight, and remain ever diligent against the encroachments of big government. We must do this if we wish to maintain our traditional standard of living in this country. As tempting as it may be to simply live our lives with no regard to government, apathy will inevitably be punished by ever more government intrusion. That is what this fight was all about. We can win if we stick together.

However, now is not the time to rest on our laurels. The bittersweet aspect of this victory is that we had to fight at all. We took time away from family and friends, doing other things, to attend these meetings, inform others, write letters, post signs and submit our complaints, and we should not have had to. Government should let us be, if we are peaceful citizens, harming no one. In a perfect world, government could be trusted to act in the best interests of the people without overwhelming pressure of this kind. This is not a perfect world. Constant pressure is needed to keep government in check, and we succeeded this time. But this will not be the last time citizen efforts and involvement will be required. We still face many unreasonable encroachments of big government today, from confiscatory, economy-strangling taxation to creeping disregard of the right of habeas corpus and other Constitutional rights, to thousands of nuisance bureaucratic regulations interfering with our every day lives. We have drifted far from what the founding fathers envisioned for this nation. Last week was just one victory towards getting back on the right path. We must continue to hold politicians’ feet to the Constitutional fire. If I had to guess, they will probably try to implement the NAFTA Superhighway again sometime in the future.

It is a never-ending battle, but it must be fought, and can be won. I am proud to stand with my constituents in this fight, and in the other fights we have ahead of us.

The John Birch Society’s John F. McManus weighs in:

On July 31, 2007, the New York Times published a small article claiming that fears about construction of a massive new highway system connecting Mexico to Canada were "urban legend." The article even included a photo of the planned route that would, in effect, bisect Texas. The photo was a conceptual drawing of where the road would be created, an artist’s rendition put forth by the North American Super Corridor Coalition (NASCO). But even that wasn’t enough for the Times as its article pointed out that candidates for the GOP nomination were being peppered with questions about it while campaigning in faraway New Hampshire and Iowa. The GOP stalwarts claimed no knowledge of such a plan.

Having set the tone a response should employ for any such question, the Times had provided an easy way for anyone to scoff at such "rumors." Denials that any such plan ever existed actually continue to this day. But the Texas Department of Transportation has just announced that a project paralleling I-69 (legitimately considered by opponents to be part of the NAFTA Superhighway System) will be built along existing highway facilities, not through any area that would necessitate massive land-grabbing.

So the plan that never existed has been canceled. How one does that is something only a government is likely to accomplish. In effect, TexDOT said, "It never was, but now it isn’t." Amazing!

Texas Congressman Ron Paul noted that the project had been stopped cold by "nearly 28,000 public comments" sent to Texas officials, and attendance at 47 public hearings dealing with the proposed plan by "12,000 persons." He congratulated all for "how eloquently and respectfully they spoke and conducted themselves" while protesting a plan that would have cost many their livelihoods, homes, farms, and ranches. Many also feared a continuing erosion of national sovereignty, believing that the NAFTA Superhighway was intended to facilitate the creation of a North American Union entangling Canada, Mexico, and the United States.

Paul noted, "Constant pressure is needed to keep government in check, and we succeeded this time." But he added that "this will not be the last time citizen effort and involvement will be required." And he warned, "If I had to guess, they will probably try to implement the NAFTA Superhighway again sometime in the future."

James Russell Lowell issued a similar warning many years ago when he wrote: "Not yet, O Freedom! Close thy lids in slumber, for thine enemy never sleeps.

When people wake and realize that the United States Government works for the people, is paid by the people and serves at the pleasure of the people. Things get done, corrupt and Anti-American projects , such as this, are scrapped.

As Laura Ingraham would say, “Power to the people”.

When it’s over….

Maureen Dowd Writes a rather funny Column in the New York Times:


Unity was spared the banality of unanimity.

Carmella Lewis, with her Hillary T-shirt and Hillary placard, came all the way from Denver to make sure there would be plenty of ambiguity, duality and ferocity in Unity.

Just as Hillary was testing out the unfamiliar familiarity “Barack and me” Friday and talking about “his grace and his grit,” Carmella began loudly booing and waving her sign.

“We want Hillary!” screamed the 57-year-old retired ad saleswoman and Clinton delegate.

“It’s over, lady!” yelled some Obama supporters a few yards away.

Que the Music!:

Others: The Moderate Voice, Whiskey Fire and No More Mister Nice Blog

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Living Proof that Socialized Healthcare does not work

I saw this tonight and I just about fell out of my chair.

Finally, some solid proof that the Socialized healthcare in Canada is not the solution to the Healthcare crisis .

This comes from my fellow Amateur Radio Operator buddy Ed Morrissey over at, who gets paid to do, what I do, for free. (The lucky bastard…)

Unlike Ed, I’m quoting this whole thing, hopefully, I won’t get sued… It comes from Investors Business Daily, check it out, especially the bolded parts:

As this presidential campaign continues, the candidates’ comments about health care will continue to include stories of their own experiences and anecdotes of people across the country: the uninsured woman in Ohio, the diabetic in Detroit, the overworked doctor in Orlando, to name a few.

But no one will mention Claude Castonguay — perhaps not surprising because this statesman isn’t an American and hasn’t held office in over three decades.

Castonguay’s evolving view of Canadian health care, however, should weigh heavily on how the candidates think about the issue in this country.

Back in the 1960s, Castonguay chaired a Canadian government committee studying health reform and recommended that his home province of Quebec — then the largest and most affluent in the country — adopt government-administered health care, covering all citizens through tax levies.

The government followed his advice, leading to his modern-day moniker: "the father of Quebec medicare." Even this title seems modest; Castonguay’s work triggered a domino effect across the country, until eventually his ideas were implemented from coast to coast.

Four decades later, as the chairman of a government committee reviewing Quebec health care this year, Castonguay concluded that the system is in "crisis."

"We thought we could resolve the system’s problems by rationing services or injecting massive amounts of new money into it," says Castonguay. But now he prescribes a radical overhaul: "We are proposing to give a greater role to the private sector so that people can exercise freedom of choice."

Castonguay advocates contracting out services to the private sector, going so far as suggesting that public hospitals rent space during off-hours to entrepreneurial doctors. He supports co-pays for patients who want to see physicians. Castonguay, the man who championed public health insurance in Canada, now urges for the legalization of private health insurance.

In America, these ideas may not sound shocking. But in Canada, where the private sector has been shunned for decades, these are extraordinary views, especially coming from Castonguay. It’s as if John Maynard Keynes, resting on his British death bed in 1946, had declared that his faith in government interventionism was misplaced.

What would drive a man like Castonguay to reconsider his long-held beliefs? Try a health care system so overburdened that hundreds of thousands in need of medical attention wait for care, any care; a system where people in towns like Norwalk, Ontario, participate in lotteries to win appointments with the local family doctor.

Years ago, Canadians touted their health care system as the best in the world; today, Canadian health care stands in ruinous shape.

Sick with ovarian cancer, Sylvia de Vires, an Ontario woman afflicted with a 13-inch, fluid-filled tumor weighing 40 pounds, was unable to get timely care in Canada. She crossed the American border to Pontiac, Mich., where a surgeon removed the tumor, estimating she could not have lived longer than a few weeks more.

The Canadian government pays for U.S. medical care in some circumstances, but it declined to do so in de Vires’ case for a bureaucratically perfect, but inhumane, reason: She hadn’t properly filled out a form. At death’s door, de Vires should have done her paperwork better.

De Vires is far from unusual in seeking medical treatment in the U.S. Even Canadian government officials send patients across the border, increasingly looking to American medicine to deal with their overload of patients and chronic shortage of care.

Since the spring of 2006, Ontario’s government has sent at least 164 patients to New York and Michigan for neurosurgery emergencies — defined by the Globe and Mail newspaper as "broken necks, burst aneurysms and other types of bleeding in or around the brain." Other provinces have followed Ontario’s example.

Canada isn’t the only country facing a government health care crisis. Britain’s system, once the postwar inspiration for many Western countries, is similarly plagued. Both countries trail the U.S. in five-year cancer survival rates, transplantation outcomes and other measures.

The problem is that government bureaucrats simply can’t centrally plan their way to better health care.

A typical example: The Ministry of Health declared that British patients should get ER care within four hours. The result? At some hospitals, seriously ill patients are kept in ambulances for hours so as not to run afoul of the regulation; at other hospitals, patients are admitted to inappropriate wards.

Declarations can’t solve staffing shortages and the other rationing of care that occurs in government-run systems.

Polls show Americans are desperately unhappy with their system and a government solution grows in popularity. Neither Sen. Obama nor Sen. McCain is explicitly pushing for single-payer health care, as the Canadian system is known in America.

"I happen to be a proponent of a single-payer health care program," Obama said back in the 1990s. Last year, Obama told the New Yorker that "if you’re starting from scratch, then a single-payer system probably makes sense."

As for the Republicans, simply criticizing Democratic health care proposals will not suffice — it’s not 1994 anymore. And, while McCain’s health care proposals hold promise of putting families in charge of their health care and perhaps even taming costs, McCain, at least so far, doesn’t seem terribly interested in discussing health care on the campaign trail.

However the candidates choose to proceed, Americans should know that one of the founding fathers of Canada’s government-run health care system has turned against his own creation. If Claude Castonguay is abandoning ship, why should Americans bother climbing on board?

Gratzer is a senior fellow at the Manhattan Institute and a physician licensed in both the U.S. and Canada, where he received his medical training. His newest book, "The Cure: How Capitalism Can Save American Health Care," is now available in paperback.

Liberal Socialized Healthcare advocate and suspected Homosexual, Michael Moore was unavailable for comment.

Telcom Companies gave $8K to Democrats who changed their vote on FISA

I do believe that if Keith Olbermann doesn’t do a special comment, he will do a segment on it tomorrow.


Last week, on June 20, the House of Representatives approved a compromise bill to amend the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act of 1978 (FISA). The bill sets new electronic surveillance rules that effectively shield telecommunications companies from lawsuits resulting from the government’s warrantless eavesdropping on phone calls and viewing of emails of private citizens in the U.S. Approximately 40 lawsuits have been filed with potential damages totaling in the billions of dollars.

On March 14 of this year the House passed an amendment that rejected retroactive immunity for phone carriers who helped the National Security Agency carry out the illegal wiretapping program without proper warrants. Ninety-four House Democrats voted in favor of this measure–rejecting immunity–on March 14, then ‘changed’ to vote in favor of the June 20 House bill–approving immunity.

“Why did these ninety-four House members have a change of heart?” asked Daniel Newman, executive director of, “Their constituents deserve answers.”SPOTLIGHT: Telco PACs Gave $8K to Dems Who Changed Their Vote on FISA – (via

This does not surprise me in the least. Special interest has been a part of Politics and Washington D.C. for a long time. Obama claims that he is fighting against this, but I somehow doubt it.

The List of sell outs is:



Clyburn, James




Hoyer, Steny




Emanuel, Rahm




Boucher, Frederick




Meeks, Gregory




Crowley, Joseph




Pelosi, Nancy




Bean, Melissa




Edwards, Thomas




Baca, Joe




Engel, Eliot




Bishop, Sanford




Moore, Dennis




Spratt, John




Thompson, Bennie




Melancon, Charles




Cuellar, Henry




Stupak, Bart




Ackerman, Gary




Butterfield, George




Tanner, John




Kind, Ronald




Barrow, John




Gordon, Barton




Costa, Jim




Ross, Mike




Green, Al




Hinojosa, Rubén




Cardoza, Dennis




Schiff, Adam




Boswell, Leonard




Boyd, F.




Tauscher, Ellen




Skelton, Ike




Ellsworth, Brad




Gutierrez, Luis




Rahall, Nick




Harman, Jane




Langevin, James




Lipinski, Daniel




Reyes, Silvestre




Matheson, Jim




Scott, David




Wilson, Charles




Cleaver, Emanuel




Etheridge, Bob




Herseth Sandlin, Stephanie




Salazar, John




Hastings, Alcee




McCarthy, Carolyn




McIntyre, Mike




Davis, Artur




Murtha, John




Ortiz, Solomon




Brown, Corrine




Donnelly, Joe




Berman, Howard




Bishop, Timothy




Dicks, Norman




Lowey, Nita




Mahoney, Tim




Murphy, Patrick




Smith, Adam




Arcuri, Michael




Altmire, Jason




Castor, Kathy




Chandler, Ben




Giffords, Gabrielle




Higgins, Brian




McNerney, Jerry




Mitchell, Harry




Pomeroy, Earl




Sherman, Brad




Sires, Albio




Berkley, Shelley




Boyda, Nancy




Gillibrand, Kirsten




Kanjorski, Paul




Kildee, Dale




Klein, Ron




Perlmutter, Ed




Rodriguez, Ciro




Space, Zackary




Baird, Brian




Berry, Robert




Marshall, James




Peterson, Collin




Richardson, Laura




Ruppersberger, C.A.




Sestak, Joe




Snyder, Victor




Taylor, Gene




Udall, Mark




Yarmuth, John


Unbelievable. So much for the Democrat’s idea of new politics, all this talk of hope and change, is nothing more than a well orchestrated sham.

Others: Firedoglake, The Washington Independent, DownWithTyranny!, The Hill’s Blog Briefing Room and Wake up America and more via Memeorandum

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Jaw dropping cool Obama Video.

I know the most of you have heard the song, “Black President”, by NAS.

Well, here is supporter made video for it. Note, this is not the official Video. This was made by someone with Video Editing software.


I hate to say it, but John McCain doesn’t have a prayer in hell in winning this election.If this video is indication of the desire for change in this country, and If the current polls are any indication, I do not look for a Conservative to be in the White House for a very long time. Thanks to Bush and his Neo-Conservative idiotic nonsense, Conservativism is being run to the rat holes.

Thank you George W. Bush, you bastard.

Others: The Moderate Voice, The Other McCain, Top of the Ticket, Hot Air, Salon, Reason Magazine, Think Progress, The Corner,, Slog, The Swamp, Donklephant, Mercury Rising, Patterico’s Pontifications, Daily Kos, Marc Ambinder, American Street, RADAMISTO, Wonkette, Commentary, MyDD, Spin Cycle, The Talent Show, TPM Election Central, Boston Globe, Martini Revolution, Real Clear Politics and Eschaton and more via Memeorandum

From the Dept. of "Ya Think?"

A new report says what Keith Olbermann and many other “Liberal” media types said long ago…

This should be enough cause to Conservatives to NEVER, EVER pick a Neo-Conservative for a Presidential candidate.

Justice Department officials over the last six years illegally used “political or ideological” factors to hire new lawyers into an elite recruitment program, tapping law school graduates with conservative credentials over those with liberal-sounding resumes, a new report found Tuesday.

The blistering report, prepared by the Justice Department’s inspector general, is the first in what will be a series of investigations growing out of last year’s scandal over the firings of nine United States attorneys. It appeared to confirm for the first time in an official examination many of the allegations from critics who charged that the Justice Department had become overly politicized during the Bush administration.

“Many qualified candidates” were rejected for the department’s honors program because of what was perceived as a liberal bias, the report found. Those practices, the report concluded, “constituted misconduct and also violated the department’s policies and civil service law that prohibit discrimination in hiring based on political or ideological affiliations.”Report Sees Illegal Hiring Practices at Justice Department –

Now, I’m just waiting for some person from some Conservative Blog to come here and tell me I’m wrong.

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Anti-Obama attack Ad.

John McCain’s flunky Michael Goldfarb says that there’s no Conservative 527’s?

Well, exactly do you call, this?

If that isn’t a 527 attack ad, can someone please explain to me, what is?

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Francis H. Powers Staten Island G.O.P. Candidate Dies

This via the Corner:

This comes via the NYT:

The candidate endorsed by Republican leaders to run for a Congressional seat being vacated by Representative Vito J. Fossella died on Sunday morning at his home in Staten Island, party leaders said.

The candidate, Francis H. Powers, a board member of the Metropolitan Transportation Authority, was a retired Wall Street executive and an active contributor to Republican candidates. Mr. Powers, 67, died in his sleep of natural causes, family members said.

“As you can imagine, this is a very difficult time for our family,” Mr. Powers’s son, Brian, said in a statement. “We would appreciate privacy at this time as we make the necessary arrangements.”

Mr. Powers had been selected to run in the November election to succeed Mr. Fossella, who has held the seat since 1997 but who decided not to run for re-election after a personal scandal emerged. Mr. Fossella is the only Republican representing New York City in Congress.

And of course…:

National Democratic leaders have made it clear that they view winning the seat, which has been in Republican hands for 28 years, as a priority. Earlier this month, Representative Chris Van Hollen of Maryland, who heads the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee, visited New York to say his party would do “whatever is necessary to win this campaign.”

I wonder what that would be? Maybe like make up lies and smear people and publish pamphlets with false info on them?

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Obama says G.O.P. will play race card, and this is news?

Barry had better get off this crap or The Democrats will look like idiots, just like they did in 2000 and 2004.

As far as the race card goes, you ain’t heard none of McCain’s surrogates saying crap like, “God Damn America” or “America’s chickens are coming home, to roost.” not even a week after 9/11.

You see, this is why we screwed up in 1964. When we gave the Black Race the special law that we gave them, which my favorite senator and Hero, Barry Goldwater Sr. refused to sign, saying that one could not legislate morality. Not satisfied with that, we gave them their own Holiday, to honor a Communist sympathizer, and immoral degenerate. Now they, being the Black Race, want to rule the damn country, and will ride into the White House, and if ANY conservative tries to bring up his liberal record or any of his polices. They will be painted as a racist bigot. Yeah, I said it, I’m proud of it. We gave them freedom, and they now they want the White Race to shrink in fear. A classic example of “Give ’em an inch, they’ll take a damn mile….”

Sometimes I truly believe, that Trent Lott was absolutely correct.

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Breaking News: FISA Deal Reached

Many of the Blogging Media outlets are reporting that a deal on FISA has been reached.

Most of the left is pissed, saying that it’s the same law that was rejected before. The Right seems to be pleased.

Should be interesting, to say the least.

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About all this Obama/McCain back and forth….

I don’t expect me to comment on all that crap, at least not too often.

The reason is, because sheer stupidity of it all, is about deafening.

When Obama comes out with some specifics of HOW exactly he is going to change this country from this stiff veer that it is taking off this Bush-made cliff, then I might have something positive to say about him, but all I ever hear is vagueness, idealism, and smoke and mirrors.

I don’t want to be told to “Just go to Obama’s Website”, I want to hear it out of HIS mouth, of how HE intends to change this country, I want to hear specifics. Not just fluffy speeches, but cold, hard, facts.

Until I hear this, he’s nothing more, to me, than just some inexperienced, empty suit, Idealist politician.

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Blogs 4 Borders Video Blogburst for June 09, 2008

In this weeks edition

Jobs Americans Won’t Do? Are American kids being screwed out of summer jobs by greedy and unethical employers? We investigate.

100% Preventable! Americans continue to pay the bloody price for open borders. When will the madness end?

Why We Do What We Do.


Download for your iPod here.

This weeks show proudly brought to you NO ILLEGAL ALIENS

Bringing you the reality of the illegal immigration invasion from the frontlines of Southeastern Florida. Make sure to check them out, they are doing great work!

Click on image

If you’d like to sponsor a show contact us here.

This has been the Blogs For Borders Video Blogburst. The Blogs For Borders Blogroll is dedicated to American sovereignty, border security and a sane immigration policy. If you’d like to join find out how right here.

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Special Comment by Keith Olbermann: McCain should know better

Transcript: (H/T K.O’s NewsHole)

Finally tonight, as promised, a Special Comment on Senator John McCain’s conclusion that it’s "not too important" when American forces come home from Iraq.

Thoughts, offered more in sorrow, than in anger.

For two full days now, the Senator and his supporters have been outraged at what they see as the subtraction of context from this extraordinary remark.

This is, sadly, the excuse of our time, for everything.

Still. If the Senator claims truncation, we will correct that, first.

"A lot of people," Matt Lauer began, "now say the surge is working."

"Anybody who knows the facts on the ground say that," the Senator interjected.

"If it’s now working, Senator," Matt continued, "do you now have a better estimate of when American forces can come home from Iraq?"

"No," answered McCain. "But that’s not too important. What’s important is the casualties in Iraq. Americans are in South Korea. Americans are in Japan. American troops are in Germany.

"That’s all fine. American casualties and the ability to withdraw. We will be able to withdraw.

"General Petraeus is going to tell us in July when he thinks we are. But the key to it is we don’t want any more Americans in harm’s way. And that way they will be safe, and serve our country, and come home with honor and victory – not in defeat,  which is what Senator Obama’s proposal would have done. And I’m proud of them, and they’re doing a great job. And we are succeeding. And it’s fascinating that Senator Obama still doesn’t realize it."

And there is the context of what Senator McCain said.

Well… not quite, Senator.

The full context, is that the Iraq you see, is a figment of your imagination.

This is not a war about "honor and victory," Sir.

This is a war you, and the President you support and seek to succeed, conned this nation into.

Yes, sir.


Of the prospect of war in Iraq, you said, quote, "I believe that success will be fairly easy."

John McCain… September 24th… 2002.

"I believe that we can win an overwhelming victory in a very short period of time."

John McCain… September 29th… 2002.

Of the ouster of Saddam and the Baathists:

"There’s no doubt in my mind that once these people are gone, that we will be welcomed as liberators."

John McCain… March 24th… 2003.

Asked, about a long-term commitment in Iraq, quote, "are you talking about something in terms of South Korea, for instance, where you would expect U.S. troops to be in Iraq for decades?"

"No," you answered. "I don’t think decades, but I think years. A little straight talk, I think years. And I hope that we can gradually reduce that presence."

John McCain… March 18th… 2004.

You were asked about the troops, and the future.

"I would hope that we could bring them all home. I would hope that we would probably leave some military advisers, as we have in other countries, to help them with

their training and equipment and that kind of stuff."…I think one of our big problems has been the fact that many Iraqis resent American military presence.

And I don’t pretend to know exactly Iraqi public opinion. But as soon as we can reduce our visibility as much as possible, the better I think it is going to be."

John McCain… January 31st… 2005

When a speaker at your town hall, five months ago, referenced the President’s forecast that we might stay in Iraq for 50 years, you cut him off.

"Make it a hundred! We’ve been in Japan for 60 years. We’ve been in South Korea 50 years or so. That would be fine with me. As long as Americans are not being injured or harmed or wounded or killed. That’s fine by me…"

John McCain… January 3rd… 2008.

And your forecast of your hypothetical first term.

"By January, 2013, America has welcomed home most of the servicemen and women who have sacrificed terribly so that America might be secure in her freedom. The Iraq war has been won."

John McCain… May 15th… 2008.

That, Senator McCain, is context.

You have attested to: a fairly easy success; an overwhelming victory in a very short period of time; in which we would be welcomed as liberators; which you assured us would not require our troops stay for decades but merely for years; from which we could bring them all home, since you noted many Iraqis resent American military presence; in which all those troops coming home will also stay there, not being injured, for a hundred years; but most will be back by 2013; and the timing of their return, is… not… that… important.

That, Senator McCain, is context.

And that, Senator McCain, is madness.

The Government Accountability Office just released a study Tuesday that concludes that one out of every ten soldiers sent to Iraq, takes with them medical problems "severe enough to significantly limit their ability to fight."

In five years, we have now sent 43-thousand of them to war even though… they were already wounded.

And when they come home, is… not… that… important.

Jalal al Din al Sagir, a member of the Islamic Supreme Council of Iraq, and Ali al Adeeb, of the rival Dawa Political Party, gave a series of interviews last week about the particulars of this country’s demand for a "Status of Forces" agreement with Iraq — a treaty …which Mr. Bush does not intend to show Congress before he signs it.

The Iraqi politicians say the treaty demands Iraq’s consent to the establishment of nearly double the number of U-S military bases in Iraq — from about 30, to 58, and from temporary, to permanent.

Those will be American men and women who must, of necessity, staff these bases – staff them, in Mr. McCain’s M-C Escher dream world in which our people can all come home while they stay there for a hundred years but they’ll be back by 2013.

And when they come home, is not… that… important.

Last year, a 20-year old soldier from the Bronx, on the day of his re-deployment to a second tour in Iraq, said he just couldn’t face the smell of burning flesh again. So, Jonathan Aponte paid a hit man 500 dollars… to shoot him in the knee.

Mount Sinai Hospital in New York reported treating a patient identifying himself as another Iraq-bound soldier, who claimed he had accidentally swallowed a pen at the bus station. No one doubted his story until examinations proved there was a second pen in his stomach bearing the logo of Greyhound Bus Lines.

In 2006, says his sister, a 24-year old Army Specialist from Washington State, on the eve of his second deployment, strapped a pack full of tools to his back, and then jumped off the roof of his house, injuring his spine.

And when they come home — or more correctly all those like them who did not risk death or disability to avoid going back — when they come home, is not… that… important.

You’ve sold them all out, Senator.


You, whose sacrifice for this country was as all-encompassing and as horrible as the rest of us can only imagine in our darkest moments.

You, who survived, so that you could make America a better place where young men did not have to go and die in pointless wars… or be maimed… or be held prisoner… or have to hire hit-men to shoot them in the knee because that couldn’t be worse.

You… who should know better.

Where, Senator, is the man who once said "veterans hate war more than anyone else, because veterans know, because veterans know these brave Americans, and others, know, that there is nothing more painful than the loss of a comrade."

Where is he, Sir?

Where is the man who described that ineffable truth?

Oh, so long ago you touched the essence of the reality of Iraq. Your comments about your lost comrades — yesterday.

The men and women in Iraq, today, Senator — they are your comrades, too.

And you are condemning them to die.

To die, for your misdirection, for Mr. Bush’s lies — for whoever makes the money off building 58 permanent American bases and all the weapons and all the bullets and all the wiring so costly and so slip-shod that it electrocutes our comrades as they step, not to fight freedom’s enemies, but into the shower at the base.

That, Senator, that is context.

It is an easy thing to dismiss Senator McCain as a sad and befuddled figure, already challenging for some kind of campaign record for malaprops.

Just yesterday in Philadelphia he answered Senator Obama, not by defending or explaining his own "not that important" remark, but by seizing upon Obama’s "bitter" remark – or trying to.

Obama had foolishly said that some, in despair, in small towns, cling to their religion and their guns.

Senator McCain vowed he’d go to those towns and tell them, "I don’t agree with Senator Obama that they cling to their religion and the Constitution because they’re bitter."

It was hard not to dismiss with a laugh, Senator McCain, or any Republican, for even accidentally implying that he’s clung to the Constitution — not after the last seven years.

It was hard, the day before, not to become almost bemused when the Senator tried to say he would veto every single bill with ear-marks, but wound up, instead, vowing "I will veto every single beer."

It was hard, this week, not to laugh at how Senator McCain could offer any serious defense against the accusation that he is running for President Bush’s third term, when a 2006 interview suddenly surfaced in which McCain said he would consider Dick Cheney for a position in a McCain administration.

"I don’t know if I would want him as Vice President. He and I have the same strengths. But to serve in other capacities? Hell, yeah."

These are all very funny, in a macabre yet unthreatening way.

And then one remembers Senator McCain’s inability to separate Sunni and Shia, or his insistence that Iran is training Al-Qaeda for service in Iraq, and then being corrected about it, and then saying the same thing again anyway.

And then one is, inevitably, drawn back again to the overlooked substance of yesterday’s remark…

"If (the surge) is now working, Senator, do you now have a better estimate of when American forces can come home from Iraq?"



The surge is working and even that still tells Senator McCain nothing about when we can ransom our soldiers?

Wasn’t that the ultimate purpose of the surge? To get them out?

If we cannot tell — if McCain cannot even guess — doesn’t that, by definition, mean… the surge isn’t working?

And ultimately we are drawn back to the "not… too… important" remark, in its full context:

The context of the kaleidoscope of confused rhetoric, and endless non sequitur, and mutually exclusive conclusions — and what they add up to: a veritable tragedy, a microcosm of the American tragedy that is Iraq, a tragedy of a man who himself will never understand… "the context."

Your tragedy, Senator McCain?

No. I’m sorry.

This tragedy… is of Justin Mixon of Bogalusa, Louisiana.

And it’s of Christopher McCarthy of Virginia Beach.

It’s of Quincy Green of El Paso, and Joshua Waltenbaugh of Ford City, P.A.

The tragedy is of Shane Duffy of Taunton Mass, and Jonathan Emard of Mesquite, Texas.

It’s of Cody Legg of Escondido in California, and David Hurst of Fort Sill in Oklahoma.

The tragedy is of Thomas Duncan the 3rd of Rowlett, Texas, and Tyler Pickett of Saratoga, Wyoming.

And who are they, Senator?

They are ten Americans…. who have died in Iraq… since the first of this month. There are four more. The Defense Department has not yet identified the others.

And while you, Senator, may ask for all the context you can get, those ten men… will never know any of it.

Because the true context here, is that if you could ask those American war heroes, or the family and the friends that loved them, if they have a better estimate of when American forces can come home from Iraq…

They could rightly say, "No. But that’s… not… too… important."

Good night, and good luck.