The Feckless Far-Right: Exhibit S for Semite-Baiting

This story would be laughable; if it were not the fact that the parties involved were not taken so seriously by the MSM.

Anyhow, Harvard University shuffled it’s stock portfolio; and right away the Far-Right went into Semite persecution modeSoccer Dad points out the following:

Prof Bainbridge, though, notices that many of the companies from Israel listed were losing money. However that may not even be the real reason as Solomonia notes:

In other words, Israel’s economy is so good it’s no longer considered “developing,” it’s just a category shift…which sounds plausible to me. How much do you want to bet that that’s pretty close to what it’s going to be all about when we start hearing from on the record sources?

Yid with Lid and Israel Matzav have updated their posts accordingly.

But do not expect anytime soon for any of the Semite-Baiting Far-Right to update any of their postings anytime soon. They have a narrative to pursue! Because anytime anyone divests any shares from a Israeli company; of course it’s a automatic persecution of the Joooooos! 🙄

Now before anyone says, “Hey! What about this?” To that I simply say this; I am not inaccurate in my description of the vile hatred of the left towards Bill Kristol, and I do suspect it is because of his Jewish race. That is what Neo-Con means in Liberal and Paleo-Conservative speak.

The main reason I enjoy pointing these people out; is because they are pulling the same tactics as the far left. Let us persecute these people, because they do not agree with our political agenda. The very idea that these Semite-Baiting idiots on the far right would attempt to smear Harvard and accuse them of supporting terrorism; is absolutely laughable. Further more, this whole idea that if you do not adhere to some rabid Zionist doctrine or if you do not support rabid Zionist causes; makes you a supporter of jihad —— smacks of something that almost destroyed the Republican Party in the 1950’s —— McCarthyism.

Let me give a open warning to the Republican Party or more specifically the Conservative Blogosphere and the Conservative media in general. If you embrace this sort of Anti-Liberty nonsense and you use the tactic of calling someone, who happens to disagree with your stance an Anti-Israel or a supporter of Jihad; your political cause will die. The Republican Party will not survive. Not everyone that disagrees with the rabid Zionism of the far-right is a supporter of terrorism. The sort of attitude of “You are either with us or against us” almost destroyed the Bush Presidency and they abandoned that talking point, some would say after it was too late for that Administration, but I digress. That sort of collective group think will never do a thing to further the cause of Conservatism. Joseph McCarthy found that out, the hard way.

I am a Moderate Conservative; I believe that any sort of political or religious philosophy taken to any sort of extreme, is dangerous. Further more, I am all for the fiscal Conservatism. I believe that “Tax and Spend” is NOT a good way to come out of a recession. But I will be DAMNED if I will ever, EVER, EVER side with those who wish to smear others who disagree with their religious or political agendas!

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