Editorial: Memo to right and the left – Patriotism (or lack of) should not be part of this presidential race!

I feel as if I have to break up a fight on the grade school playground. I have been watching the silly back and forth between the Right and Left about as to whom, between Barack Obama and John McCain is more patriotic. There is a word, that springs to my mind, while watching this rather idiotic display of lunacy, and that word is pathetic.

Ladies and Gentlemen, I do not know if it has occurred to any of you grown adults, assuming that is what I am dealing with here, that is this election is NOT about whom is the more patriotic. It is about whom is more qualified to be the commander in chief of the United States of America or as it is commonly known, The President.

Let me just say, more than just a political blogger, more than just a Conservative, but as a American, an American who had suffered through 7 long years of a Neo-Conservative, Imperialistic Presidency. As someone who has watched as a Neo Conservative President has trampled upon a Constitution. As someone who has watched the ability to get a good paying job, in my State dry up to the point of being almost non-existent. Let me assure you all, Right, Left and everything and everyone in between, that the America people, the average American, does not give a damn whom, between these two men, whom is more patriotic of the two.

However, what people do what know are:

  • What are John McCain and Barack Obama going to do about getting more Jobs, Especially here in Michigan, where we have a one state recession?
  • What are John McCain and Barack Obama going to do about stopping the exporting of Jobs overseas?
  • What are John McCain and Barack Obama going to do about solvency of Social Security? So at the time that I am 65 years old, (I am 35 now…) I can collect my benefits.
  • What are John McCain and Barack Obama offer for solutions, for the ultra high gas prices, like closing the Enron Loophole? Instead, of the stupid flashy gimmicks that is being offered now.

These are the questions on the mind of the American people, especially here in Michigan, not this stupid, beauty contest nonsense that is emanating out of both campaigns and by the surrogates and by the Blogging world of both sides.

Other: Weekly Standard Blog, The Jed Report, The Hill’s Blog Briefing Room, Whiskey Fire, Ben Smith’s Blogs, Washington Monthly, PrestoPundit, Guardian, Lawyers, Guns and Money and The Trail and more via Memeorandum