Libertarians love Obama?? Wha?

This is crazy…..

Via Rasmussen Reports:

Libertarian voters make up 4% of the nation’s likely voters and they favor Barack Obama over John McCain by a 53% to 38% margin. Three percent (3%) would vote for some other candidate and 5% are not sure. These results, from an analysis of 15,000 Likely Voter interviews conducted by Rasmussen Reports, challenges the conventional wisdom which assumes that strong support for a Libertarian candidate would hurt John McCain.

Why any self respecting Free Market, Pro Gun, Anti-Big Goverment, Anti-Socialist, Pro Capitalist, Libertarian would vote for a big government, anti-Capitalist, Socialist, Marxist like Obama is totally beyond me.

Obama is everything that Libertarianism is not. Big Government, Anti-Gun, Anti-Capitalist, Pro-socialist, Communist, Marxist… (same difference, but….)

But then again, the Libertarian party did choose Bab Barr for the Presidential candidate. That says quite a bit, considering that Bob Barr was 100 percent against everything that he is running for now. Which is, well, odd.

I think it would not be a bit of embellishment to say that, in the words of the great Bob Dylan, the times they are changin’….

….and for whatever it’s worth….. Not THIS Libertarian! Not on Barry’s Best day!

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3 Replies to “Libertarians love Obama?? Wha?”

  1. Let me try to explain this phenomenon to you.

    Until recently it appeared that Obama really opposed some of the insanity of the last 7 years. You know, the no-purpose no-end wars, the domestic survelliance, the anonymous indefinite incarcerations, the torture, and those who cheered such things. Libertarians, at least real libertarians as opposed to those Tories in disguise, hated those things. They correctly recognized them as the last gasps of a civilization that was about to become the decayed Roman Empire.

    McCain, of course, loves all those things. [Don’t believe me, challenge any of the above specifically and I’ll give you the evidence].

    Now, of course, Obama is “drifting toward the center” [“the center” being barbarism]. So there is less and less difference between him and McCain. So I suspect if the survey were rerun today “none of the above” would win.

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