Here is a perfect reason why I will never vote Democrat again, ever

Some video clips, but first a little housekeeping —- sorry for the lack of posts. I passed out asleep and didn’t wake up till 12:00 midnight.

Anyhow, here are three video clips, all of which I saw over at

The first one is where Bill O. is on the view and he makes the fetal mistake of ID’ing who actually attacked us on 9/11:

My friends, after 10 years, if we cannot say Muslim’s attacked us on 9/11 without having to add the radical part, then something is seriously wrong. We usually do not say, radical Japanese attacked us at Pearl Harbor, nor do we say that Germany under Hitler was radical Germany —- we just call them Germans. I ask you people, why the hell do we have to give the god damned Muslims in this Country some sort of god damned special treatment!?!?!?! Now the argument here is, that if you do not use the term “Radical Muslims”, that you imply that ALL Muslims are terrorists; to which I say, ever read their Koran? I am just saying….

Now this next clip is beyond belief, to add insult to injury, Joy Behar invites Jesse Ventura; Yes, Jesse “I think Bush and Cheney caused 9/11” Ventura:

Finally, here is the clip of Bill O. talking with Laura Ingraham ripping on Behar and Whoopie on the walkout and basically saying what I said; Now I know that I have ripped on Ingraham on here in the past, calling her a shrieking Harpy, when I thought it was due, I have also made fun of her, when she has done silly stuff, case and point, see here —  But this time, Bill O’Reilly and yes, Laura Ingraham are both right, the damned liberals, as usual, are straight up wrong and are trying to play some sort of political correctness game with 9/11, which I happen to know is straight up BULLSHIT. Anyhow, here’s the clip of Bill O and Ingraham:

Again, let me say, I agree with both of these people 100 percent; it was Muslims that attacked us on 9/11, it was not Christians, it was not Jews, it was not Hindus; it was Muslims. To say anything other than this, excuses the group that attacked us. What about so-called peace loving Muslims? Well, to that I say this, when the Muslim Community decides to confront, head on, the radical element within their own religion abroad and here in America —- then I might start making that distinction, until that starts happening, all bets are off.

Further more, let me get into something else here. This whole idea, by some, on the liberal left, that Bush did 9/11. Now to normal sane Americans; this idea that President George W. Bush caused or ordered the attacks on 9/11 is pure insanity. But to some of the left, it is a true fact. Honestly, only about 1% actually believe that Bush caused 9/11. The rest of the left, use that little line, out of anger — over losing the 2000 and 2004 elections. I ought to know, I used to vote Democrat, up until 2007, when I decided that the Democratic Party had went too far to the left for even my liking.

This whole idea that Bush caused 9/11 and Democrats calling for a formal investigation into events surrounding 9/11, and also the lead up to the Iraq War is nothing more than political retribution towards the Republican Party and towards George W. Bush —- because the Democrats lost 2000 and 2004. As you all know, in 2000, the Democrats ran an unelectable buffoon named Al Gore. In 2004, Same deal, different person. Losing both of those elections have burned Democrats for years. Hence the continued inferring that Bush caused 9/11. Plus, on top of that, there was the Iraq War; which was the liberal “cause” here, up until someone within the liberal establishment decided that the Iraq War was no longer worth making the entire liberal movement look stupid and they dropped it as a whole. Then there is the afghan war; which the opposition to it, has been rather muted. Because the liberal establishment knows that if they turn on that War that the Democratic Party to the rest of America, will look like the biggest bunch of hypocrites ever. Which they are, but I digress. Either way, these videos just show you; one, the hypocrisy of the liberals and two, how bad that the liberal movement has become, when it comes to freedom of speech.

Come November 2, I will either be voting for Libertarians or Republicans. I have no really decided which; at this point, I am most likely pulling the lever for the Republicans. Because we need to right the ship and the libertarians have never won anything at all, and I want to vote for a winner this time; especially here in Michigan. We have had enough of Democratic failure, me especially, being out of work since 2005, it does really suck. Instead of doing the normal blaming of the Republicans, like some people I know around here do, I am facing reality and saying that Granholm and her polices failed and am voting different.

…and I hope you will do the same….

Reason Magazine profiles Detroit, Here is what they missed

It seems that Reason Magazine has decided that it is Detroit’s time in the barrel.  They have produced a video detailing another rightfully named “Boondoggle” of a light rail system.  It appears that the funding for this project is coming from the United States Government and by proxy — yours and mine pocketbooks and Taxes.

I noticed in the video of theirs, that they used an old promo video, made in 1965 by the city of Detroit.  For what it is worth; that video was made for the luring of the International Olympic Committee to Detroit; of which I am very to report that the committee saw right through that silly propaganda film and passed on Detroit.  Which proves to this writer that the people at the Olympic committee are much smarter than the then Mayor of Detroit, gave them credit for being.  I mean, could you have seen the Olympics being held in Detroit?  The metals themselves would have never made it out alive.  I could just see it now, “Your Medal, or your life cracka!”  It is quite the horrifying thought actually.

First, here is Reason TV’s video:

Now for what they missed; in 1967 there was a horrific riot here in Detroit.  It has been called the 1967 Detroit race riot.  The riot itself was started after the City of Detroit’s Police Department raided an after-hours blind pig.  Now, keep in mind, the police were simply doing their jobs.  They were tipped off to an illegal drinking establishment, which, for what it is worth —- only catered to black people; and they raided the place.  During the raid, a scuffle broke out, between the police and the persons being raided, somehow during that scuffle; a police officer’s guns went off and thus gave catalyst to one of worst riots in the history of the Country —- not mention the city of Detroit —– a rumor.  The rumor was that a black man that was arrested during raid of the blind pig was laying face down on the sidewalk, with his hands cuffed behind his back; was shot at point blank range in the back of the head, by a uniformed Detroit Police officer.

Now there is only one little inconvenient truth to this sickening and most awful rumor —- not a word of it was even remotely true. — It was this rumor, which was circulated among the Detroit black population, in a rather short amount of time; that was the proverbial kerosene on the bonfire for the City of Detroit in 1967 and as a result; all hell broke loose in Detroit.  This was the result:

(More Photos can be found by going here)

If I sat here and said that all of the above was done by blacks — I would be straight up lying to you.  It has been widely reported around here, and there were outside forces that egged on, supported, and even contributed to the huge riot.  Anarchists from various states were believed to have come to Detroit and joined in the riot —- we call those people libertarian leftists today.  Although, I like to call these people something different —- Anti-American.

Here is a groovy little video that shows just went on here in Detroit in 1967 —- with music from Detroit’s own MC5:

The riot stopped after the then Mayor of Detroit, Jerome Cavanagh, a Democrat, stopped cowering behind his desk, at the prospect of so many out of control blacks; and actually called the Governor of Michigan, George W. Romney, a Republican and begged for the National Guard to be brought in to stop the rioting.  Which is so typical of the liberal Democrats, they make a mess of things and then call in the adults to clean up the mess, which is what we have in Washington DC right now!  Anyone who would doubt my words, I will personally give you the “real world” tour of Detroit and show you just how bad the children Democrats have ruined that city.  I ought to know, I did live there at one time, like many other people from this area.

It is fair to note, however, that the riot in Detroit was not the first one.  There were actually three —- 1863, 1943, and 1967 respectively.  They all had the same things in common; blacks who were under the impression that they were being oppressed somehow or another —- or as it is commonly known in proper English as being a selfish ingrate.  I mean, we allowed them to migrate to Detroit from places like Alabama, where they were getting lynched on a regular basis, gave them jobs based on their skill levels; which were, honestly, not that very high — but yet, they were being oppressed by the white man.  The blacks at time said that they wanted social justice, which means, in normal human speak, “I want what you have, but I do not want to have to actually earn it or work for it, I want it given to me.”  This is pretty much the hallmark of the Democratic Party, is it not?

It happened around this time in 1967.  Many of the white immigrants, who fled Germany and the surrounding countries, after the horrific collapse of the Weimar Republic began to really think that this whole idea of blacks and whites living in Detroit in sweet and loving harmony —- was nothing more than a pipe dream and began to flee the city Detroit.  I kid you not; entire Churches, Synagogues, and Families — everything beat a path out of Detroit like cockroaches scattering in sudden daylight. Now, the Democrats have long said this was because these people were racist.  However, let me ask you a question.  If an angry black man came tearing up your street and wanted to toss a Molotov cocktail through the front window of your house or through the window of your store, for no reason other than a silly rumor — would you not have second thoughts about wanting to keep your store or possibly even your family in that city?  I think the answer to that question is obvious.

In closing, while the Reason Magazine video was great, it missed one important piece of the puzzle.  Detroit did not just end up in its current condition for no reason; it had help and it was not an overnight thing, it has been happening for years.  In addition, there is not one thing to blame, but a plethora of things to blame; politics, corruption, riots, unions — all of it have contributed to Detroit’s demise.  Not to mention race, it is a factor; but to scapegoat one race for the demise is wrong-headed.  This is why the Neo-Nazi Klan hates me so much, because I disagree with and mock their folly with great joy.  In other words, not just blacks destroyed Detroit.  It was all of races, taking what they could get for themselves and then fleeing to their perspective corners of the state and allowing the inner city to rot.  All the while painting over the rot and justifying it as some sort of community project.  As they say, you can put lipstick on a pig, but it is still a pig.  You can put socialist programs into a city that is beyond saving; but the city, along with its rot and failures are still there.  You would think that after some 43 years after those race riots; Detroit’s leadership and Michigan’s leadership would have figured that out by now.

Cartoon of the Day

Keen on Keown

The managing editor of Townhall Magazine called Diversity Lane “very, very well done.”  And Michigan Review described it as “laugh out loud funny.”  Why not make this the day you discover the best in conservative comedy today at Diversity Lane?

For more fun visit the website/blog at or go directly to the blog at

Video: Chilean Miner Rescue

Here’s the live Video feed:

A few funny things to point out: (I think so anyhow!)

  1. The occasional “KA-CLANK-CLANK-CLANK!” or sound of a pipe dropping. Must they give people watching the video a heart palpitation?
  2. The horrible coughing by those off-camera, what the heck do they put in their cigarettes over there?
  3. Watching the men lean over into the hole.  Sorry guys, leaning over that hole is not going make that capsule come up any faster. 🙄

But all humor aside; the best news story, so far, is the one by MSNBC, here is a good part to quote:

SAN JOSE MINE, Chile — More than half of the trapped Chilean miners have now made the journey from their half-mile-deep dungeon to the surface, emerging to the joyous tears of their relatives and cries of “Chi! Chi! Chi! Le! Le! Le!”

Omar Reygada, 56, was the 17th miner to reach the surface, just over 12 hours after the “Phoenix” rescue capsule brought the first miner to safety.

By afternoon local time, 17 men had been pulled from the mine, including the oldest and youngest among the trapped. The effort was methodical and free of any significant problems, and on track to finish before sunrise Thursday.

With the operation appearing to go like clockwork, the miners jubilantly embraced wives, children and rescuers, and looked remarkably composed despite languishing for 69 days in the depths of a mine that easily could have been their tomb. It is the longest anyone has ever been trapped underground and survived.

Michelle Malkin, reports on the best part of this whole thing:

10:01 AM EST In a different day and age, Jeff Hart would be the most famous American in our country right now. He would be honored at the White House. Schoolchildren would learn of his skill and heroism. But because Jeff Hart works in an industry under fire by the Obama administration, more people in Chile will celebrate this symbol of American greatness than in America itself.

Jeff Hart is a driller based in my home state of Colorado. The father of two has been drilling water wells in Afghanistan at U.S. Army bases. When the San Jose Mine in Chile collapsed in August, he flew to lend his renowned expertise to the rescue effort. As part of an amazing three-way race to the trapped miners, Hart drilled for 33 days straight and was first to reach the caved-in workers.

Go read the rest of that story. It is indeed a sad situation; when American ingenuity is not celebrated, but rather shunned. Do not expect a big media sensation about the man quoted above, nor expect any media specials on how America’s part in this rescue; in fact, the liberal socialists are already spinning this one like a top — classic example via Malkin:

Katrina vanden Heuvel of the left-wing rag, The Nation, gets the stupidest mine rescue tweet ever award for her abject ignorance of the PRIVATE American individuals and companies that spearheaded the Chilean rescue efforts. Read here if you must, but take an anti-emetic first.

Yeah, they are that damned stupid. 🙄

Local News: The Kathleen Edward saga continues

Update #1: Sorry guys, after getting one too many threatening comments on this story. I am closing the comments section on this entry and the others related.

Update #2: If you liked this entry, please, feel free to hit my tip jar. I am a full time blogger. Been unemployed since 2005. If that tip jar link does not work, just click on the jar to the left on your screen.

and here is the tip jar: (click the picture to give….)

Remember the Saga of the little girl Kathleen Edward that I have blogged about on here? Well, it is not over yet. Looks like Jennifer Petkov is still running her mouth, when the cameras are not around, of course.

Anyhow, here is the video of the story which comes via Fox 2 News right here in Detroit:

The Story, which is basically a rehash, but that new info from the parents in the video is new:

Since this story first made air, the Petkov’s have apologized, the Facebook posts removed, the coffin dismantled and the truck has been repainted. Thousands have watched the story online in places as far away as Japan, Europe and Australia. The backlash against the Petkov’s resulted in an egged-house, people ordering delivery pizza and thousands of messages on Facebook speaking out against the hateful act perpetrated by the couple.

The support for Kathleen on the other hand has been overwhelming for the Kathleen’s father Robert Edward and grandmother Becky Rose. Hans Masing of Tree Town Toys in Ann Arbor has raised more than $9,000 for a shopping spree for Kathleen. Dozens of people have made private donations. Whole Facebook sites have been created in support of the Kathleen.

Tuesday Kathleen’s father and grandmother came to the station and answered some of those questions so many of us want to know. Why the nastiness all started and how the Edwards do not believe Jennifer Petkov’s aplogy was sincere.

Also, this wasn’t first time the Edwards and the Petkov’s have gotten into a dispute. Problems so bad, Kathleen and her grandmother both have a personal protection orders against both of the Petkov’s. When asked how the neighbors could solve the problem, Kathleen’s grandmother says the only way to solve the problem between them would be for one of them to move, but the Edwards say they’re not going anywhere.

By the way, if you go look, the rally that was going to be held in Haas Park, is now going to be held in Elisabeth Park in Trenton, Michigan. Which, by the way, is a huge park down in Trenton, Michigan. There are supposed to be over nine thousand people there —- Nine Thousand?!?! Hell, that’s over half of downriver —-and that’s not not even counting the goats!  😉 😛 😆 I kid I kid. 😛  But that is a big number of people for a rally for a little girl. Which shows the world, that we are not all evil people around these parts.

Dr. Ron Paul’s Speech to the Virginia Tea Party

(H/T The Daily Paul)

This is from October 9, 2010.

Just a couple bones of contention with the above:

  • Paul’s assertion that unborn life should be protected by the Federal Government is absurd. I do not believe that the Federal Government has the right or the obligation to protect much of anything at all; except those things outlined in the United States Constitution — nothing more, nothing less. What Dr. Paul is doing here is repeating the nonsense of the Christian Right. Which is, as far as this writer is concerned, pure rubbish. If people believe the practice of Abortion is such a horrific thing, let them rise up and organize, and challenge the STATES to outlaw the practice of abortion.  Keep the Federal Government out of the business of the people’s bodies.
  • Paul’s idea that we should eliminate all Government programs like Social Security, is unrealistic; and it would hurt people — like my parents, who paid into the program for years. Does Ron Paul want to harm my parents? I would hope not.
  • Paul’s idea of trust and friendship with all Countries is naive at best. The inconvenient truth is that there are Countries and Regimes out there that want nothing more, than for the United States of America to be utterly and totally destroyed.  Even China is now worrying the Military leaders, as there seems to be those within the Chinese Military who see the United States as an enemy. This should worry many Americans, as we do borrow large amounts of money from this Country. Let us also not forget what happened to John Birch in that Country as well. There is also the terrorism argument as well; but I am fully aware that much of that, is due to our foreign policy decisions of the past. However, for us to foolishly assume that if we tell Islamic terrorists that we do not wish to harm them, that they will not attack us again, would be an exercise in extreme stupidity.
  • As a Paleo-Conservative type; I disagree with Ron Paul’s idea of unfettered Capitalism, AKA Globalism. I believe that globalism has hurt this Country, namely the economy here in the Detroit, Michigan area. TAFTA, NAFTA and all the rest of these idiotic free trade agreements should be repealed and heavy tariffs should be imposed on anyone that wishes to manufacture product outside of the United States of America and import it into this Country.

All of the rest, I pretty much agree with, especially when it comes to fiscal policy and the federal reserve.

A few words about Vice President Dick Cheney

I will be the first to admit it; I did not agree with the Bush Administration’s decision to go to war in Iraq.  Furthermore, I did not vote for this man or his boss either time.  However, because I am a decent human being, because I am a Christian and possibly, because I am just an old damned softhearted fool —- my heart sunk, when I saw this photo published in the New York Daily News:

Richard Bruce “Dick” Cheney, who was born in 1941, is a controversial figure, no matter how you slice it.  Whether liberals want to admit it or not, Dick Cheney made some decisions that most likely pulled our butts out of the fire on 9/11. The hours after the attack on 9/11, Dick Cheney, along with George W. Bush, were there, leading this Country after 9/11.  For that, this man has my respect.  I mean, could you honestly see Barack Obama in the same position?  It sends chills up my spine, just thinking about that.

One of my biggest issues, as evidenced by the ignorant comments over that the New York Daily News site, is that the far left in this Country could never, or would never, make a distinction between the policy and the person making the policy.  I readily admit to being one of those idiots who did the very same thing.  As much as I disagreed with the policies of George W. Bush, and yes, Dick Cheney — I would never wish of them either harm or even poor health.

Reading those comments over at the New York Daily News site, which I would never print here, not for a million dollars in cash; further reinforces my belief that America is in a state of horrific decline —  A decline of social, Spiritual, and personal aspects. Example: Could you honestly see anyone publicly making those awful comments about a former Vice President in the 50’s — or even 60’s? I could not. Again, it points to an awful decline in our society and to a lack of Spiritual involvement in the lives of the people, as America had back in the 1940’s.  It is something missing badly in this Country; and it will eventually cause this destruction of this Country — A destruction that is foretold in the Holy Scriptures of old.

In conclusion, let me simply say this: Dick Cheney:  I wish you good health and great comfort sir, in your final years.  I thank you for your service to your Country and I wish you good favor with the creator of all humankind.

Movie: The Soviet Story

This Movie Comes via The Liberty News Network:

Let me also say this; for all of  things that I dislike about President Barack Obama, he has done nothing to make me personally believe that he is at the level of the awful that is presented in the film. There are those who believe, that were are nearing Soviet style communism. Sorry, I remain unconvinced of that just yet. However, I will tell you, that I remain distrusting of BOTH of these political parties, as they have been overran with special interest and corruption. Anyone that believes that the Republican Party is perfect, is one, naive or insane.

Enjoy the movie and remember what you watch here, as it is said — those who do not learn from history, is doomed to repeat it.

This posting is dedicated to the lives lost, during the oppressive regime that is covered in this movie.

Man streaks in front of Obama

First a little music:

It seems someone got naked in front of Obama.

The Daily Mail in the UK reports

This is the astonishing moment a book was apparently hurled at the head of U.S. President Barack Obama during a campaign rally in Philadelphia.

The flying missile narrowly missed hitting the President yesterday.

It is not clear what the book was, where it came from in the crowd, or why it was thrown at Mr Obama – who did not appear to notice the danger.

However, The Weekly Standard has the story:

If billionaire Alki David is an honest man, the man who streaked in front of Barack Obama at the president’s rally today in Philadelphia will be paid $1 million for his stunt. The man who performed today’s stunt, which captured the attention of the Drudge Report and an Associated Press photographer, is 24-year-old Juan James Rodriguez, THE WEEKLY STANDARD has learned.

David is a billionaire shipping and bottling magnate who is known to carry out stunts, mainly by paying others to perform them. As the The Sun reported on August 17: “A WACKY billionaire has offered $1million (£638,700) to the first person who streaks in front of US President Barack Obama. Loaded Alki David has promised to pay out the cash — providing the streaker writes the name of his website ‘Battlecam’ across their chest.”

“When I see the video and it’s confirmed…it won’t be check [that he sends], it will be cash,” David, reached by phone tonight, told THE WEEKLY STANDARD.

The requirements of the streaking stunt, David told me, are that the streaker must have been within “eye-shot and ear shot of the president, they have to scream the name ‘’ six times, and they have to be nude.”

Two men involved in the stunt, Glen Zolar and Joey “Boots” Bassolino, assured THE WEEKLY STANDARD that Rodriguez met the requirements.

Zolar, who spoke with me on the phone earlier tonight, is a moderator on Zolar was cruising the website when Rodriguez contacted him and asked whether he’d be able to facilitate this stunt. Seeking personal gain – primarily, monetary gain – Zolar agreed.

When asked how much he would get paid from Rodriguez’s payout, Zolar said, “I’d rather not disclose the figure, but it would definitely be more than $5,000 … and less than $25,000.”

Zolar says he has done freelance producing for the Howard Stern Show. Bassolino is a frequent guest on the show, which is well-known for conducting stunts just like the one carried out today in Philadelphia. Zolar asked Bassolino to film the stunt this evening. The two say it has been recorded but has not yet been broadcast on the website. No payment has yet been made, and though it has not yet been given David’s approval, it appears Rodriguez met all of David’s requirements.

“I am on the record as saying that it needed to be done in a place where it’s legal to be nude,” David said. But “it’s a suggestion, not a rule.”

Wow. What some people will do for their 15 minutes of fame and a little money. Unbelievable. 🙄

Others: Gateway Pundit, Classical Values, Weekly Standard, Gawker, The Last Tradition, and

Cartoon of the Day

All the News That's Fit to Slant?

The managing editor of Townhall Magazine called Diversity Lane “very, very well done.”  And Michigan Review described it as “laugh out loud funny.”  Why not make this the day you discover the best in conservative comedy today at Diversity Lane?

For more fun visit the website/blog at or go directly to the blog at

Local News: Jennifer Petkov apologizes to family that she mocked

Update #1: Sorry gang, but after having to delete a ton of threatening comments on here, in the moderation cue. I’ve decided to close the comment section on this and the other related entries to this story. I am all for freedom of speech; but this is just outright stupidity. So, they’re closed.

Update #2: If you liked my coverage of this story, please, feel free to hit my tip jar. I am a full time blogger and I, like many others, have been out work since 2005. That’s not a joke, it is the truth. Any all help would be appreciated. If that link does not work, click on the jar to the left of your screen. Thanks. 🙂

and here’s the tip jar, click the pic to give:

Just an update to a story that I posted about earlier.

Via Fox News Detroit:

The Story:

Jennifer Petkov told FOX 2’s Ronnie Dahl Friday night that she never really meant any ill wishes towards Kathleen Edward or her family.

Scott and Jennifer Petkov even went so far as to display a lighted candle on their porch at the same time dozens of strangers were gathering across the street in front of Kathleen’s home.

“If I had to do it all over again, I wouldn’t do it,” Jennifer Petkov told Ronnie Dahl. “And to that little girl, I apologize if you’ve been hurt. There’s not much more I can say. And hopefully we can live our lives peacefully from now on.”

Actually, what happened was, she got on TV and acted like an arrogant asshole; and did not think or did not know that the story would go viral. Well, it did and they had to endure a shit storm. Now, she is is a bit more humble about it. My Mom, who is usually more forgiving about stuff like this; does not buy this woman’s apology one iota. I will not even get into what she thinks should happen to this woman. Needless to say, I was a bit shocked about what my Mom had to say about it. 😯

Anyhow, I still think the woman is an asshole; but I also think that she should be left alone. So, if you’ve come here via search engine, and are plotting —- forget about it. She is not worth it, and she should be allowed to live her life in peace. She did apologize on TV, now whether she is sincere or not — is another story. But we have to take it a face value and let her be. I am willing to do so, and so should you.

That is all… 😀

Cartoon of the Day


The managing editor of Townhall Magazine called Diversity Lane “very, very well done.”  And Michigan Review described it as “laugh out loud funny.”  Why not make this the day you discover the best in conservative comedy today at Diversity Lane?

For more fun visit the website/blog at or go directly to the blog at

I have heard of the crazies running the asylum, but this?


DOVER, Del. (AP) — The head of the agency charged with enforcing Delaware’s alcohol laws has resigned after being arrested for drunken driving.

Siobahn Sullivan submitted her resignation letter to Secretary of Safety and Homeland Security Lewis Schiliro on Friday, saying she was resigning effective immediately as director of the Division of Alcohol and Tobacco Enforcement.

Sullivan was stopped for speeding early Thursday on Route 1 near Lewes and subsequently charged with drunken driving. The 45-year-old Sullivan was released pending arraignment, which is scheduled for Oct. 22., and had been placed on administrative leave with pay.

via Del. Alcohol Enforcement Chief Resigns After DUI Arrest « CBS Philly

Would this be considered as “The drunks running the AA meeting?”

Just a thought. 😛

Siobahn Sullivan: My name is (hic) Siobahn and I am the drunk enforcer

Man: No kidding, you just about hit that truck back there!

So funny.

UPDATED — Local News: Jennifer Petkov is a damned low-life scumball Facebook Pulls Page, read the update please.

Update #3: If liked this blog entry and rest like it, feel free to hit my tip jar. I do this full time, no job since 2005. If the link does not work, just click on the jar to the left of your screen.

and here is that tip jar: (click the pic to give….)

Update #2: Sorry guys, As of now, I am closing the comments on this story and all of the rest entries related to this. I am sick and tired of having to weed through and delete the threating comments. Sorry, but a few bad apples ruined it. In the end, I run this thing and I won’t tolerate personal threats posted here. Freedom of speech is one thing, being as stupid as the people who did this… another.

Update: Please, before you read this, go here first! Jennifer Petkov has apologized to the family via the media. So, I consider this case closed.

First of all, watch this video:

Now read this story via Fox 2 Detroit: (H/T D-Listed)

TRENTON, Mich. – Her family says 7-year-old Kathleen Edward is in the final stages of a degenerative brain disorder diagnosed as Huntington’s Disease – the same disease which killed her mother, Laura, when she was only 24.

Neighbors Jennifer and Scott Petkov, who have been feuding with the family, admitted to posting grim depictions of Laura and Kathleen on Facebook.  One photo depicts Laura in the arms of the grim reaper, while the other features Kathleen’s face above a set of crossbones.

The couple also have a coffin hitched to a pick-up truck in front of the house, which they say is nothing more than a Halloween decoration.

Of course, now that the heat is on her, she is now saying, “I sorry!”

Scott Petkov says he’s sorry.  “We apologize for our actions and stupidity.  It was an ignorant thing that we did and it was basically in retaliation about things that were said about my house and my wife.”

Scott’s wife Jennifer doctored-up and posted photos of Laura Edward, who died from Huntington’s Disease , showing her wrapped in the arms of the grim reaper.  She also posted a photo of Laura’s 7-year-old daughter, Kathleen Edward, who is now dying from Huntington’s Disease ,  her face becoming the center of a skull and crossbones.

Another Video:

UPDATE: The address if you’d like to send pizzas or whatever; is over at  Crime and Federalism, it’s posted there. I decided to remove it from my blog; just in case some crazy does burn the bitch’s house down. I won’t get blamed for it. Update: I’m removing that link, she has apologized; so, I’m not going to contribute to her being harassed any longer. It’s over, let’s all move on.

This lady even now has her own facebook page! Update: Facebook pulls the page… (of course…)

I am sorry to say, that this lowlife bitch lives about 5 miles from my house. I found out about this from a friend on facebook. (Of Course…)

I know that I have done my share of stupid stuff; but this goes way beyond anything that I have ever cooked up. This bitch will never have a life again. Best thing this woman and her fat ass husband can do is leave the damned Country and go somewhere and get a new ID. I’d be scared to even live in that house now. Because she has provoked the anger of many.

There is just no excuse for this sort of crap, at all, period, end of story — the woman should be locked up.

As someone who’s had MY own personal id bandied around the internet; I feel for this little girl.

May Kathleen Edward spend the rest of her days in peace. 🙁

Major Update: First off, as I noted above, the page for Jennifer Petkov is now gone; which I think was a wise thing, as there were threats of violence on there. Second of all, There have been some pages for Kathleen Edward set up. They are here and here. I did mention to a family member, who contacted me via e-mail that I would be more than happy to put up a web page and or Blog for the little lady, if I can get an agreement to get donated hosting. Hopefully, I will hear from on that. I would also like to get PayPal Donations set up for them as well. Stay tuned.

Update – January 13, 2012 : Kathleen Edward has passed away, my tribute to her is here.

Holy Cow!: Democratic Party Representative John Dingell at 39% in polling

(H/T on this story to Ed Morrissey over at….)

As a rule, I do not get too excited about polls — but this one here, is a stunner!

From my hometown paper — The Detroit Free Press: (which by the way leans more Liberal —- Unlike the Detroit News; which is more libertarian leaning. )

A new independent poll has the dean of the U.S. House, Rep. John Dingell, trailing his Republican opponent, Rob Steele, by 4 percentage points.

The automated phone survey of 300 people in the 15th Congressional District showed Steele getting 43.8% of the vote. Dingell, a Dearborn Democrat and the longest-serving member of Congress, got 39.5%. About 11% were undecided. The gap is within the poll’s margin of error of plus or minus 5.6 percentage points. The poll was conducted Monday.

Dingell’s campaign said the survey — conducted by the Rossman Group of Lansing and Team TelCom — is a Republican front and is contradicted by other polls in recent weeks.

Team TelCom’s president Gary Reed has Republican ties, but Kelly Rossman-McKinney, CEO of the Rossman Group, has Democratic roots.

“It’s kind of what we hear on the ground. We’re hearing from everybody about the need for change and the need for someone who is not a career politician,” Steele said.

Ed Morrissey interjects:

Having Steele ahead is certainly newsworthy, but the bigger takeaway here is just how badly Dingell polls in this race after almost 56 years in Washington.

Why?  In part, Michigan’s economic woes play into the national anti-incumbent mood.  The state has followed the same kind of economic plan that Nancy Pelosi and Barack Obama have tried to implement on a national scale, and they’ve been doing it longer.  Michigan voters can see the end game even more clearly than voters nationwide, and it’s no surprise that Michigan might clean House in three weeks.  Part of it, though, is Dingell himself, who has a habit of saying foolish things, and saying them on national TV.

Not only this; the bigger point is that not all of Michigan is liberal blue. I can tell you of areas that are, in fact, very Conservative and they’re not the rich, upper middle class areas either. There are some middle, working class area that have been in the Republican camp for years. Generally the further south, north, east and west of Detroit you go. The more Conservative politically it gets. Detroit proper is solidly liberal; but the suburbs is a mixed bag.

The bigger point is this; and it was articulated by Mr. Morrissey very well; people here in Michigan are just fed up. The Democrats have held the keys here forever and day. The Democrats have, along with the inaction of Republicans who were in power back when the signs that the housing market was going to crash — basically screwed this area into the ground. Michigan’s housing market is, bluntly —- terrible. This was caused by the Democrat’s stupid idea of social engineering of the housing market. The Carter Administration started it and Clinton Administration continued it. This is not even to mention the globalist NAFTA and TAFTA agreements that were signed into law by the Clinton Administrations; which in effect hobbled the Automotive industry here in Detroit. Why do you think that the UAW here in Detroit did not make a endorsement of the Democratic Candidates, until after the primary was finally over? Because the UAW’s memory is long and they remember how Clinton sold them up the river.

Plus, too, Jennifer Granholm’s performance here as Governor of Michigan has been described as horrific at best. Her policies and style of Governorship in this state has been just awful. Even my Father, who is a committed Democratic Party voter, cannot stand the woman. It has not been uncommon to hear the phrase, “Send that bitch back to Canada, where she belongs!” to be said in the context of a conversation about her. That is kind of nasty; but that is the feeling about her around here. This might be the reason why when her Lt. Governor John D. Cherry did a test poll to see how he would fare in a election, the result was a resounding, “HELL NO!” and he scrapped his plans to run for Governor.

Now The Blog Prof wonders:

If Dingell isn’t safe in Detroit, is any Democrat safe anywhere?

Now because I am a realist. I believe there are some safe Democratic Districts  Hansen Clarke will get Michigan’s 13th congressional district. I just do not see a Republican winning that. Unless a miracle happens.

Either way, this is going to be a very interesting election cycle. It is 25 days away from election day. I cannot wait to vote. 😀

Gallup Poll: Unemployment back over 10%

The only reason I am posting this today, is being I got a call from a poll taker; he was getting poll data for the coming election….. and boy did he ever get an ear full about the Democrats.

Memo to the Democrats: It’s the jobs stupid. (H/T HotAir)

PRINCETON, NJ — Unemployment, as measured by Gallup without seasonal adjustment, increased to 10.1% in September — up sharply from 9.3% in August and 8.9% in July. Much of this increase came during the second half of the month — the unemployment rate was 9.4% in mid-September — and therefore is unlikely to be picked up in the government’s unemployment report on Friday.

Certain groups continue to fare worse than the national average. For example, 15.8% of Americans aged 18 to 29 and 13.9% of those with no college education were unemployed in September.

The increase in the unemployment rate component of Gallup’s underemployment measure is partially offset by fewer part-time workers, 8.7%, now wanting full-time work, down from 9.3% in August and 9.5% at the end of July.

As a result, underemployment shows a more modest increase to 18.8% in September from 18.6% in August, though it is up from 18.4% in July. Underemployment peaked at 20.4% in April and has yet to fall below 18.3% this year.

The government’s final unemployment report before the midterm elections is based on job market conditions around mid-September. Gallup’s modeling of the unemployment rate is consistent with Tuesday’s ADP report of a decline of 39,000 private-sector jobs, and indicates that the government’s national unemployment rate in September will be in the 9.6% to 9.8% range. This is based on Gallup’s mid-September measurements and the continuing decline Gallup is seeing in the U.S. workforce during 2010.

However, Gallup’s monitoring of job market conditions suggests that there was a sharp increase in the unemployment rate during the last couple of weeks of September. It could be that the anticipated slowdown of the overall economy has potential employers even more cautious about hiring. Some of the increase could also be seasonal or temporary.

Further, Gallup’s underemployment measure suggests that the percentage of workers employed part time but looking for full-time work is declining as the unemployment rate increases. To some degree, this may reflect a reduced company demand for new part-time employees. For example, employers may be converting some existing part-time workers to full time when they are needed as replacements, but may not in turn be hiring replacement part-time workers. Another explanation may relate to the shrinkage of the workforce, as some employees who have taken part-time work in hopes of getting full-time jobs get discouraged and drop out of the workforce completely — going back to school to enhance their education, for example, instead of doing part-time work. It is even possible that some workers may find unemployment insurance a better alternative than part-time work with little prospect of going full time.

Regardless, the sharp increase in the unemployment rate during late September does not bode well for the economy during the fourth quarter, or for holiday sales. In this regard, it is essential that the Federal Reserve and other policymakers not be misled by Friday’s jobs numbers. The jobs picture could be deteriorating more rapidly than the government’s job release suggests.

But, as we know the Democrats are not interested in helping the white middle class. They’re more interested in insulting Americans, because they feel that they’re too stupid to know what they want. It is not just the politicians either, it is their bloggers too. See Here, Here and Here. See why I will never vote Democrat again, ever?

While we real Americans are out of work and waiting for the Government to get out of the way; so that actual jobs can be created in this Country. The liberal elite are taking to the airwaves and to the blogs to insult the American people and those of us that disagree with the socialism of Barack Obama, as stupid, racist, and America-haters.

Remember this come November 2, 2010 and vote accordingly. We need change; but not the sort of change that the Democrats are wanting to push on us; further more, we should not allow these monsters to insult us. We should speak back —- at the ballot box!

Michigan’s unemployment rate is higher than the National

Detroit’s unemployment rate, last I heard was at 30%.

Vote Different. America’s future depends on it.

Video: REALITY REPORT #64 – Global Warming Battle Turns Bloody

Please Note: The posting on the video is not, and should be assumed to be an endorsement of all the views presented here. It is simply posted for informational purposes only.

Synopsis: In this edition of the Reality Report, the brutal video about what could happen if you don’t reduce your carbon footprint is broken down in the Rant. We the People Foundation Chairman, Bob Schulz, joins Gary Franchi for a special interview to respond the the recent allegations by Time Magazine that he “has reached the brink of calling for war.” They also talk about the upcoming Liberty Walks on October 24th. Angie Ress sits in for Nina this week. She talks about the lengths the NYPD is going to to keep terror out of the city, how the Army may be taking control of what you watch on TV, and why the FBI could soon be watching your every move on the internet. All of this plus a dip into the Mailbag to reveal the shocking answers to the previous Question of the Week, and a new Enemy of the State.

Check out and http://RealityReport.TV for all your patriot needs!

The Feckless Right: Exhibit M for Morbid

An interesting event happened last night. I happened to see one of the sickest morbid things ever written on twitter by a so-called Conservative blogger.

It was written by Robert Stacy McCain —- Yeah, that Robert Stacy McCain. The same guy who threw me under the bus to satisfy and pacify a Michelle Malkin fan boy. The one who has quite the checkered past and is now the Neo-Conservative darling; despite his checkered past.

Last night Mr. Neo-Nazi McCain took to twitter and said this:

Neo-Nazi Robert Stacy McCain Morbid Right Wing Asshole of the Year!

…and after I tried to be a little charitable after his idiotic Neo-Nazi assistant basically blew his blog up or it was hacked by someone that McCain pissed off!

So, anyhow, I saw that, and I must confess, I lost it. Here is why; I live here in Michigan, Kent State is Ohio. In case anyone does not know what McCain was referring to; he was mocking and making light of the Kent State shootings that took place at Kent State in Ohio on May 4, 1970.  This is the awful tragedy that produced one of the most iconic photos in history; this one:

Kent State Student Mary Ann Vecchio kneels over the body of Kent State Student Jeffrey Miller's dead body

But yet, Robert Stacy McCain thinks that this is funny and that this sort of barbaric action should happen to anyone who disagrees with his form of Conservatism. Which, in all honesty, is about as Conservative, as I am Communist.

Anyhow, as I said before, I lost it; and I took to twitter and said the following:

and I said this:

I want to be know of public record; that I meant every god-damned word of that too. Anyone morbid person that would take to twitter, a blog or any other sort of writing medium and write something as asinine as this; ought to suffer the same fate as those innocent students who were merciless murdered in 1970. In Robert Stacy McCain’s case, the sooner the damned better. Normally, I would never advocate that sort of extremism; but this idiotic comment was just more than I could take. Nothing says, “Out of Touch, DC Beltway elitist asshole” better than some former Neo-Nazi turned Neo-Conservative darling writing something as idiotic and moronic as this.

Ladies and Gentlemen, if this is what the new post-Bush Conservative/Republican movement is all about, I want nothing to do with it and you will find in the sanity region of libertarianism and Paleo-Conservatism. I might not agree with the Socialist, Communist, Democratic Party far left; but I will be damned, if I will ever advocate for the deaths of those that I disagree with!

I feel like Senator Barry Goldwater Sr. and the man who owned the farm at Woodstock — Mr. Max Yasgur, who was, in fact, a libertarian Conservative; I might not agree with those who protested this past weekend, but I will advocate to my dying breath for their right to protest and for their right to hold to and believe whatever political, religious or person beliefs that they might wish to hold. That is the beauty of this fine Country will call America; we can disagree on politics and actually have an opinion of our own without worry that someone might actually want to kill us. Like in North Korea, Iran and in other nations that do not enjoy the freedoms of ours.

It is too bad that people like that Neo-Nazi scum, Robert Stacy McCain does not hold to much beliefs, but instead wishes to see those who whom he disagrees with brutally murdered. My friends, that is not true Conservatism, nor is that a true American spirit. That is the spirit of a Nazi fascist thug. Something that Robert Stacy McCain knows all about!

Like I wrote previously to Rick Moran; I can relate — Boy can I ever. 😡 and as Rick said, this being the fool business is a very lonely venture. However, if standing on the Island of common sense and decency; and yes, dare I say it —- Sanity?!?! is what I must do.  Then here I shall stand, until THEY, not ME come back to their senses!

Video: Jon Stewart on Rick Sanchez’s firing

I have to hand it to Stewart; he handled this very well and he said basically the same thing that I did. Which was, for those who are too damned lazy to click a link —- that Rick Sanchez was on the way out anyway, and knew it and thought he would take a nice shot at Stewart to ensure his departure. Here is the really funny part, the right’s useful idiot Atheist; no, not AllahPundit — wants Sanchez brought back and in the process of the article takes a rather gratuitous swipe at Israel. Good Job Hitchens, nothing like pissing off your readers before assuming room temperature. 🙄

Anyhow, here’s the video; if anything, it’s worth a decent laugh or two at the expense of a rather moronic unemployed person.

Hey….wait a minute! 😯

The Daily Show With Jon Stewart Mon – Thurs 11p / 10c
Hurty Sanchez
Daily Show Full Episodes Political Humor Rally to Restore Sanity

I can relate Rick, I really can

Congrats to Rick Moran for six years of Blogging:

The parade is passing me by and I have fallen out of step with most of my conservative friends. When I write now, I write for my own amusement or to clarify my own thoughts about a particular issue – something that I have tried to do for the last six years. It’s amazing how shallow one’s thinking truly is unless you force yourself to justify yourself to yourself in writing. “Reading maketh a full man, conference, a ready man, and writing, an exact man” said Francis Bacon. I have tried, within the limits of my own feeble intelligence and failing will, to live up to those words, thus attempting to fulfill what philosophers refer to as “An Examined Life.”

Oddly, while my examination of the underpinnings of my conservative beliefs has led me away from what I suppose is the “mainstream” of what passes for conservative thought these days, the primary goal I set when I began blogging – becoming a commercial success as a writer – has been achieved beyond my imaginings. Ironically, far fewer conservatives read and agree with what I have to say these days then when I was making no money at all. There’s a cosmic lesson to found there – I just haven’t been able to determine what it is yet. Perhaps it’s that the gods have a cruel sense of humor and, like the elf Puck says in Midsummer’s Night Dream, they spend much of their time in rollicking laughter at “…what fools these mortals be.”

It’s lonely being a fool. As I have struggled to find a way to reconcile a robust, philosophically coherent, and consistent conservatism that has meaning for America in the 21st century with the riot of conceits, resentments, paranoia, and narrow mindedness that much of the right has become, I have found myself standing on the curb watching the clowns, the garish floats, the brass bands all roll by, marching toward the precipice and willingly – joyously – jumping over the cliff, trying to take the whole damn country with them.

“To what end?” I wail. “RINO!” they scream at me incoherently as they disappear into the maw of history. At a time when the tenets of conservatism, if applied intelligently and consistently to governance, can help revitalize the United States and this wonderful experiment in self government and individual liberty, the right chooses to eschew governance altogether in favor of a putrid ideological war “to save America.” Just how they intend doing so by trying to implement an agenda that’s 30 years old while immolating lawmakers who dare suggest that working with the opposition to come up with solutions to address our massive problems is necessary, I don’t see. I don’t believe they’ve gotten that far in their thinking yet.


My God. I feel like I am reading my own writing. Rick, if you happen to read this; buddy, I can relate. I so can. I will put putting you back on the blogroll. I did take you out by mistake. Hang in there man, it will get better — I assure you of that.