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Video: Unhinged Black Democrat

Video: (Via Michelle Malkin)

The Washington Examiner has the story:

If you thought negative campaign ads were a problem in this election, perhaps you haven’t spent enough time in Virginia’s 5th district. This video depicts two men unleashing a string of racial epithets at members of Americans for Prosperity, who took the video. While flailing arms and shouting, the two also start yanking signs off of private property and throwing them aside, while saying, “This is public space. I pay taxpayer dollars while y’all to spread racism and bigotry.”

Michelle Malkin Says:

Especially love how he screams “You f**king House nigger white-black bitch!” at a black GOP woman and then turns around and screams “RAAAAACIST!” at her and the rest of the peaceful conservative activists peacefully sitting together in their yard.

I am seriously starting to believe that people like Trent Lott and Strom Thurmond…. were absolutely right. 😀

Countdown to some unhinged Black liberal coming here and calling me a “RAAAACIST!” 🙄

Because you know, like the guy in the video says, if that would have been a Conservative tearing those signs down, they would have been placed in jail in a big ol’ hurry. But, because he is a Democrat and black; he gets away with it. That is how it works anymore. If you are black, you can kill someone and just about get away with it. Just ask Channon Christian and Christopher Newsom.

Remember folks, VOTE and end this sort of crap! 😡

Hey, Dave Poff, why don’t you just call President Obama the N-Word and get it over with?

I hate having to write about stupid crap like this; but sometimes it gets to be a bit much.

President Obama said this, while out stumping for Democrats:

He said Republicans had driven the economy into a ditch and then stood by and criticized while Democrats pulled it out. Now that progress has been made, he said, “we can’t have special interests sitting shotgun. We gotta have middle class families up in front. We don’t mind the Republicans joining us. They can come for the ride, but they gotta sit in back.

For the record, Obama is, at least partially correct —- Republicans, when in power and in the majority during the Bush era; did get addicted to pork and spending — just like they did back in the 1990’s. However, it is fair to note that the Democrats did do the social engineering of the economy and the housing market. This caused the bubble and the eventual collapse of the housing market and the flash crash of 2008; which lead to the credit crisis and the bailouts and so forth.

Anyhow, this blockhead over Redstate, a Dave Poff writes this idiotic tripe:

In the new post-racial America, brought to us by Barack “don’t call me black or white, just call me American” Obama, we have been told our differences are behind us now…just because he exists and… just because he is black. Yet, day by day and speech by speech, this President has done more damage to race relations than any combination of Presidents since Lyndon Johnson…and he, at least, tried to make things better with a sincere heart.

Were anyone else to have been caught on tape making these sorts of remarks, they’d have already been fired and given a 2 million dollar job contract with the competition. Oh wait.

The lack of outrage should surprise no one here. We were told to vote for him… not because he was black but… because he brought with him hope and change and the promise of a color blind society. He has delivered on none of these, instead making race relations worse today than they were before he was elected. Since being sworn in we’ve been routinely told that any disagreements with his agenda HAD to be because he was… wait for it…


Some of us fall for that drivel, but most of us…and especially the folks pulling levers in voting booths all across America in a few days…know better. A great DEAL better.

Bridging the racial divide in this country will not come from highlighting our differences and throwing these in our faces so we can turn them against each other. And it will most certainly not come from throwing slurs at individual groups or races, or using *dated* ones to make jokes at the expense of others.

It will come from mutual respect and understanding, each of the other. This President has neither, and he is not qualified to lead any of us in the struggle to get there.

Yeah Dave, as your little acronym says, “Are you fucking kidding me?” Are you? Really? I mean, making comments like this; is not doing a damn bit of good for our side man. I dislike the President’s policies as much as the next person —- but basically backhandedly calling the President of the United States the N-Word — is just fucking wrong dude. This is the same fucking Redstate who called me a fucking Anti-Semite and blasted my personal information all over the net. (follow the links to the various postings please….) Something I have not forgotten about, and still might seek legal action against the owner of and the people that pony up the cash to keep that site afloat; which happens to be

If we lose this damned election, we will have nothing or no one to blame, but our own damned selves. I mean, between this beat down of a person and this here; I think we might just be shooting ourselves in the foot. Not to mention what Sharon Angle is doing —- dissing Latinos? Seriously? What an idiot! 🙄

I mean, Dave Poff could have embedded this video here on RedState and basically done the same damned thing, and gotten better results. Yeah folks, it’s that damned stupid. 🙄

The Classless Left: Exhibit A for Antisemitism

Check out this lovely piece of Anti-Jew Hate:

Click here to read.

…and they accuse me of hate? I hardly think I am at that sort of a level. 🙄

Juan Williams talks more about his firing from NPR

I know, I know…. At this point, even I am sick of writing about it. The man got fired, and got a nice deal from Fox. But he is not letting this one go; at least not right away. I cannot say that I blame him either. I mean, Liberals are supposed to be the tolerant ones and something like this happens —- it just kills that Meme totally.

Here he is with ABC’s George Stephanopoulos: (H/T

Now before anyone says, “Oh, that is just his opinion!” Think again, looks like Mr. Williams is not only one feeling the way he does:

As an Arab-American of Muslim descent, I am not offended by this because in all honesty I have had the same reaction in similar circumstances. In Berlin a couple of years ago, my flight was delayed because, we were told, one of the passengers, who was in a wheelchair, needed extra assistance. When she finally was brought into the waiting area, she was covered from head to toe in traditional Muslim dress and only her eyes were visible. What happened? I grew nervous. I got on the plane just the same, but with trepidation.

Was my response rational? Yes and no.

It was not Muslims in traditional garb who hijacked those planes on 9/11, and it certainly was not Muslim women in veils and wheelchairs. If anything, an Islamist terrorist wants to blend in, not stand out.

However, it was not a traditional sort of terrorist attack I feared in this case, but perhaps something unexpected: a traditional Muslim woman in a veil, confined to a wheelchair, who was loaded with explosives.

That may make me guilty of an overactive imagination, but perhaps not. Not that many years later, a young Muslim on an international flight into Detroit tried to light explosives in his underwear.

I mention all this for one main reason. I grew up surrounded by Islamic culture, went to Islamic events, and was used to seeing women in traditional Muslim clothing, and yet when that woman appeared at the Berlin airport, I was scared.

That’s all Mr. Williams was saying. He didn’t say that they should be removed from the plane, treated differently, or anything close to that. He simply said he got nervous. And for that, he was fired.

The reality is that when Muslims cease to be the main perpetrators of terrorism in the world, such fears about traditional garb are bound to vanish. Until such time, the anxiety will remain. In the long run, it’s what we do with such fears that matters, not that we have them.

But regarding what happened to Mr. Williams, no one should tolerate such intolerant behavior on the part of NPR. This broadcast network is paid for by the American taxpayers, and as such we all have a stake in its decisions.

Anyone who cares about freedom of speech should protest what has been done to this decent and fair man. And even if that were not the case, even if Mr. Williams’ views made him a detestable ogre to most, he still has the right to voice them. For many Americans, NPR’s consistent tilt to the left has caused them to reject it as a viable source of news.

NPR often embodies the very things it claims to stand against: unfairness, narrow-mindedness and reactionary policies.

I ask all Americans of conscience, most particularly those of Arab and/or Muslim descent, to protest the firing of Juan Williams and to demand that public funding to NPR cease until Mr. Williams’s good name has been cleared and he has been rehired (if he still wants to work for this network).

We deserve better from a public radio network funded by taxpayer money.

I have no idea what that man’s politics is, or what party he votes for — but even I cannot argue with that.

Reason Magazine profiles Detroit, Here is what they missed

It seems that Reason Magazine has decided that it is Detroit’s time in the barrel.  They have produced a video detailing another rightfully named “Boondoggle” of a light rail system.  It appears that the funding for this project is coming from the United States Government and by proxy — yours and mine pocketbooks and Taxes.

I noticed in the video of theirs, that they used an old promo video, made in 1965 by the city of Detroit.  For what it is worth; that video was made for the luring of the International Olympic Committee to Detroit; of which I am very to report that the committee saw right through that silly propaganda film and passed on Detroit.  Which proves to this writer that the people at the Olympic committee are much smarter than the then Mayor of Detroit, gave them credit for being.  I mean, could you have seen the Olympics being held in Detroit?  The metals themselves would have never made it out alive.  I could just see it now, “Your Medal, or your life cracka!”  It is quite the horrifying thought actually.

First, here is Reason TV’s video:

Now for what they missed; in 1967 there was a horrific riot here in Detroit.  It has been called the 1967 Detroit race riot.  The riot itself was started after the City of Detroit’s Police Department raided an after-hours blind pig.  Now, keep in mind, the police were simply doing their jobs.  They were tipped off to an illegal drinking establishment, which, for what it is worth —- only catered to black people; and they raided the place.  During the raid, a scuffle broke out, between the police and the persons being raided, somehow during that scuffle; a police officer’s guns went off and thus gave catalyst to one of worst riots in the history of the Country —- not mention the city of Detroit —– a rumor.  The rumor was that a black man that was arrested during raid of the blind pig was laying face down on the sidewalk, with his hands cuffed behind his back; was shot at point blank range in the back of the head, by a uniformed Detroit Police officer.

Now there is only one little inconvenient truth to this sickening and most awful rumor —- not a word of it was even remotely true. — It was this rumor, which was circulated among the Detroit black population, in a rather short amount of time; that was the proverbial kerosene on the bonfire for the City of Detroit in 1967 and as a result; all hell broke loose in Detroit.  This was the result:

(More Photos can be found by going here)

If I sat here and said that all of the above was done by blacks — I would be straight up lying to you.  It has been widely reported around here, and there were outside forces that egged on, supported, and even contributed to the huge riot.  Anarchists from various states were believed to have come to Detroit and joined in the riot —- we call those people libertarian leftists today.  Although, I like to call these people something different —- Anti-American.

Here is a groovy little video that shows just went on here in Detroit in 1967 —- with music from Detroit’s own MC5:

The riot stopped after the then Mayor of Detroit, Jerome Cavanagh, a Democrat, stopped cowering behind his desk, at the prospect of so many out of control blacks; and actually called the Governor of Michigan, George W. Romney, a Republican and begged for the National Guard to be brought in to stop the rioting.  Which is so typical of the liberal Democrats, they make a mess of things and then call in the adults to clean up the mess, which is what we have in Washington DC right now!  Anyone who would doubt my words, I will personally give you the “real world” tour of Detroit and show you just how bad the children Democrats have ruined that city.  I ought to know, I did live there at one time, like many other people from this area.

It is fair to note, however, that the riot in Detroit was not the first one.  There were actually three —- 1863, 1943, and 1967 respectively.  They all had the same things in common; blacks who were under the impression that they were being oppressed somehow or another —- or as it is commonly known in proper English as being a selfish ingrate.  I mean, we allowed them to migrate to Detroit from places like Alabama, where they were getting lynched on a regular basis, gave them jobs based on their skill levels; which were, honestly, not that very high — but yet, they were being oppressed by the white man.  The blacks at time said that they wanted social justice, which means, in normal human speak, “I want what you have, but I do not want to have to actually earn it or work for it, I want it given to me.”  This is pretty much the hallmark of the Democratic Party, is it not?

It happened around this time in 1967.  Many of the white immigrants, who fled Germany and the surrounding countries, after the horrific collapse of the Weimar Republic began to really think that this whole idea of blacks and whites living in Detroit in sweet and loving harmony —- was nothing more than a pipe dream and began to flee the city Detroit.  I kid you not; entire Churches, Synagogues, and Families — everything beat a path out of Detroit like cockroaches scattering in sudden daylight. Now, the Democrats have long said this was because these people were racist.  However, let me ask you a question.  If an angry black man came tearing up your street and wanted to toss a Molotov cocktail through the front window of your house or through the window of your store, for no reason other than a silly rumor — would you not have second thoughts about wanting to keep your store or possibly even your family in that city?  I think the answer to that question is obvious.

In closing, while the Reason Magazine video was great, it missed one important piece of the puzzle.  Detroit did not just end up in its current condition for no reason; it had help and it was not an overnight thing, it has been happening for years.  In addition, there is not one thing to blame, but a plethora of things to blame; politics, corruption, riots, unions — all of it have contributed to Detroit’s demise.  Not to mention race, it is a factor; but to scapegoat one race for the demise is wrong-headed.  This is why the Neo-Nazi Klan hates me so much, because I disagree with and mock their folly with great joy.  In other words, not just blacks destroyed Detroit.  It was all of races, taking what they could get for themselves and then fleeing to their perspective corners of the state and allowing the inner city to rot.  All the while painting over the rot and justifying it as some sort of community project.  As they say, you can put lipstick on a pig, but it is still a pig.  You can put socialist programs into a city that is beyond saving; but the city, along with its rot and failures are still there.  You would think that after some 43 years after those race riots; Detroit’s leadership and Michigan’s leadership would have figured that out by now.

Video: Jon Stewart on Rick Sanchez’s firing

I have to hand it to Stewart; he handled this very well and he said basically the same thing that I did. Which was, for those who are too damned lazy to click a link —- that Rick Sanchez was on the way out anyway, and knew it and thought he would take a nice shot at Stewart to ensure his departure. Here is the really funny part, the right’s useful idiot Atheist; no, not AllahPundit — wants Sanchez brought back and in the process of the article takes a rather gratuitous swipe at Israel. Good Job Hitchens, nothing like pissing off your readers before assuming room temperature. 🙄

Anyhow, here’s the video; if anything, it’s worth a decent laugh or two at the expense of a rather moronic unemployed person.

Hey….wait a minute! 😯

The Daily Show With Jon Stewart Mon – Thurs 11p / 10c
Hurty Sanchez
Daily Show Full Episodes Political Humor Rally to Restore Sanity

Video: Black Leftist Attacks White Reporter Covering One Nation Rally

….and, of course, nothing happens to her.

Here’s the video: (Via Human Events)

The Story Via Human Events:

A liberal protester at the “One Nation Working Together” march physically assaulted a HUMAN EVENTS reporter who was videotaping Rep. Charlie Rangel (D.-N.Y) at the event at the National Mall in Washington, D.C.

The reporter, Emily Miller, was first hit from behind while she was taping Rangel as the Harlem congressman glad-handed supporters in front of the Lincoln Memorial. Miss Miller is heard on the video saying, “Please don’t hit me.” The protester proceeds to yell at the reporter, “Well get out of the way! What do you think this is? Asshole.” The activist was attempting to meet Rangel herself. Miss Miller continued videotaping the event, when suddenly the same unhinged protester lunged at her, hit her on the arm, and yelled, “Don’t take my picture.”

As the footage shows, the protestor then slapped Miss Miller, hitting the flip cam and saying, “Do not take my picture. Do not take my fucking picture and I mean it.”

The scene continued, as the deranged woman assaulted Miss Miller yet again, before having to be restrained by members of the Park Police.

Here’s the story by the lady who was hit:

To answer your questions….

The Park Police called Capitol Police to handle the situation. I asked the Capitol Police to get me somewhere safe, which they did. They took my report of what happened.

They interviewed the many witnesses at the scene around the protester. All the witnesses said nothing happened, and that the woman did not hit me. I showed the officers one of the videos on the flip cam. The officer said that hitting the camera is not against the law.

My hands were shaking so much, I couldn’t rewind to show the earlier video.

The police asked me repeatedly if I had someone with me who could vouch for my story. I said, no, I’m alone here reporting on this march. Since it was my word against all the witnesses, I asked them to just get me safely out of the rally.

The officer said he would investigate to determine if an arrest was warranted. As far as I know, nothing further happened.

I was mostly shocked that all of those the witnesses lied to the police. So much for not bearing false witness…

And, I’ll add, no one stopped the woman from repeatedly hitting me. So much for decency… – Emily Miller, Washington, D.C

Folks, we need to just be real about this one; this woman was not arrested, because she was black. If this would have been a White Woman and the camera woman black and this would have been a Tea Party rally —- the liberal media would have been a perpetual meltdown mode, the person would have been made an example of and this persons name would have been in all of the papers. But because it was some black protester at a union rally; not a word is said about it.

You know, I am just going to say it. Sometimes, I really think Governor George Wallace —- was absolutely correct.

I hate to the one to say it; but I think we, as Americans, as White Americans — need to STOP apologizing to these bastards and take our Country back from the interlopers who have taken it over.

Here’s what I mean: (This video pertains to South Africa, but it could very well apply to America too)

It is time we got real; and quit this “Go along to get along” crap that the GOP is doing now. Because it is only hurting us.

Via Memeornadum

Democratic Party Representative Alan Grayson is a disgrace to the Jewish Race and to Judaism itself

I have avoided writing about this topic, because not too long ago, I was branded a Neo-Nazi and Anti-Semite by those whose business it is to play that card.  However, as a Christian, as an American Conservative —- I will not sit idly by and allow a Jewish man to slander a Christian man in this manner.

However, let me say this; this is not about hatred towards a Jewish man.  This is about a liberal man, who happens to be Jewish, taking a very nasty swipe at Christianity —- All in the name of politics. Let me clear, I said this in the title and I will say it again. Alan Grayson is an utter disgrace to the Jewish race and to Judaism itself. Alan Grayson should be refuted and severely chastised by the Democratic Party and told to remove the ad or be removed as the candidate for the House of Representatives.  There is no place in politics for the bashing of political opponents religion.

Here is the video in question:

Now here are the words of Daniel Webster in their proper context:

Now this is very surprising, even Contessa Brewer over at MSNBC; much to her credit would not even let this one go:

Okay, can we be real about this now?  If a Christian Conservative Republican candidate had attacked a Democratic Party candidate like this, the outrage would be apoplectic.  However, because it is a Jewish man attacking a Christian — there is not a word of outrage. My question is why are not AIPAC and the many other Jewish lobbying groups putting out a statement condemning this sort of obvious slander of Christianity, by a liberal Jew?

I mean, could you just imagine; if a Republican Candidate put something like this out?

Could you just image what the Liberal Blogosphere would do to that person?  —- Not to mention some in the Neo-Conservative Blogosphere!  So, why is that this man is getting away with this, without any repercussions from the Democratic Party?  Why is not AIPAC condemning it? Why is this man getting a free pass by the liberals?

While you are thinking about this:

Donate to Daniel Webster’s campaign!

Again, this is not about hate at all, it is about realism folks —-  If the Republican Candidate had even remotely thought about putting an ad like the one above by a one David Duke.  The outrage would be off the charts.  However, because Alan Grayson is a Jewish liberal he gets a free pass.  Why is that?

Until those in the media are willing to ask those questions, it is nothing more the rube for the Democratic Party and for the likes of Alan Grayson.

White Seattle Teen beaten by Asian and Black Teens

I was not going to touch this; but seeing that Jim Hoft is being attacked and they are trying to tie me to it — here is the story:

The Video: (via KOMO-TV)

The Story via  The Seattle Times:

Two men who were questioned and released by Seattle police after a West Seattle teen was beaten in a racially charged attack have been charged in connection with the May 25 assault. One of the men was arrested Tuesday evening.

DNA recently linked Ahmed Mohamed and Jonathan Baquiring to the attack in which a 16-year-old boy was robbed, taunted with racial insults, burned with a lit cigarette and punched repeatedly. Mohamed, 22, and Baquiring, 21, each were charged Monday with first-degree robbery and malicious harassment, the state’s hate-crime statute.

Baquiring was booked into the Seattle Correctional Facility just after 6 p.m. Tuesday, according to the King County Jail Booking Register. His bail is set at $500,000.

Seattle police are still searching for Mohamed.

King County Deputy Prosecutor Samantha Kanner will also seek to have Mohamed held on $500,000 bail once he is arrested, according to charging papers.

The victim, Shane McClellan, said he was walking home around 2 a.m. when two men, whom he described as black and Filipino, asked him for a light.

He said the two men then robbed him and beat him for four hours, whipping him with his own belt while saying things like, “How do you like it, white boy?” and “This is for enslaving our people,according to the police report.

McClellan, who is white, said the two men also poured Four Loko energy beer on him, burned him with a cigarette and urinated on him, police said.

Okay now, I want these bastards to attack me. The thugs that attacked this white man, were not “Black People”, they were not ‘African-Americans” — they were NEGRO and ASIAN thugs! Period! Racism? Please. 🙄  What about Shannon Christian and Christopher Newsom from Knoxville, Tennessee —- a white couple tortured, raped and killed by blacks? Were those people racists too? The police conveniently did not classify that as a hate crime! Because it did not fit liberal narrative; that all white people are evil and we are the one’s that hurt blacks. Which is of course, straight up BULLSHIT!

Now look at this face!

Look at it!

Now you tell me that I should “celebrate diversity”….. and I will tell you, what I tell every damned body that tells me that….:


and by the way liberals. I happen to think this site is pretty damned cool. Why? Because I happen to think that the liberal idea of Diversity IS CRAP! 😡 Update: However, I am not sending that hate site no traffic. Not smart.

I could save that town a whole bunch of money; get a good rope and damn tree and FIX that little situation! Now bring it on liberals —- BRING IT THE FUCK ON, PLEASE. I FUCKING DARE YOU! I want to see you justify this fucking crime; please, do it. I want to, so bad, to prove my damned point about you fucking bastards. BRING IT!

Update: I guess now, that they will call me a Neo-Nazi for posting this. which, of course, bullcrap.

Michael Enright: I am a Patriot and I want my Mommy!

Oh my goodness….:

The crazed film student charged with knifing a Muslim cab driver insisted to arresting officers that he was “a patriot” – and then whined for his mom.

“I am a patriot and I want representation,” Michael Enright, 21, said after his Aug. 25 arrest for slashing Ahmed Sharif while riding in his taxi.”

Police records released during a court appearance Wednesday show the baby-faced attacker incoherently claimed he cut the cabby in self defense – and then said he was targeted because he’s Catholic and Jewish.

“That man just tried to rob me, he wanted to rob me, I used self-defense,” Enright allegedly told cops during his arrest. “He was holding me against my will. What did I do wrong? I just came back from Afghanistan.

“I need my mother.”

Enright spent 35 days in Afghanistan in May filming a documentary about front-line troops.

“You’re prosecuting me because I’m Irish Catholic,” he told cops.

Minutes later, Enright told cops, “I’m Jewish, you are going to ruin the entire Jewish race by locking me up.”

He also admitted to drinking “a pint of Scotch \[whiskey\]” earlier that day.

“Asalaam alaikum, do you like salami and bacon?,” the young man asked an officer.

He accused another cop of allowing Muslims “to blow up buildings in this country.”

via Michael Enright, crazed student charged with stabbing Muslim cabbie, told cops he was a ‘patriot’.

But yet, they call me a damned mentally unstable Neo-Nazi. Last time I checked; I have not stabbed any Muslims, nor cab drivers. This dude needs to be put under the jail. He gives sane white Americans —- a very bad image. 🙄

Then again:

Michael Enright - What a farking loon!

He does have the Momma’s boy look thing going on. Not to mention the scared shitless white dude look. 😛

Here is hoping that they put this moron where he belongs —-in jail —- for a very long time; and with any luck, he will be the pivot man, in a Arab prisoner circle jerk. If you know what I mean, and I think you do! 😆

The Feckless Left: Exhibit R for Racism

The video:

Transcript via NewsBusters:

BILL MAHER, HOST: Isn’t Obama’s big problem is that he does everything half-assed? Maybe it’s because he’s only half black. You know? It’s that, if he was a, if this, if he was fully black, I’m telling you, he would be a better president. There’s a white man in him holding him back because everything is half-assed. The stimulus was half-assed, healthcare is half-assed, let’s talk about Afghanistan.

I brought this subject up to Al Sharpton on twitter:




So, there, Al Sharpton cannot say that he never was told about it; he was, by me. I do not expect anything to become of this; but I can at least say that he was informed via twitter by me. If Al Sharpton Replies, I will post the twitter reply here. One could also post this under the heading of, “Can you imagine the stink that would ensue, if a Conservative, like Ann Coulter, or Sean Hannity or anyone else on the right had said something like this?” You all know what would go down. Anyone remember Don Imus?

The point is here; that Bill Maher will get a free pass on this; because he is a part of the liberal elite. It sucks, but that is the double standard in this Country. For what it is worth; his excuse or justification is that he is a comedian. Well, I know comedy; and that crap just is not funny at all. I am sure Jon Steward would agree with that; being a minority himself, joking about something like this, is just not funny.

Not that it really matters; but I was just looking at Bill Maher’s bio on Wikipedia. I noticed his ethnic background; if he skates on this one — that will explain quite a bit. One cannot very well chap someone for kicking around a black man, if he is also a protected minority too, right? right? I’m just saying

Others: Gateway Pundit

UPDATED: I hate to say it: Nicholas Kristof makes a very good point

Rarely do I ever concede a point to a liberal. However, in this case; it is fair to do so.

This morning Nicholas Kristof writes in the New York Times, about the Mosque Controversy:

For a glimpse of how venomous and debased the discourse about Islam has become, consider a blog post in The New Republic this month. Written by Martin Peretz, the magazine’s editor in chief, it asserted: “Frankly, Muslim life is cheap, most notably to Muslims.”

Mr. Peretz added: “I wonder whether I need honor these people and pretend that they are worthy of the privileges of the First Amendment, which I have in my gut the sense that they will abuse.”

Thus a prominent American commentator, in a magazine long associated with tolerance, ponders whether Muslims should be afforded constitutional freedoms. Is it possible to imagine the same kind of casual slur tossed off about blacks or Jews? How do America’s nearly seven million American Muslims feel when their faith is denounced as barbaric?

This is one of those times that test our values, a bit like the shameful interning of Japanese-Americans during World War II, or the disgraceful refusal to accept Jewish refugees from Nazi Europe.

It would have been natural for this test to have come right after 9/11, but it was forestalled because President George W. Bush pushed back at his conservative ranks and repeatedly warned Americans not to confuse Al Qaeda with Islam.

As much as I hate to say it; Mr. Kristof is absolutely right. It should noted that Martin Peretz is, in fact Jewish and is, in fact, a rabid Zionist. In fact, Martin Peretz is known for the following comments:

Frankly, I couldn’t quite imagine any venture like [the Iraq War] in the Arab World turning out especially well. This is, you will say, my prejudice. But some prejudices are built on real facts, and history generally proves me right. Go ahead, prove me wrong. — Source


But, frankly, Muslim life is cheap, most notably to Muslims. And among those Muslims led by the Imam Rauf there is hardly one who has raised a fuss about the routine and random bloodshed that defines their brotherhood. So, yes, I wonder whether I need honor these people and pretend that they are worthy of the privileges [sic] of the First Amendment which I have in my gut the sense that they will abuse. — Source

Like Kristof said; could you imagine if the above were uttered about the Jews or about the black race? There would a media frenzy about it. Believe me, I know; I have been attacked by those who are of the protected class and all for speaking my mind about them and how they attack those of whom they disagree.

The fact is, that this whole Mosque situation boils down to this; Islam versus Christian Nativists and Jews, Arabs versus Americans, whites versus non-whites. Am I calling those who oppose this mosque racists? Well, my question for you is this; do you feel that burning pages of the Koran normal acceptable practice? Would you feel the same way, if some Muslim took a page out of the  Christian Bible and began burning it? How about the Tanakh, the Torah, or The ?umash, the Siddur, the Piyutim or even the Zohar?

The point I am trying to make here is this; I realize that radicalized Muslims attacked the World Trade Center, The Pentagon and Flight 93. However, when you punish an entire religion for the actions of a few, you are practicing a forum of collectivism. That is not anything remotely Conservative, nor is it anything remotely American. Being vigilant against terrorism is one thing; but being idiotic is another, this situation with this Mosque is well beyond that — on both sides.

Update: On the Other hand… these are videos from 9/11:

There are two sides to every argument; one would suppose. There is also this here.

Video: RedState Update on “Murfreesboro vs. Muslims”

Redstate Update HQ

Oh really?: “Reverend” Al “Interloper” Sharpton says that Alabama State Senate District is “Heir Property” for African-Americans


The Story via Freedom’s Lighthouse, A pretty snazzy looking site, by the way. :

Here is Naked Emperor News video of the Rev. Al Sharpton speaking at a rally in Alabama back in July in which he essentially said African-American candidate Johnny Ford should win his State Senate Primary runoff against a white candidate – Billy Beasley – because the district is “heir property” to African-Americans.

Sharpton, for all his talk of wanting equality, actually uses “race” as a cottage industry for himself. It is impossible to square these comments with Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.’s dream that people would someday be “judged by the content of their character” and not the “color of their skin.”

Here is the real funny part:

The voters did not agree with Sharpton. Beasley defeated Ford in the Democratic Primary runoff for the District 28 State Senate Seat by getting 62% of the vote.

Heh. So much for that entitlement to the State Senate in Alabama, aye Sharpton?

From the comments section over at Freedom’s Lighthouse:

Your heir property is in Africa.

In-Farking-deed! I always hear Blacks; all liberals of course, trashing America and complaining about how they are always oppressed by the White Man. I have one thing to say to them —- you can always go back where you originated from and live there and see how well you live. However, when someone does that; they are automatically called RAAAAACIST!

I am sure there is a particular Pony-tailed Homosexual that is about go into meltdown, because of this post right about now. Right Bob? Right.

Yes, that is right, I am one of those!

Er, um, I mean, a Son-of-a-bitch, I mean. 😛

Living proof that liberals are classless assholes: Exhibit S for Sex!

It’s that time again folks!

But first, some music for this piece:

If only I had Rod Roddy, around to do the intro.

Anyhow, here is the latest installment of assholery from the socialist Liberal friends on the left.

Some guy who writes for the Huffington Post wants a…. yes, you read it right a Sex Tape of Glenn Beck: (Original Link here)

Let’s delve into this ugly shall we? Wear protective gear, as this stuff is nasty:

Rupert Murdoch and the Koch brothers are happy to throw money at the rising tide of right wing lunacy. Breitbart offered $100,000 for JournoList, the email listserve that brought down WaPo blogger Dave Weigel this June.

Why did they do it? Because they stand to make a lot of money off the anti-black president movement, and they are rich enough to imprint their beliefs on the American sheeple.

High net worth progressive Democrats don’t do this as much, perhaps because they’re not typically in cahoots with Boeing or Monsanto or Halliburton, et al. Also, there are fewer anti-communist, religious crackpots on the left.

Before we get to the reward money, a little “Tea Baggers for Beginners.”

His motives are clear:

Enter Glenn Beck, the farce part of the intellectual tragedy sired by the neocon founding fathers Irving Kristol and his historical sidekick Norman Podhoretz.

Beck touts religion, because he says the battle for America’s soul is at stake. It is all about morality, propriety, and doing what’s right. But Beck’s conception of religion is all about control. He replaces God with an ersatz myth about self-reliance and a position of moral superiority spun in ways that magically seem to privilege the few at the expense of many (this includes the anti-Middle East / Islam thinking that led to the war in oil-rich Iraq), etc.

Glenn Beck talks about what’s right a lot. Propriety comes from the same root as property, and that does seem to be the issue. As the culture changed in the 60s, so did neighborhoods. This was the heyday of blockbusting and race-baiting. We are in similar territory with a black president right now. His successful campaign is proof positive that the counterculture prevailed over the conservative movement. And the neocons are mad as hell about that.

Glenn Beck is also a Mormon. It matters. His religion typifies the noble lie that the neocons originally set out to defend against the counterculture–Archie Bunker’s America–where a woman’s place was in the home and with baby, and an African American’s place was in a ghetto. (Mormons revere women much like Hindis do the cow, and they didn’t accept African Americans in their ranks at all till 1978–draw whatever inferences you like).

The new conservatives are true believers in the “One Right Way”, and Democrats only rarely agree on the one best way to go. But we can all agree that Fox News is a bad influence on America.

It is time to pop the tea baggers’ favorite balloon (so what if it will be replaced by another?), and with that in mind I hereby offer to negotiate a $100,000 payday to the person who will come forward with a sex tape or phone records or anything else that succeeds in removing Glenn Beck from the public eye forever. I am not offering the cash myself, but I will broker the deal and/or raise the money for what you bring to the table. (And it better be good.)

Now, I am going to be straight with you all. I am not a fan of the Podhoretz crowd either; but this is just over the top. I also detect a slight Jew-Hatred to this posting. I mean, it is one thing to say, I don’t like war mongers. But it is another entirely to go this far. The only thing he did not use, was the word “Jew” in the piece. Yeah, I know, I did attack the same bunch in this posting here. However, my piece was not about hatred of Jews or even Wilsonian foreign policy.  It was simply about the far-right targeting Megan McCain and Moderate Conservatives. It is just coincidentally, that thier piece was published by a Neo-Conservative website; and I felt mentioning that was needed.

There is a difference between informing people and outright hate. This guy’s piece is just outright hatred of the right, Glenn Beck and yes, even possibly Jews. Which is why when you go the link now, you see this:

Editor’s Note: This piece was published directly to the Huffington Post by its author. It didn’t meet our editorial standards and has been removed from the site.

Glad to see that someone over at the Puffington Post is using what little brain that liberals actually have.

My Follow Conservatives: We must help this man

My Fellow Conservatives, if we are the people that we claim to be; a group of people that does distinguish between moderate Muslims and radical Muslims who wish to destroy America. It is time to put our money, where our mouths are.

This man was a victim; A victim of someone who, although intoxicated, was caught up in the euphoria surrounding the Mosque that the backers of park51 want to build. While I feel that the backers of park51 project ought to be covering this man’s bills. I also feel that we, as Conservatives, ought to take the higher plane and ought to at least contribute to this man’s cause and help him cover his bills until he can get back to work. Because, whether we want to admit it or not; there are some on our ranks, that actually created this mess. We ought to be the honorable ones, and help this man. He is an innocent bystander in a war, between those who want to destroy America and those who wish to preserve it.

From CNN:

(CNN) — New York cab driver Ahmed Sharif cannot bring himself to talk about the young man who allegedly cut his throat and nearly killed him last week, a taxi union representative said Sunday.

“Ahmed is a strong man, but mentally he has limits,” said Bhairavi Desai of the New York Taxi Workers Alliance. “The trauma he’s experienced will last for a long time.”

Desai spent time this weekend with Sharif. She said his most pressing worry is how he’ll provide for his wife and four children — including a 10-month-old –without a job. Sharif is receiving 2/3 of his salary, about $30,000 a year, in workers’ compensation. Union members do not get health insurance or disability payments, Desai said.

“My guess is that he’ll be unable to work for at least four months,” Desai said. “He can’t even pick up his baby because of the wounds to his arms. He can’t turn his neck.”

There’s been so little money raised over the past few days for Sharif that it would “barely cover baby formula,” said Desai who, along with Sharif, held a widely publicized press conference Friday announcing the union was creating a fund for the family. The union’s website indicates how to mail a donation or give online.

There is also an address that you can send your checks and money orders to, it is:

Ahmed Sharif
c/o New York Taxi Workers Alliance
250 Fifth Avenue, Suite 310
NY, NY 10001

Further more, I do not want to hear any idiotic griping about how this place is some sort of a union or progressive organization. Who cares? They are helping this man, and that my friends is all that matters. In fact, when this posting goes live. I will be sending a small donation, along with the link to this posting. Because I do want to show, that unlike some people out there, calling themselves Conservatives, I am not ate up with hatred of those of another race. I want to show, that my battle is not against those of the Islamic Faith or those of Arab decent; but that my battle is against radical Islam and Jihad — against those who have hijacked a religion to further an agenda of hate. Sort of like these guys here.

I encourage my fellow Conservatives to for once, to put aside our feelings of mistrust; and help someone, who was quite honestly, caught in the crossfire. If we do this, we can rebuild an image that was tarnished the day this man was stabbed. Do it now; go, give and give abundantly.

Other Great Americans, who feel this is just the right thing to do: Alan Colmes’ Liberaland, New York Magazine, Suburban Guerrilla and Gawker

The Glenn Beck Rally: A Massive Capitulation to the Black Race or a Massive Mormon Recruitment Scheme?

I hate having to write editorials like this.  Because every time I do, some idiotic liberal takes what I write and twists them to suit their own means.  I have personal experience with that sort of a thing, as you can see by clicking here.  However, one must accept the things that go along with being someone who speaks the unspeaking truths that are often covered up by those who wish to remain “Politically Correct” — let me be blunt about that; I do not know the meaning of the word.

Looks like Glenn Beck pulled off his big rally in Washington D.C. today. Even the far right’s resident shrieking harpy was there; Yes, I am referring to Sarah Palin. From reports that I have read, Glenn Beck’s rally outnumbered a rally planned by the resident black race hustler Al Sharpton by 5 to 1. From the reports that I have read, Al Sharpton could only muster about 3000 people at his rally. Which is not too awfully surprising, as many within the black community have said that Al Sharpton’s brand of racial incitement is old hat and many young black people consider him to be nothing more than that of a race hustler.

Now back to Glenn Beck’s rally; there were a few things, which I noticed about his rally — I watched a great deal of it, before turning off the feed and going to take my daily afternoon nap.  Now, unless I missed something, I noticed a great deal of black singers, black speakers and so forth.  I have to ask the question, which most likely no one else will ask, because they are scared or fear retribution, which I do not — The question is where were all the WHITE Gospel singers or Christian singers?  Where were all of the great-impassioned white men to speak of Christianity and Love and the greatness of America?  What I saw at Glenn Beck’s rally was nothing more than the largest capitulation to the black race.  Like we White people actually owe them something.  Did not America already do that when Congress signed a law in December of 1865, when the Thirteenth Amendment was ratified?  Did not America already do that in 1964, when the civil rights act was signed into law? Then why is it, that Glenn Beck is using a rally to say to the black community, “we surrender?”  My point is here is this; do we as Americans allow political correctness and a desire to heal wounds that were not even afflicted by any White Americans alive today, cause us to rewrite and surrender the TRUE history of America for the sake of political correctness?

Ladies and Gentleman, we have to be real about this, we cannot go around revising history.  America was not settled and founded by blacks.  American was settled and founded by White Puritan Christians from Great Britain! They were White Puritan Christians who were tired of having to live under the rule of tyranny.  In 1619, America began importing blacks as slaves into the United States of America.  This practice continued in the south until the passage of the thirteenth amendment. Now, do I justify this ugly, awful and elicit activity?  Of course, I do not.  In fact, If I had anything to do with the founding of America I would have entreated to the founders of America, that we could never be a true free Nation as long as Blacks were being held captive against their wills and being forced to labor for the White man.

However, we cannot sit and act like the black race or any other race had any part in the founding of America, because they did not.  Anyone who says anything other than that is feebly trying to revise the true history and the founding of America.

Furthermore, another thing that troubles me about this rally is this, the over Christianizing of the founding of America.  I do realize that the founders of America were men of faith, but to say that America is in fact a Christian Nation, is a mere fallacy.  Most of the founders of America were, what most would call today, “Religious,” but they were hardly “Pew Jumpers.”  Furthermore, I find Glenn Beck’s use of a rally to turn people to God extremely troubling.  Glenn Beck is, as some of you know, a Mormon.  Now in the interest of full disclosure:  I am a Fundamental Baptist — a King James Believing, Independent Fundamentalist Baptist.  I make no bones about it, when I say to you, that I do not believe, for one second, that Mormons are actually Christians.  They are not; they are false believers, who believe in an extremely dangerous religion, which closely resembles another dangerous practice: Free Masonry.  One only need read “The Enchanter” by Jack Chick to learn the dangers of Mormonism.  Further, one only need read this site here, to learn about dangers of the practice of Masonry.

So, to Glenn Back: What is it sir, that you were trying to achieve?  Because this white, libertarian-minded, Conservative is unconvinced.  Further, I found your blatant attempt of Christianizing of the political square, to be sickening.  I believe that Christianity, as well as any other religion, should be kept in the Churches, Synagogues, Mosques or other places of worship —- and not in my face.

Krauthammer speaks the truth about liberals again

Hey, Me and Mr. Krauthammer must me on the same wavelength! 😀

Anyhow, Krauthammer lays the smack down on the left:

Liberalism under siege is an ugly sight indeed. Just yesterday it was all hope and change and returning power to the people. But the people have proved so disappointing. Their recalcitrance has, in only 19 months, turned the predicted 40-year liberal ascendancy (James Carville) into a full retreat. Ah, the people, the little people, the small-town people, the “bitter” people, as Barack Obama in an unguarded moment once memorably called them, clinging “to guns or religion or” — this part is less remembered — “antipathy toward people who aren’t like them.”

That’s a polite way of saying: clinging to bigotry. And promiscuous charges of bigotry are precisely how our current rulers and their vast media auxiliary react to an obstreperous citizenry that insists on incorrect thinking.

— Resistance to the vast expansion of government power, intrusiveness and debt, as represented by the Tea Party movement? Why, racist resentment toward a black president.

— Disgust and alarm with the federal government’s unwillingness to curb illegal immigration, as crystallized in the Arizona law? Nativism.

— Opposition to the most radical redefinition of marriage in human history, as expressed in Proposition 8 in California? Homophobia.

— Opposition to a 15-story Islamic center and mosque near Ground Zero? Islamophobia.

Now we know why the country has become “ungovernable,” last year’s excuse for the Democrats’ failure of governance: Who can possibly govern a nation of racist, nativist, homophobic Islamophobes?

Note what connects these issues. In every one, liberals have lost the argument in the court of public opinion. Majorities — often lopsided majorities — oppose President Obama’s social-democratic agenda (e.g., the stimulus, Obamacare), support the Arizona law, oppose gay marriage and reject a mosque near Ground Zero.

What’s a liberal to do? Pull out the bigotry charge, the trump that preempts debate and gives no credit to the seriousness and substance of the contrary argument. The most venerable of these trumps is, of course, the race card. When the Tea Party arose, a spontaneous, leaderless and perfectly natural (and traditionally American) reaction to the vast expansion of government intrinsic to the president’s proudly proclaimed transformational agenda, the liberal commentariat cast it as a mob of angry white yahoos disguising their antipathy to a black president by cleverly speaking in economic terms.

Then came Arizona and S.B. 1070. It seems impossible for the left to believe that people of good will could hold that: (a) illegal immigration should be illegal, (b) the federal government should not hold border enforcement hostage to comprehensive reform, i.e., amnesty, (c) every country has the right to determine the composition of its immigrant population.

As for Proposition 8, is it so hard to see why people might believe that a single judge overturning the will of 7 million voters is an affront to democracy? And that seeing merit in retaining the structure of the most ancient and fundamental of all social institutions is something other than an alleged hatred of gays — particularly since the opposite-gender requirement has characterized virtually every society in all the millennia until just a few years ago?

And now the mosque near Ground Zero. The intelligentsia is near unanimous that the only possible grounds for opposition is bigotry toward Muslims. This smug attribution of bigotry to two-thirds of the population hinges on the insistence on a complete lack of connection between Islam and radical Islam, a proposition that dovetails perfectly with the Obama administration’s pretense that we are at war with nothing more than “violent extremists” of inscrutable motive and indiscernible belief. Those who reject this as both ridiculous and politically correct (an admitted redundancy) are declared Islamophobes, the ad hominem du jour.

Which is, as I wrote before, why I will never vote for a Democrat ever again. I mean, I just do not sit here and idly write stuff like that; I have tried their liberal programs, and you know what it did for me? Nothing!  I am still sitting here, without a full-time job and writing on this blog. (Which I happen to enjoy greatly, pay could be better, but I love doing it!) The truth is, unless you are a minority, the Democratic Party will basically ignore you. That is because that is what they are geared to anymore.

Truth is, unless you are a minority, or have some sort of handicap; or are someone worthy of entitlement — The Democratic Party is just not your Party.  But if you are White, are middle class, and actually have something that you worked for, the Democrats do not see you as one of theirs; they see you as someone to tax.

As you can see, and as Krauthammer  has written above; the Liberals are in full-on retreat mode now. The Democratic Party elected a black man, of whom they assumed would be the next black, progressive messiah. Who actually turned out to be a bigger buffoon than Jimmy Carter. As you have read here, the liberal economic policies of the Obama Administration have failed. Now, the Democratic Party liberals are in retreat mode, and they are pulling the one card that they have left and that is the race card.

It will be an interesting next few months, watching as the Democrats try and spin this into a race thing and how the Republicans, Glenn Beck and the Tea Party are somehow responsible for the failures of the Obama Administration.

The American people are much smarter than that; and they will show the Democrats just how smart they are, come November 2, 2010 — and believe you me, I cannot wait.

Update: In a previous version of this, in describing the types of entitlements;I mentioned vets. One of my commentators took to me to task on that and rightfully so. I should have been much clearer. If ANYONE is entitled any sort of care, or anything by the United States Government — it is our Military Veterans.  Although, I will be the first to tell you, that Democrats do exploit them for votes. I mean, it is so odd to hear Democrats praising our vets; all the while, you have people like code pink saying that someone’s son deserved to die for going to Iraq. Again, I do apologize for not being clear on that; and again, I will state that I have nothing but the uttermost respect for Nation’s Vets and I believe that they deserve nothing by the best from The Government.

Speaking of wandering off the plantation: There goes Paul Krugman

WOW! 😯

You would think they would keep those Plantation gates closed and locked!

Krugman Writes:

What will Ben Bernanke, the Fed chairman, say in his big speech Friday in Jackson Hole, Wyo.? Will he hint at new steps to boost the economy? Stay tuned.

But we can safely predict what he and other officials will say about where we are right now: that the economy is continuing to recover, albeit more slowly than they would like. Unfortunately, that’s not true: this isn’t a recovery, in any sense that matters. And policy makers should be doing everything they can to change that fact.

The small sliver of truth in claims of continuing recovery is the fact that G.D.P. is still rising: we’re not in a classic recession, in which everything goes down. But so what?

The important question is whether growth is fast enough to bring down sky-high unemployment. We need about 2.5 percent growth just to keep unemployment from rising, and much faster growth to bring it significantly down.

Yet growth is currently running somewhere between 1 and 2 percent, with a good chance that it will slow even further in the months ahead. Will the economy actually enter a double dip, with G.D.P. shrinking? Who cares? If unemployment rises for the rest of this year, which seems likely, it won’t matter whether the G.D.P. numbers are slightly positive or slightly negative. All of this is obvious. Yet policy makers are in denial.

Countdown to someone within the White House or Democratic Party or within the liberal establishment to holler “RAAAACIST!”

Oh, right, he’s a Democrat. my bad…:

Race-Hustler Walter Fauntroy compares Tea Party to Klu Klux Klan

Here is another reason why I will not ever vote for another Democrat:


A civil rights activist and former congressman equated the Tea Party with the Ku Klux Klan today as he blasted a conservative rally planned in Washington, D.C., this weekend.

The Truth about Democrats - (Snatched from Weasel Zippers)

The Rev. Walter Fauntroy, the non-voting delegate who represented the District of Columbia from 1971 to 1991, called on African-Americans to organize a “new coalition of conscience” to rebut the rally scheduled for Saturday at the Lincoln Memorial featuring Fox News pundit Glenn Beck and former Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin.

“We are going to take on the barbarism of war, the decadence of racism, and the scourge of poverty, that the Ku Klux — I meant to say the Tea Party,” Fauntroy told a news conference today at the National Press Club. “You all forgive me, but I — you have to use them interchangeably.”

Fauntroy attempted to explain the comparison to white supremacists by saying that organizers behind the “Restoring Honor” rally are the same people who cut audio cables from a sound system the night before the historic March on Washington and the Rev. Martin Luther King Jr.’s “I Have a Dream” speech at the Lincoln Memorial.

“The same people who cut the cables on the night before the march, that we paid $66,000 for a sound system, they cut it,” Fauntroy said. “Now from Fox News and elsewhere, they are seeking to turn the world back.”

Fauntroy, who is credited as one of the chief organizers of the March on Washington, remembers Aug. 28, 1963, as the “most important date of the 20th century.”

The “Restoring Honor” rally, organized by the Special Operations Warrior Foundation, coincides with the anniversary of the historic March on Washington and the “I Have a Dream” speech. Organizers have said the conflicting date was a coincidence and not a deliberate display of disrespect.

Fauntroy said right-wing conservatives have “declared war on the civil rights movement of the 1960s” that brought together a Coalition of Conscience for a march on jobs and freedom in 1963. He called for a new Coalition of Conscience rally on the Mall in August 2012.

“I don’t want you to think I’m angry,” Fauntroy said. “[But] when this right-wing conservative exclusionary group comes to highjack our movement, we have got to respond. And I’m looking forward to that Coalition of Conscience, in defense of jobs and freedom for women.”

I think this one goes without saying; this guy is nothing more than a race hustler. Which is what the Democratic Party is full of. This is why I stopped voting for them. Because of identity politics or the wanting to punish me for something that I nothing to do with, slavery and segregation.

I have written this all before; but it is worth repeating. The only reason why the Democratic Party has been able to win elections, is because of the black race. For years, the Democratic Party was hostile to the black race and every other minority out there. Then sometime in the mid-1960’s, The Democratic Party decided that the only way that they would be able to continue to win elections was to do two things to blacks. Give them lip service and give them handouts. Granted, The Democrats did get the “Civil Rights Act” passed, which the majority of Republicans supported, and Democrats like Senator Robert Byrd tried to filibuster. A Civil Rights act which was unconstitutional in nature, which is why Senator Barry Goldwater opposed it.

The Republican Party was very open to blacks; do not get me wrong here — There were some Republicans who were hostile and the Republican Party did not “roll out the red carpet” for them either. You have to remember the context of the time period. But for the most part, blacks were welcomed to the party. The trouble with blacks and the Republican Party is this; The Republican Party believes in equal rights for all, special privileges for none. Most black people look at political parties and the first thing that they ask is, “What can you do for me?” The Democrats response is, “We will get you this, this and this…” The Republican Party’s response is, “Not a damned thing”, “Do for yourself!” and the black screams, “RACIST!” and walks away. That is because the black race has been programmed to feel that someone owes them something. That feeling is instilled in them from day one. It usually comes from our public education system, which, of course, is ran, controlled and financed by liberals.  I guess I should be fair and say that not only blacks have this attitude, but also most other minorities and even most poor white people as well. (Believe me, I know what I speak of, I have people in my own family wanting handouts all the time.)

This is not to say that ALL blacks and other minorities are like this, there are some, who do wander off the plantation and are taught the importance of hard work and for looking one’s own self and not waiting on the Government to provide for their every need.  They are usually seen as “Uncle Tom’s”, “House Negros” and sell outs to the black or whatever race that they happen to be. But, that is what the Democratic Party does to the blacks and other minorities. If one of them wanders off the plantation, they are derided like that. Because with the Democratic Party liberals it is all about command and control; and once they lose that command and control of the minorities, they lash out.

In closing: See? I can write about blacks and race hustling without being offensive. At least not to those who actually have a brain.

Others: Questions and Observations, Weasel Zippers, American Power and JammieWearingFool

UPDATED: The Obligatory Cab Driver Stabbed because he is a Muslim Posting New York Post shows its stupidity

I really did not want to touch this, until ALL of the facts are out. There are many on the right, who are distorting this story badly. Further more, there are some on the left who are as well.

Here is the truth. A Cab Driver picks up a man; the cab driver is a Muslim. The man asks driver if he is a Muslim, the driver says yes, and the man proceeds to stab him rather badly. The Cab Driver locks his car and calls 911.

The man who did it, worked for a production company as a volunteer and went to Pakistan. He also did work for the Park51 group as well, as did the company he worked for.

The problem with these stories is this; both sides, left and right, rush to make it one of their own —- instead of waiting for the facts to come out.

The facts are, my friends, that a Muslim man was stabbed and is in the hospital; and there is a lone nut in a jail cell somewhere. I think that both sides of this debate need to take a step back and relax a little. Because this is going to keep on, until someone ends up dead; and that my friends, is the last thing we need right now.

I believe that both sides, left and right, both need to cool it. Before the unthinkable happens.

Memorandum Thread here.

Update: The New York Post shows it’s damned inane stupidity, their headline:

Driver claims his throat was slashed after telling passenger he was Muslim

Claims? CLAIMS??!?!? Wow. 😯

Pardon my sarcasm here, but, “Yeah we put claims, because you cannot ever trust those stupid sand nigger towel heads, they never tell truth….”

Oh.My.God I cannot believe Murdock would stoop that low. 🙁

I am ashamed of being even a moderate-minded Conservative at this moment. 😡

Update: Fixer Grammar error in title of posting. Thanks to commenter Blog Responder. 😀

Unreal: Mosque Supporter says Holocaust Survivor “Didn’t learn his lesson”

You know, I have expressed my dismay at those on the far right, that are using that Mosque in New York as a political issue; and are fanning the flames of extremism  — not to mention are just grandstanding this issue to death.

Well, I regret to report, that it is happening on the left or at least among the Mosque supporters too:

The Video via JammieWearingFool: (CONTENT WARNING – LANGUAGE)

Obviously a Michael Bloomberg and Barack Obama supporter. Classy guy. He calls the old man an unpatriotic, treasonous piece of garbage. A shame how the lamestream media ignored this.

The left loves to call anyone who disagree with them bigots and haters. Just get a look at the vein-popping rage of this man and tell me he’s not consumed with hatred.

While Mr. JWF’s opinion may be slightly over the top; telling or saying that Holocaust survivor “Didn’t learn his lesson,” is just beyond the pale. I may support this Mosque’s LEGAL right to build this building, (Moral right is another story…) I do not support that sort of hatred.

My message to the Mosque supporters; if you think that spewing this sort of garbage and allowing yourself to be taped is going to help your cause, you are very highly mistaken. Bashing anyone, especially Jews; that are opposed to this Mosque only hurts your cause. I will not rush to judgment and call this man a leftist, because I do not know this, neither does JWF; but I digress. Therefore, I will just file this under general stupidity.

The Republican Party, The Tea Party, Bloggers, and YOU

Well, we lost another one!

Looks like Dan Amato, better known as Digger has called it quits with the Republican Party:

To all of you ignorant Tea Party people out there who are continuing to think that you can somehow co-opt the GOP and turn it in the right direction, John McCain is your answer from the Republican National Committee and the top echelons of this corrupt and unfixable party. Their continued support of candidates like John McCain, Lindsey Graham, Olympia Snowe and Susan Collins is an abomination.

As for the Tea Party movement, it has been wholly co-opted by the likes of Dick Armey, a fiercely pro-amnesty for illegal aliens proponent who will never change his ways. And the Tea Partiers stand at the sidelines as he speaks for them. They are the equivalent of the “moderate Muslims” who stand by and do nothing while the extremists take over their “religion”. Let Armey lead you down into the doldrums of the continued bottomless cesspool that is our political system – for it will never right itself. You sheep out there who are supporting the parties and the Armey backed Tea Party – being steered by FreedomWorks – should be disgusted with yourselves. You should have denounced Armey from day one, yet you did nothing as those of us who see what he truly is have been shouting it for more than a year. I see no action from any of you as he gallivants around the country talking for you. Silence is acceptance.

At one point I thought I would go independent for years and maybe the Republicans would turn themselves around and see the light, but that is not happening and it is not going to happen. There is no going back and I will never support the Republicans or the GOP again. The shortest straw has been pulled and placed on the camel’s back that is our country. I urge you to permanently declare your separation from the GOP – for life.


I will now actively work against the GOP in any manner that I can. I will actively work against the Democrats in any way that I can. As a matter of fact at this point I am seriously thinking of supporting Democrats. I will scream from the mountaintops the pure disgust that both parties have become and convince anyone I can to turn against them. I am of the mind that we need more Democrats in power, more progressives, more John McCains to leave our borders wide open and to allow our citizens to continue to be abused. For what else will wake them up but mass raping, pillaging and murderous attacks?

He is referring, of course, to the reelection of John McCain. Even AllahPundit was not happy about it:

I can’t believe, in this year of all years, we couldn’t find a better challenger for McCain than this guy. It’s 60/29 as I write this. What a travesty.

I can really understand the feelings of both of these guys; I really can. I have to confess something here —- I was, from day one, extremely skeptical of the Tea Party Movement. At first, it sounded like an awesome idea and at first, it was. The problem is this, it was co-oped by movers and shakers within the Republican establishment; people like Dick Army and yes, Sarah Palin.  Sarah Palin might be a good motivator; but like it or not, but she is one of the Party faithful within the Republican Party. Like it or not; but the Tea Party was never a “Republican” or even a “Conservative” movement. It was simply a movement of people who were disgusted by what was happening in the Government. The tragic thing that happened was that it was co-oped by special interest groups with the Republican establishment and more tragically, within the beltway. The Tea Party movement was also feasted upon, by people wanting to make a quick buck on the emotions of the American people.

Some would say, “Did you not do this?” To this, I say, No. I did not. I simply wrote about the movement and gave my feelings on it. I also reported the true account of one of the biggest Tea Party protests in Washington D.C. —- for that I did receive a donation from many readers. Of which I was very shocked that I received them. However, I was very grateful for it. Hopefully, those people are still reading here.

The main question in many minds of many people is:

Where do we go from here?

The answer to that question is this; we keep electing candidates that represent Tea Party values: Low Taxes, Responsible Government and so forth.

I think one of tragedies of the Tea Party was that there was some assumption within the ranks of the Tea Party Movement itself, that this group of unaffiliated activists were going to coalesce into this organized Third Party that was going to unseat the Republican Party as the Party of Conservatism or at least, be this alternative to the Democratic Party in the United States of America. I am afraid that this just was not a feasible goal. The Republican Party is controlled by very well financed and well heeled contributors. Not to mention the fact that there are legions of special interest groups and political action committees, that are loyal to the Republican cause. Basically, without over simplifying it; the Tea Party Movement was outgunned by the one thing, that these activists were protesting against the misuse of in Washington D.C. ——– Money.

Let me be clear, (Thank you Mr. President, for making the best statement of clarity, into a punchline! You Bastard! 😉 ) this should not be considered my “Tea Party – Rest in Peace” posting, as it is not. I believe that the Tea Party did and still is accomplishing what it set out to do. The Tea Party, along with social media, has changed the game for politics; especially Conservative politics. I believe that the Tea Party, along with the election of Barack Obama and also the huge economic crash of 2008; has for the most part, united the Conservative movement — at least on fiscal issues —- now, foreign policy, and social issues, that is another story! —-  The Party was sorely divided under President George W. Bush. This became very apparent in 2006, when the Iraq War got very uglyOh, there are some who continue to hold out, and point at everyone who disagrees with them, as “Neo-Cons.”  (Yes, I know I used the term in a previous entry!) But this group is a very small minority within the Conservative movement. I would dwell on that subject more, but I just do not see wasting any space on them. They call themselves “Alternative Right”, I have a name for them; it is called Neo-Nazi. Hate, not matter how intellectualized or nuanced —- is still hate. This is why I broke away from the Paleo-Conservative camp. The hardcore Paleo-Conservative camp is simply reactionary politics distilled down to it’s simplest forms. Contrary to what they might like to publish, Paleo-Conservatives disdain for Identity Politics on the Left and Right is NOT about the disliking of the Identity Politics itself; but rather for the sole purpose of hating anyone, who is of a different color, race or creed than the majority of Paleo-Conservatives, who are, in fact, mostly older White, well-educated, Americans. There is a word for it, it is called Nativism.

However, this is not to say that the Wilsonian sect of the Republican Party is not a real thing; oh it is, and it is very real and very powerful and quite well financed.  They even have their own magazine. However, the influence of the Wilsonian sect, within the Republican Party is waning. The Republican Party has had a “Come to Jesus” moment on Foreign Policy and even War. The notable exception is this idiotic Park 51 situation. Like it or not; but there are some Wilsonian Conservatives who are milking that little issue for every political bit that it is worth. Further more, they are using tactics right out of Adolf Hitler’s handbook. Propaganda is evil, I do not give a damn who is doing it or why. It is wrong and it needs to stop.

In closing, let me say this to whomever Conservative or Republican happens to read this Blog entry. We as Conservatives and yes, as Republicans —- can do two things. We can take the path of extremism and we can die is a political party. Which would be the absolute delight of the Neo-Liberal left — or we can take the sensible path. We can ignore the Wilsonians and we can take a path of moderation, understanding, and measurement. We can also take a path of integrity —- and we can live and exist as a Party, as a people and as a movement.

We must make this choice.

We must choose Righteousness and not foolishness.

We must make that choice very quickly.

Because darkness is upon us and a time will come — when no man can work.