Mission Accomplished: Grayson will most likely lose his seat to Webster

Good. Looks like ol’ Christian-bashing Jew Alan Grayson will lose his job. Could not happen to a better idiot:

In one of the most closely watched U.S. House races in the nation, Republican Daniel Webster now holds a 7-point lead over Democratic Rep. Alan Grayson in Central Florida’s 8th Congressional District, according to a new Sunshine State News Poll.

Webster, a former state senator, leads the freshman congressman 43-36 in the survey of 559 likely voters conducted Sept. 25-27. TEA (“Taxed Enough Already”) Party candidate Peg Dunmire drew 6 percent and NPA hopeful George Metcalfe garnered 3 percent, while 9 percent remained undecided (2 percent cited “other” and 1 percent refused to state).

Digging deeper, the numbers look even worse for Grayson as 51 percent of respondents said they had an unfavorable view of the Orlando-area congressman.

“Grayson has real problems here,” said Jim Lee, president of Voter Survey Service, which conducted the poll for Sunshine State News.

“He’s even more unpopular than the president, which is not surprising given how controversial he has been with his rhetoric, overall style and TV ads.”

Lee added, “It’s fascinating that both Grayson and the president have virtually the same image (a positive/negative ratio of 34/51), but Grayson is actually disliked more by independents (36/47 favorable/unfavorable) while Obama is only 36/37.”

Andy Sere, spokesman for the National Republican Congressional Committee in Washington, D.C., said the Central Florida district “is ripe for a Republican pick-up, even if we weren’t running against Alan Grayson.”

Calling Grayson’s views “so far outside the maintstream,” Sere predicted that “a large swath of independents and conservative Democrats will hand him a resounding defeat in November.”

Tom Gaitens, Florida director for FreedomWorks, said the Washington, D.C-based tea group has focused on the CD8 race “from the beginning.”

“Grayson is an obnoxious antagonist to tea partiers and raised the ire of the movement,” Gaitens said. “He’s probably the biggest lightning rod-type candidate in the nation.”

With controversial TV ads like “Taliban Dan,” in which the Democrat tried to portray the Baptist Webster as a religious extremist, “Grayson put himself in the crosshairs,” Gaitens said.

“It’s his character to say foolish things, and he doesn’t handle stress well. He’ll see this poll and get more desperate,” said Gaitens, who predicts a 10-point victory for Webster.

via Poll: Obama, Dems Poised to Lose Grayson House Seat | Sunshine State News.

Let that be a lesson to the Democratic Party. You allow your candidates to bash Christians, and in this man’s case — Baptists. You pay the price at the polls. As I said in the title — Mission Accomplished. 😀

Roundup in the Blogosphere: Hot Air, Michelle Malkin, The Atlantic Online, Weekly Standard, National Review, JammieWearingFool, RedState, Mediaite, The Politico and The Plum Line

Democratic Party Representative Alan Grayson is a disgrace to the Jewish Race and to Judaism itself

I have avoided writing about this topic, because not too long ago, I was branded a Neo-Nazi and Anti-Semite by those whose business it is to play that card.  However, as a Christian, as an American Conservative —- I will not sit idly by and allow a Jewish man to slander a Christian man in this manner.

However, let me say this; this is not about hatred towards a Jewish man.  This is about a liberal man, who happens to be Jewish, taking a very nasty swipe at Christianity —- All in the name of politics. Let me clear, I said this in the title and I will say it again. Alan Grayson is an utter disgrace to the Jewish race and to Judaism itself. Alan Grayson should be refuted and severely chastised by the Democratic Party and told to remove the ad or be removed as the candidate for the House of Representatives.  There is no place in politics for the bashing of political opponents religion.

Here is the video in question:

Now here are the words of Daniel Webster in their proper context:

Now this is very surprising, even Contessa Brewer over at MSNBC; much to her credit would not even let this one go:

Okay, can we be real about this now?  If a Christian Conservative Republican candidate had attacked a Democratic Party candidate like this, the outrage would be apoplectic.  However, because it is a Jewish man attacking a Christian — there is not a word of outrage. My question is why are not AIPAC and the many other Jewish lobbying groups putting out a statement condemning this sort of obvious slander of Christianity, by a liberal Jew?

I mean, could you just imagine; if a Republican Candidate put something like this out?

Could you just image what the Liberal Blogosphere would do to that person?  —- Not to mention some in the Neo-Conservative Blogosphere!  So, why is that this man is getting away with this, without any repercussions from the Democratic Party?  Why is not AIPAC condemning it? Why is this man getting a free pass by the liberals?

While you are thinking about this:

Donate to Daniel Webster’s campaign!

Again, this is not about hate at all, it is about realism folks —-  If the Republican Candidate had even remotely thought about putting an ad like the one above by a one David Duke.  The outrage would be off the charts.  However, because Alan Grayson is a Jewish liberal he gets a free pass.  Why is that?

Until those in the media are willing to ask those questions, it is nothing more the rube for the Democratic Party and for the likes of Alan Grayson.

Good: The city of Gainesville, Florida will bill Pastor for crackpot publicity stunt

Never in a million years would I ever believe that I would be writing a headline like that. But it is how I feel.


Orlando, Florida (CNN) — The city of Gainesville, Florida, plans to send a bill estimated at more than $180,000 to Pastor Terry Jones for security costs surrounding his controversial threat to burn Qurans on the anniversary of the September, 11, 2001, attacks, a police spokeswoman said Friday.

Police agencies spent more than a month working on security plans to ensure the community surrounding Jones’ Dove World Outreach Center — the planned site of the burning — was safe, according to Gainesville police spokeswoman Cpl. Tscharna Senn.

Jones also told authorities he received numerous death threats because of the planned protest, which he called off amid increasing pressure from world leaders.

The Gainesville Police Department said it spent more than $100,000 while the Alachua County Sheriff’s Office spent an estimated $80,000 during the weekend of the planned demonstration.

“We have 286 sworn officers and almost everyone was working either at the Dove Center or at other soft targets,” Senn said. “Unless you were sick or injured you were working” the day the burning was to take place.

Officers secured malls in the region, the University of Florida’s football stadium and areas around the church in the days leading up to the planned event.

…and you know what this idiotic piece of crap said in response? This:

Jones said Friday that the church was “not aware that we would be billed for security.”

“If we had known this in advance, then we would have refused to have security,” he said.

Oh.My.God —- This moronic tool thinks that it is all about him. No wonder his daughter thinks that he is gone crazy! Memo to Religious nut-job: It is NOT about YOU! It is about protecting the citizens in the town of Gainsville, Florida from a Muslim uprising, because of your stupid little publicity stunt;  you ignorant tool! 😡

Unbelievable. I have seen some out of touch, tone-deaf people in my day; but this jack-wad takes the cake. Some people have accused me of being that type of a person. But, I do not even remotely hold a candle to him, at all. 🙄

This is not even mentioning into the fact that this jack-wad was actually stupid enough to pull a stunt like this; that would endanger the lives of our service members overseas. I mean, that is the absolute epitome of tone-deaf.

….and people wonder why Christianity is such a damaged brand in this day and age. It is because ignorant jack-wads like this idiot here; and that other jack-wad Freddie Phelps! Morons. Both of them. 🙄

The feckless Far-Right Exhibit WTF for…You know

Whoa… Now I am all for Conservative purity and all that. But, this just goes a wee bit over the line. 😯

As much as I hate to have to link to these guys…. Via the Huffington Post:

The chairman of the Delaware Republican Party received a death threat last week over his support for Rep. Mike Castle (R-Del) over Tea Party challenger Christine O’Donnell in the state’s upcoming Senate primary, a party official confirmed to the Huffington Post.

The threat, issued in the form of an email, told chairman Tom Ross that he deserves “a bullet in the head” for backing “political ass-kissing RINO’s” [Republicans in name only].

“It is one thing to have your country screwed over by socialists, it is far worse to be backstabbed by people pretending to be your friends,” the email read. “We will either rid the GOP of pieces of shit like you, or we will start a new ‘Common Sense Conservative’ party and render you all useless.”

The threat was serious enough to compel Ross to leave his home, temporarily, and to spur an investigation from the Department of Justice said the official with the Delaware GOP (a DoJ official did not immediately return a request for comment). It also was sinister enough to alarm state party officials who are unaccustomed to not just threats of violence but even to heated political contests like the one unfolding in the state’s Republican primary.

“It is just scary what is going on right now,” the official said. “Tom is a loyal and dedicated Republican officer in Delaware… the position is unpaid and his job as party chairman is to defend and promote the candidates… It is disgusting, it is amazing and it has no place in our democracy.”

The really, really, really stupid part? THIS:

The identity of the emailer was not immediately known, though the official said that the person “wrote his name and address” on the note — providing obvious information for authorities to use.

WOW. 😯 😮 not only is this a guy right wing extremist…. he ain’t very bright either. 🙄 😆 😀 😛

I mean, I literally sat here and laughed hard about that last quoted bit there. I mean, it’s like, “I’m gonna shoot you in the head, screw your wife and eat your babies —- and I live at this address right here, now please, come and arrest me.” 😆 😀 😉

I guess it is true what they say; criminals are not the brightest bulbs in the box.

Libby Spencer should talk

I find it amazing the things that I find when I look at liberal blogs.

Libby Spencer writes about the Tea Party Gathering:

Apparently Freedom Works staged another rally in DC this weekend. The crowd appears to be the usual mix of bussed in birthers, other assorted “ers”, gun nuts and old overweight white people. Their numbers are shrinking but they’re making up for it by hollering louder.

Libby Spencer’s picture:

Libby Spencer - Overweight old person

….and you were saying Libby?

Those who live in glasses houses, ought not throw stones.

Oh, and as for me? Yes, I am fat, and I know it. You don’t see me going around mocking people because of their weight and age. However, because Spencer is a part of that enlightened liberal sect. She is given a free pass to mock those, of whom she disagrees with politically. Which is proof of the fact that when liberals have nothing of substance to argue with; you know, like facts? They resort to this sort of school yard childish tripe. Which means, they are losing and they know it. It reeks of classic desperation by the left.

The ironic thing is, I actually tried to help this woman once, after she found herself in a tight spot. I also notice that I mistakenly thought she was from Michigan; that was a very regrettable error.  Perhaps next time, I will be a bit more careful when doing such stuff. Maybe she believes she is entitled to such idiocy — because she is a woman. 🙄

You see now, why I will not vote Democrat ever again?

UPDATED: I hate to say it: Nicholas Kristof makes a very good point

Rarely do I ever concede a point to a liberal. However, in this case; it is fair to do so.

This morning Nicholas Kristof writes in the New York Times, about the Mosque Controversy:

For a glimpse of how venomous and debased the discourse about Islam has become, consider a blog post in The New Republic this month. Written by Martin Peretz, the magazine’s editor in chief, it asserted: “Frankly, Muslim life is cheap, most notably to Muslims.”

Mr. Peretz added: “I wonder whether I need honor these people and pretend that they are worthy of the privileges of the First Amendment, which I have in my gut the sense that they will abuse.”

Thus a prominent American commentator, in a magazine long associated with tolerance, ponders whether Muslims should be afforded constitutional freedoms. Is it possible to imagine the same kind of casual slur tossed off about blacks or Jews? How do America’s nearly seven million American Muslims feel when their faith is denounced as barbaric?

This is one of those times that test our values, a bit like the shameful interning of Japanese-Americans during World War II, or the disgraceful refusal to accept Jewish refugees from Nazi Europe.

It would have been natural for this test to have come right after 9/11, but it was forestalled because President George W. Bush pushed back at his conservative ranks and repeatedly warned Americans not to confuse Al Qaeda with Islam.

As much as I hate to say it; Mr. Kristof is absolutely right. It should noted that Martin Peretz is, in fact Jewish and is, in fact, a rabid Zionist. In fact, Martin Peretz is known for the following comments:

Frankly, I couldn’t quite imagine any venture like [the Iraq War] in the Arab World turning out especially well. This is, you will say, my prejudice. But some prejudices are built on real facts, and history generally proves me right. Go ahead, prove me wrong. — Source


But, frankly, Muslim life is cheap, most notably to Muslims. And among those Muslims led by the Imam Rauf there is hardly one who has raised a fuss about the routine and random bloodshed that defines their brotherhood. So, yes, I wonder whether I need honor these people and pretend that they are worthy of the privileges [sic] of the First Amendment which I have in my gut the sense that they will abuse. — Source

Like Kristof said; could you imagine if the above were uttered about the Jews or about the black race? There would a media frenzy about it. Believe me, I know; I have been attacked by those who are of the protected class and all for speaking my mind about them and how they attack those of whom they disagree.

The fact is, that this whole Mosque situation boils down to this; Islam versus Christian Nativists and Jews, Arabs versus Americans, whites versus non-whites. Am I calling those who oppose this mosque racists? Well, my question for you is this; do you feel that burning pages of the Koran normal acceptable practice? Would you feel the same way, if some Muslim took a page out of the  Christian Bible and began burning it? How about the Tanakh, the Torah, or The ?umash, the Siddur, the Piyutim or even the Zohar?

The point I am trying to make here is this; I realize that radicalized Muslims attacked the World Trade Center, The Pentagon and Flight 93. However, when you punish an entire religion for the actions of a few, you are practicing a forum of collectivism. That is not anything remotely Conservative, nor is it anything remotely American. Being vigilant against terrorism is one thing; but being idiotic is another, this situation with this Mosque is well beyond that — on both sides.

Update: On the Other hand… these are videos from 9/11:

There are two sides to every argument; one would suppose. There is also this here.

Video: RedState Update on “Murfreesboro vs. Muslims”

Redstate Update HQ

REALITY REPORT #59 – DOJ Defines Constitutionalists as Terrorists

The Reality Report
Restore the Republic

It Begins: Anti-Semite Accusations

Yep, My intended target has noticed, and now they’re threatening tactics of the far-left. Which is no surprise, seeing most of those people, are just Democrats in Republican clothing.

I guess the truth must hurt.

So much for them tolerate Conservatives. I thought Democrats were the only intolerant crowd?

As for what this anonymous twit accused me of; this stuff happened long ago and I have apologized on this blog many times over for stuff I did, when I was on the left.

I will say this; I do reserve the right to litigate against RedState’s owner for allowing a blogger of theirs to post my blog without my consent. I do have a Lawyer friend of mine, who owes me a favor. Might take him up on that Pro-Bono offer.

I guess that is the price you pay, when you speak the truth about that crowd.

Living proof that liberals are classless assholes: Exhibit S for Sex!

It’s that time again folks!

But first, some music for this piece:

If only I had Rod Roddy, around to do the intro.

Anyhow, here is the latest installment of assholery from the socialist Liberal friends on the left.

Some guy who writes for the Huffington Post wants a…. yes, you read it right a Sex Tape of Glenn Beck: (Original Link here)

Let’s delve into this ugly shall we? Wear protective gear, as this stuff is nasty:

Rupert Murdoch and the Koch brothers are happy to throw money at the rising tide of right wing lunacy. Breitbart offered $100,000 for JournoList, the email listserve that brought down WaPo blogger Dave Weigel this June.

Why did they do it? Because they stand to make a lot of money off the anti-black president movement, and they are rich enough to imprint their beliefs on the American sheeple.

High net worth progressive Democrats don’t do this as much, perhaps because they’re not typically in cahoots with Boeing or Monsanto or Halliburton, et al. Also, there are fewer anti-communist, religious crackpots on the left.

Before we get to the reward money, a little “Tea Baggers for Beginners.”

His motives are clear:

Enter Glenn Beck, the farce part of the intellectual tragedy sired by the neocon founding fathers Irving Kristol and his historical sidekick Norman Podhoretz.

Beck touts religion, because he says the battle for America’s soul is at stake. It is all about morality, propriety, and doing what’s right. But Beck’s conception of religion is all about control. He replaces God with an ersatz myth about self-reliance and a position of moral superiority spun in ways that magically seem to privilege the few at the expense of many (this includes the anti-Middle East / Islam thinking that led to the war in oil-rich Iraq), etc.

Glenn Beck talks about what’s right a lot. Propriety comes from the same root as property, and that does seem to be the issue. As the culture changed in the 60s, so did neighborhoods. This was the heyday of blockbusting and race-baiting. We are in similar territory with a black president right now. His successful campaign is proof positive that the counterculture prevailed over the conservative movement. And the neocons are mad as hell about that.

Glenn Beck is also a Mormon. It matters. His religion typifies the noble lie that the neocons originally set out to defend against the counterculture–Archie Bunker’s America–where a woman’s place was in the home and with baby, and an African American’s place was in a ghetto. (Mormons revere women much like Hindis do the cow, and they didn’t accept African Americans in their ranks at all till 1978–draw whatever inferences you like).

The new conservatives are true believers in the “One Right Way”, and Democrats only rarely agree on the one best way to go. But we can all agree that Fox News is a bad influence on America.

It is time to pop the tea baggers’ favorite balloon (so what if it will be replaced by another?), and with that in mind I hereby offer to negotiate a $100,000 payday to the person who will come forward with a sex tape or phone records or anything else that succeeds in removing Glenn Beck from the public eye forever. I am not offering the cash myself, but I will broker the deal and/or raise the money for what you bring to the table. (And it better be good.)

Now, I am going to be straight with you all. I am not a fan of the Podhoretz crowd either; but this is just over the top. I also detect a slight Jew-Hatred to this posting. I mean, it is one thing to say, I don’t like war mongers. But it is another entirely to go this far. The only thing he did not use, was the word “Jew” in the piece. Yeah, I know, I did attack the same bunch in this posting here. However, my piece was not about hatred of Jews or even Wilsonian foreign policy.  It was simply about the far-right targeting Megan McCain and Moderate Conservatives. It is just coincidentally, that thier piece was published by a Neo-Conservative website; and I felt mentioning that was needed.

There is a difference between informing people and outright hate. This guy’s piece is just outright hatred of the right, Glenn Beck and yes, even possibly Jews. Which is why when you go the link now, you see this:

Editor’s Note: This piece was published directly to the Huffington Post by its author. It didn’t meet our editorial standards and has been removed from the site.

Glad to see that someone over at the Puffington Post is using what little brain that liberals actually have.

My Follow Conservatives: We must help this man

My Fellow Conservatives, if we are the people that we claim to be; a group of people that does distinguish between moderate Muslims and radical Muslims who wish to destroy America. It is time to put our money, where our mouths are.

This man was a victim; A victim of someone who, although intoxicated, was caught up in the euphoria surrounding the Mosque that the backers of park51 want to build. While I feel that the backers of park51 project ought to be covering this man’s bills. I also feel that we, as Conservatives, ought to take the higher plane and ought to at least contribute to this man’s cause and help him cover his bills until he can get back to work. Because, whether we want to admit it or not; there are some on our ranks, that actually created this mess. We ought to be the honorable ones, and help this man. He is an innocent bystander in a war, between those who want to destroy America and those who wish to preserve it.

From CNN:

(CNN) — New York cab driver Ahmed Sharif cannot bring himself to talk about the young man who allegedly cut his throat and nearly killed him last week, a taxi union representative said Sunday.

“Ahmed is a strong man, but mentally he has limits,” said Bhairavi Desai of the New York Taxi Workers Alliance. “The trauma he’s experienced will last for a long time.”

Desai spent time this weekend with Sharif. She said his most pressing worry is how he’ll provide for his wife and four children — including a 10-month-old –without a job. Sharif is receiving 2/3 of his salary, about $30,000 a year, in workers’ compensation. Union members do not get health insurance or disability payments, Desai said.

“My guess is that he’ll be unable to work for at least four months,” Desai said. “He can’t even pick up his baby because of the wounds to his arms. He can’t turn his neck.”

There’s been so little money raised over the past few days for Sharif that it would “barely cover baby formula,” said Desai who, along with Sharif, held a widely publicized press conference Friday announcing the union was creating a fund for the family. The union’s website indicates how to mail a donation or give online.

There is also an address that you can send your checks and money orders to, it is:

Ahmed Sharif
c/o New York Taxi Workers Alliance
250 Fifth Avenue, Suite 310
NY, NY 10001

Further more, I do not want to hear any idiotic griping about how this place is some sort of a union or progressive organization. Who cares? They are helping this man, and that my friends is all that matters. In fact, when this posting goes live. I will be sending a small donation, along with the link to this posting. Because I do want to show, that unlike some people out there, calling themselves Conservatives, I am not ate up with hatred of those of another race. I want to show, that my battle is not against those of the Islamic Faith or those of Arab decent; but that my battle is against radical Islam and Jihad — against those who have hijacked a religion to further an agenda of hate. Sort of like these guys here.

I encourage my fellow Conservatives to for once, to put aside our feelings of mistrust; and help someone, who was quite honestly, caught in the crossfire. If we do this, we can rebuild an image that was tarnished the day this man was stabbed. Do it now; go, give and give abundantly.

Other Great Americans, who feel this is just the right thing to do: Alan Colmes’ Liberaland, New York Magazine, Suburban Guerrilla and Gawker

The Feckless Far Christian Right: Exhibit GH for Gay Hatred

I hate to even place these buffoons in with the Christian Right for two reasons. For one, in the past; they have supported Democrats and For two; these idiots are beyond just your typical nutty far right wingers. They are just straight up hatemongers.


Via CNN:

(CNN) — A motorist fired pepper spray Saturday at a group of demonstrators and counter-protesters outside a funeral for a U.S. Marine in Omaha, Nebraska, police said.

The incident occurred shortly before 10 a.m. (11 a.m. ET) as members of a small Kansas church that protests at military funerals and counter-protesters stood nearly a block away from First United Methodist Church during services for Staff Sgt. Michael Bock, 26, who died August 13 in Afghanistan’s Helmand province.

A man in a Ford-150 pickup truck drove by, extended his arm and sprayed with a large can, police said. His vehicle was stopped a few minutes later.

“Initial indications are he was probably targeting the Westboro Baptist Church” protesters, said officer Michael Pecha, a spokesman for Omaha police.

George Vogel, 62, who lives just north of Omaha, was booked for 16 counts of misdemeanor assault and one count of felony assault on a police officer for the pepper-spray exposure, police said. Vogel also faces one count of child neglect because his child was in the truck, Pecha told CNN.


Shirley Phelps-Roper, a member of Westboro Baptist Church, said Omaha police did not adequately control roughly 30 counter-protesters, who she said jostled with church members. She also challenged Knudsen’s and Pecha’s account, saying a few Patriot Guard members were among the counter-protesters.

The group was about 1,000 feet from the church when the driver came by. “Of course it was directed at us,” Phelps-Roper, who is Fred Phelps’ daughter, said of the pepper spray.

None of the 16 Westboro members on the corner were affected because they raised signs to shield themselves or turned away, Phelps-Roper said. The group returned home shortly afterward.

Extra officers were on hand for any possible altercations, but there were only verbal exchanges before the truck drove up, police said.

They should be glad it was just mace. Because folks, they are jacking with our United States Military. They are militant haters who have, like the terrorists on 9/11, have hi-jacked a Religion to further their religion of hate. I am all for having a Religious opinion; I too believe that Homosexuality is a sin. But to protest the funerals of dead United States Soldiers? That my friends is an act of terrorism.

In the past, I have tried to at least explain these people and their thinking. No more. I am done trying to explain them. Baptist? Calvinist? Absolute Predestination? Meh. Screw them — They just haters, hiding behind theology. They are no different than Al-Qaeda; they are Terrorists, Christian Terrorists, who are using our first amendment for protection. Just like Revolution Muslim does; and the only thing that a true-blue, dyed in the wool terrorists understands —- is the end of gun. They are also Anti-American Zealots, who rail against everything that America stands for. They should be arrested on terrorism charges, that Church seized and sold and the funds given to families of dead United States Soldiers.

My Name is Patrick and I am the owner of this blog and I endorse this message. Because nothing is worse than stupid Christians and than is, Hate-mongering Stupid Christians. Terrorists they are; and they should be stopped.

President Obama, is there is one thing you COULD do right and that would be to end this group and end them now. America would be so much better off. However, If I know Shrimpy McWaffle like I do; he would rather have them around to use as a prop to campaign against the Right. Which is about par for the course for this President. However, to be fair, President Bush did excatly nothing about these idiots and I really do not expect President Obama to either. Cowardice in Government is such a tragic thing.

Unreal: Mosque Supporter says Holocaust Survivor “Didn’t learn his lesson”

You know, I have expressed my dismay at those on the far right, that are using that Mosque in New York as a political issue; and are fanning the flames of extremism  — not to mention are just grandstanding this issue to death.

Well, I regret to report, that it is happening on the left or at least among the Mosque supporters too:

The Video via JammieWearingFool: (CONTENT WARNING – LANGUAGE)

Obviously a Michael Bloomberg and Barack Obama supporter. Classy guy. He calls the old man an unpatriotic, treasonous piece of garbage. A shame how the lamestream media ignored this.

The left loves to call anyone who disagree with them bigots and haters. Just get a look at the vein-popping rage of this man and tell me he’s not consumed with hatred.

While Mr. JWF’s opinion may be slightly over the top; telling or saying that Holocaust survivor “Didn’t learn his lesson,” is just beyond the pale. I may support this Mosque’s LEGAL right to build this building, (Moral right is another story…) I do not support that sort of hatred.

My message to the Mosque supporters; if you think that spewing this sort of garbage and allowing yourself to be taped is going to help your cause, you are very highly mistaken. Bashing anyone, especially Jews; that are opposed to this Mosque only hurts your cause. I will not rush to judgment and call this man a leftist, because I do not know this, neither does JWF; but I digress. Therefore, I will just file this under general stupidity.

Video: Words of the so-called “moderate Muslim” Imam of Ground Zero Mosque

As AllahPundit would say, Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm.

Imam Feisal Abdul Rauf: “We tend to forget, in the West, that the United States has more Muslim blood on its hands than al Qaida has on its hands of innocent non Muslims. You may remember that the US-led sanctions against Iraq led to the death of over half a million Iraqi children. This has been documented by the United Nations. And when Madeleine Albright, who has become a friend of mine over the last couple of years, when she was Secretary of State and was asked whether this was worth it, said it was worth it.

Pamela Geller has more, and I highly recommend that you read this one. Even I, as a Moderate Conservative, find this most interesting.

Quite bluntly, this guy has ZERO business being at, near or whatever, Ground Zero, New York or anywhere else in the United States.

But, as we know, the liberal media, will not touch this, because it really does not fit the narrative. Nor do I expect President Obama to intervene here either. Because we all know that Muslims don’t cut one another. (I mean, after all, he did have a Muslim daddy AND step-daddy…)

Update: Memeornadum Thread.

Video: Jon Stewart – Extremist Makeover

I hate to say it; but Stewart has a point here:

The Daily Show With Jon Stewart Mon – Thurs 11p / 10c
Extremist Makeover – Homeland Edition
Daily Show Full Episodes Political Humor Tea Party

The Classless Left: Exhibit AG for Alan Grayson

This video comes via HotAir.com:

Ah, Yes, let’s blame the same guy, who we want to weigh in on an issue such as that, “Whatever you want to call it” that is two blocks away from ground zero.

I hate to be the one to bring this up….But… I will; for years and years and years, White Nationalists and Paleo-Conservative types have been arguing that Jewish people are morally and intellectually inferior people. I have never bought into that sort of hate, but in this idiot’s case —- I think that they might actually have a point.

I’m not sure who is running against Allan Greyson; but I sure hope like hell that he wins!

The Extremely Sadly Obligatory “People think President Obama is a Muslim more and more everyday” Posting


Why must I write about insanely stupid things such as this?

I mean, is being a moderate Conservative automatically a mandate to sign on with the stupid now? If it is, I must have not have gotten the memo on this at all.  Because this bunch of blatant stupidity, I find to be most distressing — almost to the point of shutting my blog and disappearing from Politics altogether.

What I am griping about, is this incredibly stupid poll out, which says that more and more people believe that President Obama is a Muslim.  I mean the man’s Father gives to his kid an Arab middle name, because the man was a Muslim at one time, and everyone freaks and says, “He’s a Muslim!” or in some quarters, “He’s a nigger Muslim!”  —- Depending on where you are, north or south of the Mason-Dixon Line.  Yes, I went there, you are very welcome.  Figure if Dr. Laura can go there, so can I.

Seriously, folks, I am honestly beginning to wonder if some members of the Anglo-Saxon race are not inflicted with some sort of incurable disorder.  I like to call it “Negro-Phobia,” White people are honestly frightened by anyone that looks, talks, acts, and even sounds different than they do.  This is 2010, I thought we were over such nonsense; after all, we did elect the Nation’s first black President.  Nevertheless, this nonsense is still being polled about, talked about and blogged about.

My question to my fellow Conservative is this; do you people honestly believe that this sort of idiotic nonsense is going to get the Republicans elected back into office in November?  I mean, seriously!

What is fueling this sort of nonsense?  Fear —– You know damned well the Republicans are playing that little card for all it is worth.

Look, I know the President is a socialist I get that.  However, to accuse a man of lying about what his Religious leanings are,  is just plain underhanded tripe.  I mean, has all of the damned intellectualism disappeared out of the Conservative side of the Political fence for God’s sake?  Have all of the men of wisdom within the ranks of Conservationism been replaced with Hillbilly Mouth breathing idiots, who have no concept of any sort intellectual thought?

I will not try to mislead my readers — at this point, I am seriously beginning to believe that Conservatives have officially jumped the damned shark on this little subject.  I am not ready to official change to another political stripe or anything; because I have learned too much about the left, and much of it, I cannot stand.  Nevertheless, this nonsense of accusing the first black President of the United States about lying to America, as to what God his subscribes to, is just very ridiculous.

Is this what the Republican Party has become?  The President of the United States, who happens to be black and have Arab middle name has a dinner with a group of Muslims.  The President tells a group of Arabs that are visiting the White House, that this Park 51 site — has the legal, not the moral, but the legal right to build in New York City and that the United States Government will not interfere with this process — and alone, that makes him a Muslim?

Another example: The economy is not recovering as fast or a well as the Democrats had hoped and that somehow means that President Obama is some sort cryptic-Muslim socialist that wants to overthrow the capitalistic system in America, and introduce us to Sharia law and Communism.

Do not laugh; I have heard such stuff out of the mouth of Glenn Beck himself and from other well-known Conservative Bloggers.

If this all somehow sounds familiar to some of my older readers, it should, the same very thing was said about President John F. Kennedy.  There were actually Conservatives and yes, some Democrats who were going around shrieking that Kennedy would be taking orders from Rome.  You see, Kennedy was Catholic and back in those days, a Catholic had never served as President of the United States.  In fact, the issue got so bad, that Kennedy had to address the Southern Baptist Convention in 1960 to convince them and the rest of America that he would not be taking orders from Rome.

Fortunately, back then, it worked.

What you did not have in 1960 were Conservative Bloggers who were “hell bent” on destroying a President, for the simple fact that he is a Black Democrat.  However, today, you do have them and there are many of them.

Look, I am going to make an admission to you all.  I did not create this blog to attempt to destroy President Obama.  I started this blog to criticize the President of the United States on his policies, when I thought that they were wrong, dumb, and misguided, and I will continue to do so.  However, what I will not partake in is the silly idiotic partisan rumormongering that is not based on facts.

Having said all of that let me give an open message to the Conservative and Republican Blogging community:

I will not partake in this stupidity and if this is, what is required to be in with the “Cool Kids” in Conservative blogger, then by all means, count me is an outsider — Because I want nothing to do with this sort of stupidity.

The Feckless Far-Right: Exhibit S for Semite-Baiting

This story would be laughable; if it were not the fact that the parties involved were not taken so seriously by the MSM.

Anyhow, Harvard University shuffled it’s stock portfolio; and right away the Far-Right went into Semite persecution modeSoccer Dad points out the following:

Prof Bainbridge, though, notices that many of the companies from Israel listed were losing money. However that may not even be the real reason as Solomonia notes:

In other words, Israel’s economy is so good it’s no longer considered “developing,” it’s just a category shift…which sounds plausible to me. How much do you want to bet that that’s pretty close to what it’s going to be all about when we start hearing from on the record sources?

Yid with Lid and Israel Matzav have updated their posts accordingly.

But do not expect anytime soon for any of the Semite-Baiting Far-Right to update any of their postings anytime soon. They have a narrative to pursue! Because anytime anyone divests any shares from a Israeli company; of course it’s a automatic persecution of the Joooooos! 🙄

Now before anyone says, “Hey! What about this?” To that I simply say this; I am not inaccurate in my description of the vile hatred of the left towards Bill Kristol, and I do suspect it is because of his Jewish race. That is what Neo-Con means in Liberal and Paleo-Conservative speak.

The main reason I enjoy pointing these people out; is because they are pulling the same tactics as the far left. Let us persecute these people, because they do not agree with our political agenda. The very idea that these Semite-Baiting idiots on the far right would attempt to smear Harvard and accuse them of supporting terrorism; is absolutely laughable. Further more, this whole idea that if you do not adhere to some rabid Zionist doctrine or if you do not support rabid Zionist causes; makes you a supporter of jihad —— smacks of something that almost destroyed the Republican Party in the 1950’s —— McCarthyism.

Let me give a open warning to the Republican Party or more specifically the Conservative Blogosphere and the Conservative media in general. If you embrace this sort of Anti-Liberty nonsense and you use the tactic of calling someone, who happens to disagree with your stance an Anti-Israel or a supporter of Jihad; your political cause will die. The Republican Party will not survive. Not everyone that disagrees with the rabid Zionism of the far-right is a supporter of terrorism. The sort of attitude of “You are either with us or against us” almost destroyed the Bush Presidency and they abandoned that talking point, some would say after it was too late for that Administration, but I digress. That sort of collective group think will never do a thing to further the cause of Conservatism. Joseph McCarthy found that out, the hard way.

I am a Moderate Conservative; I believe that any sort of political or religious philosophy taken to any sort of extreme, is dangerous. Further more, I am all for the fiscal Conservatism. I believe that “Tax and Spend” is NOT a good way to come out of a recession. But I will be DAMNED if I will ever, EVER, EVER side with those who wish to smear others who disagree with their religious or political agendas!

The Feckless Far-Right: Exhibit ZB For Zionist Bigotry

I never thought that in a million years that I would be siding with this Blogger. But damn it; he is right.

Guess where this quote is from:

President Obama came out Friday evening in favor of the Islamic supremacist mega-mosque at the hallowed ground of the 9/11 attack.

Obama told the ummah (at an Iftar dinner on the third night of Ramadan) that he supports a triumphal mosque on the cherished site where Islamic jihadists attacked.

If you had any doubt who Obama stood with on 9/11, there can be no doubt in our minds now.

Click here to find out.

Un-farking-believable. 😯

I’m really honestly worried about what is becoming of the Conservative Blogosphere. 🙁

You tell me the difference between these two quotes

There is something eerily familiar about this quote:

“This is not about freedom of religion,” Cornyn said. “I do think it’s unwise to build a mosque in the site where 3,000 Americans lost their lives as the result of a terrorist attack.”

Voters “sense that they’re being lectured to, not listened to” by Democrats, he said. “The American people will render their verdict.”

Is it just me, or does that that sound much like:

Today I have stood, where once Jefferson Davis stood, and took an oath to my people. It is very appropriate then that from this Cradle of the Confederacy, this very Heart of the Great Anglo-Saxon Southland, that today we sound the drum for freedom as have our generations of forebears before us done, time and time again through history. Let us rise to the call of freedom-loving blood that is in us and send our answer to the tyranny that clanks its chains upon the South. In the name of the greatest people that have ever trod this earth, I draw the line in the dust and toss the gauntlet before the feet of tyranny . . . and I say . . . segregation today . . . segregation tomorrow . . . segregation forever.

I am just saying….

This issue will be the death the Republican Party, if they are not very careful. They are giving the Democrats the talking point that they need to defeat them in 2010…and 2012. At this point, as much as it pains me to say it —-They deserve it.

Update: Seeing that no one seems to get what I am trying to say. I will explain it. What is happening here is this; the Republican Party is pandering to the irrational fears of the general public towards Muslims. Just like George Wallace did with the southern Democrats, when they pandered to the White people in the South and their irrational fears of black people back in 1963. It is the same hate, the same pandering and the exact same bigotry. The only difference is, one was directed at blacks and this one is directed at Muslims and more broadly toward Arabs.

I have seen all of the rationalizations for all of this nonsense, and it is nothing more than vary nuanced bigotry. Only difference is that we did not use Arabs for slaves and did not lynch any of them. At least not yet. But I believe if the Republicans had their way; we would be lynching them, all of them, for what happened on 9/11.

Now this is not to say that I am not aware of the danger of Islamic terrorism or unaware or unwilling to accept the fact that there are Muslims who wish to impose Sharia Law in this Country. I am quite aware of that. But there is a big difference between awareness and bigotry; and this nonsense here is nothing more than nuanced bigotry. Period.

The Classless Left: Exhibit JH for Jewish Hatred

For our newest installation of Leftest Hate, we have far-leftest Blogger TBogg telling Jewish Conservative Bill Kristol to do something involving the male body. (CONTENT WARNING!)

Notice he uses the word “Neo-Conservative”?

In leftist and Paleo-Conservative speak, (Which is where the liberals learned the term…) “Neo-Conservative” or it’s shorter brother, “Neo-Con” refers to anyone, whether Conservative or not, that agrees with Wilsonian Foreign policy. It also stands for basically a Jewish Conservative as well. As the term does have origins among the Paleo-Conservatives or old right; who were bigoted and quite resentful of the Jews who crossed over from being Democrats to Republicans.

I would quote some of that deranged nonsense over here; but the good majority of it is just sheer unhinged hate.

Don’t get me wrong; I am not a Bill Kristol fan, not by a long shot; but that is just over the top and sheer lunacy.

Somewhere, Michelle Malkin is smiling.

...and smile she should...

Corrected Grammar errors. What I get for hustling an entry out. D’oh! 😳

If the Republican Party runs on a platform of Bigotry, they will lose in 2010 & 2012

I figured this is sort of ugly was coming, and I was ready for it.

Via the Politico:

The harsh Republican response to President Barack Obama’s defense of a mosque near ground zero marks a dramatic shift in the party’s posture toward Islam — from a once active courtship of Muslim voters to a very public tolerance after Sept. 11 to an openly aired sense of mistrust.

Republican leaders have largely abandoned former President George W. Bush’s post-Sept. 11 rhetorical embrace of American Muslims and his insistence — always controversial inside the party — that Islam is a religion of peace. This weekend, former Bush aides were among the very few Republicans siding with Obama, as many of the party’s leaders have moved toward more vocal denunciations of Islam’s role in violence abroad and suspicion of its place at home.

The shift plays to a hostility toward Islam among many Republican voters, and it fits with traditional Republican attacks on Democratic weakness on security policy.

“Bush went against the grain of his own constituency,” said Allen Roth, a political aide to conservative billionaire Ron Lauder and, independently, a key organizer of the fight against the mosque. “This is part of an underlying set of security issues that could play a significant role in the elections this November.”

This past election cycle in 2008. I voted libertarian; for one, I did not like John McCain’s running mate. For two, I noticed that the Republican Party was running on a platform of bigotry. The whole using of 9/11 imagery during the Republican convention sickened me to my core. It was after this, that I decided that my vote was going to Bob Barr and not to John McCain.

Yeah, this issue is going to play a significant role alright; and that is to the sound defeat of the Republicans come 2012 and possible here in 2010. The truth is folks, that independent voters, for the most part; Reject any sort of Bigotry towards anyone of any race.  If the Republican Party believes that they are going to win this election by stoking the fears of the people — they are going to be in a very huge surprise come November 2, 2012 and possibly even in 2010.

So, to the Republican Party, drop this agenda of bigotry towards Muslims and those of Arab decent; or there will be one less vote for the Republican Party come 2012 —- Mine.

Update: To the idiot attempting to comment with the Conspiracy theory crap. Please, take your “Muslim Thunder” crap elsewhere. There is only one thing I detest worse the stupid Republicans and that is stupid liberals. That is all.

The Feckless Far-Right: Exhibit F for Foot-in-Mouth

I am not going to be like the left and call Dr. Laura a racist. I do not know that to be a fact. However, I will say that she has a good knack for putting her foot in her mouth. It appears that Dr. Laura was trying to make a point; and in the process of making that point, used some language that is not acceptable in this “Politically Correct” World we live in today.

Via the Left’s Resident Carnival Barker:


SCHLESSINGER: Jade, welcome to the program.

CALLER: Hi, Dr. Laura.


CALLER: I’m having an issue with my husband where I’m starting to grow very resentful of him. I’m black, and he’s white. We’ve been around some of his friends and family members who start making racist comments as if I’m not there or if I’m not black. And my husband ignores those comments, and it hurts my feelings. And he acts like —

SCHLESSINGER: Well, can you give me an example of a racist comment? ‘Cause sometimes people are hypersensitive. So tell me what’s — give me two good examples of racist comments.

CALLER: OK. Last night — good example — we had a neighbor come over, and this neighbor — when every time he comes over, it’s always a black comment. It’s, "Oh, well, how do you black people like doing this?" And, "Do black people really like doing that?" And for a long time, I would ignore it. But last night, I got to the point where it —

SCHLESSINGER: I don’t think that’s racist.

CALLER: Well, the stereotype —

SCHLESSINGER: I don’t think that’s racist. No, I think that —

CALLER: [unintelligible]

SCHLESSINGER: No, no, no. I think that’s — well, listen, without giving much thought, a lot of blacks voted for Obama simply ’cause he was half-black. Didn’t matter what he was gonna do in office, it was a black thing. You gotta know that. That’s not a surprise. Not everything that somebody says — we had friends over the other day; we got about 35 people here — the guys who were gonna start playing basketball. I was going to go out and play basketball. My bodyguard and my dear friend is a black man. And I said, "White men can’t jump; I want you on my team." That was racist? That was funny.

CALLER: How about the N-word? So, the N-word’s been thrown around —

SCHLESSINGER: Black guys use it all the time. Turn on HBO, listen to a black comic, and all you hear is nigger, nigger, nigger.

CALLER: That isn’t —

SCHLESSINGER: I don’t get it. If anybody without enough melanin says it, it’s a horrible thing; but when black people say it, it’s affectionate. It’s very confusing. Don’t hang up, I want to talk to you some more. Don’t go away.

I’m Dr. Laura Schlessinger. I’ll be right back.

and after the break, it got worse…:

SCHLESSINGER: I’m Dr. Laura Schlessinger, talking to Jade. What did you think about during the break, by the way?

CALLER: I was a little caught back by the N-word that you spewed out, I have to be honest with you. But my point is, race relations —

SCHLESSINGER: Oh, then I guess you don’t watch HBO or listen to any black comedians.

CALLER: But that doesn’t make it right. I mean, race is a [unintelligible] —

SCHLESSINGER: My dear, my dear —

CALLER: — since Obama’s been in office —

SCHLESSINGER: — the point I’m trying to make —

CALLER: — racism has come to another level that’s unacceptable.

SCHLESSINGER: Yeah. We’ve got a black man as president, and we have more complaining about racism than ever. I mean, I think that’s hilarious.

CALLER: But I think, honestly, because there’s more white people afraid of a black man taking over the nation.

SCHLESSINGER: They’re afraid.

CALLER: If you want to be honest about it [unintelligible]

SCHLESSINGER: Dear, they voted him in. Only 12 percent of the population’s black. Whites voted him in.

CALLER: It was the younger generation that did it. It wasn’t the older white people who did it.


CALLER: It was the younger generation —

SCHLESSINGER: All right. All right.

CALLER: — that did it.

SCHLESSINGER: Chip on your shoulder. I can’t do much about that.

CALLER: It’s not like that.

SCHLESSINGER: Yeah. I think you have too much sensitivity —

CALLER: So it’s OK to say "nigger"?

SCHLESSINGER: — and not enough sense of humor.

CALLER: It’s OK to say that word?

SCHLESSINGER: It depends how it’s said.

CALLER: Is it OK to say that word? Is it ever OK to say that word?

SCHLESSINGER: It’s — it depends how it’s said. Black guys talking to each other seem to think it’s OK.

CALLER: But you’re not black. They’re not black. My husband is white.

SCHLESSINGER: Oh, I see. So, a word is restricted to race. Got it. Can’t do much about that.

CALLER: I can’t believe someone like you is on the radio spewing out the "nigger" word, and I hope everybody heard it.

SCHLESSINGER: I didn’t spew out the "nigger" word.

CALLER: You said, "Nigger, nigger, nigger."

SCHLESSINGER: Right, I said that’s what you hear.

CALLER: Everybody heard it.

SCHLESSINGER: Yes, they did.

CALLER: I hope everybody heard it.

SCHLESSINGER: They did, and I’ll say it again —

CALLER: So what makes it OK for you to say the word?

SCHLESSINGER: — nigger, nigger, nigger is what you hear on HB —

CALLER: So what makes it —

SCHLESSINGER: Why don’t you let me finish a sentence?


SCHLESSINGER: Don’t take things out of context. Don’t double N — NAACP me. Tape the —

CALLER: I know what the NAACP —

SCHLESSINGER: Leave them in context.

CALLER: I know what the N-word means and I know it came from a white person. And I know the white person made it bad.

SCHLESSINGER: All right. Thank you very much. Thank you very much. Can’t have this argument. You know what? If you’re that hypersensitive about color and don’t have a sense of humor, don’t marry out of your race. If you’re going to marry out of your race, people are going to say, "OK, what do blacks think? What do whites think? What do Jews think? What do Catholics think?" Of course there isn’t a one-think per se. But in general there’s "think."

And what I just heard from Jade is a lot of what I hear from black-think — and it’s really distressing [sic] and disturbing. And to put it in its context, she said the N-word, and I said, on HBO, listening to black comics, you hear "nigger, nigger, nigger." I didn’t call anybody a nigger. Nice try, Jade. Actually, sucky try.

Need a sense of humor, sense of humor — and answer the question. When somebody says, "What do blacks think?" say, "This is what I think. This is what I read that if you take a poll the majority of blacks think this." Answer the question and discuss the issue. It’s like we can’t discuss anything without saying there’s -isms?

We have to be able to discuss these things. We’re people — goodness gracious me. Ah — hypersensitivity, OK, which is being bred by black activists. I really thought that once we had a black president, the attempt to demonize whites hating blacks would stop, but it seems to have grown, and I don’t get it. Yes, I do. It’s all about power. I do get it. It’s all about power and that’s sad because what should be in power is not power or righteousness to do good — that should be the greatest power.

For the record, she has apologized:

I talk every day about doing the right thing.  And yesterday, I did the wrong thing.

I didn’t intend to hurt people, but I did.  And that makes it the wrong thing to have done.

I was attempting to make a philosophical point, and I articulated the “n” word all the way out – more than one time.  And that was wrong.  I’ll say it again – that was wrong.

She goes on to say:

I ended up, I’m sure, with many of you losing the point I was trying to make, because you were shocked by the fact that I said the word.  I, myself, realized I had made a horrible mistake, and was so upset I could not finish the show.  I pulled myself off the air at the end of the hour.  I had to finish the hour, because 20 minutes of dead air doesn’t work.  I am very sorry.  And it just won’t happen again.


One last note –
The caller in question (her name is Jade), called for help from me, and didn’t get it, because we got embroiled in the “n” word, and I’m really sorry about that, because I’m here for only one reason and that’s to be helpful, so I hope Jade or somebody who knows her is listening, and hope she will call me back and I will try my best to be helpful, which is what she wanted from me in the first place and what she did not get.

I am willing to take that at face value. I do not know this woman personally; I will not call her something that I do not know her to be personally. She blew it, she admitted that. However, the racist baiting twits on the left will never be happy, until Dr. Laura and those who believe like her are off of the air for good.

Others: Left Coast Rebel

The Classless Left: Exhibit D for Death Wish

It seems that the liberal left just cannot get over its urges to engage into classless behavior.

As you all know, Senator Ted Stevens died in a plane crash yesterday. Well, leave it to the classless left to use a death of a Republican Senator to wish death on a Conservative Republican like…… you guessed it, Sarah Palin: (H/T The Politico)


Not to be outdone, Natch Greyes, a staffer for Democratic Rep. and Senate hopeful Paul Hodes tweeted the following on July 21st:


Now before any of you on the left say, “Well, the right does it too!” To that I say, “Yep, and when they do, I report it here.” Perfect example of which can be found here. Not only this; but there is this point too — I am not a Sarah Palin fan, at all. But there is just no call for this sort of hatemongering between the Parties. I mean, my God, are we all children or are we adults here?

I really think some people need to grow up and act their ages, instead of their shoe sizes.

Update: Oops! In my haste to get this Published, I forgot to mention that the N.H. GOP has condemned these remarks:

CONCORD – The New Hampshire Republican State Committee today denounced Democrat NH House candidate Keith Halloran’s public death wish for former Alaska Governor Sarah Palin. The Party also called on Governor John Lynch and Congressional Candidate Ann McLane Kuster to personally denounce his hateful remarks and call for him to apologize to the Palin family.

In a Facebook post yesterday regarding the tragic plane crash that killed former Alaska Senator Ted Stevens, Halloran wrote, “Just wish Sarah and Levy [sic] were on board.Levi Johnston is the father of Governor Palin’s grandson (RedHampshire, 8/11).

“Mr. Halloran’s outrageous comments are a new low, even by the standards of the New Hampshire Democrat Party,” said NHGOP Communications Director Ryan Williams. “His publicly stated death wish for Governor Palin and her family is abhorrent, and has no place in our public discourse. Governor Lynch and Ann McLane Kuster need to immediately denounce Mr. Halloran’s hateful remarks and demand that he personally apologize to the Palin family.

The Democrat Party needs to take a stand here and tell this guy to cool it or else.