Obama says G.O.P. will play race card, and this is news?

Barry had better get off this crap or The Democrats will look like idiots, just like they did in 2000 and 2004.

As far as the race card goes, you ain’t heard none of McCain’s surrogates saying crap like, “God Damn America” or “America’s chickens are coming home, to roost.” not even a week after 9/11.

You see, this is why we screwed up in 1964. When we gave the Black Race the special law that we gave them, which my favorite senator and Hero, Barry Goldwater Sr. refused to sign, saying that one could not legislate morality. Not satisfied with that, we gave them their own Holiday, to honor a Communist sympathizer, and immoral degenerate. Now they, being the Black Race, want to rule the damn country, and will ride into the White House, and if ANY conservative tries to bring up his liberal record or any of his polices. They will be painted as a racist bigot. Yeah, I said it, I’m proud of it. We gave them freedom, and they now they want the White Race to shrink in fear. A classic example of “Give ’em an inch, they’ll take a damn mile….”

Sometimes I truly believe, that Trent Lott was absolutely correct.

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