Wonkette Jumps the Shark

Count me as someone who is very disgusted with this sort of disgusting bile that is now being shown on Wonkette. Whoever wrote this should be fired.

It has been over a month since Teabaggers from across the nation visited Capitol Hill to tear up physical copies of legislation and sit around Nancy Pelosi’s office like schmucks, because of her plans to create another Dachau. But next Tuesday it will be the Senate’s turn! Folks’ll walk into Senate office buildings and pretend to die, because they’re pussies, and won’t die for real.

Oh, it gets better:

This should be pretty funny. Probably a good 75% of Senators will see presumably dead bodies on the ground and do what they usually do, which is try to fuck them before they go cold. Try keeping your death gag up during that, lie-mongers.

Here the screencaps before Wonkette tries to remove the offensive posting or rewrites it:




The reason why this bothers me so bad is this is the same damn group that went after me, when I lost my cool and said something on twitter that I should not have said. However, it is okay for Wonkette to write something like this? It is a double standard and it is wrong. Something should be done about it. However, because we all know that liberals can get away with such nonsense and we Conservatives cannot, nothing will be done.

I just have to wonder, what does Obama think of such rubbish and does he endorse it?

(H/T Stop the ACLU)