Karl Rove asks if Barack Obama will buy the election

Karl Rove is asking that.

Karl Rove?!?!?!?

You mean the same Karl Rove that guided the President to basically break every damn election promise made during the 2000 election?

You mean the same Karl Rove the guided the President to stomp all over the Constitution during a time of war?

You mean THAT Karl Rove?

As if anyone gives a remote flying flip what that moron says….

If Obama wins this election it will be the G.O.P’s own fault for running a stupid and misguided smear campaign against him, That’s why!

Quite frankly, I cannot say that they don’t deserve to get their tails kicked this year.

Karl Rove, that’s a laugh…. Idiots, pure idiots, I tell ya…

Others: protein wisdom, Think Progress, Commentary, Blogs of War, Dean’s World and LewRockwell.com Blog

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