On the budget deal and the liberal left’s reaction

So about this so-called budget deal, which many a blogger on the right has reminded us, is not a real deal at all. Conservatives are not too keen on it; but the liberals —- my God! — they are in sackcloth and ashes!

Consider some of the reactions…..

Melissa McEwan over at shakesville is not a happy camper:

We’ve sure come a long way (no we haven’t) from Barack the Feminist (LULZ). I guess he’s just one of those “pragmatic feminists” who understands that sometimes women’s reproductive rights need to get thrown under the bus in order to make way for Important Democratic Politics, like empowering the most rightwing elements in the Republican Party.

To understand how thoroughly the Dems caved to the GOP on this deal, it was struck with “historic” cuts about which that nincompoop Reid is actually bragging, as if misogyny, Social Darwinism, and allowing infrastructure to fester until people die on collapsing bridges are radically brave progressive ideas.

Obama’s a fucking disaster. We needed FDR; instead we got FML.

Richard (RJ) Eskow at HuffPo says a whole bunch, a snippet:

Say what you will about Rep. Ryan’s budget proposal, it’s a vision. By proposing to dismantle Medicare for people retiring in 2021 and afterwards, he’s laid out a radical alternative to today’s policies. By slashing taxes for the wealthy and proposing deregulation for all industries, the Ryan plan envisions a future America: one where the environment is despoiled, the poor go unfed, and the middle class faces a lifetime of financial insecurity following by an old age of sickness and penury.

It may not be a good vision, but it’s a vision.

Where’s the progressive vision for 2021? Where’s the dream people can seize upon and make their own? Where’s the ideal that can energize activists? Where’s the extreme position from which the Democrats can be “bargained down” so that they, too, can only get 20% more than they asked for when the negotiations began? If they’re not going to do it, we have to do it for them.

Here’s a start: First increase Social Security retirement benefits by 15%, across the board, by lifting the payroll tax cap and imposing a financial transactions tax. Second, increase income taxes on a sliding scale that goes up to 60% for the highest earners in the country. (It’s been as high as 90% during periods of our greatest prosperity.) Third, add $500 billion to our stimulus spending over the next two years, and keep adding it until unemployment is down to 4%. Fourth, immediately add a public option, “Medicare For All” plan that’s voluntarily available to Americans of all age brackets.

Have fun. Add your own visions. Dream. Then demand your dream. It’s working for the Tea Party, and it can work for you.

One thing’s for sure: The old definition of insanity, “doing the same thing and expecting different results,” still holds. Whatever the progressive movement’s doing right now, it’s not working as well as it should. It’s frustrating, but it’s no reason to give up. Like a guy with a guitar said a century ago: Don’t mourn, organize.

Benintn over at DailyKos, is surprisingly reasonable:

There’s understandable frustration about President Obama’s deal with the devil Speaker Boehner and House Republicans to pass the 2011 budget and fund government for the rest of this fiscal year.  After all, with a Democrat in the White House and a Democratic majority in the Senate, why couldn’t Democrats protect the budget from these job-killing, growth-slowing, economy-damaging budget cuts?

But as President Obama said to the Republicans in 2009: “I won.”  And now, in 2011, the tables are turned.  Republicans eager to show off their newly discovered fiscal sobriety are trying to roll back not only the stimulative impact of the Recovery Act, but also the legislative and political progress of the last two years.

In 2008, we won.  In 2010, we lost.  (Badly.)  This is what happens when you lose elections.


But if Progressives are really interested in redrawing the map in 2012, the way to do it is outside of electoral politics.  Let’s face it: redistricting in 2012 will reduce the number of safe progressive districts in states like Ohio, Pennsylvania, Tennessee, and Arizona.  And with 23 seats to defend in the US Senate, we’ll have to play defense more than offense in 2012.  And if elected officials are forced by Citizens United to run to the middle, then the real solution is something that will happen outside of the push-pull of Republican v. Democrat.  The real issue comes down to a massive voter education campaign that will take place in coffee shops, libraries, churches, schools, and neighborhoods all over the country.

So, you can blame Obama, blame me, shake your fist, write a blog, or…

What if we started doing what we do best on Daily Kos?  What if we got back to the kind of high-quality opposition research, candidate profiles, policy papers, and community-building diaries that make this community the most interesting online political forum out there?  What if we let go of the need to change Obama and got refocused on effective netroots organizing strategies?  What if we acknowledged the harsh reality that we got our asses handed to us in 2010, and took that lesson as an opportunity to stop doing things that don’t work?

Or we could just have more pie fights.

It’s up to you.

Cenk Uygur at DailyKos:

These budget negotiations were a giant win for the Republican Party. President Obama initially cut $40 billion from his own budget proposal — and he got absolutely no credit for that. It was a very typical preemptive concession by the president. It was so typical, you wonder if he recognizes what an indisputably terrible strategy it is or if he has a different agenda.

So, after getting no credit for his original $40 billion concession, then the negotiations began at square one. The Republicans claimed in February that they wanted $32 billion in cuts from that point on. About a week ago, the president came out an announced that they had given the Republicans another $33 billion in cuts — a billion more than they originally asked for. And still the Republicans wanted more.

Why not? They’re dealing with the world’s worst negotiator, why not ask for more? After February they came up with a brilliant good cop-bad cop strategy with the Tea Party, where they had the Tea Party force them to go to $61 billion in demands. Which pushed the spectrum out further to the right. They know President Obama will go to the middle of any spectrum, no matter how radical. And then once they had baited Obama out to the $33 billion number, which was past their original goal, they baited him out even further. Finally, they got him to $38.5 billion in cuts an hour before the deadline.


I didn’t write this to rub it in the face of the feckless Democrats who always wind up playing the role of the Washington Generals to the Republican Globetrotters (remember the Democrats have the White House and the Senate — but they let the GOP run the place like they are totally in charge). I wrote it to tell you how incredibly important it is that you put real pressure on the president from the left. He will move to the middle of any spectrum!

If you don’t help push the spectrum to the left, the Republicans will move it massively to the right — and the president will fall for it.

The whole point of the insane, draconian, ridiculous Paul Ryan budget proposal for next year was to move the spectrum all the way to the radical right, so that they can lure Democrats to a false middle, that is in reality the far right.

It’s time to stop playing nice with Democrats. Good cop-good cop doesn’t work. We need a bad cop. We need a strong progressive wing to keep shouting “no deal!” every time the White House wants to concede (which will be every time).

You can ignore this, blame me and go hug the president one more time, but you won’t be doing your side any favors. If you actually care about policy and progressive priorities, you must get tough with the president right now. There is no next time.

Which did not go over too well with joelgp over at DailyKos at all:

Cenk, I’m just about sick of you bashing the president with your unrealistic, bombastic crap.  You my friend, have become Sean Hannity by day and Bill O’reilly by night.  You don’t want or need a president, you need a servant who will do exactly what’s in your head.

After all, Obama is the president of 300 million, not just you.

I rejected your stuff way before today after I watched the most despicable segment you ever produce on Obama in some time.  You know what, the Republicans loved you for it.


Do you simply ignore the fact that conservatives and independents make up nearly 60% of the electorate and Obama should completely reject them?

Of course I’m not happy with everything Obama does but I feel the same way about my wife and kids.

I support him because there has never been another man in U.S. history who inherited a great depression, two wars, a jacked-up banking system, earthquakes in Haiti and Japan, a totally transforming Middle East and a bunch of freakin’ tea party nuts who believe he’s from Mars.

What Obama need’s most is our help–our voices, our support.  The last thing he needs is another cable-news loud-mouth whose eating ice cream and candy on his fat Comcast salary while the president is battling for middle America.

Cenk, today you need to decide, either join us in helping the president or apply for the chalkboard vacancy on Fox at five.

I thought you should know.

Finally, there is this here, by DailyKos Diarist teacherken:

Here I am doing my civic duty, working on my taxes.  I am paying my fair share.

My wife and I gave you money when you ran for President.  We supported you.

But now?   Blow, after blow, after blow.

The ‘deal’ about which you bragged is perhaps the final straw for this camel, whose back is breaking at the same time as his heart is shattered.

Dear readers, I apologize for what I am now writing.  It will not be coherent, because I am responding to the policy and actions of an administration that are not coherent.

It is an expression of …  what?  Disappointment to be sure, anger, almost despair.

Mr. President, with what you have just done, on top of all else your administration has done – and failed to do – you have destroyed the hopes of millions, and shifted power and wealth in the direction of those who are fueled by hatred and anger.

And you expect us to continue to support you?

Perhaps you had better ignore this.  Because you will not be happy with what I have to offer.


This is a screed, I admit.  I am sitting here just letting it hang out.

I claim no wisdom.  I claim no original insight.  None of my arguments are original.

That is something that should concern you.  I am borrowing from what I hear and 4ead from others.  That includes members of your own party who hold federal elective office.  It includes party officials in states and local organizations.  It includes key voices in the progressive wing of the Democratic party.  You know, those nasty types who remember that it was unions and progressives who have helped create the social safety net that built the American middle class, the social safety net the that Republicans are now dismantling a piece at a time, as they simultaneously impose a vision of this nation that should horrify you.

So go ahead Mr. President.  Ignore me.  Ignore all the voices that have been trying to explain to you, trying to help you help this country.

You might as well.

It seems as if you have been ignoring us all along.

But just one question, Mr. President.   One that perhaps you need to consider.

What happens if we decide we have had enough?  What if we return the favor?

What if we decide we will ignore you?

Sorry, that was a good deal of quoting; but I wanted to give you a feel for what is happening within liberal progressive Democrat circles. The truth is folks, that progressives put way too much stock in Barack Obama. They projected themselves on him; their dreams, their hopes and yes, even their wishes for progressive policy change in Washington D.C. and ultimately, President Barack Obama gave them some good old-fashioned lip service and laughed all the way to the White House. Now, this is not anything new to politics; President Ronald Reagan did the same very thing to the Religious Christian Conservative right back in the 1981 election. He had them believing that he was going to outlaw Abortion and put prayer back in schools; none of which he did at all. Instead he ran up deficits, shipped arms to Iran, and basically played much of the Republican Party and the far right for a fool. 

So, while all of this sadness and naval grazing might be humorous to watch; it is a little silly. Did the liberals actually expect Obama to cater to their every whim?

Now, as for the Republicans, I think all of this belly aching is a bit silly; we all wanted cuts. We should be glad we got anything at all. Sure, we all want more. But anything is better than nothing.



Photo: My God are progressives ugly!

Check this photo out, which comes via Ann Althouse:

Man, that's enough to make a man want to go Homo! ;-P

Not that I would go Homo, but still gott-a-mighty she’s ugly! 😯


Video: You’re right Mika it was Funny!

H/T to Mediaite:

Of course, I thought it was funny. anyone who’s read this blog for more than 5 minutes knows why too. Although Mika’s little silly giggle was quite funny to hear as well. Yes, I know about all the “But if it were liberal arguments” too; and that is a very valid point. However, I think it is important for everyone to know. Dick Cheney was, in many liberal and Anti-War Conservatives opinions, an evil man. Now, whether that is actually the case or not — I really do not know. But still, it was funny.

I, like AllahPundit; believe that she was laughing at the whole absurdity of it or something.

The Feckless Far Right: Exhibit B for Bigotry

The reason I am not very well liked in the Conservative Blogosphere, is because I dare to write stuff like this. I am sorry, but if this below is what the Far-Right in America is all about; then consider me to be a bit more moderate. Sorry, but this is just wrong, on many levels:

The First Amendment was written by the Founders to protect the free exercise of Christianity. They were making no effort to give special protections to Islam. Quite the contrary. We actually at the time were dealing with our first encounters with jihad in the form of the Barbary Pirates, which is why Jefferson bought a copy of the Koran. He was told by the Bey of Tripoli that Islam requires Muslims to rob, kill and pillage infidel Christians wherever they find them. Jefferson naturally found that hard to believe, so he bought a copy of the Koran to read it for himself. Sure enough, it’s right in there, in the 109 verses of the Koran that call for violence against the infidels. Islam has no fundamental First Amendment claims, for the simple reason that it was not written to protect the religion of Islam. Islam is entitled only to the religious liberty we extend to it out of courtesy. While there certainly ought to be a presumption of religious liberty for non-Christian religious traditions in America, the Founders were not writing a suicide pact when they wrote the First Amendment. Our government has no obligation to allow a treasonous ideology to receive special protections in America, but this is exactly what the Democrats are trying to do right now with Islam.

via Bryan Fischer: Islam and the First Amendment: privileges but not rights – RIGHTLYCONCERNED.COM.

What you are seeing above; is nothing more than racial and religious bigotry. What if you took out the words Islam and Muslims; and put in the words Jews or Catholics —– or even the word Negros? There would be a massive outcry of Biblical proportions. But because it is some so-called “Christian” speaking of Muslims, it is perfectly fine. 🙄  Wait, What? As I have said before; religious and racial bigotry are wrong; no matter whom is doing it and/or whom the victims are — whether it be black, Jew, latino and whatever else. Whenever we try to pit one against another; whether by class, race, or even Religion — we undermine the very basis for what this Country was founded upon.

If that was not bad enough; we have this pony-tailed idiot here, trying to smear ALL Republicans or Conservatives as agreeing with the guy:


Charles Foster Johnson, doing what he does best... Spouting Bullcrap!

Alright Johnson, I am not letting you get away with this one. How dare you smear me!?!?! It just so happens that I voted libertarian in the 2008 election and for the very first time; since I have been eligible to vote, I actually voted Republican in the 2010 elections. (Much to the chagrin of my Democratic Party voting parents….)  I want it to be publicly known; that I DO NOT AGREE at all, with this man’s opinion about Islam or Muslims. I personally believe that the first amendment applies to ALL, not just some; but everyone. Indeed, I have expressed reservations about Radical Islam. However, I disagree with the assertion that ALL Muslims are terrorists. That is nothing more than bigotry. I think Charles Johnson knows better than this; however, I believe he is trying to appeal to his reading audience. It is too bad too, because when you do this, you lose whatever credibility you ever had.

Now, let me be clear; I do agree with the fact that some people in the Republican Party do cater to this guy; and it is quite sad. However to imply or out right say that everyone who votes Republican agrees with these extremist views — is quite idiotic.

I think Charles Johnson needs to rethink collectivist stance a bit. Because it is making him look an an utter buffoon.

Previous Charles Johnson Buffoonery here.


Oh My: President Obama angers his left flank over Libya military action

Hoo Boy, ol’ Bambi done stepped into it this time! 😯

The Uber-Liberal left is not happy with the President.

First there is this via Politico:

A hard-core group of liberal House Democrats is questioning the constitutionality of U.S. missile strikes against Libya, with one lawmaker raising the prospect of impeachment during a Democratic Caucus conference call on Saturday.

Reps. Jerrold Nadler (N.Y.), Donna Edwards (Md.), Mike Capuano (Mass.), Dennis Kucinich (Ohio), Maxine Waters (Calif.), Rob Andrews (N.J.), Sheila Jackson Lee (Texas), Barbara Lee (Calif.) and Del. Eleanor Holmes Norton (D.C.) “all strongly raised objections to the constitutionality of the president’s actions” during that call, said two Democratic lawmakers who took part.

Kucinich, who wanted to bring impeachment articles against both former President George W. Bush and Vice President Dick Cheney over Iraq — only to be blocked by his own leadership — asked why the U.S. missile strikes aren’t impeachable offenses.

Kucinich also questioned why Democratic leaders didn’t object when President Barack Obama told them of his plan for American participation in enforcing the Libyan no-fly zone during a White House Situation Room meeting on Friday, sources told POLITICO.

And liberals fumed that Congress hadn’t been formally consulted before the attack and expressed concern that it would lead to a third U.S. war in the Muslim world.

While other Democratic lawmakers have publicly backed Obama — including House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) and top members of the Armed Services, Foreign Affairs and Intelligence committees — the objections from a vocal group of anti-war Democrats on Capitol Hill could become a political problem for Obama, especially if “Operation Odyssey Dawn” fails to topple Libyan leader Muammar Qadhafi, leads to significant American casualties, or provokes a wider conflict in the troubled region of North Africa.

Oh, it does not stop there…. It gets much worse, even the grand poo-bah of Black liberation Theology is not amused; no, I don’t mean Rev. Wright! This guy:

Nation of Islam leader Louis Farrakhan blasted U.S. President Barack Obama for taking part in an international coalition against Libyan Muammar Qaddafi.

clearpxlThe coalition, consisting of France, the United Kingdom and the U.S., began bombing strategic targets in Libya on Saturday. France’s air force is leading the air strikes.

The U.S. and UK have launched hundreds of missiles from naval ships.

Farrakhan, on a Chicago radio show, said he was outraged Obama took part in the attack.

“Why don’t you organize a group of respected Americans and ask for a meeting with Qaddafi, you can’t order him to step down and get out, who the hell do you think you are?”

He made the comments on WVON-AM.

Heh. Can you imagine the letter that Obama is going to have to write to this guy? “Dear Louie. I had to do it. The Jews made me…”  Oh my. 🙄

Anyhow, hence the smugness of some of us, who knew this coming all long. Hope and Change? Yeah right. More like No Hope and more of the same. Funny, did not the left say that about McCain? Hmmmmm. 😛

Just sayin’….

Video: Newt Gingrich, Sarah Palin and Herman Cain’s Campaign Announcement?

I am most likely going to end up in hell for posting this… But hey, it’s 1:52 in the morning and I’m bored. Sue Me.

This comes via Jack Hunter on Facebook, who writes:

So I was originally going to say this was Herman Cain, Sarah Palin and someone else announcing their presidential candidacies but I couldn’t figure out who Macho Man should be. Any suggestions? Regardless, lest anyone think I’ve got any sense whatsoever, I’ve literally been laughing at this all week.

Video: Rep. Michelle Litjens speaks out about being threatened by Rep. Gordon Hintz

Finally, Rep. Michelle Litjens is speaking out, about being threatened by this Democratic Party thug.

She also appeared on Laura Ingraham’s show too:

I love the part at 5:40. 😀

Sometimes, AllahPundit writes the funniest stuff

Good ol’ AllahPundit writing about this rather funny story here; says this:

The good news: There’s now a major RINO vacancy in primetime. Dude, this could be my moment.

via Bad news: Kathleen Parker leaving “Parker/Spitzer” « Hot Air.

Yeah, the guy who’s got, what? Like 13 fatwas against him for the stuff he wrote on that old blog of his?

I could see that now…. “Hi, I am AllahPundit, your half homo, candy assed RINO, Alpha-Male and I’d like to tell you sweet little lies for an hour.” 😉

Yeah, that would work. 🙄


Why are Assassination threats only a huge ordeal for Obama, and not Conservative White Presidents?

It must be because it is Friday and there is not much else to report.

Anyhow, some idiot did the following:

At Rep. Paul Broun’s town hall meeting on Tuesday, the Athens congressman asked who had driven the farthest to be there and let the winner ask the first question.

We couldn’t hear the question in the back of the packed Oglethorpe County Commission chamber, but whatever it was, it got a big laugh. According to an outraged commenter on the article, the question was, when is someone going to shoot Obama?

I’ve asked Team Broun whether that was indeed the question and haven’t gotten an answer. The commenter accurately described the questioner and the circumstances, and no one has disputed his account.

Update: Broun’s press secretary, Jessica Morris, confirmed that the question was indeed, who is going to shoot Obama? “Obviously, the question was inappropriate, so Congressman Broun moved on,” she said.

Here was Broun’s response:

The thing is, I know there’s a lot of frustration with this president. We’re going to have an election next year. Hopefully, we’ll elect somebody that’s going to be a conservative, limited-government president that will take a smaller, who will sign a bill to repeal and replace Obamacare.

He then segued into Republicans’ budget proposal.

Dumb? Yes. Illegal? Possibly.

The left, predictably, is going, um, “Ape Shit” over it. Perfect example, Oliver Willis: (H/T The Right Sphere)

All Americans should condemn assassination speech, but especially if you’re a member of congress. What an epic shame. What a blight these people are on our government.

Um, Mr. Willis, Where were you, when these people were walking around with signs like this? (H/T NewsBusters)

Where were you Oliver, when these things was being paraded in the streets?

Oh, I know where you were Mr. Willis; you were out there helping CARRYING these signs and things around, weren’t you?

How is it, when a White Conservative Republican is in the White House and liberals threaten to kill him —- it is perfectly fine. But you let a socialist Negro in the damned White House and just because someone dares to verbalize what many in the silent majority are thinking; that is some sort of a fucking federal crime? Tell me that! By the way, I call him a socialist Negro, because that is what the hell he is, I do not believe in Political Correctness on this blog. I call it like I see it.

By the way, Mr. Willis and rest of idiot liberals; you can breath a little easier:

UPDATE, 11:50 a.m.: In a new statement Rep Paul Broun appears to admit he should have condemned his constituent:

Tuesday night at a town hall meeting in Oglethorpe County, Georgia an elderly man asked the abhorrent question, “Who’s going to shoot Obama?” I was stunned by the question and chose not to dignify it with a response; therefore, at that moment I moved on to the next person with a question. After the event, my office took action with the appropriate authorities.

I deeply regret that this incident happened at all. Furthermore, I condemn all statements — made in sincerity or jest — that threaten or suggest the use of violence against the President of the United States or any other public official. Such rhetoric cannot and will not be tolerated.



“In this case this was poor taste,” the source says. “The person realized that.”

Now there’s the small matter of whether Broun regrets not condemning the comment. My understanding is more will be forthcoming from his office on this soon, so stay tuned.

Happy now crybabies? 🙄

Anyhow, yeah, it was stupid; I will admit that, but where was all of that outrage, when the liberals were wanting Bush dead? Fucking hypocrites, the damned whole lot of them. 😡

Note: I just noticed the silly typo in the headline. Hug ordeal? Good Lord. 🙄 I fixed it.


Cartoon of the Day

Noble Savage?

The huge oversized 243-page book Diversity Lane/ A Liberal Family Saga now available at the Diversity Lane website! Endorsed by FrontPage, Townhall, Brent Bozell, American Thinker and tons of others– THE most enjoyable conservative book of the year, guaranteed.
For more fun visit us at the Diversity Lane Page at Facebook or visit Zack Rawsthorne’s Facebook Profile to shoot the breeze.  Don’t forget to read more at our website www.diversitylane.com or our blog www.diversitylane.wordpress.com.

Yikes! Anti-Semitism during Union Demonstration at Freedom Works HQ?

This is rather bizarre. First some dude hits a lady’s camera, and now this? Whoa. 😮  This whole thing is going in a rather strange particular way.

This guy explains it:

As Lenin said: “Who, whom?”

UPDATE: Tikkum olam is a rabbinical concept that might properly be translated as “for the public good,” but which in the modern era has been politicized by many on the Left, so that it is indistinguishable in their interpretation from “social justice.” Most famously, Michael Lerner — a 1960s anti-war radical who once led an SDS splinter group called the Seattle Liberation Front — named his magazine Tikkun.

I am assuming that Ben Howe is Jewish; That is a new one on me. and This ugly leftist must be Jewish too, she certainly ugly enough to be one. (D’oh! I am so bad… 😛 )

So, does this make this little incident, Jew Vs Jew, you know; kinda like Spy Vs Spy?

I’m just sayin’ ya’ll. 😉

Others: The Other McCain, Breitbart.tv, Fire Andrea Mitchell! and Pajamas Media

Note: Sorry about that misspelling in the headline. I just woke up here, due some awful heartburn. I love ya Mexico, but your food plays hell on my tummy! 🙁 I know, I know, go from picking on Jews to Mexicans; Hey, at least I am fair and…slightly balanced. 😀


Updated: Justin Bieber does Politics


From the magazine Rolling Stone; which was  actually worth a crap at one point:

“You guys are evil,” he jokingly tells Vanessa Grigoriadis in an upcoming interview with Rolling Stone. “Canada’s the best country in the world. We go to the doctor and we don’t need to worry about paying him, but here, your whole life, you’re broke because of medical bills. My bodyguard’s baby was premature, and now he has to pay for it. In Canada, if your baby’s premature, he stays in the hospital as long as he needs to, and then you go home.”

Despite Bieber’s belief in government-run health care, the teenage superstar insists he is non-partisan. “I’m not sure about the parties,” he says. “But whatever they have in Korea, that’s bad.”

Jimmie Bise, Jr. writing over at HotAir.com opines:

The good news is that Bieber is pro-life, which puts him in the mix for a speaking slot at next year’s CPAC. The bad news is that Rolling Stone actually thinks anyone, anywhere, truly cares what Justin Bieber thinks about political parties, socialized medicine, or anything else beyond singing the word “baby” several times in a row.

Look, I get that we like to get inside the heads of entertainers we admire, but there really does have to be a limit. Rolling Stone, once upon a time, was a magazine that published real journalism from writers like Hunter S. Thompson, P.J. O’Rourke, and Lester Bangs. It was probably the go-to publication for details of the Patty Hearst abduction and its interview with Charles Manson in 1970 is one of the most chilling looks into a mind stuffed full of madness I’ve ever read. Now, thanks to the decline started by ardent progressive Jann Wenner, we just get a fluff interview with a 16 year-old kid on issues in which he has almost no knowledge or experience and wretched hacks like Matt Taibbi.

If nothing else, the Justin Bieber interview shows us what we lost. I’m actually sorry for it.

Allow me to expand on this and take it a step further; seeing I am the only Conservative out there, who dares to go here. I find it exceptionally interesting, that anyone is interested in what some kid, who’s physical appearance is that of a farking gay twink — has to say about anything, other than music.

I’m just sayin’!

As Laura Ingraham would say; shut up and sing…. 🙄

…and no, I do not consider was this kid sings, to be music. It’s crap, with a damn beat! 😡

Update: Looks like Rolling Stone screwed up that interview. Via New York Observer:

Rolling Stone‘s corrected quote, which acknowledges an “editing error,” reads:

“Um. Well, I think that’s really sad, but everything happens for a reason. I don’t know how that would be a reason. I guess I haven’t been in that position, so I wouldn’t be able to judge that.”

I think Jimmie Bise has a point, Rolling Stone is run by a bunch of idiots nowadays.

Video: The Reality Report: Taking the Neo-Conservatives to the mat!

In this space, before I post this video; I usually post a disclaimer, because usually, I do not agree with some of the content and ideas presented in this Video report.  However, this week, I am going to forgo the disclaimer. Because a good ninety percent of what is presented here, I absolutely agree with and besides, nothing gives me more joy, than to watch freedom-loving Americans making Neo-Conservative fascists look like the damn fools that they are. Yes, it warms the cackles of my stone cold heart to see those who wish to sell our freedoms out to the altar of “Security” made to look like buffoons.

Very well done gents, very, very, well done. 😀

Having said all that —- here is the synopsis and Video….

Synopsis: In this special CPAC expanded edition of the Reality Report, we go face to face with Donald Rumsfeld, Dick Cheney and Newt Gingrich and present the highlights (and lowlights)! ; Gary Franchi runs into former Saturday Night Live star, Victoria Jackson, and interviews CPAC Chair David Keene about the Defender of the Constitution Award. Gary also meets with Jesse Benton, Ron Paul’s Communications Director, to give you the inside scoop on the Ron Paul 2012 Presidential campaign. Jeff Frazee from Young Americans for Liberty joins the show to tell us how he got turned on to Ron Paul’s message. We meet with Congresswoman Nan Hayworth from New York’s 19th district to ask her about her vote for the Patriot Act. We also ask Ron Paul supporters what it is about his message that inspires them. We also take you to the Jordan Page after party for the release of his new album titled “Liberty”. Angie returns to deliver the headlines with a special report on the Young Americans for Freedom and Truth Squad.TV’s confrontation. We’ll read your email, review last week’s poll results and brand a new enemy of the state.

The Video:

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Hope and Freeze?: Wind turbines frozen solid in Northern New Brunswick, Canada

I literally burst out laughing at this story.

This story comes via The Windsor Star:

FREDERICTON — A $200-million wind farm in northern New Brunswick is frozen solid, cutting off a potential supply of renewable energy for NB Power.

The 25-kilometre stretch of wind turbines, located 70 kilometres northwest of Bathurst, N.B. has been completely shutdown for several weeks due to heavy ice covering the blades.

GDF SUEZ Energy, the company that owns and operates the site, is working to return the windmills to working order, a spokeswoman says.

“We can’t control the weather,” Julie Vitek said in an interview from company headquarters in Houston, Texas. “We’re looking to see if we can cope with it more effectively, through the testing of a couple of techniques.”

She says the conditions in northern New Brunswick have wreaked havoc on the wind farm this winter.

“For us, cold and dry weather is good and that’s what’s typical in the region. Cold and wet weather can be a problem without any warmer days to prompt thawing, which has been the case this year.

“This weather pattern has been particularly challenging.”

Wintery conditions also temporarily shutdown the site last winter, just months after its completion. Some or all of the turbines were offline for several days, with “particularly severe icing” blamed.

The accumulated ice alters the aerodynamics of the blades, rendering them ineffective as airfoils. The added weight further immobilizes the structures.

Vitek says workers are trying to find a way to prevent ice buildup from occurring again in the future. The shutdown has not had any effect on employment at the site, which provides 12 permanent jobs.

In February 2008, Suez was awarded a contract to build a 33-turbine wind farm at Caribou Mountain. NB Power signed a 20-year power purchase agreement for its 99 megawatts of power capacity, which went online in November 2009.

At the time, the project was praised for bringing NB Power to its goal of having 400 megawatts of wind power capacity by 2010. The facility has enough capacity to power about 19,000 homes.

Just another liberal progressive boondoggle. Wind turbines; in the coldest damned place, outside of maybe Alaska, to build these things. One would think that they would have thought ahead to put a heater, like maybe in the blades or motors to keep them warm, like say, in the winter.

Then again, we are talking about progressives here.; who do seem not to be very keen on being able to think past their nose.

I know, it’s Canada. But, it’s still a progressive fairy tale of epic proportions; and this does prove that.

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UPDATE: — BREAKING NEWS: New York Representative Christopher Lee resigns after he tries go get some nookie from Craigslist

Hoo boy! Somebody done got caught with his….ahem…pants down; well, in his case, with his shirt off!


Looks like Rep. Christopher Lee was trying to get a little….push push! If you know what I mean and I think you do!

Gawker has the details:

Rep. Christopher Lee is a married Republican congressman serving the 26th District of New York. But when he trolls Craigslist’s “Women Seeking Men” forum, he’s Christopher Lee, “divorced” “lobbyist” and “fit fun classy guy.” One object of his flirtation told us her story.

On the morning of Friday, January 14, a single 34-year-old woman put an ad in the “Women for Men” section of Craigslist personals. “Will someone prove to me not all CL men look like toads?” she asked, inviting “financially & emotionally secure” men to reply.

Fox News reports; he’s gone:

Rep. Christopher Lee resigned Wednesday after a report claimed the married Republican congressman sent a shirtless photo of himself to a woman on Craigslist.

Earlier Wednesday Lee, asked by Fox News about the report as he was walking to his car, said he was not willing to talk about the issue, adding “I have to work this out with my wife.”

The New York congressman left his office Wednesday after a report surfaced on the website Gawker claiming an anonymous 34-year-old woman was contacted by Lee after she placed an ad in the “Women for Men” personals section on Craigslist.

According to the report, he used a Gmail account, which was later deleted, to contact the woman, claiming to be a divorced lobbyist. Lee is married with one son. The article said Lee at first sent a normal picture of himself and then sent a “PG-13 muscle picture” — the picture published by Gawker showed a shirtless man posing in a mirror.

“Thanks…so do you always send shirtless pics to women from cl?” the response e-mail said, according to the correspondence published online.

“Sorry. Its all I had,” the sender replied.

What sucks is, people that do stuff like that are always so toady about it. Resign and go into hiding; and basically get his butt kicked by his wife. if she does not leave him first. I mean, he was all big about it; until he got caught.

As the lone Paleo-Con here; maybe if his wife was, um, “Take care of him” and giving him what he needs to feel like man — maybe this wouldn’t have happened. I’m just saying. Men do that stuff for reason. Maybe his wife is not keeping him happy. Of course, when you say that; the feminists or the Femin-Nazis as I call them —- will say your a sexist.

Anyhow, hope he can “work it out” with his wife. But something tells me; she is going to work him out! 😮

Update: OOPS! I was under the impression that this guy was a New York State Senator! Turns out, he is a Senator on Capital Hill! 😮 My Apologies. 😀

Which takes this from a normal, everyday screw up… to a BIG, HUGE, Oh my farking goodness — kinda of a screw up! 😉