Racism is such tragic thing

I hate to be the one to do it. But… someones got to say it.

Oliver Willis is a liberal blogger. He’s also a racist against white people.

Don’t believe me?

Check out this posting here.

Notice the SKIN COLOR of the people he refers to as “Hobos” in the picture of the people that are “occupying” wall street?

…and then notice the SKIN COLOR of the people he classifies as “Dignified People?”

So, Oliver Willis can call white people Hobo’s, spooks, crackers, and other such lovely names. But if I called one of his people the n-word — or worse — and  if I used photos of blacks and referred to them as stupid bums and used pictures of White People and called them upstanding American citizens — I would be denounced as a racism bigot and most likely ignored.

I thought that the elected of Barack Obama was supposed to be the beginning of post-racial America? I guess not. 🙄

This is another reason why I left the Democratic Party; because of their two-faced, hypocritical attitude towards racism and their stupid definition of racism even is.

This right here, ought to be Oliver Willis theme song, because it’s the same fucking attitude:

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