It is official: Keith Olbermann is under my bus

I have been meaning to write about this for a few days; but there were other things to write about and this one got cast aside.

I was going to put this one under the whole “Living Proof that liberals are classless assholes” banner. But this one just was just too great, too awful, too nasty.

It appears that Keith Olbermann has some sort of inbred hatred of our United States Military. Now why would I make such a wild accusation as that? For this reason:

Ed Driscoll, who is a Vietnam Vet wrote the following about Keith Olbermann in the Boston Globe:

I AM very happy that Keith Olbermann is no longer on MSNBC. I participated in more than 10 combat missions in Vietnam, so I know a mission is not a war. Someone should have told that to Olbermann, as he demonstrated his ignorance by equating the two for years on his show.

He would end by saying it has been so many days since President Bush declared “Mission Accomplished’’ in Iraq. Bush never said that. Olbermann was referring to a sign on an aircraft carrier that said “Mission Accomplished.’’ The president declared an end to major combat operations, and therefore the aircraft carrier was headed home.

In Bush’s speech, he said that much work has yet to be done. The sign was for the brave people who had completed their mission.

Olbermann can take the money and run. I don’t care where.

A gentle ribbing towards someone who, if anyone, had the right to say that; after all he was a military officer. Well, not to Keith, who hates anything remotely Military — this was his response: (H/T Nice Deb)

How Keith REALLY feels about our Military

That’s right, Keith believes that people that serve in our Military are dumb. This goes along with the whole mentality that whole idea, by the so-called enlightened liberals that most Military people are simple minded Conservatives who are too stupid to think for themselves. You see, Keith does not have his network bosses to answer to any longer, so, now he can spew his far leftist hatred of all things American; including our Military.

As some of you know and you can know this by searching this blog; I used to hold Keith Olbermann in very high regard. I was, at one point, a regular watcher of Keith’s show. That is, until he started with the intellectual dishonesty and straight up lying about everything under the sun. Well, writing about something is not enough, one must put their money where their mouth is.

So, as of this morning. I have removed the one book that Keith Olbermann wrote off of my Blog’s Bookstore. Unfortunately, I could not remove the one book itself. I had to remove the sections about George W. Bush and Dick Cheney. Most of it was filled with Anti-Bush and Anti-Cheney books anyhow. I realize that it might not be that big of a deal, not many people buy anything from my Bookstore anyhow. However, with me. It is a personal decision; that I just will not support someone, who is taken to insulting our Military. This is a personal issue with me; it always has been, as I have had family members who served. This is why I have “Lost my shit”, so to speak, in the past, when people have insulted the Military in the Paleo-Conservative circles.

So, Keith, if you happened to even read this; You sir, are history in my book. You just do not insult Military officers, whether active or inactive. Not around me at least. You sir, are no better than the anti-war protesters in the 1960’s who spat upon and mocked the soldiers coming out of Vietnam.  In fact, your little smart-assed tweet was, as far as this writer is concerned; was in fact, a virtual spit in the face of a Solider who served proudly in our Military.

For this sir, you are remanded to dustbin of history, as far as I am concerned. You sir are just another Anti-American socialist, who happened to get rich by spewing your lies and bigotry — all the while railing against the very capitalist system that made you rich. Which is a picture perfect example of the blatant hypocrisy of the liberal left. I do hope that you enjoy that money, that in all honesty, you do not deserve to own; and if you just happen to get lucky enough to land another job as a talking head somewhere else. I will be here to blog against your idiotic nonsense. Because as a former “Left of Center,” I am appalled to where you and your communist-lite friends have taken the party that my grandparents and parents voted and still do vote for.

Further more, I find your attacks against our Military sickening and I will be one of many, who will continue to attack you, for your idiotic political viewpoints; until you finally retire and eventually die relieving this Nation of your moronic bombast and empty headed pontifications.

I may be only a small cog in this machine that we call America; but I am a damned good one!

Video: So, is this what passes for civil discourse among the liberals?

So, liberals — is this what you call civility?

Posted on liveleak, in case it disappears:

From the Comments section of the video:

RACISTS like this, are begging for war. Let’s give them one. It is 220,000,000 white people, against 37,000,000 blacks. You know what a genocide looks like? You don’t, because there is no one left, to remember it. Be? smart, though. Let them, make the first violent moves. Let the people, see their violence. Let them give us a reason. Be patient. Do not move, as an individual. Wait. Keep giving them rope, they need, to hang themselves. LOL!!!

A-Farking-Amen. 😡

(H/T Michelle Malkin)

Living Proof the Liberals are classless assholes

A real humdinger of a story in this installment. But first, our official music:

Hit the play button to enjoy the music, while you read the story.

Here’s another real classless story from our asshole liberal folks on the left. Tonight’s installment was overseen at As you all know Gabby Giffords was shot by a crazy gunman just a few weeks ago and already some Democrats are already wanting to toss her under the bus.

The Story comes via The Daily Caller’s Chris Moody:

Behind closed doors, California Democratic Rep. Loretta Sanchez has proposed removing Arizona Rep. Gabrielle Giffords from the House Armed Services Committee (HASC) until she recovers from injuries sustained after being shot in the head on Jan. 8 in Tucson, The Daily Caller has learned.

The proposal sparked an outrage, according to those in the room — including from those in Sanchez’s own party.

“It’s not appropriate,” Texas Democratic Rep. Silvestre Reyes told The Daily Caller, adding that there was outrage among some members in the room when Sanchez made the suggestion. “It’s bad for morale during her recovery period.”

Reyes and Rep. Adam Smith of Washington put up most of the fight against Sanchez, and helped squash the idea.

“From a woman who memorialized her cat, you’d think she’d show a little more compassion for a woman shot in the face,” said one GOP aide, referring to Sanchez’s 2010 Christmas card that paid tribute to her late cat, Gretzky.

Sanchez told her Democratic colleagues on the committee that every vote would be crucial, and since there was little indication Giffords would return soon, they should seek a replacement. A spokesman for Sanchez defended her proposal and called the criticism “ludicrous.”

“Gabby has always been one of the most active members on the Armed Services Committee, and Rep. Sanchez wants to make sure HASC Democrats preserve her voice until the congresswoman has returned,” Sanchez’s Press Secretary Caroline Hogan told TheDC. “Rep. Sanchez simply inquired whether a proxy could represent the Congresswoman on the Committee at Rep. Giffords’ request. That way, Gabby’s legislative priorities and seniority would be preserved until her return. Any other interpretation of her question is ludicrous.”

Get shot in the head, by a crazy, deranged, leftist gunman — get tossed under the bus as useless by your own damned party.

Just more living proof that socialist liberals are classless assholes.

Other Blogs Covering this:

Why I left ‘The Left’ — Exhibit CW for Class Warfare

Actually, I wanted to call this one Exhibit IC for incessant whining, but I did not want to sound like a total jerk. However, this is exactly what this little piece is here.

It appears that some liberal wife of some hard working person feels that her man is not getting his fair share of the pot. She writes over at the liberal Blog FireDogLake:

This morning my husband got up at 5:00 a.m. to work outside in 7 degree F temperatures. He sat on the end of the couch, head in his hands sipping his coffee telling me how much he hates his job. How much it’s wearing him out. He makes $29.00 dollars an hour. Roughly $60,000 a year. He’s a union electrician. His health care premiums come out of his pay check; it is NOT subsidized by his “company.” His disability comes out of his pay check. It is NOT subsidized by his company.

I don’t think most people understand this about the unions. These men get paid what they do because they are subsidizing their own care. Men in suits thinks he makes too much money. Men in suits think he doesn’t deserve health care or disability, that he’s just a body to use and abuse.

They tell the men to talk about safety on their own time, not to take up time they could be “producing” to discuss “safety issues”. They don’t want to spend money on his safety or breaks for his aching back or freezing fingers. My husband worries if he takes too much time to warm up that they might lay him off. The men in suits know he is afraid, they even tease him about lay offs from warm offices when he walks through to take his 15-minute break. The high cost of labor, entitlement. The men in suits make you focus on the unions with their high paying jobs while they sit in offices pushing pencils making eight times the amount that my husband makes. Risking far less in stress and safety than my husband. And complaining about the high cost of labor.

First, before I rip this poor woman to shreds here, let me say something. Please note that I am very sympathetic to the working person’s cause — really, I am. I am one of those working man types myself. What troubles me about this entire piece is this; it sounds like this woman is whining about her husband actually having a job. Furthermore, this piece is your a-typical mentality of the liberals in this Country — and that is that the little person is being jacked around by the big, evil, corporate America. What these mentally depraved people do not seems to realize is this; if it were not for businesspersons, who decide to take risks and employ people like her husband, to build projects, like the one that he is working on, those hardworking people — would be unemployed.

Secondly, I find this piece to be offensive for another reason. This is where I might just run afoul of Conservatives who read this blog. I have been unemployed since 2005. This partially could be considered my fault and partially it could be blamed on the piss poor economy here in Michigan. The unemployment rate here in Michigan is I believe 30% or so. I believe I could find you a group of men here in Michigan, which would just love to have this man’s job that he has grown to hate. I know that I personally live very well at $60.000 per year and not complain one bit. The point I am trying to make is this, this man took this job knowing what it entailed and knows what is required of him. If he cannot handle that job, perhaps he should try finding something else, possibly even trying another career.

I hate to sound like some heartless jerk, which sits in some ivory tower somewhere and writes dismissively of some person who is really struggling to make it. Because that is not what I am — I am simply someone who has had my own share of problems in the past, when it comes to unemployment and when I see someone moaning and complaining about actually having job — I just really have to speak up and say trying living in my shoes for a while. I could really understand if this would have been written pre-stock market flash crash and economic recession, but it was not. There are some people out there that have it a hell of a lot worse that this person and his whining wife. I happen to be one of them and I think that this man and his wife both ought to be a bit more appreciative of what they do have, instead of whining about what they have to so-called “Suffer” through.

Just my thoughts on that one, and believe me, this comes from someone who is not even being counted among the 9% in America unemployed. They only count those who are collecting benefits. I collect none.  I will not bother to even comment on the part where it says that the man was breaking the law, by giving free electricity to people that he knows. I mean, if that is not self explanatory, I do not know what is. 🙄

HANG this Murderer from the HIGHEST Tree in the Land!

I usually do not post that sort of a headline…. But this time; it is warranted.

This vomit inducing story comes via my friend Ed Morrissey over at

The Story via CBS in Philly:

A West Philadelphia abortion doctor, his wife and eight other suspects are now under arrest following a grand jury investigation.

Dr. Kermit Gosnell, 69, faces eight counts of murder in the deaths of a woman following a botched abortion at his office, along with the deaths of seven other babies who, prosecutors allege, were born alive following illegal late-term abortions and then were killed by severing their spinal cords with a pair of scissors. …

Gosnell is facing Murder in the 3rd Degree for the death of 41-year-old Karnamaya Mongar. Mrs. Mongar died on November 20, 2009 when she was overdosed with anesthetics prescribed by Gosnell. He is also facing seven Murder charges for the deaths of infants who were killed after being born viable and alive during the 6th, 7th and 8th month of pregnancy. Gosnell is also facing numerous other charges.

Gosnell is suspected of killing hundreds of living babies over the course of his 30 year practice. However, he is not charged because the records do not exist.

Want to vomit? Read the Grand Jury Report:(PDF)

One woman, for example, was left lying in place for hours after Gosnell tore her cervix and colon while trying, unsuccessfully, to extract the fetus. Relatives who came to pick her up were refused entry into the building; they had to threaten to call the police. They eventually found her inside, bleeding and incoherent, and transported her to the hospital, where doctors had to remove almost half a foot of her intestines.

On another occasion, Gosnell simply sent a patient home, after keeping her mother waiting for hours, without telling either of them that she still had fetal parts inside her. Gosnell insisted she was fine, even after signs of serious infection set in over the next several days. By the time her mother got her to the emergency room, she was unconscious and near death.

A nineteen-year-old girl was held for several hours after Gosnell punctured her uterus.  As a result of the delay, she fell into shock from blood loss, and had to undergo a hysterectomy.

One patient went into convulsions during an abortion, fell off the procedure table,  and hit her head on the floor.  Gosnell wouldn’t call an ambulance, and wouldn’t let the woman’s companion leave the building so that he could call an ambulance.


We discovered that Pennsylvania’s Department of Health has deliberately chosen not to enforce laws that should afford patients at abortion clinics the same safeguards and assurances of quality health care as patients of other medical service providers. Even nail salons in Pennsylvania are monitored more closely for client safety.

The State Legislature has charged the Department of Health (DOH) with responsibility for writing and enforcing regulations to protect health and safety in abortion clinics as well as in hospitals and other health care facilities. Yet a significant difference exists between how DOH monitors abortion clinics and how it monitors facilities where other medical procedures are performed.

Indeed, the department has shown an utter disregard both for the safety of women who seek treatment at abortion clinics and for the health of fetuses after they have become viable. State health officials have also shown a disregard for the laws the department is supposed to enforce. Most appalling of all, the Department of Health’s neglect of abortion patients’ safety and of Pennsylvania laws is clearly not inadvertent: It is by design.

State health officials knew that Gosnell and his clinic were offering unacceptable medical care to women and girls, yet DOH failed to take any action to stop the atrocities documented by this Grand Jury. These officials were far more protective of themselves when they testified before the Grand Jury. Even DOH lawyers, including the chief counsel, brought private attorneys with them – presumably at government expense.

This is not your average black man — he is a monster. This black piece of human waste should be strung from the highest tree in the land. No trials, No court, No defense attorneys — None of that crap! Just fucking shoot his ass! This man is a damn murderer of babies. Sorry folks, I am all for a woman’s right to her bodies and all that. But this crap here goes well beyond that! This man is a damn murderer and should be just lined up against a damned wall and SHOT!

Ed Morrissey is just too damned nice to say it. But I will, the reason why this damned monster got away with this; is because HE WAS BLACK! PLAIN AND DAMNED SIMPLE. HE GOT AWAY WITH THIS BECAUSE HE WAS A BLACK MAN!

A Commenter over at sums it up:

I am neither a particularly religious man nor much of a praying man (which I’m working on … have patience with us old agnostics) … but after reading this, I got right down on my knees and prayed for forgiveness for our whole stupid species.

We all need it. All of us. That we let this go on is … unspeakable. An abomination, in the ancient and biblical sense of the word.

If there is a God up there, He is not impressed.

I hope he’s a whole lot more merciful than we are.

This is the worst thing I’ve ever read.

The history books may well look at us in much the same way we look at late-1930?s Germany.

As I said elsewhere, this period in history – our enshrining abortion as not only legal but a protected Constitutional right – will be viewed as having a place along side slavery, communism, fascism, and totalitarianism.

Even the arguments for abortion are the same: read the discussions of the left on this topic – then compare to 1840s debates over abolition or 1930s debates in Germany over the coming “final solution.” The arguments are, almost word for word, identical. The denial of humanity; the preservation of property rights over human rights; the elevation of evil to the sanctified and the debasement of the sacred until it is viewed as meaningless.

This is evil. And to whoever said there are no shade of evil, you could not be more wrong. There are countless degrees of evil, and this … this may mark the greatest height to which evil can aspire.

God forgive us.

Professor Blather on January 19, 2011 at 2:58 PM

Professor, I happen to know that there IS a God up there; his name is Jesus Christ and I can assure you. He is PISSED! The real cute part is; this guy will be justified by some idiot on the left. Which is why I no longer vote for them. This man ought to get first degree murder for EVERY SINGLE LIFE that they can prove that he snuffed out.  However, if I know this liberal society like I know. This black bastard will get little or nothing for his crimes.

There are mean people, there are a-holes, and there’s evil people…..and this man is evil people. 😡

Others: TalkLeft, Liberty Pundits Blog, Moonbattery and The Other McCain

UPDATED: Living proof that liberals are classless assholes

It has been a long while since I have done this; the reason mainly is because; one, I have sort of grown bored with politics and two, because there has not been any overly asshole’sih stuff to write about —- But, finally, some liberal idiots have done some very tasteless stuff as of recent and the need to mock them for it has arrived, finally.

So, off we go!

Tonight is twofer, seems that this idiotic classless crap comes in waves anymore.

First up Good ol’ Bill Maher, the demented Liberal Jew, the gift that just keeps on giving.

Here is Bill Maher speaking about the founding fathers and how they would feel about the Tea Party: (via HotAir)


Now, I want you teabaggers out there to understand one thing: while you idolize the Founding Fathers and dress up like them, and smell like them, I think it’s pretty clear that the Founding Fathers would have hated your guts. And what’s more, you would’ve hated them. They were everything you despise. They studied science, read Plato, hung out in Paris, and thought the Bible was mostly bullshit.

Really? Seriously? Wow. That’s news to me.

Thankfully, Michael van der Galien over at’s greenroom corrects this liberal buffoon’s nonsense:

I hate to break it to you, Bill, but the majority of the Founding Fathers were religious. And those who weren’t orthodox in their beliefs, at least had a healthy respect and appreciation for religion. They didn’t want to force others to believe as they did – certainly – but they respected religion, and the Bible, nonetheless. Even those more critical, such as Thomas Jefferson, believed the Bible contained important lessons – lessons wise men should take to heart. There may have been a few, like Thomas Paine, who held religion in less high esteem, but they were the minority, not the majority.

Furthermore, unlike what Maher seems to believe, the Founding Fathers weren’t big fans of a welfare state. At all. In fact, they considered the government the greatest potential threat to freedom. They understood that an intrusive, activist state always limits a people’s freedom. That’s why they wrote the Constitution in the first place: they wanted to guarantee Americans specific rights, the government could not take away.

The Tea Party continues this tradition. They too stand for individual liberty, over collectivism and social engineering. They want the government to get out of the people’s business – out of their health care and out of their pockets. If there’s one thing they demand, it’s to be left alone to live their lives as they please. Not as it pleases Maher and other cocky liberals who mess up their own lives in virtually every respect, but who nonetheless believe it’s up to them to tell others how to live.

I have had some disagreements with Mr. Galien in the past; however he nails this one very well. Bill Maher is a classless asshole liberal who should be deported out of our Country. This is the same moron who said this little statement:

So, as you see, this man is not a freedom living American. Bill Maher is a anti-American socialist. However, because he is a supposed evolved liberal — he gets a free pass to say this sort of a thing. It also helps too, if you are Jewish — they always seem to get away with this sort of a thing in the media. Sorry if this offends, but it is the truth.

Update: I have gotten some feedback from those objecting to my calling Maher a Jew; and even some accusing me of lying… From Wikipedia:

Maher was born in New York City, the son of Julie (née Berman), a nurse, and William Maher, Sr., a network newseditor and radio announcer.[3] He was raised in his Irish American father’s Catholic religion, remaining unaware that his mother was Jewish until his early teenage years.[4] He subsequently has self-identified as ethnically half-Jewish.[5][6] Maher’s family stopped attending church services when Maher was thirteen, due to his father’s disagreement with the Catholic Church‘s position on birth control.[7]

Now, you say you object to my broadsiding of this man for his Jewish linage? Well, I personally object to this man’s constant broadsiding of Christianity. In other words: Two can play this game. 😡 If Maher’s fans do not like me slamming the hook nosed fool; then maybe they should write him and tell him to stop singling out Christians.

That is all….


Next up is another classless asshole liberal, who just cannot seem to get over the resentment and hatred — of his own father. Mr. Ron Reagan Jr. has put out a book saying that his Father was losing it way back in the day, the problem is…. he is, as most liberal are…. full of crap:

Besides playing amateur doctor, Ron Reagan reveals, if true, brain surgery on his dad never before reported. He accurately reports that Reagan, after leaving the presidency, was bucked from a horse on July 4, 1989, while in Mexico. Ron tells of how his dad, after initially refusing medical help, was transported to a San Diego hospital. “Surgeons opening his skull to relieve pressure on the brain emerged from the operating room with the news that they had detected what they took to be probable signs of Alzheimer’s disease.” Several Reagan associates, however, say there was no surgery in San Diego.

What’s more there is no reporting about any San Diego operation on Reagan. News reports at the time of his fall say Reagan was flown to a hospital in Arizona, where he was treated for scrapes and bruises and released after five hours…

Ron Reagan doesn’t mention this, but says that Reagan visited the Mayo Clinic in 1990 for tests that “confirmed the initial suspicion of Alzheimer’s.” Reagan’s post-presidency history, documented in several archives like University of Texas, reveal no such visit. And Dr. John E. Hutton Jr. his doctor from 1984 through Reagan’s retirement, told the New York Times that Reagan didn’t show the tell-tale symptoms until 1993.

AllahPundit, smacks this liberal asshole down really good:

Follow the link and you’ll see that another big piece of “evidence” is Ron feeling his heart sink as he watched his pop stumble through a bad, “bewildered” performance in his first debate with Mondale in 1984. Quote: “Some voters were beginning to imagine grandpa—who can never find his reading glasses—in charge of a bristling nuclear arsenal, and it was making them nervous. Worse, my father now seemed to be giving them legitimate reason for concern.” That was October 7, 1984; a month later, the “concern” had turned into a 49-state landslide.

I think by now you are beginning to understand as to why I could never vote for these idiots ever, ever again. I mean, it is much, much more than just Barack Obama. It is the entire movement as a whole. What they cannot control, they seek to white wash and rewrite. The Progressive liberals have been doing this for years and they are not getting any better. So, I am done with them, period. While I might not be a “perfect” idea of what some might think a Conservative should be; I could never vote for that party and for that movement and that mindset….ever again. Sorry guys, you blew it for me.

Tom Delay gets three years for corruption charges

Video Via CBN:

The Story:

Former House Majority Leader Tom Delay, R-Texas, was sentenced on Monday to three years in prison for conspiracy to commit money laundering.

The sentence came after Delay was convicted in November of trying to illegally influence elections in the Lone Star State.

In a 10 minute speech to Senior Judge Pat Priest, Delay insisted he did nothing wrong.

“I can’t be remorseful for something I don’t think I did,” Delay said, adding that accountants and lawyers checked everything he did.

“This criminalization of politics is very dangerous. It’s dangerous to our system. Just because somebody disagrees with you they got to put you in jail, bankrupt you, destroy your family,” he told Priest.

However, the prosecutor in the case saw the matter differently.

“I think Tom Delay said it best. He said that he was arrogant,” Assistant District Attorney Gary Cobb said.

“His statement was an extremely arrogant statement where he refused to accept responsibility, refused to show any remorse for the offense of which he’s been convicted of,” Cobb added.

I happen to see this a little differently than Tom Delay. I believe there is another motivation factor here; and that factor is race. This is nothing more, than a political and racial watch hunt by a black liberal Democrat who wants to make a name for himself by going after and bringing down a White Conservative Republican. I have information in my possession from well-placed anonymous sources, e-mails from this man saying that he was going to bring down Tom Delay and some very nasty racist words were used to describe Mr. Delay.

It is a sad day in America when out of control liberal blacks can attack, smear and persecute White Americans for crimes that they did not commit.

They never let a crisis go to waste: Far leftist loon Carolyn McCarthy readies Gun Control Bill

Not that anyone saw this coming…. 🙄

One of the fiercest gun-control advocates in Congress, Rep. Carolyn McCarthy (D-N.Y.), pounced on the shooting massacre in Tucson Sunday, promising to introduce legislation as soon as Monday targeting the high-capacity ammunition the gunman used.

McCarthy ran for Congress after her husband was gunned down and her son seriously injured in a shooting in 1993 on a Long Island commuter train.

“My staff is working on looking at the different legislation fixes that we might be able to do and we might be able to introduce as early as tomorrow,” McCarthy told POLITICO in a Sunday afternoon phone interview.

Gun control activists cried it was time to reform weapons laws in the United States, almost immediately after a gunman killed six and injured 14 more, including Rep. Gabrielle Giffords, in Arizona on Saturday.

Many said that people with a history of mental instability, like the alleged shooter, Jared Lee Loughner, should not be able to buy a gun — and no one should be able to buy stockpiles of ammunition used by the 22-year-old assailant.

McCarthy said she plans to confer with House Speaker John Boehner and Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi to see “if we can work something through” in the coming week.

McCarthy’s spokesman confirmed the legislation will target the high-capacity ammunition clips the Arizona gunman allegedly used in the shooting, but neither he or the congresswoman offered any further details.

“Again, we need to look at how this is going to work, to protect people, certainly citizens, and we have to look at what I can pass,” McCarthy said. “I don’t want to give the NRA – excuse the pun – the ammunition to come at me either.”

via Carolyn McCarthy readies gun control bill – Shira Toeplitz –

I understand her husband getting killed and he kids hurt in a shooting. But is it really necessary to impose her idiotic will on the American people?

Of course, unless something major changes; this bill will never, ever make it to the President’s desk. The Democrats tried this whole thing back during the Clinton era and ended up paying for it dearly during the elections. They fought this battle —- and ultimately lost.  So, I expect that this bill will be treated as such.

What will be interesting to note is whether the Conservative in Congress will stick to their principles ….or will they go the Neo-Conservative route and sell out their principles to the liberals, who want to strip our freedoms in the name of safety? Remember the only difference between a big Government liberal and a Big Government Conservative Neo-Con is the type and names of their special interest groups; there are others, but I do not want this article to be too long. 😉

What really needs to happen, is some freedom loving American needs to challenge Rep. Carolyn McCarthy at the ballot box, come election time. Because we just cannot allow these far-leftist loons to use a sad situation like this, to rob peace loving, and law abiding citizens of the United States of American of the freedoms that they hold dear.

It is a often used phrase among second amendment advocates, that “Gun Control is less about guns and more about Control.” This attempt by this far leftist loon proves that beyond a shadow of a doubt.

America is watching congress, act wisely; we voted you in — we can and will, vote you out.

Remember this come 2012.

For the record, I do not support this sort of nonsense

Normally, I would not touch a story like this; but this one sticks out a bit:

WASHINGTON (AP) — First, fiery packages sent to top officials in Maryland were opened, revealing an angry message complaining of the state’s terrorism tip line. Then, a mailing addressed to the nation’s homeland security chief ignited with a similar flash of fire and smoke at a D.C. postal processing facility.

While authorities have not said if the latest parcel contained a note, they did say the three packages were alike. The targeting of Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano also seemed to echo anger expressed by the mailer of the first two.

Napolitano launched a nationwide “see something, say something” campaign in July, and her recorded voice can be heard in Washington-area subway stations, reminding commuters to report suspicious behavior. The program expanded last month to include more than 230 Walmarts across the country.

The Maryland packages had an explicit message, railing against highway signs urging motorists to report suspicious activity by calling a toll-free number. The message read: “Report suspicious activity! Total Bull—-! You have created a self fulfilling prophecy.”

Authorities fear there could be more packages.

via Fiery package addressed to Homeland Security chief | The Daily Caller

This is one of those blog entries that I do not like having to write —- but because I am Christian and because I happen to believe that anarchy is wrong — I feel the need to write about it.

Contrary to what most radicals might want you to believe, sending package bombs to Governmental offices and targeting Governmental officials is NOT Patriotic! Nor is it cool or even remotely acceptable. In this great Country of ours, we have a perfect system of protest against existing Governments. It is called the Ballot box. We also have the first amendment, which allows us to peacefully assemble and protest against the actions of our Government. You saw that during the Tea Party protests this summer, and because of those protests and because of the media coverage of them, there was a landslide victory by the Republicans in the House and parts of the Senate as well.

Those who stoop to violence towards our Government have given up hope on the political system and on the process of elections. Violence solves nothing at all; it just causes the other side of the political fence to blame those of us, who are peace-loving Americans, who do not agree with the big Government polices of the liberals in Congress and in the White House — for this sort of ungodly nonsense. When in all honesty, it is not our fault.

I want it to be publicly known that this “right of center” political blog and it’s owner condemn this sort of terrorist actions in the highest terms possible and it is my personal hope and prayer that they catch the person or persons responsible for this and that they prosecute this godless vermin to the fullest extent of the law. Further more, I believe that if Fox News, and every other Conservative outlet out there has ANY sort of integrity at all; these organizations would come out and say the same exact thing.

Unfortunately, among the more Paleo-libertarian crowd, this sort of extremist action is seen as heroic and even justified — which is, of course, asinine.  Acts of violence, in a civilized society, such as ours, to make a political point, is right on par with what Al-Qaeda and other such Jihad groups wish to do here in America. In other words, this is nothing more than straight up terrorism and should be treated as such.

Again, in closing, having a political stance and opinion is fine — even acceptable. However, when one decides to hurt other people to express that opinion — you stop being a patriot or even an American and you become a terrorist and a criminal. There is a difference and I believe that more Bloggers on the right ought to be saying this.

Update: Dan says I am renouncing myself. Which is idiotic at best. I simply am saying that those, like Lew Rockwell, that find this sort of a thing to be chick are not patriots. But, TERRORISTS…. Period, FULL STOP.

Ouch, that is going to leave a Mark…..

Okay, who left the stupid door open again?!?!? 🙄

Gov. Haley Barbour (R-MS), a potential Republican presidential candidate, has an interesting perspective on the tumults of the civil rights era that swept through his Deep South state.

As Barbour recalls it in a new profile in The Weekly Standard, things weren’t so bad in his hometown of Yazoo City, which took until 1970 to integrate its schools (though the final event itself is said to have gone on peacefully). For example, Barbour says that there was no problem of Ku Klux Klan activity in the town — thanks to the Citizens Council movement, an organization that was founded on the basis of resistance to integration and the promotion of white supremacy.

“You heard of the Citizens Councils? Up north they think it was like the KKK,” said Barbour. “Where I come from it was an organization of town leaders. In Yazoo City they passed a resolution that said anybody who started a chapter of the Klan would get their ass run out of town. If you had a job, you’d lose it. If you had a store, they’d see nobody shopped there. We didn’t have a problem with the Klan in Yazoo City.”

The White Citizens Council movement was founded in Mississippi in 1954, shortly after the Brown v. Board of Education Supreme Court decision that outlawed segregated public schools, and was dedicated to political activities opposing civil rights — notably boycotts of pro-civil rights individuals, as opposed to Barbour’s recollection of actions against the Klan. It was distinguished from the Klan by the public self-identification of its members, and its image of suits and ties as opposed to white robes and nooses

via Haley Barbour and White Supremacists | Citizens Councils | Mediaite.

I do believe that Gov. Haley Barbour just killed any notion of him ever running for President. I knew he was from the south; but I really did not think he was this bad. 😯

I do believe that Gov. Haley Barbour just wandered off into Ron Paul territory.

Somewhere, Trett Lott is smiling…

Update: Bloggers React

The late night mental health break: Van Halen

Dream another dream Liberals……Because this one is over! 😛

From the New York Times:

The Senate on Saturday blocked a bill that would have created a path to citizenship for certain young illegal immigrants who came to the United States as children, completed two years of college or military service and met other requirements, including passing a criminal background check.

The vote by 55-41 in favor of the bill, which is known as the Dream Act, effectively kills it for this year, and its fate is uncertain. The measure needed the support of 60 senators to cut off a filibuster and bring it to the floor.

Supporters said they were heartened that the measure won the backing of a majority of the Senate. They said they would continue to press for it, either on its own or as part of a wide immigration overhaul that some Democrats hope to undertake next year and believe could be an area of cooperation with Republicans, who will control a majority in the House.

Most immediately, the measure would have helped grant legal status to hundreds of thousands of illegal immigrant students and recent graduates whose lives are severely restricted, though many have lived in the United States for nearly their entire lives.

Young Hispanic men and women filled the spectator galleries of the Senate, many of them wearing graduation caps and tassels in a symbol of their support for the bill. They held hands in a prayerful gesture as the clerk called the roll and many looked stricken as its defeat was announced.

President Obama had personally lobbied lawmakers in support the bill. But Democrats were not able to hold ranks.

Five Democrats joined Republicans in opposing the bill. They were Senators Max Baucus of Montana, Kay Hagan of North Carolina, Ben Nelson of Nebraska, Mark Pryor of Arkansas and Jon Tester of Montana.

And three Republicans joined the balance of Democrats in favor of it: Robert Bennett of Utah, Richard Lugar of Indiana, and Lisa Murkowski of Alaska.

Mr. Obama, in a statement, called the outcome “incredibly disappointing” and said that he would continue fighting to win approval of the bill.

Which should prove that America is a center-right Country and that most Americans oppose any sort of disruption of what is commonly known as “RULE OF LAW.”

That is all…

Others: Don Surber, neo-neocon, Vox Popoli, Scared Monkeys, Left Coast Rebel, Wake up America, Weasel Zippers,,

Hey Vox…..

I think it is cool and all that you made that list. But, trust me, I would not gloat about it.

John Hawkings is a, quite bluntly, rat bastard. 😡 His treatment and attitude towards David Frum confirmed what I suspected about that fat assed piece of shit.

I would not want to be on any list that moronic asshole made up, ever.

Besides all that, who the hell would want to be on a list with a bunch of idiots who are fans of a woman who believes she is entitled to be President of the United States of America, because of her sex organs? I mean, seriously! 🙄

Smartest damn thing Keith Olbermann has ever said on twitter

I am, of course, referring to this:

He is speaking to this guy who stabbed me in the back and thinks nothing of shamelessly pimping out his Wife and Kids for Money on his Blog.

The Feckless Far Right: Exhibit SWOG: Stupid White Old Guys

An alternative headline would be “What I hate about White Christian Conservatives.” I saw this, and first thing I thought was, “does this old man ever get out of his house and into the real world?”

Now, at first, I wanted to just say this guy was being a straight up racist. However, I do not know that to be a fact. I think it is more of that stuffy old white Conservative Christian stupidity that the Republican right is known for.

Anyhow, here is Dennis Prager being as old, white, and Christian as he can be:

The nominees to receive the most prestigious awards in the music industry, the Grammy Awards, were just announced. Among the five nominees for Record of the Year is a song titled “F— You,” with the F-word, of course, spelled out and pronounced.

Here are the song’s opening lyrics:

“I see you driving ’round town

With the girl I love and I’m like,

F— you!

Oo, oo, ooo

I guess the change in my pocket

Wasn’t enough, I’m like,

F— you!

And f— her, too!”

The next lyrics add the S-word:

“I said, if I was richer, I’d still be with ya

Ha, now ain’t that some s–t? (ain’t that some s–t?)

And although there’s pain in my chest

I still wish you the best with a

F— you!

Oo, oo, ooo.”

And shortly thereafter, the N-word:

“I pity the fool that falls in love with you

(oh, s–t, she’s a gold digger)


(just thought you should know, n—-)


Dennis Prager is, of course, referring to this video here:

This video and song, of course, is about a young man, who has a crush on a young girl; who, of course, could care less about him. As someone who knows a little about that whole thing. I believe Dennis Prager needs to relax a little and maybe lighten up.

But wait! It gets better!


It is also worth noting that the video of this song includes children who appear to be under 12 years of age and all the performers are black — a point I will address later.

I have long believed that MTV has done more damage to America’s young people than any other single institution. I am referring to the music videos, in which most images or scenes are shown for less than two seconds and thereby numb kids’ minds, and to the sexual imagery and sex talk that permeate the music videos and much of the rest of MTV programming.

But while MTV should be singled out for the damage it has done to America, the music industry in general has been equally guilty.

How does a song replete with expletives, whose very title is “F— You,” get nominated for a Grammy Award as Record of the Year?

The answer is that the music industry, from producers to artists, is largely populated by people who regard social and cultural norms as stifling. Their professional lives are dedicated to lowering that which is elevated, destroying that which uplifts, and to profaning that which is held sacred.

There is no better explanation for “F— You” being nominated as Record of the Year. It has little, if any, redeeming moral, social or artistic (to the extent that this word retains its original meaning) value. The lyrics are as vapid as they are obscene; the video further degrades that part of black life that is already too lacking in elevation; and there is the participation of children in a profanity-filled video.

For most of American history, a child who used such words was punished by his parents, and society instinctively knew how important it was not to expose children to obscenities. Today, adults in the music industry reward children for participating in videos laced with obscenities.

Nor is the nomination of “F— You” as Song of the Year an aberration. Two of the other four nominees are rap “songs” whose lyrics are also vile.

12 year old children!

Black kids saying “F— You!”

What’s next?

Your little 12 year old white daughter being gang raped by a group of wild black man? Horrors! 😯

Please. 🙄

I think Dennis Prager needs to relax and loosen up a little and realize that not everyone in American, including most black people are not out to get every Conservative White girl in America knocked up. Prager might also want to put away the Klan uniform, that decade ended long ago.

You say, “Hey! I thought you were a Conservative!?!?!”

Well, I am; albeit more of a fiscal Conservative, a libertarian-minded person. I find the good majority of social Conservatism to be downright hypocritical. Bristol Palin being a perfect example, not to mention her screwball Mother. (UGH!)

In closing, I believe if Dennis Prager spent more time fighting to define what the Republican Party is supposed to stand for; like trying to move it away from the George W. Bush warmonger Neo-Conservatism that it has been ensconced in since 2000 and back to the traditional Conservative, which is represented by sites like this one here. Then Prager might be doing something. Until then, he his just blowing Hot Air around and acting a bit like a Religious Holier than thou as well. Which, in all honesty, is doing nothing for the Republican Party. Well, except for making them look like total idiots to Independent thinkers, like myself and the rest of the Country.

OH PLEASE! Robert Stacy McCain: Levi Johnson Seduced (or Raped) Bristol Palin

Oh.My.God! The desperation of the Palin-Bots is becoming almost laughable.

You might think Hollywood liberals would embrace it as a feminist Cinderella success story: The teen mom, seduced and abandoned by a two-faced cheater, gets a once-in-a-lifetime chance at a nationally televised dance competition

via Bristol Palin, Margaret Cho, Kathy Griffin and the Politics of Sexual Destruction : The Other McCain.

I got news for you Mr. Robert Stacy McCain, you Neo-Nazi turncoat fuck.  Bristol Palin MORE THAN WILLINGLY spread those legs and those twat lips for Levi Johnson.  Anyone, and I mean ANYONE who believes anything other than that, has got their head planted square in their ASS! …or at the very LEAST is some sort of Sarah Palin Fan boy or possibly….or more than likely both! 🙄

Jesus freaking H. Christ on a freaking Crack rock!  The stupid on the right is becoming SO very hard to bear anymore! 🙄

Jeff Kuhner takes it to another level: Kill Julian Assange

I figured someone in the Conservative media would say this sooner or later. I thought about it, but I really do not like the idea myself.

Jeff Kuhner at the Washington Times writes:

Julian Assange poses a clear and present danger to American national security. The WikiLeaks founder is more than a reckless provocateur. He is aiding and abetting terrorists in their war against America. The administration must take care of the problem – effectively and permanently.

The recent WikiLeaks document dump is the latest example of Mr. Assange’s dangerous behavior. His release of more than 250,000 U.S. diplomatic cables, many of them containing classified information, is a major blow to our foreign policy. The essence of diplomacy – especially that of a great power – is the ability to conduct negotiations and hold talks in secret. Foreign leaders will not be willing to engage in sensitive discussions with American emissaries if their words are going to be splashed across the front pages of the world’s newspapers. Officials in autocratic and Islamist states often risk their lives to cooperate with Washington, usually by providing vital information or advice. They now face a further disincentive to help us: The U.S. government can no longer guarantee the privacy and secrecy of their discussions.

American diplomacy has been crippled. So has our ability to conduct the war on terrorism. For example, the cables cache reveals that the United States is working closely with Yemen’s dictator, Ali Abdullah Saleh, in launching drone strikes against local al Qaeda bases. Al Qaeda has spread to Yemen. Its insurgency is growing. Yemen risks becoming what Afghanistan was before Sept. 11, 2001: a vast sanctuary for jihadists. Mr. Saleh insists that Yemeni public opinion – insular, xenophobic and increasingly Islamic – will not support the U.S. military presence on domestic soil. Hence, he says the pretense must be maintained that Yemen is firing the missiles, not America. This pretense has been shattered – and with it, perhaps, a key ally in the struggle against al Qaeda. Mr. Assange is helping chase the American infidel out of Yemen’s desolate deserts.


The United States is paying a severe price for Mr. Obama’s negligence. This is the greatest diplomatic crisis since the late 1940s, when communist agents in the U.S. government provided atomic secrets to the Soviet Union. The world is witnessing the absurd, almost surreal spectacle of the American superpower standing helpless in the face of a lone hacker. Her diplomatic secrets are no longer safe; her allies and friends are being betrayed; and her cyber-enemies are free to roam with impunity. America is no longer feared or respected.

Attorney General Eric H. Holder Jr. vows that he is looking into possible criminal charges against Mr. Assange. It is too late for tough talk. At this point, we are beyond indictments and courts. The damage has been done; people have died – and will die because of the actions of this puerile, self-absorbed narcissist. News reports say the WikiLeaks founder is hiding out in England. If that’s true, we should treat Mr. Assange the same way as other high-value terrorist targets: Kill him

Okay, here is the question that I feel the need to ask. Are we going to kill someone every time some whistle blower decides to speak out and expose some corruption in Government? Because if that is where we are headed, that is a slippery slope we can never recover from. Like anyone else, I am for open Government, I am also for seeing elected officials held accountable. However, if the United States Government and more importantly the United States Military is being put at risk, then by all means, arrest this guy and put him away.

I have no idea what Julian Assanges motivation is; whether it is conspiracy theory, politics or if he is just a pompous ass.  But the idea of KILLING someone, just because decide to release some confidential information is not something, as a Conservative; who believes in rule of law and not Governmental treachery, that I can support. Because once you unleash that monster onto the American and World Wide Community, it cannot be stopped.

I would think that Jeff Kuhner would be a bit smarter than that. However, when you are working for a paper that basically was a cheerleader for the Bush Administration during the lead up to and during the Iraqi Invasion, one can expect only so much.

Others: Reporters Sans Frontières, Hullabaloo, Harry’s Place, Guardian, New York Times, News: News blog and The New Republic

Anti-Semites at Reddit show their true colors at Reddit

You know how the left likes to say that it is the right who is racist and Anti-Semitic?

Well, I just proved that wrong.

As you know, I wrote a Blog entry here about Helen Thomas and her Anti-Semite comments about “Jews controlling everything.”

Well, I submitted this entry to Reddit and as I expected, it was voted down. What I did not expect is this, click the picture bigger:

Nice. 🙄

I wonder if the owners of Reddit would be willing to stand behind those sort of comments?

I explained as to why I called Helen Thomas what I did. Not because she was an Arab, but because of what she said, and this is the sort of hate that I get in return? I find it appalling that Reddit would allow such hate on their site. Unbelievable. 😯

So, the next time some idiot liberal tells you that the Republican Party is the party of hate — show them this blog entry, please.

Also, please note; this is not the first time this has happened to me. This is just the first time that I have chosen to go public with it. There have been times, when I have writing positive stuff about Conservatives, only to have it voted down. However, I have written stuff critical of Sarah Palin and Republicans and had it voted up. That my friends is bias and it needs to be stopped at Reddit, Period.

Check out my account at Reddit, it will show that I am telling the truth.

Arab Dog Helen Thomas reverses her apology and attacks rich Zionists

(H/T Yid With a Lid)

I put that headline up there intentionally, because Helen Thomas IS a Arab dog in my humble opinion. Anyone that would make an asinine comment like the one that she made, is a damn dog in my opinion.

So, what did this flea bag old biddy say now?

Via The Detroit Free Press:

Striking a defiant tone, journalist Helen Thomas, 90, said today she absolutely stands by her controversial comments about Israel made earlier this year that led to her resignation. But she stoked additional controversy with new remarks, claiming that “Zionists” control U.S. foreign policy and other American institutions. The local Jewish community strongly condemned her remarks.

“I can call a president of the United States anything in the book but I can’t touch Israel, which has Jewish-only roads in the West Bank,” Thomas said. “No American would tolerate that — white-only roads.”

Thomas, who grew up in Detroit the daughter of Lebanese immigrants, was in Dearborn today for an Arab Detroit workshop on anti-Arab bias. The Free Press asked her about her comments, which critics have said were anti-Israel.

“I paid the price for that,” said Thomas, a longtime White House correspondent. “But it was worth it, to speak the truth.”

“The Zionists have to understand that’s their country, too. Palestinians were there long before any European Zionists.”

Thomas claimed that “You can not say anything (critical) about Israel in this country.”

In a speech that drew a standing ovation, Thomas talked about “the whole question of money involved in politics.”

“We are owned by propagandists against the Arabs. There’s no question about that. Congress, the White House, and Hollywood, Wall Street, are owned by the Zionists. No question in my opinion. They put their money where there mouth is…We’re being pushed into a wrong direction in every way.”

Using this flea bag old biddy’s logic, Helen Thomas herself is indirectly responsible for 9/11. What am I talking about? Helen Thomas is a Arabic woman, she is Palestinian; so were the men who hijacked those planes on 9/11, so that makes Helen Thomas indirectly responsible for the terrorist attacks on 9/11. After all, if we are going to go the collective route and blame everyone for everything, why not blame Helen Thomas for 9/11?

In case, your one of those slow people; what I just wrote was sarcasm. Because it is, in fact, that stupid. But Helen Thomas has all that covered:

In the interview, Thomas talked about the problems that Palestinians face, saying that “Arabs are not terrorists.

Which is quite funny, because it is the Arab Muslims that are doing the acts of terrorism —- not Jews, not Hindus, not Buddhists, not Christians; but Arab Terrorists. What Helen Thomas is referring to is the fact that a good majority of Americans believe that ALL Arabs are terrorists. There is a reason for this perception, it is because the majority of peace loving Muslims in America and abroad steadfastly refuse to stand up against those who choose to engage in terrorism, and chose to take a extremist stance on the Koran. Now, there is a defense for that, and I know what it is; it is because if these peace-loving Muslims abroad do speak up, they could be killed by those who are taking the extremist position.

There is a solution to that problem —– numbers. That’s right numbers. There is an old saying, “There is strength in numbers.” Peace-loving Arab Muslims in mass numbers need to rise up and take their Religion back from these cold blooded killers who have hi-jacked a Religion away from those who simply want to practice their religion in peace. Which is why the good majority of Muslims migrate here to American, so that they can do just that.

Now I could go on about what Helen Thomas has said, but I have to honestly ask myself. Is she worth it? The smart answer is no. Helen Thomas is just asking for the attention. I will not give it to her. She went on about the Iraq War, and repeated the liberal talking points about that war. Which is to be expected by her; as she herself, a liberal.

I called Helen Thomas an Arab dog, because that is what she is acting like — a Dog. This is not to say that I actually believe that ALL persons of Arabic decent are Dogs, as I do not. I believe that there are respectable persons of Arabic decent; I also believe that there are racist Anti-Semite Arabs as well. Helen Thomas is quite obviously one of those. Thus the reason why I called her an Arab Dog.

That is all….

Others: Weasel Zippers, blogs, Pajamas Media, Elder of Ziyon, Solomonia, The Daily Caller and FrumForum

Man, I thought I was an asshole

This guy here, makes me look like a boy scout! Seriously. 😯

In all honesty, I am quite shocked that someone has not taken the law into their own hands and popped the guy. (and if you do not know what I mean by “popped the guy”, look it up……)

I mean, I admit that I use the “Google Juice”; But I use it for pretty much honest purposes. Which is blog promotion and so forth. This is guy is using Google to outright defraud people, which is morally wrong.

Either way, it is a perfect example of bad or evil capitalism. Yes, I do believe there is such a thing. The man is a scam artist. I am all for Business, Capitalism, and making money — but in a honest and legal manner. Not like this; that is dishonest and is illegal and this guy should be cooling his heals in a jail cell somewhere.

The biggest issue about this guy and his little scam operation; is that it makes honest, hard working small business owners look horrible. Because seeing that the New York Times is reporting it; it will be framed in the manner that the readers will believe that ALL business owners are like that. That my friends is simply just not the truth; not everyone is out to screw the customer like that.

Hell, I used to run a business, a very small one; but just the same, it was a small business and I went out of my way to make sure that my customers were always happy. As a result of that, many of them would come looking for me and would ask me, if I could get them what they wanted and I usually was able to get them what they wanted. I used to be in the Electronics Business. I sold CB radios and Accessories, at one time. I took care of my customers. If I could not beat the big guy’s prices, I would tell them and they usually would get it from the other person.

However, there were times when I could I get a good deal on something and I would pass it on to my customers. The point here that I am trying to make is this; this idiot is making a mockery of the business would. He is a rude jerk and is getting away with it. Not to mention the legality of what he is doing. But above all, it just makes small business owners look bad, and that my friends is just not good. Something should be done about him and quickly.

Others: The Huffington Post, Althouse, Runnin’ Scared, Bark Bark Woof Woof and The New Republic, BuzzMachine, Deep Jive Interests, Elliott C. Back and Gadgetopia

Andrew Sullivan says something intelligent for a change.

I cannot say that I disagree with this:

There is no maturity here; no self-reflection; no capacity even to think how to appeal to the half of Americans who are already so appalled by her trashy behavior and cheap publicity stunts. There is a meanness, a disrespect, a vicious partisanship that, if allowed to gain more power, would split this country more deeply and more rancorously than at any time in recent years. And that’s saying something.

via Why America Won’t Buy Palinism – The Daily Dish | By Andrew Sullivan.

I also give Sully credit for not swiping her on that silly screw up with the Korea’s. That was petty and stupid.

Having said that —- Let’s not even talk her appearing with that mentally depraved Feminist Nazi Geraldine Ferraro and acting like she was some sort of hero of hers. She did everything but go down on her, on live TV. Hmph, some Conservative. 🙄

Plain and simple, Sarah Palin is a damned liberal in a Conservative skin, who thinks she is entitled to be President —– because she is a woman. Reagan is a damned skirt; please don’t make me barf. She’s nothing more than a attention whoring twat, with foul mouthed and slutty daughters. She is not fit to be Mayor of Utah, much less President of the United States. The quicker she disappears from the public scene, the better.

I wonder, are the Palin daughters and fan boys going to some swear at me too? 🙄

The Early Morning Mental Health Break Presents: Motley Crue

This one is dedicated to this couple here. May they be married forever and have a shitload of kids. Thanks for your service dude and don’t sweat the small stuff.

Hillary and Jason Martin

It was to be the perfect end to a perfect day. Hillary and Jason Martin had just gotten married. They arrived at Bakersfield’s swank Padre Hotel — the bride in her wedding dress, the groom in Marine Corps dress blues.

They were 18 and in love.

They were 18 and out of luck.

The two were old enough to marry. Jason Martin, on leave after completing boot camp, was old enough to join the Marines. The Padre Hotel’s age policy, however, required them to be at least 21 to get a room.

“I was so upset,” Hillary Martin said. “I just broke down. I thought, ‘Here I am looking for a place to stay on my honeymoon.'”

The couple dated all through their years at Bakersfield’s Foothill High School, where Jason was a standout on the baseball team. They had talked of getting married. But someday became now with the birth of twin sons 9 months ago and Jason’s enlistment. He proposed to Hillary just before leaving for boot camp for three months earlier this year.

The idea was to get hitched during Jason’s 10-day leave before he headed off to combat training.

“I planned it all myself,” Hillary said. “We couldn’t afford to go out of town or anything.”

They were young and broke, and so Hillary’s mother offered to spring for their honeymoon night at the Padre, a newly renovated Bakersfield landmark where the “Oil Baron Suite” will set you back $649 on Saturday night.

The couple’s Nov. 12 incident at the hotel found its way to the local media thanks to an angry cousin of Hillary’s. The hotel’s manager explained to a television reporter that employees were simply following a longstanding policy to which no exceptions are made.

And just like that, the hotel found itself with a sticky public relations problem.

“This is an outrage!” a reader posted on the Bakersfield Californian’s website. “If a person can sign up to fight and possibly die for his country then he should be able to stay at any hotel he wants to.” — Read The Rest

Others: protein wisdom

From the “This should be REAL interesting” file: Westboro Baptist Church vs Dearborn Islamic Center

Ace of Spades HQ, Gateway Pundit, The Jawa Report and Bare Nekkid Islam are all reporting about this one… So, I will too.

Looks like the Fred Phelps stooges are going to pull off the ultimate picket:

Islamic Center of America in Dearborn, MI November 18, 2010 8:00 AM – 8:30 AM
Fred Phelps and the WBC will picket the Islamic Center of America in Dearborn, MI, the largest mosque in North America, to remind the idolatrous, doomed Muslims that Mohammed was a pedophile and a false prophet. Like most other false religious systems of modern doomed america, Islam teaches rebellion against the Lord Jesus Christ. Muslims claim Christ was merely a prophet and that He did not die and live again. They claim His blood is not sufficient or even necessary for salvation. They shall learn the truth when Christ himself returns!

Commenter Midwest Engineer at Gateway pundit snarks:

Thursday’s news Headline…”Westboro pickets mosque in Dearborn with ‘God Hates Muslims signs””

Friday’s news Headline…”Mysterious bombing in Kansas annihilates controversial church”

Russ over at Ace’s joint really pours it on:

Thank you, Jesus. Thank you from the bottom of my heart. This is like Alien v. Predator, Leonard v. Hagler, Seinfeld v. Newman, Ralph Macchio v. The Cobra Kai Dojo and Olbermann v. Stewart all wrapped up in one delicious bite. If only I had cornered the market on popcorn before this fateful day!


Let’s go to the tape:

In the Red corner, wearing wraparound black shades and a poofy polyester vest, we’ve got God’s Own Avenger, Fred Phelps. He’s old, but he’s evil – and he’s all about family. (Which is evidenced by the fact that his “church” is pretty much made up of his extended family members.) He really really really really really really really really really really really really really really disagrees with the current acceptance of homosexuality in modern culture. Up ’til now, he’s warmed up on public events like Matthew Shephard’s funeral, the funerals of US servicemen who died serving their country, and attending the 1988 Democratic National Convention as an invited guest of Al Gore – but now he’s ready to step up a weight class and compete for the Heavyweight Title Belt.

In the Blue corner, wearing a hijab and carrying The Sword of Allah, we’ve got the Dearborn Islamic Center. They don’t hate America…………….but they TOTALLY understand your motivation if you want to shoot up an Army Recruiting Center or lob a bomb into a synagogue. They don’t take kindly to cartoons of their beloved prophet, so expect them to bring their “A” game when their opponents bring out the MOHAMMED WAS A PEDOPHILE signs.

Folks, this will be an EPIC battle. Think “Thunderdome” with monster trucks. Think “Battle of the Bands” with Kiss (in full makeup) and Tenacious D facing off in a ROCKOFF! Think “Snakes on a Plane”……………

Oh wait. Don’t.

This is Fred’s chance to stand up and make himself into a Holy Martyr for the Cause, and I for one hope he takes FULL advantage of the opportunity.

Of course, the downside to Fred becoming a martyr would be the whole death thing, plus upon his arrival at the Pearly Gates he might be just a wee bit shocked to find that the authority on whether or not to allow him to enter has been temporarily delegated to ………… Freddy Mercury.

Let me go on the record of saying this; this will be one Muslim revenge terrorist attack that I will personally endorse. I would go as far to say something to the effect of, “Hell, I’ll drive the damned truck!” But that would be offering to be a supporter of terrorism, and last I checked, that is a BIG FAT NO NO! (when it comes to the feds, that is…) In any other instance; I would be bouncing off the walls trying to warn these people NOT to do something like this. However, Fred Phelps and his little merry band of stooges have gone out of their way to degrade our Nation’s Military, Presidents, Other Churches, and anyone or anything else that disagrees with their moronic interpretation of the Bible. Which is, for what it is worth, an extremist version of Calvinistic Christianity, which is called Absolute Predestination, which is, by the way, rejected by about 99.99% of Calvinist Christians.

In layman’s terms; Calvinism to Christianity is what Unions are to Automobile Plants — a closed shop, in other words. Absolute Predestination is basically the bolting of the windows and the doors, so that nobody and I mean NOBODY can get in or out. Yeah, it is that farking crazy. So crazy in fact, that even Calvinists think it is crazy. Toss in a dash of just straight up hate and you have Fred Phelps. Phelps is basically a Calvinistic Baptist Jim Jones; in the sense of the control that he has over his people. To my knowledge however, Phelps is not into Communism, like Jim Jones was.

Now you understand Fred Phelps and Westboro Baptist Church……and I use that word “church” quite loosely.

This is what happens when Sarah Palin endorses a candidate: Joe Miller LOSES!

This is what happens when a train wreck, reality television star gets involved in politics and endorses political candidates; they lose:

JUNEAU, Alaska (AP) – Sen. Lisa Murkowski has become the first Senate candidate in more than 50 years to win a write-in campaign.

Murkowski emerged victorious after a painstaking, two-week count of write-in ballots showed she has overtaken over tea party rival Joe Miller.

Her victory became clear when Alaska election officials confirmed they had only about 700 votes left to count, putting Murkowski in safe territory to win re-election.

Murkowski has a lead of about 10,000 votes, a total that includes 8,153 ballots in which Miller observers challenged over things like misspellings, extra words or legibility issues.

Murkowski is flying back to Alaska to address supporters, telling them that the campaign “made history.”

Miller surprised Murkowski in the GOP primary, prompting the incumbent to run as a write-in.

via AP: Murkowski emerges as winner in Alaska Senate race.

I felt good about Joe Miller, until Sarah Palin got involved, then I knew it would never happen, he would not get elected. This is what happens when Palin gets involved, people lose and lose badly. It is what happened when O’Donnell ran and it is now happening with Joe Miller. The truth is, Sarah Palin has zero business endorsing anyone at all. I just wonder, will her kids come to my blog and start swearing at me, like they did over on facebook, when someone started telling the truth about Sarah Palin and her idiotic show? It is to wonder.

The truth is Sarah Palin has never succeeded at anything; including being Governor of Alaska. This little failure here, is just more living proof of that. The Republican party should take notice of that and let this little incident here, be one of many pieces of evidence that Sarah Palin is not fit to the President of the PTA in Wasilla, Alaska; much less the President of the United States. If Sarah Palin wants to do anything to impress me, or anyone else in this movement that we call the Tea Party, she needs to pack up her little tampon box of silly ideas and go back to Alaska and try being a Mother to her children and a Wife to her Husband. That is if she even has any of that left at all.

We need leadership in Washington D.C. — not some shrieking harpy psycho, who is all for having a Christian version of Sharia law in this Country.  Count me as one of the many American Paleo-Conservatives, who have taken a great pleasure in seeing one of psycho Sarah Palin’s endorsements doing a very righteous face plant. It could not have happened to better person and may this be the first of many more for this idiotic woman.