The Republican Party, The Tea Party, Bloggers, and YOU

Well, we lost another one!

Looks like Dan Amato, better known as Digger has called it quits with the Republican Party:

To all of you ignorant Tea Party people out there who are continuing to think that you can somehow co-opt the GOP and turn it in the right direction, John McCain is your answer from the Republican National Committee and the top echelons of this corrupt and unfixable party. Their continued support of candidates like John McCain, Lindsey Graham, Olympia Snowe and Susan Collins is an abomination.

As for the Tea Party movement, it has been wholly co-opted by the likes of Dick Armey, a fiercely pro-amnesty for illegal aliens proponent who will never change his ways. And the Tea Partiers stand at the sidelines as he speaks for them. They are the equivalent of the “moderate Muslims” who stand by and do nothing while the extremists take over their “religion”. Let Armey lead you down into the doldrums of the continued bottomless cesspool that is our political system – for it will never right itself. You sheep out there who are supporting the parties and the Armey backed Tea Party – being steered by FreedomWorks – should be disgusted with yourselves. You should have denounced Armey from day one, yet you did nothing as those of us who see what he truly is have been shouting it for more than a year. I see no action from any of you as he gallivants around the country talking for you. Silence is acceptance.

At one point I thought I would go independent for years and maybe the Republicans would turn themselves around and see the light, but that is not happening and it is not going to happen. There is no going back and I will never support the Republicans or the GOP again. The shortest straw has been pulled and placed on the camel’s back that is our country. I urge you to permanently declare your separation from the GOP – for life.


I will now actively work against the GOP in any manner that I can. I will actively work against the Democrats in any way that I can. As a matter of fact at this point I am seriously thinking of supporting Democrats. I will scream from the mountaintops the pure disgust that both parties have become and convince anyone I can to turn against them. I am of the mind that we need more Democrats in power, more progressives, more John McCains to leave our borders wide open and to allow our citizens to continue to be abused. For what else will wake them up but mass raping, pillaging and murderous attacks?

He is referring, of course, to the reelection of John McCain. Even AllahPundit was not happy about it:

I can’t believe, in this year of all years, we couldn’t find a better challenger for McCain than this guy. It’s 60/29 as I write this. What a travesty.

I can really understand the feelings of both of these guys; I really can. I have to confess something here —- I was, from day one, extremely skeptical of the Tea Party Movement. At first, it sounded like an awesome idea and at first, it was. The problem is this, it was co-oped by movers and shakers within the Republican establishment; people like Dick Army and yes, Sarah Palin.  Sarah Palin might be a good motivator; but like it or not, but she is one of the Party faithful within the Republican Party. Like it or not; but the Tea Party was never a “Republican” or even a “Conservative” movement. It was simply a movement of people who were disgusted by what was happening in the Government. The tragic thing that happened was that it was co-oped by special interest groups with the Republican establishment and more tragically, within the beltway. The Tea Party movement was also feasted upon, by people wanting to make a quick buck on the emotions of the American people.

Some would say, “Did you not do this?” To this, I say, No. I did not. I simply wrote about the movement and gave my feelings on it. I also reported the true account of one of the biggest Tea Party protests in Washington D.C. —- for that I did receive a donation from many readers. Of which I was very shocked that I received them. However, I was very grateful for it. Hopefully, those people are still reading here.

The main question in many minds of many people is:

Where do we go from here?

The answer to that question is this; we keep electing candidates that represent Tea Party values: Low Taxes, Responsible Government and so forth.

I think one of tragedies of the Tea Party was that there was some assumption within the ranks of the Tea Party Movement itself, that this group of unaffiliated activists were going to coalesce into this organized Third Party that was going to unseat the Republican Party as the Party of Conservatism or at least, be this alternative to the Democratic Party in the United States of America. I am afraid that this just was not a feasible goal. The Republican Party is controlled by very well financed and well heeled contributors. Not to mention the fact that there are legions of special interest groups and political action committees, that are loyal to the Republican cause. Basically, without over simplifying it; the Tea Party Movement was outgunned by the one thing, that these activists were protesting against the misuse of in Washington D.C. ——– Money.

Let me be clear, (Thank you Mr. President, for making the best statement of clarity, into a punchline! You Bastard! 😉 ) this should not be considered my “Tea Party – Rest in Peace” posting, as it is not. I believe that the Tea Party did and still is accomplishing what it set out to do. The Tea Party, along with social media, has changed the game for politics; especially Conservative politics. I believe that the Tea Party, along with the election of Barack Obama and also the huge economic crash of 2008; has for the most part, united the Conservative movement — at least on fiscal issues —- now, foreign policy, and social issues, that is another story! —-  The Party was sorely divided under President George W. Bush. This became very apparent in 2006, when the Iraq War got very uglyOh, there are some who continue to hold out, and point at everyone who disagrees with them, as “Neo-Cons.”  (Yes, I know I used the term in a previous entry!) But this group is a very small minority within the Conservative movement. I would dwell on that subject more, but I just do not see wasting any space on them. They call themselves “Alternative Right”, I have a name for them; it is called Neo-Nazi. Hate, not matter how intellectualized or nuanced —- is still hate. This is why I broke away from the Paleo-Conservative camp. The hardcore Paleo-Conservative camp is simply reactionary politics distilled down to it’s simplest forms. Contrary to what they might like to publish, Paleo-Conservatives disdain for Identity Politics on the Left and Right is NOT about the disliking of the Identity Politics itself; but rather for the sole purpose of hating anyone, who is of a different color, race or creed than the majority of Paleo-Conservatives, who are, in fact, mostly older White, well-educated, Americans. There is a word for it, it is called Nativism.

However, this is not to say that the Wilsonian sect of the Republican Party is not a real thing; oh it is, and it is very real and very powerful and quite well financed.  They even have their own magazine. However, the influence of the Wilsonian sect, within the Republican Party is waning. The Republican Party has had a “Come to Jesus” moment on Foreign Policy and even War. The notable exception is this idiotic Park 51 situation. Like it or not; but there are some Wilsonian Conservatives who are milking that little issue for every political bit that it is worth. Further more, they are using tactics right out of Adolf Hitler’s handbook. Propaganda is evil, I do not give a damn who is doing it or why. It is wrong and it needs to stop.

In closing, let me say this to whomever Conservative or Republican happens to read this Blog entry. We as Conservatives and yes, as Republicans —- can do two things. We can take the path of extremism and we can die is a political party. Which would be the absolute delight of the Neo-Liberal left — or we can take the sensible path. We can ignore the Wilsonians and we can take a path of moderation, understanding, and measurement. We can also take a path of integrity —- and we can live and exist as a Party, as a people and as a movement.

We must make this choice.

We must choose Righteousness and not foolishness.

We must make that choice very quickly.

Because darkness is upon us and a time will come — when no man can work.