How bad of a punchline has this Presidential Administration become?

This bad: (H/T AllahPundit)

It’s like I told James Carville, it’s a little late for panic. It is time to find someone else!

Bob Prechter explains current stock trends

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Video: Joseph Farah a radical communist?!?!?!

Yesterday, I was browsing around over at WorldNetDaily and I happen to come upon a video made by Victoria Jackson. It is of her interviewing WorldNetDaily Founder Joseph Farah.

I found the video itself to be very amusing and interesting at the same time. Although the camera whipping around back and forth did make me feel like I was going to sailing out of my chair and did make me feel like I wanted to puke a few times.

Either way, it is an awesome interview and it looks like me and Joe Farah have a bunch in common. 😀

The Video:

…and by the way, if you are wondering about this here; Yes, I still stand by that statement. Which is why I rarely ever quote or link to anything WorldNetDaily publishes. Unless I don’t see it anywhere else. I published the video, because I thought it to be interesting.

The Thursday Night Music Express Presents: Barry Manilow

Via the Daily Caller:

Grammy award-winning musician Barry Manilow told The Daily Caller that he agrees with “just about everything” 2012 Republican presidential candidate Rep. Ron Paul says, calling him a “solid” contender for the highest office in the land.

“I like him. I like what he says, I do. I like what he says. I think he’s solid,” said Manilow, who confirmed to TheDC in an interview at the Capitol on Thursday that he contributed to Paul’s last campaign for president.

“I agree with just about everything he says. What can I tell you?” Manilow added.

WOW! 😯

Sorry Mr. Carville, But it is too late for the White House to Panic

If someone would have written something like this —- say maybe a year and half or longer ago; I would have been all for it. However, I do believe that it is too little, too late for this Administration.  Anyone that knows anything about politics, knows that the worst thing that can happen to a politician is a bad political skid.  Sad to say this, but the Obama White House is a very bad political skid at the moment and sadly has no pea-picking clue how to get out of that skid at all.

Well, Anyhow, James Carville, seems to believe that now would be the good time to try and correct the skid, just before the political “car” is about to head for the proverbial cliff.  Mr. Carville writes:

People often ask me what advice I would give the White House about various things. Today I was mulling over election results from New York and Nevada while thinking about that very question. What should the White House do now? One word came to mind: Panic.

We are far past sending out talking points. Do not attempt to dumb it down. We cannot stand any more explanations. Have you talked to any Democratic senators lately? I have. It’s pretty damn clear they are not happy campers.

This is what I would say to President Barack Obama: The time has come to demand a plan of action that requires a complete change from the direction you are headed.

via What should the White House do? Panic! –

What Carville is referring to is the ever growing feeling among the Democrats that Obama is simply out of his league, as evidenced in the latest go-around with the jobs bill. Carville also gives some advice to the President:

1. Fire somebody. No — fire a lot of people. This may be news to you but this is not going well. For precedent, see Russian Army 64th division at Stalingrad. There were enough deaths at Stalingrad to make the entire tea party collectively orgasm.

Mr. President, your hinge of fate must turn. Bill Clinton fired many people in 1994 and took a lot of heat for it. Reagan fired most of his campaign staff in 1980. Republicans historically fired their own speaker, Newt Gingrich. Bush fired Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld. For God’s sake, why are we still looking at the same political and economic advisers that got us into this mess? It’s not working.

Furthermore, it’s not going to work with the same team, the same strategy and the same excuses. I know economic analysts are smart — some work 17-hour days. It’s time to show them the exit. Wake up — show us you are doing something.

Well, for starters, how about Obama just fire himself? Have you seen the latest headlines on the Gun running scandal? How about the pressuring of officials to change their testimony for projects gone a muck?  Not to mention the crazy idea of Attack Watch, is not that like a Nixon enemies list? It is quite obvious that this Administration is the most corrupt Presidential administration ever; and if you do not believe that the Obama was being that Gun-running operation, you are crazy.

Carville goes on:

2.Indict people. There are certain people in American finance who haven’t been held responsible for utterly ruining the economic fabric of our country. Demand from the attorney general a clear status of the state of investigation concerning these extraordinary injustices imposed upon the American people. I know Attorney General Eric Holder is a close friend of yours, but if his explanations aren’t good, fire him too. Demand answers to why no one has been indicted.

Mr. President, people are livid. Tell people that you, too, are angry and sickened by the irresponsible actions on Wall Street that caused so much suffering. Do not accept excuses. Demand action now.

As my friend Ed Morrissey points out, was there not a time in this Country, when using the Justice Department for political purposes, was a bad thing? Is that not what the Democrats howled to the high Heavens about, when Bush was in office; further more, as someone who was a advisor to President Bill Clinton — I think Carville is the last person who needs to be talking about President and the Justice Department.

Carville goes on to say that the President is not acting like a Democrat enough, which too, is stupid on its face. I would tend to believe that many, including those on the right who would say he is acting like a Democrat just perfectly; by enacting polices that  have failed and is behind actions in the Government which are totally correct and are just now being brought out for public scrutiny.

So, while this might be some good advice, I believe it might just be a little too late for any of this sort of advice to the President. In other words; the President has dug his own damned hole and the clock is running on out his socialist experiment. Soon, the adults will have the keys back and the progressives will be run back to the rat holes of politics — where they damned well belong.

Others: Salon, The Politico, Via Meadia, Don Surber, Guardian, Outside the Beltway, Flower & Thistle, Mediaite, AMERICAN DIGEST, Pajamas Media, Naked Politics, US Politics, Hot Air, Randy’s Roundtable,, Taylor Marsh, The Other McCain, Datechguy’s Blog and The Crawdad Hole —Via Memeorandum


The stupidity of

This is a blog posting that I have been wanting to write for a few days now. I happen to follow the guy, that I am about to link to on twitter and I saw the link to this blog entry go whizzing by and at the time, I did not have the time to write about it. But, now, I do. So, here goes…

I have been chided by people who dislike me in the past for having a account at One of which was yanked, because I did not agree with their simple-minded nonsense.

Anyhow, looks like someone else ran headlong into the totalitarian rules at that website/forum/cesspool.

Click here to read all about it.   PLEASE NOTE: The following link that you are about to click on, is a blog that contains very frank discussions on race. Some people might be seriously offended by what they see and read there. Please, in the name of sensibility; do not assume that I agree with the contents of that site. I simply linked it, for your educational and enlightenment. In other words, I am not a hate-mongering tool and I should not be lumped in with them. Thanks. It might not be safe for work either; so consider this your obligatory content warning.


Message to mobile users

Just letting everyone and all users who read this site via mobile devices know that I had to switch to different mobile plug in for WordPress. It seems that the old one had a bug, in which threaded and paged comments were not working.

In other words, that last huge comment thread on the chick who whined about getting yanked off that plane, mobile users could only see like 34 of the comments. I discovered this, because I just happened to look at the posting on my iPod.

Anyhow, the new mobile plug in has some excellent features and the really cool features, like all the ads on the main blog display for mobile users. Pictures and videos automatically resize, which makes my job 100% easier.

I will admit, the theme is bit busy, and ALL the ads are there. (hint hint!!! I don’t do this for my health, ya know!)

That is all….

Da Boss ’round here…

Obama is losing the Jewish vote because……

I’ll answer it after you go read this story at the WSJ… I’ll wait:

New York’s special congressional election on Tuesday was the first electoral outcome directly affected by President Obama’s Israel policy. Democrats were forced to expend enormous resources in a losing effort to defend this safe Democratic district, covering Queens and Brooklyn, that Anthony Weiner won last year by a comfortable margin.

A Public Policy Poll taken days before the election found a plurality of voters saying that Israel was “very important” in determining their votes. Among those voters, Republican candidate Robert Turner was winning by a 71-22 margin. Only 22% of Jewish voters approved of President Obama’s handling of Israel. Ed Koch, the Democrat and former New York mayor, endorsed Mr. Turner because he said he wanted to send a message to the president about his anti-Israel policies.

This is a preview of what President Obama might face in his re-election campaign with a demographic group that voted overwhelmingly for him in 2008. And it could affect the electoral map, given the battleground states—such as Florida and Pennsylvania—with significant Jewish populations. In another ominous barometer for the Obama campaign, its Jewish fund-raising has deeply eroded: One poll by McLaughlin & Associates found that of Jewish donors who donated to Mr. Obama in 2008, only 64% have already donated or plan to donate to his re-election campaign.

via Dan Senor: Why Obama Is Losing the Jewish Vote –

Now as to why Obama is losing the Jewish vote. One phrase:

1967 Borders

You think that the Jewish people here in America would not hold that one against him?

You better think again!

Others: Israel Matzav, Shot in the Dark and Betsy’s Page

When accusations of Anti-Semitism go horribly wrong

How horrible:

A half-listening student, a hypersensitive campus and the speed at which gossip travels on the Internet conspired to create a very damaging game of broken telephone for one York University professor this week.

Cameron Johnston, who has been teaching at York for more than 30 years, has been forced to respond to allegations that he made anti-Semitic remarks in a lecture on Monday afternoon after a student misunderstood his comments and began sending emails to Jewish groups and the media.

Johnston was giving his introductory lecture to Social Sciences 1140: “Self, Culture and Society,” when he explained to the nearly 500 students that the course was going to focus on texts, not opinions, and despite what they may have heard elsewhere, everyone is not entitled to their opinion.

“All Jews should be sterilized” would be an example of an unacceptable and dangerous opinion, Johnston told the students.

He didn’t notice Sarah Grunfeld storm out. Grunfeld, a 22-year-old in her final year at York, understood Johnston’s example to be his personal opinion.

She contacted Oriyah Barzilay, the president of Hasbara at York — an Israel advocacy group on campus — who then sent a press release to media and other Jewish community groups calling for Johnston to be fired.

Blogs and Facebook groups picked it up, and in a few hours the allegations spread within the city’s Jewish community, albeit mostly online.

Sensitivities around anti-Semitism are particularly heightened at York, which has a large Jewish population and a history of toxic relations between supporters and critics of Israel on campus.

“I’m terribly upset,” Johnston said Tuesday. “I’m very proud of the fact that in the history of my teaching career I’ve stood for the best values of what constitutes a meaningful human community.”

Johnston, who is Jewish, said his religion likely influenced his choice of words, why he used “this example of a completely reprehensible opinion” with historical precedent.

During the Second World War, Nazi scientists experimented with mass sterilization on Jewish prisoners in concentration camps.

“I think it’s a very good thing that people are sensitive to this kind of remark, and I think it’s a very good thing that someone would respond immediately and deal with it if they thought that they heard an anti-Semitic comment,” Johnston said. “But in this case, it’s a misreading.”

The irony for Johnston is that he was trying to teach his students that ideas have consequences.

“So I’m pretty shocked to find the consequences — what I was talking about in lecture — is that I get seen as an example of prejudice.”

Grunfeld said Tuesday she may have misunderstood the context and intent of Johnston’s remarks, but that fact is insignificant.

“The words, ‘Jews should be sterilized’ still came out of his mouth, so regardless of the context I still think that’s pretty serious.”

Grunfeld also expressed skepticism that Johnston was in fact Jewish.

Asked directly by a reporter whether she believes Johnston is lying, she was unclear.

“Whether he is or is not, no one will know,” she said. “. . . Maybe he thought because he is Jewish he can talk smack about other Jews.”

via Toronto News: Jewish prof forced to defend himself against anti-Semitism claims –

Stuff like this, is why I tend to be very careful about handing out accusations of Antisemitism. As someone who’s been accused of that myself; I know too well what that can do to a person. It sounds to me, however, like this chick is just looking to stir up trouble for her teacher. Maybe she did not like the class, and thought this would be a clever way to get the professor fired. You say, I am wrong? Well, let’s just say that the young people today have no limits on what they will do, if they have grudge against someone. Progressivism teaches that sort of a thing; that there are no limits to what one can do. If you think you are being offended, get the person fired.

My sympathies to the man. Hopefully this works out for the good. If I were him, I would sue the girl and her family myself.

Others: Le·gal In·sur·rec· tion, The Volokh Conspiracy and Gawker

UPDATED — Video: Attaaaaaaaaaaaack Waaaaaaaaaaaaaatch!

Seriously. They have a website and a twitter account.

This, of course, has become of the joke of twitter, at the moment…

Here’s hoping someone reports me to the magic negro the President.

(Via Jim Treacher)

Update: Needless to say this has become a Memeorandum thread.

Update #2: Love the comments at on this and now there is a site, called HEH! 😀

…and of course, Via AllahPundit, who’s got a deadpool going on on this one, the Fox News Debate on AttackWatch:

Update #3: A big thank you to the guys at FreeRepublic for linking in.

Video: Bitch Fight!

The Story via NBC New York:

A Long Island mom has been arrested and charged with allegedly encouraging two 12-year-old girls to duke it out during a dispute outside an elementary school — and then participating in the fight herself.

Daphne Melin of Shirley has been charged with endangering the welfare of a child and attempted assault.

Mary Jones, 11, goes to school with the two girls.

She said she saw “hair tugging and ripping and pushing and then the mom just started beating up the girl.”

Police said the fight on Sunday lasted several minutes.

Melin “spit in the girl’s face and then grabbed her by the hair and kneed her in the head several times,” Suffolk police said.

Melin said her daughter was the victim of cyber-bullying and that she was getting no help from the school, so she took the matter into her own hands.

I’m sure she’ll get plenty of help now. 🙄

Wait! Daphne?!?!

Cue the Music:

So, that’s what happened to her after the series ended…. 😀

Mixed Bag: Jobs bill to make not hiring long term unemployed illegal

I call this one a mixed bag, for a number of reasons that I will explain after the quote and what I write might surprise you.

President Obama’s American Jobs Act, which he presented to Congress on Monday, would make it illegal for employers to run advertisements saying that they will not consider unemployed workers, or to refuse to consider or hire people because they are unemployed.

The proposed language is found in a section of the bill titled “Prohibition of Discrimination in Employment on the Basis of an Individual’s Status as Unemployed.” That section would also make it illegal for employers to request that employment agencies take into account a person’s unemployed status.

It would also allow aggrieved job-seekers to seek damages if they have been discriminated against. This provision in particular prompted Rep. Louie Gohmert (R-Texas) to argue that Obama’s proposal is aimed at creating a new, special class of people who can sue companies.

“So if you’re unemployed, and you go to apply for a job and you’re not hired for that job, see a lawyer,” Gohmert said on the House floor. “You might be able to file a claim because you got discriminated against because you’re unemployed.”

via Obama’s bill makes it illegal to discriminate against unemployed – The Hill’s Floor Action.

I see that other blogs are ballyhooing about this one; and even as someone who has been unemployed since 2005, I can see why this would be a bad idea.

First off, most unemployment cases like this, would be tossed out of court. Because unless it is a union shop, there is no guarantee of employment, ever. In other words, no employer is obligated to hire anyone, ever. As much as I know that being employed sucks and being unemployed since 2005 sucks even worse; it would be very hard to prove that some company did not hire me because of that reason. One would have to establish that an employer knowingly did not hire you, because of your extended employment. In lawyer terms, it is called “proving malice,” I believe. But, again, I am not a lawyer.

Here is why I call it a mixed bag: The only way this would be a good thing; would be if you did have definite proof that an employer was not hiring you, for being long term unemployed. However, to be, that just seems wrong. No one, who owns a business, should be obligated to hire anyone, ever.

Second of all, putting myself into the shoes of an employer; if I knew that Congress was going to pass this sort of a law or did pass it — I would be very leery of hiring anyone who had been unemployed for any length of time. In fact, if you did not have a job, when you applied, I would not bother even calling you, for fear of being sued.

Thirdly, from what I have been reading, this “jobs bill” is basically D.O.A. — the Republicans are not going to pass it. Speeches or not, the thing will die in Congress.

So, file this one under, “The road to hell is paved with good intentions.”

If it is worth anything at all; I even told this one to my lifelong Democratic Party voting Mom, and she even said, “That’s crazy! They won’t pass that!” 😀

Others: Weasel Zippers and JammieWearingFool (Via Memeorandum)




UPDATED : Woman Detained on flight from Denver to Detroit, whines about it on her blog.

You know, I hate to be an a-hole about this sort of a thing. But there just some things that I cannot and will not overlook.

Anyhow, some woman of Arab and Jewish decent was detained at Detroit Metro Airport on a flight from Denver. She was strip-searched and now has taken to her blog to whine about it and also use racist imagery. For the record, here is a news article about it.

She starts her blog posting:

Silly me. I thought flying on 9/11 would be easy. I figured most people would choose not to fly that day so lines would be short, planes would be lightly filled and though security might be ratcheted up, we’d all feel safer knowing we had come a long way since that dreadful Tuesday morning 10 years ago.

But then armed officers stormed my plane, threw me in handcuffs and locked me up.

At first, when I started reading the post; I actually felt sorry for the lady. You know, innocent woman being strip-searched and such. But then, as I got further in the article, I started seeing things like this:

They took him to another room, and I heard an officer tell him to remove his clothes. He was going to be searched. I could not fully grasp what was happening. I stared at the yellow walls and listened to a few officers talk about the overtime they were racking up, and I decided that I hated country music. I hated speedboats and shitty beer in coozies and fat bellies and rednecks. I thought about Abu Ghraib and the horror to which those prisoners were exposed. I thought about my dad and his prescience.  I was glad he wasn’t alive to know about what was happening to me. I thought about my kids, and what would have happened if they had been there when I got taken away. I contemplated never flying again. I thought about the incredible waste of taxpayer dollars in conducting an operation like this. I wondered what my rights were, if I had any at all. Mostly, I could not believe I was sitting in some jail cell in some cold, undisclosed building surrounded by “the authorities.”


Another female officer, this one in jeans and a t-shirt came to visit me. She introduced herself as an agent–Homeland Security. She removed my handcuffs and had me follow her to a different room down a long hall and through a few doors. As we walked, I got a glimpse of the watch-stealer, a chubby middle-aged white guy with a buzz cut. He didn’t look too different from some of the officers.


After fingerprinting me and asking me about my height/weight/place and date of birth and so on, a middle-aged white cop with a beer belly and a flat top returned me–without handcuffs–to the cell. I waited, wondering if I would be spending the night locked up. I thought about the last words my husband said to me while I was still on the plane waiting on the tarmac, “They must have found out there was a Hebshi on the plane.” We joke about this at times, that because of my ethnicity I am being scrutinized but I had no intention of putting that out to the universe and making it happen.

…and the real humdinger is this one:

I thought about Malcom X and how bravely and fastidiously he studied and wrote while he was in prison, how his solitude enabled him to transform his anger into social change and personal betterment. That’s when I decided to write this post. I needed to explain what had happened–was happening–to me. I was not going to be silent. Still, I wondered what my rights were, and though I felt violated and scared I wasn’t sure that our new laws protected me from this treatment.

There is also this….:

I wondered what my rights were, and though I felt violated and scared I wasn’t sure that our new laws protected me from this treatment. 

If this woman wants any sympathy from me, she needs to get off of the racist stereotypes of white people. If I would have penned this article, ripping on this woman, because she happens to be a Jewish/Arab half breed, I would be called every sort of names, you know, like Anti-Semitic and racist? I found that to be extremely offensive and I told her so, in some very colorful language as to that fact.

Further more, what about the people in the World Trade Center towers, who had to choose between burning alive or being crushed to death or jumping from the building and dying. You do not think those people did not feel violated and scared?

Again, I do not cheer this woman’s misfortune, but this is the era we live in; the post-911 era. Thanks to the action of a group of Arab Muslim terrorists, we now live into a era of hyper-security. If this woman wants to register a complaint; she should try registering it to Al-Qaeda, better yet, let her register a complaint to the Muslim community here in America and abroad and condemn them for not standing up and saying that they are not doing enough to stand up against radical Muslims.

I have to wonder, how much of that story was embellished or as we usually call it — made up?

Remember folks, As Debbie Schlussel says, 9/11 was a MUSLIM Job and we, the American people were the true victims, not Arabs or Muslims.  But then again, this woman sounds like a moronic liberal idiot, who always thinks directly backward of a sane, rational, human being. As Dr. Michael Savage says — Liberalism is a mental disorder. Update: Don’t believe me? Just look right here. How stupid can people be?!? 🙄

Others: The Atlantic OnlineHit & Run  Gothamist  Business InsiderThe Atlantic Online and  — via Memeorandum

Update: It appears that my article has hit a nerve. I got one thing to say…:

You see, nobody thought of their rights. No one cared. Liberals, Muslims and Democrats thought we were the “Great Satan” and deserved it. This is why I bitched about this article.


Video: A PERFECT example of why I will never vote Democratic Party, ever again

This comes via Tina over at HotAir.

A perfect example of the extremely stupid mentality of the far left and not so far left in this Country.


Tina Says:

As one commenter put it on NewsBusters, the phrase won’t die because “the lefties like those nifty chants. ‘Bush acted on bad intelligence – people died,’ just doesn’t have the catchiness of ‘Bush lied – people died.’”

Another thing Tina did not mention in her piece is this; the opposition over the Iraq War was not over concern of the Iraqi’s. The truth is, the left did not honestly give two flips about those people. The entire Anti-War movement was entirely partisan. You say, I’m wrong? — then, tell me — where are the protests now that President Obama is in office!?!?

This video above, is another reason in a litany of reasons why I will never vote Democratic Party ever again. It is because of the blatant hypocrisy of the people. I would rather someone be truthful with me, than blow smoke up my rear end, when it comes to politics and that is what the Democratic Party has done for as long as I can remember. The sick part is, they have done for years and for what? Votes. They do it to blacks, they do it to Latinos, they do it to almost everyone that wants a handout. Democrats don’t teach achievement, they teach dependence, on the Government. I want to vote for someone, who will try to cut through the B.S. — so that I can start a small business or two. Maybe get this blog registered as a business, so that I can try to get some investment capital. But you think I am going to try it now, with all this idiotic nonsense in the way, with the Obama White House? Not on your life! I’d also like to start a business related to my hobby. But, I cannot, not with things the way they are now!

Just wanted to share this one; because this one here, hit home with me as a former “Left of Center.”

Another thing too, if this genius does not know the difference between a “lie” and a “mistake,” he needs to seriously get the heck off MSNBC’s airwaves and go back to school.

 Update: Blogger Round up at Memeorandum

Rick Perry explains himself

…and does a decent job at it too. Basically, he now says the same thing as Romney. Most likely, he is trying not to sound like Ron Paul or worse.

The first step to fixing a problem is honestly admitting there is a problem. America’s goal must be to fix Social Security by making it more financially sound and sustainable for the long term. But Americans deserve a frank and honest discussion of the dire financial challenges facing the nearly 80-year-old program.

By Alice Keeney,, AP

As I said at the Reagan Library recently, Social Security benefits for current recipients and those nearing retirement must be protected. For younger workers, we must consider reforms to make Social Security financially viable.

These are the hard facts: Social Security’s unfunded liability is calculated in the trillions of dollars. Last year, annual Social Security outlays exceeded annual revenues for the first time since 1983. The Congressional Budget Office projects that outlays will be roughly 5% greater than revenues over the next five years, worsening as more and more Baby Boomers retire

via Rick Perry: I am going to be honest with the American people –

So, head on over and read the rest of that, it makes for some good reading.

Others: CNN, National Review, Washington Monthly, The Caucus, Firedoglake, Wall Street Journal, Reuters, Ballot Box, Business Insider, The Maddow Blog, Weasel Zippers, Politics, FrumForum, Swampland, Cato @ Liberty, Hot Air, ThinkProgress, Outside the Beltway, JustOneMinute, Daily Kos,*, Campaign 2012, The Crawdad Hole, The Page, GOP 12, The Hill, Hugh Hewitt’s TownHall Blog, Pundit & Pundette, The Daily Dish and The Lonely Conservative — and more via Memeorandum


Is DailyKos discriminating against blacks?

Yesterday, I posted about Kos over at DailyKos going all “Charles Johnson” on his blog.

Well, it appears that I missed a bigger story — big surprise there! 😉

From what I have been able to put together, there has been a mass banning of black users over at DailyKos and, to be blunt — the Kossaks are not happy, especially the black users there.

Stuff to read about what happening over there:

Search results on Boycott, racism, moderation

So, is the mask slipping or is this just a food fight between children?

T-Paw Endorses Mitt Romney

Ed Morrissey says he did not see this one coming. But, I did. I mean, why not? One moderate squishy Republican endorses another.

Here’s the official news via The Politico:

Former Minnesota Gov. Tim Pawlenty endorsed Mitt Romney for president Monday, praising his onetime rival for his “leadership ability” and the “depth and scope of [his] private-sector experience.”

“I believe he’s going to be our party’s nominee,” Pawlenty said on “Fox and Friends,” predicting Romney would be a “transformational and great president.”

Less than a month after ending his own White House bid, Pawlenty was in sync with the Romney campaign’s message on everything from jobs to health care, to Social Security and Rick Perry.

Asked how he could endorse a candidate who he once mocked as the author of “Obamneycare,” Pawlenty said he’d spoken about health care with Romney and concluded: “Mitt Romney is 100 percent dedicated and committed to repealing Obamacare.”

Here is the underlying reason, I think and no, it is not a V.P. spot either:

“Gov. Romney wants to fix Social Security. He doesn’t want to abolish it or end it,” Pawlenty said. “Gov. Perry has said in the past that he thought it was ‘failed.'”

Pawlenty, who is joining the Romney campaign as a national co-chairman, said he wasn’t angling for any other job in giving Romney an early endorsement.

“I’m not going to consider being VP. I was down that path once before with John McCain,” he said. “That won’t be part of the future for me.”

Which is all great and wonderful; except for one little thing —- Romney is a habitual liar. So much so, that former Michigan Governor Jennifer Granholm had to call him on it once already. That is my rub with man; plus he is Mormon and I trust those people about as far as I can throw them. If you will read that link to my blog posting regarding Jennifer Granholm, you will see why I wrote what I did. The man just cannot and will not tell the truth about what he believes. He tells what he wants the people to hear. He also changes his positions with the winds of politics. You know, like a Conservative John Kerry?

Anyhow, here is Paw’s official suck up endorsement via NRO:

Great crises often produce great leaders. Unfortunately, sometimes the timing isn’t right, and neither is the leader.

Barack Obama came into office in the midst of a great economic crisis. Although hopes were high, he did not rise to the occasion. Now that the clouds of enthusiasm and excitement have parted, we see he was obviously unsuited for the task at hand.

President Obama has failed to meet America’s economic challenges.

His three years of spending, regulating, and taxing have not restarted the economy. Unemployment remains at a shocking 9.1 percent. Economic growth is hovering on the edge of a renewed recession.

Abroad, the standing of the United States appears uncertain and adrift under the failed leadership of a president who prefers chastising allies to condemning foes.

Fortunately, America may get a second chance: Mitt Romney is running for president, and I am proud to endorse him.

So, what does this do? Well, for starters; this essentially pushes John Huntsman and possibly Michelle Bachmann out of the picture. Romney now has an endorsement behind him. This also mounts a rather large moderate challenge to Rick Parry, who did say that Social Security was a “Ponzi Scheme,” which does drive off some of the older folk within the Republican Party.

As for Michelle bachmann; I do not see her as even electable. Her lack of real legislation record, her husband and her wearing her Christianity on her sleeve — all make her undesirable to people, who just want jobs and want this Country to stop spending itself into a hole. Tea Party or no Tea Party, Bachmann is just not my…well, cup of…tea.

The American people just want to get back to work and leave the soul saving to the Church — thank you very much.

Either way, this race should be very, very interesting in the next coming weeks.

Others: Hot Air, Taylor Marsh, The Lonely Conservative, Moe Lane, Le·gal In·sur·rec· tion, Political Insider, Slate, Outside the Beltway, New York Magazine, Mediaite, The Crawdad Hole and Hugh Hewitt’s TownHall Blog

Interesting Reading: The Phony Right-Wing

This is a series of articles by Author Kelleigh Nelson; who was a classmate of Hillary Clinton and a Goldwater Girl back in the day. 

I found the last one to be terribly interesting and I thought you all would enjoy reading these.

Kos over at Daily Kos goes all Charles Johnson on his Blog

The LGF’ing of Daily Kos!?!?!

Alternative title: “Introducing the Great Purge of 2011”.

So as everyone has long gathered, I have deep patience for dickishness. I don’t mind a bit of rough and tumble. Politics is a contact sport, and passion and commitment to one’s causes and positions can lead to bruising debate. And let’s be honest, if we decided to ban all dicks, half the site — me included — would be gone. Heck, look at the national scene — the dicks are winning all the big battles (including 2010).

So being a dick is sometimes okay, within reason, which is why I’ve never concerned myself with it. But of course, the year-long Obama-rox/Obama-sux flamewar has now dragged me into community moderation, and my patience has run dry. I’m now itching the ban the fuck out of the biggest dicks on the site.

I’m already at about a dozen, with ratings pulled from several more. I’m not done. If you accuse someone of being racist just because they criticize Obama? Zap! If you actually say something that is even borderline racist? Zap! If you advocate for third party? Zap! This is a Democratic site. Advocating primaries is okay. Advocating third party is not. If I see ratings pack behavior or messed up uprates or hides, I won’t zap, but I’ll pull ratings abilities. Hell, depending on my mood at that moment, I may zap anyway. My dev team is putting together cool reports that identify patterns, so my job will get easier, and I won’t be shy in exercising them.

I can’t begin to care who started what. And in fact, if two sides are engaged in battle, I’ll act the same way I parent — both sides will get punished. So those are some guidelines, but they are not all inclusive. A lot of my actions will be arbitrary, inconsistent, and sometimes might even seem capricious. I don’t care. Some of you want a big set of rules printed and bound, so everyone is clear on the boundaries. Not me. I’ll define “bannable dickishness” the way you define pornography or irony — you know it when you see it.

You dragged me into this thing kicking and screaming, you get me at my very worst.

via Daily Kos: On my new moderation duties.

Dang! I thought I was grumpy!