Jaun McSame gets asked "The Question"…

Yes, he got asked, "The Question!"

The problem is, as to whom, asked that question.

The far lefty, Commie, Liberal Blogs are breathlessly reporting that the guy was, in fact, a Baptist Minister.

There’s only one little problem with that story!

It is totally and unequivocally false. 

The man was a former staff member for Joe Biden and is now a supporter of none of than, you guessed it, B. Hussein Obama. 

There’s video of the incident, I’m not going to bother putting it here. This is just one of those fool hardy attempts by the left to distract the media’s attention away from the fact, that Barry’s got some quite interesting friends, Pastors, terrorist buddies and he is running for President of the United States of America.

I think it is high time that people woke and really seen the Democrat Party for what it has become. A group of criminal thugs and goons, who are more interested in having a communist, socialist society, than a free republic. 

B. Hussein Obama is a perfect embodiment of such a society.