FARK is owned and ran by Liberal Fascists

Apparently, they’ve blocked me from submitting my content over there. Which just proves to me that Socialist Liberals are nothing more than fascists.

Word to the wise, if you are a Conservative Blogger, do not try to use FARK to promote your content or you will be blocked. It is because FARK is owned and operated by fascist socialist liberals, who hate everything related to Conservatism and Republicanism and they will block you, if you use their service. Which is quite sad, and proves what I have known for a long time, socialist liberals do NOT want a diversity of opinions, they want to control the message and silence dissent.

I guess Jonah Goldberg was absolutely correct.

Thanks guys for proving my point for me.

Here’s the book to read:

Gun Blogger loses his job, could use some help

Normally, I would not care; but this is for someone who believes in the Second Amendment and I believe in that whole “What goes around, comes around” and “Reaping and Sowing” thing. Plus, there’s nothing like good JuJu.. so… Let’s help.

Apparently, this guy has a Gun Holster Business:

Then, there’s holsters and other things. Folks, currently my holster business is about my only business. If you want a really nice, full-custom holster quick; well, now would be the time to place your order. If I can take orders for about six holsters, I don’t have to go to work in ten days. My brother and I have mused for years of opening a custom shop, specializing in ultra high-end guitar equipment, home audio, and furnishings. Currently, we’ve got a personal project going with an analog 7.1-surround switcher in stainless steel and English Yew. I’d love to make my money building tube amps and the wildest couches and coffee tables that you’ve ever seen. This does not by any means exclude the holster business. There is certainly a place for that in my future.

So, if you have a 6 shooter or something in that department, give this guy a ring dingy and let him make you a holster.

I mean, it’s one thing to be a fat assed unemployed idiot like me, who’s living with his Mommy and Daddy and gets three squares a day and has a roof over his head. But when you are out there in the wild, with no safety net, it is a whole other ballgame. So, get on over there and help this dude out.

Hat Tip and thanks to Say Uncle, who happens to be one the better gun Bloggers out there.

One of the many reasons why I do not buy into the birther nonsense

Oh brother, this again?

If you thought 2010 was the future, think again. A phony new email chain letter — one of the antiquated viral sort leftover from the AOL era — is claiming that the case against President Barack Obama’s citizenship has reached the Supreme Court, based on a forged and typo-riddled Associated Press “report.”

The birther movement of angry citizens who believe President Obama was not born in the country and is thus ineligible to be president seemed to lose steam in the year since the 2008 election, but this new email spreading takes the accusations to a new level of ridiculousness based on fake news done poorly.

via Birther Chain Email Uses Fake AP Story To Question Obama’s Citizenship – Mediaite.

This is the main reason why I quit giving that birther crap any space on my blog. Because they know they are wrong. But that will not stop them. What they cannot prove; they make up. Which is horrible, but they are entitled to free speech, like everyone else — like me.

The problem is, there are well-meaning Conservatives, who actually believe this bunch of nonsense. The problem is, not many of them know this theory’s origins; which was on the White Nationalist website, Stormfront. It was then picked up operatives in the Hillary Clinton campaign, and then finally by political operatives within the Republican Party. It was quickly dumped by the Republicans and somewhat by the Hillary people. But it still festers out there. There are some, who are still angry at Obama from the Hillary camp, and some angry Republicans, who still, to this day, forward these e-mails around. It is, as Charles Johnson noted in the interview that I posted, a nuanced racial message, that basically says, “Go back to Africa, nigger!” I will be the first to admit it, there are some racists still in the ranks of Conservatives, especially in the south. Some of these people, at some point may have voted Democrat. Some not. It depends entirely on the person. This is not to say, that they all are, but there are some who hold that well-nuanced feeling towards blacks.

I think one of tragedies of the Conservative Blogosphere is that some of them, including me, got caught up into that birther nonsense. Especially when Orly Taitz started bringing out her “supposed” Birth Certificates. I was burned on that story once; it will never happen again, I can assure you of that.  I went as far as to add a retraction to the story and went out of my way to slam that pathetic woman, for even trying to deceive the American people. I also slammed the owner of WorldNetDaily for giving Taitz the space to spout her nonsense too. Most of the rest that covered it, never bothered, and that to me, is a real issue. I mean, if you going to cover a story, at least have the common decency to say that it was a hoax.

Charles Johnson does BloggingHeads.tv

I am presenting this video, because quite frankly, I feel that in some, not all, instances Charles Johnson has gotten a bad rap on the right, especially by those who are to the right of me.

Here are the things that I did NOT agree with at all or did not like in the video:

  1. The accusation that Robert Stacy McCain is a Racist Bigot; that is, I am afraid, utter nonsense. If I thought that Mr. McCain was even slightly like that, I would never, ever link to his Blog.
  2. Conn Carroll’s idiotic eye rolling and childish facial gestures in the video, if you do not agree with someone, just say so and move the hell on, do not act like a child. Further, his badgering of Charles on his position on Abortion, which is a classical libertarian position, that it should be a state issue was idiotic, classless, and lame; shame on Conn for this.

Here are the things that I do agree with:

  1. Global Warming: I agree that it is not a hoax, however, like Charles; I believe that it has been terribly politicized to the point that even the scientific data has possibly even been altered.
  2. On the racist imagery at the Tea party protests. Yes, I saw the watch doctor signs and yes, I thought they were highly offensive to me too. Yes, I know what the left did to Bush; does that justify that sort of nonsense? No. It does not. Charles does make a point to say that he does not think everyone at the Protests were racists. I give him that.
  3. I give Charles mad damned props for saying on that video, what I have said on this blog for a while now. The damned Birther controversy is steeped in outright racism. I was one of the first blogs on the right that reported that much of the misinformation that was being passed around about Obama’s citizenship was taken straight from the Anti-Semitic and racist website Stormfront dot org.
  4. Charles Johnson did admit that he was a socially a liberal. Glad he came out and admitted it.
  5. I give props to Charles for admitting that he did not have the information on items thrown at him, this showed that he is not a blowhard, as he is portrayed on the right by some. I believe that stems from his banning of people on his site; which I personal believe he has a right to do.

The thing or things that I agree half, and half disagree with Johnson:

  1. His Paranoia of the Religious Right is obvious. I believe his fears are a bit unfounded. I do not believe that the Religious Right is as big of a threat as Johnson might believe. However, I do agree with his assessment that Religion and politics, just do not mix. I have believed that for years. This is what brought us Ronald Reagan and brought us the disastrous Presidency of George W. Bush.
  2. Another point that I, in a way, agree with Johnson on is the John Birch Society. First, his accusation of the John Birch Society being a racist origination in a monolithic sense is just very ridiculous. However, it is fair to point out, that there were those in the early days of the John Birch Society that were involved in those sorts of affairs. What Johnson does not know, or is not telling; is that the John Birch Society purged itself of those sorts of people back at some point in its history. Further more, Johnson points to William F. Buckley’s basic sidelining of the JBS. The criticism of the John Birch Society, regardless of what you might read or may have heard, boils down to this — The John Birch Society was an non- interventionist group and was, and still is an anti-United Nations Council group. William F. Buckley worked at the United Nations at one point in his career, and he rejected the notion of total non- interventionism; thus the rub between the two parties. As for Johnson’s accusation of conspiracy theories, Johnson either is misinformed or is being purposefully deceitful; but more than likely, he gets his information from leftist sources. The JBS has done more to dismiss these sorts of nonsensical theories, than anyone else has. I know this from reading their site. For what it is worth; I am not, nor have I ever been a member of the JBS. I just actually read their site, instead of making silly assumptions.

There you have it, my take on the video… here’s the video and if you want to give me any crap for posting, feel free, but let me warn you. You start acting like a troll. I do not care who you are. I will kick your sorry butt to the curb, just as I do the rest of the trolls around here.

Here is the video:

Getting my butt tanned, in strange places

No, this is not a posting about adult spanking. (!)

But, Smitty just tanned my butt, three times… (Woo Hoo! 😯 ):

Political Byline seems to imply that the vlog somehow lowered the standard for decency in contribution solicitation.

Heh! Well, it might have something to do with the fact, that the Video reeked of “Please! Send us money!” But, then again, that was the point. 😉


Political Byline was relieved that Stacy will make the trip

Yes, I am. I mean, he did whine about it for a month! 😉

and then there’s this little gem:

Political Byline, having already chided us for our vlog shamelessness, mooched the WordPress theme that we’d freely mooched off the tubey-webs. Now, were hacking the CSS directly, so, for maximum debasement, let us know if we should publish the stylesheet too. ;) (Because we’re chummy like that).

Heh! Actually, there is a reason why I switched; which I explain here. Yes, I did like the theme and I did grab it. I do need to change the header graphic though. Anyone got any ideas?

and one of the funnier lines of the day:

New year. New URL. The FMJRA tradition rolls on. Things have been hectic, dealing with Stacy’s outburst of left-leaning posts, the stress of restraining his desires to re-code the entire site from scratch. Yes, Stacy, we can post executable scripts to the Silver Logic service provider. No, that’s not a good idea. Sheesh. Give a kid a toy…

I now see why Smitty does the backend work and not Stacy…. heh! 😀

Top Stuff of 2009

Here is the top “Stuff” of 2009 on this Blog.

The top posting on Political Byline for 2009 is a posting, that I did sort of on a lark. It was one, that I like to refer to as an “In between posting.” I had just pushed out some rather impressive posts, that were about the politics of that day; and I was waiting for some more information to come out about another story, and I had noticed some postings had come up about Republicans lying about healthcare. So, I went, “Hmmm, didn’t Obama do some pretty big lying during the 2008 election?” and So, I asked anyone on twitter, if there was any videos up about Obama lying. The response was overwhelming to say the least! So, I hopped over to YouTube and just typed in “Obama Lies” and woo boy! ——  Talk about results! So, anyhow, I picked out three of the best videos of the lot, just typed up article that had a bit of a conspiratorial tone to it and put it up. I never expected in a million years that this posting would even be read by one person, much less 4,350 people!

So, yes, my top posting on 2009 is:

Lies, Damned Lies and more Lies

Runners up are: A posting that I ended up pulling, Answering Laurence Vance, Updated: Why I left the libertarian ranks: Exhibit A – Hatred of the United States Military, The ‘Hey, that’s a pretty new gun!’ posting of the month, Helen Thomas goes nuclear over the Obama Administration’s controlled Townhall meetings and controlled press, Obama Bows to his Arab Masters.

Top Referrers:

These are the URL’s who have sent me the most traffic for the last year. The winner is, hands down, StumbleUpon. StumbleUpon was, in 2009, what DIGG and REDDIT where in 2007. It sends me a TON of traffic.

Anyhow, here’s the up URLS that sent me traffic:

Referrer Views
stumbleupon.com/refer.php?url=http%3A… 3,691
stumbleupon.com/refer.php?url=http%3A… 2,099
lewrockwell.com/blog 1,998
memeorandum.com 1,720
stumbleupon.com/refer.php?url=http%3A… 1,456
freedomsphoenix.com/Find-Freedom.htm?… 1,317
rsmccain.blogspot.com 1,233
stumbleupon.com/refer.php?url=http%3A… 1,172
stumbleupon.com/refer.php?url=http%3A… 1,087
stumbleupon.com/refer.php?url=http%3A… 1,081
lewrockwell.com/blog/lewrw/archives/0… 1,054
totalfark.com 1,052
stumbleupon.com/refer.php?url=http%3A… 874
andrewsullivan.theatlantic.com 862
reddit.com/new 830
twitter.com 748
freedomsphoenix.com/Freedom-Header.ht… 747

Top Search Terms for this Blog were:

Search Views
allan colmes 999
babe of the day 695
fema coffins debunked 499
motivators 442
melissa doi 420
obama booty 332
funny motivators 303
michael moore is an idiot 253
demotivators 246
akron police investigate teen mob attack 244
clarence mcclendon scandal 239
randi rhoads 210
brittany murphy 208
allan keyes 198
political byline 194

The Top Clicked URL’s were:

URL Clicks
russellbrand.tv 197
youtube.com/watch?v=y6xWGvdRQ9Q 151
blogs.tnr.com/tnr/blogs/the_plank/arc… 122
is.gd/4KrHM 122
impactguns.com/cgi-bin/affiliates/cli… 120
wired.com/wired/archive/6.12/murder.h… 120
americanrifleman.org/ArticlePage.aspx… 109
drudgereport.com 103
themudflats.net/2009/07/26/sarah-pali… 102

In 2009, this Blog had a total of 225,280 visitors, not including me. The average user, per day, was 617 visitors per day. Which does not take in account some of the huge traffic spikes around here.

Now, those stats were according to WordPress.com Stats, which by the way, is an excellent WordPress plug in.

According to GoStats.com, which is an excellent counter for blogs and such. here are my yearly stats:

Page Views: 255,774

IP Hosts: 147,601

Unique Visitors: 178,892

Unique Sessions: 197,491

Now according to GoStats.com, which I find to be a bit more accurate that WordPress.com Stats, for some reason:

My Week averages were:

Page Views: 886

IP Hosts: 534

Unique Visitors: 598

Unique Sessions: 653

So, there you have it. Those numbers are not to shabby for someone who really has not done any advertising at all. Oh, I’ve done a little on Blogads, and project wonderful, but nothing to the extent of others. Another thing too, this is a single author blog and many of those have low numbers. So, all in all, it was a good year. I did well, made some money, and some enemies. But, it was all worth it to me. Standing up for what is right, is what I do here and if I happen to make some people angry in the process, I count it par for the course.

Of course, I have you all to thank for it. All of you who donated, all of you, who clicked on the ads, all of you, who just came and read. All of you who linked in, you know who you are; I thank each and every one of you. I thank you for coming, for linking and for honestly caring enough to keep coming around. I am humbled by the numbers, this is not about me. This about you, about America, standing for what we believe in, standing for the America that I remember as a boy, growing up.

Now it is time to move on to 2010. We have some great battles ahead; the 2010 elections are coming. This is not time to slack, we must be strong, we have to be ready, we must be vigilant; we are at war, against terrorists; who wish to destroy this nation; against Socialists who wish to destroy our world, as we know it today. The battle lines have been drawn. We must, as the saying goes, Fight on!

To a Prosperous,  Healthy, and Yes, Victorious 2010!

Happy New Year 2010!

Happy New Year – 2010!

Happy New Year 2010!!!

May everyone who reads this Blog have a happy…and yes, Safe New Year!

….and in that Spirit…. a new blog location! For the Other McCain… Click here to go to his NEW site!

(Edited horribly embarrassing typo! Happy New York?!?!?! Good Lord…. )

Update: Somehow, this video just fits for some reason. Consider this my New Years wish:

2009 Worst Political Decade Ever?

I present two videos; the first by reason magazine, which is a very funny take on the past 10 years. Which comes via HotAir.com, who has a poll up with this decade versus a few other notable decades:

The second video comes via Jack Hunter, who video blogs over at the American Conservative. Here Jack lays out a very compelling case for the fact that starting with George H.W. Bush, continuing with Bill Clinton and finally with George W. Bush; the entire big government, got even bigger:

As Jack says, and yet, conservatives are now griping about Barack Obama’s big government agenda. However, it is to be said, that Jack Hunter does point out the hypocrisy of the Democrats, when it comes to the wars. They were, in fact, loudly condemning of Bush’s Wars, but now, they’re all but silent. (Except for a few… and I mean very few…)

One point that I will offer a rebuttal to, is Jack’s point that Bush touted a more peaceful Foreign Policy, when he ran back in 2000. Jack points out that this suddenly changed after 9/11. What he fails to realize is this; on September 11, 2001, the game changed. Terrorists slammed two planes into the World Trade Centers, one plane into the Pentagon, and one plane that was headed to the White House; ended up in a field in Pennsylvania.  As someone who had a terrorist almost blow up a plane near my house. I can fully understand why this game changed. However, because I am not a overly partisan blogger, I will say this; I do fully realize that Iraq, in hindsight was, in fact, a mistake. I have yet for anyone at all, to convince me otherwise, that Iraq was a direct threat to our Republic. I personally believe it was because of this massive screw up of the Bush Administration, that Afghanistan is now possibly a lost cause, and why Al-Qaeda is now attacking us once again. If I were Jack and those who agree with him; I would be watching the Yemen situation very closely. Because I tend to believe that Yemen is going to become Obama’s war, especially if he does not root out that Al-Qaeda group there.

As a fiscal Conservative; I must say that I wholeheartedly agree with Jack’s assessment of the G.O.P. and Republican establishment’s hypocrisy on spending; the same very people that are bitching to high heaven about Obama’s spending, were all but silent during the eight years of George W. Bush and his reckless drunken sailor like spending, which was primarily on a war in a country that really, when you get down to it, had zero to do with 9/11.  But, yet, you have Bloggers, who are pro-war, bitching about Obama’s socialist agenda and take over of health care, plus his screwing of the economy into the ground. My question is, where were these people back in Bush’s day? Oh, that’s right, partisanship —- Which is such a horrible disease.

In fact, just here the other day; I was ripped by a “so-called” Conservative blogger, because I went to his blog and left a rather nasty message about Obama, because I was quite pissed off about his handling of the attempted terrorist act here at the airport, which is less than 10 miles from my house. (I also e-mailed him and apologized for it too..)  This man goes out of his way to rat me out, and offers to give my damned IP address to anyone that wants it. But yet, on that same blog, he does the rather unfunny Osama/Obama joke on his blog. He removed it, presumably after one his readers bitched at him about it, but just the same, this idiot is going to bitch at me for being a ‘so-called’ racist and he does the same thing? That is hypocrisy and I think he knows that, because it was changed, I wish I had screen capped it and posted it here. But, I didn’t. Also, one of his commenters proceeded to give out my real name and drudge up crap that happened years ago. She also went out of her way to say that I, according to her, criticized the right more than the left. Which is, of course, stupid. I have pointed out stupid stuff on the far right and I will continue to do so; as much as I criticize the left.  My point that I am trying to make is this here. Just as much as I am not drinking the idiotic socialist Kool-Aid of the Democrats; I am also not drinking the idiotic Kool-Aid of the far right either, I consider myself to me a critical, or dare I say it? A free-thinker.

I will admit, that I am a supporter of the United States Military; but I will the first to admit, that I beginning to be very skeptical of the war in Afghanistan; and I will go out of my way to say that this is NOT the fault of the United States military. It never was, it is the fault of the jackasses in Washington D.C. who could not define a damned military mission, if their lives depended on it.  This is nothing new, it was the same way during the Bush Administration, much worse in fact. The problem is, our lives do depend on it. Al-Qaeda is still a damned threat and what does Obama do? Gives a half-assed speech as to the fact, that the government  is on it. Yeah, uh-huh, sure. You mean, like the Government has been on the hunt of Osama Bin Laden for the last damned eight years? I call B.S. people, big time.

So, to those who come here and think this is a far right, rabid Conservative Blog. Be forewarned; my criticism and skepticism of Government and politics; and those who engage in that profession, is NOT on a partisan basis. I am quite bi-partisan on my criticisms. This blog has always been that way, and always will be.

Updated: Reply to the racist on YouTube

Earlier today, I received the following comment on YouTube:

ScotSNP has made a comment on My response to Bernie Sanders:

Dude, you are seriously ill. Get some help mate, and shave that fucking jihad beard.

Here is my response that I left on YouTube:

Merry Christmas to all.

Update: Just an FYI… I went and checked out the guys account who left the racist comment; he is in the U.K….. Go Figure.

The Huffington Post links to Moi?

Color me shocked and quite amazed. 😯

I guess my posting on Laura Ingraham and Bill O’Reilly having an On-The-Air spat was noticed by Huffpo and they even linked here.

Wow. 😮

I would have much preferred a direct quote or something. But hey, it’s free traffic and I will take it, when I can get it.

I guess that marble-mouthed woman that runs that site ain’t so bad after all. She’d be much better, if she’d take an English course; but I digress.

Now, if Glenn Beck would just notice me, I’d be living on easy street. 😉 😛

WordPress 2.9 has dropped

If you run WordPress, you should upgrade. Lots of bug fixes and nice little additions to the greatest blog software on the planet.

I want to make you mine, all the time… oh wait. Hello. I’m here on behalf of the entire WordPress development team and community to announce the immediate availability of WordPress version 2.9 “Carmen” named in honor of magical jazz vocalist Carmen McRae (whom we’ve added to our Last.fm WP release station). You can upgrade easily from your Dashboard by going to Tools > Upgrade, or you can download from WordPress.org.

via WordPress › Blog » WordPress 2.9, oh so fine.

Matt Mullenweg has got to be the luckiest kid on the planet. I call him a kid, because he is half my age. 😛 Of course, WordPress is much more than Matt. WordPress is made up by some of the most crazy people smartest people on the planet.

I just wish I had Matt’s money. 😀 😉 😛

As much as I’d like to, I shall refrain from the usual gutter sniping of the area in which Matt lives. (Hint: Nancy Pelosi’s Area….) His politics is of no matter to me; the man is at the center of all things cool. Besides, he’s from Texas, he can’t be that bad…(or can he?)

In case you don’t get the funny opening line of the above quoted text, here is the video that Matt is referring to:

Which is the first AND LAST time, you will ever see a video by Toni Basil on this blog. *shudder*

Some useless factoid information…. Mickey was a cover of this song here:


That’s ” Hey Kitty” by an  1970’s English band “Racey”

Personally, I’d like to see Matt Dancing in a cheerleader outfit to mickey myself. Well, maybe not. 😉 😀 😛 😆

Answering Laurence Vance

I write this piece to answer the libertarian leftist Laurence Vance’s smear piece against me. An article for what it is worth has only brought 143 visitors to my blog, as of this writing. For a man, who is supposedly an authority on all things libertarian; not to mention all things Austrian economics —That my friend is quite amusing, I guess Lew Rockwell and company are legends in their own minds — at best.

I will not sit here and pick apart this entire ridiculous article, which is filled with in inaccuracies about me, who I listen to in talk radio, and all the other silly assumptions that those of the idiotic leftist mentality believe about us, who happen to respect and support our Military. Nevertheless, I will correct this leftist imbecile on some issues.

First off, whom or what I listen to on television: I guess Mr. Vance assumes that Fox News Network in my Television when I am awake. This is a gross fallacy; I only watch Fox News during the daytime; that is, if and when, I decide to turn the blasted thing on. I think I may watch an hour of Television at most, as for during the opinion hour at night, the only person I can stomach on Fox News is, in fact, is Bill O’Reilly. I find Sean Hannity most annoying. Why is that? Because Sean Hannity is a water carrier, a talk points repeater. Quite bluntly, Sean Hannity is an idiotic gasbag — Not to mention he looks and dresses like a closeted gay twink. Sean Hannity is, in fact, a Republican. He spouts Republican talking points — all the while claiming to be a Libertarian. One thing I can tell you, Sean Hannity is not a libertarian, he is not even close. Even I, the most hawkish man in the blogosphere can tell you that. Sean Hannity, to me, represents the Bush-era Fox News. Which has since changed, they stopped with the stupid Bush-era talking points and moved on. Sean Hannity, well, not so much. As for Limbaugh, I respect the man for building such a large business around his, well, ego. However, I do not listen to him on a regular basis, and I will tell you why. Rush Limbaugh strikes me as someone who is love with his own voice — something that I find most highly annoying. Therefore, I do not listen to Rush Limbaugh for that reason. Like anyone else, I catch the clips online when he says or does something remarkably stupid. As for Glenn Beck, Beck peddles paranoia; I am not much into that sort of a thing really. Glenn Back believes that communism is still a real threat. I disagree; I believe that radical socialism is a real threat. However, staunch communism is not and has not been for many years — McCarthy saw to that little feat — and yes there is a big difference between socialism and communism, it even says this on the communist party USA’s website. I ought to know, I did look it up. I do not make a habit of yowling about things that I have no clue about, unlike some in this idiotic political blogosphere.

Therefore, yes, I do watch Bill O’Reilly; why, you ask — Because Bill O’Reilly is fair and yes, balanced. Anyone who actually watches his show knows that Bill does not carry water for the President, ever. Bill also is fair to the President; he does not just hate President Obama, because he is a socialist, much to the chagrin of those on the far right. Bill O’Reilly, like me, has a strong disliking of the socialist far left. This is because we both happen to know that socialism is a threat to the free capitalistic system in this country — this is why I respect the man. Another thing that made me begin to watch him at Bill O’Reilly was the fact that he stopped the policy of shutting people’s microphones off, that disagreed with him. I noticed that he was doing that, and because of this, I refused to watch O’Reilly. As much as I disagree with much of what the left has to say; I do believe that anyone in this Country, as long as they are not planning to overthrow or cause harm to anyone in this Nation, have the right to freedom of speech. This is what got Senator Joseph McCarthy into a great deal of trouble, this is why people like William Buckley Jr. and L. Brent Bozell Jr. (not to be confused with his son, Brent Bozell III) abandoned McCarthy. Because McCarthy wanted to exert thought police on the American people, that which is, sadly, a tactic of the far left. Because O’Reilly abandoned this practice of shutting microphones off, I began to watch him. I also starting watching Fox News and frankly stopped watching CNN and MSNBC because of the blatant partisanship of MSNBC and to a lesser extent CNN. I am all for a diversity of opinion, but when you actually stoop to the level of insulting your viewers, that is when I decided that the bus stopped here and I got off. (So to speak)

Getting back to the subject at hand here, Laurence Vance also accuses me of not being able to separate the Military from the Government. Which is most amusing, because his posting at Lew Rockwell’s Blog; he accuses the Military of occupying Iraq, which was done on the orders of the George W. Bush Administration — Which is something I pointed out in one of my previous postings. Therefore, to Mr. Vance I say — Project much, friend? But then again, when talking to a leftist, one can only expect so much — because to them, up is down and left is right, and the world is a very bizarre place; which is why I tend to avoid reasoning with them. After all, the Bible says; “If any man be ignorant, let them be ignorant” and I do try to follow the Bible as much as I possibly can.

While I am on the subject of Iraq, I feel the need to clear something up. If Mr. Vance or anyone else happens to believe that I am some sort of a Bush-supporting Republican, please be advised that this about as far from the truth that one can get. I did not vote for President George. W. Bush, at all, either time. During that time, I was firmly in the Democratic Party column. This pre-dated my blogging days. I was a left of center — albeit quite the “half-assed left of center,” but I digress. Further, I did support the Iraq war, until the reports came out and the White House admitted that they were wrong about Weapons of mass destruction in Iraq. In fact, it was that little incident, that triggered me to start blogging in February of 2006 as a “left of center” blogger. I will explain the reasons why I switched sides for another posting, as this one is getting very long.

Finally, to answer Mr. Vance’s charge of being a “Red State Fascist” — If loving America and in loving America; knowing that in order to maintain the peace requires strength. If knowing that the United States Military is a valued treasure in this Country and should be highly respected — If wanting to see the United States of America protected from terrorists; both foreign and domestic, makes me a Red State Fascist — I plead the only thing I that I will ever plead to a charge as this — guilty as charged.

May God Bless the United States of America and May God Bless the United States Armed Forces. Further more, Thank God for our Military and Thank God for the privilege of being able to debate those who I disagree with, without the fear of being criminally persecuted for it. We live in a wonderful Nation and I will always defend her from those who would want to slander her. I feel that it is the most that I can do.

Lew Rockwell Slanders the Military….Again

Lew Rockwell’s little weasel friend by the name of Laurence Vance is still at it slandering our Nation’s finest and best Military. Mr. Vance writes over at Lew’s Blog the following smear against the United States Military:

Obviously, this picture and story are supposed to counter the negative things I have said about the U.S. military. While I applaud the actions of Lt. Hickman and his fellow soldiers, I’m afraid it doesn’t counter anything. The U.S. military unjustly invaded and still occupies Iraq. This has directly and indirectly resulted in the deaths of hundreds of thousands of Iraqis. It doesn’t matter how many Iraqi children are helped by the U.S. military. There is nothing these benevolent soldiers can do to make up for what the U.S. military has done to Iraq.

Mr. Vance’s inability to write a sentence with proper grammar structure aside, this is nothing more than a leftist slander against our United States Armed Forces. It is in fact true that our Armed Forces did invade the Country of Iraq. They did so BY ORDER OF THE PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES, GEORGE W. BUSH. In other words, these fine brave young men and women were just doing their jobs and following orders; as one is supposed to do when in the Armed Forces. Not that Laurence Vance would know anything about serving our Country, he is too busy peddling his stupid religious books, and books that slander other Presidents —like FDR. Silly books that float the conspiracy theory that FDR purposefully allowed the ships to be attacked at Pearl Harbor and other such stupidity — Which is quite typical of the idiotic libertarian left and their idiotic twins the Paleo-Conservatives.

Some of you might wonder why I am going after Lew Rockwell and Vance. I will explain this; my family served in the United States Armed Forces, my uncle pulled a tour of duty in Vietnam. Luckily, he got out there alive. My grandfather’s two brothers pulled a tour duty in Germany during World War II.  When Lew Rockwell and Laurence Vance insult the United States Armed Forces, they are insulting my family, and that my friends, I take very seriously. My family who spilled blood on foreign soil, just so these two jackasses can run a blog, which is for the sole purpose of insulting our United States Military. I am for the idea of freedom of speech and I would not dare try to stop these two thugs from speaking their mind. Nevertheless, I will counter their idiotic accusations and general stupid slanders against our Armed Forces, no matter the cost and no matter how many people e-mail me and try to intimidate me into stopping. I will not stop, ever.

I am, in essence drawing the line in the sand here and saying, “This will NOT stand!” I will not allow two leftist thugs to slander our United States Armed Forces and get away with it unanswered. The American Military is treasure to America and I will not let it be slandered. Call me a “Chickenhawk,” call me whatever you want, but I will NOT allow this to happen unchallenged. Because those brave and woman out of the front lines deserve better than this and if I have to do it alone, I will.

To my readers, I ask you this, where do you stand? Are you with the United States Military or are you against it? The decision is yours.

Updated: Why I left the libertarian ranks: Exhibit A – Hatred of the United States Military

The following picture and caption that I am about to show you, comes from the libertarian leftist blogger Lew Rockwell. I present this personal exhibit as to why I left the Paleo-Conservative/libertarian ranks in favor of the Conservative, Pro-military ranks:

Hey Marines, how about some toys for this tot in Afghanistan:


I present this as “Exhibit A”, to the fact that the libertarian movement has been infiltrated by Anti-War leftists who hate America, our Military and why they should be stripped of their citizenship and deported out of our fine Country and into another country; like say, North Korea, Venezuela or maybe even Communist China. Not to be rude about this, but it just so happens, that if that dumb kids fellow Countrymen had not giving refuge and comfort to those who would seek to destroy America — Namely Osama Bin Laden and Al-Qaeda; the damned kid would still possibly have his damned leg. Not to mention the fact that on September 11, 2001, our Country was attacked by Islamic terrorists who did more than just destroy a leg. It killed 2,996 of our people.

However, of course, you cannot tell this to the likes of Lew Rockwell and his bastard gang of leftists who hate this damn Country; they still believe that George W. Bush ordered those planes into the trade center towers. What really troubles me, is that the author of this posting is none other than Dr. Lawrence Vance, who is supposedly a Born-Again Christian. How anyone can harbor such hatred for this Country and our Nation’s Military and still claim to be ANY kind of a Christian is beyond me.

When I still was on the left; as little as that was, in terms of what I believed the Democratic Party to be about, I was always under the impression that Iraq was the war that was very unjustified and that Afghanistan was in fact, the good war that we were fighting to kill or capture Osama Bin Laden. I heard that from the left and I believed that myself. As it turns out, that was nothing more than a damned lie and the far-left knows it. The good majority of the far left either believes that George W. Bush ordered the attacks, to win his popularity or to justify going into Iraq. The rest believe that we had it coming or deserved the attacks because of our evil capitalistic society. This picture and caption are living proof of this; which is why, I left the liberal left and stopped voting for the Democratic Party.

Just to let everyone know, I said my piece on this and I am not interested in debating it. Therefore, I am shutting the comments off; because I want this posting to stand on its own.

Update:  After reading this entry again, I realize that I did leave out one important thing. My apologies for that, I do sometimes forget to include stuff pertinent to the entry at times; A.D.H.D. does that to a fellow. Yes, I am serious about having that little disability. Anyhow, the thing I forgot to include in this little shoving of the hatred of the libertarian leftists, into their faces, is the following:

There is one unifying cause that the libertarian leftists and the socialist liberal left is their inbred hatred of war and of anything military. Further more, the libertarians and liberals hate the current state of the Government, albeit for very different reasons. The libertarians hate the size of the Government and the fact that it has become too large, and too regulatory — Which is something I can identify with myself. The socialist left, however, is angry because they cannot control that large Government. The Socialist left does not mind big Government, as long as they can control it. A perfect example of this can be found here.

So, again, the reason why I lump the libertarian leftists in with the socialist is this, not because they are one in the same, they are not, even I know this. However, it is because the libertarian leftists are totally “In bed” with the anti-war socialist leftists who resent any sort of American values or capitalism or defense of the Republic. This has been proven many times with the vile acts at the Military recruiting office in Berkley California and such matters. Same goes for the Paleo-Conservatives, They too are “in bed” with the socialist left, when it comes to foreign policy. It has been that way for years and will continue to be that way. The difference between a Paleo-Conservative and a libertarian is one thing —protectionism. This is what the Democratic Party believed in, before globalists like Bill Clinton came on the scene and passed NAFTA. It should be noted, however, that the NAFTA agreement did not pass until the Republicans took back the Congress, and Clinton became an instant moderate.

Nevertheless, my feelings toward these libertarian leftists, their Paleo-Conservative counterparts, and their cousins the Anti-War socialist left remain unabated.

Blog Milestone: 4000 Blog Entries

I know this might sound silly to some of you. However, I do like to celebrate small milestones. Sometime in the last few days, this blog passed a rather remarkable milestone. Since this blogs original creation back on the last week of December of 2007, I have posted over 4000 blog entries. When this posting goes live, I will have officially created 4010 entries on this blog. Some may think that this meaningless; however, for a single author blog, who is doing it daily, that is quite a bit.

I do have to thank all of you for your daily readership. This blog, in the last few months has really taken off. Along the way, I have attracted some criticism; some possibly well deserved, the majority of it comes from people who simply disagree with my political stance. A very small percentage of it comes from hatemongering asses that have nothing better to do than attack someone like me, who is in my position, which is quite humorous, because I hear from a very good source that this said person who attacked me, and made some very nasty statements about me, has lost readership over it. One of which in fact, e-mailed me and said he was never reading that blog again and made a rather large and quite handsome donation to my blog. Speaking of which, if you feel so inclined you can donate to my Blog. I am not a proud man at all, I will accept any and all donations to my blog. However, do not feel like it is a requirement or anything like that, times are tough and I will not hold it over anyone’s head or anything like that. However, I will usually follow up with personal e-mail thanking those who do donate to me.

Again, thanks for your ever-loyal readership and let us try for other 4000 or so blog posts, shall we?

Wonkette Jumps the Shark

Count me as someone who is very disgusted with this sort of disgusting bile that is now being shown on Wonkette. Whoever wrote this should be fired.

It has been over a month since Teabaggers from across the nation visited Capitol Hill to tear up physical copies of legislation and sit around Nancy Pelosi’s office like schmucks, because of her plans to create another Dachau. But next Tuesday it will be the Senate’s turn! Folks’ll walk into Senate office buildings and pretend to die, because they’re pussies, and won’t die for real.

Oh, it gets better:

This should be pretty funny. Probably a good 75% of Senators will see presumably dead bodies on the ground and do what they usually do, which is try to fuck them before they go cold. Try keeping your death gag up during that, lie-mongers.

Here the screencaps before Wonkette tries to remove the offensive posting or rewrites it:




The reason why this bothers me so bad is this is the same damn group that went after me, when I lost my cool and said something on twitter that I should not have said. However, it is okay for Wonkette to write something like this? It is a double standard and it is wrong. Something should be done about it. However, because we all know that liberals can get away with such nonsense and we Conservatives cannot, nothing will be done.

I just have to wonder, what does Obama think of such rubbish and does he endorse it?

(H/T Stop the ACLU)

Updated: The biggest reason why I always moderate the comments here

For one so nothing illegal gets posted here, plus it keeps the trolls away and so no stupid liberal blogger will use what is posted in the comments section against you.

Unbelievable. 🙄

Having said all that; this is just totally unacceptable:


I am not a fan of the socialist President, and I have made that point quite clear; but that comment is over the line. Someone ought to lose their job over at HotAir.com because of it too. Michelle, Allah, Edward; that is pathetic and I am very disappointed, in all of you, that anything like that would be permitted to stand —For any period of time.

Update: I thought it necessary to update this posting with a bit more reasoning why this display of nastiness bothers me so badly. Some of you, who have read this blog for a while might well remember, that yours truly found my personal self and my blog in a load of trouble with the left for producing a rather untactful graphic. I admit it; I screwed up in a big way. I also paid for it monetarily; the ultra-liberal left went after my advertisers and complained, and as a result, I lost a few ad companies on my site. As much as it pains me to admit it, the left was totally right for doing what they did. It was a free market solution to what I did, holding the advertisers feet to the fire and made them decide to sever ties with me. No, I am not going to play that whole Liberal Fascist line in this situation. The line of offensiveness was crossed, with my graphic, as well as, with what HotAir has done here. I feel that anyone who finds that comment offensive should contact HotAir.com’s advertisers and complain; you do have that right.

As for some idiotic freedom of speech argument, that is totally non-sequitur here. There is a line between freedom of speech and offensive speech, and it was crossed. I know, I have crossed it in the past and I have paid for it dearly. HotAir.com should NOT be allowed to get off without repercussion because they are a well-known blog either. If anything, they should be the one’s that are criticized the loudest; because they are supposedly professional bloggers.

Again, I say this, not to hurt Ed or Michelle or even AllahPundit. Nevertheless, there needs to be a standard set and this is one of them. Gentle poking of the left over policy and their idiotic identity politics and many other examples of literalistic idiotic nosense  is one thing, but outright racism is inexcusable. If the left goes after HotAir; they will have absolutely no one to blame — but themselves.

Gateway Pundit Blog attacked by ObamaBots


BREAKING: Gateway Pundit blog came under at least two cyber attacks tonight that shut down the First Things website.

This came after the report today on Barack Obama’s Safe Schools Czar’s child porn books.

Read the rest at Gateway Pundit.

This has been done before; the Obamabots do not like Jim Hoft and his style of journalism, that actually tells the truth.

Interesting indeed.

Prayers needed for the Morrissey Family

Some Sad News to report: (H/T Little Miss Attila)

Received an email from Fausta that Ed Morrissey, our good friend (and Blogfather) from Hot Air has had to rush his dear First Mate to the Emergency Room, apparently due to complications with the flu. Regular Hot Air readers know that Marcia Morrissey has fought a manful battle for her health -one that has included multiple kidney transplants- so clearly, the flu is a real danger to her. Please keep Ed and Marcia in you prayers.

via Prayers for Captain’s First Mate » The Anchoress | A First Things Blog.

Politics and political debate are one thing, real life is another. I have not always agreed with Ed Morrissey and have from time to time busted his chops, when I thought he was being unfair; I can say without hesitation that I have always thought Ed Morrissey to be one of the saner and honorable voices on the right. My most heartfelt prayers go out to Ed, his wife, his Daughter and extended families tonight.

Keep the faith Ed, this too shall pass. God Bless you my friend and I will be praying here in Detroit.