Anybody who threatens Amy Myers is NOT a true Conservative

There are not many times, that I feel the need to fire up my copy of Microsoft Word to write blog opinion pieces.  However, considering what I just read; I feel that writing anything other, than a professional sounding blog entry for this young woman; would be doing a disservice to her and her family.

As of late, there has been a gnawing cynism, which has been festering inside of me.  It is the thought that politics has become too partisan, too toxic, and almost too unbearable to write about any longer.  After all, it has been said by many people, that politics is like an open smelly sewer.  It is when I read things like this, that I begin to have those feelings of defeatist cynism very strongly.  This story has to be, one of the worst, if not the worst political story that I have read in a very long time:

Read More …

“Hey! Don’t be dissing my liberal President!” Says Jeffrey Goldberg at the Atlantic

What a freaking joke….

For whatever reason, I tend to react strongly when a foreign leader disrespects the United States, and its President. I didn’t like it when Hugo Chavez of Venezuela insulted President Bush; I don’t like listening to Hamid Karzai of Afghanistan lecture the U.S. on its sins, and I’m not happy when certain Pakistani leaders gin-up righteous indignation about American behavior when it was their country that served as a refuge for the greatest mass murderer in American history.

And so I was similarly taken aback when I read a statement from Prime Minister Netanyahu yesterday that he “expects to hear a reaffirmation from President Obama of U.S. commitments made to Israel in 2004, which were overwhelmingly supported by both House of Congress.”


Of course, he didn’t say this. Instead he threw something of a hissy fit. It was not appropriate, and more to the point, it was not tactically wise: If I’m waking up this morning feeling that the Israeli prime minister is disrespecting the President of my country, imagine how other Americans might be feeling. And, then, of course, there’s this: Prime Minister Netanyahu needs the support of President Obama in order to confront the greatest danger Israel has ever faced: the potential of a nuclear-armed Iran. And yet he seems to go out of his way to alienate the President. Why does he do this? It’s a mystery to me.

via Dear Mr. Netanyahu, Please Don’t Speak to My President That Way – Jeffrey Goldberg – National – The Atlantic.

Gee, I wonder if he felt that way, when George W. Bush was President? I highly doubt it.  Despite that during the George W. Bush administration’s term, there were no more terrorist attacks after 9/11 and that Bush had one the greatest relationships with Israel  —- despite all that; Bush was treated like dirt and mocked by this man’s magazine as a hick, who could not run the White House. Disrespecting Bush was no problem, after all, he was the “Great Satan” in the White House, no problem speaking disrespectful to him!  But, please, no disrespecting “The One!”

This is your typical partisan double standard in the liberal media. When a Republican is in the White House, the liberal media and Presidents of other Countries can disrespect them all day long and not one person in the Lame Stream Media will say a word. But you let a Democrat get elected, much less a Black Democrat President and the rules change you see; will be no disrespecting of the black messiah of socialism and statist big Government. 

This here and a litany of other reasons that I have well documented here; is why I will never, ever, vote for a Democratic Party Candidate, ever again. Because American deserves better than what we have in the White House now, and further more, American deserves a better media than what the lame stream media is giving us. This is why I actually do watch Fox News and read publications like National Review, The American Conservative, WorldNetDaily, NewsWithViews and many of the other Conservative publications and it is also the reason I read blogs and run a Blog myself. Because quite frankly, America deserves better than the idiotic bile that passes for news and fair political opinion in this Country.

Update: I no sooner hit publish and I realize, I forgot something. Oops! I wrote this; not as a Bush fan. I never was, in fact, I did not vote for him, either time. In fact, it was Bush’s handling of Iraq that started me to blogging. But, some things got well beyond whether someone is liked or not. This is one of them and I feel the need to point it out.

Others: Le·gal In·sur·rec· tion

UPDATED: An Open Message to Pamela Geller

In response to this


Pamela Geller, As a Fundamentalist Christian. I am sorry to say this, but, it must be said.

It is quite obvious to me, that you are nothing more, than an Anti-Christian Jewish Bigot. I am not a Roman Catholic, nor do I agree with that belief system; in fact, I renounce it as false Christianity. But for you to slam the Christian belief system of forgiveness, shows that you have an inbred hatred of all things Non-Jewish. Charles Johnson was right, you are nothing but a hatemonger.

The sad thing is, I have defended you, when I thought you needed it. I now regret that decision.

Jesus Christ came to die on the cross at Calvary to put and END to that dead man’s Religion of Judaism; which was a total perversion of the Law of Moses, which you Jews turned into a money-making operation. In fact, Jesus said in the Gospels, “My house shall be called a house of PRAYER and you have turned it into a DEN OF THIEVES!” Not much has changed either, the Jews are still doing that to this very day.

I thought you were better than this Miss Geller, I guess I was wrong.


-Charles Patrick Adkins


I posted it to the comments section, and she will most likely remove it, like the little coward that she is; which will not surprise me at all.

I’m sorry, but you do not slam Christianity like that and get away with it; I do not care what your ethnic background is, you do it, I am coming after you. Jew or non-Jew. It’s absurd and I am calling her out on this one. I want an apology on that blog of hers or I will continue to call out her hate.

After all, who is it, that is always calling out Muslim extremists and they’re hatred of freedom, Christians, and Jews? Pamela Geller. So, why should SHE get a free pass on her hatred of Christians? She will not here, I assure you of that.

Update: I feel the need to mention something; it just dawned on me, that this is the Roman Catholic of “Prayers for the dead.” Now, do I believe in that sort of thing? No. However, because I do happen to believe in the practice of freedom of Religion, I believe that people who do believe in that sort of thing, should be able to carry on that belief and practice; without some Neo-Conservative, Jewish Fascist screeching about how horrible it is and attacking people for actually practicing their faith.  As for Osama bin Laden, he is in hell, he chose to reject the gospel of Jesus Christ and instead embraced Islam and chose also to embrace madness of violent jihad, for this, he is in hell. Prayers for him are useless. However, those who choose to do this, should not be attacked. As that is just what the radical Jihadists do —- attack people for practicing their faith.

UPDATEDBreaking News: The Donald is not running for President


The Donald is not running.

Unconfirmed reports say that Charles Krauthammer was spotting on the ledge of a building in NYC, with people begging him not to jump.

Full Statement via ABC NEWS:

After considerable deliberation and reflection, I have decided not to pursue the office of the Presidency. This decision does not come easily or without regret; especially when my potential candidacy continues to be validated by ranking at the top of the Republican contenders in polls across the country. I maintain the strong conviction that if I were to run, I would be able to win the primary and ultimately, the general election. I have spent the past several months unofficially campaigning and recognize that running for public office cannot be done half heartedly. Ultimately, however, business is my greatest passion and I am not ready to leave the private sector.

I want to personally thank the millions of Americans who have joined the various Trump grassroots movements and written me letters and e-mails encouraging me to run. My gratitude for your faith and trust in me could never be expressed properly in words. So, I make you this promise: that I will continue to voice my opinions loudly and help to shape our politician’s thoughts.  My ability to bring important economic and foreign policy issues to the forefront of the national dialogue is perhaps my greatest asset and one of the most valuable services I can provide to this country.  I will continue to push our President and the country’s policy makers to address the dire challenges arising from our unsustainable debt structure and increasing lack of global competitiveness.  Issues, including getting tough on China and other countries that are methodically and systematically taking advantage of the United States, were seldom mentioned before I brought them to the forefront of the country’s conversation. They are now being debated vigorously. I will also continue to push for job creation, an initiative that should be this country’s top priority and something that I know a lot about. I will not shy away from expressing the opinions that so many of you share yet don’t have a medium through which to articulate.

I look forward to supporting the candidate who is the most qualified to help us tackle our country’s most important issues and am hopeful that, when this person emerges, he or she will have the courage to take on the challenges of the Office and be the agent of change that this country so desperately needs

Thank you and God Bless America!

Donald J. Trump

There are also unconfirmed reports that President Barack Obama blurted out, “That Mother $%#$!” when he was told about the news.

Please note: This quotes and news tidbits are fictional ones and intended to be humorous. So, please, don’t be silly and actually use them for news broadcasts. 😀

Update: Saith Ed Morrissey:

So it’s the old I’d totally win if I cared enough to compete explanation, eh?   That’s not what the latest polls showed.

Update #2: Random Thought: Hmmmmm.. He got the Birth Certificate, but did not get the Bin Laden Photos; he’d make a lousy President. 

Update #3: Michelle Malkin Snarks on Twitter:

Pro-govt bailout, pro-porkulus, pro-Obamacare redistributionist won’t run for prez. Trump realizes he’s a redundancy.

And the real funny one from Malkin:

Now, if only Trump could fire Newt…

Honestly, I really already knew that this was going to happen. In fact, I even wrote as such:

AllahPundit is also correct, when he says that “The Donald” is playing that “Birther” group like a fiddle for purposes of political expediency. If it becomes clear that Trump is going to run; he will drop that subject like a bad habit. You watch.

Well, I was right  —- sort of.  I thought Donald Trump might actually try to run. However, what I think is this; Some political strategist most likely told him that he was not polling that well and he decided against it. Instead, he forced the Brither thing and dropped back into the private sector.

So, there’s that. Now for the 2012 dollar question; who the heck is going to run, that I would actually vote for?

Change: Obama Says “Drill baby Drill”!

The Video:


So much for that, eh?

Reality sets in:

WASHINGTON – In this week’s address, President Obama laid out his strategy to continue to expand responsible and safe domestic oil production, leveraging existing authorities as part of his long-term plan to reduce our reliance on foreign oil. He is directing the Department of the Interior to conduct annual lease sales in Alaska’s National Petroleum Reserve – while respecting sensitive areas, to speed up the evaluation of oil and gas resources in the mid and south Atlantic, and to create new incentives for industry to develop their unused leases both on and offshore. Also, to give companies more time to meet higher safety standard for exploration and drilling, the administration is extending drilling leases in areas of the Gulf of Mexico that were impacted by the temporary moratorium, as well as certain leases off the coast of Alaska. And, he is establishing a new interagency working group to ensure that Arctic development projects meet health, safety and environmental standards. The past few months, rising gas prices have put an added strain on American families. While there are no quick fixes to the problem, these are steps, along with eliminating taxpayer subsidies for oil companies and rooting out fraud and manipulation in the markets, that are worth taking.

via Weekly Address: President Obama Announces New Plans to Increase Responsible Domestic Oil Production | The White House.

$4.00 a gallon gas and people are getting ticked; including his base. So, he quits with the cute silly liberal answers and starts back to drilling. Ed Morrissey says, “Nice try, but no.”

Quoting Ed Morrissey:

In fact, most of this action deals with extensions for existing leases, rather than new drilling. Instead of approving extension requests individually, Obama will issue blanket one-year extensions in Alaska and the Gulf of Mexico. The lease sales for the Gulf that Obama announced were supposed to take place last year. They’re not new leases. Obama did pledge to hold annual lease sales in Alaska’s North Slope area, where they had been ad hoc in the past, which is the only hint of new expansion in his remarks.

This isn’t leadership. It’s a threadbare attempt at triangulation that doesn’t add much new capacity at all, nor does it speed up the process of exploration and extraction. The White House will drag its heels on expansion of American production as long as possible; this announcement just buys Obama some time and a respite from the political fallout of high gas prices. Still, the fact that Obama had to protect himself in this manner shows how politically damaging his refusal to expand American production has become, and how damaging it will continue to be.

So, basically, Barry is trying to cover his backside and make it look like he is doing something about the high gas prices. When in all reality, the President and his Administration are simply giving political cover and lip-service to the American people. Which is what President Obama is actually pretty good at —- as long as he has his teleprompter.

Which proves what we Blogs on the right have known for three years now. That this President, who was elected more as a Black Novelty, than anything else; has no plan for this Nation’s future. Nor does have, nor does he care, about this Nation’s energy policy and its future. All he truly cares about, is his idiotic vision of progressive utopia; which is in reality, nothing but a pipe dream. Hopefully, the voters in 2012 will see this and vote accordingly.

Memeorandum Thread

Confirmed: President Barack Obama is an Anti-American, Asshole, Piece of Shit

I am sorry, but that is how I feel. This man, this bastard piece of shit; has not only bungled a major kill in the war on terrorism. He has refused to give the American people closure.

Now there is this:

Audio: (H/T Pat Dollard)

Video: (H/T Atlas)

The Story via Real Clear Politics:

Debra Burlingame, the sister of Charles “Chic” Burlingame (pilot of the plane that crashed into the Pentagon) met with President Obama today, along with other families who were victims of 9/11. Burlingame said she confronted Obama about Attorney General Eric Holder prosecuting the men who interrogated KSM, which may have produced intelligence leading us to bin Laden.

Burlingame describes the encounter with Obama: “As a former attorney I know you can’t tell the Attorney General what to do, he said, ‘No, I can’t.’ But I said ‘we — that shouldn’t stop you from giving your opinion. We wouldn’t be here today if they hadn’t done their jobs. Can’t you at least give them your opinion.’ And he said ‘no I won’t,’ and he turned around and walked away.”

There is not anything more than I can add to this. The man is an ASSHOLE and a piece of shit. An Internationalist Democrat, who does not give a damn about America, its people or its principles.

Quite frankly, here is hoping that President Obama rots in the Devil’s hell. Screw him, Screw. him. hard. 😡

Because obviously this President does not give a flying fuck about anyone, but himself. Especially white people, who have lost loved ones who lost family members on 9/11. He is an internationalist Democratic and a black man, who at the very least, has sympathies to the Muslim community and for all we know; radical Muslims as well. Why else would he do something like this? Again, I say, SCREW HIM, SCREW.HIM.HARD…. 😡

Others: protein wisdom

Update:  Let me say this as well; I could have dealt with the President nicely saying to this woman, “I will take it under consideration and speak with my advisers,”  and then,  not doing anything. But to just say, “No, I won’t.” That my friends, is pure asshole behavior.  It is beneath the office and it brings a reproach to the office. For this, as far as I am concerned; President Obama has lost any sort of credibility, that he might have had with me. I’m finished with him and I will be voting in 2012 against him and I hope you, the reader, are too.


Cindy Sheehan sort of makes sense, Neo-Conservatives mock her

Here I go again, starting stuff; but screw it, I just do not care.

I never thought I would ever see the day, when I actually agree with Cindy Sheehan:

I am sorry, but if you believe the newest death of OBL, you’re stupid. Just think to yourself–they paraded Saddam’s dead sons around to prove they were dead–why do you suppose they hastily buried this version of OBL at sea? This lying, murderous Empire can only exist with your brainwashed consent–just put your flags away and THINK!

Of course, some ass maggot Neo-Con, AKA Jew-O-Con, named Jim Geraghty sticks his big ass bazoo in the story:

I have a hard time bearing much ill will toward Sheehan, no matter how nonsensical or inane her utterances get; who knows what the depths of grief can do to a parent’s mind? The widespread politicization of the grief, and the notion of the worst event in your life suddenly turning you into a celebrity with admirers, probably spurs one to react in strange ways.

Oh, you mean like the nonsensical and inane rantings of the former President of the United States, George W. Bush, who for the longest time, said that there were Weapons of Massive Destruction in Iraq? Or like the Inane and Nonsensical rants of the President of the United States; who said that there was a link to Osama Bin Laden and Saddam Hussein. Which was proven to be wrong, by media that simply would not repeat the Neo-Conservative and Republican propaganda; you mean that Jimbo?

Listen Geraghty, just because you want to walk around with your nose firmly planted up President Obama’s and the United States Federal Government’s ass, does not mean that I or anyone else, including Cindy Sheehan; has to. I and Cindy both, do not buy the United States Government’s story, at all. I want to see a fucking corpse photo and it had better be a damned good one. Yeah, Sheehan has her issues, namely one, she is an idiot liberal. A liberal who got fucking played by the “corporate left” very well. But for you to dismiss her, in that elitist bullshit matter; exposes you for what you are, a god damned statist ass maggot.

Again, this whole thing sounds fishy and I just do not believe that the United States is telling the truth about it. For the sake of empire the United States has and will lie to the American people. They have a good track record of it, and no amount of elitist sniveling by the Neo-Conservative right towards those who disagree with them, is going to change that.

To be clear, I am not buying the Alex Jones stuff, nor do I agree with Cindy’s political and personal opinion on OBL either; meaning he is been dead for a while.  But something is just not right with the story; and I just do not choose to put my faith in the media narrative. A picture would be nice or video of the raid, including the moment of death.

Memo to Governor Rick Perry: You sir are a damned fool

Yessir, I mean every word of that title up there and here is why:

For one, I believe that ANY politician that uses a personal tragedy; like the tragic tornadoes in Alabama, for the purposes of taking a cheap political shot at a President is an asshole.

I am, of course, referring to this here, which was reported by the New York Daily News:

As President Obama meets with Alabama families affected by deadly tornados that swept through the South earlier this week, Texas Gov. Rick Perry is asking: What about us?

The Republican, long a critic of the president, once again ripped the Obama administration Thursday. This time, he bashed Obama for not responding to an April 16 request for a declaration of emergency in the Lone Star State, where wildfires have destroyed nearly 2 million acres.

“You have to ask, ‘Why are you taking care of Alabama and other states?'” said Perry.

Texas officials asked the White House to make the declaration, which would have allocated federal funds to help the state deal with the crisis.

“I know our letter didn’t get lost in the mail,” Perry added.

Two firefighters died in the Texas disaster, and 900 buildings have been destroyed. According to Linda Moon, spokeswoman for the Texas Forest Service, more than $60 million has been spent by the forest service and local departments to respond to the wildfires since Sept 1.

The Federal Emergency Management Agency said it is reviewing Perry’s request. But the governor did not shy away from expressing his frustration.

“There is a point in time where you say, ‘Hey, what’s going on here?,'” Perry said. “They watch TV, they know what’s going on here, they can recognize that there is going to be a request for assistance, a request for help.”

Secondly, it is because Rick Perry is, as most politicians are; full of crap. Steve Benen, a liberal blogger points out:

Daily Kos’ Jed Lewison sets the record straight.

“So hundreds die in storms throughout the South and Rick Perry’s response is to question why those states are getting federal aid instead of Texas? Funny how he doesn’t mention that Texas has already gotten at least $39 million in firefighting aid from FEMA over the past two fire seasons and has already received 22 grants in this fire season alone.”

I’m not even sure what Perry is insinuating when it comes to politics. Does the governor expect us to think Obama favors Alabama over Texas for some kind of political reason? The last time I checked, they’re both very reliable “red” states.

But what makes the governor’s complaints especially noteworthy is the larger context — it’s a reminder of how offensive Perry’s anti-government rhetoric was in the first place. He hates federal intrusion, except when Democrats in Washington are helping him balance his budget. He wants to keep federal officials out of his state, except when he’s facing a natural disaster.

For this guy’s feelings to be hurt when the president visits another state hard hit by a devastating natural disaster is bizarre.

Now, am I siding with Benen’s liberalism? No. I am siding with the fact that what perry is doing is not only immoral; but also quite stupid. Political potshots on the graves of those who died in a horrible tragedy is bad politics; and I personally hope like hell, that the Democrat and or Republican who runs against Rick Perry, in the next election, exploits this to the high heavens.


Persecuting Richard Spencer and Freedom of Speech

I want to go on the record is saying that I do not support Richard Spencer at all. Mainly because he is all into hating blacks and Jews; just because they are black and Jewish.  But as a libertarian-minded Conservative, I believe that everyone is entitled to their own opinions and should not persecuted for it.

Hence the reason why this right here, tend to piss me the hell off: (H/T Conservative Heritage Times)

These guys doing this, call themselves Anti-Fascists. Sorry, but going into a room and acting like a complete asshole, does nothing for your cause. If they wanted to help their cause, they should have set up a booth somewhere nearby and educated people as to why they felt Richard Spencer was wrong. You see, the solution to offensive Freedom of Speech, is more Freedom of Speech —- Not going into a classroom, like that, and acting like a total jerk and trying to shut down other people’s freedom of speech. Because when you try and interrupt someone speech like that; you are becoming the very fascists; that you deplore.

Richard Spencer is who he is; whatever that is. He is however, guaranteed his right to his beliefs and should be allowed to speak them, without someone being rude like that. Everyone should allowed to speak his mind, without this sort of fascist attempt to shut down a speech.

Confirmed: Orly Taitz is a moronic screwball

Oh Brother…:

In a development that will surprise no one, it turns out that President Barack Obama’s decision to release his long-form birth certificate hasn’t quieted members of the “birther” movement who promote the conspiracy theory that he wasn’t born in the United States.”Look, I applaud this release. I think it’s a step in the right direction,” so-called “birther queen” Orly Taitz told me in one of her many media interviews this morning. “I credit Donald Trump in pushing this issue.”But she still has her suspicions. Specifically, Taitz thinks that the birth certificate should peg Obama’s race as “Negro” and not “African.”

via Orly Taitz: Obama’s Long-Form Birth Certificate Should Say ‘Negro’ Not ‘African’ | TPMMuckraker.

From Wikipedia:

Orly Taitz was born to a Jewish family in Chi?in?u, Moldavian SSR in the Soviet Union (present day Moldova).[6] Both of her parents were science teachers.[10] In 1981, Orly immigrated to Israel,[1] where she obtained a dentistry degree at Hebrew University.[1]

If there ever was a case for calling someone a screwball Jew. This would be one of them. Someone please send this crazy woman back to Israel, where she belongs please; preferably in a straight jacket.

Others: Washington Wire, TPMDC, Jack & Jill Politics, Fox News, Alas, a Blog, Weigel, National Review, Comments from Left Field, Gawker, The Raw Story, Outside the Beltway, Colorlines and Raw Replay

Transgendered Beating Victim speaks out

Remember the White Transgendered woman who was savagely beaten by the two black female thugs? Well, She is speaking out.

The Video:

“They said, ‘That’s a dude, that’s a dude and she’s in the female bathroom,’ ” said Chrissy Lee Polis, 22, who said she stopped at the Rosedale restaurant to use the restroom. “They spit in my face.”

A worker at the restaurant taped Monday’s attack and created a graphic video that went viral last week. After the video garnered hundreds of thousands of views on websites, McDonald’s issued a statement condemning the incident, and on Saturday the worker who taped the incident was fired.

The video shows two females — one of them a 14-year-old girl — repeatedly kicking and punching Polis in the head as an employee and a patron try to intervene. Others can be heard laughing, and men are seen standing idly by.

Toward the end of the video, one of the suspects lands a punishing blow to the victim’s head, and Polis appears to have a seizure. A man’s voice tells the women to run because police are coming.


“I knew they were taping me; I told the guy to stop,” said Polis, a resident of Baltimore. “They didn’t help me. They didn’t do nothing for me.”

Of course, the dumb ass liberals are missing the point of this attack, as usual:

Polis, who is white, believes race may have also been a factor in her attack— both the assailants were black, according to the police report.

Of course, Pam couldn’t be bothered to report that in her blog posting; I guess it does not fit the narrative of the left or of the supposedly “oppressed” black community. Hey Pam, try owning your shit for a change, you stupid bitch! 😡 I guess it’s all about the struggle and a “Sister” don’t cut another “Sister”, if you know what I mean, and I think you do. 🙄

It goes on to tell that the woman has been out of work for a while; and now she is worried that she will not able to find a job. I can relate the job stuff, been out of work since 2005 and I sometimes wonder if having this blog would hinder me from getting a job. Seeing I have been outed by some serious assholes.

Here is hoping that this woman gets the justice she deserves.

Others: Poliglot, The Lonely Conservative and Scared Monkeys

Two Black Girls Beat White Transgendered Woman

These are Obama’s people…

The shocking video:

The Story via the Baltimore Sun:

A video of a vicious beating at a Baltimore County McDonald’s restaurant went viral Friday, garnering hundreds of thousands of views on websites and prompting the fast-food giant to issue a statement condemning the incident.

The video shows two women — one of them a 14-year-old girl — repeatedly kicking and punching the 22-year-old victim in the head, as an employee of the Rosedale restaurant and a patron try to intervene. Others can be heard laughing, and men are seen standing idly by.

Toward the end of the video, one of the suspects lands a punishing blow to the victim’s head, and she appears to have a seizure. A man’s voice tells the women to run because police are coming.

The three-minute clip was apparently first posted on YouTube, then taken down by administrators who said it violated the site’s policies. But it popped back up on other sites and was ultimately linked from the popular Drudge Report, which gave it top billing for much of the day.

So, why’d these two beat this woman?


Equality Maryland said the victim is a transgender woman and called on state Attorney General Douglas F. Gansler to step in and investigate the case as a hate crime. Police and prosecutors said they did not know whether the victim is a transgender woman.

“It does appear that the victim was a transgender woman, and she was brutalized while people stood by and watched,” said Lisa Polyak, vice president of the board of directors for Equality Maryland, an advocacy organization that fought unsuccessfully in the past legislative session for greater protections for transgender individuals. “There’s no excuse for that violence under any circumstances, but we would encourage police to investigate as a hate crime.”

The police report does not provide a motive, but quotes one of the suspects saying that the fight was “over using a bathroom.”

Oh, so because she’s a “Chick with a dick” that makes this sort of a crime just fine right? Wrong. Hate Crimes are hate crimes; no matter whom is doing it or who it is happening too.

You ask, “Why did you bring the race issue into it?” Because quite frankly, the damned liberal media will not report on black on white crime; so, I guess it is we blogger’s job to do that, is it not? Not only that, but I feel, when you do a crime like this; not only do you own the fact that you did the crime —– you own your race as well. Just like a white man or woman would if they committed a crime like this to black man or woman. That is my entire bitch with the liberal black community; they will never, ever, own their racial crimes and racist attitudes towards whites. But they sure as hell want we White people to own ours.  Just like Jews, Jews can be bigoted toward we White Aryan people all they wish; but the minute we Aryans say an critical word about a Jew, we get plowed for it. Again, it is that double standard in this Country. It is wrong, it began with Progressivism back in the 1940’s and it needs to change.

Others: The Smoking Gun, Pajamas Media, The Other McCain, The Lonely Conservative,, JONATHAN TURLEY, The Gateway Pundit and UrbanGrounds

Update: Oh my…. I got into the racist issue, a whole bunch, but UrbanGrounds, he went for the jugular!:

and this is what Black Culture in America has become. And make no doubt, that it is different from anything even remotely resembling American Culture (which is shared by all races, to include some blacks who have not fallen victim to this thug culture).

I can’t tell you how sick this video makes me. Not just the two piece-of-shit niggers beating on that helpless woman (NOTE: Nigger is not a word I use lightly or frequently. But make no doubt about it — the two pieces-of-shit women animals attacking this woman are indeed worthless niggers) — but I’m almost more appalled by their “brothers” and “sisters” who are standing around, not helping — many of them laughing and videoing the attack — while a helpless white woman is nearly beaten to death.

Even the black male McDonald’s employees only half-heatedly attempt to help their customer. The only person within any sense of humanity in the entire store? An old white woman who puts herself in harms way to protect the woman from being dragged outside, where the two niggers likely would have killed her.

Note at the end of the video where the man who is video taping it repeatedly warns the two thug attackers that they better leave before the police arrive. A decent human (which he clearly is not) would have done everything humanly possible to make sure they were detained until the police did arrive.

I can only hope that the police catch these two women, and that they resist arrest, and are both shot to death as a result, freeing the tax payers from having to try and incarcerate two worthless piles of shit that are lower than any animal I can think of.

You know why you never see videos like this with a bunch of white people in it? Because most white men would have stopped the attack from happening. I would have beat both of those niggers unconscious if I had to. And if that didn’t work…well, then I’m sure my .45 ACP that I carry everywhere would have done the job.

The biggest cancer in all of America is modern black culture, which condones, promotes and revels in this kind of violence.

I can see his point and such…..but, I would not have used the whole N-Word thing. But the rest is right on point. The sad part is, Democrats foster that sort of culture.

Video: This right here is why people hate cops

If this does not make you angry, check your pulse.

The Video:

(I guess the YouTube user removed the video…..)

The Story is over at  Las Vegas Review and Journal.

Sorry, no quotes on this one, due to this paper being the copyright crazies that go after anyone who copies their content.

Also too…. Please know that I do not advocate violence against any member of the law enforcement community. I just am aware that this stuff happens and it does fuel resentment and even fear of the Government and police. This does lead to people acting out. Something Eric Holder just does not get.

I also toned down the subject a bit. I was angry when I wrote this originally.

Hey Robert Stacy McCain: No one gives a shit!

Sorry, but that damned asshole stabbed me in the back. 😡

Sorry, but looking at him gloating over his ill gained status as born-again Neo-Con turd makes me sick.

Anyone who wants to know the truth on that turncoat fuck; just read here.

Charles Johnson, while a bit of a asshole himself; is absolutely right about this turd. McCain is nothing but a turncoat, who would throw his own damned momma under the bus, if it meant him getting some sort of status in the blogging world. Believe me, I know.

All I am going to say is; Karma is a bitch and McCain’s got one coming. I hope he does come to Michigan; I might just turn up where he happens to be and show him, man to man — what I think of his backstabbing. Nothing would give me more pleasure than to see Robert Stacy McCain with a broken nose and a broken jaw.

Video: More video of the classy left

Continuing with the theme here….

This comes via

Racism is bad people, no matter who is doing it.

and even more:

You see now, why I will never vote Democratic Party, ever again?

Others: Don Surber, theblogprof, The Lonely Conservative, The Jawa Report, Sister Toldjah and Left Coast Rebel

Video: Another reason why I will not vote Democratic Party again

You know what is worse than old racist dinosaurs in the Republican Party?

This, which comes via my facebook page:

Key phrase here is:

I wipe my ass with the American flag!

I am sorry, but there is no justification for this of Anti-American bile. If you are a minority in this Country and you feel this way; I got one thing to say to you:


It just so damned happens that these same minorities, who say that they wipe their ass with the American flag, are here making a good living in this Country. Want to know why? Because they know good and damned well, that they would never be able to do that in their Country. Which is, if the truth be known, Mexico, who treats their own people like crap; and pays them like crap too. Which is why Mexicans are sneaking across that boarder, so they can make a decent wage here.

Unlike this here; this is not about racism. This is about being angry about watching people, who come from another Country, trashing the values and the flag of the United States of America —- all the while making a decent living here in the United States of America. It is straight up hypocrisy of the highest order. You come to my Country, and you make a living for your family; you show some damned respect for its flag, culture and values or you get the fuck out and go back home. Just that damned plain and simple.

Anyone says or believes anything different than that; is either one of three things:

1. An Anti-American

2. A Communist

3. An Asshole

But then again, I might just be repeating myself.

That is all.

UPDATED Memo to Marilyn Davenport: Get the HELL out of the Republican Party NOW!

I am an open-minded person; but this is just straight up damned wrong!

ORIGINAL POST, April 15, 5 P.M.: Orange County might be a beautiful oceanfront locale, but it’s also home to Holocaust deniers, vicious anti-gay bigots and freakish big-haired televangelists.

Here, one of our Republican politicians welcomed the inauguration of the first African American U.S. president in early 2009 by sending out an email that depicted a watermelon field in front of the White House.

That incident drew embarrassing international attention, but now another Orange County Republican has apparently topped the watermelon imagery with another racist attack on President Barack Obama.

The Weekly has obtained a copy of an email sent to fellow conservatives this week by Marilyn Davenport, a Southern California Tea Party activist and member of the central committee of the Orange County Republican Party.

Under the words, “Now you know why no birth certificate,” there’s an Obama family portrait showing them as apes.

(Donald Trump must be elated to finally have an explanation about Obama’s true birth circumstances.)

Here’s the image attached to the email:


via [UPDATED: Davenport Defiant] Racist Orange County Republican Email: President Obama and His Parents Are Apes – Orange County News – Navel Gazing.

…and what might her rational be for this sort of stupidity?


UPDATE, APRIL 16, 5:55 P.M.: This afternoon, Marilyn Davenport sent an email to fellow Orange County Republican elected officials, apologizing if anyone was offended and blasted the “liberal media” for reporting the story.

“I simply found it amusing regarding the character of [President Barack] Obama and all the questions surrounding his origin of birth,” Davenport wrote. “In no way did I even consider the fact he’s half black when I sent out the email. In fact, the thought never entered my mind until one or two other people [Scott Baugh, Orange County GOP boss, and this writer] tried to make this about race . . . I received plenty of emails about George Bush that I didn’t particularly like yet there was no ‘cry’ in the media about them . . . That being said, I will NOT resign my central committee position over this matter that the average person knows and agrees is much to do about nothing.” (*Davenport’s entire statement is at the end of this article.)


(This is a copy of Davenport’s entire 12:24 p.m. Saturday email to other OC Republican leaders: “I’m sorry if my email offended anyone. I simply found it amusing regarding the character of Obama and all the questions surrounding his origin of birth. In no way did I even consider the fact he’s half black when I sent out the email. In fact, the thought never entered my mind until one or two other people tried to make this about race. We all know a double standard applies regarding this president. I received plenty of emails about George Bush that I didn’t particularly like yet there was no ‘cry’ in the media about them. One only has to go to Youtube or Google Images to see a plethora or lampooning videos and pictures of Obama, Bush and other politicians. That being said, I will NOT resign my central committee position over this matter that the average person knows and agrees is much to do about nothing. Again, for those select few who might be truly offended by viewing a copy of an email I sent to a select list of friends and acquaintances, unlike the liberal left when they do the same, I offer my sincere apologies to you–the email was no meant for you. For any of my friends or acquaintances who were the recipients of my email and were truly offended, please call me so I may offer a sincere verbal apology to you.”)

No ma’am, you are wrong. It IS racism! Comparing a black man to a chimp, is classic racial stereotyping and it is damned wrong. The Republican Party is the party of Lincoln and this sort of stupidity should NOT be tolerated; and if this vermin of a woman does not resign, she should be removed by the Republican leadership themselves. Of course, the liberal media and bloggers are upset, as they should rightly be. There is no place for this sort of nonsense in Conservative or Republican politics. Anyone says there is, is not; in my humble opinion, a true Conservative.

So, again, to this racist vermin bitch; GET THE HELL OUT OF THE REPUBLICAN PARTY!

…and before anyone asks, “Is not what you do here racist?” To that I answer very simply; hell to the no, it is not racist! This blog is simply a man, who politics is “right of center,” who happens to believe that the far socialist left is wrong on a number of things. It has never been, nor will it ever be about racism. I admittedly, have issues with the fact that the Democratic Party choose Barack Obama — because of his skin color, which they did. However, I do NOT ever, nor will I ever post any sort of racist imagery on this blog, ever! Oh, believe you me; I get emails all the time, “Hey this might be funny on your blog” and it is some racist tripe crap, that I would never, in a million years publish here. Hell, I have unfriended people on Facebook for this very thing. It is uncalled for, and those who do it are NOT Conservative; not in my view of what true Conservative Christianity and Republicanism is about. 

The real sick and sad part is; there are “Supposed” Conservatives and Republicans, who think this sort of thing is just fine. It’s humor they say; no, it is not humor, it is racism and I will not sit by and watch it. I’ve called more than one blogger out on here for it too. They’re assholes and they give us honest guys a bad name. 😡

Related: The Huffington Post: Marilyn Davenport’s Racist Email Denounced By OC GOP

Others: Crooks and Liars, Associated Press, The Moderate Voice, Little Green Footballs, Pam’s House Blend,, HyperVocal, Balloon Juice, The Immoral Minority, Booman Tribune, CBS Los Angeles and Mediaite

Update: For you Democrats coming here and being all smug about this. Your side does it too! See Here and Here please. So, wipe that smug look off of your face! Because your party and people’s hands are just as dirty as the Republican Party’s hands are, if not worse. Ever read any history?

More Fox News Stupidity

You know, I am the most open-minded person on the planet. But this is just straight up crap:

George Washington University students in Washington, D.C. learned of a tragic coincidence of timing on their campus Wednesday. As President Obama delivered a speech on deficit reduction in the Jack Morton Auditorium, university officials were learning one of their students had committed suicide in his dorm room across campus.

Fox News has learned that the male student may have been a junior at the school and was described as solitary. He rarely left his dorm room, according to a source.

“I am deeply saddened to report that the university has been notified of the death of one of our students,” GW President Steven Knapp said in a message to his students, faculty and staff. “The student was found in his room this afternoon at the City Hall residence hall,” he said.

GWU officials tell Fox that police were notified about the incident around 2pm, which happens to be at the same time that President Obama was speaking. A source tells Fox that the incident may have occurred earlier, noting that police went knocking on the student’s door at 1:30pm. As of this writing, Fox has not been able to obtain reaction from the White House.

“The Metropolitan Police Department is investigating the student’s death in coordination with the GW Police Department,” Knapp wrote. “At this time, we have no indication that the death was the result of a criminal act. We will release more information when it becomes available.”

DC police officials tell Fox that the death has, in fact, been ruled a suicide.

Knapp took note of the solemn moment, adding, “On behalf of the entire university community, I would like to express our sorrow and extend my condolences to the student’s family and friends.”

Since when did Fox News Channel start taking cues from Joseph Farah and WorldNetDaily?

Next time I hear some idiot right-winger bitching about NPR; first, I am going to slap the damned taste out of their mouths, and then, I am showing them this.

How lame can you get? Seriously. 🙄

Sometimes, I think Keith Olbermann, just might have a point.

Fox is, of course, getting blasted by the left for this and rightly so. if I done something that damned stupid; I would close down this blog and leave the damned Country. (Sounds like a very good idea for Rupert, if you ask me)

Others: Mediaite

Here we go: Latino Liberal Congresswoman and Italian Liberal radio host mock American Tea Party candidates

This is not only sick; it is racist and wrong.


I made a point to highlight the fact that Miller is Italian and this congresswoman is a latino; and the fact that people they are mocking are, for the most part, southern and white. Now imagine with me, if the shoe was on the other foot. Could you just imagine the outrage, if a White Conservative talk radio host mocked a black liberal like that? Imagine it.

I just wonder what her Dad would think of that? She is a disgrace to her Father’s memory. 😡

Update: You know, I was just going to settle with a short posting. But, no, I am just going to tell it like it is. I used to enjoy listening to Stephanie Miller and her show, back when I was still on the left of center side of the fence in politics. She was a moderate liberal, who had some seriously funny stuff on her show. I do not know what the hell happened to her; but I find this to be personally sickening, that she, being a minority herself; would even remotely allow this sort of straight up racism on her show. Sorry Mrs. Miller, but you disappoint me greatly. I really did used to be a fan. I thought you were bit more classy than say, Randi Rhoads. However, you have proven to me, that you are nothing more than just another bile spewing idiot liberal, who thinks mocking people of different colors and ethnic backgrounds than you is perfectly fine and that because you are some sort “enlightened being” that doing this is just perfectly fine. The truth is, your nothing but a racist bigot like your Democratic Forefathers, like the ones who killed Abraham Lincoln.  Sorry Stephanie, but you just blew it with me. I look forward to hearing of the day, when your syndicate finally gets tired of your bile and racism and finally pulls the plug on that nothing show of yours.


Others: theblogprof and The Blast

Leftist Race-Baiting at it’s best

Normally anymore, I do not comment about what is written on other blogs. Mainly because I do not like to get involved in blog wars; because sometimes the outcome is worse than the offense itself. Believe me, I know all about what happens when stuff gets out of hand during blog wars. 🙄

Anyhow, I thought this was a bit….much: (Via someone whom I will never link to directly every again)

I think the thing that pisses me off the most about the birtherism and the coverage is that no one will come out and state that what is obviously motivating this crap is racism. Period. End of story.

If Obama was white, we wouldn’t be politely rebutting lunatics questioning his birth certificate for four fucking years. But because he is black, we can spend tens of thousands of hours listening to drooling idiots wonder whether or not he is a real Murrikan.

It’s really that simple.

Really John? bad thing is; this miserable excuse for an American, used to be a Republican. Glad he left, and wish he would take fucking Megan McCain with him.

Race-Baiting is such a tragic thing; but that is what liberals do, when they are losing the argument.

What is even more eye-popping, is this comment over there:

They would say “Get that Nigger out of the White House” if they could get away with it.

Now if that were said or even remotely alluded to, over at a Conservative blog, like Michelle Malkin’s or over at HotAir; the liberal Blogosphere would be all over it. But, because John Cole is one of the enlightened liberals now, it is perfectly fine.

I guess Dan was right about this guy:

Balloon Juice? Give me a break. Don’t look now, John, but I think the balloon exploded and the juice is running from your lips. Here’s hoping you enjoyed, it c***s*****.

All I did was half-jokingly call you a name you earned. Congratualtions, obviously, it was well deserved.

Indeed. Calling people, like myself; who simply want to see the long form Birth Certificate racists is about the damned stupidest thing I have ever heard.  Not to mention using the N-Word like that; but what more is one to expect of the party of Stephen A. Douglas? How ironic is it, that the very party that championed slavery and segregation, is now the same party that wishes to make us into a third world Country. All the while, race-baiting and spewing racist bile in the process. It is like watching a train wreck. You feel guilty for watching, but you really do not want to miss it.

Video: Police State: This right here is why people kill police officers

This video is unbelievable.

There is a story behind this, and I very highly suggest that you head over to and follow the links for the back story.

The Video:

Eric Holder wonders why there has been an uptick in police shootings? I can tell you exactly why; because of crap like this right here.

I very humbly submit to you; that if this homeowner had decided to use lethal force against this woman and these police officers, it would be have been entirely justified.

This is not freedom, this is tyranny.

Wake up America; wake.the.hell.up….

In case you would like to contact these bastards; here is the contact information for the Department involved:

1441 N. DuPont Highway
P.O. Box 430
Dover, Delaware 19903-0430
(302) 739-5901

Call them and let your rage be known to them. This is not Communist Russia; this is America and we do not sit idly by and allow the police to run roughshod over us.

Somebody somewhere in Washington D.C. ought to be shouting from the rooftops over this one. Ron Paul? Where the hell are you? Why is not someone raising a royal stink about this? Investigation? Yeah right. It will be more like a self-justification. 🙄

Again, this is America and we just do not do this. Something must be done. 😡

The Feckless Far Right: Exhibit B for Bigotry

The reason I am not very well liked in the Conservative Blogosphere, is because I dare to write stuff like this. I am sorry, but if this below is what the Far-Right in America is all about; then consider me to be a bit more moderate. Sorry, but this is just wrong, on many levels:

The First Amendment was written by the Founders to protect the free exercise of Christianity. They were making no effort to give special protections to Islam. Quite the contrary. We actually at the time were dealing with our first encounters with jihad in the form of the Barbary Pirates, which is why Jefferson bought a copy of the Koran. He was told by the Bey of Tripoli that Islam requires Muslims to rob, kill and pillage infidel Christians wherever they find them. Jefferson naturally found that hard to believe, so he bought a copy of the Koran to read it for himself. Sure enough, it’s right in there, in the 109 verses of the Koran that call for violence against the infidels. Islam has no fundamental First Amendment claims, for the simple reason that it was not written to protect the religion of Islam. Islam is entitled only to the religious liberty we extend to it out of courtesy. While there certainly ought to be a presumption of religious liberty for non-Christian religious traditions in America, the Founders were not writing a suicide pact when they wrote the First Amendment. Our government has no obligation to allow a treasonous ideology to receive special protections in America, but this is exactly what the Democrats are trying to do right now with Islam.

via Bryan Fischer: Islam and the First Amendment: privileges but not rights – RIGHTLYCONCERNED.COM.

What you are seeing above; is nothing more than racial and religious bigotry. What if you took out the words Islam and Muslims; and put in the words Jews or Catholics —– or even the word Negros? There would be a massive outcry of Biblical proportions. But because it is some so-called “Christian” speaking of Muslims, it is perfectly fine. 🙄  Wait, What? As I have said before; religious and racial bigotry are wrong; no matter whom is doing it and/or whom the victims are — whether it be black, Jew, latino and whatever else. Whenever we try to pit one against another; whether by class, race, or even Religion — we undermine the very basis for what this Country was founded upon.

If that was not bad enough; we have this pony-tailed idiot here, trying to smear ALL Republicans or Conservatives as agreeing with the guy:


Charles Foster Johnson, doing what he does best... Spouting Bullcrap!

Alright Johnson, I am not letting you get away with this one. How dare you smear me!?!?! It just so happens that I voted libertarian in the 2008 election and for the very first time; since I have been eligible to vote, I actually voted Republican in the 2010 elections. (Much to the chagrin of my Democratic Party voting parents….)  I want it to be publicly known; that I DO NOT AGREE at all, with this man’s opinion about Islam or Muslims. I personally believe that the first amendment applies to ALL, not just some; but everyone. Indeed, I have expressed reservations about Radical Islam. However, I disagree with the assertion that ALL Muslims are terrorists. That is nothing more than bigotry. I think Charles Johnson knows better than this; however, I believe he is trying to appeal to his reading audience. It is too bad too, because when you do this, you lose whatever credibility you ever had.

Now, let me be clear; I do agree with the fact that some people in the Republican Party do cater to this guy; and it is quite sad. However to imply or out right say that everyone who votes Republican agrees with these extremist views — is quite idiotic.

I think Charles Johnson needs to rethink collectivist stance a bit. Because it is making him look an an utter buffoon.

Previous Charles Johnson Buffoonery here.


To my cowardly anonymous stalker

Who deleted his account on Reddit, because he knew he was not going to win the debate.

My last words to your stupid ass:

No it isn’t. It is a medical procedure, the right to which has been ruled >constitutional by the SCOTUS. Try to be graceful when you lose an >argument little man.

You just proved my point, that you are nothing more than a Godless, Baby-murdering liberal. and by the way, fuck civility and graciousness; as your side isn’t really good at it either.

see here:

Like I said, the issue was a non-starter and when you saw that you were not going to get what you fucking wanted; which was a concession of a point, you started the fucking gutter sniping. So, you know what turd?  Fuck you and your smugly over-educated self. You enlightened liberals are nothing more than over-educated idiots who wish to steal liberty from the rest of us and use it for your own vile purposes.

A Revolution is coming mother fucker, and when we’re done, the lot of you will change or die. Preferably the latter. 😡

There, now I got the last word on that asshole. Again, don’t come here and gutter snipe and try to convince me that I am wrong about Abortion and gay rights, because it will get you told to go play hide and go fuck yourself. I don’t concede anything on those points at all.

Honestly, Is this the best the left has got?

Okay so. Glenn Back and his website the Blaze come up with some Audio of a now former SEIU official wanting to bring down the system of capitalism. Of course, the right-wing blogosphere is in a tizzy about it.

First, here’s the clip and the full video; that has the right up in arms:



…and the transcript:

It feels to me after a long time of being on defense that something is starting to turn in the world and we just have to decide if we are on defense or offense
Maybe there is a different way to look at some of theses questions  it’s hard for me to think about any part of organizing without thinking what just happened with this economic crisis and what it means
I don’t know how to have a discussion about labor and community if we don’t first say what do we need to do at this time in history what is the strategy that gives us some chance of winning because I spent my life time as a union organizer justice for janitors a lot of things

It seems we are at a moment where the world is going to get much much worse or much much better
Unions are almost dead we cannot survive doing what we do but the simple fact of the matter is community organizations are almost dead also and if you think about what we need to do it may give us some direction which is essentially what the folks that are in charge – the big banks and everything – what they want is stability
Every time there is a crisis in the world they say, well, the markets are stable.

What’s changed in America is the economy doing well has nothing to do with the rest of us
They figured out that they don’t need us to be rich they can do very well in a global market without us so what does this have to do with community and labor organizing more.
We need to figure out in a much more through direct action more concrete way how we are really trying to disrupt and create uncertainty for capital for how corporations operate
The thing about a boom and bust economy is it is actually incredibly fragile.
There are actually extraordinary things we could do right now to start to destabilize the folks that are in power and start to rebuild a movement.
For example, 10% of homeowners are underwater right their home they are paying more for it then its worth 10% of those people are in strategic default, meaning they are refusing to pay but they are staying in their home that’s totally spontaneous they figured out it takes a year to kick me out of my home because foreclosure is backed up
If you could double that number you would  you could put banks at the edge of insolvency again.
Students have a trillion dollar debt
We have an entire economy that is built on debt and banks so the question would be what would happen if we organized homeowners in mass to do a mortgage strike if we get half a million people to agree  it would literally cause a new finical crisis for the banks not for us we would be doing quite well  we wouldn’t be paying anything.
Government is being strangled by debt
The four things we could do that could really upset wall street
One is if city and state and other  government entities demanded to renegotiate their debt
and you might say why would the banks ever do it  – because city and counties could say we won’t do business with you in the future if you won’t renegotiate the debt now
So we could leverage the power we have of government and say two things  we won’t do business with you JP Morgan Chase anymore unless you do two things: you reduce the price of our interest  and second you rewrite the mortgages for everybody in the communities
We could make them do that
The second thing is there is a whole question in Europe about students’ rates in debt structure. What would happen if students said we are not going to pay.  It’s a trillion dollars. Think about republicans screaming about debt a trillion dollars in student debt
There is a third thing we can think about what if public employee unions instead of just being on the defensive  put on the collective bargaining table when they negotiate they say we demand as a condition of negotiation that the government renegotiate – it’s crazy that you’re paying too much interest to your buddies the bankers it’s a strike issue  – we will strike unless you force the banks to renegotiate/
Then if you add on top of that if we really thought about moving the kind of disruption in Madison but moving that to Wall Street and moving that to other cities around the country
We basically said you stole seventeen trillion dollars – you’ve improvised us and we are going to make it impossible for you to operate
Labor can’t lead this right now so if labor can’t lead but we are a critical part of it  we do have money we have millions of members who are furious
But I don’t think this kind of movement can happen unless community groups and other activists take the lead.

If we really believe that we are in a transformative stage of  what’s happening in capitalism
Then we need to confront this in a serious way and develop really ability to put a boot in the wheel  then we have to think not about labor and community alliances  we have to think about how together we are building something that really has the capacity to disrupt how the system operates
We need to think about a whole new way of thinking about this not as a partnership but building something new.
We have to think much more creatively. The key thing… What does the other side fear the most – they fear disruption. They fear uncertainty. Every article about Europe says in they rioted in Greece the markets went down

The folks that control this country care about one thing how the stock market goes what the bond market does how the bonuses goes. We have a very simple strategy:

  • How do we bring down the stock market
  • How do we bring down their bonuses
  • How do we interfere with there ability to be rich

And that means we have to politically isolate them, economically isolate them  and disrupt them
It’s not all theory i’ll do a pitch.
So a bunch of us around the country think who would be a really good company to hate we decided that would be JP Morgan Chase  and so we are going to roll out over the next couple of months what would hopefully be an exciting campaign about JP Morgan Chase that is really about challenge the power of Wall Street.

And so what we are looking at  is the first week in May can we get enough people together starting now to really have an week of action in New York I don’t want to give any details because I don’t know if there are any police agents in the room.
The goal would be that we will roll out of New York the first week of May. We will connect three ideas

  • that we are not broke there is plenty of money
  • they have the money  – we need to get it back
  • and that they are using Bloomberg and other people in government as the vehicle to try and  destroy us

And so we need to take on those folks at the same time
and that we will start here we are going to look at a week of civil disobedience – direct action all over the city
then roll into the JP Morgan shareholder meeting which they moved out of New York because I guess they were afraid because of Columbus.

There is going to be a ten state mobilization it try and shut down that meeting and then looking at bank shareholder meetings around the country  and try and create some moments like Madison except where we are on offense instead of defense
Where we have brave and heroic battles challenging the power of the giant corporations. We hope to inspire a much bigger movement about redistributing wealth and power in the country and that labor can’t do itself that community groups can’t do themselves but maybe we can work something new and different that can be brave enough  and daring and nimble enough to do that kind of thing.

…and what does the left do for a defense; smear the person reporting the story. Honestly, is this the best that the left can do? Smear the messenger? Hell, the liberal blogger even admits that he would like to see it done!


First of all, I would be ecstatic if I thought something like this could possibly be done successfully in America in 2011. But not only is organized, widespread progressive action of this kind extraordinarily unlikely, but Lerner’s notion of how it would play out (if the voice on the tape is his — Blodget admits he can’t verify this) is ridiculously naive.

I give him props for being realistic. However, I find that his method of attacking the messenger to be quite lame. If you have no good defense; the best thing is to just shut the fuck up and not make your side look any lamer, stupid and quite frankly idiotic than it already does.

An aside; yes, I do myself find this story to be a bit overhyped. Because the person in question was fired. For, what else? For trying to screw with union funds:

The high-level firing appears to confirm that the 1199 Ohio group including Tom Woodruff and Scott Courtney is consolidating power at SEIU, and Tasty is told that the issue came to a head over a dispute about the national unions organizing budget: Would SEIU spend millions of dollars on a multi-city campaign to organize low-paid workers and attack the banks as Lerner wanted, or would the money be spent on more traditional organizing targets and on propping up the UHW trusteeship in California, where SEIU has already sunk tens of millions of dollars? Other sources tell Tasty that several key SEIU staffers feared Lerners campaign would be more of the same smoke-and-mirror, media-driven gambits that have soaked up tens of millions of dollars without resulting in new members OR additional credibility for SEIU in the area of financial reform.

The pink-slipping of Stephen Lerner highlights the serious turmoil inside Mary Kays purple palace as staff leaders jockey for power and control over millions of dollars of budget money that is… your dues dollars. Tasty hears that Stephen Lerner is not the only staffer whos likely to get the axe, and that other staffers are likely to quit their jobs and follow Lerner out the door. Meanwhile, Lerners firing creates another vacancy on SEIUs International Executive Board Lerner was one of the International staffers who also sat on the board, which Mary Kay will have to fill. Stay tuned for more!


So, okay, yes it was overhyped a bit. So what? Did not left overhype George W. Bush as everything from the spawn of Satan to the second incarnation of Hitler? Further more, the tactics of the SEIU have been on par with shit the Ford Security goons at the battle of the overpass. So, I’d rather not hear stupid shit like this from the left, at all. Because, as a son of a UAW member and retired General Motors employee; who is keenly aware of his history —- Walter Reuther would be spinning is his grave if he saw the tactics of the modern day labor movement. The very people, that he sought to throw out of the AFL-CIO and the UAW are now controlling it. Of course, now, they’re not calling themselves Communists. They are calling themselves progressives.

Plain and simple, the left just needs to stop. Because with each and every passing day, with every idiotic thing they do; they further damage their brand. Which, in a way, is a good thing for people like me. Who would like to see the Democratic Party of OLD — return and not this far leftist tripe, which has been holding court for the last damned 3 years now.